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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1913)
IISSSSwEiI.. ICTltfi tat jgiifiihfc'iJwwt-... I ktfFWti THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913- EVENING EDITION. ' 10 I . V.lVC j.. . lfTTvffflai v T.1J M ' yJg1yL.-M, -. 1 (CpnttmicriMrojnPCEQ.Two, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Hnnseii, Mrs. Douglas ami Miss Annie sumo. was Riven under the direction of Miss llelva Flanagan, the teacher. Unrontlv the teachers and pupils I of the South inlet uismci, ui-i-um . . . .. . ,.iu ..........I., atwtnt till llm TnT visitors I lu le JR Walling ' n.ed by I Voir parents spent the day WrtllSSc. II. Curtis. Lilllnn M. visiting the Empire schools. nf rnrtiu f Pnrtlnnd. and Hugh Long . I..1..I.1. I Mitlt'nf 1ro t 01 .MllrBllllUlU, . '""'"'I ....... Tompkins, Mrs. Haines, Mrs. Morten, sira PriH'lunil. Mrs. Eckhoff, Mrs. Bobcock, Mrs. Worrell, Mrs. Kern, Mrs, Lennon and Mrs. Rlggs of North , Dendj and Mrs. Jennie jncuus ui Wisconsin. j. .. ... l'LEASAXT OUT1NO. (OLLEOE WO.MEX'S CLUH The College Women's Club will m'eet Wednesday evening with Mrs. l-'-'B, Dow for their regular monthly raticib. Last Sunday, a party of Marsh field people participated In n most en joyable excursion to Catching Inlet nnd South Coos Itlver, the principal etop being at Enogren'B Grove. Among those In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Parker, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Perkins, Miss Irene Abbott, Miss Myrtle Nel Bon, Mlfas Itoxle Hall, Miss Hcrtha Da vis. Miss Helen Perkins, Miss Glendn Abbott, Master Laurence Parker, Master Loren Davis nnd Master Willie Abbott. 4. .. 4. wedihxos. I The wedding of Ed Hansen and Mrs. Harry, which wnB solemnized the other evenliiR, camo ns n Biir prlBo to the worthy couple's many rriends on tho Uny. They will re side at Gnrdlnor. v 4, 4. Henry L. Dcrginnn, of Florence, mid Miss Itcnona Kane, of Oakland, who were recently ninrrled, are now nt home at Florenco where Mr. Dorgiiinii Is cashier of the Florence Savings Hank. Mr. Herginun is n brother of Mrs. Fred Holllster, of North Hcnd, and Is well known on the Pay. Announcement was made this week of tho coming mnrrlngo of Will An derson, n prominent North Hcnd young man, and Miss Julia Gucriu, dnURhtor of Prof. W. S. Guerlu, n well known resident of Curry County. Mr. Anderson Is tho son of Marshal Anderson, of North Ilend, nnd tho INFORMAL. I Jay Doyle, a new member of the Elks, lonves tomorrow for Alaska on one of his nnuual trips. He expects to bo gone Beveral weeks. Mr. and MrB. J. L. Oldland. of Llbby, will leave next week for Port land to attend tho Pose Festival nnd to visit nt the home of hor brother, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Dewcese. Mr. and Mrs. Deweese will probably return with Mr. and Mrs. Oldlnnd to spend the summer visiting friends nnd rela tives on the Pay. Mr. Dewey Is here from his home In Michigan, visiting his friend, Mr. Walter Morris. Mrs. Nellie Owen returned this week from Medford where she at tended the annunl convention of the HebekaliB of Oregon. Later she visited nt her old home at Hugo, Oregon. