The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 26, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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M. C. MALONKY Editor and I'm
DAN E. .MAI.ONKV Nw ''"'
Entered nt the postofflce nt Mir
flold, Oregon, for trnuaml
throueh tlio mnlls as second clasi
mnll matter.
Dedicated to the service- ot the
people, that no good cause shall lack
a champion, and thnt evil shall ui,
thrlvo unopp sed.
Official Paper of Coos County.
Ono year C.OO
Per month r'1'
One year $1.5
When paid strictly In advanco rn
mbscrlptlon price of tlio Cooa Ga.
Tlmos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 foi
six months.
Address nil communications to
Mnrshfleld :: ;: : Orcgo.
WK OI-V'SX wonder whether the
vain of tlio rctnll merchant
In tho homo towns la appro
elated properly by tho residents, anil
sulllclont credit given them for their
share In the upbuilding and making
the commonwealth. Hut few people
realize tho dllllrultlos and hardships,
tho unconslng labor and wntehftill
ncss, the details to bo mustered, nnd
tho really small average margin of
profits actually secured which nre
necessary to make tho business profit
able or even safe. Probably no other
phono nf business Is subjected to so
ninny potty nnnoyanccs, especially In
tho smaller and medium sized cities
where system and dlsclpllno cannot
bo so rigidly enforced ns In tho larger
places. Contrary to tho preconceived
opinions of many people, strict hon
esty nnd unswerving fidelity are abso
lutely a uuccslty for the man or llrm
that desires nnd holds continuous
patronngo. Authenticated reports
show thnt a preponderance nf coin
plnlnts when sifted out, am not tho
fault of tho sailor, but of tho buyer,
and thnt oven their unjust clnlms
nro allowed to nppenso customers.
Truo among so many different
Kinds of merchandising It would bo
strange, If some woro not taken up
by men of moro or less degree:: of
strict honesty, but wo find this In
other profcslous nnd occupations.
Thoro aro unscrupulous Inwycrs, dls
roputnblo physicians, wayward min
isters, corrupt olllclnls nnd dishonest
bankers, but because of tho defection
of tho fow, Is no cnuso for an nbuslvo
crltlclom of them nil.
Your local retailor whothor ho bo
tho bnkcr, tho grocer, druggist, dry
goods, clothing or hnrdwaro man, Bot
tles In your midst nnd Invests his
money to supply you with tho needs
)f your dally oxlstonco. Ho furnishes
steady, woll-pald employment to
scores, his taxes nro Inrgor In pro
portion to tho floating valuo than
any other nrecssablo property, for It
is nil In plain sight nnd cannot bo
hid or rovored up. Ills Is tho first
plnco when nppeals for local charity
nro miido. Ilo Is entitled to reccom-
penso for his Investment nf cnp'tal
and labor and risk, yot how fow
reach opulonro or even affluence.
In proof of this search tho records
of this or nny other city of slmllnr
size, nnd count on your lingers tho
fortunes thnt Imvo boon mudo strict
ly through tho retail trade. No one
outsldo of tho counter knows of the
really small margin of profits made
In tho nvorage transaction of buying
nnd selling merchandise. Some
things In nil branches unisl mnke up
for tho dellclenelos of others, tho nov
elties, the perishable, tho exclusive,
must keep up the averaue nf thn
staples of which there Is n larger!
proporton nml that enially do not
bring nny prnllts over and above the1
freight charges, with no nllownneo
for other fixed expenses, as rent, help,
fuel, light, taxes, etc.
Your local merchant must also pay
cash within short limits, and so rigid
Is the rule utiually enforced, thnt
when the ISO or CO day time has ex
plrod, n bank draft Is made payable
at olght How many of tho custom
ers of theso nierchanlH but would
tnko offense If a 3u or tin day ac-
. omit would In- sent for collection In
this manner?
