THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913 EVENING EDITION. jrldl Owes a Great Debit To the TonJleirs of the Sea r7imo when tlio prlml the tinio w. ..,,., e wvaBo , , rivor or toTB.'"!.1!"1" ik. ocean rroin pori i" i'i. fitting " l,l-,!,t ot ltH B,lant L?wl en of iHu Hen. perhaps Vilr hnvu always formoil uard ol i. " 'V," ,,..., X, X IcnmiiiB nntl wis SJ and nioiiiiil tho world 1. them a common property. Tcli'' ,..1 i,li,iiilu unit tastre8, oi " " ": Whatever uiu 'n ' -; "'"... .1.....'ii VlllltlllMll re? Btrcic" V-v,. " ;- -I . Ica- 'unknown c-onlliiontH and viiflt 21 mlnuto .(.ml reefs Imvo trted. Kin more Important, thu mar been tlio udvnnco iigunt or of the solidarity of muii- e has shown how useful one to tho iitlier imw hiii''- ople really were u im-v "V" ' ii Hinnl-lmr- imertT,,.i in rtimt of all Enil extinction of Mio nuclei) t .ul" ...- nil fill. It etery HiraiiKui " fcloh emeu wiin iiu imui "'".. .1 1.. .1.. nf it Htimt ielce "' i" " " , d the founding of genornl M ties. thj. "best tradltloiiB of tlio no always hoen tlio inoHt In- md best trunnions ouno rare, find tlie hlKlicst uxumpliirH of dim, It l H worni-iiui oiui.1 ue, steailfr.stness In danger i.i ..r iriin liriitlinrhnotl iiiiiii " ,- ' .- .....ii .i lui riifiltlf'HM ill eitoeaxe tlielr comrades or tt those who tiro cuiriisiuii in .. i -Mil uolitniii comes to ;bout a story that ninkcH one tier of the HtiifT of which ;; In the rough In miide. I It there who huh in huh ii i oyaRo, wiiii some oi uio . f .lni.iriii flirriivil III U'llll I VI UHII,l ."..' '' omentely inoved t tlio rce- .. a null ill'HP tllllllf (if rflllt- EJ U Villi -.. - ..... out a heart full of Joy anil . Ai.i.r..nfilillliP fllV'lt? Wl Vh u''i .. j ... f Hug tl) jjj)"''"''""!, - I I - true of com ho ns Secretary tM M)fl, that low wngoi. 91 conslltuto tho only cause jnllty. Vol It will not do look the (.'fleet economic In- Ibave upon such wrong do- tutlngly, nnd how nobly they fulfill that trust! Thuy are llko u provi dence watching over us. All through the loii; night, thiougli clouds, hurri canes and cold, the bells Hub out their inosflnBc, tellliiB tho foaiful how our faithful nuntlnuls nro watch 'iib ovur us. Think or the countless purllH those seiunen cheerfully under go for uh the nlinost hourly ilaiiBor, the Ioiik watch, the niorin, the Ice horB, tho weary winter uIkIiIh when dorks aro slippery as glass with Ice nnd sleet. Think of their soir-ubno-Batlon, their rough tenderness in tem liest, In shipwreck, In hiitiBer and thirst. It's always "tlio Hoanion last", 1'iid they would not ohaiiBo tlio order ir thoy could. In no other human occupation have tho host qualities or tho rnro been so llnoly developed and unrnllliiBly dis played Yet, except as n hero or story books, thu world knows little about thu snllor, and care less. No class or men Imvo less reacon to thank society ror even a scant iccob nltloii or its obliBiitlou. TakliiB the world at law. the sailor Is sort or a loBal outlaw. Of course, thoro are hoiiiu exceptions, as, ror Instance, In .San Francisco, whoro a stroiiB ori;aii lutlou has wruiiB uiiwIIIIiib concos kIoiih from shipowners and from LcBlslaturcH. Hut, as a Kcncral nile, thu sailor has no rhthts that anyonu Is bound to respect, llo is under paid, underfed, compollcd to sleep In uiiHiiiiltiiry iiuarturs nnd subjected to u system of tliccipllnu on board ships thut putn no limit on thu barbnr'tlus that inlBht bo practiced on him. On shore lie has been mado thu victim of systematic sharks, snllor bonrdltiB housu keepers nnd similar experts who roBulnrly plunder him In a day or two or what may liavo been the result or mouths or tho and most perilous labor In tho world l'ooplu sometimes wonder at thu Im provldoncu or sailors. The real won der Is thut, wllli thu lnw'B neglect. lie Indlffuroncu of society nnd a knowlodRu or tho fact that thoy