THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1913-EVENIMG EDITIOM. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. .MAI.ONKV Kdltor anil Pub. TA K. MALOXKV Xewi Kdltor Offlrlnl I'niMT of Con County. OlTICIl, l OK Till: CITY OP MAItHIIKlKI.D. . MATRIMONIAL. SCHEDULE FOR GODS LEAGUE DR KLIOT. who Is one of the country's most noted vlso men has offered the following advice to the youus who are thinking of mnttlniony: "You will hear some youus man say: I cannot lnlte a girl who has been brought up to do nothing for licrs'-lf and to have every :;ratl(lra tlon mid every luxury provided for her. to marry me until 1 ran earn in come which will enable hor to live with mo In that way. I have two re mar! h to make about that doctrine that If a girl has been brounht up In that milliner, the sooner she lias a chance to live differently the bettei for her, and secondly, that It Is only fnlr for n young man who loves a young woman, to consult her as to whether or not she wishes to marry him before ho can earn a large In come." Why not hunt up a girl with more qualifications? AMOXU THK SICK. 0 .Miss Ksther Ogreii. who Is crit ically 111, Is reported no better to day. Klton Meltln Is out today aHer nn Illness of two weeks. Miss Julia Holm, who has been seriously 111. Is reported Improving. .Miss Holm Is now able to sit up for a short time each day and when shu Is strong enough will he taken to California. Koy Cox, tho well-known logger. Is In town today. Mr. Cox will leave this week for St. Martin's Springs, for tho benefit of U Health. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. ' 4 MRS. WARUKN LAIRD anil MRS. ALKRKI) JOHNSON. Jit., of Co iiilllo are Marshllehl visitors. FRKI) WILSON has gone to Modford to attend tho Odd Fellows Stat.- as sembly. nivalis Arm. Alton Kardell. sou of Win. Kardell. while wrestling with n playmate, foil and broko his fore arm. Very Sick. Tho young son of .Mr. and Mrs, Win. Hubbard of FlagEtaff wiih reported very III today. Is Improving. Irving l'lttmnn, who was Injured In tho motorcycle accident at tho i-nce track Sunday, waB reported to be getting along nice ly' at Mercy hospital today. Hue Soon. Tho Tillamook, which has heon expected In hero for several days with the steam shovel to start tho Southern Pacific work In North llcnd, has not arrived hut Is now ex pected to reach hero tomorrow from Portland. (Jlveii Reception. The congrega tion or the Chrlstlou church Inst ev ening tendered Uov. '.. O. Howard and wife a lino reception In honor of tho opening of Uov. Doward'H Hermit) year here. It was a tribute to thu excellent and effectlvo work ho has accomplished here. Deal I'rogroxsliig No special news has been received regarding tho Kln-ney-Wllsoy deal despite the Interest felt In It hoie. 0. A. Sehlbrede, Sun day morning, Informed Coos Hay peo ple at Portland that It was progres sing satisfactorily. J. M. Kddy, Mr. WHsoy's Coos Hay representative, ar rived homo ovorlaud today from Portland, but had little to glvo out concerning tho deal. I'K.'HT RKTl'RXS Of Hie AndiTMMi-Miimlnt bout will be received by moods at the Itlauco Cigar Store- tonight. The schedule for the Coos County league's lit l.'l season has Just been perfected by Messrs. 1. H. Tower. Ar thur McKoown and O. W. Hilggs. Five teams made It dllllcult to draft and while It does not work out Just the way some of the teams wanted it at times. It Is believed to bo the best that could be done. The schedule for tho season which opens next Sun day and closes October " Is as fol lows: .-May -J.