The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 24, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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r 0
Ill-hie and KMa Avre Klrrcni Rch fnfi I
feld. Carrie nnd KlUn Ross. Florcn.ei J I V ft I
Henhnm. Kara Slmuse and Mcssrw III I Ml
Dr. C. C. Taggert. Chester Wolcnt. . U I ilk.
Graduation Dresses
A. Y. Mvrs. (i. II. Dewey, uoj- .n
bolt. James Cuher. Kd. Ilolnn.
Jrulc. U. W. Leslie, Walter and
Charles Kchfeld, J. Tlndell, Clint
Krodellus, Joe Schiueddlng, Kd. Ln
dell, Kugene and Hownrd Kelley.
(Continued from Pago Two.)
Mrs. F. K. Hague, Mrs .! 1. Mull.
Mrs. Fannie llnzard, Mrs. Chas.
Kaiser. Mrs. K. Mlngus, Mrs. W. P.
Murphy, Mrs. Mary MeKnlgbt.
Mrs. C. F. McKtilKlit. Mrs. L. M.
Noble nml Mrs. Kugeno O'Coimoll.
.j. .j.
farewell social
TJnv ntlil MlS. .loll II Osllllltl illlll
family were recipients of n farewell
reception Wednesday evening at tlio
Swedish Lutheran Church parlors.
Thcro was a large attondanee and
the evening was made most enjoyable
by Impromptu speeches and miiBieal
numbers. Refreshment wore served.
At the conclusion of the evening.
Kcv. and Mrs. Oslund were presented
n purse of money ns n token of ap
preciation of their congregation.
They will leave soon for Minnesota,
where Kcv. Oslund lias accepted the
call from n large congregation on
Chicago lake.
The Misses Kdna and Jennie
Johnson, of Ferndnlo entertained
the Young Ladles' Aid of the Nor
wegian Church last Thursday eve
ning. A pleasant evening was
spent in sewing and talk, after
vllch the hostesses served refresh
ments to their guests.
Those present were Miss Elsie
Larsen, Miss Ulllnn llreincr. Miss
lima Mortlnscn. Miss Muble Math
ison. Miss Dlnn lljella. Miss Cora
Mnthlsou. Miss Thea Larson. Miss
Hnnnnh Sonne. Miss Alice Math
ison, Mrs. II. 0. Thorpo and Messrs.
Gilbert and Lawrence .lohiiBon. Pal
mer Olson, Olaf Klrkrelt, and O.
Tho Misses Mnthlsou will enter
tain the society .luuu ' nt their
homo In Hunker Hill.
xoitTii m:ii social
Tho Nortli IJend rresbyterlnn Ln
dies' Aid met Thursday afternoon
nt the church. Tho afternoon was
Uoval Auction lirldgo with
I Mrs. Dorsey KrolUor.
Ladles' Episcopal Guild with
Miss Maud Keed.
Methodist Missionary Society J
at Swedish Lutheran hall.
I Apron and Nleicei socini u i
Kastern Star. j
Jolly Dozen with Mrs. K. F.
.Murshllold Hrldgo club with
I Mrs. W. A. Toye.
I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. L.
I M. Noble.
i EustsKle sewing ciuu.
Young People's Society of the
Norwegian Church.
which Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. Mrs.
Henry Sengstocken and Mrs. A. L.
Dutz nio the committee in charge.
The new olllcers were Installed,
Mrs. Hluko being in the president's
ihalr tor tho first time. Arrange
ments ''or the picnic will be announ
ced later. Those present Monday
were Mesdames Make, McKldowney,
Nicholson, Adelsperger, llutz, D. E.
Maloney and Hanson.
The North IJend Thimble Club will
meet next Wednesday, May US, with
Mrs. II. K. Kennedy, of Sherman
Mrs. Adolph Johnson entertained
Friday afternoon complimentary to
Mrs. f, K. Oulovson of i'ortlnnd,
Mrs. V. Sparney and Mrs. E. G. I'e-
derson of San Francisco. The after
noon wns pleasantly spent In a so
elal way, after which refreshments
were served. Those present wero
Mrs. Oulovson. Mrs. Spnrney, Mrs.
