CONTENTMENT IS SWEET BUT IT NEVER WON A COMPETENCE OR SUCCESS OI00B vow is your time. mmt& A MiiiiHinl III Tin ThiiL'H wnnt milium tuny ljrliis yim results iiii mediately. Try one. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATl'D PRE9 BsacaccMi .. WVI Hslniiiwiicu in ih. VOL. AAAVI. Tll0 C(mst Mn Established In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. & Coruolldstloti of Times, Const Mall q 261 and Coos Bay Advertiser. LOST ARTICLES , .( fpiiinl through Times want inK lii'iul them! Use them! They pet rcMilts. K WILSON GUARDS AGIST THREATENED Requests Representative Sis son of Mississippi Not to Offend Japanese in Talk LATTER TO DELIVER HOUSE ADDRESS FRID v Recent Speech Caused Stir and President Wants to Prevent Outbreak Now II, - i.Hf'1 I'rtM l" """ nn' Tlmr 1 VSIIlVOTON. May 21. IM-ohI-,loni Wilson today sent Tor Kopro- rimhiiii of .MIkhIhhIiihI mill , Mil'" ' . , i ' urpcil Mm not to mult." nny speech tlllll VI. il'll OIIOIIII me Heiiwuiiiiiien of Inimn Slsson wlm recently made n V(II SpCCCh" had given notice 'of Ills Intention topcak in tho IIoiibi' Friday on th legal phases cr i.ii' liiimiit'Ho iilli'ii land iiiichHoii. IU iiml ii 20-inlnuto conference with lr siil'i Wilson, during which, liowi'vor ln iiHMiiriMl WIIhoii that ho imiil n' discuss tho ponding no cntlntioiiH ' touch on anything of an inn iidlnry I'linrneter. limiting hint fir o an argument on the alien land ownership. That was tho whim House version of tho confer ence ilmngh Slsson himself declined to innke any comment, declaring) merch Mint he would speak Krlilny. I Pn DiilKtii WIIhoii Is known to lie.; anxious iiiiom tho discussion In Con prm ni HiIh stugo of t!' Japanese (iH.tIoi) especially Involving nny clui rviitloiiH of racial dlscrltnlnn tlon, Bud-Wins With Ease Over New Orleans Man at Los An geles. Fight by Rounds (JUSDOAT WINS. I . SN FUAXCISCO. C'al.. Mny I 21 t the concliiHlon of n twon- I ty round go hero hint night, Gun lioat .Smith was given tho docl- Ulan mi points over .less Willard. I -- lltr - i lalM Prtti io Com lltjr Tlrow.l I.OS XGELES. May 21. Hud Anderson, tho Vancouver Cyclone, won with ensu over .Too Mnndot. of New Oil latin, hero last night. Mnn ilot ill I not hnvo n chnnco nny tlmo and was helpless in tho twelfth round ulien the Unlit was stopped. AniUr on's showing against Man dot wns ii revelation to the pugil istic fans here. Ho showed far su perior f rin to tho showing ho made "Kalnst Knockout Drown, displaying more inntidrnco and ring genernlshlp than hits marked ills previous exhi bition h lukewarm supporters heretofore are today moBt enthusias tic and dcilnro that oven Divers won't have ,i pin w ngalnst him. Tho light hy rout i , Itoiiml 1. Th' 'nted and hoth went nt it hamni . mil tongs. Anderson planted a temi i ft to tho Jaw that rocked Mandnt ,, i,,-.nil. Ho iinmedlntoly fol lowed v.ih anothor blow simllnr to this. Vniulot seemed awfully slow. This v.-s Anderson's round. Ito'iinil 2. Aiiliif-jii had things all his own jay ai.i lauded nt will. Ho shot his left which caught Mnndot on tho Jaw th .Hiauseil tho Frenchman somo trouble Mnndot reached Andorson'i Jaw wij fow rights .that lacked steam. Tils was Anderson's round. Itouinl it, Tho l v8 came to tho center eager ly. wltl Anderson nppnrently In tho Le"t slia') of his llfo, starting the f lung v Hi n series of left and right Jolts to Mnndot's face. Mnndot trle3 ' fight back but goes into a clinch to evad punishment. After