-itli. At Marshlleld Uaiulon. At North Horn! Coiiullle and Myr tle Point. Iiine 1st. At Marshflold North Hend. At Myrtle Point Coqulllo and Haudon. .tune Hlli. At Coiiullle Marshlleld. At Haudon Myrtle Point mid North Hend. .lime l.'tli. At Marshlleld Myrtle Point mid Dnndon. At North Hend Coqtililo. lime --ml. At North Hend Marshlleld. At Coiiullle Unndon and Myrtle Point. lime UDth. At Myrtle Point North Hend and Marshlleld. At Haudon Couullle. July lth. At Marshlleld Coiiullle and Myr tle Point. At North Hend Haudon. July Hllli. At Haudon Marshlleld mid Myrtle Point. At Coiiullle North Hend. July Utltli. At North Hend Haudon mid Myr tle Point. At Marshlleld Codiillle. July -JTtli. At CmuII!l Haudon and Myrtle Point. At .Marshlleld North Hend. August :trl. At Marshlleld Haudon. At North Hend Coqiilllo and Myr tle Point. August toili. At North Hend Marshlleld. At Co'iv.Ille Myrtlo Point mid Haudon. Augusts 17th. At Myrtlo Point Marshlleld. At Hanilon Coiiullle mid North Head. August tilth. At Marshlleld Coqullle and Han don. At North Hend Myrtlo Point. August :tlst. At Marshlleld North Hend. At Myrtle Point Hmidou mid Co qullle. Sept. 7th. At Coqullle North Hend and .Marshlleld. At Hanilon Myrtle Point. Sept. I Ith. At Marshlleld Coqullle and Myr tlo Point. At North Hend Haudon. .sept. 'Jist. At Haudon Marshtield mid Co qullle. At Myrtle Point North Hend. Sept. iSKili. At North Hend Haudon and Co qullle. At Marshlleld Myrtlo Point. October .1th, At Myrtlo Point Haudon and Co qullle. At North Hend Mnrahflolil. Al.OXtJ Tlll-J WATKKKROXT --- 0 The Hrooklyn. which brought ov er a load of spruce from Haudon for the North Hend box facton. left todav for Haudon. where she will load' for San Francisco. The Homer arrived In today from Sad Francisco with a cargo of gen eral merchandise and will take out coal and lumber. The Hreakwater Is due In early tomorrow morning from Poit'and. Tho Adeline Smith and Hardy sailed from here today with lumber cargoes. The Nairn Smith sailed last nlghf at 10: l.'i for Hay Point. Tho Filleld nrrlvod In at Haudon last night and the Haudon sailed from there today for San Francisco. This Interests Keiy Woman. A family doctor said recently that women conio to him thinking that they have foam lo trouble, hut when treats them for their kidneys mid bladder, they soon lecovor. This Is worth knowing, and also that Fo ley's Kidney PIUh are ilui best and safest medicine at S"ch times. Thev mo tonic In action, quick In results. 'Iney will nelp you. Owl Piv-vt lo tion Phnrniun. Frank l Cohan Opposite Clini'dlor Hotel. I'.iono 7i kakv to (iirr nowx to i;w. Hull AnileiHon I Ins No Trouble In Making Weight. I.OS ANOKLKS. May 20. Hud An derson, who will box Joe Mandot 20 rounds here tonight, had the easiest time of his career getting' down to the requited IMS pounds, according to the statement of his trainer. Karl Mohan. "Hud never again will go Into the ring as he did for his Hist Hrown light." said Mohan. "He Is being ta ken to the weight gradually, and will make It without dllllculty. He Is stronger now than I ever saw him." Mandot Is determined to have an- iitluii. i.limwrt ill .ton ItlviM'rt to nVOtllie his last defeat by the Mexican, audi unless Mr Carey innteiies Kiienio ami Hirers for July I. the winner of to night's bout will be Rivers' oppo nent on that day. Till: AXOKHSOX - MAXDOT Fight will he received by rouiuU mid rend from the stage at the Crand Theatre tonight. LIbby COAIi. The kind YOU ltavo ALWAYS USUI). Phono 75. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. fkjiit hkitrxs or the Auilei'son-Maiidot bout will be received by rounds at the Itlauco Cigar Store tonight. DRINK HABIT Kl-:i.1.ItI.K IIOMK TRKATMKXT Thousand of wives, mothers and sisters are enthusiastic In their prulso of OKHINE, because It has cured their loved ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can bo given secretly. OHHINK costs on lv J 1.00 per box. Ask for free booklet. Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank I). Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 7-1 Singer Sewing Machines We have thorn for rent or for sale. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sale. W. J. HIT, 11 Park Ave. Mnrshflelil. Phone iI80-X. The spring months often find a woman tired out. with pal.i In hae't. hips mid head, nervous and aleop less. Foley Kidney Pills qul.-l:l prove tueir worm ami value .is a healer of all kidney mid bladder ail ments and Irregularities. Tiny me a splendid roniodv for rhuma'U'ii. clearing tho uric acid from the Joints and system. Trv them. Owl Piecrlptlon Pharmacy. Franu I). Cohan. Opposite Clianller I Intel. Plimiit 7 t Phono 7 I You Auto Call Foote PHOXK 1 1 !.! XIG1IT AM) DAY Stand front of Itlauco Hllllard Parlor TWO XKW CARS After 11 P. M. I'hone 1200-1. Residence Phone .K-J. Careful Drivers : Good Cars Be Up To Date Onler your Suit from TODD ti78 Front St. The Tailor and Dress Expert I'lisinh Pioneer Rooming House I'XUKR XKW MAXAGKMKNT. Hoii.cKccdng .suites mid single rooms. Rooms with hot mid cold water. ."( cents mid up per day. PROFESSION! niRRMi B' i.VJAMIN' OSTMNIl, i 'ikllt-llliltlad t......u .....1 "ii-iMiuiK i.iiKiurrr mm i i AlMl oiiinicemeinit Aichitect, Phono KIIM, MuiNhflelil. Ore T M. WRIGHT, J CONTRACTOR AND Ht'lLHKR Kstliuntes furulshod on request Plans nud specifications furnished If desired. An Inmost job guaran teed. Phono 121-lt. TOKL OSTL1NI), J Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Stroot. Phone 103-1. pKRIi 1ULKY IIALIJNGGR Plunlst and Teacher Kealiloiico-Studlo. 237 So. Uroadwai Phono 18-L. YO. CHANRLKH, Architect. Rooiiin 301 mid :ioa, Coko Hullillnj Mmtdiflelil, Oregon. DR. W. .MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes lluilding, over Grna Theater. OIHco Phone 820, W.M. S. tuuphjT, ARC1I1TKOT Marshflold. Oregon pvit. A. J. RKNnrtY'M Modern Dental Parlors, Wvi are equipped to do high claai work on short notice ut tho very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bids., Op; Cbaadlcr IIo'.ol. phone 11--J. After a trip across the Pond and an investigation of the prospects and conditions in different sections of the United States, I have decided that Coos Bay in general! and Marshfield in particular, is the best place on the map, I have therefore concluded to per manently locate here and in purchasing the Blanco Cigar Store have definitely determined that this shall be my home. I courteously and cordially invite all my old-time friends and acquaintances, as well as all new ones, to call and see me in my new quarters and assure them that they will be welcome, I think that my many years' residence in this community is suffi cient evidence of my standing and my desire for fair, square treatment, The public generally and all my old friends in particular, are invited to make ''The Blanco Cigar Store their home and headquarters. Cordially yours, ROBT. MARSDEN, Sr., Prop. The Blanco Cigar Store, PIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY Choosing a Bank Is n matter I hat should call for careful consideration. Tho features which should bo vi tally considered mo: The financial strength of the hanlc. The condition of Its assets. The conservatism of Its policies. Tho IntoKrlty of Its directorate. The facilities It offers patrons and tho Intelligent courtesy of Its offi cers and assistants. It Is our nl m to excel and we In vite you to put us to the test In all these essentials. i H . FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OM)l-:ST IIAXK IX COOS COl'XTY. KstablNheil 18.SII. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Officers: J. Dennett, President. .1. II. Flanagan, Ylce-Preslilent. R. I'. Williams-, Cashier. Geo.' K. Winchester, Ass't Cashier. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A KKW TKX ACRK TRACTS FOL'R MII.KS'sOl'TII OX COl'XTY ROAD 8:13 PKR ACRK: SUM CASH, UAIiAXCK TWO YKARS. XO IXTKRKST, XO TAXKS, I-'IXK SAXDY I.OAM, I,KVKIi HKXCII I.AXD. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donaldl MacKiiratodhi RKAL KSTATE and IXSURAXCK. Abstracts, Real Estate, Eire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXRY SKNOSTACKKX, Jlur. Coqullle Otllco Phone 101 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfleld Otllco 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT Ll'.MHKK, LATH, S1IIXOLKS, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. -HOOKING PAPKR, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO IIY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 11)0. iH2 SOUTH UROADWAY The Big Strike Is when you strike for Sar tor's and got one of those delicious and refreshliiB drinks. Try ono of our "Cup Id's Dip. It Is a dream of delight. Barters drinks are always the best. We sell candies, too. Low In price, lilgh In quality. Electric Irons Vo have a few secouiMiaud irons In K"il working condition at $1.75. New Irons, $3.50 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 237-J 153 N Broadway Gray Auto Service l'isher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Blanco Hotel, 4G. After 12, 260L, Right Cafe. Marshfleld, Oregon, It Looks Good, Doesn't It. A corner In South Marshlleld at 51100, when others around it aro bringing $2000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Just Received nnothershipmentoftner Mysost and Primost Cfep Stauff Grocery (0t Pllnnn Mn "u iv J I 'ST lll.'f. ....? . liirj,,. sin,,,,,,,,.. Glass m.n.i.,.. ' ini i l.lti. Call and !. . "est designi In ,fc ."2". i two light to flw P, I" electrical luppliel. V,rTt BaniauUiaiw0l k Aug. Frizeen REAL IST.Vri: .N) vsiwva SoiiH- ba,ah tlly ,, Hill luii and rc.dw iUnion Storage Company Expert Packerj. carDeii pi...j Stained nnj Iltpilrei! Lcae orders nl nnm t HmJ Uldo In Ljiui UtiiWui'iiju passniKcr Cmllllnc. Stand it HI yers Cli;ar Store. TelephotiiH i i. J,1.'1' m-"leplionlI.Uet IghtCnfe. Cnreful dtltlnniW Prompt attention. Will m Un any time, day or night. LmtmC l'.ii.'it PL.. c. . .. rr jw, c .,s,u oiuro 10 meenutna mm uuaiB. City Auto Service wood Can, Ctreful Drlrm ul roasonanlo chargti. Oar cstt S III ko auywnere it kj til' btancs ulanco Hotel and Blua Cigar Storo. Day Phonn 7li:lll Night Phono 46. HAHKI'.H A nnonALK. cmtrWi Pictures &Framing Walker Studio Baby Cfioes) aby te See the new line of Itiby SV nt the The Electric Shoe Shop at ISO Smith llnudwj. The Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do all kinds of haullnk on short notice. W meet all train and boats and we also have the latest style Reynolds Piano Morer. W guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J 9-I First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor, Union and Montana Street. Puoua 131. North Bend, Or Unique Pantalorii KKEBSTSBSSS Aent for l.wvaru h. d Co Fine Tailoring. W " OMPHVTIIAL fSJ Bowling Alley! awxouTuniosTsiw" Tuesday Evening jspecialbjo Wi8yiiiiows 8. MArchfied Ffliw (S, DecQrating Co. .. .. ... ESimUhed. list mimes '-.,, f Phone IH.I, "1 -T Cold water- T o0g HOTEL M " O.A.Jle.nn.iw,, Rates: 00 cent i W hh Cor, lim." iMii.VDlNSE"3.- In our new location. ;, derS o,.enUra .MKHCHANTS w- T:"7,tTEAM' j. a. aoodwiijgyto s,r: 7o7 So. tira".- . iifitt'AIl" t.rti. 9 'V. ..nnOt V" - for any wfltcn ' v fltflTI E.C.BAP Fine Watch goo rruu --