The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 28, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(J000 lag 3Ittta
A 'iiinll ml In The Tillies want
column limy tiring ym remits im
mediately. Try one.
I l,r.t found Ihiougli Times mint
1 j, itrml llieint IVo llicml Thi'y
ift rw'inj
I, wVvl HstJimisiicu in imvh
L. aAAIm Tho Const Mall.
i Connolldfttlon of Times, Const Mull
and Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 267
tl.I Illnli Pnnc4fiir
inort liuu umi wuiioiiuu-
on Company Has Been
!...., Pnnlrnr.t fnr I inn
myeil """"wt
IMPUK I aim 1 it 1 nut
Lay in Eastern Oregon and
i ..! nt Pnne Pali and
ieVIVai Ul "UUO uuj HUM
Boise Causes biir
.i iiio titnli Construction Com-
fr has boon awarded n contract for
Lnttrni'tlnn of 200 miles of lino
Itnard from Coos nny Ih tho news
nn In nn Ontario uibpum-u 10 mu
rtland Journal. Tho Utah Con
uctlon Company linn heen building
i Southern Paciiics case, nnu wesi
- tA..nH ..! nlnn 111. Tfl
i across uruKun iiiiu iuou mu ..
i tit.nff.
!, .inRsllillltv of n ronncctlon bo-
fen this and activity In tho rovlvnl
thc Coos liny nna hoiho ib enusmg
th uneculntlon hero. L. F. Falk-
Eteln. Wm (Irlnies, I. 8. Kiuifiniin,
! Claude Nasimrg, tno local ciircc
mf the old Coos Baynnd Boise,
ino- plnnnliiR to ask Col. C. B. 8.
ndi to como hero irom roriinnti 10
and straighten tho ninttcr out.
A. Ilali.cs Is expected in todny or
torrmv from Myrtlo Point to go
kr the matter with thorn. Addl-
Btl letters from E. H. Shaw or
fc have linen received horo hut
Ihlni; now has been glvon out cx
bt what was printed In Tho Times
I other day.
be Ontario dispatch to Tho Jour-
rComplctlon of tho 2l"i00 foot tun
I of tho Oregon HnHtorn railway
kr Harper will come within .10 days
i It tho most dllllcult engineering
In tho construction of this
ough line, nnd on Its completion,
I balnnre of the work which has
la held hack on this account, will
pinned rapidly. Work of complo
r this tunnol Is sonio ovor thrco
nthi behind tho cstlmnto, and has
a duo to scarcity of labor.
Considerable grading has been
ic beyond tho tunnel, and propnrn
i mndo so that as soon as tho
mel Is completed rnpld strides will
mano into the interior. Tno
dbed Is without doubt ono of tho
it In tho west, and scorns to bo lu
lled to carry all tho heavy trnfllc
roniMKi and north Pnclllc points.
Utah Construction Compnny hnvo
t recently been nwnrdod tho con-
let for tho construction of 200
eof the lino from Coos liny enst
rArraiiRemcnts hnvo boon mndo
I the riiiinliiK of an excursion from
f city on Decoration Day to thu
nth of tho tunnel In order thnt tho
pie mny hnvo nn opportunity to
much of tho country lying he
lUXTl'KA. Or.. May -28. In n
aajs tho big tunnol through
Deer Mountain will bo rom-
'M and track lavlnir In It nnd on
Junturn rushed ns much ns ,os-
uy tno u.-w. it. & N. poopio
3 aro bulldlnir westward from
throiiRh Knstorn Oregon. Tho
. ino western end of which Is
Ut 20 miles frnm linrn u-nn liniriin
January. 1012, nnd ohould hnvo
n nnisiied In less than nlghr
is. J'rogress, howevor, was ro-
"fd hv n lnrcn nnnnMlt. nf wnlnp
r,n5 from tho upper rocks. Tho
rr was so nnd mon would not
P In tho hole loner, innlclnc It
leuary to secure now crews nl-
i continually from Snlt Lako
J nd Other lilncns. Tho frnncR
ft raincoats.
