The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 31, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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. - ""
rnvTtJtntTTrriN'a mneornlng
social happenings, Intended for
publication In tho society depart
ment of The Times, must bo sub
mitted to the editor not later
than C o'clock p. m., Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cases where- tlio
events occurred Inter than the
tlmo mentioned.)
Oh. conic, my love, nnd fly with me!
Conic be my little wife;
From superfluities pet free.
We'll lend tho simple life.
"We'll need no house a lowly tent
Will ample shelter give:
For furniture we'll spend no rent
Tims nature's children live.
Our food shall he raw nuts and fruit.
You'll bo no kitchen slave.
For olotnlng I will rob the brute
.lust think how wo can snvo!
in some great forest we shall dwell,
From telephones nfnr
Afar from whistle, horn nnd bull.
From tram and motor car.
We'll know no rent, no picture
No card clubs, kin or cooks,
No soles of shoes, or natH or clothes.
NO six best soiling books!
What, cruel maid? Do you refuso
To be thus simplified?
Then I must go to work or lose
Sly stubborn, complex bride.
T'lE older I grow tho moro deep
ly I realize that no oxporlenco
of life Is without Its value.
Even sIcknesH and pain, needless
mistakes and cruel dslappolntment.
torturing nnxlety nnd tho bitterest
losses, leave us richer In some ways
than thoy found us.
For every human experience
through which we pass gives us
thousands upon thousands of broth
ers and Bisters of tho soul.
Tho woman who loses a child, by
that loss flmlH n million sisters :n
tho other Hnchols who aro weeping
for their children and will not bo
Of course, the realization of our
now brotherhood does not como at
once, Hays Until Cameron. When
wo nro experiencing suffering of any
kind most of us aro passlonntn In
dividuals who can not think of any
hurt but our own.
It Is only after the pain has pass
ed, It Is only when wo linve como
to sec our trouble In retrospect
Instead of being engulfed by It,
that wo aro able to realize that our
experience has brought us closer
to Home of our follow men.
Of course, there art' some people
who do not realize this oven then,
but 1 hope thoy are not very many.
For I think they nrt tho saddest
fnllures In all the world. Thoy
prick their hearts on the thorns of
llfo and will not pluck Its roses.
And tho wisest and most blessed
folks In nil the world are thoso who
can find In every experience a golden
Key to sympathy and understanding.
A young girl who undoubtedly
belongs to the latter class was tell
ing me the other day' of the suffer
ing she endured while wnltlng for
n most linnortant letter which wns
unaccountably tardy.
Did you over wait for a letter?
7f yon have you know thnt there
aro few more mlsurable experiences
Minn tho sickening suspense of such
waiting. Well has the proverb
maker said: "Mope deferred maketh
(ho heart sick." I do not mean to
be Irrelevant, but It certainly seems
as f ho must have been waiting
for a letter that did not come. It
is like fighting ghosts. You aro
wild for action, but there Is noth
ing thnt can he done, and so you
must only stand and wait. At first
you look forward eagerly to the
postman's visit, but by nnd by you
almost dread them, because you
fenr the miserable disappointment
that you will probably receive.
This Is the crucible through
which my friend passed. And this
Js what she said about It: "I
wouldn't live through thnt week
ngnln for a thousand dollars, hut
I've learned one thing, nnd thnt Is
to sympathize with people who have
anything like that to hear. Do you
know last- summer I actually used
to laugh at one of my girl friends
who alio was anxious because hor
flanco did not write? It makes mo
shudder to think I could have been
so cruel. I'll know better the rest
of jny life."
Thus out of the cruel crucible
this girl brought with her a golden
Have you ilmio likowlso?
i a. x. w. cum. i
Tho A. N. W. Club members woro
entertained Thursday of this week by
Mrs. L. M. Noble. Tho regular order
of business wns gone through and tho
roinaliidor of the aftornoon was spent
in Rwlng, after which the hostess,
assisted by Miss Mnudo Noble, sorved
refreshments, Tho next meeting will
be next Thursday with Mrs. G. A.
Uonnott. Tho guests last Thursday
woro Mrs. Converse and Mrs. Qulst.
Tho members present wore Mrs. O.
A. Hennett. Mrs. Olivia Hdnian. Mrs.
mny bo obtained In Marshflold from
Mrs. Annie Holland,
; . 1
PERSONAL notices of visitors
In the city, or of Coos Bay people
who visit In other cities, together
with notices of social affairs, aro
gladly received In tho soclnl de
partment. Telephono 133. No
tices of club meetings will do
published and secretaries tiro
kindly requested to furnish same.
