iTCrTJs THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1913 ENING EDITION. 7.1 I Over a Million and a Half J& I Gallons of jllty I a The Standard Oil for Motor Cars yWml jTTfcv were used last year in lubricating " ' 6u,Silt' X&JL motor cars and motor boats. ( yiYfj m. ZEROLENE has won this popu- r ,Swtfi WiNWt? If i larity on its merits perfect JUSnffjt' '.&d!V illKsm, YrJ J lubrication. mwETM' MSBMf if MC: Dcalcrs 'yw SAN PRANCISCO f THE (NEW Stealer CAPT. If. HOSENHLATT, Master. Sails for San Francisco From Bandon Sunday, May 18. Till? SPEEDWELL la speedy nnd lias excellent passenger accom modations, largo clean and ulry rooms and electric lights mid wireless. " For freight uud passngo, apply, A. F. IMnbrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., 0t;l-(ll7 Santa .Marina llldg., Han Friinelbco. Mnrshflold. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Equipped with wlrelesi SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, MAY 17, AT 3 P.M. til PuthrriKer Reservations From San Francisco Must Ho Mndo l oO-l Fifo Building, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up HI hours before balling. iXTi''iMV rrn.iVBurtiiTATinv rn. t!"0N'R 4 ' ' EQUIPPED WITH iteamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TI.MK. 5tIM.(J ritOM POHTLAXD, Al'ItlL 10, 2!l, 0, M Y B, 10, IB, 20, "."l A.N'l) Htl AT 8 A. M. HIMXfj Vnoyi coos AV j j,, j(, MAY 2, 7, 12, 17, ' 22 AXD 27. tickets on Mdo to all Eastern points and Inforinatlon as to routes mill i-iilou nliivorfnllv fiii'iitshed. Plmne Jndn 33-L. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, AT 1 1:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 WXECTIXQ WITn TID3 NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND XnTrrn mniprn nTPiMami) rnMPANV. Iie 44 - h That Roof Fixed xow 8e COKTHELL PHOXE 8171. Why Worry Over Home Baking when you ran got so nuicli better bread, cakes, etc, horo at a littler cost than you can innke thorn for ami with nono of tho Inbor and uncertainty of all homo baking? All you need to do to realize tho truth of this Btateniunt Is to try our baking. Do It today, Coos Bay Bakery Tho placo for gokl goodies. Market Avn, Phono JI1-L I SPEEDWELL Re don do and submarine hell C. F. McOEORQE. Agent WIRELESS P. u STEItLIXG, Agent. n i? nfprawnnriR. Amnt. Ui ,---'-.1 New and Second Hand furniture sold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. D Phone 810-L Marshfleld, Or.. The Big Strike Is when you strike for Sar tor's and got ono of those delicious and refreshing drinks. Try ono of our "Cup Id's Dip. It Is a dream of dollght. Sartor's drinks aro always the best. Wo sell candles, too, Goodrum's. Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars !1 17 Central A v. Phono ara-L Pioneer Rooming House UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Housekeeping; suites and single rooms. Itooins vtlth hot uud cold water. flO rent and up per day. You Auto Call Foote ! riION'13 1 M-J NIGHT AM) DAY t Statu! front of Itlunco Hllllard Parlor TWO NEW OAItS After 11 P. M. Phono 2H0-L Residence Phono .8-.T. Careful Drivers -: Oood Cars .pR-?f-Ej-?i9.LiP.E.-?T0R t OKXJAMIX (1STLIXI), -' t'ousulllng Kuglueer and I Aichltect. Phone IO.-Mj Marshfleld, Ore. T M. ' J CO HIGIIT, COXTItACTOR AXD IlUILDKlt Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 121-R. TOE fOEL OSTLINH, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L pERL RILEY RALLIXGER Plbnlst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. W.G I. CnANDLER, Architect. Room 801 nd 302, Coke nuildlni Marshfleld, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Rulldlng, over Grand Theater. Ofllce Phone 820. W M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfleld. Oregon. R, A. J. HENimY'S Modern Dental Parlors. TCw are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Opi Chandler Hotsl, phone IK-J. WILL GONFIflM C S NORTH m:.D SWIDISII l.tTH RRAN CONFIRM TIOX SER VICES TOMORROW RV REV. .IOIIN IJ. OSM'ND WILL PRE. SENT CERTIFICATES. Tho following young peoplo of North Rend nnd lclnlty have fin ished the course as catechumens nnd will bo .confirmed and admitted to tho Lord's Supper tomorrow at the Swedish Lutheran Church In North