THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 26, 1913 EVENING EDITION. 100 Cents' Worth A of shoe satisfaction for every dollar invested in JM& We can please you as we have every shape and style known to shoedom. WOOLEN MILL STORE Apparel Specialists to Men mill Hoys. REXALL DISAPPEARING SKIN CREAM Does not stain. If properly applied il is ab sorbed by the skin. Gloves or other dress may bo worn directly after the cream is applied. .If ap plied before the skin is exposed to sun. or wind it will tend to counteract their disagreeable effect. Price 25 cents, at . ' Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE PHONE 158-R MARSIIFI KLD CYCLKR Y MESSENGER SERVICE Cull lwH-U for a (toy to deliver that parcel. A dime vtlll uiy the hill. ORPHEUM TONIGHT five nkw 1'inTHKs. THK DAWNING Vltngrnph. A big. two-reel feature. COM) STORAGE EGG; 01)1) OCCUPATIONS IN NEW YORK. Com edy, featuring Ittith Holaiul. MARGUERITA AND MISSION FINDS A story ot old California. ADMISSION TK.V CUNTS TONIGHT at The Royal m.- us, now! Tonight: Hoe Dig double bill. The cieo .Madison Company l'resont WllU.V w K WKRK 21 also 1. ..i.limniu IV .Allium 'n an eutlro ehnngo of their pleas ing unmoors. t Vn, lnl, n.. I k-iuuo foot of all new pictures 1000 u uo you know the price? It'8 ll.llriuif Ilk... ......... i.-l..n.. inn ianyou boat It? Como and see FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable os Bay Steam Laundry We always, deliver the goods. ne57-J Marshfield Afield & Auto Line forth Bend 1 Cars leave every 20 minutes from ' a. Ill Ir. 1 .. . . - ... Ken. oclock every half. Fare 15 Coml.0!?6 wa" ro"d trip 25 cents. Ca , lttUon books, 20 rifles, $2. 00. .' leave Chandler Hotel, Mnrsh- KoVb Nrth ne"d NeWS C" '" IggST & KING, Props. the rT your "0D Printing done at i mea office. J V "1 A I A "1 fl ssi Qylf c ' I r The Turtle Snappy completes showing, $S.OO Make the Test with your next pair P CORNER." 298 US Extra Fancy Sugar Corn 3 Cans for 25c $2.00 Per Case The Bazar "Stovo o Quality." Phone 32. THE STEAM SHOVEL HAS ARRIVED But even before It arrived busl- ' fee . wfm ness was good at suriers, s because they have the best fountain goods and can- dies on Coos Bay. fllf you are In doubt, come; try a Rail- v way Rapture, ' ' the swellest drink In t o w n . " '' .. MAY TIRES. Below Is given the time and height of high and low water at Uarshllutd. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first Hue and heights on the second line of eacli day; n compar ison on con ecutlve heights will Indicate whether it is high or low water, r'or high water on the bar subtract 2 hours .14 minutes. 20 lira. . 0.30 0.10 1.03 8.10 'Ft... 2.S 5.0 0.5 4.7 2" Mrs.. 1.12 7.17 1.50 S.GC Ft... 2.S 4.7 0.9 -1.9 Form I'ut'tnci'Hlilp. Chas. Scafuso and Frank Herman have formed a partnership In the paint nnd decorat ing Hue. New Restaurant Whitfield nnd Smith have opened a Spanish Kitchen and Parlor at 037 North Front St.. where they will serve nil kinds of Spanish dishes. Dairy Shipment. Tlio Mllllconia brought 1,190 pounds of cheese to Mnrshllelil this morning from tlio Coos liny Creamery. The shipment Is conllned to F. H. Klock, of Seat tle. Deep Sea Fishing. Thero are six different outfits engaged In deep sen fishing off lioro now. Tom Pat terson, of Kmplre, the other ilny caught 1700 pounds of ling on one haul. Entertain Senior. Mr. and Mrs. F. 1.. OYannls will entertain the WANT ADS. FOR RKXT Two nicely furnished bedrooniB with bath. References. GG2 So. 11th St. WANTKD Girl for roiifrrtlonrry and Ice cream stand In Coiiulllc. Addrocs Clerk, care Times. FOR 1IKNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 095 First nnd Birch St. Tclephono 239-J. FOR RKNT