Pederson. Mrs. Mngnus, Mrs. Eiick-
hoii, Miss Mnmie Oulovson, Miss Al-
Slcay Vnt lu sowing nnd con-; I.J IVnt...!. ,Bf-':
vcrsntlon. Those present wore Mes-
dnnies N. S. Mcl.eod, J. Mende, C. A.
Smith, It. N. Kmery. Chas. Murr, V.
Walters, 0. Ilartmnn, W. Watson,
Oco. Holster, K. C. Olndmnu, Kobt.
4 .
I Ai'rno.v mtiiKJi: ci.vw I
Tho Auction lirldgo Club mot
Wednesday with Mrs. H. S. Tower,
with Mrs. G. W. Kaurman acting
ns substitute. Tho prize for high
score was awarded Mrs. 1). C.
Oreon. The club will meet next
with Mrs. M. C. Maloney on
Juno t.
Those present Wednesday wero
.Airs. K. Mlngus. Mrs, Win. lllako,
Mrs. K. K. Jones. Mrs. II. M. Rich
ardson, .Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs. I).
C. Oreen. Mrs. 0. W. Kaufman,
Mrs. II. S. Tnwor.
.;. .j. 4,
MIsh Hilda West was hostess to
tho Forndiilo Sowing Circle Friday
nfternoon. The afternoon wns very
pleasantly spent In needlowork nml
conversation, after which delicious
refreshments were served. Thoso
liresenf weio Mrs. W. Richards.
Mrs. W. Spade. Mrs. R. Holm. Mrs.
C. J. West. Mrs. C. West. Miss Susie
Malcolm, Stella Pederson. Torn
Lund. Desslo Spnde, Helen Ilnuser.
Agues Hall and Mae Hall. The club
will meet Juno ; with Miss Elslo
!nrsen of Forndiilo.
;. .;. .
I ST. .MARY'S (il'll.ll
St. Mary's Oulld mo with Mrs.
John Horn of North Ilend Thursday
afternoon. After sowing, refresh
ments were served. The hostess
wns nsslsted by Mrs. Hurtle. Thoso
present were Mesdames Oothrow.
Kennedy, Hurtle, Hyler. Jno. I.enon,
Seldon Lenon, Ingrnin and Phil
ips. The next meeting will bo with
Mrs. Ingram, Juno ,r.
MIbh Violet Johnson, Evelyn John
son, Mrs. Robt. McCann.
Mrs. Kate I. undo, of Mnrshllcld
was honored by election to the vice-
presidency of the Reboknh Assembly,
1. O. O. F. of the State of Orogon, at
Medford this week, according to a
telegram received today. Mrs. Lan-
do and Mrs. Nellie Owen represented
the Marshlleld Kobekah Lodge at
the State Assembly. Tho position
Is not only nh honor to Mrs. I. undo,
but Is u decided honor to Marshlleld
and Coos County Kebokahs,
' !
Miss Myrtle I.ennot of Forndnlo
entertalnoil Thursday afternoon. The
afternoon was spent In sewing nml
tho hostess served refreshments to
her guests, who wore: Mrs. Myrtle
Mutson, Miss Stella Smith and Miss
Stella Jutstrom.
Tho Ladles' Art Club met Friday
nfternoon with Mrs. William Schroe
lor nt her homo In Nortli Marshlleld.
No special business was transacted
and tho nfternoon was spent In sew
ing. Refieshnients were served bv
Mrs. Schroeder, assisted by Mrs. J.
0. Kinney.
Those present wero:
Mrs. Frank Sumner. Mrs. W. Ross
Smith, Mrs. I). Vaughan. Mrs. F. A.
Hnlnes. Mrs. John Hlatt. Mrs. Lvdln
I.nng, Mrs. Nols Rasmussen. Mr, j.
u. Kinney. .Airs. F. M. Flye. Mrs. K.