Rend by tho pastor, Rev. Dr. John K. Oslund. Anders Ture Ellas Uendrlckson. Ernest Rudolph Wlttlck, Elvern Ag nes Rorglund. Lydln Susanna Hlom qulst, Solum Elizabeth KJollman. Eilek Victor Hlomqiilst. John Elmer Johnson, lna Johanna Davlda John Hon. Anders Albert Anderson. Agnes EHda Sandlno. Elsio Sophln Sandlnc. Robert John Sandlne, Andrew War ner Sandtjulst, llolga Natalia Nel son. Ill accordance with tho nnlvnranl custom of tho church they will each receive a handsome hlliln nmi n m. tlflcate of confirmation. The spring months often find a woman tired out, with pain In bae'e. nips and head, nervous and sleep less. Foley Kidney Pills qiilefclv prove their worth nnd value as a healer of nil kidney and bladder ail ments and Irrogularltlos. Tluv arc a splendid remedy for rhmiiuatUm, clearing tho uric acid from tho Joints and system. Trv them. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 71. Electric Lighting Means Real Home Comfort Ono hundred years ago the family gathered iround tho dim light of a tallow candlo or drew up as closo as tho heat would permit to tho flickering light of tho old-fnshlonod log flro. Rending or sowing at night In those days was a hardship llttlo wonder our ances tral eyes failed before tholr tlmo. Today a single GO watt tungsten (Mazda) electric lamp will glvo 4S times as much light bb tho candlo of a century ngo and tho light Is stoady soft whlto Electric light is the first aid to homo com fort. Did you ovor Investlgnto Its cost? It will surprlso you to know how llttlo It costs to wlro an un wired houso. Telephone 178 and let us submit an estlmato on your property. Oregon Power Company Second and Central. Marshfleld and North Bend Auto Line GORST .ft KING. Prourieton. vi?" l y v' ij.Vy' A & LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7:16 A. M. 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:46 12:30 1:15 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:16 6:00 6:46 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. FARE, ROUND TRIP, 25 CENTS Leave North Bend Allen's Newt stand. Leave Marshfleld Chandler and Blanco Hotels and Busy Corner. The Favorite The follow Inn noetn nnnenred In I the Atlantic Monthly In 1S70 and was written by Frederick Woodsworth Lorrlng. who was killed by the In dians In Arizona In 1871: This selection was made by Mrs. I S Kaufman, n member of tho Mnrshlleld Favorite Poets Club. IN THE OLD Clll'RCHYARD AT FREDERICKSRCRG. In the Old Churchyard at Fredericks burg A graestono stands todpy. Marking the place where a grave has been. Though many and ninny n year has it Been Since Its tennnt moved nway; And that quaintly carved old stono Tells Its simple tale to nil. "Hero lies tho bearer of the pall At tho funeral of Shakespeare." There In tho church yard at Freder icksburg, I wandered all alone, Thinking Badly on empty fame, flow the great dead aro but a name To few aro they really known. Then upon this battered stone My llstlesa eyo did fall. Where lay tho bearer of tho nail. At tno funeral of Shakespeare. Win. Brnndnl of Nutloy, N. Y got nutty when his wife begnn her spring cleaning nud drowned himself in n pond. He left his wife n nolo which read: "I can't heat carpets or clean, ami It ain't no uso of you trying to mnko me. When you get this I hopo you will glvo up your habit of clean ing house every tlmo you hear a robin sing." Poor devil. But how could ho do It Just nt tho opening of the baso ball and llshltig season? Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. LEAVE NORTH nEND. 7:00 A. M. 7:45 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:30 12:15 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 5:30 6:16 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. ii m, -y' Poet's Chub There In tho churchyard nt Freder icksburg It seemed as though the air Were peopled with phantoms that h ept by, Flitting nlong beforo my eye, So sad. so sweet, so fnlr; Hovering about this stono, . lly some Btrnnge spirit's call, Whete lay a hearer of the pall, ' At the funeral of Shakespeare. For In the churchyard at Fiedcrlcks burg Juliet seemed to lle, Hamlet mused and tho old Lear bell, Beatrice laughed and Ariel Gleamed through tho skies