the break "e trie-- long range work and man Ses to land a left to tho stomach f.M a rl8ht t0 fnco- Dud B''l,nB' l?K "s ' ' blows. They clinch again, m pf.g jiandot nlmost off tho "oor w.ti, rjght u,,per cuti ltouiul The Vancouver lnd landed nn aw ful 1 Mll -. t I ' J .l onn. In ",,t J .utiiiuui d juw tutu rem, & linril rlnKt . .l. ...In. I Immn, uiaip i ,t . . i,.... Ji., .""" ..fallfc IU 111U IIU l.llil.w lit. i iiinJioim Bccmuu iu iio "tie trouble in reaching Mandot'4 hil anr" '"idee! three times as the Du on lei tho round. Anderson' found a wide mark. , . ltouiul 5. Ullrl .IS'iGil Mnnrlnt tn !io TOI10S but v !i fopped for a moment by it IAHD0T BEATEN 61 ANOERSON left r,"l'l'iii lor a nioiiieiii u) u L,v v somach. He comes right K ftt I hammers Mandot's stom Sm,.V "' rlsllts nn,l lefts, forcing tho T ''r fr to clinch. Mnndot rlp ' .a a i f,ht to the head and tried ert if ' "le s'niach, but Dud block tieii. . b,ow nn'1 retaliated with a "(.nt to the jnV, the blow sending (Continued on Pago Six.) JAP WAR SPEECH JAPS LOYAL TO 1 Hawaiian Born Japanese do Not Take Advantage of Be coming American Citizens tlly Aft'it Utotl Vrrwn in loo lUy Tlmm 1 SAX FIIAXCISCO. Mny 21 Of the fill Japanese hnrii In Honolulu and eligible to American citizenship only 15 have availed theniKelvcH of thu opportunity, according to a slntoiuont of Gilbert I). .Metier, a Honolulu contractor, who arrived hero today. Tho Hawaiian IhIhikIh have n popula tion of Japanese lahorei'R estimated at TTdlOO. Motgor's ohservatlon Ih that tho Jnpnneso are absolutely loy al to their own government and do not euro to become Anierlcan citi zens. 0. S. REPLY IS KEPT SECRET Japanese Foreign Office Re ceives Bryan's Message and is Seeking an Answer .IAI Vli:V (JIVK.V. Dy AsRoclatod Press ' WAHlllXCiTOX. May 21. I i Advices from .lupan ludlcato that I ' the AniDilcnn reply was received In good spirit by tho .lapiinese 1 government and that tho sltua- l I tlou Is more favorable. ' 4. Illy AM' ll"l Vm 10 " IUjr TImf" 1 T01CI0. Mrj 21. Tho .lupaiu foreign office has received anil Is studying the reply of tho I'nlted States government to us orimiiiu protest regarding tho California fiiliui liiinl nu'iierMlilii leulslatloil. It declares that by agreement with Washington tho document win uoi be made public. Officials will make ii,. ..miiiiiiint mi Hie Hiibloct and no statement us to whether It Is sat isfactory or not. 'i'ii,. lnniiuouii niilillc lu nniinrentlv awaiting Information before express ing Its opinion on tho American re ply. Meantime tno press reiieriue thnt the question goes deeper than the ownership of land or tho niafc- ,.i n trntv mill timi It Ih ii racial dlsirlinlnntlon which must bo wiped out bv mutual education nnd under Btaiiding and fusion of Ideas. E. Member of Prominent Marsh field Family Succumbs To day to Lingering Illness Miss Ksthor Ois-on died at tho homo of Iter mother. Mrs. Mary Ogren on Xortli Second street early this morning niter n lingering Ill ness of tuberculosis mvl other com plications. She was 112 years old. Miss Ogren was born and raised i, .,., ,,, niiiinnirh Ill-health had prevented nor from being active, she won many friends who will greatly regret her demise. She lu survived by her mother, a brother. Warner Ogren, of tho .Nor ton & Hansen Company, and two sisters, Miss Ellen Ogren. of Marsh field and Mrs. K. A. Anderson, of Berkeley, California. The funornl arrangements will not be perfected until word