are outside thu Bcncral limitations that protect property nnd life, thoy ntlll romaln thu most dependable of tlir many hiiinati Instruments with which I ho Kront curve out tholr destiny, ONOMir t'OMMTIONS AT IWUII'. Public Markets Ancient Eerce. stniKKlo for Bnln In e are nil eiiBiiBed Is re i tor inn ii y wrmiB HiIiibh as lor much kuoiI. In many Ii a heartless system and Ur natural tho conditions ol Kde make some people look itr eyes on what seonm lll per. Tho evil Is not ron- my pnrtlciilnr strata ot I That (loslie to profit makes (ill as well uh moil In low- It causes soclotv darner. i'. It Is rcsnonslhlo for llude of tho liiiunr busl- Ii Ii largely reflponslblo for cry ami directly or Ind w mmh other crlinu. he set down ns a uonora' that neoillo urn tin. nrml btoadltloiis. That prlnclpli la ab80lntoy (loiiionHt riitni1 lalmal world nnd whnt h Urisint; animal, or coursi many brluht ami nloiiKlm that roiibtltuto oxcuntioni rrule but such oxcontloni it the rule. fore It follows that cconomli ni must bo back of nl iiMtlnK social roform. Till westisntion or tho wnm t . necessary feature of the fery inquiry. it would Pertinent to Imiulro ns t( p i unuuo wealth upon tlilr P are coutrlbutliif? causes I OP hasi; hits iv p'K HAS hkkx oiiANGKU I 'Information of local fans in Crnrk ..... i --..c K'luifH, u ciiaugc Tnilila I.. it. . . " ii ' Ul niotnouB or ,rli. .". ' ucu. uiiuor f I ns. which is 111 forcu in vf I f A Pima i.- i . I.. ' a iir who na Ctr.liLllll,l!!l Bt7. ;; "J " ,no " Of SCOrlllL- K na lillol.l ri nlll lid rroillln.l ii. m. JXthVUll!er -"".dlea tho I S r I " 'i080 l wl" the flii '' cimrBinK nn PersnJder a,,(1 Holders uaeiumi ,M(,n"K Uoaat i Vn iUo Wo" t0 ro'"on- III : "i-aiern- i.enKiie item 8COrci1 nt,cr'llnK to Jjj 'anything to sell, rent. ailt hell). tlV n Wnrif A.1 - - IfltUli iU' KoVe? prllltlDe dn CKLES 'ft'ujy"1' Veil, He f"' with the othlno eSfVlnM"1"""1' u ni.for tho wmoval .,."" Wrltion i... "flan nn j i "' " 1'iuill- ra,nd ' "siiully so sue Vyoi r t(,nPlxlon that 'jour Urui-'L'isi ,,! iW!9 ,0 fund the "nee of othlne ami re- I u Uonev.iinni -. .vrt Kuurun III view of tho petition for a pub lie market In Marshlluld to bo pre sented to tho city council, the fol IowIiib article from tho Tolegrnni wll prove Interesting: "I'ulillc innrketB nro venerable In stltutlons. Not forgotten relics of primitive conditions, covored with tho dust or ages, but virile, coutinu Iiik media for brliiRlnK producor and consumer together on the most direct lino that tins over been perfected, public mnrkuts nro round in remot est antiquity nnd In tho most mad mil conditions. "China hns innrkot towns. To theso from thu dawn or history, tho producers or a lnrge area thereabout liuve brought tholr food products and wares. Thousands and often tons of thousands or people gathered on market days, and all thu time for tho rest or tlio week thoro wns a busy exchange, or buying and selling. All through the Orient la found tho In stitution known ns tlio public mar ket, tfiironenn history Is rcnloto f with reforenco to market places, nnd tlio customs centering around tliem. Ono or tlio earliest and simplest or all sales devices was to tako pro duco to n common point, nnd invito tho coiiBiimorB to Bnthor there. Mer chants aro found In all ages, but thoy nro not older than tho public innr kot, nnd aro not hurt by it. "At Now Westminister, IJrltlsh Columbia, thoro Is a public market which has been oporated for twenty four years, until It la nn lndlspon 8lblo part of tho community. Thoro is tho grent market day. whon -100 to 500 runners or tho ndjacont terri tory como In, and nro met by throiifiB or buyers, some of tho latter oven being tho retail merchants. Long custom has taught tho farmers whore thoy can And n reasonably cortain buyor, and llko certainty among tho consumers provnlls whon figuring out tholr opportunity for advantageous purchases. ".Markets constitute n powerful check upon prices. In their nbsonco, American consumers ga.o upon amazing profits demanded for mid dlemen services. Now, ns In all ages, tho consumer finds greatest se curity and protection in being ablo to got directly to tho producer at times, and to do this, tho npproved system Is tho public market. 