In there days of close competition
md changing fashions. It In the aim
mil desire of every wido-nwnko mer-
hant. to augment his buslnes by
ourtcsy and fair treatment, not by
rlelccry or underhanded methods.
Take for Instance the (use f the dr
goods merchant, how often do you
i;et :i"i inches for n yard not once,
when you will receive i!7 or II 9 Inches
i hundred times.
It Is a common snylng nmong wom
en especially. "I always want so or
so to wait on me because he or she
gives mo such good measure."
Now good measure or weigui is
right nnd Just, but It does not mean
you should hnvo 1" o to the pound
or .'17 inches to tho ynrd, for Just
think whnt that menus In tho aggre
gate of n year's business, this excess
repented dally hundreds of times, .'100
days In the year. What would hap
pen to Mnrshlleld- or any other city,
supposing that every store In tho
city, "the butcher, the linker, the
candlestick ninker," should decide to
close their doors nnd no others
come In?
Would It not become a veritable
deserted village? Could you very long
bo satisfied to send to Portland or
Chlcngo or elsewhere for nil your
needs. Would not the benefit and
positive necessity of your retailers be
come so apparent that your pntron
ago would bo given freely nnd not
It Is only by patronizing your
home Industries to the full extent of
your ability that strength and growth
and prosperity can be assured. Think
of those thlngB carefully and thought
fully and carry them out nnd the
benefit will nccruue to the entire com
munity. In n nutshell, buy nt homo
everything you possibly can.
-vmj'i i ftY'!'mmmrarMlltr- -ALri SL -y
coiiD iikach xrcci-rrs.
About one-fifth of the state of
Oregon Is In farm acreage. The
average valuo of farm land, per
acre. 1D10 census, wns $3ii.:!3. The
total value of farm property, which
Includes land, buildings, Implements
and machinery, nnd livestock, wns
$.'2S.2 1 1.000. The Department of
Agriculture In reporting 15,502
farms In Oregon says that of this
number :J7.7!)(J nre operated by the
owner. SI7 by managers and!
by tenants. Of tho 37,701'. farms
operated by owners, S-I.Siifi were
reported ns free from mortgages.
Tho farm acreage on August 1.
1012, according to reports avail
able to this office, was 12.390.2S3
acres, of which !, 388,020 wero Im
proved. Tho overage- value per
acre for land nnd buildings on Aug.
1. 1912. was $12.32. Tho nvornge
size of the Oregon farm was 252.03
acres In 1912. Tho nvornge vnluo
of Oregon farms In 1.,917. which
Includes land, buildings, livestock
nnd Implements and machinery. The
1910 census reported tho totnl
wealth of the stato In the form of
farm property to hnvo Increased
$:J5.-.,IS2.000 In ten years. Corres
pondents report tho totnl farm
wealth on August 1, 1912, nt $031,
317,255. Tho Increnso between
1000 nnd 1910 wns double thnt nf
the whole period from 1S50 to
Interesting Grist of Newsy
Items from That Sec
tion of Coos Co.
i Special' to The Times.)
TEMPLE! ON. Oi.. May 2 1.
Cclbert ileiison expects to have his
new boat on Ten Mile Lake next
Sundnv. He rather thinks he will
be able to pass everything nnd hns
named his boat "Oosiiui." Allen
Huberts also owns n speed boat
which he will have In the water on
Miss Hlnnche Hnyinond, .Inck Itn.v
mond nnd C. P. Coleiiiun were vis
itors In the city of Lnkeslde on
Wednesday evening.
etinesuay ovenuiK. , , t, , t ,. for 0 ,
C. P. Coleman slot nwMM 1 tw , ,,, of ,',, ,Ih1iIiik
Mondny. Sal, wlhlca In d been , ,, , , , ,
Curry County Nous nt Told by
1). I). Uralnard. of North Hend.
enme In on the Inst Hustler seeking
n new locution. Alter n few inli'
utes' stroll In the outskirts of our
bountiful city, he decided that Go'd
lleach was Jusi the plnco ho hat
been looking for these many yean,
lie purchased three lots In the
IJ.illey Addition nnd expects
move his family here.