Carl Evcrtson. Mrs. F. M. Frledbcrg,
Mrs. F. E. Hague. Mrs. .1. T. Hal .
Mrs. Fannie Hazard. Mrs. Chns. Kal
For. Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. Geo. Murch,
Mrs. Mary McKnlght. Mrs. E. O'Con
nell, Mrs. Hans Heed nnd Mrs. . 1'.
milT!llAY SI'IU'IMSE IttltTY. I
A atiiR party given nt the Isnncson
home by Leslie Isnacson to soveral
boys of tho High school Bet was made
n very pleasant surprise to Chester
Tunnnamt TllllrSllnV l'V(IlllllI Oil tllC OC-
cnslon of his seventeenth birthday.
Among the guests were Ralph KruBe,
Max Rolgord, Vivian Carlson and Syd
ney Clarke.
" T ,
Miss Edith Preston entertained
Thursilnv at tho F. P. Norton home
In honor of Mrs. A. H. Tenbrook
who expects to lenvo shortly for
her home nt Klamath Falls. Miss
Preston's guests were Mrs. Ten
brook. .Mrs. Ida Patterson nnd Miss
Addle Rolnntlson. Tho house was
prettily decorated with cut riowors
and huckleberry.
Mrs. .J. II. Houser. of Ferndalo,
entertained Informally at a fare
well party for hor mother. Mrs. I).
R. Mynatt, of Hot Springs, Califor
nia, last Tuesday. The day wns
most pleasantly spent In social con
versation nnd delightful refresh
wero sorved. Among thoso present
were Mrs. 1). R. Mynati. Hot
Springs. Cul.; Miss Hnrloy McCul
loch, Eastslde; Mrs. Frank Wood
and Mrs. Frou Leister nnd daughter
of North Mend.
Mrs. W. .1. Murphy wns the honor
guest nt a surprlso party nt her homo
on Hall nvcnuo last Sunday evening,
which wan arranged by n number of
her frlendh In honor of hor birthday.
The evening was spent In music and
games nnd refreshments wero served
to those guests: A. E. Gngnon, Mr.
and Mrs. M. P. Iturroughs, Mr. and
Mrs. Levi Dnlgle, Misses Minnie and
Lillian Dnlgle, Mr. and Mrs. Whit
comb, Miss Polrlor, Miss Mary
Dernb'ich, Rov. Fnthor A. R. Munro.
Alfred Roy, Orln Hurroughs, George
Hennessey nnd Mr. Knox,
w i - - - - -w l
The Women's Missionary Society!
of tho Presbyterian Church mot Wod-
.......l.... rn...... i.i. .. r I
Ill'ailll.V illll'l iiijiiii null .'IIH. 4, l..
Hutz, of Hunker Hill. The program
i. ..t. .. it.... r ti ii..ii..
WUH III CMIUKf) Ol .MIH. U. ll,Vtllll't
The Homo Topic was Porto Rico; tho
Foreign Topic being Slam nnd Lnoes.
The lesson was taken from the Wo
ninu'a Magazine nnd proved nn Inter
esting one. Those present wero;
Mrs. I. S. Smith. Mrs. Kottrlug.
Mrs. Studdeii, Mrs. Mutton. Mrs. Low
loy, Mm. Wnltor, Mrs. Hurkhnrt, Mrs.
The society will meet again tho last
Wediiedduy of tho month.
('. E. SOCIAL.
Tho Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian Church hold a very
ploasant soclnl Friday night at the
W. 11. Cox homo In South Marsh
lleld. Games and refreshments fol
lowed a business meeting, prizes at
tile former being won by Miss Helen
Dow and Mr. Walter Morris, Among
thohe present wore .Mr. and Mrs,
Hurkhnrt, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. I.ow
ry. Mrs. W H. Cox, Misses Kath
erlne Smith, Helen Dow, Olndys 1)1
incut. Mil droit Wilson. Nettle Sued-
Mr v filw$w Jj?
the advertisements in the great national magazines. We have on
hand most of the goods you've seen the advertisements of, and
practically all the goods advertised in Good Housekeeping
Magazine, the magazine of the home.
If we haven't what you're looking for in stock, we will get it for
you that's what we're in business for to supply you with what
you want at reasonable prices. Ours is the
Call on utyoit don't hat to luy totry
time you tomtjiut tall anj eo around
Nasburg's Grocery
Coiner Commercial and Second St. Phono 2i:l-J.
ilon, Mnrlnn Senninn, Alleo Cox ami
Myrl Cox nnil .Messrs. ueo. i.cri.iM.