I). MeArthur. Mrs. Win. Hoagland,
Mrs. Olivia Kdniun, and Mrs. J. W.
Tho club will not meet next Fri
day, owing to that being Decoration
day. but will meet Juno C with Mrs.
W. Ross Smith.
Mrs. John Hanson was hostess to
the Progress Club members last Mon
day at her homo on Elrod avenuo.
l'npors on Irish history, lltoraturo
nml music were read by Mrs. Han
son nml .Mrs. D. K. Maloney. An
amendment was made to the consti
tution (renting the position of cor
Last ovening, a large party of tho
Hnptlst Young People enjoyed n
nioonlK'ht oxcursion nml picnic nt
Jordan h Cove, the Allco II being
(bartered for the trip. Tho ovening
wns Ideal and tho outing one of the
most pleasant.
Those presont were:
Mr. l.Ild Mrs. K. F P.rnnf Mrs P
..!. .... a I I . . ---"',,.
responding secretary, ami .Airs. F. mi. .Marsh, .Airs. M. Ogren Mrs John
A. Tiodgon wns elected to tho plnco. ' Nngle. Mr. nnd Mrs. M.' J. Ander
Thls was the last rogulnr meeting son, Mrs. K. Kellor, tho Misses Inez
of tho jenr, tho year's program end- Haldwln, Kvn Dresser, Frances
Jug Monday. June l'. when tho club Frnuse, Lle Fox. Helen MeLnugh
wlll hold their uumtul picnle, of Mn, Alpha Mauzey, llmh Matthews
Miss Hlancho Lnudrlth will be hos
tess r.t n party tonight nt her homo
on North Coos River.
Mrs. Jno. Tellefson entortnlned
at dinner Wodnesdny nt her home
In Kastslde, complimentary to Mrs.
Krlckson nml Mrs. Victor Spnrney
of San Frnnclsco nml Mrs, Ous Ou
lovson, of Portland. 'I no guests
wero Mrs. Krlckson. Mrs. Victor
Spnrney, Mrs. Ous Oulovson, Mrs. K.
Krlckson. .Mrs. C. Magnus, .Airs.
Chns. Jordan, Mrs. Jno. Swnnson,
Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Chrlstensen. .Airs.
Cleo Pederson. Mrs. M. Hreen,
Misses Mninlo Oulovson, nnd
Hlancho Tellefson.
j. .j. .j.
Mrs. II. A. Wells wns hostess nt n
card party last Tuosday nfternoon to
n number of lady frlonds. Tho homo
wns beautifully decorated in rho
dodendrons and lilacs. Whist was tho
afternoon's pleasure and live tables
wero played. Mrs. R. A. Sartor won
tho prl?e.
At the close of n pleasant nfter
noon the hostess, nsslsted by Mrs. C.
H. Wells, served refreshments to her
guests, Thoso presont were:
Mrs. J. W. Hildenbrnnd, Mrs. R.
N. Kenton. Mrs. P. W. Dorfsnn. Airs
Tlios, Harvey. Mrs. K. F. i.i.Mionv
Mrs. L. K. Denning. Mrs. Kate Rny-
iiKiiiu, .irs. j. u. Kinney, Mrs. Wnl
rath, Mrs. Rltz, Mrs. M. A. MeLeod.
Mrs. Sylvester Jones, .Airs. W. Ross
Smith. Mrs. James Cownn, Jr.. Mrs.
William Murphy, nnd Mrs. R. A.
I ! I.
i:lks' daxci:
The dancing party nnd sorlul giv
en by the Klks Inst Wednesduy ev
ening at the Masonic hall was u most
delightful affair. There wns u good
nttondnni-o, music furnished 'by a
full orchestra ami light refresh-
Only Daughter of Emperor
William, and Prince Ernest
August of Cumberland
tllr Ao. Intel t'riM lo rno Inr Tlmrt I
ni.'ui.iw Mm- l I. The short,
Informal civil mnrrlage of Prince
nients were sored. A nun her of ,.,,. VimKt 0f Cuinherlnnd was
the Klksiippouroi In their white mil- ' ;.,,,,,, ,,, l:;(0 this ufteiiKon
forms. Aiiung those present were: k,,,,,1,,,,,,,,, ,K, mU,Hts who weie to
Miss (;nie Johnston. Miss Adtiee
Palmer. Mrs. W. S. Chandler, nnd
Mrs. Knrrlngor and Messrs. nnd Mes
dames Krank Pni-sons. W. A. Toye,
W. S. Turpeu, Chns. Curtis, C. F.
McKnlght, Kied Huclimnu, Kugene
Crosthwalte. K. D. MeArthur, D. Y.
