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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
113 EVENING EDITION. & -. c s x. s .'rrt TrSr,,r-... r tf ..2 V. f jL . 'izktexa JT1fl a PRifC AtYmf swsiF ji - ? .j XL "vZi. 1 V "s r nfh I - fvyr v7 s. MX. Cr10l i (.rT. MID-SEASON t CLEARANCE SALE Commencing Monday S Conduct Our MidSeason Clearance Sale i pHIS semi-annual event at our store is eagerly waited for by hundreds of people who in the past have profited by the sharp red ' tions. We have planned our MID-SEASON CLEARANCE SALE this year along greater and broader lines. Greater valu ' giving will be extended you throughout the store. Practically every department will have something to attract the purse-wise shopper MidSeason Clearance of Ladies' and Misses' Suits You will find our reductions in Suits and "Wraps something more than ordinary. It is a rare opportunity and a genuine money-saving event, offering a big assortment of strict ly high-grade merchandise at big reductions. At this sale, prices have actually been made with utter disregard of cost of former prices. .Regular price $33.00 S.uits $22.30 Regular price $130.00 Suits $1S.50 Regular price $25.00 Suits $11.50 Regular price $22.00 Suits $13.00 Regular price $20.00 Suits $1 1.50 Regular price $1S.00 Suits $10.00 As an extra special for Monday selling 15 nil-wool serge suits, regular spring models. satin lined, in colors, navy, white, gray and black for $7.50. 15 blue serge coats, this sea son's favorite styles, Monday sale price, $7.75. Serge dresses, silk and lingerie dresses at at tractive reductions. WASH DRESS FABRICS 100 pieces figured LAWNS, mauy of which were regularly priced at (0e a yard, others at 10c, 30c, etc. The entire assoitment marked now at 18c per yard. Many other attractions in our Dress Goods .Department. " ill 4 111 I wfi 9 Mid-Clearance in Our Shoe Department ossQ&oe vpS Hundreds of pairs of such qualitv shoes as have made our shoe department famous, will be offered in odd lots at remarkable reductions. 100 pairs of men's Walk-overs at one-half regular price. Every broken line of ladies' Oxfords will be sac rificed at less than original cost. Children's 'and Misses shoes will also be included making this department one of the chief attractions of our Mid-Season Clearance Sale, We Most Telling Cut Of All To the Keen-Minded, Bargain-Scenting Men ot This Community An Unusual Buying Occasion We haven't plodded along for years and years carrying over and accumulating stock. We haven't ever purchased suits, overcoats or other articles of men's wear which were the least bit questionable in stylo or quality, and as a result we haven't any but really clever styles and very dependable wearable's to of fer you. They say a modern man can scent a bar gain, and right here we ask you to read over carefully every single item. Remember we have a reputation to uphold, and the prices we quote, as well as the merchandise wo sell, cannot be questioned. l.v all means take advantage of this opportunity. Come and wander through the store. ITave our salespeople show you whatever you feel .' would like to see. Make yourself at home and take your time. Oct what you want. Take this opportunity to save, money and to find out to your on satisfaction that we do just as we say we will. Come early and stay late! Featuring Serges, Cheviots, Worsteds and Tweeds Tiicliidiiiir all the newest styles for , " " v,l-fniL-R. etc. XWii V""J yP"',BjVwjQlj I ttmrt $19.50 for our regular $30.00 Suits $17.50 for our regular $27.00 Suits $10.50 for our regular $25.00 Suits $14.o0 for our regular $22.00 Suits $12.50 for our regular $20.00 Suits $11.50 for our vomilnv &in nn Qi,,fCT A special lot of small sizes, 34, 35 and 3Q, formerly priced from $00 to $20.00 will be closed out at $4.50 a suit. Summer Underwear Special Light weight Underwear formerly Gfo and 75c. Sale price, 40c a garment. men and young men. Magnes & Matson IH