Furnished two room apnrttucnt, $12.00 per month. Ap ply 413 North Second streot, Phono 319-N. FOR RUNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 415 South Fourth St. POSITION WANTI'D Ily expei-Ieii-red bookkeeper Portland nnd Knstern references given. Can tako care of smnil sets of books In evening. Times olllce. FOR SAMJ Good paying business offered for a fow hundred dol lars. Box J, care Times. I.OST V. O. i:. watch charm In , North Bond. Reward for return to North Bend News Co. FOUND Door Ley, special type. Owner can have samo by paying for this ad and claiming proporty at The Times office WANTKD Middle aged lady for general houso work. No washing. Two adults. Apply Lnndo's Dry Goods store at once. FOR RKXT Iirge house In South Marshfield. Phono 119-L. FOR SALT: Four So, I if airy corn. J. M. Culley, Catching Inlet. WANTKD To buy a hull. Y. K. Rood", Phone -30 4 7. "OR RKNT i-rouiii house on North Front streot. Call F. TlmmoV mnn, N. Front streot. WANTKD Chimneys to clean. K pert work and reasonable rates, Call Blanco Hotel. FOR SA'IiK tease oil l&rooni furnished rooming house. Ad dress P. O. box 745, North Bend, or phono 1391. FOR SAI.K CHKAP Good farm horse, weight 1100. Phone 277. Marsh.ield. WANTKD Man with some cftplinl to tnke Interest In good business proposition on Coos Bay. En quire Good Chance at Times olllce. DRKSSMA'KING First class dress. making dono at Ladles' Emporium. FOR SALK Household furniture for four robins. Apply 927 South Broadway. House may bo rented. Phono 187-R. FOR RKNT" Comfortable room with stovo and bath. Phone 230-J; 70S North Second St. FOR RKNT Modern flv room liou4o Phono 321. DAIRY AND STOCK FARMS. If you wunf a good Dairy or stock farm address J. J-.. Fitz gerald, or phono 3151, Marsh Held. For the Homeseeker He can show you some of the best in the county for sale. FARM FOR: SALE" Dnlry, stock and fruit farm con sisting of 518 acres, between 35 nnd A( nnroa nt rlnli linttntn laud, elcht acres of bench land sot to applo trees and ntty acres more inai can easily be cleared for orchard and balance good grazing land for cat tle, sheop or goats. Twelve head good dairy cows and all farming Implements necessary. Located on West Fork of Coos River, ono mile from postofflce, school and boatlandlng. Buy direct from owner. i Pn. fiirthnr- tnffirmntlfin nail nr write: W. A. GAGE, Allegany, Ore. wi:atiii:r forkcast. i 4 By Associated Press. ' OR KGON Showers tonight I and Teesday w Ith variable winds I mostly southerly. 1 I.OCAIi TKMl'KRATL'lti: RKCORI). , For the 24 hours ending at i I 4:43 n. m., May 20, by BenJ. I Ostllnd, special government mo- toornloglcnl observer: I Maximum 71 ! Minimum Ill I At 4:43 a. in 52 ' Precipitation nono I I Precipitation since Sept. 1. I I 1912 GO. 13 Precipitation same period I hist year 5G.3S I Wind: Northwest. Clear. I 4 Mnrshflold High School Senior class at their home next Friday evening at thu nrst of the local commence ment functions. Many to Coast. Pnrtles return ing from Sunset Bay yesterday re port numerous nuto parties motor ing to the beach. The light house keeper reported Gl visitors regis tered. Ilnihor Lights. Capt. Macgenn Is planning to petition Capt. Beck of the Light House Servico for three new harbor lights, one near Jnrvls. ono near North Bend and the other near the Llbby conl bunk ers. Will Wed. Miss Alice Armsby. teacher of tho Fourth and Fifth grades of tho South Marshllold School, has apprised her friends that she will bo married In the early summer to Dr. Greene nt her old homo In Plcnsauton, Kansas. Fine Fishing. .Ins Cowan.. Jr., re turned today from Ten Mile with ono of the finest catches of trout brought In this season. In an hour nnd a half ho