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. D. Cohan are en tertnlnlng his mother Mrs. F. M. Cohan, and his undo, Mr W. A. Furgeson,, who nrrlved hero from Portland tho first of the week. Miss Loin Montgomery of Daniels Creek was tho guest for several days of this week of Miss Alpha Mauzoy. C. J. Mahoncy Is spending the week In Marshfield from Florenco, visiting lilu sisters, Mrs. Adams and Miss Ma mie Mnhoney. Miss Alice Carlson, of Dnnlem Creek, spent the week ns the guest of friends 1 North Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Harry NaBburg re turned this week from n couplo of weeks visit at tho home of Mrs. NaB burg'B father In Oakland, where they attended tho wedding of her Bister, Miss Edith McGrnw. Jim Aiken and William and Georgo Horsfnll aro among the week's ar- SOCIAIj calendar MONDAY 1 ... n m ...I.I. tt.a f?nititrt I I Y, V. . 1 . I. . "Illl .111. 'U,,,v i Wheeler. , Progress Club picnic to South I Coon River. .......... .....! Ill .. .!... .!..., I.,.. In North Ilend. The nuptials will bo-ffi" from Cnllforn!lv m,,,tur nca colemnlzcd at the home of the bride h pnrcn's lr. Curry County about Juno J. - MAXV TO POHTLAXD. - I - Coob liny will be well represented nt tho Pose Festival nnd Masonic meetings in Portland during the nxt few woekH. Mrs. C. 11. Marsh and dnughter, .Mrs. J. T. Hall, F. E. Allen nnd wifo. E. s. Rnrgolt nnd wife. C. F .MoKnlght and wifo. Mm. Vln-o Pratt. MIsh Delia Pratt, Mrs. J. C. Swlnford. C. It. Dludlnger nnd a number of others are planning to lenvo aoon for there. Miss Lydln McCullocli. of East side, la making preparations to at tend tho lloso Cnrnlval In Portlnud, for which place sho leaves next week, I .MEET NEXT WEEK. Mrs. n. 11. Pntohett will entertain the Ilaptlst Women's Mlsalonnry Cir cle nt hor homo lii Ferndnlo, next Wednesday. Mrs. G. Loltoy Hall will bo loader, 4 . - I ciji'ii meetixos. 1 Tho next mooting of tho Auction Bridge Club has boon Indefinitely postponed, hut when It Is hold. .Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy will bo hostess. I A Tho College Women's Club will bo ontortnlned noxt Woduesdnv live ning, Juno I, by Mrs. F. S. Dow nt her homo on Elrod avenue, 4 I HXTERTAIX AT DIXXEIt. I 4 Hov nnd Mrs. Piitlodgo, Mrs. Holon Hildwln, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Lovl HelBiior woro dinner guosts nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. If. Woodworth Friday evening, tho ovent boing In honor of Rev. nnd Mrs. Rutlcdgo nnd Mrs. and Miss Rnld wln. who nro soon to jonvo Mnrsh flold. 4 I ELK'S HALL. I demies, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght left Tuesday for a few weeks' visit at tho homo of hor slstor In Oregon City from where sho will see tho Uoso Festival. Mr. McKnlght expects to Join her In June for tho Mason's Fratcrnalla, after which they will return homo, accom panied by her sister and threo chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hogors, who have been spending the pnst four months In Tucson, Ariz., returned homo this weok on the Itedondo. Mrs. M. H. Hydo left tho first of tho weok for n fow months' visit with hor mother, Mrs. Dludlnger, nt her old homo In Hnrmony, Pn. Tho moot ing will bo llrst of" tho mother and dnughter In nearly 20 years. Mrs. J. E. Schilling and sou, Joo, of Myrtle Point, are visitors at tho W. P. Murphy homo this weok having conic over to attend tho Memorial services. .Mrs. I), p. Mynntt, of Hot Springs, California, loft recently for hor homo after u pleasant visit with her dnughter, Mrs. J. II. Ilouser, of Ferndnlo. Dr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Tow.or nnd MIbs Xolllo Tower will lenvo Mon rovia nhout Juno in for San Fran cisco and nftor n short visit with relatives thero will proceed to Coos Pay. Dr. Tower Is considering building u winter home nt Monrovln. It. J. Montgomery nnd family of Eastslde plan to move to tholr ranch at llrldgo about Juno l.r. Mrs. .1. T. MeCornmc writes from Porkeloy thnt sno will visit tholr daughter, Mrs. A. J. French, n (Vlton. Oregon, beforo coming hero to spend tho slimmer. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Tovo. Mrs. Early nnd Miss Elizabeth Donnollv motored to Uastendorf beach last evening. Tho Unv. Fnthor Springer of North Pond will leave on tho Breakwater tomorrow morning for Portland to attend tho Commencement exercises of two of his sisters, one graduat ing from St. Vincent Hospital and the othor from St. Mary's Academy. Geo, Muroh, Jr., Is expected homo In nlinut two weeks from CorvnllU where he hns been attending Oregon Agrk'i'lturnl College. Ho mny be nccompanled homo by his rooiuniato, Hnllli Pmltt. nf r.ll'Ki'nnnl Hmlnn,l r i..ii.i .. .- ..,. .. .. I . ... ". - !--. ....p, oiuimiiiuiii i.uugo .-so. uou, ii, I'.- who win prouahly spend tho greater O. K will hold Its tlfth annual ball, 1 part of tho vacation on tho Pay. nun-King mo niiiiivery or ino instniin tlon of tho lodgo, at tho Eagle's hall, Juno -.'. Tho ball promises to sur- Library Hoard meeting. I TUESDAY. i Episcopal Guild with Mrs. I Hugo Qulst. I WEDNESDAY I C. W. U. M. with Mrs. Pntchctt I Presbyterlnn Ladles' Silver I ten. I Methodist Ladles' Sliver Tea. I 1). M C. Club of North Dcnd I with Mrs. L. A. Loomls. I Lutheran Ladles' Aid with Mrs. Alex Mnttson, Cntchlng In let. College Women's Club with Mrs. F. S. Dow. Prlscllln Club with Mrs. W. M. XeUon. T Hints DAY A. N. w. Club with Mrs. G. A. Bennett. I Soclnl Sewing Club with Mrs. I I D. Pees. I I Young Ladles' of Norwegian I Church with the Misses Mnthl- I boil Episcopal Guild of St. Mary's i Church with .Mrs. Ingram, North ! Pend. I FRIDAY Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Boss Smith. Ferndnle Sewing Club with Miss Elsie I.arsen. summer on the Bay but according to her most recent plans, H.ho will not come hero beforo Christians, when her friend, Miss Minnie Brown, will accompany her for n short stay. II. G. Putlcr left yesterday for Santa Posa, Cal., where on Juno 4 Ho will wed Miss Vivian Taylor. Miss Mary Kruno Is contemplat ing a visit with an undo nnd mint In Chicago and nlso with tho M. C. Horton family nt Poplar Bluff, Mo., this Biimmor. Miss Lulu N, Peed, of Kunapolls, Kansns, will reach Marshlleld today with her uncle Clms. Metlln, for nn extended visit with relatives In the county. F. M. Frledherg writes Mrs. Frled borg thnt he Is soinowhnt Improved, having gained several pounds In weight. He will probably return from Bouthom California soon. L. J. Post nnd family will leave next week for Salem, Oregon, where they will loento. Miss Evelyn Lnngworthy went up to tho W. II. Smith home on Coon Itlver yetterdny, whore she will be tho guosi of Ml sfl Helen Smith for n fow days. -I - PltOGItESS t'LUP PICNIC. I - The Progress Club will hold their annual picnic on Monday next, nt the Tower hungnlow on South Coos Riv er.. Tho Allco II. hnB been chartered for tho day nnd each member 1b nl lowcd the privilege of Inviting olio guest. Tho boat will leave the foot of Market avenue at fl o'clock and re turning, will he In Mnrshfleld nt r. o'clock. 