In In dry rock ns no springs
i iiiounrain. Tho trouble be-
'wu reel from tho westorn ond
COntllllin.l thn nrnnln. .lIulnnM
Lt,e.caRt portal. A pump was
rf''ea. but soon became Inade-
PlO Sn n lnrirnn nnn .... I.i
J " '"r.w, 1J(IU 1n !1lta
Iflraw out tho water. Even this
luum not keep the tunnel from
m (hole was finally drilled
"" a natural outlet at tre
ya mncio posslblo as tho tun-
'OPes n that illrooMnn Tt.
Pn four and five per second feet
LreWg Worn mil n.nrlj. I. ..II, ll.ii.
tuJ wator-proof material the
Ff,, u leet T'8 allows wnlor
hn. x. ' 0 DIUVO UII14 ill."
K.lh.e?!l8.'ry. . . .
r-v.o W, ,)e ,aI(J J a gnor.v
re InrOllIrll tl.o lnn hnm nnl
l Progress will be rapid as the
RUB IS COmnlnlA nnd fdikIi- fnr
'Of thfl nnvl Ah mllito TTIvn
ass win , .. i ..;....' .v..
C :' and .Tlinttirn .l,ll, ...III ,n.
KS week apiece."
I ' 110 Othni fln)lrlnnla n. .!..
he tr.llnH nVlM.lH l nl.ln In
?. ithln a fow mlloa nr l.mliira
Me Pourti, of Julv wnon the
C Pn will hold a celebration.
F 'I BAIll Vln- Ui ... .1..
fear h " L". l"Z B.f eIJ,rr. " -
fa n vodi. uiiu ui mu iuii
ler riPhtUnno1 has (llod on th0
of th supply coming
rion nurnosPR i i nni i.
k ...w,1 Ret tho uso of this
douhiJvB ra'lroad company will
"oubtedly tank it for its own use.
Southern Pacific and Union
Pacific Unable to Decide
Fate of Central Pacific
tllr Aiioclttfel rrni i Coot llr Timet.)
WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 28.
Tho disposition of the Contrnl I'aclllu
Is understood to bo tho causo of n
hitch in tho efforts of tho Union Pa
(illc and Southorn Pnclllc to reach an
nRrcomont. Tho plan which tho Un
ion Pnclllc will present shortly to At-tornoy-Gcncrnl
MncRoynolds contem
plates. It Is bolloved horo, only tho
disposition or the $126,000,000 of tho
Southern Pacific stock held by tho
Union Pnclllc nnd will lenvo the ques
tion of tho stntus of tho Central Pn
clllc to separate litigation to bo taken
by tho Government, The Supromo
Court ordered tho snlo of Union Pn
clllc holding of Southern Pacific stock
nnd left open to noRotlutlnns or fu
turo litigation tho disposition of tho
Contrnl Pnclllc.
Declines S. 1 Mint Give Up LYnriil
I llr Ai.olte.l I'rcit lo Loot Iltjr Timet.
WASHINGTON. I). C, May 28.
Attornoy-Gcnornl McHcynolds has de
cided to contend thnt tho Southern
Pnclllc; must glvo up tho Central Pa
clllc In tho pending dissolution of tho
Union Pnclllc merger nnd will bring
suit under tho Shormnn law to nc
complish that end If tho dissolution
of tho 3. P. nnd U. P. plans fall to In
cludo it.
ItcP(ii(cd IIiisIn of Severing S. P. nnd
W. 1. I.lllCK.
iSpeclat to Tho Times.)
NEW YOIIK, May 28. Judgo Lov
ett, chairman of tho Union Pacific
board, and Attornoy-Gonernl Mrltoy
nnhls hold u enuforenco Mondny of
this week to discuss plans for tho
dissolution of tho Southern and Union
Pnclllc morgers.
Tho original plan has been adopted
by tho governing authorities of tho
Harrlman lines.