1 kind Tin: fjoon ix i'i:oi'i,i:. - A contributor to the May American Magazine snys: "If there isn't some good In every one, whnt nro thoy here for? "Anybody can point out anybody else's bad qualities, ir you want to distinguish yourseir go around point ing out good qualities. "Pick out the man whom every one dislikes. Select the ono you feel could best bo spaied from your of rico. from your circle of acquain tances, from tho community In which you live. Ask yourseir ir there iBn't something good nbotit him. 'Tut him on a meiitnl dissecting table. Cut him to pieces and see what's In him. Itenicinber you nro looking for tho good. Throw nwny tho bad in him and forgot It. Make a list or his good qualities. It will surprise you how ninny you enn rind. "The next time you huur him criticized, tell people the things you know about him tho good things. You'll nt least bo dirforr nt and you'll find that It docs you good than It doeB him. "How would you reel ir you know that people whenever they talked about you talked only about whnt was bad In you. You know It's thoro, plenty or It, but you'd rather not Imvo it talked about. It's much nicer to have only your good iolntn ills riisscd. "(live thu other follow tho kind or a deal you llko yourseir. If you can say nothing good about him, say nothing. "There are mighty fow pooplo In the world wo enn't say something good about If wo try. Tho trouble Is. wo don't try. "And yet, tho more good you find In other people-thu more booiI other peoplo will rind In you. "Women, too, can mako this experiment." I'OTATOKH l-'KI) HAW Oil HTKAM N J'Ol'MTTK.V I'K.'S An experiment to test the reeding vnluo or raw or steamed potatoeH ns supplementary foud with n Brain ration, Iiiib been carried on by Itobort Wlthycombu nt tho Hnstern Oregon Pxporlmcnt Station with Interesting rcoults which will ho or special vnluo this year on ncpunt or tho super cbundant potato crop. The hogs In tho experiment wero divided Into eight lots, and records or tho different feed rnt'.ou given each nnd the proportionate gain mado were kept cnrefully. ICach hog In lots 1 and 2 nte an average or 170.18 lbs. of barley and fi09..":i lbs. or raw po tatoes, making a gain In weight or G0.70 lbs. Thoso In lots :i nnd I nte 110.110 lbs. barley and 00:1.75 lbs. fteamod potntoes nnd mnde a gain or 70.00 lbs., while those In lots 5 and G nte 188.00 lbs. barley mid 504.80 lbs. steamed potntoes and mnde n gain or 78.10 lbs. Lots 7 and 8 ate 4:100,10 lbs. bnrloy without potatoes and muilo a gain or O'.i.n ins. The last two lots, rod bnrloy nlono, were lined us a chock on tho others to ihow more definitely tho proportion ate vnluo or the potatoes. At cho present market vnluo or $.07 a pound llvo w olght, the hogs foil barley made n $4,87 gain, which iiinkcs tho barley reeding value $1.02 to tho hundred. Lots 1 and -', foil barley nnd rnw potatoes tit tlio rate or :i lbs of pota toes to ono lb. of bnrloy, mado n $4.25 gain, which gives tho raw potatoes a feeding vnluo or $.2'J to tho hundred. Lots :i nnd 4, receiving six times ns muoli ctenmed potatoes as barloy, mnde n $4.04 gain, giving tho steam ed potatoes a reeding vnluo of $.4 7 to the hundred. Lots 5 and G, red three times as much steamed pota to oa ns barley, mndo u$5.47 gain, making tho reeding vr.luo or tho po tatoes $.42 to the hundred. It la noticeable that those rod six times as much potatoes as grain did not mako qulto tho gain made by tho others, but It required 85,25 lbs. less bnrloy to mnko this gain, so tho dlf fereii") In