landed 45, some very Inrge ones. They wero on display In Tho Gunnery window nnd attracted much attention. To Write Booklet. U. U. How ard, of tho Southern Pacific, arriv ed hero today to propare tlio write up of Coos Bay for the lltoraturo lm iirnnnrnd for tho Mnrshflold nnd North Bend Chambers of Com merce under tho Sunset Community Advertising plan. Grants Suit .Money. in tno sun of Thos. II. Nichols for divorce, transferred from Clntsop County lo Coos County, on ehnngo of venue. Judge Coke linB ordered Mr. Nichols to pay Into tlio court iuu sun money on or beforo Juno 1, for Mrs. Nichols' uso. Fine Outing. Tho picnic at Alle gany yesterday was a success. Tho day was Ideal. Tho Rainbow enr rled sixty pleasuro seokors, besides sovoral automobiles. Thero was auto sorvleo between Allongnny nnd Gold en Falls nnd ninny people nvallcd thomsolvog of this opportunity to boo ono of Coos Counties' beautiful scenes. Trip by Auto. Sovoral Bandon pnrtles enmo over yesterday by auto to attend tho Dnndon-Mnrshflold gnmo. Thoy roport tho road to bo In fairly good shape. Among tho nuto ownors, most of whom brought sovoral friends, wero Dr. Loop, Dr. Mann. C. K. Kopf, Clint Mnlehorn nnd Georgo Lnlrd. All made tho trip over without nccldont. For New Buoy. Cnpt. Margolin will start n petition today asking for tho establishment of a com bined whistling nnd light buoy at tho ontrnnco to Coos Bay as uu nld to navigation, tho light buoy being especially advantageous In crossing out at night. The black buoy was washed away and this trip Cnpt. Macgenn will tnko out- n now ono nnd locnto It. Will Return Here. T. J. Scalfo. tho well known painter, who with Ills family loft somo tlmo ago to Book n permanent homo in San Diogo, Cal., writes frlemlB hero that they have wearied of tho ovorlastlng sunshlno and long for tho Coos Bay breozes. Ho says ho Is doing all right finan cially but tho whole family long for tho hills of Oregon and ho expects boforo long to return to Coos Bay to mnko their homo. May bo in Wreck. Consldornblo apprehension was foil nt North Bond today lest two North Bond women who wont to Southern Cal ifornia last weok woro in tlio Long Beach disaster Saturday. Thoy aro Mrs. August Hoolllng and Mrs. It. J. Roboitson. No word had boon recolved from thorn this morning. They woro scheduled to reach Long Bench last Friday on their trip. Water Service Bad. Yestorday and this morning tho wntor servico has been unusually poor, evidently somo break In tho mains causing poor prossuro and In somo cases no borvlco. Yestordny thoro was loss than 15 pounds pressuro at tho City Hall. C. J. Hlllstrom. of West Marshflold Informed Justlco Ponnock this morning that tho big woodon main near his placo was leaking badly and he thought that a now main would 'probably havo to bo put In. Wedded Here. Last evening, Justlco Ponnock ofuciated nt tho marrlago of Ilarvoy Chrlsslngor and Verda Wise, both of Bunker Hill. The bride Is a sister of Mrs. E. C. Poachoy of Bunker Hill. Owing to her being under sovonteon yoars of ago, tho wedding was delayed a day, It being necessary to get tho concent of thp parents or guardians. Owing to, tho young lady's parents bolng dead and she havlpg no guardian, Justice Pennock simply had to no tify tho clerk of this effect and so euro tho license.' Get Contract. Nason, Wright and Bontloy have taken tho contract fn. tK. riinniilnr Hotel annex, tho matter being approved at a meeting of the board or nireciora oi mu hotel company ' Saturday. Tho structure will bo two stories at present, but the foundation and walls will bo built so that three ad ditional stories can bo added later. The annex will bo rented to H. J McKeown, the first floor bolng di vided, into