Tho f 120,008,000 In Southern Pa
clllc stock hold by tho Union Paclllc
will bo cancelled In exchnngo for tho
Central Paclllc lino from Ogdon to
Oakland. In addition to this tho Un
ion Pnclllc Is to rccolvo ?20,000,000
In bonds and ensh.
Matters at stnto control, such ns
tho Hcnleln lino in Cnllfornln, ovor
which tho railroad commission of that
stnto claims jurisdiction will bu ad
justed lator on.
It l expected tho details of tho
plan will bo mado public this wook,
but they will contain no additional In
formation beyond thnt explained In
tho foregoing, oxcopt as regards somo
matters of detnll.
Oregon Supreme Court Sus
tains Commission Form of
Government Adopted There
tDf AnotUteJ tttm to wot Oi; Tlmei.
SALEM, Ore., May 28. Tho Ore
gon Suprome Court today hold legal
tho charter recently adopted by tho
poopio of Portland, providing for a
commission form of government. Tho
first election under the new chnrtor
will bo held next Tuesday.
United States Cwurt Renders un
ImiMiitaiit Decision.
(Special to The Times)
KANSAS CITY. May 28. A re
cent decision by Judge Van Valken
burg to the effect that store lotteries
are Illegal will not be contested in
the United States Circuit Court, as
was determined at the time the de
cision was handed down. Judge
Van Valkenburg fined a local firm
$100 for promoting a drawing
among Its customers. The Arm de
termined to appeal, but its attor
noy, after an examination of the
law. decided thero was no hope.
Under the decision it is illegal to
hold any such drawings and illegal
for a newspaper to advertise them.
Klks Meeting,
mil be out for tho regular meet
ing of Marshfleld Lodge, B. P. O.
E. tomorrow night. Six candidates
and big doings. Don't miss It.
Attorneys Wrangle About Ad
missibility of Evidence
Newspapermen Declare the
Charge of Habitual Drunk
enness is Ridiculous.
I xo hearsay evidence. ;
(llr Aitocltleil Pfett lo Com lit, Tlmft.l
MARQUETTE. Mich., Mny 28.
Tho court ruled that Edlt'ir
Nowett cannot produce evidence
to show thnt other newspaper i
published reports that Roos
volt wa8 addicted to excessive
drinking, or whether tho In
dividuals henrd such reports.
This Is considered by Itooso
volt's attorneys a victory fnr
thorn. Blnco It will exclude si.
railed hearsay evidence con
tained In many depositions.
Tho defense Interpreted tho
ruling to permit witnesses to t
testify ns to tho "gonornl repu- I
tfttlon" of Itooscvclt In refer- !
onco to his pcrsonnl habits. f
njr AiaotUlftt TrfM lo Coot nr Timet.)
MARQUETTE, Mich., Mny 28.
Tho Introduction of further testi
mony to show the abstemious hnblts
of tho plaintiff, wns resumed today
In tho libel suit of Colonel Rnoso
volt ngalnst Gcorgo A. Howett, pub
lisher, who chnrged the former
President with drunkenness.
John Cnllnn O'Laughlln. Wash
ington correspondent, testified thnt
during his 20 yearn' experience with
(loose vull, said: "Not only I novor
sinv him under the Influence of
liquor, but It seems absolutely silly
to mo to hnvo nny ono suggest tho
fnct thnt ho over was."
Asked If It was not genornl report
unions; nowspnper men thnt Rooac-
volt drank to excess. O'Lnughlln re
Arthur Pelkey and Tommy
Burns to be Prosecuted for
McCarty's Death
llljr A.oclleJ 1'rtM lo Coot llr Timet.
CALGARY, May 28. Arthur Pol
koy, whose blows in tho first round
of his light with Luther McCnrty
Saturday resulted In tho lnttor'a
death, and Tommy Hums, promoter
of tho contest, will hnvo to stand trial
on tho charge of manslaughter, Is
ono of the developments of tho case.