Win. McDonald, lleim- Lecoco.. liar,
vov Walter. Uulbert Cnrllle, Walter
Morris anil Clnude Wilson ami Mr
Dewev. Tlu Kndenvor members are
making Plans for n moonlight part)
for the near future.
iioxoit miis. in.:x.Krr. I
Mrs. Morton Tower entertained
nt her Empire homo nt an Informal
luncheon this week In honor of
Mrs. .1. V. Hennett. who recentl
returned from nn extended Southern
..I,. 'i'i,., nrtnt'iioon wns spent In
conversation and those enjoying
Mrs. Tower's hospitality were Mrs.
.1. W. Hennett. Mrs. .1. II. Flanngan.
Mrs. C. F. McCollum nnd Mrs. T.
H. Harry.
The Marshlleld Christian Church
Class of Loyal Women wns enter
tained last Thursday by Mrs. (Hod
..,,. m imp linini" lii North Heml.
IIIUII l - ..w. -.-
The session wns n most enjoyable
and profitable one. tho nexi inei-i-Ing
plnco will bo nnnounced later.
Among those present this week were
Mrs. John Motley, Mrs. LnChance.
Mrs. R. A. Copple. Mrs. J. .1. Mor
row, Mrs. S. .1. Iininel. Mrs. Cole
man. Mrs. 'A. O. Howard. Mrs. Ileu
drlx. Mrs. L. W. Tope, Airs. Chns.
Powers and Mrs. Ora McCarty.
. .
Mrs. John Hear entertained n
number of friends nt n birthday
partv at her home In West Mursh
fleld last Tuesday. The nffalr was
Informal but was most pleasant.
Mrs. Honr wns assisted In serving
refreshments by Mrs. L. Rlly.
Among thoso present woro Mrs. J.
T. Hull, Mrs, Cnrl Evertsen, Mrs.
J. C. Kendall. Mrs. R. F. Gob
l'nrt, MIbb Annn .lohunsen, Mrs.
Ora McCarty and Mrs. Rlly.
MIbs Marian Senninn Is hostess
this uftornoon nt sewing to several
of her friends of the school set.
numbering among her guests Misses
Florence Powers. Wllda Harris.
GladvB Dlment. Helen Dow. t'rsuln
Farrlnger, Mildred Wilson and Nel
lie Warrick. She Is assisted In
serving by hor sister, Miss Lillian
Senninn nnd Miss Vlrglnln Clurko.
Tho Eastslde Sewing Club wns
.entertained Thursday by Mrs. Harry
Hilnkley at hor home In Hay City.
Following needlework nnd conversa
tion, refreshments wero served. The
next meeting or tliu club will be with
Mrs. Walter Robertson Thursday.
Juno 12. Among thoso present this
wank worn Mm. Frank Prev. Mrs. C.
Wallace. Mrs. Will Steckel, Mrs. El
mer Vlneknril, Mrs. .lonn Mwanson,
Mm V r.illmrt. Mm. PircV Poet. Ml.
Walter Robertson and Mrs. Thurs
Last evening one of the most de
lightful receptions turn nas neon ten
dered in Marshlleld In a long time
wns given nt the I. 0. O. F. ball by
the members of Sunset Lodge, I. O.
O. F and Western Stnr Rebekah
Lodge, complimentary to Judge John
F. Hall nnd Mrs. Kate Lando, who
wero honored by oloctlou to state of
fices nt the stale meetings of the or
liurs ait .IK'IIIUIII. .MIO, l.lllliill nun
elected vice-president of the Oregon
Roboknh Assembly nnd Judge Hull
i ............ .. l.r. n.l.l
ders at Medford. Mrs. Lando was
lM-iiml wnrilnn f till! Dili) 1'ollnun
The lull wnB prettily decorated for
the occslou nnd a Hue banquet was
enjoyed nt tho conclusion of the ev
ening. C. A. Sehlbredo presided nnd
Introduced Senator I. S, Smith, who
made an address of welcome nnd ex
pressd tho gratification of Coos
County people over tho honors that
had been conferred upon the guests
of honor. Judge Hall nnd Mrs. Lando
responded briefly, expressing their
appreciation. Then Mr. llagoinelster
presented a boquot of cut (lowers to
Mrs, Lando und Mrs. Nellie Owon pre-
BOIll.ll fl ulliillni. ttitt 4.1 Tint.., Hull
w.iv. .. ........... r.i .1. iiiiitu llllli
In behalf of the lodges, the preBontn-
nuns ocuig muriseu uy appropriate
remarks. Later singing, cards and an
Inforiiifil good tlmo wns enjoyed by
the largo number present. Mrs. M
M. Donald, of Coqulllo Rebekah
Lodgvj was nn out of town guest.
