THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913 ENING EDITION. !f Satarfay ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE Winkler Pharmacy 58 Central Ave. "BUILT ON HONOR" With Pride We Bid You Come Saturday to the FORMAL OFEMIMG Off "Your Store" Saturday we will welcome you even more gracefully, with the absolute knowledge that 'we are most admirably equipped to serve your every want. GUARANTEED PURE DRUGS ' QUALITY GOODS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REASONABLE PRICES Ann ' Attractive SoMveniiir Will be presented to every lady entering; the store and the men will not be forgotten WINKLER Pharmacy J 58 Central Avenue Marshficld, Oregon The Drug Store of Which All Marahfield Will be Proud THE STORY OF AMERICA IN PICTURES THE DISCOVERERS "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" xo. .1. ( I'lKllt. l!H:t. I Tile .lAQl'KS OAUTIKIt AhhiicIiUi'iI NoVHiuior School Inc. lln. WA.Vrn. C,.Prakcf,. ".t.r!,?'t1,i,l fek'; "S...B,,.trihi3 whoso BL.wh088 eart ,,,,,n.,M fo brulf'H ,0'hed and h'J??3 'iroil for "0ae teeth , . A ItOV Wlin II.,.. " oiioken t h' HJ l''t's not n.i. .4erit.7l "" 'nes lorn .i3l - nunc of hU W. "1 ir,,8,u,i n noy "III MIKllI A liny Hint i I Till: ItKCOItl) PHOTOnitAlMIINfl AIISTIIACT COMPANY llavu photographic copies of all records of Coos County to date, abatractH of tltlcH, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice. IUJHIXKSS OFFICII: 117 North Trout St., Marshficld. Phono 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager ItHeaE SPEEDWELL ('APT. If. IlOHKXIIIiATT, Master. Sails for San Francisco From Bandon Sunday, May 18. TIN' 81'KKIiWELTj Is speedy and has excellent pssenKer aceorn-J iiiiiiiiiiiiium, iiirKi) ciriiu mill wry mums nun eicciric hijiiis tmu wireless. Tor freight und passive, apply, A. F. KNtiiurook Co. Title (iuurunteo ami Alwtrnct Co., UliMllT Huntii Marina Miltf., Sun l'niiiclsco. Murohfioltl, FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless und subnutrlne bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, MAY 1?, AT 3 P. M, All Pjumeiucer Heuorvatlons From San Francisco Must lie Made M H05 Fife lliillillng, or Lomlmrd ktritit Pier U7. All reservations must ho taken up SI hours before Milling. INTKlt.OCKAN TKANSl'OltTATION CO. PH0NR 44 C. V. Mc()Knao7. Aicont. Pioneer Rooming House rvi)i:it saw ma.v.(.'i-:mi-:t. lloiocli'ipiiK sillies mill slnnle loom'. Itoonm ulUi hot mill cold walcc. ." eenls nnil tin per day. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line Cure leave every 20 ininiiteH from 7 n. in., to 7 p. in.; from 7 p. in. to 12 o'clock every half. Fnro in cunts olio way, round trip L'ri cents. Commutation hooks, 20 rides, $2.00. Curs leavo Chandler Hotel, .Marsh Hold and North Mend Newt- Co.. In North Mend. G0RST& KING, Props. You Auto Call Pootc PIIONR M4-.T NICIIIT AM) DAY Stand front of Mlnnco Milliard Parlor TWO NEW CARS After 1 1 P. JI. Phono 200.1, Residence Phono ,8-J. Careful Drlrcrs .;. flood Cttr8 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bkxja: T IS a peculiar fact tutu anoui the eurl life or llio iiuoveror of tlm st. I.iiwicnro lllvor. .Inc lines Cnrtler. ho little Ih known, lie was horn In 1 Ittl, hut this went French niivlitntor Is first hoard or in l:il. when on the 20th of ho started from St. .Malo In coin iiiiiid or an expedition consisting of two ships and til men to look for a northwest pnssiiKi to the Hast. This Is what most of the early dlscovereiH und explorers were try ing to find. They were not rurseo liiK enough to know Unit this ureal stivnuo country tiuit diocki'ii men wuv to India was some day to he one of the richest and greatest lauds In the world. So when the f reach trade to Iini7.ll In South America was stopped. Curlier set out In I'.Ill to find a way to the mystic hast with Its fabulous wealth, llu reached Newfoundland on May 10, ami ut once entered the strait of Hello Isle, then called the