Ilopresontntlvea of tho crown nro
preparing to present n mass of evi
dence ngalnst tho two men. Hums
has Died a suit for llbol against n
mlnistor of this city, who Is nlleged
to havo denounced promoters of tho
light ns "murderers, who should bo
State Assembly Passes Bill
Regulating Them Percen-
age to State Treasury
(Hr AitocUttd l'rui lo Coot njr Timet.
MADISON, Wis., Mny 28. Tho
Acnnmlilv iinfinpii todav 1V n vote of
52 to 33 a boxing bill which provides
a stnto commission to reguiaie uok
lnr imtttH. There Is to be no decision
and tho bouts nro not to bo mor
than ten rouds each, three per cent
of tho proceeds to go to the stato
George Carr Henry, of New
York, Seeks to Evade Con
gressional Contempt Trial
Of AttocltloJ Prut lo Coot Bt, Timet.
KRW YORK. Mav 28. Gooico
Garr Henry, a New York banker,
who was Indicted in Washington
fnr rnnlnmnt fnr refusal to ailSWOI'
questions of the Congressional
Money Trust uommmeo, gave no
tice today that he would appeal
to the United States Supreme Court
from tho recent decision of Federal
DUtrlct Judge Mayor, orderlns mm
tn otnnil trial on the Indictment.
Judge Mayer Issued a stay to per
mit the banker to carry up the appeal,
piled: "Thero Is not a reputable
correspondent in Washington but
who thought the report silly, too
nbsurd to bo regnrded or repented,"
Counsel for both Bides were on their
feet In an liiBtnnt and the Jury wns
Attorney Pound said he found the
answer cmbnrrnssing nnd Attorney
Heldcn explained thnt he proposed
to show what other nowspnpers had
to say on the question. The ques
tion of tho admissibility of testi
mony touching on "general" re
ports brought n statement from
IJeldcn of tho Intention of tho de
fense to show "thnt there was In
oxlBtenco n general report amount
ing to general reputation, thnt
Roosovolt docs use liquor some
times to excess, thnt tho reports
were published' In nowspnpers, that
Roosovolt read these reports and
tho charge was novor contradicted
by him; thnt tho defendant pub
lished the report of the former Pres
ident's excessive uso of Intoxlcnnts
believing It true nnd not with mnl
Ico." Heldcn rend from the plaintiff's
declaration In tho suit thnt Roose
velt "(mil novor been suspected of
drinking alcoholic liquors to ex
cess." On this basis, he snld, tho
defense could claim tho right to
bring out testimony on IlooBovclt's
reputation ns It existed In various
parts of tho country.
Tho plan of tho defenso ns pointed
out by lloosovelt's attorneys wns to
prevent tho exclusion of "henrsny"
testimony throughout tho trinl, ac
cording to Ilolden.
Attorneys for Roosovolt contended
thnt such evidence should not be
admitted unless It wns ilrst proved
that tho defendant know of tho re
ports bofore ho published tho article
and bolloved them to bo truo nnd
based his nrticlo upon thorn, bollcv-
Officer at Vancouver, B. C,
Believed Slain by Robbers
in Running Battle
llr AnocllteJ 1'rc.i lo Coot Hr Timet
With two bullet wounds In his breast
nbovo tho heart tho dead body of
James Archibald was found In a
vacant lot at 1375 Powoll street to
day by Sergeant Campbell. Arch
bald waB a policeman. It is bolloved
at pollco headquarters thnt Archibald
was killed In n desporato struggle,
with burglnrs who nro believed to
hnvo rilled thu olllccs of tho Hastings
Shlnglo Manufacturing Compnny last
night. Archibald was called to the
district nnd 1b bolloved to hnvo en
countered tho thloves nnd to have
been killed In n running battle.
Would Cost Government $8,-
000,000 to Instal and $1,-
000,000 Yearly to Run
(llr AnocUleJ Treti lo Coot Ur Timet,
WASHINGTON, Mny 28. An ar
mor plato factory capnblo of pro
ducing 8000 tons or armor a year
would cost $8,000,000 to build and
nearly 11,000,000 to operate, ac
cording to Rear Admiral Twining,
Chief of tho Bureau of Ordnance,
who testified today before tho Sen
ate naval affairs committee. Sen
ator Ashurt has introduced a bill
for tho government plant.