Wedding bells tolled, the tiding
of the uniting In marriage of dene
Stinin to Miss Huby KHz. The cere
mony was performed at the groom's
tuther's home at Hiiro last Wednes
day. Died On May Hi. 1913. the In
runt daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
dle Fry, of AgnoBS. The little one
wns nearly two mouths old.
Tho new power boat lately built
bv .1. M. Wood worth for the Wed
di'iburn Trailing Company bus hoo'i
christened the .loliu W. nnd is ,i
'eruck-n-Jnck." '
Cnughell and (Suunllett now hnvo
most of the material on the ground
for the construction of the'r cold
storugo plant. The boys expect to
plant ready for operation
helping himself to Mr. Coleman s
Mrs. Iilggltt Is Improving very
rapidly from her recent Illness.
Milton Markham eamo over from
Sulphur Springs. He stayed Wednes
day night nt his mother's home on
Sli'uttois Arm nnd Thursday at
A brand new girl arrived nt the
home of Win. Clurno of I'pper Pis
tol river on Mny 13.
A library association hns Ik-mi
formed nt Wedderbiirn for tlio pur
pose of maintaining a circulating
library. N. A. Leach Is president
I nnd D. 11. Llbby librarian. The or-
UenJniuIn Roberts', returning to .,.,,,..;. ',, ,,,,, ,,',, ., , ,..
Oardner by North Lake. Ilo repoits , tI.blt(,tI ,nBIl.CH nntl wm lip,y
that Camp 10 Is short of men. for n H(a(e ,rnvoirnB ni,rnry.
Delbert llenson and uter Peter- burti whoH(, flI, w-j.
son went to .North llend Wednes- terod here, caiuo down from MarBh-
I have been ready to believe thnt
wo hnvo oven now n new rovolntlon,
nnd tho name or Its Messiah Is Wo
man. Oliver Wendell Holmes.
.Mrs. Nols Monson. of HiIb place,
visited her sister, Mrs. Chns. Llggltt,
Miss Hoberts. of the Lakovlew
school, Is planning to having an en
tertainment In the afternoon of
Mny 29, nf her school house. All
are' Invited.
We are grieved to report the
Held on the last Hustler, gathered
up his household Kuods nnd ship
ped them back on the same boat
Ho took his family with him over
land with his own tennis n few days
The many friends nf Postmaster
.1. W. Hlley will bo pained to learn
that his health Is fast falling hl'ii.
It is said that the cancer on bis
death of Mrs. Chas: Llgg b baby. fnco lmH oaton 0iitlrlv through the
Interment wns made at tho loin- clluok ,, t!lat, t ,, n,,,,,,,,,,,
p eton Cemetery. Quito n nuuibir BOlf , t , , ,
of relatives nnd friends were'pies- He left tho Hend Sutiirduy for Port-
vn . , , ,, ,ni"l for inedlcnl treatini'iP, but !:!
.Mr. oung. or tho Lukeslde nmny fr0nds fear thnt he bus ill-
Creamery, says ho Is receiving a furru,i mt.dlcnl treatment too long
ku Hum in i:n-iiiii nun, iiimiiuihjor nny per inn n nil t relief.
uii nil uvuiUKU ill imiu iiuiiiiiin ui
butter per dny.
Templeton boys nro spending
their Sunday's practicing baseball.
Criiinlinn Huntley of Curry
I Iocs,. 11(1 Miles In Five Hours.
The Oold Wench (Hobo says: "Mrs.
Chris Koerncr Is now enjoying a visit
Ill'Ollieis (,'el
Out nf Ihlfls.
Tho Port Orford Trlhiinu says:
"Newt nnd IM. ,,..... i
Hitler town from their homes on Sixes.