two rooms, ono for a billiard and pool parlor and cigar store and the other for a regular mercantile business. PERSONAL NOTES MRS. M. R. SMITH spent Sunday In town from South Coos River. MRS. FRANK NEWKIRK. of Loon Lake, is spending today In town. C. W. ELMORE returned from Al legany this morning. MISS MARTHA VERDEN Is n visitor from Allegany today. MISS CLARA WRIGHT, of Sumner Is hero shopping today. LOUIS STONE Ib n business visitor from Catching Inlet today. MISS BETHEL STOCK, of Sumner, Is spending the day In town. .1. L. HOTCHKISS. of South Coos River, Is in town today on busi ness. MRS. THOMAS LAWHORNE. ot Al legany, Is a Mnrshllelil visitor to day. MRS. BOWMAN, of North Coos River Is In Marshllold for tho day shop ping. MRS. J. C. JONES spent yestordny afternoon with Mrs. Chas. Conk 1 In on EnstBldo. WM. CHAMBERLAIN, n rancher from llaynes Inlet, Is In town to day on business. WILLIAM DOYLE Is In town today from tho W. A. Luso rnnch on South Coos River. MR. AND MRS. A. B. GIDLEY nnd Mr. Gldley's nephew, spent Sun day at tho hatchery. MR. AND MRS. M. I). MEEKS and Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Scnfuse spoilt yesterday at tho bench. A. C. WAGNER, of Richmond. Cal., left on tho morning train on n business trip to Myrtlo Point. MISS HILDA WICKLAND roturnod this morning from n visit to her sister, Mrs, Knnio, of Catching Inlet. REV. HALL AND REV. M'KEE ro turned this morning from Sumuor whoro thoy hold services In tho Baptist Church. CHAS. BAXTER AND WIFE, of Coqulllo, woro In Marshllold to attend tho bnsoball game, return ing homo todny. MRS. PERRY CROUCH, of Haynos Inlot, is In Mnrshflold today shop ping. Slio was accompanied by Miss Gertlo Jonulngs. GEO. II. OUERIN, of Myrtlo Point, loit tor iiomo on ino morning trnln after spending Sunday hero taking in tho bnll gamo.' MISS HILDA STENHOLM, nnd hor guests, Mrs. rouorson aim .Mrs. Spnrncy, spent nn onjoyabio Sun day on South Coos River. MISS LELA BARKER of Fnlrvlow who Is n guest nt tho L. L. Hazol ton homo on Catching Inlot, Is spending tho day In Mnrshflold. MISS ELIZA AYRE roturnod to Mnrshflold this morning from n Sunday visit with tho J. J. Cllnk onbenrd family on Daniels CrooK. W. C. BRADLEY left this morning for Gnrdlnor nnd Floronco and othor Sluslnw points. Ho nlso plans to enjoy n fow dnys outing on tho lakes south of Floronco. CAPT. HERMAN LARSEN Is In .Mnrshflold for a couple of days from Florenco. Capt. Larson says that his drodgo will havo probab ly two yoars' work nt Floronco. MR. nnd MRS. CURREY, nftor a sov oral days' visit with Captain and Mrs. A. D. Boono, of Sumner, re turned to Marshllold this morn ing. MRS. ELIZABETH ADAMS, MISS MAHONKY AND JOHN K RON HOLM onjoyed a Sunday visit nt tho AdauiB' ranch on South Coos Rlvor. M'SS HUNT, nftor n Sunday visit with hor parents, noar Mllllcoma. returned to hor duties nt tho North Bond High School this morning. MISS STELLA SMITH nnd MISS STELLA JUTSTROM, of South Coos Rlvor, spont Thursday nnd Friday with Mrs. Myrtlo Mattson of this city. MRS. WILLIAM ASPLUND and MISS ESTHER ASPLUND spont yestor dny U tho Matt Mattson homo on Catching Inlot, returning homo this morning. MISS ALICE CHURCH roturnod to tho North Bond Ulgli scnooi mis morning after spending Sunday with T. M. Colvor and family, of Catching Inlot. R. L. HASKINS. who has been em ployed for somo tlmo at tho Pioneer Hardwaro Co.'s store as plumber, will leave soon for Long Roach to Join tho wife and Whooping Gough and Croup rclioved with PENSLAR CROUPR EMEDY a harmless and efficient preparation. I I I TUESDAY i Royal Auction Bridge with I Mrs. Doraey Kreltzer. I Ladles' Episcopal Guild with Miss Maud Reed. family who went thoro In quest of better