Is received from Mrs. Anderson of Dorkeley. rninlsbes HoiuK H. P. Leldr who recently sold out his bakery hero nnd who was preparing to leave to morrow for Calif, to resJdo. was ar rested last night by Sheriff Gage as an absconding debtor. J. E. Edmunds of tho Coos IVay Wiring Company til ing tho charge against him on nc coiint of a bill for about ?200. I.elcl claims tho bill Is for fixtures In his bakery and that the purchaser of the bakory assumed tho liability. How ever, ho appered boforo Justlco Pen nock today and furnished bonds for $350, signed by Hugh Sneddon nnd August Frlzeen, for his appearance to answer tho suit. 1 1SS PASSES WAY TO TREAT ALL ON SAffi OASIS Senate Finance Committee Treats Livestock and Meats, . Grains and Flours Alike tllr Anno. Mlcl t'rrn In Coot, liar nmr WASIIIXOTOX. May 21.- Senntor Williams, chairman of tho flunuco sub-committee, which Is considering tho agricultural schedule, announc ed today It had been decided to trent beef cattle, sheep, hogs and their products, wliont and flour nnd oatmenl on an equal basis. If a duty is to be put on raw mnterlal, It whl likewise bo upon tho prod ucts or vice versa. The sub committee had decided to put cat tle, wheat, etc., on tho freo list with beef and flour. Senntor Wil liams denied, declaring It had not been determined on what basis all such articles would be treated, whether dutiable or iindutlnble. Tho Democratic uiemlierH of the Semite finance committee decided to day to hear no more tunnufiicturers on schedules of the I'tnlei wood bill, lifter next Tuesday nnd tnen begin tho actual work of revision. GIVEN GHEGK National Manufacturers' Asso ciation Present Kirby With Large Gift Today. Illjr ,inU't I'n.i Io roan I1r TlmM.l DHTIJOIT, May 21. John Klrhv. Jr., of Dayton, Ohio, the retiring president of the National Associa tion of Miiuufactiirers, wns presented today with u check Tor $10,000 by dolegntes attending tho annual mooting. Resolutions appropriate to tho occasion were adopted. ENGLISH RUSH TO GET Chinese Issue Over Subscribed in London Today Despite One Per Cent Premium llljr, l'M rri Io Coo lltr Tlnut, I.OXDOX. .May 21. So groat was tho rush of tho public to secure a portion or tho nef Chlnoso loan, which was opened for subscription today that tho Issuing hanks closed tho lists after loan was largely over subscribed. It wns quoted at one per cent premium by sellers. CENT SPECIALS P. R. Arlett, of Portland Con demns Practice of Marking Bargains in Odd Cents (nr Auo'litti! Preu to Coo D. Tlmet.J SACRAMEXTO, Cnl., May 21. A ban on tho prnctico of morcliants In advertising their goods as marked down to "9D cents," or "I1.C9," In stead of fixing the prices at round figures such ns $1.00 or $1.70 was nrpflii in- p. n. Arlett of Portland, Oregon, today In his paper on "Ad vertising From tho Public Point of Vlow." It was read before tho con vention of tho Pacific Coast Ad Men's Association. Titoruw: IX HAI.KAXS. (Dr AMOcUteJ rrm Io Coo Rtf TlmM.J OEXEVA, Switzerland, May 21. in vlmv nf n linssllilo conflict au'alnst Servla and Greece, a number of Bul garian university students, volun teers recently relieved from army service, and several offlcors, wore ordered today to rojoln their regi ments. Steamer HAIXDOW. will leave Marshfleld SUXDAV morning at K A. M. for AfJiKCJAXV,. returning, leaving Allogany nt I P. .M. This excursion will give thoso desiring this trip n chance to go and return on same day. VMlll 75c ROl'XD TRIP. SEE OCR WINDOW DISPLAY of "FOSTER and OREADS' " FIXE CANDIES. Then buy a box for your best girl, wife or sister. S1k will ap preciate It. LEWIS'. WOO ON INT TO W T New Yorkers Today Guessing About Plans for Defense of America's Cup tllr AMOilaict rrrn to Coo. lux Tlmo ) XEW YOKK, Mny 21.