fi THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 26, 1913 EVENING EDITION. luish ED ITTSBUftG BOOMED, F Id then quietly passed , That Once Seemed to Be Commercial Center of South- prii ureyun iimimuu mj iw wiivuiuMiiiuiiis inai :c" Put Roseburg Upon Map L blowing nrtlclo written by Kf, In The Portland Jour- HV '''.. I ulii.rlflllv llltOrOBt- m HUEF! TJ 1 DESIGN M E . hi i.o i.sneclally Interest- L.. ii.iv neonlo ns tho Mrs. lo -"V". 'i..:,,! wiiii tollB tho .. i... ..nil remembered hero Ulll UU "-- "- . .... . Itosc Arrlngton anil wan W . ii. nun nliuu'liiird. well ,i tlio niunngor of tho local ,C light company. mi will get ollt '0Mr old Be0K ;J the olio you studied In tho More tlio livii uhi ju Ibjt UiiiHUii eotiniy, uregon, .' i iiivlsloiiH of western Oregon. L It Is hut n memory, in vain Ul search u niouorn gcograpny Unipiiua coiiiuy. i ,,r niil ueogrnphy you will ueo tiburg marked as tho roinmor- icenter of Homiium ukbuii, mm lead of navigation on mu uminiuu f Todoy n hotel, Htoro nml pust Ua all that Ih loft of what once olsed to he a greni niy, Lntlv. while nt Newport, I ft the afternoon with Mrs. Ocorgo hctiarii, " nauvu uuuguiur m Itiburc. Ur father, I). .1. Lyons, was horn rdand," said Mrs. Ulanehanl, "In j. when ho was 12 years old, he t in America. No was raised In (iTllle, KontucKy. ilVhllo n hoy at sehool, nno of his olmati'H throw a pioco or a uroKun at him ami put out ono or nis Through iiyinpnthy, tho other i becamo affected and ho became ly blind, lie took up music and bdio proiieicni upon mu viouu aim to. tile was married In 1849, nnd In S came to Oregon. My mother's ither, CIiiih, l'utnniii, bad como to icon and had sottlod near Drain, trying Kozellc, tho olduut dnughtoi Hesse Applogute. Aiy ratlier toon donation laud claim near Drnln. ES'ext year ho traded his CIO ncre i to Levi Scott, tho founder of kttilmrg, for a hotel in that city e hotel hud been originally built a fort, hut In 1850 Levi Scott (lit It mid converted It Into i Id. fin tlioBo days the county sent of ipijun county was at Undorwpod'c kd in (Ireeii valley, near tho pros i town of Winchester, hut ScottH- rrhad aspirations of becoming the ntjr Bent. J'Scottiiuiirg was tho bond of Navl- Itlon on the .Uuinuun. nnd wns the lUttlng point for all southern Ore- f and northern Cnllfornln. Scorer pack trains piled between Seotts- irKtiul the mines of southern Ore n. Sometimes sovornl bundred klw tuiuld arrive during tho lay, Mimes woro lively. phe year aftor my fnthor movod m unviii i, inn, ono of tho enter Mine HtlzoiiB of JAcksonvlllo, ought a sawmill around tho Horn San KrnnclHco, nnd from thoro II u resnippei to Scottsburg. Tram Cttlburc It was taken liv nv Inniim Jacksonvlllo, I GO mllos awny. nno uru a mi in nor or copies of umpqua wooKiy dnzotto. Notice oaio ino: 'Scottsbuiir. O. T.. e 16, 185-j. oillco, corner .Main a .oncalln streots.' Tim mibscrln. I price was $fi a year, nnd the 'Rising rnten woro $2 nn Inch. f fattier was editor an I William M wa?. iiiilillHlii.p rllere Is the card of Addison C. ". attorney nt law and commissi- f for New York. Illn nfllen ivii 'Gardiner. ITninnun iwmiiiv n p. fu will sco In tho foot noto to lilt N he nnnoiiiices thnt tho pnrtnor- MP heretofore nxlstiiii? Imtu'iinn bbsatid Strntton has boon illssnlvoii Inutunl consent. i 'ro is mo nu. of Snnniol S. Mann r'cf Scottsburg. My mother hns P i told mo about atnndlng by our ri " ,:,'"""" nna wntchlng tho flood that occurod during tho win- 1801 CrCnlllllL' llll'linr- nml lil.rli..n Nr Lower Scottaburg till It took l toio after tho other nnd cnrrled K3 .1 ' W,HSM tho 00I liad sub toit.i wns " '""Bor nny Lowor HCrC 1I till niinnlinnnmniit nf Pnsdale & Co. to packers and trnd- t;n"V ,H tl10 nd of Ooorge I'L0'0' c,,lna 811Bn', linen eover- " nu otnor wares. Tho tKinVi Ul. '"wor town woro Allen, and mil " lie,rK0 "'8,'n'. ., ,,"'lman. Plunagnn Ilros., " ' .Marslltlolll. mill Pnnim-i.ti r"7Wh." '" "PI,er Scottsburg P oi T! ", Me -avian nno i' 'r. i .r,l(lan' "sunlly cnlled 'Tin Olierldail. on nrcmmt nt Ma lii. rdLa,"11 tho fact tnnt l Jopt n ;waru store. file's llf't'Te8t,"B - -"C"! 