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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Loose Leaf Books We have just received our eastern factory shipment of loose leaf books in kling ledger binders, transfer bind .l L" J,. oUk uu ers, post uiuucio, oucci nuiucia, memor andum books, price books, condensed business records, and our famous steel back ledgers, ranging in price from 50 Cents to $15.00 Blank Books Our regular stock of blank books was also included in this shipment, and we can now supply you with any ruling you may require. Mail Orders Delivered FREE by Parcel Post Norton & Hansen S? Company Wholesale (XwO Slores) Retail 30SOM FRIENDS" I TONIGHT at j human beings, but tlio best J friend Hint n Minn enn roly la a "state" occasion Is his BflKnm In at, nil n nnun Id v-w(ll, ... Hit.,, ., .w. Iblrt properly Ironed hand- rauncioieu? Kveryining ao pon your Laundry, whether lot nil rlrrtit ni fill wrnllf?. lundry work Is our prldo, nnd Ihft nrnlsn nt nil wlln llllVfl t. Perfect work, done nnd is wncn wnnted, ana at n ible price. Bay Steam Laundry JPHOSH MAIN B7-J. TSe Royal Tlio Cleo Madison Co. presenting ' W I 11)1'" I E" Ily tlio pleased nudlonco liiBt nigni tills piny was very well llkod m.,i will ho rencntcd tonight TIll'I'M will bo entlio cltungi' of pli'lilios loillgui. If you want to go where tlio best Is nlwnys shown and you can go away woll plenscd, that place Is tlio Popular Show House. Adiulxolon, Uoro tomorrow night, (iRAHAME .V XORTOX In ono f He,F nlensinir nets. At lit" Star In Xirtli Rend Sunday nliMit. the Hiii jiituiMin hi. ne Homes Mm Sth St- K we nro offering four mere on a cornor, nt 1 each. This is decidedly Per thnn anything else In neigiuioriiooa. Anybody knows will toll you this. . KAUFMAN &0. urcs & Framing Walker Studio notice to contractors. NOTICE Is horeby given thnt tlio City of Enstsldo, In Coos County, Orogon, will rocolvo senled bids un til tho hour of G o'clock P. M. or r, day of Juno, 1013, for tho Im provement of portions of a certain street nnd nvenuo in said City, as follows, to-wlt: Fifth Avenue. Fifth avenue from south lino of D street to north lino of E strcot. Each bidder shall bo required to accompany his bid with a certified check equal In amount to five percent of he 'amount bid for the fa ... ful poriormnnco 01 mo mmv It bo awarded to hlra. Tho City reserves tho right to re ject any nnd all bids. Plans and specifications for tho Im provement of said street are on file with tho City Engineer and open to tho inspection of nil persons. AH bids must be Mod with tho City Recorder. , This Notice U given by order of tho City of Eastsldo. Dated May 19. 1913. nprnrdnr of the City of Eastslde. at SOCIAL SIDE OF SCHOOL LIFE ue Pantatorium OJJEIJX DYERS. CLEAXER8, t-8 nd HAT nMVOVATORS 'tor En-ward H. Stmnss & Fine Tailoring. Let iu 'Tour next suit. 'VTRAL. Phone 250OC rlinff Alley! XORTII FRONT STREET fucsday Evening TEACHERS' TRIPS. ' t - With tho closing of school only n few days dlstnnt, most of the tonehers hove nrrnnged for their summer vncntlons. Some hnvo al ready left nnd tho bnlnnce of thoso who will leave tho Hay will depart soon. .Miss Elizabeth Moore, of the Do mestic Science Department, left yes terday for Long Ilcach, Cnl where sho will visit rclntlvcs. Miss Mogford will visit In Idnhn nnd I.os Angeles before proceeding to her homo In Mlchlgnn. Miss O'Connor will mnke a trip through tho Yosomlto Vnlloy nnd visit in Snn Francisco. Miss Elmoro will nttend summer school nt Horkoloy and later visit In Long nench, Miss Adneo Palmer will visit at her old home In Jackson. Mlchlgnn. Miss Wood worth will go with Miss Carpenter to Muskegon, Mich., nnd Inter will visit nt her old home In Michigan. MIbb Agnes Carpenter will return to her old homo nt Muskegon, Mich., where she will spend tho coming year. Miss Esther Sllvermnn will visit n fow weeks nt her old homo nenr Astorln and then go to Seattle to nttend tho summer school of tho University of