- With al most universal satisfaction prevail ing In yachting circles over the news from London that tho Xow York Yacht Club has accepted tho latest challenge of Sir Thnmns Upton to race for Anierlcn's cup, gossip was busy today regarding the probable plans for defense of tho trophy. While confirmation of the news was not forthcoming at Xow York Yacht Club last night, the word wns generally accepted as truo. The greatest satisfaction Is expressed that the coining scries of races will he held under the present rule of measurement and time allowance. It Is freely predicted that with 7'i-foot yachts designed under this rule, good sen-worthy boats will result. Instead of tho flimsy racing ma chines which participated In the last contest'. E Royal Observatory at Edin-' burgh Damaged and In struments Deranged (llr A.iorUlnl I'n.i Io I'ont lla; TlmM.l EDIXni'RGII, Scotland. May 21. -A bomb was exploded lu tho west dome of the Royal Observatory ear ly today. The astronomical Instru ments were huilly deranged, hut the building itself escaped serious dam- ago. The police declared that mili tant surrrugcttcs committed tho out rage. BALKANS CALL E Greece, Servia and Bulgaria! Prepare for Possible Three cornered Fight Soon llljr AwoiUteJ l'"M 10 t'oo IU) TIwm.J I.AITSAXXE, Switzerland, Mny 21. Tho Larevno states that Greek Htudonts bolonglng to tho recruit class of 10 M living In Switzerland hnvo been ordered to return to Greece to Join tho army. CITY TO GET WATER SUPPLY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL HAD CITY ATTORNEY (JOSS FILE OX WATERSHED AS POSSIBLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR .MUNICIPAL PLANT City Attorney John D. Goxs. pur suant to Instructions from members of tho Marshfleld City Council, has filed on the water rights of Clear Lake, northeast of Coos Bay, for tho city of Marshfleld. The tiling has been made with tho state water commissioner. It Is understood that others have filed previously on the water rights of Clear Lake but have lost out be cause they havo not compllod wrtti tho law. Tho Clear Lako water supply, ns a source of supply for tho city of Marshfleld, had long been conslder h timi tvna recommended In Engin eer nichardson's special roport as tho most foaslblo ono. Searched Homos. A woman from the Henessoy mine on Isthmus Inlet appeared before Justice Pennock to duy and wanted to have a minor thoro arrested. Tho minor lost a suit of clothes, bocamo irate and started In and searched all the homos In the camp, declaring somo one there had stolen tho clothos. The woman, whoso namo Justlco Pennock did not get, said that when ho xame to her house, she told him to go nhoad and search. When hor husband heard about it he became angry and wanted the mnn nrrestcd. As she had given hor consent for tho esarth. tho miner did not comrntl any offense. How over, sho said tho miner scanh'd other homes by forco. B I I I 111 UNDERTAKER TELLS OF PLOT TO MEXICO GETS Arranges for $100,000,000 From French and English Bankers to Finance Nation tllr Amo. Utcl I'rrit In ro Utr TlniM I MEXICO CITY. Mny 21. - The Mexican Congress early today gave Its sanction to an agreement for a