Stafford, A. K. NMT. W. 0. Chand
ler, K. K. Ilnrgelt. Henry Wells, T.
C. Russell, Dan Keating. C. K. Per
ry, J. W. Ourdlner, Dorsey Kreltzer,
W. Ross Smith. Dr. D. C. Vnughnn.
J. W. Illldenlit-nnd, nnd K. I). Klet
cher mil Messrs. J. Archie Johnston,
Chili o Swayne, Oeorge Ooodriini, A.
II. Poweis. Ford Painter, llowhay,
Theo llradley. Dano. W. II. Kennedy,
: !
I wi:iiinx(is. i
Last Saturdny inoinlng nt 7 o'
clock nt tho .Methodist parsonage
Miss Harriet Wheeler and Lester
Sallng were united In marriage by
Rev. II. I. Rutle.lge. Tho wedding
wns u very quiet one. Thoso pres
ent were Oeorg- Wheeler, father of
the bride. W. S. Wheeler, grandfa
ther of the bride, Mrs. Amiindu Rose
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd Rose. The
young (otiplu left Unit morning for
II ood River, whore they will innko
their heme.
: :
Last Wednesday evening nt the
homo of the bride's sister, Mrs. Mllo
Sumner, In West Murshllold, the mur
tingo of Miss Selutn Howe, of Dora,
mid Mr. Snmuel Lloyd Leuthermmi.
of Ornvol Kord, was solemnized, tho
Rev. II. I. Rutledge olllelutlng. The
Sumner homo wns prettily decornted
for tho occasion, roses anil greens
predominating. The ceremony wns
performed under n bower of roses.
The bride wns gowned In white silk
crepo de chene. Miss Krnncls Suin
nur acted as Mower girl mid Miss
Kill tli Sumner played tho wedding
ma rch. Kollowlug tho nuptials Mrs.
Hownrd Savage assisted Mrs. Sunnier
In serving the wedding Hiipper.
Among those present were .Airs.
Ouerln, of Myrtle Point, Kd. Sumner
mid family, Ktiftis nnd Krank Howe,
Mr. Porter mid Mrs. D. II. Savage.
The young couple left overland
Thursday for Portland mid other
nothern points where they will
spend their honey moon.
Irving Chandler, oldest son of Mr.
mid .Alis. W. S. Chnndler. left this
week for Snernmento. where lie will
soon wed Miss Jessie Reed, n prom
inent Sacrnmeiito young woninii.
Tho ni.iioiiiicoinout cuiiio ns n sur
prise to many of Mr. Cliundler's nu
merous friends on the Hay.
.Air. fiiiimiier h innrrlngo will
rllKhtly precede thnt of his youngest
brother, Hon Chandler, who will wed
Miss Cecllo Wilcox nt Kugene enrly
In June The Wllcox-Chnmller nup
tials will take pliuo on tho Univer
sity of Oregon Commencement dny,
Mr. Chandler being a member of the
grnduutlng class. Tho wedding will
take place lit tho Kugeno Kplscopal
After short honeymoon trips, the
Messrs. Chandler and tliolr brides
will come to Coos Hny to make their
Mrs. W. S. Chnndler left this week
for California nnd will Inter bo Joined
by Mr. Chnndler nnd both will nt
t end th nuptials.