Washington. Principal A. L. Ilnrkcr, of tho Marshfleld High' School, nnd wife and baby, will visit relntlves nt Cal umet nnd Rnttlo Creek, Mich., and will ateo nttend tho Unvcrslty of Mlchlgnn Bummer school. Miss Mario T. Mnlonoy will mnko u three months' trip to Europe nnd Pnnnmn, lcnvlng tomorrow via Port land. Miss Inez Ilaldwln nnd her moth er will ro to Mlchlgnn, where they will spend the summer. Miss Hnld win bns taken n .position In Mlch lgnn for tho coining yenr. Miss Illldn Stcnholm, principal or tho Central School, Is planning to spend her vncatlon attending tlio State Normal School nt Monmouth, Oregon, Mrs. Olossop, of tho Central School, plans to attend summer school for several weeks of her vacation. Mrs. Thompson will nttend summer EchoM nt tho University of Washing ton and also visit with her daughter nt Vancouver, II. C. Sunt. Tlcdgen will nttend tho moot ing of the Nntlonnl Educational As SRorlatinn at Salt I.ako this summer. Miss ArniBby will leave soon for her old homo at Plcasauton, Kns wlioro late In tho summer sho will wed Dr. Orceno. I CLASS PARTY I Miss Lillian Putman, who hns been tcnchlng school on Catching Inlet, will bo hostess nt a party to 20 of her pupils at her homo on South Sec ond street this evening. ALUMNI HANQUKT. I Tho annual banquet of tho High School Alumni Association will t.ko plnro Friday evening, Juno Cth, nt tho Chmirlcr Hotel. NORTH MEND SCHOOLS The North Hend High School will enjoy n big picnic nt Sunset liny next Monday. If tho weather Is fav orable. Tho picnic Is the result of tho recent ticket-selling contest In which both sides broko even. Now It has been arranged thnt the boys will pay for the nutos to con vey tho pnrty to nnd from Sunset liny nnd the girls will furnish the dinner. The following Is tho program for the closing days of school: Sunday, June 1, nnnunl class ser mon Mrs. Ilov. R. X. Lewis 11 a. m. nt United Brethren Church. Mondny to Thursday noon Finnl examinations Wednesday, June 4 .... Annunl Class Day Exorcises 8:00 p. in. Assembly Hnll. Thursday, Juno (i..IIIgh School Piny Frldny. June fi, 2 p. m Passing out report enrds nt high school. Special programs and report cards, Ccntrnl School. 3:00 business meeting Mothers nnd Tcnchcrs' Club. Ccntrnl School. 8:00 soventh annunl Commencement, Assembly Hall. Address by Dr. Oco. Robec, of University of Oregon. 10:00 Annunl Alumni Ilanqtict, Hotel Oregon. Tuesday, Juno 10 Eighth Grade Exercises 8:00 p. m. Assembly Hall. SENIOR AtTIVITIES. WILL WEI) SOON. 4 Friends of Lucy Spooner, of Mnrsh flold, nnd O. W. Shelly, of Myrtle Point, have been apprised of their forthcoming marriage. Tho exact date of the nuptlnls has not boon an nounced but will bo within n fow months. Miss Spooner has taught In tho Mnrshllold public schools tho past year nnd tho ninny friends that she hns miido hero will unite In congratu lating Mr Shelly. Mr. Shelly for merly resided In Mnrshllold nnd North Hend but now Is a membor of tho firm of Spencer & Shelly, of Myrtle Point, one of the lending mercnnttlc II nn a in tho county. I FOIt THE SENIOR CLASS I . Tho mpinbers of the Senior Class woro gucstH of honor nt a delightful evening party tendered thorn Frldny evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Grnnnls at their homo on South Fifth street. Tho rooms woro beautifully decorated with hurkloborry and roses, tho color schome of green and white, the senior colors bolng cnrrlcd out In tho decora tions of tho Individual serving tables and In tho refreshments nnd plnco cards, A very pleasant evening wns spent at games, cards and music. Thoso prcsont woro Misses Ruth Alton, Ruth Tower, Jonn Fitzgerald, Ednn Hanson. Hnzel Powers, Mildred Wilson and Frances Williams, nnd Messrs. Ralph Kruso Arthur Kolstnd, Max Rolgard nnd Lesllo Isnncson. Mm. Ornnnls wns nsslsted by Mrs. F. VS. Allen. The week of Senior busyness nnd festivity begins Sunday evening nt S:00 o'clock with the Baccalaureate sermon by Reverend It. E. Drown ing nt the Episcopal Church. Class