4 I M. II. S. ALl'MXI. I 4 Tho Alumni of the four year course of the Mnrshdcld High school met Friday evening with Miss Alice Cur tis. Tho nssoclntlon will meet amiln next Wednosdny evening with .Miss Norn Tower, when llnnl nrrange mouts for the nununl hnuquot, which will bo Ik Id next Friday evening nt The Chnndlor. will bo mndo. It Ib expected thnt about !10 will be present nt tho banquet. Those present InHt evening woro: Allco Curtis. Mny Prouss. Bolvn Flanagan, .Too Hennett, Norn Towor, John Forjjuson, nnd Alpha Mnuzey. MPS. P. If. ItOSS and MISS CAP PIE E. BOSS bognn tholr HA.VC IX(J CLASS Inst Thursdny evening nt S;30 o'clock nt FINNISH HALL. Mrs. Boss Is n grndunto of the Challf School of Dancing of Now ork City nnd Is meeting with suc cess with her clnsses and prlvnto lessons in this city. a THESE ARE THE COATS WE HAVE BEEN PROMISINGYon Values Up to $20.00 On Sale Monday Only $12.50 i t This special purchase of Ladies Coats yns opened today. Unquestionably the smartest styles and best values we have shown this season. Vou have only to "shop around" yourself to appreciate the value of these Coats at, .Monday's price. The assortment in dudes a sprinkling of early fall styles. The saving is well worth your consideration. "Money Talks" Hub Dry Goods Co. &$&' ' 1-1 Mini W" vlW ml O'Connell l-Juildinjj. Phone 361 WANT TO MAKE BIG CROWD TD HIK ENGINE HERE 60 ON TRIP! BASEBALL SGOI MUS. J. O. STIIMMLKIt will ho nt tho CII.WDLKIt Tl'KSDAV 1. M. nnd Wi:iNi:si).V and will T.IKK .Mi:.St'm-.Mi:.TS nnd recolvo orders for tho "OOSSAHO (OUSTS." Ul'V VOl'H TICIvKTS nt tho lll'SV or nt the DKI'OT tomorrow tnornliif, lor tho IIA.VDOX ll.vcrit. SIOX. You .MUST HAVi: n TICKKI' beforo you enn UOAItl) tho THAI.V. Leave nt 7 A. M, SHAItl. nound trip to Rnndon SI, .10 nnd to Conullle SI. Oil. pnsB all provlons ones given lv tho order. Tho members nro to appear in inn uniiorm. i;ncii mombor of the lqdgo will bo allowed to Invite one friend. Marshlleld Lodge now hns 1C3 members. Tho speclnl eonimlt teo in chargo of tho annual bull Is composed of Kugeno Crosthwnlt. D. Y. Stafford. W. R. Haines. J. v. Gardiner, Dr. llousowprth, A. K. Neff nnd J. W. Hlldenbrand. I AlCTIOX HIIIDOi: OLITII . 4 The A'ictloii Hrldgo Club meeting, which was to ho with Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy next Wednesday has been postponed, tho date of tho meeting to be nnnonnced later. I . I SOUTH IXLIIT S('IIOt)L. An Interesting program was given Thursday nfternoon in tho Lattln tcliool district on South Inlet win. n largo number of visitors In ntten- Wednesday night. Her relatives nnd danco. Refreshments nnd u soclnl fi lends had beon hoping that she time followed the program, which I would come up to spend part of tho Gordon Rnsmussen. who Is also ni tending Oregon Agricultural College, will probably not return until the lat ter part of June. Cornell Lngerstrom Is expected homo early next week via Hand m from t is visit with relatives In Mlnr.e npollf. .Mrs. Geo. X. Holt loft this week for Crescent City and othor northern Cal ifornia points where alio will visit relatives. Mr?, Dresser plans to lenvo nex week to visit in San Francisco nnd other California points. Mrs. John Dnshney will leave Suu- uay ror Canadian points nnd Detroit, whera sho will visit for a fow months. Carl W. Kvertsen and wifo are Planning to spend the greater part of July on a California trip. Mrs. dins. Dungnn of South Coos River, who hna been laid nn ns a re sult of a fractured limb, Is reported to bo getting nlong nicely nnd Is now able to bo u round on crutches. Miss May Rennett was a member of tho graduating class from the Training School of Nurses at Lane Hospital, San Francisco, last THH MATTSOX l'UXKRAL. Tho Milllcomn brought the funernl party of tho lato Matt Mattson to