Secretary of Interior An
nounces Reorganization of
U. S. Reclamation Service
(Of AuocUUJ Treti lo Coot Il7 Timet
WASHINGTON, May 28. Secre
tary Lane, as ono result of tho re
cent Inquiry Into Government Ir
rigation projects, announced today
a radical re-organlzatlon of tho rec
lamation service. F. H. Newoll,
director of tho reclamation service,
will bo chairman of tho now recla
mation commission,
Have your Job printing done at
Tno Times office.
Senate Sub-Committee Begins
Final Consideration of Re
vision Measure
(llr Ainorlilnl I're.t to Com tit. Timet )
bers of tho Senate flunncc sub-com-
mittco met behind closed doors to
dny and plunged Into a mnss of
briefs and testimony rclntlng to tho
Underwood tariff schedulo prepara
tory to making their report to tho
entire commltteo next week. Many
Items, ho mo of tho Senntors declare,
probably will bo changed.
While the Bub-commlttces were
at work, Senntor Simmons, chair
man of tho flnnnre committee,
sought counsol with Secretary Bryan
nnd John Ilnrrctt Moore, counsellor
of the Stnto Department, regarding
foreign protests against administra
tive features of tho bill. Tho com
mltteo Is considering tho elltnlnntln
of tho clnuso which would extend
the five per cent tnriff discounts
on Imports In American-owned or
controlled bottoms. Many nations
havo protested against this as a vlo
Vlon of treaty rights.
Katsura's Party Attacks Pres
ent Ministry Over California
f Hr AMorltleil I'reet to Coat lit 7 Timet )
TOKIO, Mny 28. Tho executive
committee of former Premier Kat
sura's new party Issued n statement
declaring that thu present cabinet
could not bo relied upon lo sottlo
tho Cnllfornln nllcn laud ownership
question nnd adding thnt after a
conference with Kntsurn, tho party
had decided to adopt Its own pro
paganda In regard to tho dispute.
Tho Indications nro that opposition
parties In Japan nro utilizing thu
California problem to discredit the
Ynmnoto ministry nnd to further
their own Interests. Tho cabinet,
however, generally Is conceded to
bo lu a strong position with tu
public, chiefly bocauso of tho oxton
slvo economics nud administrative
reforms It has brought about.
New Summer Outing Associa
tion Organized at County
Seat Is Incorporated
(Special to Tho Times)
COQUILLE. May 28. Tho thrco
Kb "The Kokeel Kanu Klub," Is tho
name of a new social organization
and summer outing association thnt
has Just been incorporated hero. Tho
new club, for such it may bo called,
has been organlzod for tho purpose
of acquiring property and building
club houses for tho use of members
for summer outings and vacation
partloB, The new organisation has
already purchased 40 acres of land
at Ten Mllo and 20 acres In tho Brew
ster Valley for club purposes. It
starts with a membership of IS, a
paid up captlnl of $3,000 and $1,500
treasury stock, which Is to bo hold In
reserve for Improvements.
The following Is a (1st of the char
tor members: Leo. J. Cary,
J. J. Stanley, S. M. Nosier,
L. H. Hazard, J. E. Norton,
L. A. LUJeqvlst, Jas. Watson,
C. W. Endlcott, W. C. Rose,
Dr. Culln. O. C. Sanford,
E. E. Johnson, Arthur Elllngson,
P. M. Hall Lowls, J. S. Lyons.
California .Man Who Killed Three to
Pay Penally.
less some extraordinary means Is
taken, Jake Opponhelmor, known
as the "human tiger," will bo hang
ed In San Quentln June C. All
legal resources have been exhausted.
Oppenhelmer Iibb killed threo
men, two slnco ho was Incarcerated
In tho state prison at Folsom.