health. MRS. A. II. OLSEN. of North Inlet, is a Marshfield visitor today. MRS. C. W. GIBBS, of North In let. Is In town today shopping. MRS. II. E. REANIER expects to leave tomorrow on n month's vis It with relatives and friends In Portlnud. FRED WILSON roturnod yestorday from Medford, whoro ho attended the Oregon Odd Follows' Grnnd Lodgo meeting, MR. AND MRS. JAMES COWAN, JR., returned this morning from n visit with Mrs. Cownn's par ents at Lakeside. MRS. I. LANDO has roturnod from Medford, whero sho wns honored with tho vice-presidency of tho Oregon Roboknh assembly. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM enmo down from Coos River todny to meet her dnughtor, Miss Grnco Yoa knm, who was expected on tho Breakwater. MRS. WM. FORD AND DAUGH TER, Mabel, aro expected hero next week from Portland to visit at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. mid Mrs. O'Conuoll. MISS SOCIAL CALENDAR ISS HILDA LINDSTROM. who I tffl attending Henld's Business Collogox 1 nt Oaktniul, Cnl., Is onjnylng a two weok's vacation at Camp Curry, YoBomlto Valley. DR. AND MRS. W. A. TOYE. CATH ERINE TOYE AND FATHER MUNRO motored to Sunsot Bay and Shoro Acres yesterday nftor noon nnd roport n delightful trip. DONALD MACKINTOSH, tho well known Bnndnn rent estato man, wns a Mnrshriold visitor today. Mr. Mackintosh hns Just rocovered from n sovoro slcgo of typhod fe ver, r JA9. BOONE, loeomotlvo engineer nt Smlth-Powors Camp No. 7, spont Sunday with frlonds In Mnrshneld. Engineer McNeil, oC Cnmp 0 wns nlso In town for tho day. ANDERSON OLSON, who rccontly sold his general morchnndlso storo on North Lnko to Illllls Short, Is In town, Mr. Olson expects to tnko n trip to Portland soon to visit his son. MR. AND MRS. EUGENE O'CON NELL nnd their guost, Cornollus O'Conuoll, of Sun Francisco, re turned yestordny from n visit to tho Maze. Todny thoy loft for a visit to North Inlet. MR. nnd MRS. W. W. GAGE, who hnvo been visiting their son, W. A. Gngo and family, of Allognny, ro turnod to town this morning and left for their homo In Coqtilllo on the nfloruoon train. MR. AND MRS. E. C. ARCHER ar rived on tho Rrenkwntor this morning from Rnymnnd, Wash., and will visit nt tho homo of Cnpt. and Mrs. Ned Gnllowny, of North Inlot, Mrs. Arehor Is a sister of Mrs. Gnlloway. MR. and MRS. F. M. PARSONS. DR. and MRS. A. L. HOUBEWORTH nnd GEORGE OOODRUM spont yestordny nt Golilou Falls and last night In Allognny, returning this morning. Mr. Goodrum took his nuto up nnd nil report n dollght ful day. MR. nnd MRS. L. WIMMER. of Mnrshflold, arrived here last oven lug. Mr. Wlmmor continues his Journoy to Kansas City today while Mrs. Wlmmor will spoilt! two or thrco weoks visiting with hor pnr ontB nt Crabtroo. Both Mr. and Mro. Wlmmor formoroly lived In Rosoburg, whoro tho formor wns en gngod In tho harbor business, Rosoburg Rovlow. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL, who roturn od yestordny from Modford. whoro ho was honored by election as grand wnrdon of tho Oregon Odd Follows, loft this nftornoon for Coqulllo. Ho reports that tho Douglas County court will prob ably spoiid about $10,000 moro on tho Rosoburg-Coqulllo road than thoy formerly plnnnod nnd this with Coos County work ought to put It In good shnpo. CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to horeby express our linn.t fnll Hinnlru In tlio mtinv rflla- tlves, nolghbors nnd frlonds who so kindly assisted us during tho long Illness mid doath of our boloved dnughtor and slstor, Esther Ogren, and who with their words of sympa thy lightened our honvy burden, and nlso thoso for tho many floral offer ings and excellent music rondored. MRS. MARY OGREN ) AND FAMILY. ' Trv Tho Times' Want Ads.