town yesterday. They woro met nt tho pier and taken to tho Swe dish Church, whore tho services were held. Thoso out of town friends at tending WOro: Mr. nml Mro Chna Selnnder. George Selnnder, Hlldur Se lander, H. V. Sanford. Grace Sanford O. X. Wilson nnd wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mnsters. Allco Richards. J. S. Mastors. E. J. Masters. Kmll Mnttson, Rudolph Mattson. Agnes Mattson, Mr. and Mrs. William Asplund. Hans Asplund and wife. Alec Mnttson and wife. John Mnttson nnd wife. Krnest Mnttson, I.ona Mnttson. Ira Mattson, K. L. Roberts, Gladys Roberts. J. A. Carlson and wifo, Chns. Esterbeck. Ktta Ilrooks, Mrs. Chas. Spooner, Mrs. J. M Culley. Mrs. A. Colver. Mrs. Fred Messerlo. Louis Stone nnd wife, Serle Stone. Kmll Stone. I XORTII HEX!) EIVS I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kern nnd children nnd Mrs. Mary Kern and Mrs. Jack Xowlln. of North Rend, were Mnrshfleld visitors vesterday Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Wattors ami daughter. Ruth, spent yesterdnv with Marshliold friends. ' l'orry Roucher. of North Rend, spont yesterdny In Mnrshflold. Mrs. Darlow nnd daughter, of Pint H were .Mnrshflold visitors yesterday. V. Andorson nnd daughter, Miss ' nn .viudu, oi -ortn mm, spuni yesterday in Held. Plan to Organize Stock Com pany to Manufacture New Type of Gasoline Engine Plans to establish n gasoline en gluo fnrtory on Coos Hay to ninnu facluro tho now rotnry vnlvo gnso llno engine which has just been patented by T. F. Hrndshaw, of tho Ilradshaw-Klmhnll Compuiiy, nro now under wny. MessrH. Kimball and Rrndshaw linvo had mnny hnud soino offers from Portland nnd Enst ern concerns for tho engine, which Is pronounced by nil tho exports who hnvo seen the working model to ho fur ahead of anything on tho mnrket, Mr. Rrndshnw returned yesterday from Portland nnd Is eiuhuslnstle over the reception accorded his In vention by Portland experts. A number of locnl men who hnvo seen It aro very anxious to hnvo the In dustry retained hero becnuso It Is one thnt Is cortnln of hiiccoss nnd bound to grow Into n big thing. It will require consldnrnhlo cap ital to handle tho nroicr.t nml nftnr talking tho matter over with a number of leading business men, Messrs. Rrndshnw nnd Kimball hnvo decided to submit the proposition to n mooting of tho Mnrshflold Chamhor of Conimerco to dovlso means of financing n compnnv here. It Is belloved thnt It can ho' hand led hero ns Messrs. Rrndshaw and Kimball, In order to make It a Coos Ray proposition, aro willing to make tho best of terms with tho company thnt tnkes It over, both of thorn go ing In on tho now conipnny. mu uiiHiut.-, uniiiu ironi inn nig Industry, would be n grent ndvor tlsement for Coo8 Ray. Tho pny roll would bo largo. They hnvo offers from Eastern niitomobllo concerns for tho nuto mobllo part of tho engine nnd this can bo disposed of outright or on n roynlty basis and tho marine end of the business rotalnod hero. Rut this can ho worked out Intor. It is llkoly that a mooting will bo cnlled within n few dnvB n r. range for hnndllng tho proposition. iiuiu nro omo or tne ndvuntngeous points of tho now onglne: "Tho cost of manufacture as com linred to the nresont tvnn nt . ginea ns estimated hv ono of the lnrgest foundries of gas engines In tho United States, ranges from 30 to 50 per cent less than tho present typo. "Its efficiency, ns compared to tho present type. Is slightly in ox cess nt low speeds nnd runs as high as 30 per cent greater nt normnl and