THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION. '73-m r" Wi. .Ck -0. :U rfi. Op fly THERE'S a lot of style to this young fellow; every line and detail of his clothing is just right; from the smooth, snug collar, down the long, soft lapel, to the jaunty two buttons, and down to the tips of his toes, he's dressed just right Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes, of course; there's no other way to get that clean-cut air of dis tinction; even your made-to-measure men don't get it; not when you pay $ 1 0, $ J 5 or $20 more for your clothes. "Wo have just such suits' hero at $18.00 and up; we'll do especially well for you at .$25.00. WOOLEN MILL STORE This More Is tJic homo of Hart SclmlTiii'i- & Mnrx clot lies IPCWk SOl'IAI. CALENDAR Friday. Murshflclil Bridge Club with Mrs. Perhnm. Pnst Matrons with irs. Orn MrCnrty. MAY TIDKS. VE ON BREAKWATER ii H sctico of n niombcr of the troupe, the Cleo Madison compnny did not piny nt tlio Mnnnnln Innt tiliflit lint Hila nv. Below Is given the time and eiilng will put on "The Barriers," nnd ' STEAMER ARHIYES FROM PORT height of high and low water at tomorrow night will present "Znzn." i l,AXI) EARLY TODAY WITH Jif hi i . i .i . ,l"' Property. C. W. Wolcott has The tides aro paced In the order nrci,'nBed the residence property of of occurrence, with their times on Mra, A u. Stnra nt nmdwn. ',, tho first lino and heights on tho ,,lrcn for nljt)Ut $3 000 ,,w, ht .... .....: .i . uu,, ,....,..- wolcott lias purchased a lot on Iftntl nti nun nnntlvit linlirlita will n .. ... . . .. xi. wuii kwioiii, .inii.u .I... Mnurii llroadway, near .lohUROIl, 00. Indicate whether It Is high or low from w, j Co8moj., for about $000 water, r'or high water on tho bar, .... ,..,, ,.,, . subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. ' " JLT'r V'T.'.T" ,d.,"?i'' liAIUSK LIST BRINGS ItAll.ltOAl) MATERIAL. SOMB lG!llrs. Ft... 17Hrs., IFt. . . 18 Hrs. , Ft.., 5.22 1.0 0.01 0.1 0.1,1 0.4 11.43 4.9 li.lG 0.4 7.07 0.0 5.19 1.1 12.11 5.1 1.10 5.1 0 q oiiuuiiuu aro lecang miner cinicu 00 today ovor a case which they won gQS In Circuit Court nt Coqulllc. C. It. jj3 Harrow, of Conulllo, was suing mum nun .iiiuk uiimuii ami ouicis, for ten per cont of tho nmount they recovorod from the Pulaski Coal ens l.C Tho Ilrenkwator arrived In this morning from Portland with n Inrgo list of passengers nnd a good cargo of freight, Including considerable rall load equipment for Porter Brothers nt North Bend. Among thoso arriving on tho Hrcnkwntor were tho following. Mrs. auloson, Mndgo Harry, 13. I). Noonnn, Mrs. Noonnn, Edwnrd Noo nnn, O. W. Holllstor, .homns Horry, Mrs. E. O. Krugor. Mrs. Gillette, II. T. Aldrlch. Edward Hnll. L. P. Company on miner Hens which ho, Gray. H. G. Freemnn, A. L. Murphy. iiiuu iur wioiii inn niey coiuesieii , f. J. l.cavltt, V. K. Ttlttlo. Mrs. C. his fco nnd through Chns. I. Kel- WEATHER FORECAST. I oniTaVN-Fnlr tonight and j ," defea " In Circuit Court. ncMioy noer. I', s. Dow, who returned tho night boforo last, re ports that a number of women at Saturday. Light frost in cast tonight nnd warmer Saturday Northerly winds. 1 Koyes, Mrs. Nnrcross, A. K. Towor, E. A. Towor, Mrs. Towor, Miss Towor, .Tohn Palmer, II. h. lion- hclmer, J. Stownrt, W. Wcbrlght, A. S. Hammond, J. A. Fltzpatrlck, LOCAL TEMPERATURE maoim. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. m., Mny 10, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 55 I Minimum 37 I At 4:43 n. m 38 I Precipitation 08 Precipitation since Sept. 1, I 1012 00.23 Precipitation same period Inst yenr 51.94 I Wind: Northwest. Clcnr. , Coaledo uro entitled to n mednliF. Smith, F. Smith, Jr., Mtb. F. from tho W. C. T. U. for their of-1 Smith, A. W. Nystrom, Geo. Mc fectlvo tempornnco work. WhoniCrne, E. II. Mnuro, .1. M. Pnttlnson, tho train was passing through there. M. Nnrcross, Carrlo Wilcox. Agnes n number of loggors on tho train dropped sovornl bottles of beer out of tho car