Proposition to Organize Pott
of Umpqua Carried by Ma
jority of Ninety Yesterday
Gov. West to Appoint Com
missioners Warren Reed
and W. F. Jcwett Likely
(Special to Tho Times.)
GARDINER, Ore. Mny 28. Ry iv
majority of 00, tho question of or
gnnlzlng the Port of the Umpqun for
Improving the Gardiner harbor and
bar carried at tho special election
yesterday. The victory was duo en
tirely to the overwhelming mnjorlty
In favor of tho proposition In Gar
diner, Scottsburg and Elktnn voting
strongly ngalnst thu proposition.
Tho total vote cast was au follows:
Precinct For Against
Gnrdlner 350 .14
Scottsburg 12 80
Elkton 17 176
Totals 379 289
Mnjorlty In fuvor 00.
Nothing tins been done yet nbout
Port Commissioners but It Is expected
thnt Warren Hood nnd W. F. Jowctt
will 1)0 two of tho llvo who will bo
nppolnttd by Governor West to net
until tho commissioners can be reg
ularly elected. StcpB will bo tnkon
nt onco In order to got tho commis
sion under way nnd start river nnd
harbor improvements,
11. O. Dlcrs Says Thnt Gardiner Ladle
Carried the Iwcclliin.
II. C. Dlors, of North Bend, return
ed thla afternoon from Gnrdlnor,
whero ho was assisting tho poopio In
tho cnmpalgn In favor of tho Port
Ho Is roatly pleased over tho vlo
tory ami says that Gnrdlnor Is high
ly elated ovor It,
Tho victory for tho port Ib almost
entirely due, Mr. Dlors says, to tho
campnlgn mndo by the women of Gnr
dlnor. Mra. W. P. Heed, Mrs. W. F.
Jcwott, Mrn. Perkins, Miss Wade and
Mrs. Art Smith nnd others got out
nnd campaigned among tho women
voters of Gardiner and had them get
out to (ho polls nnd veto for It.
Messrs. Jowett nnd Reed nlfn
worked hard for It. Tho big voto
against tho proposition nt Scottsburg
nnd Elkton wnn due to the. oppo-
sltlon of tho oldor residents nnd tho
big Innd owners who objected to be
ing taxed for tho harbor Improve
ments. l!
Constant Clash Between Op
posing Armies Hostilities
With Servia Expected
(II, AoftleJ I'm. to Coot nt. Timet
8ALONIKI, Mny 28. A sovoro ten
sion still exists between tho Greek
ond Bulgarian nrmles, facing oach
other somo dlstanco north of this
city. Thoro were several clashes,
during which shots woro exchanged
yesterday and today. Tho Greeks ac
cubo tho Bulgarians of assuming the
aggreslve, anobtd z elf
nggreslvo, nnd to bo systematically
creating "Incidents" nnd eudenvor
Ing to drive tho Greeks towards the
sea and seize tho positions vacated
by them.
Willing to Leave Future of Salonlkl
To The Powers.
(nr AtioclitxS I'reet lo Coot lit 7 Timet.
VIENNA, May 28. Bulgaria haa
addressed a note to tho European
powers, offering to submit to their
decision tho question of tho future of
Salonlkl, according to tho Relchpost
Bulgarians Hxpect Outbreak of Hos
tilities Soon.
IHr AnofUled rrttt lo Coot Ilir Timet )
SOFIA. Mny 28. Military circles
nt tho Bulgarian capital expect an
almost Immediate outbreak of hostil
ities between Bulgaria nnd Servln.
Governor Innugiiinten Campaign for
Direct Primary Law.
ALBANY, N. Y., May 28. Gover
nor Sulzor today oponed his stato
wldo campaign for a district irlmury
law at a meeting In Now York. Tho
governor recently vetoed an net of
tho legislature on tho ground that It
was a miserable makeshift and n
fraud on its face. It Is snld Colonel
Roosovelt will engago in tho campaign.