and faculty will attend In n body and the genernl public Is cordially Invited to bo present. Special music, Including n solo, "Hear Ye. Israel," from the Elijah chorus, by Mrs. A. I). Oldlcy and a violin solo by Mr. Koyser, will be a fenture of the evening. On Tuesdny evening comes the clnss piny "Twig of Thorn" nt the Masonic Opera House. Careful practice nnd extensive preparation hnvo gone Into this piny with the result thnt It promises to bo very good and well worth tho attending. Thursday evening the Commence ment exercises will bo held nt tho high school niidltorlum, Including Invocation by Rev. nnssford, n plnno solo by Miss Mary Krusc, n solo by Mrs. Oldlcy nnd tho address of the evening by Geo. Rebec, Ph. D. of tho University of Oregon. Tho pro grnm will bo followed by a recep tion to tho Seniors by tho Junior clnss. On Frldny night the Alumni Asso ciation will entertain the Seniors nt n banquet nt Tho Chandler Hotel. Snturdny ends tho weeks' gaiety with n high school picnic to Alio gnny nnd Pipers' Grove on North Coos River. -JJBISr CHANGE rBT nrnuinr . mini KrKV h TWIN WEDS TWIN: TWINS ASSIST THEM. IJEUKELEY, Cnllf., May 30. A twin mnrrled n twin in thin city Inst evening, nnd n twin nnd n twin wero best man nnd brides ninld, tho hitter being a sister of tho brldo nnd the former n broth er of tho groom. Dr. A. II. Howe, for Ilorkcloy, mnrrled Miss Ida Cherry, a froshmnn student nt tho University of California. Miss Inn Cherry, twin sister of tho bride, was her sister's supporter and Alfred Howo, twin bYothor of tho groom, his best man, L.U'UIIINU POLICEMAN I TO HE TRANSFERRED ' ST. LOUIS, Mo., May 30. It Is Boldom n pollcomnn In so tickled over his Job ho asks to ho transferred, but tomor row threo offlcors will bo ta ken off duty on tho Ends' bridge for that very reason. Tho constant Jarring produces n tickling sensation In their feet nnd tho officers cannot withstand laughing. So they will bo glvon other duties while threo moro undorgo tho sensa tion of being compelled to laugh whether tlioy want to or not. GRADUATES' PI (T I' RES nro II spoclnlty at tho QUATERMASS STl'DIO. See him. sniismriion gunrnntecd Southern Pacific Can't Oper ate Competing Boat Line Change Portland Dock Owing to the now Inw which pro vents the same companies oporntlng stonmshlps nnd rnllwnys betwcoa competing points, tho steamer Drcnk wntcr will clthor hnvo to bo trnnsfor rcd to mother compnny or put on a different run when the Southern Pa cific Railway Is operating In hero. It is presumed that tho O. W. II. & N., which hns boon divorced from tho Southern Pnclllc, will hnndlo tho stcnmsnlp business between Portland nnd Coos Hay then. Either tho Rrcnkwnter will be sold to thnt lino or will bo put on tho Snn Frnnclsco Coos Uny run If retained by tho Sotithorn Pacific. The Portland Orcgonlnn snys: "On tho nrrlvnl of tho stoamor Ilrcnkn'ntcr from Coos Uny sho will berth nt Albers dock No. 1, bIio hav ing lost her forming binding plnco on Alnsworth dock becnuso of lack of spaco for tho accommodation of mrgo handled by vessels of tho "Dig Three" line. "Whether tho nrrnngement will bo permanent hns not been determined. The Hrcnk water was shifted, It Is srfld bceaiiBe high water has mnde tho lower deck of Alnsworth untennUlc, nnd as tho new addition to tho dock on tho north I sa few feet higher, It can be ubciI handily by the big steam ers. Should tho wntor continue to rise, thoy will oventunlly bo driven to the upper deck. Tho Drenkwntor be longs to tho Southern Pnclllc, nnd It has been expected she would not re- mnln nt Alnsworth slnco proceedings wero carried out divorcing tho South cm Pn'Illo and O. W. R. & N. Interests. ARE SENT TO PRISON A slight cold In n child or grown person holds possibilities of a grave nature, croup niuy w " denly, bronchitis or pneumonia may " '.' in.rhol Irnnlilps ntr'cShsumptlonTro possible re sits. Foley'a Honey and Tar Com no nd nips a cold at the outset, cures croup quickly, checks a deep seated cough and heals inflamed membranes. Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan Opposite Hotel. Phone 74. DAIRV AND STOCK FARMS. If you want n Rood Dairy or Jock farm address J. E. Flu Sd, or Phone .1181. Marsli flclil. For the Ifomesecker Ho can ! mow you some of the best In the county for (ale. FAIR PLAY A clerk in a retail store should not be asked to work longer hours than those employed in other ways. Or ganized labor should be .just as considerate of and ready to see that the retail clerk gets a square deal as they are of any other laborer. "Whenever you see a store opened after six o'clock in the evening, with the possible excep tion of Saturday evening, you may be sure that the pro prietor is demanding of his employes time which right fully belong to them. Not only so, but he is compelling other store-keepers, through the law of self protection, to do the same. Until a few years ago the stores of Marshficld were f closing at G P. m!, except Saturday evenings. About that time a certain concern, not satisfied with fair open com petition, broke over this fair rule. The result is a num ber of business houses have felt it necessary, in order to protect themselves, to do tho same. Tho policy of the G olden Kule has always been to give its employes, as well as its customers, a square deal. To this end wo have always closed at 6 P. M., Saturday evenings excepted. We shall continue to do so. fto you believe it is right? Jf so it is in your power to correct tho injustice that is being done others. "Why trade at a store that makes a practice of work ing its help overtime. The proprietor is afraid of fair competition or he would not use this unfair method of getting business. Yours for a square deal, The Golden Rule n. A. COPPLE. Judge Hamilton KentcniVN Men Who Attiirktil Sheriff. The RoBoburg Rovlow says: "It will bo a long, long time before. John Devltt, Stanley Ollbort nnd Eugene Owen' Smith nro rolensed from tho ntnto ponltontlary If they sorvo out In full tho double sen tences Imposed upon thorn by Judge J. W. Hamilton on Monday mid Tuesday of this week. Tho trio wero taken to tho ponltontlary this afternoon, following their ussnult on Sheriff Qtilno In tho comity Jitll last Friday night, when tho gritty Sheriff fought them off and pre vented tholr escape after his scalp had been laid open with n stick of wood. "On Mondny Devltt nnd Stanley plead guilty to the charge of rob bing tho (loldeu Rulo Store In tills city and received sentences of from two to flvo years each. Smith plead guilty to forgery and was glvon n nentenro of from two to 20 years, his rrlmlnnl record being a long one. Then thoy woro nrralgn cd on nu Indictment' charging thorn with nnsaiiltlug nn officer whllo Im prisoned, but to this thoy did not nlend guilty. On Tuesday afternoon. however, thoy changed tills plea by. confessing guilt nnd wero glvon tho statutory pennlty, of from 111 to 20 years ench. The sentences must bo sorved alternately." CORPSE TODAY Mrs. Alvira Ccrciello, of Ne wark Murdered and Robbed at Bloominglon Ilf AKl4Hl I'tui to Coot llij TlniM.) HLOOMFIELD, N. J May 31. The body of a young woman from which tho head had boon savored nnd roplnred, was found In a va cant lot horo today. It waH Iden tified n8 that of Mrs. Alvira Cor clello, wlfo of a Newark store keeper. Two hundred dollars, which her liusbnnd said sho carried In her stockings, was missing. Her fingers had been severed from her hands nnd th ground In tho lin medlato vicinity Indicated a terrific fight. HOUSE CLEAXINO. Ilousecloanlng time, housecloanlng tlmo, A victim chnnts thy prnlso In rhyme. Whon law nnd ordor all must conso; Whon cntlng from tho mnntleploco Is quite tho rago; whon furniture I8 standing whero you hit It suro As, coming in the houso nt night, Vou gropo forth blindly for n light, And over chairs nnd tables climb With cursos. nt houscclcanlng tlmo. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauf f Grocery Co. Phono 102 m 14 iauy tor Laaies