window for loggorH who ' wcro expected to pick them up. Some Coaledo women who wcro nonr tho track frustrated tho plan by following tho train and smashing tho bottles of beer on tho rnlls bo foro tho thirsty loggors could get . to them. Caprrlght Hart Scb&ITncr & Marx GOOD NEWS For the dyspeptic or any man who has stomnch trouble or In digestion Is tho fuel that n dose of Ad-lor-1-ka will give al most Instant relief. It Is a great aid In caseB of appendicitis. CALL AND GET A FREE BOOK Idling of tl.e treatment for appendicitis. Seo our window. i Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US la shelle is held. A Portland paper sayH! "W. T. La Shelle, the Coos Hay man who was re cently arrested by an olllcor from tho United States marshal's olllce, was or dered removed to Wnlla Walla by Judge Bean In tho fedornl court. Ho will bo tried there next month for violation of tho Maun white slavery trnllle net." Jury Cased Litter. Judge Coko Is cleaning up a largo amount of bust- Itnao rn ftlln nnnni nnUmlnH 4 fin. To North Bond. Tho members of n.,nin mui mm.' n n.iin,,.... ,,.i tho Methodist Brotherhood will go to ?,IBOVor Vnvs aUho. Jh t In ?, rv North Bend tonight In a body to hear f "5,"rSi l? ""i1,0, LRJ' .," ? JA'" the Ilev. I.owtaB, who Is holding ro- of ,ho nfi 8 . 'from '.."; t"i ""0 of $5.00 yesterday to City no- llglous services there. "', nc" "c 8, J10.,1'1. '' r.r.?iVI-Mri """'ler Biitlor for falling to aecuro . .....v ...... .n ......... .v..u...... .in ,.,,., ,. ., .,. . .... Buhrmnn, Mrs. Itclchorts, A. K. Warren, A. II. Flotchor. L. I). Dud rey, S. Wilcox, John Buhrmnn, F. Morse, Mr. Dnvls, B. J. Itynn, II. h. Hesborllck, J. W. Morrill. 11. M. Shlrloy, B. Ivorsen. K. Krngstorp, A. Hallor, Wm. Dlmmlck, I). A. Donaldson. Miss M. Flnzolberg-. Mrs. Osborne, Helen Hush, C. Osborne",. J. Slmonds, C. Kurtz, II. Knsmoyer, C. II. Winchester, C. a. Froy, C. O. King, A. W. Wofchell. H. Judoll, Hov. Munro, Hugh McLnln, W. D. I.lnvlllo. C. R. Griffin. L. W. Lo- ilnnurlrk. J. Jncobson. J. Carlton. ArcYb shop C , o w n?W m"S !$? w Zl hill bSntannht I H' '"-''''". Hold, Juno 29, on tho feast of St. ",' n fh0 courta nn? recently tho1 M','""1t, '"'"" V. C. OorM la Peter nnd St. Paul, for conflrmn- ,, " ' ,non I 0. ",n' . f.V'S ol,,oc,P'1 1, ,omlny " tho A' M- u.uuiiniiii:, wviiiiuiiui iui uiu ainui- lllin I1III1 IIIHIIIIHHCII 11I1II1 .IIHIO ! . Icnn llnntlnt Publication Horlittv. Ih ., T.l ti.Vi .in i " T.. ""'i. ero is inviling 1110 Ollior In Marshlleld visiting tho enurches from RugSno to try some cases Sh Hen I In Wk Fourll. of J. w nnd pnniiniiultv. II w III nss st Hov. whirl, in.i rnrn n.,l,i .,n i,o .r:n l.(na '" n UK i ourtll of July Hall In his work on tno Urollno and ,,.,, mlM n(.tllI.IIN,,.:(, '. I HnKo I'm oxpects to be on tho Hay aovoral ono of tho ,)0Bt kllown ,mvgntorH I). O. Green ORPHEUM TONIGHT wllISl'i:Ui:i) WOHD A poworful drama. 0VEU TIIK HACK FRNCR nnd DON'T MR TO YOUIt HUSBAND Two Hlde-spIlttlng comedies. AllTIST AND THE BRUTE A thrilling wild animal picture ADMISSION TRX CKXTS. TONIGHT nt IEe Royal Mail. Ili'is(.y Company pro r"u,,K bat scirniuliiK fairo- cunu'iiy, "I in i.'ip ?l a inn.. I....... n .ii .A t...i 'ler h8 wiro lovea hln, or your irienuv Como nnd seo. tWO fw.t f ,, um. pt.IM., ; "ojal is tho placo to go If i van ,n ., '... ,.. ... .. " " ova uiu uubi hiiuw ,B city and nt tho snmo tlmo lour money's worth of laughter. tu nn ..rt . t. ... 'tn to g00l, muslo and thnt l8 """ )ou near at tho pop ular show house. VLSIt ac. 'llnlconv 10c. fdics of Coos Bay win rind our JJCATESSEN a great convenience, louav u' i,... P1E IIAKIII) BRANS ' SAIUDS COTTAGR OHRRSR P In for n cup of ten. 