Mondny, nnd the Intter hud with
his 4V ounces of gold which he
bnd taken out- of u rlgh river bur
iiiiriiig me winter storms. Mr
Second thoughts nro tho best. God
created man; woinnu was the after
thought. Proverb.
The whisper ((f n benutlful woman
can be beard farther than the loudest
call of duty. Anonymous.
Tho limn who enters his wife's
dressing-room Is either n philosopher
or u fool. Honoro do Hnlzne.
Under the wide nnd Htarry sky
DIk tlio rhino ami let ma Ilo.
Qlud did 1 live mid Klailly ill 9,
And I laid mo down with n will,
Tills bo tho vemo you Krnve for mm
"Hero be lies, whoio lio IoiirpiI lo lie.
Home U tlio sailor, home from sea,
And Ilia hunter Imiiio from the
Itobi-rt l.ouU Stevenson,
Cents Per Day
($18.25 Per Yoar)
LIFE INSURANCE (At the ASe of 20).
Older ages are only a trifle higher.
A New Low Rate Contract gaSfe
Loan Values, Cash Surrender Values and Extended Insurance. It carries all
the advantages which the highest priced policy in any other company does.
That's the New Policy of
The ONLY Life Insurance Company which does Rusiness
from her mother. Grandma Huntley.
Owing to a fall received several years Dlvelbllss wns working with an 'ln-
ngo grandma gets around by the sufficient wnter Biipply, nnd could
use of n crutch, otherwise sho Is hale do nothing only during freshets Mo
nnd hearty despite her ngo of 811 H confident that with plenty oi
years. She rode horse-back from water he cou'il tnko out jinn
.nine vuviv hi iVhiH-m nun iiiiuiu iiic unj-, UIKI Willi Capital to lit) till!
20 miles from Mule Creek to (Jold work the wnter Is available There
Ilnr 111 II i"ii linui-H! n fiml Hint wiinlil nro i 1.,.. i...... ' "'
........ ...w ......,.. ... i,,,, ,, nK Qin nil ii
low one, each contnTuIng about ono
hundred acres and carrying prae
tlcully the same values.
tax the strength of many young wo
mtn:is oi'' haxdo.v.
Ncivn nf Clty-by-tlie-Sca, ns
by the Wetsein World.
Hummer Is here, ns the van guard
of campers has arrived.
The real estate firm of Owen &
Fiorina hns dissolved by mutual
consent. Mr. Florlun continuing In
the business.
The divorce caso of Hempel vs.
Ilempel will probably come up Tor
hearing In tho September term of
Dr. II. C. Dlppel nnd R. M. Wat
son nro expected to arrive from
Hlackfoot, Idaho, nbout .lime 1.
where they hnvo been closing tholr
business affairs, propnratorv to lo
cating In Hnudou.
Dr. S. .1. Mnnn. who recently sont
samples of Handon wutor to tho
Oregon Stnte Hoard of Henltb fnr
analysis, nus received the report
ns follows: "Ten organisms pPr c.
c and n trace of colon baellil."
The old WOOden nurrli nml frnnl
has beon torn from the Onlller
building and plato glass will bo
substituted, innklng It ono of the
neatesf In tho city.
Tho tide has been exceedingly
low for several mornings nnd the
beach was lined with people seok
Ing pleasure and plains.
Home Offick: Corbett lluildinj, Corner Fiftli nnd Morrison, Poutlanu
A. U MILLS L. SAMUEL l'"KI MOOS, Dlst. Agent.
PrttiJtnt General Manaitr Mursbtleld Oregon
(iisolino Scliooner Helng Itepnlred
n,. yJo-nraiu'e Cimipanles.
Tho Florenco West says: "Not
withstanding the pounding to which
mo Aiivii nan oeeii subjected dur
ing tho five weeks ti.nt sho wiib
lying on tho sand, the vessel was
found til nrettv uooil rnmiitin.. n,i
lll bo repaired by tho Insurance
companies for tho owners.