4 ;
Tho North Rend Thlmblo Club
was entertained last Wednesday by
Mrs. Kennedy nt her homo on Slier
man avenue. The house was prettily
decorated for the occasion nnd n
most 'Mijoyahlo afternoon wns spent.
Mrs. Gothro nsslsted Mrs. Kennedy
In serving. The next meeting will
be held Friday, .Mine lit, with Mrs.
C S. Kaiser, Among those present
Wednesday wero: McsduinoH M. E.
Everett, M. Simpson, M. Gothro, V. h.
Watters, C. A. Davidson. II. O Mara,
.1. Wallace. 0. S. Kaiser. It. F. Gob
hart, I. H. Hurtle, R. E. Mazer, L. C.
Halslnger and L. K. Strate.
. w
Miss Mnud Rood entertained tlio
Ladles' Episcopal Guild last Tuesday
r.fternoon. After a short business
session there was a social hour of
sewing and music, n pleasing feature
being n song by Virginia Coke. MIsh
Reed, assisted by her sister, Mrs. J.
M. Upton, then served refreshments.
Those attending wore:
Mrs. J. S. Coke, Mrs. E. G. Perhnin,
Mrs. J. M. Upton, Miss Alice Rutlor,
Mm. Otto Schotter, Mrs. L. M. No
ble, Mrs. G. Murch. Mrs. Minis Reed
und Mrs. Hugo Qulst.
Next Tuesday the ladles will meet
with .Mrs. Hugo Qulst.
The Royal Auction Hrldgo Club
met last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
Horsey Krcltzer. Tho uttendanco was
rather smuller than usual, thero be
ing only members for two tobies pres
ent. Mrs. J. II. Mllner won the prize
nnd .Mrs, A. L. Iloiisuworth assisted
Mrs. Kreltzer In serving.
Thoso present wore:
Mrs. Fred Powers. Mrs. J. T. Hurrl
gan. Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. R. K.
Hooth. Mrs. J. II. Mllner. Mrs. W. E.
Duiignn, Mrs. A. L. llousoworth and
Mrs. F. K Gottlns
The club will meet next Tuesday
with Mrs Mllner.
The Methodist Mlsslonnry Society
observed lis nnniiul mlto box opening
Inst Wednesdny evening nt tho Swe
dish Lutheran hull. After a supper, to
the members and their husbands, the
boxes wero opened and tho evening
wns upont In n social way. The ta
bles wero draped In Ivy nnd strewn
with roses, carnations and pausles,
and were presided over by Misses
Horn Hrown, Evelyn Laiigworthy.
Dertnol Campbell, Roxle Hall and
Herthn Davis. Mrs. A. II. Woodward
was chairman or the supper commit
tee. Others serving wero Mrs. Holt,
Mrs. J. Leo Hrown. Mrs. PerkliiH. Mrs.
JoBephsoii. Mrs. Harris ami Mrs. Mllo
On the decoration coiiimltteo wero
Mrs. Flunk Grnnuls nnd Mrs. Otis
The rcgulnr monthly soclnl of tho
Eastern Stnr wns hold lust Tuesdny
evening In the lodge rooms. Th.-ro
You'll ((
Tire Service
Tire Expense
Tire Experience
Tho hind that wear.
Thoy solve the tiro problem.
I cam- 'ein in stock and can serve you at any time.
1 also uin .special
jinn jtiiiu.titi i no nor
Something to Bear in Min
T make adjustments on anv of the above makes of tires prolP . 4
Tf VOlll' Ml'O fllils ill COHMon of nxr Hmn flini'f. is 110 Wllit, "CW
venience. T make the
are ready lor the road.
Goodrum's Garag
357 Central Avenue
wns nn old fashioned apron and L., j.
Mo social thun dancing, cards and n
buffet luncheon. One huiided nill
lirty couples enjoyed th0 evening nnd
report nu nil round good time. There
wure fill couplos 111 the grand inarch
which was led by Mrs. E. E. Kell-v
and (Jurl Claybaugh. The enlerlala.
uient committee wns composed f
,urs. iv. !;. Aouoy, cliulrmuii. Mr,.
I 111 Z.I Kl (Hill itllHS I' Til 11 H(,
On tlo refreshment coinin.i,.
wore Mrs. Staddeii, chairman Mis
Noils Jenaen, Mrs. MnrhnfTor! ',,,'
Mllno- Mrs. S. Lando. Mrs. .linos'
Mrs, Thorn wuld, Messrs. W. N Dong
Ian ami A J. Savage,
Tho Mnrslrllcld Hrldgo Club niei
last Wednesday nfternoon with Mrs
W. A. Toyo. CnrdH were preceded by
a dainty luncheon. Mrs. G. ,
Kutifiiinn won (list prize uud Mrs. K.