high speeds, all speeds based on( actual piston feet travel. "It's fuel CCOnomv In nvnn pr than the present type, duo large y to the fact that tho valve action Is absolutely positive and In exact relation to crank shaft nt all speeds. A valve of this type nover becomes leaky, carbonize of pit nnd nover needs regrlndlng or adjusting. "Its simplicity, as compared to the present type, is very pronounc ed. We eliminate from 00 to 90 per cent of tho parts and adjust ments and 25 per cent of tho weight, not only making It much simpler to manufacture, operate and maintain, but mnklng It ns nenrlv "fool proof" ns It Is posslblo to nt- "There aro no reciprocating parts to this vnlvo arrangement, thereby hKinnit.,nF a.U nol?f. aml vibration which it Is impossiblo to do with tho present typo of valve mechan ism. Tho ack of vibration in ,., . : , ... " " Excursion Will Attract Large Number Marshfield Team Team Strengthens Lineup It Is oxpecled that a largo crowd will leave tomorrow on tho Ellw Iland excursion to Handon. In ad dition to tho nttructlonH of the baud and the Elks bnll gaum, North Ilend will piny the Rnndon tenm nt Rnn don, and Mnrshfleld nnd Myrtle Point will play Coqulllo nt Han don. Tho Elks nnd Hnudou-North Rend games will bo combined, nil ndmlsHlou fee of fifty cents being charged uud being divided. Malinger Ogron reports thnt Marshfield will have a strong line up nt Coqulllo tomorrow. Mr. Freemnn, a former star twlrlor on tho Yulo ' leam and who pitched ngulnst tho New York Giants, will captain tho Marshfield team uud probably pitch part of the gnmo nt loiiHt. Ho Is employed nt tho pulp mill hero nnd owing to nn Injury has boon unable to bo out. Per kins will do tho receiving nnd thoro will prolmbly ho somo othor now men In thu line-up. Tho line-up of Mnrshfleld will probably bo. Perkins, catcher; Freoman or Johnson, pltchors; Abbott, or Tow or, first bnso; Marshal, second huso; Rrlggs, third bnso; Rurko, short stop; Dowoy or Johnson, right field, Ives, center field nnd Woods loft Hold. Portland Wins One and Loses One in Double-Header-Tie at Oakland STAXRixfl or cum I .. Won.Loit.r.C.1 Los Angeles 34 23 .SHI Oakland 31 U .' J Venlco 28 .I'M San Francisco ...27 32 .151' Portland 21 29 M Sacramento 21 28 .i "TWIG OH THORX" Senior play Masonic Opera llouso, Jl'XK !II. 11UV YOUR TICKETS at tho RUSV COHXEH or at tho DEPOT tomorrow morning for tho UAXDOX EXCUR SION'. You .MUST HAVE n TICKET beforo you can HOARD tho TRAIX. Leavos nt 7 A. M. SHARP. Round trip to Handon Sl.nt) and to Coqulllo SI. OO. (llr AmxUI1 I'lfii It CM tiT!l PORTLAND, Ore., May 31. -Alter dropping the morning game vcjttrtir to San Francisco by a cort of two w one Portland took the afternoon toi by n score of four to nothlnj. TM gnuics yesterdny: .Morning fiamc. At Oakland " " : Pncrnmcnto : . Onkland ' r At Venice "'!lJ Venlco : . , Los Angolcs - At Portland- R;lt; San Fratulsco r : , Portland Aftcrnwrn (lame. R.H.t At Venice " :. j Los Ansoles J , , Venlco n ni At Oakland " ": i Oakland , n Sncraincnto n r At rortinnu -. . i Portland 0 ; j San Francisco v morning for he HAN -cKn SIOX. You MIST HAH beforo yoacanlOMU J'oaT"LL',M5o.ndtoCo,ll! inp i iii"" i SI. oo. Marsh- lonBno means long life nnd high .efficiency." NOW IT IS NORTH BEND Two days of Fun and Feasting Two days of Merriment and Msic JULY 4 AND 5 GALA PROCESSIONS INDUSTMAL lAl)F'11iVmQ AUTOMOBILE PrttTS watjsh spom HA0BS-0ONTES1S Coos Countp League Baschall GaM A in ,1 rtin. lnill'tll in- A,v iiiiiuiyi! iv csuiiu. juin "