One of tho men who assisted In
taking tho boat off tho sand told
us that they had tho craft aflont
three times nnd had to let It go
ashore Rgaln on account of tho tug
not being on hand to tow the ves
sel up tho river.
Although reports wero sent out
three weeks ago thnt tho Anvil
was breaking up nnd would bo a
total wreck, the boat will bo good
ror many years on the waves yet.
arter some ropalrs are made
The shaft Is being taken "out of
the boat nnd tho vessel will bo tow
ed to Portland, where the neces
sary ropalrs will be made. The
,0! ls not leakll'K much and no
difficulty Is anticipated In making
tho trip to the city.
crimv corxTv Tiiorniii.:.
('old Heacb Kdltoi- (,'lves Family
.,.i '-'"'J' T One .Man.
iho Gold lleach Globe savs. "
Last weok one or the Johns, who
hns n homestend on Lobster Hill.
wns arrested by Deputy Game War-
dons h. .1. linker nnd John Adnnis
for unlawfully I11Iiik deer. He
was given a henrlng before Judgt.
Wrlgh . of Port Orford. who nssess-
,,..n,.if " of :, ,lollna'
I his outfit has an unsnvorv ree-
n,rl " "m80 iV',h' b0,,K n,,(,"l" r
inn n pot y offences nnd no doubt
will be tnkon boforo the grnnd jurv.
Hiey hnvo been known to haul
bacon to Handon nnd sell R. ye
nt he t mo t hoy did not own n Iiok.
ir iu an ii . x.. .. -...
- . ...., IIUI( .,. ,J0lm tiireatonod
tfl "lllnf nvn" ...iii. ..
.....i .i.j inu I'iiHo ino next IiiiIl'o
llmf"&h! ,,0fOr ',1,0"lt, "
L. C. Hnrgelt. formor editor nnd
proprietor of tho Myrtle lolut Iff
torprlae returned on Kllznbo I r,'o .
an oxtmided trip n Cnllfnrnin
Mr. Hargelt Is looklngnflnr" d ";
o Is feolliig bettor. Wo my o ,,
bark In tho printing business
county again. Handon Hn.
News ill" Clly-by-tlie-Heii ns Told by
The Itecordei'.
Hiiiiilou Is llgurlng on u Fourth if
July celebration,
Automobile service nil the wnv to
IOiireku Ih nil assured fuel for t IiIb
Hummer. Tlio trip will be nnd"
irom Handon to Hurekn In three uimp
Curs wll leave tho hotel Gnllli at
7:00 o dock.
W. . Feller will leave toniuriMv
for Spokane where be expeclH to
mnke his future home. .Mr. l.viirr
will visit nt Portlnnd nnd other points
en route.
Thete wero Ufi cjghth grade pupils
of the Uutidoii hcIiooIh took the recent
examination nnd or these the follow
ing pussed iu till studies: Doris liar
dell, Don Anderson, Helen Fish, Flo
reiico Fish, Hlchurd Crulii, John True
Ami (Inrver, Harold Johnson tin i
Daisy Shields.
Cupt.iln Morris C. Jenkins, ex-chlef
of pollco or Topekn, Knnsas, Is visit
ing his son, J. T. Jenkins, one or our
well known river men. Cnptnln Jen.
kins will return to Topoka this week
.Miss II. A. Crnln, or Springfield.
Vermont, nrrlved on the Fllleld tor
u visit with her brother, N. J. Craln
Cnptnln O. When returned on (he
Grace Dollar from n two weeks' visit
with his sister. Mrs. H. J. Adcock. i
Salinas, Oil. Captain Wlren says he
saw wiiiie beautiful scenery while
Mine mid hud the best lime of his IHe.
Voteis There to Posh on Ituporlniil
Insiic.s .lime 7.