reeding vnluo Is accounted for. It Ib also noteworthy that tho Bteani-potatocc nro worth J.l.'i more to the hundred thnu raw for foodlng, as shown In tho comparison or tho gains or animals red tho :i to 1 ration. I A.V AWKWAItl) AI'OIXHSV. I I TIIK I'XKOHTL'XATi: HHX. I A few more things for which tho modorn woman is criticised. Kor being "nnrrow." For taking Interest in welfare work outside or her own homo. For Joining "culture" clubs. For not keeping pneo with hor husband Intellectually. For bolng-less efficient than mon. For crowding men out of romun- nrntlvn nnRltlniiR. For dressing according to tho prevailing fashions. ' For looking "old fashioned." EYir Imntlncr "hnrcnlns. ' , For spending too much of hor husband's hard earned money. For having no sense or humor. For not having brains enough to nppreclato the really important things in llfo. For leaving the hall before tho lecture is over. For being late In preparing her husband's supper. Surely no male person ever had to steer such a narrow course be tween Scylln and Charybdls! A klndorgarten teacher In Wash ington, with n pllo of books under her nrni, was about to got orr n streot car Just as a gentleman whom she thought sho recognized as the parent or n pupil In her school got on, "Good morning," sho said with a cheery Binlle. Instantly she saw, by tho qifjzzl cal expression on the faco or the man addressed, that sho hud mado a mistake. , Intending to correct it, sho added quickly: "Oh, pardon me, I t.iought you wero the father of ono of my children." Tho LAIHI.S of tho CATII0LT0 OIIUIICH will hold a COOKED FOOD HALE Sat. May 17 at the Tea, Coffee and Splco house in the O'Connell building. Good Advertising Is News Manufacturers, merchants and others who use tho advertising columns or THE TIMES no longer regard tholr expenditures In the light or expense, but ot investment. Now that advertising Is being purged ot exaggeration and un truth, tho rending public, espe cially 'that largo circle or Times readers who receive the paper at their homes or cnrofully car ry It homo with them each day, take as much Intorest In tho ad vertisements ns they do In the news. After all. The Times adver tising IS news of tho most in teresting. Instructive and pror Itablo kind. And If It is a good investment for the advertiser to place his news before you constantly, It is equally profitable for our readors to read attentively the valuable information thus imparted. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY Choosing a Bank Is n matter that should call for cnreful consideration. The features which should bo vi tally considered nro: The financial strength or the bunk. Thu condition or Its assets. The coiiBorvntlsm of Its polIcleB. Tlio Integrity of Its directorate. The facilities It offers patrons and tho Intelligent courtesy of Its of fl iers and nsslstnnts. It is our nlm to excel nnd we In vito you to put us to tlio test in all these essentials. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST IIA.NIC IX COOS COUXTV. Established I NND. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid on Time Deposits. Off leers: L W. Dennett, President. I. II. Klnuagaii, Vlcc-I'icslilciit. It. T. Williams, Cashier. (loo. 1 Winchester, ANS't Cashier. EANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE TltACTH l-'OIJK MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ItOAD IjCir. PEIt ACItE: IjtlOO CASH, IIALAXCE TWO YEAItS, XO INTEUEST, XO TAXES, FIXE SAXDV LOAM, LKVEL DEXCII LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKiimtosh HEAL ESTATE mill INSURANCE. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title I Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENItY SE.VGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coquillo Olllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal nnd Mnrsliflold Olllco HJ. Qonorat Agents "EASTSIDE." C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. DETAIL DEPAUTMENT LUMDED, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOOItS. HOOFING IMPED, ETC. CUT THE FUEL DILL IN TWO lY USING OUIt WOOD. PHONE 100. 