1 tho aces !,. w'"i"i iiiKouo oj Uiat aro no Ion cor In oTlctnnnn iiBuUlfe? W,' nft0rward8 uecamo rn, xa1,7lt8 fr tlo Gnzetto woro Jos ft Wood nt Randolph City. 03 Kogers for Coos Day, Colonel " Chapman nt Elkton. .Tpsin S .mat Yncalla, C. S. Drew at 0no. .Tnunnli !). ,!.. Port vL aI"1 j0B0nh A- Graham ia...- "uiivur. wnniiinirrnn Tar. '."'. vouvor, Washington Ter- Josoph Reynolds nt h A. Grn ishlngton ' t feri! !h not,co ot a mnrrlago bee nf marr'ngo at tho resl- f,n of V. K. Prlni?l nt Pllalin h coun?vI,i0ob.? Da,n- ooth ot Mar rHinty, by Hoverend A. F. Wal- Ladi6 '!??. noUco signed Thompson Plbe InJ' ,"'.g tno cltlzons to sub fa 8coU8brurJUlld,nB a Wag0" rad oe rt.. a lottor f''0'n Gonoral I fla-ed at Washington, D. 0., April 1!, 180 I. Ho says a coinmls Hlonur is to ho appointed to exnmlno t ties to town property nnd conllrin tho same, thus Bottling tho long and liltter contest nu m tin, i,.i,ir..i -- uiu IIHIIlllll ellllUluntS nf tlin Pii-tlni.,1 nlnlm it.. also says, "Yesterdny I Introduced n oiii 10 ennnio tlio people of Ore gon to form a constitution, stnto govorninent, etc. Our Interests can not bo ns SIKTPSsfllllv ri.liri.ui.nti..1 and promoted in our territorial siato as tney would bo If wo were In tho Union on an eipial footing with our sister stntes.' "8. P. Chndwlck, Addison C. OllibH, Jiuld Strntton, David Logan, I). 1 Thonipson, John Kelly nnd .John Kelsoy nnd many othors were In those dnys resldentB of ScottB burg. Men who later herntnc gov ornors, Judges of the Suprumc Court and Uultuil stiiten Senators and capltallsta, innde their Btnrt In thnt historic city. "I wns born in tlio 'Scottsburg house,' nB the hotel was culled. Tho tlrst court held In Southern Oregon wns hold In our hotol, mid wan pre sided over by Judge Heady. A ninn wnB tried for murder n man by tho way, who has alnco become prominent In Portlnnd. Ho was let off on tho plea of tho unwritten law. ( ral LnncVi AiuhlHim. "To rend the old registers of Mio Scottsburg house would bo like -nlllng tho roll of nil tho Important inon of Oregon'B uarly dayB. 1 "Olllember flovnrnnr I. nun rnmn In Scottsburg cainpnlgnlng. Hreckon rldgo nnd Lnno woro running for resident nnd Vlce-nresldent of the United Stntes. Governor Lnne 'inniled my sister a quarter nnd mid, 'keop thnt. Ilttlo girl, nnd ioiuo day you enn hand It down 'o your children nnd tell them 't was given to yon by the 1'renl lent of the United Stntes, for that 'b what I Intend to bo boiiio day.' "In !Sr2 Douglas Countv wnr 'rented nnd part or Umpnun County waa given to DouglnB Countv, nnd 'n 1802 tho LeglBlntnro gave the -est- of Unipqun Countv to Douglas wiping tho county entirely off the map. "Tho flood of 'fi1-'fi2 nindo the mr nt tho mouth of tho rlvor vory dionl. That hurt us as a Rcaport. road was oponed from Jnrksnn. 'Illo to Cresont City, Cnl., In TiR vhlch nlsn hurt Scottsburg. The dngn roach line established botweon "ortlnnd nnd Itcil llluff was the 'Innl blow. Scottsburg censed to ulst and a town grow up on Aaron mil Bnrnli Hoso'b nlnco which bo amo ItoReburg. The papor failed uul tho type and nress wns taken 'o JnckBonvllle. My father got n ')OV lO lend li I lit. nml lm lion, I n vnlk out to Ilosoburg and Hmplrr ny io give conrorts, and nlso to tlvo music lessons. "PlnnllV. Ill 1SR1. Wn mnvn.l n Mnrshflold. In 1003 our old hotol was burned and so passed Into his ory ono of tho historic places of inrly Oregon." Journal. New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tbo Installment plan. TAItlll.VaTO.V. DOVLH . CO- nna l-vont St. hon ain-Ti Mnrahfli'M, Or Be Up To Date Order your Hull from The Tailor and Dress Expert Upsliilrs. TODD iH Front St. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DU.VJAMI.V OSTLI.NI, lJ Coiihiiltlug Knglneer unJ Architect. I'hono lO.'l-L Marslifleld, Ore T .m. wmoiiT, ) CO.NTItACrOK AND 1IUILDKH Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-It. JOKL OSTLINI), Piano Tuner and Repairer, lib S. Sixth Street. Phone 103-1 PICHJj RILKV KAXLINGER l'lunlst and Teacher Realdence-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. W G. CHANDLER, ArrhltM. Rooms 801 and 302, Coke Dulldla Mandifleld, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Ilulldlng, over GraaO Theater. Olllce Phone 820. W M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfleld, Oregon. DR, A. J. HKNOTIX'H Modern Dental Parlor. Ww aro equipped to do high claat work on abort notice at tbo vorj lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bids.. Opi Ohandlnr Hnl. nhnn 1 1 "-J Have your Job printing done at Tbo Times office. P A P PA I RS OP STATE S171' HEAVILY ON MEXICAN'S PRESENT RU LERHE WANTS TO RE IN THE FIELD PKHITING. Illf A-orllil Prm lo loo nr Times I MEXICO CITY. May 21. General Hiierta Is ehafluu under the re straint Imposed by the duties mid ceremonies attending his olllce nB President, and some of Ills old friends In the nrmy will not be surprised If ono tiny ho throws off the trl-colorcd baud mid again dona the military uniform. It Is wild that tho President', not fully satis fied with the progress which is be ing made against thu revolution, Is seriously considering tho resigna tion of bis olllce In order to per sonally direct the cnmpnigii. That the nrmy hns not nindo nny Brent advancement In restoring peace is ovldjnt, and Huertn, who planned and curried out tho campaign ngainst Orozco a year ago, Is pardoned by his Inmates for hollevlng thnt ho could do the Job more expeditiously. "I am not a man of governmental af fairs," said Iliiortn recently In tbo course of an Impromptu after-dinner speech. "I am n Boldler, nnd every tlmo thnt I see n body of men In training I long to go with them Into the field." Who would tnko Huerta's plare nrt Provlsl nnl President Is a mntter of much Bpectilntlon. Ills Inability to find n ninn who would satisfy tho peoplo and display thu requisite ex ecutive ability Is what mny prevent Mexleo'B Bolillor-Presldent from aban doning the placo. To place Pollx Diaz In the presidency would not Im provo tho situation greatly, and cor talnly It would not plenso Diaz, since his occupancy of tlio provisional post would grently lessen his ehnnces of holding It as an elected Incumbent. The selection of Pranelsco do la Ilnrrn would plenso ninny of his Intlinajto friends, but tho Catholic party lias its eyo on do In Ilnrrn ns u candidate for tho presidency nt some future tlmo when elections can bo held. Onro It wns suggested thnt General (leron Imo Ti'ovluo tnko tho provisional presidency. Hut tho General Is get ting on In yenrs, and In addition ho Hoes not want the place. Whether Huorta would do nny hot ter, however. In tho field than IiIb olllcors now are doing Is regarded ns by no melius certain. He probably has nn Influence over the nrmy great er thnii Hint of nny other general; but the nrmy today Is u poor thing com- pared with that left by Pnrflrlo Diaz. notwithstanding that Diaz' army was far less olllcleut than ho considered It. It hns been demonstrated thnt tho nrmy Is not u unit of loyalty, nnd tho introduction into Its ranks of thou sands of ex-rebels appears not to hnve greatly strengthened Its loyalty, and to have lowered discipline nnd ef ficiency. Ah Minister of