The Western World says: "A sue
clal election will bo held In Handon
Mondny. Juno i, nt which tlmo the
voters will hnvo an opportunity or
casting their ballot on several propo
sitions which nre Hiibinlttod ror their
"Tho iiiiestlous which nro to be
voted upon may bo briefly summed
up us ronows:
"Shall the city Issue bonds Iu the
sum of $lfi.00l) to tnko up outstand
ing wnrriintH
".Shall the city Issue and sell bonds
In the sum or $(1,000 lo redeem war
rnnlH Issued ror the purchase or the
base bull park?
".Shall tho city purchnse tlio wnter
works ror SOU.OOO?
"Shall the city prohibit live slock
rrom running nt Inrgo within the cor
porate llmltH?
"Shall the chnrtor bo amended re
luting to tho collection or nssess
inents? "Shall thero bo n limit placed upon
speclnl assessment or property?
"Shall tho charter bu changed In
relation to the election or council
men? "Shall the city buy n city hull site?
"Shall tho city lovy u ono mill tax
ror the public library?
"Shall the city Hpend $ ll'.OOO for
n modern llro nppnrntiiB?"
M'creiuiy or Win- Adoils Heroin
meiidutloiis of Kiigineer Cat roll
A letter wns received Wednes
lay by the Commissioners or the
Port or Sluslnw from tho Asslstunt
Secretary of War, nt Washington.
D. C stilting thnt tho Wnr De
partment hns npproved tho recom
iiieiidntlon of tho Government en-glneei-B
In favor of locating harbor
Hues on the river Iu front of tlio
town or Florence.
The letter Is understood to mean
thnt the line Is established ns sur
veyed by W. G. Carroll, tho Gov
ernment engineer In charge of the
harbor improvement work here nt
Hint time, except thnt the change
UHkod for by the Tidewater .Mill
(oiiipnny Is grunted.
The Secrotnry'B letter nlso stited
Unit It wns not deemed advisable
at the present fitngo or dovolopmeii'
or this county to estnbllsh pjuiiai
out hnrbor lines on tho river to
tho oxtent which tho Port Comnils
slonoiB bnd nskod for last vear.
Cnty SUilPril.,.,
nounnM n " ent
Funds in District
('0"ltV School B
r,""'1' '':' ker ha, J T ?kl
'imriei .No,
'. La in pa, $443. r n "" IU
k. com in.. U.V.WiChiiV
a . 1 vi fuiiu hnt a
in. f .'. '-Minn
'iii', nco' 1 7',1 6fc
?: IB. in '. fe
l!l' SfranKsVH,!
--, .Moons. Slip.. ; ' i.
'klu(f " s?.50 'r $'
Srlnl ft SaWa
HMnmcr. 00; j, ';,' l'
Dora. $209; 33. lliu I 1 ,':
C'alchhiK Creek '3 f, !"':
V'"' W-Ui 39. Coo, n wSfe
Niirii-ni' mr.. .. J '",(
, , " ;" ii, nor, 111.,
. r."".'. foiu.uu: 16 V..ij
I- i .. . ' ' u
$:ill..-iO. 47
8 'Ho.. 1178; 49. E.
. Remote. $22!; 5, f, ' :
..2 . l-m;roft,$222!51.Xottlj;
. in, nanaon. u.O I' tt
er bSIoiikIi $249.50; 5, &
l "S; TiT. South Slnit.V if
..8. Hiinnyilde, IJI4.50. H, t
Creek. $209; 60, ProiMr. III!
I. JI0S.50! 62.De Cwt'l
., uuiiiiruu .mil, I3S5.50' II fj
Mile. $300; 63, Sltkum. ur3
..hko nine,; ;,
$-':i0; OS. Lnuon Slmirk mi-
;;.'. Ilt-nvcr Illll. J6; to.Vdil
ley. SDis.riO: 71. Uudi nit 1
f.... ii L. " "
jiiiiruuii, jju&; ij, pieimiM
$:M6.i"0; 74. l'leaiantllll,!!ii
u. locum drove. 1230; II, fe
Jiuictloti. $190: 77.DrlJte.tliM
Dement, $189.50; TJ.Utth.wl
f.O; 80. W'cit Norwr. Il, I
Laurel l.nke, $171.50; H,C0
$102; 83, Lake Vie, 111111:1
Sanford. $197.50; 85, Ballet E
$72; J-2, North Uke, !L
Total, $411,292.