'we House Bakery .formerly t.pIH'b) Saturday Special 42-Piece Dinner Set $3.98 Benutlfiil Gold nnd Dainty l'liual DtH'omtlon IteineinlKT this price Saturday only "ALWAYS SOMETHING NKW." Peoples' 5-l(M5c Store TUUTHl'UL. Tho bnnuuot chairman thus bognn, To prove ho was slncoro: "Wo hnvo with us tonight a man iVlioiniuiovvnntiBto h tuto In Mnrshllolil, Ore For par tlcuhirs address I. llongland, Shel Ijurn, Ore. weeks. FOIt HUNT Two nicely furnished bedrooms, with bath. References. GO!! So. 11th St. I'D It SAM'' Choice- roM'.s and HlacH. Phono 174-X. FOB HUNT Modern I roiiut lumen- low with bnth. C. W. Gardner.! Phone L' 10-X. Eighth St. South. WANTRD Von to consider n 100 per cent, por year, poultry plant, well established, good equipment, best of locntlon, ready market,' reasons for selling, price, stock at Inviili'n 9inn Rliituinnti X- Pn 1 1MS Broadway, Marslitloid, Oregon, nil. John W. Motley nnd rccno Inst ovonlng nttonded a around tho Bnv nnd for years n rcsl- meeting of tho North Bond Commor- Sundny Picnic. Arrnngomonts dent of Empire, whllo on tho tug clnl Club nt which $500 was pledged have been mado for a big picnic Klyhlnni of Rmplro nnd Inter on towards tho advertising campaign nud dance nt Strang's Grove on tho Glenuor, has retlrnd as an on- which will bo mado through tho Catching Inlet noxt Sunday. Captain glnocr on ono of tho Port of Port- Southorn Pacific Community Plan MnttKon of tho Wah-Ta-Wasa, has innd tugs to return to Gardiner nnd proposition. nrrnnged to leavo Mnrshlleld nt 0 tako a position as onglneor on tho' Kmv Miinngcr. Clniido Hockott. o'clock In tho morning and will re- tug Glcnnor. Ho enmo In todny w,1 ,mB ')Con assistant mnnngor of turn In tho evening. A fluo bow- from Gnrdlner on his first trip. Mr. '"o Southorn Orogon Company nt cry bas been built, good music will Wnllnee. who has been engineer Kmplro, hns taken tho position ns bo. furnished nnd an olegaut picnic of the Gleaner, will go to San Fran- malinger of tho North Bond Box nnd outing ground provided. A gon- cIsco. Mr. Hansen Is n brother Factory In placo of II. Y. Pyo, who oral Invitation Is oxtondod to the of Jens Hansen nnd ho wns warmly l'na resigned, public to attend. wolcomod hero today by his ninny1 MIm.m! Ills ly. Today Marshal Honor Mt'liilii. Hugh Mcl.nln of frlonds, who nro glad to seo him Carter Is looking for n stranger Mnrshflold wns elected Chief Warden return to this section. who bought n tlckot at tho Break- of tho Oregon Knights of Columbus) No Game Sunday. It wns stated water office whllo tho office wns nt tho Stnto convention of tho order, which has Just closed. Mr. McLnln, T. II. Bnrry nnd Itov. Father Munro, tho delegates from Mnrshllold council arrived homo today. It Is quite un honor for Mr. McLnln. Whllo away, they mado arangomcuts with tho Port Council of tho Knights of Columbus to send n degree team horo to put on tho Third Degreo July 20. A Inrgo class Is to receive tho work horo and a big time will bo arranged. Clnmgo I'lnys. Owing to tho nb- I'Olt SALE llit'iip If tnken at oiico, f Htovo nnd othor housohold furni ture, corner 120 Birch nnd N. Brondwny. FOB HUNT Four room house in, South Mnrshllold. Big yard for nlilM.'ima nml i.nnlnn $10 Aft tini.' month. Coos Bay Itealty Com pany, 150 Front St. Wedgewood Stoves 2 Ranges WANTED HniiMiu-k-week. Phono 22-X. by day or FOIt ItENT I'linilslio.I anil unfile nlshed rooms. Cnll 3C2-H. DRESSMAKING First clans ilress mnking douo at Ladles' Emporium, .crua today that thero would bo no practise crowded and then Bllppod out with gnmos bctwoon tho North Bond nnd it pnylng for It. Ills nnmo Is Marahllold league tonms, as wns pro- known nnd so Is tho number nf his posed, ns Cnptaln Denny Hull wants tlckot and tho latter will bo can to prnctlso somo secret signal work, celled when ho presents It. In consequence, Mnrshllold will prob- GcIn Posliion. Word has been ably prnctlso at homo. Nenrly nil of received horo that E. It. Potorson, Inst yenr's playors woro out last ovo- formerly n Coos River school teach nlng wnrmlng up and somo now men or, who hns boon attending tho Mon woro also out. A tontatlvo schedulo mouth Normnl school tho past year, has beon nrrnnged nnd Is awaiting has been elected district suponisor tho approval of