Hay of Castles hy the fishermen. Mill the laud was found to he hur reu nnil rocky. So artier sailed away from there on June I A, und cruised down the west coast of Newfoundland and up the const or New Mriiuswlck. He anchored for ten dnys In Cuspe llarhor, whero he luuile friends with some llurou-lro-quolH Indians from Qiiohce. Two of these he curried away with him. At hist, however, ho hud to kIvo up his bonrrh for n northwest pns nuko that year, and sail hack to I- ranee. Hut ho didn't tdvo up tuts idea. In May. 1 .1 :i " . he set sail ukuIii, this time with three ships. On the rith of AiiKiist he dropped anchor In a Brent Kiiir, to which the next day ho kiivh the name of St. Lawrence. Ahout n mouth Inter he reached the mouth of Saiiuenay. The two two Indians whom he hail taken to France were with him. They lohl Curlier that HnKiieniiy was the name or n Idnudoni "rich uml wealth) In precloiiH stones," This was Kreut iiowh to the nnv I Kit tor, and he resolved to Mud April this kingdom. In longboats he net jorr up tlie hi. Lawrence Iuver. On I October 2 he came upon the llu 1 ron-lioiuols vlllnKo or llochehiKa jThls vIlhiKU was situated exuctlj whero the city or .Montreal now stands. Curlier found Hint he coiihlu'i Ko up the river nny farther lie cause the swift l.achlne Itaplils were In his way. Ho climbed to (he top or Mount Itoyul, whld still bears the name he mive It and saw tho St. Lawrence and the Ottawa stretching away to the west When he Ki)t back to whero he hnd loft his vessels he seized the chief and eleven of the head men of the village mid carried them uway. will Mini. In order to kIvo the KIiik oi "ranch uccurate Information uboir this Brent rich country or Lie nortl which ho hail not seen. In I Till Curlier mailo u persever Iiib attempt to discover this laud oi dremns, but without success. lie never reached the mythical Subuc nay. On September I, l."r,7. Jac ques dirtier died. Kvery day u illfferent human In terest story will appear in Tin 'limes. You can Bet a beautiful in tjiBllo reproduction or this picture with live others, equally attractive 7 by O'j InelioB In size, with thh weok's ".Mentor." In "The .Mentor' a well known authority covers tin subject of tho pictures and starlet of tho week. Itendors or Tho Timet and "Tho Mentor" will know Art Literature, History. Science, am) Travel, and own oxqulBlto pictures On salu at Tho Times orflce. Price ten cents. Wrlto todny to The iiines for booklet oxplalnliiB The Associated Nuwspapor School plan. iiy W m U.L '"'."'y "mile for m nTU HIIIKh "'".ly, '"'V who ! hAii... r-..e..f,t0't; -a&- 'y who i. mo ". "J?. n mi Ulll Just to See and Smell ono of our ronsts on tho tablo Is u trent ami also a tomptatlon. .Inta to tnsto It Is to know tho real joy of eating and to Ioiik for more. Meef, mutton, pork or veal, tho result Is always assured. Try ono for next Sunday's dinner, nnd you'll wish It woh Sunday everyday. MAHSHFIHM) CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Jlarsblleld Telephones -North Mend Two MarkntM :i-.t ni AJII.V OSTLINI). 'unsiiltliiK KiiKineer and Architect. i:yuippi:i) with wirklhsu Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMH. S.ILI(J l-'ROJI PORTLAND, APRIL 111, LM, (), J Y 5, 10, in, 110, M AND ilO AT H A. JI. SAILIXd FROM COOS MAY, APRIL li!, 10, atl, MAY , 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. Tickets on sale to all IvitMcrn jioluts and information as to routes uml m UN cheerfully furulslicil. Phone Main JW-L. P. i, STKRLINO, Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPICD WITH WIRKLK8S SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR, EUREKA SUNDAY, MAY 11 , AT 2 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 PORTLAND OONNKOTINO WITH TIIK NORTH RANK ROAD AT NORTH PACIFIC STEASISUIP COMPANY. Phono II O. F. McGKOROK, Agent. Phone AND T JI. WRIGHT, J CONTRACTOR a HL'ILDKR Estlmntes furnished on request. Plans mid specifications furnished .i ub-Buuu. An nonest Job teed. Phone 124-R. guaran- J OKL OSTLIND. a laVx .V"er m,d Repairer. S. Sixth Street, Phono 103-L 41b pBIUi niLKV MALLINGER n . i Wfcnlst und Tencher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadwai Phone 18-L. "G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 301 nd aoc, Coke nulldln. Marshfield. Oreaon. rR. w. morrow, " LJ DenUst. 