nttend the lellglous services nun
nssemhled In the royal chapel at
the other end of the castle. I he
room wns richly decorated with
floweis and ninny royul personages
nml persons of high rinik of nil mi
tions were present. The eoronioii
wns beautifully linpretslxe with dig
nified grundiier nnd when the rings
wero exchanged before the nllur. it
button- of artillery stationed out
side the castle fired the roal sa
lute. They weie married under the
rltet of the Lutheran church. The
ceremony seals n reconclllailon be-1
tween the dethroned house of I Inn-1
over nnd the Rouse of lloheii.ollern. j
A state will no given
nt the castle this evening, follow
ed bv the historic 'torch dance"
nnd the distribution lo guests of
"souvenir" garters. These nre In
the form or silk ribbons, bearing
the bride's liiltiul nml tho date in
gold letters, which modern delicacy
has substituted for pieces of the
bride's gurter cut up and distributed
by tho prim-en of royul fnmlty on
the point of their swords.
The bridal couple left Immediate
ly after for the eniporoi-'H hunting
e'eat at llubertiisstock, north of
Ilerlln. where they will pnss the
first week of their honeymoon. Mien
going for u fortnight to the Duke
of Cumberlnnd's hunting castle near
,. r-r.
.iib. tiiMiir spnrney mid .Airs. I
Pederson. of Snn Krnnclsco, wero
the guests this wook of Mrs, Martin
Hreen of Kastslde.
j. .j. .
Mlsa Ktlivl Van Zllo. nf Vn.i,
Rend, is expecting her school chum,
Mrs. Hornlce Stein, of Medford. Ore.,
todny. MIbb Van Zllo and Miss Stein
both wero born nf Cllntonvllle. Wis
consin nnd wero schoolmntes to-
getnor. binco tlion Miss Van 7Aa
moved to North Rend and Miss Stein
to Long nench. Cal., and thenco to
Medford. Or., where she now re
sides, Hotli hnvo been correspond
Ing with each othor slnco nnd have
not seen each other for ten yenrs.
Tho meeting will bo n mobt pleas
nnt ono for both,
Miss Kdlth Moreon, daughter of
Arno Moreen of the Smith company,
was graduated this week from Miss
iunii8 school In Horkelov. Sho
was the author of the words of tho
clnss song nnd wns prominent In
her class. Sho will Ko Kast this
summer mid enter Smith Collego
nt Northampton, Massachusetts in
the fall.
Mrs 0. Mandlgo. of North Hend
Heights. left for an extended visit
with relatives In tho Kast.
Mrs. Spnrney and Mrs. Pederson.
of San Francisco, will be ontertnlned
Sundny nt tho K. R, Hudson homo
on South Coo8 River.
Robert Kellogg nnd his bride of
two weeks nrrhed hero this week
from Raker City, en route to Myrtle
Point, where thoy will probably lo
cate. Mr. Kellogg being a civil en
gineer. Mr. Kellogg wns a star ath
lete at tho University of Orogon nnd
whllo hero, he and his brldo visited
with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Chandler,
(criiiiiii Royal Iliidc' CikIiiiiic Kept
Secret l. Kinprosx.
HKRLIN. May 2.. Kndlng a week
of brilliant festivity, participated Hi
by royalty, Kaiser William's only
daughter. Princess Victoria Louise.
Rnturdiiy bo married to Prince
Krnest Augustine, of Cumberland
Included muotig the guests nt the
function will he King Oeorge mid
Queen Mary of Kiiglaml, the Duke
nml Duchess of Ciimhoiinml, Oram)
Duke Constantino Couslnuovltch of
Russlu nml his duchess, nml Ihe
Oriiml Duke Dlmltii, a grand nephew
of the Duchess of Cumberland, moth
er of the bridegroom.
The (Ity looks like u fairyland, be
ing brilliant with electrical displays
at nigh: nnd waving hanneiH by duy.
.Much Interest (enters In the cos
tuino to bo worn by the princess. The
Knlsorlu (ommnmlcd the work done
by several Urnis, each of which had
to sign mi olllclul document pledging
tho Htilctest secrecy mid iigreelng
Hint no detail of the work should be
given out.