loan of one hundred million dollars at six per cent. Tho amount Is guaranteed by US per cent of the customs receipts. The Mexican Xat lonal Hank Is to be the representa tive of the bankers In supervision of "the illsliiirsemeiitH. i lie loan bus been placed with French hankers, hilt It Is certain that llrltlsh Inter ests are participating. T AT Superintendent of Porter Bros.' Mill at Florence Victim of Runaway Accident ' (Special Io The Times) GARDIXER. Ore.. May 21. II. P. Dtjtton. superintendent of Porter llrothcrs Tidewater .dill company ut Fliirence, wns thrown from a buggy In u runnwny In (Inidlnnr last eve ning nnd was seriously. If not fa tally, Injured. Ho was hurt nbout thu head and concussion of the brain Is feared .lohnsoii Porter, of Porter Drollicnt. Is still here nnd today sent to Marsh lleld io have Dr. Dlx como to care for Duilon. Dr. Dlx Is expected to night, special arruiiKcmcnts being made for him to mnke u rush trip. Dut ton came hero from Floreuro to confer with Johnson Porter nbout matters. The rig was being driven by a driver from the livery barn, hilt he was not Injured, iio.Mit i.v cocitTiiorsi:, Attempt to lllow up Xeu Itiillillug I'rii-lintcil. York POrGIIKEEPSIE". X. Y.. May 21. j Two sticks of dynamlto were fnuud behind the radiator In the corridor of the Duchess County Courthouse todny, with caps iittaclw ed nnd it fuse leading outside tho building. OF Tilhmnnk Dllf tn Snil TodaV I iiiamooK uuu iu odii i uuciy Frnm Port and PatSV A SO Bringing Equipment Here Cnptaln Mncgenn of the Ifreakwa i... ... i,..i .i,, .i, 'i'iiiii. ,. ...i.i. i. ........ ii.iI,i.j uliannl IIIOOK Willi ruimi i"i"" .....m... , ..i i r.. .1... ,,...v i h Hnnil'i Should Via vo Balled this morning for Coos Bay. Sho had about completed loading when the Breakwater left Portland yesterday morning. Besides ho steam shovel, sho is bringing some small engines, rolls nnd other enulpnient. The Patsy Is also load- Ing ralroad equipment and will prob - ably sail from Portland In a day or two. Tho Breakwater brought In " nil'or oVuliiment today for Por- some inliior oquipmeni. ioua lor ui .,'.... fu.. .i Ma ,.,.rivnf engineers who are causing more or -"'- : .. loss gossip, generally Doing up wuu a rovlval of tho coaBt lino to Eureka, Is working between Marshflold and Xorth Bend back on Plat B. Ho has not given out nnythlng about his work lioro. Tho Terminal Railway company 111 nuoil lllliiwuiii u iv iuiih'b ' tho contract for building tho balance of Its lino on Xorth Front streot to the Xorth Bond limits. Four or Ilvo will soon nnnounco mo lotting are bidding on the work. ATTENTION F. O E. A'l moniborH of Marshfleld Aorlo Xo. S3S and visiting brother nro re quested to meet at Kaglos' hall, Sun day, May 25th, at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of observing tho annual me morial services. Dy order, C. C, GOIXO, W. P. M N D RAILWAY NEWS pnnc Dnv IS IS John J. Breen, Lawrence Fu neral Director, Admits That He Suggested Scheme millionairFwood knew not of it Says Frederick Attcaux, Dye Manufacturer. Paid $700 for "Planting" Explosive I Mr Amo. I.lli-.l I'rr.n In dion llljr Tllnr. DOHTOX. Mny 21. Frederick A. Atteaux. dye mnniifiieturor and co defendant with President William .M. Wood, of the American Woolen Company, In the dynamlto conspir acy trial, hired John J. Ilreeu, u Lawrence undertaker. to "plant" explosives lu the buildings occupied by the striking textile operatives, according to