above, As here, beneath this stone, Lay in his narrow hall, He, who beforo had borno tho pall, At tho funeral of Shakespeare And I left tho old churchyard nt Fredericksburg, Still did the tall grass wave, With a Btrango and beautiful graco, Over the sad and lonely place; Where hidden Iny tho gravo; And still did tho quaint old sjone Tell Its wonderful tnlo to all: "Hero lies a bearer of tho nail. At tno funeral of HiiaKcsiiearo. r The Woman's Corner Edited Under tho Auspices of tho Women's Christian Temperance Union of Marslilleld. Till: TIMES ARE (JETTING READY. Tho times are getting ready, Tho counter-marching vans Along thu paths of nations Move straight at nod's own plnns,i And he has not forgotten Tho land wo love so well, For Ho new Mags are lifting I Upon her citadel. I Tho times are gottlng ready: O, say not, they nro slow. The Master plans the battle, Enough for us to know; Great thoughts aro his battalions, I Transverso their liner may be, But Hank and wing and renter, i Tlioy movo my laud for thoe. ' Tho Umes nro getting ready To lay our Ihistllo low, And drlvo our llvensed Bourbon I Out of our night of woe. 'I Selected. Thoro Is a welcomo for women on tho moral battlellold of life. Sol dlore nro needed, now recruits oagorly sought. No class of workers outrank women In opportunity. A noisy famo Is not to he nttalnod, but a thousand homes will bo your own nnd ton thousand hearts will bloss you In thti glorious harvest Hold of Christian work. Frank E. Wlllnrd. Piolilliltlon'H Onward March. Ohio: Eighty-live por cont of tho stnto la dry torrltory. Out of tho olghty-olght counties forty-llvo nro dry and In tho forty-thrco wot coun ties, by tho locnl option law, soveit elghts of tho torrltory Is dry. Texas: Of 249 counties 176 nro under prohibition, twonty nro wot and Ilfty-four partially wet. In many of the latter, howovor, liquor Is sold only In tho county sent. Oregon: Of thlrty-threo countlos, olght nro dry, and thorn Is an Increas ing niimbor of dry towns. Now York: Of tho 923 townships, nearly ono-half aro undor no license, and 200 undor partial llconso. South Carolina: Of forty-throo lountlcs thirty-six nro undor prohibi tion, while tho romalndor hnvo dls ponsnrles only In the principal cities, Inmost countlos, only tho county sent. Missouri: Out of 114 counties olghty-Sovon nro wholly or partially dry under locnl option nnd tho pros pect Is good for mnny moro this year. Nebraska: Out of ninety counties, thlrty-ono nro dry. At tho present tlmo about ono-half of tho population of tho stato Is In dry torrltory. Alaska Iuib pussed a law enfran chising Its women tho mousuro em bodying a provision which oxompts thoui from Jury sorvlce. A Tribute to Frances E. Wlllaid. 'And when tho last blow shall fall, when tho last saloon In America shall bo closed forever, and when tho whlto ribbon shall lluttor with tho stars and stripes In every hrcoio throughout tho whole of Columbia, then wo shall bo able to appreciate more fully the llfo and service of FrancoH E. Wlllard, and to render her a more littlug me morial. .Mrs. T. Wlngato Andrews, Supt. of schools of Rolds vlle, N. C. David Livingstone's last written words, "May Heaven's rich blessing come down on every one American, English, Turk, who helps to heal this open soro of tho world. RIDDLES. I QiiChtlon. 1, Speaking of cards, what man over had tho only deck In tho world? 3. What Incandescent lamp weighs tho least? 3, What two animals aro with yotr untll you meot with an accident? 4. Behead to spring and leave ,i short sleep. I. Why Is n married woman un ablo to always keep her husband at homo? Answers. 1. Noah. 2. Tho ono that's lit Is always llghtor. 3. Your calves. 4. S-nap. G. Tho tldo (tied Is bound to go out. BETTER THAN SPANKING Slauklof dot not cure children of td weltlnr. Tbcre M t conitltatlonal uoe for tlilt trouble. Ur. II. Summrn, Dot W, Notre Pime, la J., will ttai free to inj toother tier luccruful boaie treatment, wttb full In.tructloQ., Keuil no inoner, but rlte her tclij If rout children trouble you lu thle wi. Don't tlune the child, the cbtncM r tt can't help It. TbU treatment alu cuma adulu and aged people troubled with urUi dlfflcultlM br it J or nl(bU