Hut it Is stilted Hie clothing will be
(hnriKioiizod by the quiet elcgunc(
displayed by the Kulheiiii In nil mut
ters Htirntoiiiil. Hy her expressed
(onimmid a number of lmpooiishoi
needlewonit n have been engaged to
work on the bridal Mil or point up
pllquo ami very expensive.
Kollowlug the wedding, the gown
worn by the princess will ln mi nx.
bHdtlon In n J bill In inusouiiu
Mr. Chandler also being a former
University of Oregon stur.
j. .;. .;.
Mr. mid Mrs. Stephen Rogors nro
oxpectod homo in n few dnys from
Tucson, Ariz., where they linvo been
spending the winter. They will prob
ably bo uccompnnled horo by Mr. nml
Mrs. Molchor Nelson, of Snn Krnn
clsco, who will visit nt tho homo of
Mr. mid Mrs. Nelson's nnrunts Mi
ami Mrs. Herbert Rogers, of Coos
w,,I,T- !InrrK" mid family nnd J.
. Ilnnagnn mid family enjoyed n
motor trip to tho Reach vesterday.
Mrs. M. K. Illldroth. who has been
spending several months with her
daughter, Mrs. Chns, Murr. of North
Hend, loft tills week for her homo
In Lowell, Muss.
L. K. Donning nnd wife left this
week for Portland nnd othor const
points for n few weeks' visit.
v :
Mrs. J. w. Dnvls. of Mm-shuni,!
spent tho week with Mrs. Hoy
Bralnmd, of North Hond.
Tho Mnrshflold Womon of Wood
craft next Monday evening will en
tortnln tho North Hend Women of
Woodcraft. Degree work will bo
rollowed by n social time and ro
rreshments. Mrs. b. Mlngus plans to loave
soon for n short visit In Portland.
Mrs. J. c. Swinford will lonvo
soon for a few weeks' visit with
uii-iidb in Portland. Miss Zolla
Swinford will vUlt Mlsa Dnzol Co
wan nt Allegany during Mrs. Swln
rords nbsenco,
v :
Mr. and Mrs. Krank Johnston anil
grmuh aughter. Miss Vivian Snyder,
uL rrm.1(i; ,S.Iont- nrrlve(l ""s
week to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm II
Sheppardin North Hend. '
Mrs. E. K. Morrlssey loft this week
wm !n ,h,eM Callfor'. where sho
will spend the stimnior. Dining hor
Wheeler will occupy tho Morrlbsoy
homo In West Marshlleld.
((Vsk i W ?te
Br Sf Wm f1-'
Wo aro now ready to show you an attractive as
sorlmont of White Dresses in Voiles, Marquisette arj
Embroidery flouncing just the thing you want f"
graduation exorcises.
Popular prices ranging fiom $6.00 to $18.75,
Ne.w Velvet and Suedo Pumps; also Satin Sfci
in Black, Whllo and all tho wanted evening shah
$3.50 and $4.00
Hub Dry Goods Co,
O'Connell Building, Phone 361,
mid Friday with Mrs, Myrtle .Matson,
of Marshlleld.
.;, .;. .j.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nasburg are
expected homo next week from Oak
land, whore thoy hnvo been spending
n month with Mrs. NiiHhurg's rela
tives mid attending tho mturiiigo of
her alster. Miss McOrnw.
: (
Mrs. B. B. Straw loft tills week
for Santa Harbarn, Calif., where on'
Juno I she will uttond tho mnrrlage
of her nleco, Miss Vivian Taylor, nnd
Hurry (1. Duller, a young couple well
known In Murshllold. They will
innko tholr homo ut Myrtle Point,
whore Mr. Itutlor In employed on tho
Smith-Powers roud.
Mrs. J. T. Hull will lenvo tho llrst
or tho mouth for Portland, whore sho
will attend tho Kiistern Stnr conven
tion. Mrs. Hull holds tho high olllcej
or worthy uintron or Doric unupior
mid will represent tho Murshileld or
der ut tho annual convention.