K. Jones uecond. Mrs. F. M. Parsons
und Miss Moore woro guests. The
inoinberB present woro Mrs. II. M.
Richardson, Mrs. E, K. Jones, Mrs. ,1
S. Coke, Mrs. II. Lockhart, Mrs. .l!
11. Flanagan, Mm. Wllllnm llorsfall,
Jr., .Mrs. J. A. Matsou, Mm, E. 0.
PerhnM, Mrs. W. S. Turpeii Mrs. W.
M. Hlitko, Mm II. S. Tower, Mrs. L.
J. Simpson and Mrs. C. M. Hyler.
Tho club will meet ngnln this Sat
urday with Mrs. II. S. Tower.
Mrs. C. K. Perry wns hostess to a
delightful little gathering nt Auction
Hrldgo. Thursduy nfternoon. There
wore three tnbles und Mrs. Ward M.
Illako 'von llrst prize and Mrs. Eugene
Crosthwalto second prize. Refres
ments wero sorved. Among those
present wore Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs.
E. G. Perbum, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan,
Mrs. W. F. Mlllor, Mm. Eugene
Crosthwnllo, Mrs. Ward M. IJhiko,
Mra. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. A. L. House
worth, Mrs. Horsey Kreltzer, Mrs. R.
K. Hooth. Mm. 'W. S. Nicholson ami
Mrs. J. T llarrlgan.
f V Hf
: -
The Ladles' Auxiliary of tho Pi'm
hyterlan Church will meet tic tlio
homo or Mm. L. W. Luugdou on
South llnmdwny, next Wednesday ,il
teriiotin. .;. . .
La-it Sunday, Miss Elmore enter
tained u number of teachers at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elinor , near Allegany. Among those
I'olng were MIsh Palmer, .Miss O'Con
nor, MM Woodworth and Miss Moore.
W. E. Ilongluiid nnd C. M. Conner
were hosts nt a delightful beach par
ty last Sunday to a number of friends.
The pnrt left by nuto nt St.'IO lu
tho morning, returning nt 7:110. At
Tirely Satisfied
representative for tho followim,' woIl-feomi 1
carry in stocic, you can got tun wi iv
"Tick" "Micheli
adjustment at once and you get your ne r
Rememhor the Goodrum Service Department.
Phone 373-L.
-., aiTPB CEftA.
Mrs. M;.:.1I.ConB.
"Ilverinan mi '""Won, V.
!.... . -"II
ntnn .
- hi MlB V V M Tl
---.., my, I. -im
Of mil ,i.i..'"Pttffl,.
w'lcniid bluer EL ",k
'mini colors. The'ud,t!
"""s iuu and tthii. ,'u"'1
imnslps, """'"roiei,;
Another dcl(thif,,i a,
memliu.8 lr i,.i,.u;
HlKlr HM.'
forward V Z n"dt!"
iiieinlii.r. i L.L ?"? '
nllcrnnrlvel,. k I
I'iirci' In P.111...1 .. f "l "
J'-'trllat. d groata
till) IlllXiltnn ' U lCl
Allllllll' III,,.. . .
Mrs. 7 7. .
Hey. MtH. I'lTkln , iiA,,l:
T hnniiidmi a(u
Tllit 7tlftutB m.a.. i.
- ... nio wcie Mft r.,
x ,Lh
....... ,u,, .miis Virginia '
.Mllllliru lln,....l ...'"
,"-""? "uiiru inatilM
iiHslstod lliclr mother la w
"in il-ii, iniiu'nij at tw
The next meellni? till be,
uuiiiiisuii, i ouraaajr, jui i
I.iihI Muni! a)... ,.
Hay Circle of the W,
i c raft gnvo a moit ddljltlt
I iiiii-riaininga numwroltii
cliiilliig Iho memberi of OV
ftT Viirll. llnn tl.l...!.
... ....,, ,)Ci,u, ntittum
ferved at the conclusion of i
iiik, louuwing me prcMHtrj
"SiiITniKette Degree" In uetf
iivniwvia in i ne ufjrtf i;i
Marshlleld Circle, which h
, Mrs. .McCarty. Mn. Piter
Ditiigaii, Mra. Ilelsner, )in
t4l fAm IaI Iu flMI.
uw', jra. numner, an ,
... r it.
(Continued oa PattlJ
If You Try the Celebrated
"U. SJires
"Lee Puncture Proo
862 So. 6th St. Phone 200X. '