183 SOUTH BROADWAY Modern Methods Wo mako a specialty ot using mmlnrn methods In our business. our lutest Is a patent attachment to our cotroo null which roniovea all particles or dust and chaff which accumulate in grinding. SEE Ol'lt WINDOW. For tho practical results, then or der a pound of our Corona Dlend. It will plenso you. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL DLDG. 184 Market Ave. r Phono 394-J. Low In price, high In quality. Electric Irons Wo Imvo o few hccomMmml Irons in good working condition ut $1.75. New Irons, $3.BO up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 153 N. Broadway Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phono orders to Ulanco Hotel, 40. After 12, 2C0L, Right Cafe. MarsbQeld, Oregon. It Looks Good, Doesn't It. A corner In South Marshlleld at $1100, when others around It aro bringing $2000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 1i?B Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice, Wa meet all tTalm and boats and we also hare the latthit Btyle Reynolds Piano Mover. W guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J '9-L. First Class Weaving prompt! Hone at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor, Unlou and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or. Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 JUST RECEIVED A lat-Ko .shipment of Elcctilc Cut Glass Similes. Call ami seo our stock of glass ware. Wo also have some or the latest designs In shower rixturos, from two light to flvu. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy Aug. Frizeen REAL ESTATK AND IXSI'RAXCK. Sunn) baignliiN In city nnd Hunker Hill lots ami resiliences. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Uxport Packers. Carpets Cleaned. Furniture Packed, Shipped, Stained nnd Repaired. 382 Front St. Phono 1110. Leoyo orders at nnlui: & Harvey. Rldo In Lynn Lambctn's 11MU 7 liasseiiger Cadillac. Stnnd at 1 1 111 yor'n Cigar Store. Telephono 18-J. After 11 p. m., telephono 2C0L, the Right Cnro. Careful driving nssurod. Prompt attention. Will go anywhere, nny time, day or night. Loaves lllll yer's Cigar Storo to meet nil trains and boats. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go unywhoro at any time." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 41. Night Phono 48. BAltltKR A GOODALK. nrotirtntoni. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Baby Choesf aby hoes See the new Hue of Duhy Shoes ut the The Electric Shoe Shop at ISO South Itnmihwiy. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for lOrmnrri II. Straumt H Co., Fine Tailoring. Let ua mako your next suit. SWnOIINTRAL. Phono 2rtO-X Bowling Alley! 5175 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies W. 8. DROWN $ A. H. IIODGINS Marshfield Paint (Sh Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phone IH7-I, Mnrsliflcld. Ore. A modern Brick . mtdlng, Eloctrl Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL C () O 8 O. A. Mi-tlln, Trop. IUtci: HO rents n day nnd upwarda rVir. Hromlwuv hiii! Market FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or deis. Open diiy nnd night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Rrondwiiy and Commercial Mild. COOS DAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Sawyer. Plate, Art anil Window Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass. Mall orders and phono orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nlBhed. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Drondway. Marshfield. $5 REWARD for uuy uatch I cannot make run. . C. BARKER JEWELER Flue Wutcli and Jen dry Repairing. 2(10 Frout St Alanriifleld.