Ureeu, who tcstlllcd for the state today. Atteyix. the witness said, gayo him $r0ii before the dynamite wan placed and made a second payment of $200 somo time later. Iliccn testified ho had. said to Atteaux. If I were fighting those fellowH i meaning the strikers,) I would fight them by their own methods," Mteaux, lie said, asked til in If ho meant dynamite, nnd ho replied: Dynninlto'or unythlng else.' Ernest Pitman, of Audover, who committed suicide when the grand Jury began Its Investigation, wiih named by Ilreeu as the person who delivered the dynamite to Ilreeu anil to Dentils J. Collins, tho third do fcndnut, who yesterday turned state's evidence. On cross examination tho witness declared that he never had con spired with Wood, Atteaux or Pit man to Injure nny person or prop erty. Ilreeu siild he asked Mteaux ufler tho dynamite had been placed "If Wood knew anything about tho matter" and he said he did not. ILLIONfGIFT Harlan and Horace Peyton, of Spokane, will Handle Large Inheritance Themselves 'PI HI fjtllltll' I lltr llluittl It'll fl'ftlll KlWU i tit'- iwmin itiri ih"iiii ii win i'"i- j knue nil be of Interest here us Col, Peyton was the step-father of Mrs. .iiicoii ,i. mime, a ormer .m a run Held resident, and Harlan Peyton spent a year or so on the Day: n , ., ..,. , ,,, . ,(,.,tlvoIv .will bo "Horace nun iiarian rcyion., ::-' ...... -".' '.'.. . .-"! ' . ..... .'" given the management of a $1,000, 000 estate left by the death of their father, Colonel I. X. Peyton. Includ ed In the estate Is u seven story olllco building lu Spokane. Tho brothers have opened olllces In the building and uro starting to master the de tails of their big responsibility. Un til January 1. 10 1 1. they will liavo the active assistance of John II. Peot, who was associated with Colonel Pey ton for 20 years. Thereafter the Poy- lon iiuys will unve inn cuurge, hud- Ject only to hervlies of Mr. Pet In an nuvisory capacity, notii noys nave traveled extensively, but the boglu- lllmr nf III. tip Imulnnuu llvunrliill.'M n . '"ill H'lnilHi ,.'..... w diitts back only two years. Tholr tuiiin limit inn mil ji;mn, l nun ,ntw father amassed a rortune from mm)H ,imI mx mmv ,IIV08,lllontH , tho Snokane country, whom be was tho Spokane country, where ho was nn uuriy seiner. MANY ARE ARRI'-STED. i till V-Sl'VCIl I. W. W, Members - , , ... " , Talicu Into ( ustodv. 1' T '"' TT , ,'A ' ' hilhOX, X. J., Maj .0 - Hty-soven persons were arrested today In the vie nlty of the Price k mill, to which ho hands rt- turned to work vesterilay In the fiir0 of protests of I. W. V. luailon. who nre conducting tho strike. 'Uelvo lmilro strikers gathered In io ; streets near the mil to Jeer the returning workeis. Thero was no v,o)oilc0i t lUt,m woro ar. rested who refused to move on." FACES DEATH WITH SMI LI.'. Xciv Yorker Electrocuted Today fop Saloon Mulder. 11 AmotUUiI l'rm Ic Coo Hr TlniM J OSSIXIXG, X. Y., May 1 !. John Mulranoy was eloctrocuteil today for tno nuirilor or ratncK ah incen, of a Vow York salooiikoonur. Octolior a ,HJH l ui n nnii'iiimi 3, ion. Miilranny w edition smiling, j ieni io inn -- viiTin.' ivt 'iii.!iiTni:s. All porsons Indohted to me or the Blanco Cigar Store are requested to settle their accounts with roy Owon ut tho Blanco Cigar Rtoro at' once., as I hnvo sold the IiubI nctfs and must hnvo all tho accounts soKlcil by Juno 1. A. P OWEN. If you have anything to soil, rent trade, or want help, tiy a Wont Ail BOYS MANAGE