tho various clubs. f (schools In Jackson County nt n I'nys Mm-. Chns. .McCoy Paid n Biliary of $1320. ' " , I. W. W. Trouble. According to W iiiiuors received horo this uftornnon, tlio l. v. v. hnvo Inniortod nn or Kunlzer nnd street orator, who will attempt to hold streot mootngs In Mnrshllold tonight or tomorrow night , nnd start things. This nnd tho ro port thnt about 20 or 30 I. W. W.'s from tho various enmps had organ ized n crow and wero mnklug tho rounds of tho various logging camps In nn effort to got moro to go out. 1 All of tho enmps nro running so far. Many rumors nbout what may happen nro In circulation. CII.U'FFErit wants situation. So ber, reliable. Good mechanic and repair man. Wishes steady pos ition where work Is appreciated. References furnished. Address Fred Bisk, Prospor, Orogon. FOR SALE Clit'iip; n good email sopnrntor, almost, now, L. I). Smith, Mnrshllold, Oregon. FOR SALE Second timid cm- in Hist dnss shape. GO h. p., 7 pnsson gor, good for stago or livery. $1, 000. Address P. O. Box 2G3 or 789, North Bend. .r t .i . nm . i 5 . 1 -R3K& H asol Cover.; P-SIUDES OF ALL COLORS . at the hnlrfield Cyclery ,-u Agent.. 172 Broadivay WANT ADS. WANTED Buyer for t choice resi dence lots in Bunker Hill, close in, for $1050. Lot on Broadway, near Johnson for $000. Title Guaran tee & Abstract Co. FOR RENT Furiilslietl tluvc-ronm modern flat; bath, gas, electricity. Splendid view. 343 S. Broadway. WANTED Person who took hand . .cart from In front of Tom Harvey's residence to return to the Going & Harvey store at once and avoid" fur ther trouble. WANTED Experienced woman wants housecleanlng, washing and Ironing. Phone 390-X. FOR SALE Or Exchange, a new grocery store and new barn and one and a half acres of good land, team and wagon for real es- FOR RENT Store with fixtures with modern living rooms In rear, at Elrod nnd Tenth. Mrs. Early, 8G5 Central avenue. FOR RENT Furnished rooms with bath, sunny front room for two gentlemen at 03 1 First and Alder. FOR SALE A good organ cheap. In quire at Oregon Trust Co., North Bend. FOR SALIC Household furniture for four rooms. Apply 927 South Broadway. House may be rented. Phono 187-R. DRESSMAKING At iM.'t South Broadway, or phone 216-L. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. G95 First and Birch st. Telephone 239-J. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with use or uatn. inquire ziu North Second St., or Phone 120-R. FOR RENT Comfortable room with stove and bath. Phone 2 30-J; TC8- North Second St. This is one of our most popular patterns of this celebrated line, and is the best cast Range made, at a moderate price. We have this pattern in two sizes, with either black or polished top, and with or without warming closet. Also Smaller cast Ranges and Stoves, all prices. Alsc Steel Ranges that are absolutely perfection. Perfect bakers. Fuel savers. Absolutely guaranteed. ESHwhen you buySfg I ALONG THE WATERFRONT I , Tho San Gabriel, which has boon , loading at Gardiner, will bo piloted to son tomorrow by the tug Gleaner. Tho Glonnor caino In today from ' Gnrdlnor with a big shipment of butter and will tako hack n cargo i of gunornl merchandise this nfter ' noon." i Tho Lilly and tho Caroline, schonuors, nro taking on enrgoos of I lumber at Gnrdlnor. I Tho chnnglng of "starboard" and , "port" to "right" nud "loft" by tho , Seciotnry of tho Nnvy niuotu with Mho unqualified approval of all laud lubbers. Captain Olson, of the Adollua Smith, Is reported to have mado ' some areful sounding's tho othor day In crossing out and that tho least water ho found was 22 foot. For fresh strawberries tolophono 175-J. Olllvant & Weaver, tho Puro Food Grocers. FREE Wo will glvo free THE SIL VRIl CROSS SAFETY RAZOR to anyono buying a dollar's worth o shaving supplies this week. ONE RAZOR to EACH PATRON Guaranteed to bo equal to any $5.00 razor. Headquarter for Shaving Supplied. The Store for Quality Goods and Penslar Remedies. WWYigBJMirtMM1