Mr. nml Mrs. B. A. Anderson nml
Miss Evelyn Anderson loft this week
for Hinilngnnie, Calif., where thoy
will visit nt tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs,
Krlc Wold. Mrs. Anderson will nlsn
consult speclullsts In San Frnnclsco
In hopes of gottlng rollof from nn nll-
ment which bns been troubling tier
for tho past year.
Miss Frnnces Ooldon, dnughtor of
Prof, nml Mrs. F. A. Goldon, who
Is attending tho Lincoln High school
In Portland, Is a mombor of this
year's sonlor- clnss nnd will grndunto
Juno 2fith, Mrs. Ooldon will lonvo
about tho tonth of tho month to nt-
toml tho eommoncoment exercises
mid visit with hor parents Col. nnd
Mrs. Lewis Oarrlgus.
Mrs. Thomas Guorlii, of Myrtlo
Point, who has been visiting this
week with Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Sum
ner on Cenrnl avenuo loft yesterday
Tor homo.
Mrs. V. C. Gorst mid children re
turned todny from Sncramonto,
whoro thoy hnvo spent six weeks j
wiin rointlves
visited nt Medford
coming via Rosoburg
4, 4. 4.
in ai
Gold Beach and Surround
Districts Unite for Impronrf
School Facilities
(Sncclal to The Timet)
WKI)l)KltIll'K. Ore.JUJjI
TI10 first olllclal high loo la
history of Curry L0i"r "
a nlno months' term d M
Cold Ilcach on tho tecoDd MonIU
September. lD13.Tbliliton
trt Ion Illuh School No. 1. toopW
school Districts No.. WW"
and li, organized under the W
lKl. School law. At the ,w
tloniii 1910."ffBCTui
r of n County Hgh ft
County Court cametopw"
,,,estlon there was uchacc
tween Port Orford and Coll t
both of whirl, had bonded og
now school houses th t '
never carried out he bM,w
peoplo In that election. Dunrfl
Reach citizens w drtjJJ,
have a IUrIj hoo TOj3
Kir a urn"" - . . j. tur
trlcts, hlch was carried BJ
led n tnx for 1913. our .rtf
beginning of "hVa2ee5
school year t began. Ai . ffftl
tho hoard this eek, JfO;-,0,rf
Kent, of Langlols , 11 w
teach the school. bh eu u
Denver University, W'o-'
been in Curry oun J &
Ho is ono of the ne eo
heen putting ne fe r,.st
County In the last three I 0 cd
JnB tho school growth, Ul
nnd" friends. They egac , JI "vould not ft
rd en routo homo, .nrdlt to back woods diwj
Mrs. J. T. McCormnc writos rela
tives horo that Dr. McCormnc, Fred
MeCorinac nnd horsolf will lenvo
nerkeley soon after Juno G for Coos
Hay to spend tho summer.
Mi3ses Stolla Smith and stoiin t
btrom of Coos River spent Thursday
.ATU et
Mr nn,I M Z & ir..nff nf UOlU?v"" ." L St ! H
Medford, arrived ' hero todny to ,'0 teacher8, and this year
innko their futuro homo on tho nay. ' i. ---
1 110 HUVU IWO BOnS OIlipiO Bll ,
1110 McDonald & VaiiKlin camp ni.
Daniels Creole and wished to bo lo
cated noar thorn.
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. A. Jonos nro In
recoipt of invltntlons from Mr.
Jones' paronts. Mr. and Mrs. D. R.
Jonos, of Clnrk City, North Dakota,
to tho wedding of tholr ilaughtor,
Agnes, to Rudolph R. Hruesko, on
Mny 28.
Mrs. C. C. Going nnd children
returned this week from a few
months' visit with relatives In
Portland. Mrs. Going also received
treatment from specialists whllo
thoro nnd hor throat troublo has
been overcomo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Parsons nnd
Dr. nnd Mrs, Housoworth expect to
mnko a trip to Golden Falls tomor
row. KODAKS mid FILMS at RED
10,8 ther: "his is
$000 each. Th
cheaper than an) tW
who Knows i