Wnr Huertn might direct nil phases of thu cam paign, but ns slmplo general In tho Hold ho could direct only n smnll part, and what ho might accomplish In one region might cnslly bo offset by wlint transpired In other pnrts of the He public. Huertn and Diaz bolloved In Feb ruary thoy had restored Mexico to n peaceful condition, nnd thoy prob ably did not dream thnt the counter revolution over would assumu tho proportions It has today. There Is no doubt now, however, thnt tho nuinbor of rcbols Is greater than the number of government's troops, nnd It hns beenmo practically a mntter of monoy which sldo will win, Mny be gin with tho government still on the defensive, but making promises of tho enrly Inauguration of n terrible campaign against tho robots It wiih bolloved In tbo cnpltnl that by that tlmo tho robols would have exhausted their supplies of ammunition and would ho unnblo to buy moro, or to got It across tho American boundary lino oven If thoy possessed tho ne cessary means to purchnso It. Money Is not plentiful in the rebel treasury; but neither Is It in that of tho nation al government. So far as getting guns and ammunition nrross tho Hue la concerned, the rebels appear to bo having less trouble than did oither Madorj or Orozco and Mexicans lit the capital aro open In their denunci ation of tho Washington government for not maintaining a stricter patrol. Woro It not for tho fact that tho Mexlcn.) soldier generally provides bis own rations, lie would today bo tho highest paid lighting man in tho world, Mndoro raised his wages to a peso, 50 cents gold, a day, nnd Hu orta has further increased it to a peso und a half or 75 cents gold. Tho mnln- talnanca of tho army In tbo past three years has been Mexico's grcntest Item of expense, but notwithstanding thnt the fovernment Is hard up and hns had dlfllculty In securing tho loan for which It has been striving, Huorta considered tho Incrensa a necessity. With this lure ho hoped to gain re cruits. Conscription, however, has been tho method adopted. HELD FOR MURDER. Leo M. Frank, Atlanta Furtnry Su perintendent, Indicted. (rtr Auocltlfe Pre., lo L'oo Utj Timet ATLANTA, Ga.,' Mny 24. Leo M. Frank wns Indicted today by tho grand Jury for tho murdor of 14-year-old Mary Phngan, whoso body was found In tho factory build ing or wnicn prank was superin tendent n month ago. No nctiou wns taken by the grand Jury In tho ense of Nowt. Loo, a negro night watchman at the factory. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. Pnclllc Livery nnd Transfer Company, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Summer School AugJuTi,2i39i3 TWNETV-FIVi: INSTRUCTORS PI LTV COURSES DISTINGUISHED EASTERN EDUCATORS ADDED TO REGULAR FACUII'V University Dormitories open. Hoard and room nt $3.50 per week. Reduced Itnllrond Kates For complete HIiiHtrnteil ealiilogiie, addles The Registrar, University nf Oregon, Eugeiio You Should Have the Best And the host Insurance are the oldest and strongest companies. I am agent for four of the strongest old line fire insurance companies doing business in America today; also am agent for the Orcjoii Fire Jteliof Association. Kor particulars sec WM. J. LEATON Hooin If), Eldorado Hldg., over "Red Cross. Just Received another shipment of the famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMIIER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, HOOPING PAPER, ETC. OUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO IIY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 18H SOUTH RROADWAY FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY Choosing a Bank la n mnttor thnt should call for careful consideration, Tho features which should bo vi tally considered are: Tho financial strength of tho bank. Tho condition of Us assets. Tho conoorvntlsin of Its policies. Tho Integrity of its directorate. Tho facilities It orrom patrons nnd tho Intelligent courtesy of Its offi cers and nsnlstautB, It Is our aim to excel and we In vito you to put us to thu test in mil theso essentials. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK -IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1HHI), Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officer: ,T. W. Reiinelt, President. J, II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Willlnmx, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Ass't Cashier. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR .MILKS SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD tfiW PER ACRE; $100 CASH, IIALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST. NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL RENCII LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Domialdl MacKimitosh REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title I Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal nnd Marshfleld Olllce 14-J. General Agents "EA8TSIDE." JUST RKCEIVKI A large shipment or Elect tic Cut (Hush Shades. Call and see our stock of glass ware. Wo nlso have boiiiu of tho Inlnut llildtlT.ia l. nlwi... 1..... .....,w ..i...hun in nuunur UMiircH, rroin two light to five. Everything UIUUU IU1II HIIlllll'H, III Barnard & langworthy Aug. Frizeen REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Some bargains- in city nml Hunker Hill lots mid resiliences. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Pnckers. Carpets Cleaned. Fiimlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained and Kopalred. 382 Front St. Phono 100. Loavo ordora a Holms jt llnrvev. Rldo In Lynn LiiiiiIicUi'h HHil 7 passoiigiT Cadillac. Stand nt HIII yor'a Cigar Storo. Tolcphono 18-J. After 11 p. in., telephone 2G0-L, tho Right Cnfo. Caroful driving assurod. Prompt attention, will go nnywhoro, any time, dny or night. Loaves 1 1 1 II yer'H Clgnr Sloro to meet nil trains and boats. City Auto Service Good Care, Careful Drivers snd reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro at any time." Stnnds ninnro Hotol mnl rtlminn Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 41. iNignt mono 46. HA UK Kit riOODATiK. nroiirlofor. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Baby Clioesf aby hoes See tho new lino of I In by Shoes at the The Electric Shoe Shop at ISO South llroadnay, Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. GLEANERS, PREHSERS ami HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Kmvnril II. Straus A Co., Fine Tailoring. Let us mako your next suit. Uffft CENTRAL. Phone 2.10-X Bowling Alley! 7rt NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies W. S. RROWN $ A. H. HODGINS Marshfleld Paint (2b Decorating Co. Estimates' PiirnUlieil. I'h. no 1H7-L Miirsbfield, Ore. All Kinds of J oh Printing Vonc at The 'Times Office K modorn Rnc milling, Klertrli Llht, Steam Heat. Elegantly Pnrnlshed Rooms with Hot and Ctdd Water. HOTEL O O O 8 O. A. Metlln, Trop. Rmtrs: no rentit m duy und upwards Cor llMixdwav mid Mnrki-t FAMILY DINNERS III our now locution, wo are es pecially prepared to cator to family trade, Rogular meals or short or deis. Open day nut night. MERCHANT'S CAPE. Rrnndwny und Commercial Mfld. COOS RAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. B. Sawyer. Plate, Art and Window OlasM, Mir rors, Prismatic Class-, Mull ordora nnd phono ordors given prompt nttentlon. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Uroadway. Mnrshflold. $5 REWARD for nny watch I cannot make run, E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Wutch nnd Jewelry Repairing. SHU Front St., Marsliflelil, I - i -ist it. n g. 8- ,n d d m vfl