171 Crimea IIulldloR, over Gwuid Theater. Olllce Phone 820. W M. S. TURPKN. ARCHITECT Marshfield. Oregon. rR, A. J. HENDRY'a Modern Dental Vw are Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone 58 FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry Wo always deliver the goods. Phono 57-J Marshfield New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tho Installment plan. & CO., I ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICF Parlor. equipped to do Mrh Pin.. work on short notlco at tho veri lowest prlcos. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Rldg.. Opv Chandler Hotsl, phone 11C-J. HARRINGTON, DOYLE .101! Front St. I'lione ftlo-L Jturshfield, f Singer Sewing Machines Wo have thorn for ront or for Bale Machines Repaired, Supplies and Needlos for Sale. W. J. RITZ, till Park Ave. JInsshfleld Phono tiHO-X. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See COUTH ELL PHONE .1171. "' In Mionk -.j nf'WIid ll( Hlnni;. " "" "" ly that neer bnin. , '"" "Mows nthtr 'J4i n 'hliic. b.h, ... j":"11'"! I'm sorry." ZV, L". t.lntl,,,KiMyi.Ji ey.n '.nil, ".? hnokK. "wrwmi; A I'")' who would rtthtt mi, lnre Hmo at the Y TO linRlllll, II, nn , .'. " 11 n linrk room. ,BWe", A hoy wlm does not tig. "niiinrt" nor In any L ?1 nlt.,T,lln ' "" iiMThS?Wteb to tell alio or lea til A Imy whom other lot, iu A hoy who Is at eaielaUt pnny of slrla. w A hoy who li imt .(., Helf. nnil not forever tkltty A hoy who It frl'nAI. . mother, nnd more Intimate m uiiiii unjr lino Cite. A hoy who makes too Mi ni'ii n ig around. A hny who l not a roodi lirlic or n little Pharisee, hi healthy. Iinppy and foil otlfc TIiIh hoy Is wanted miji Tho fnmlly wants him. it t wmi tH him, tho office tuub noyn wnnt him, the jlrli tis mi iTcnuon wants him. I nrixs ron i-outei . l.lttlo points of etlwttil KuIhIi tho well-bred loji Irca I poor. An authority tu lot: the fnllnwlnR rules: Hoys, If you want to UUH little gentlemen rememler ttil followInK things shonldtttol lint llftlnc In MrisGXt! How do you do? lint llf tine when offtrbMi a cur or ncknowleiljlsi i toi Keep step with any cm pi I Willi. Ahvavs iirecede a lidrtpc link her if you msr prtrt&l imBHlnK through a crowd ef 11 iilnre. lint off the memtnt jm b street door nnd when rot nrlvnto linll or oflce. hot n lady pais Brit ilMH" Him nik8 vou to oreceaeKi, In the parlor stand until rn Is neatcd. , VI . ,. I .mlr ninnlA itMltM U & when speaking or belijl Let InillcspassinroBiim'' clnmllllff nslllA fOr then. Ill tho dining room tiltf nfler ladles nnfl tiaf" Never play lth m nonottakejrournipWH'1 In your hand. i.. .. .. nr tlflW SIC iiniRii the course hen " rJ Hlso when ladles ! HJ ond Btnnd till mey - go out togetner -' ri. .inn- mi lid ei pan on , olnl rules for til cB that all noise lnf kin when obliged w re-- 'TsoyourhandkerclW 8l&.tanf door. , ....... mAii. The Ul. !"J AlAWVSUSKn.Pk nnn -ir"""" rr Livery DRUNKENN Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TaOnr The Tailor and lJUU Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstairs. The Times Does Job Printing is a curable dlMU.R treatment. TMMU j can be used w h J It destroys a.i u .onr nr omer ""-. !JBa.'B-d trlnl you fall J?.K,liuii Its uso your b, No. 1. secret W, xntllVP r0. St ". -V1 those who desire ,, ..odtment. Cos ' u, Corno in and I lw b00iiet with us- flo;h;rBacr. i Prescription Js !BW Cohan, un"- Phoiie " The Big ter's ..Mt( u when yo '". i " J V' an" '- . .i.imia " I nil ueiitiu-- fl.eoirj li , . ... 'in ' (iriu. - j. Id's viv cirter delight. V aiwayi randiea the too.