The full apportionment ifflkiu
proximately $1.60 perpo;IIUWi
tlio last Bcliool cenioi. v
boards inuy estimate their wm
for the school year on tbli bui
Tho Port Orford Trlbwe nfi
"Master Lowell Johnttca, 1 l
year old Port OrforJ boj.tuii
no pound halibut while out liiij
the Tramp SuiuUr. HwjpIi
exchaiiKcs have an tattei'Je c
that will beatthliiewWMPJ
hear fiom them.
jjAy. -Ata I tl I
"VTSK. DID ! '
I' OH IlKXT Housekeeping suites,
also single rooms with hot and
cold water over Pioneer HUwe.
reurdle,dVa,Mf,1,,B ,,10tl";r' Mr8' str-
Mny.21.nt4n . 'nZTh
nnnoi,, f.. .;;: .:- vv.u "u 1
hrni 'a..; "CKW8. will nrrivo in
.iti "" . ei'to to Gardlnor
tl. nU l??V0 Draln Monday morning
for Gnrdlnor. Intormont will bo it
tho "ttor )lnce.-noB0burg nevlew?
The Gold Heach Globe says; Aa
here seems to bo no disposition on
three fat buck deer to barbecue to
sether with a few Chinook salmon
and a few Bncks of clams, baked to
the style of pioneer days w-on
b0fltH8 t that hardly another "ffi
out-We of Curry County could' pull
lullier of .Airs. Clniid Xiisbuig. of
.'laililli'lil, ApienN to Commission
iho following Saloiu dispatch will
bo of Intorest horo, as .Mrs. Claude
.Nusbiiig Is a dnughtor of Jir. Doblo.
"Declaring that the prnctlco work
ed an Imposition upon tho public.
L. II. Doblo, u travollng snlesmnn
of EiiReno urged the Kullrond Com
tnlssloii to put an end to tho cus
tom or railways charging passengers
who lose checks ror baggage CO
coiiIb ror each 0110, .Mr. Doblo re
cently lost nlno chocks and bnd to
pay tho Southorn Pacific $4.50. Ho
told tho Commission that tne charge
was 1111 outrage and thoro could bo
no reason for Its bolng mndo.
TIlO COinnlnlnt ' tnl.-nn mulnr
uuvisemonr. and If tho decision Is
n ravor or Mr. Doblo, tho railroads
henceforth will hnvo to surrender
baggage upon proof of ownership
without nuiklng any extra charge."
.... .t vrtiiricniH
.vi "."j.M.ei
Fortiriini.."'.. a
ls w!""iBtft
iwni (" "-.,,,
But brlabienfom W
11 ihlnlnif Juiwlirtr
Titer. U nertrt
you max never ..
Tlie darKenru .v.- ,
ra nil for the JW .u.r.,r ul
Tho A. M. Simpson finished tak
ing on a enrgo of lumber and sailed
yesterday for San Pedro nnd San
Hew John Lowtns, who has been
lecturing at tho M. E. Church the
past two weeks, will leave on the
Breakwater tomorrow for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Freelnnd and
children, Clifford nnd Mildred spent
yesterday with relntlves nt North
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Black and
daughter and Mrs. Georgo Black and
daughter and Mrs. F. E. Allen and
Miss Henrietta Bear spent yesterday
at the beach.
It you have anything to sell, rent
trade, or want help, tty a Want Ad
home of lki
Auto Supple for A
Makes of Cars
:jl" Central M
. .MA fllULA . .all
lar on each ?''.."
shoes, we - pr
pairing at '". Miu
city. Toun'w
Aug. 01'
"15 hOuiMs-'
Next door to