THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1913-EVESIHG EDITION. 4 STEAM SHOVEL l IS DUE HUT GREE 10 PLfil IH REPOHI Ur TO AnVFRTISE! GREENLI Tillamook Will Bring Equip ment for Railway Work in North Bend. U'niM vii received Inst IllKllI thin the TiUuinooU would nrrivo in North . Bend Friday with the steam bIiovoI to start tlio oxravntlans in SltnpHon ' Park for the soutiiern i-uciue rlRht of wny. Tho Htcum hIiovcI lins heen Ioiik expected tind Its nr rivnl will mean tho first coiiHtrur tlon on tinv eonslderuhle Kenlo on this entl of the lino. Tho Blouin allnvnl la Cflll ut ullf'll til UlUlBOl-. IIllll- ser & Company, who lmvo tho mil)-! contrnrt for tlio l!i on hub end of tho lino. It comes from N'c nntchco, Wash., where Porter llroth . i.n.i it iii nun Miv tlniiHor Is VID III... ... in -v expected here soon, hut Messrs. Gar diner mill Knlser have charge off iui u-iifij In his nlisoiice. They have ! constructed u 1oiik trestlo Tor dump ing the dirt for the dike to retain the Southern Pacific fill. Tho Ureakwater Is also expected to lirlng n bin shipment- of rails, dump cars and two small engines for tho work. There Is more euulp- mnnl it tlllu Vllwl lit I'lll'llllllll tlinn the Ilreakwator can handle this trip. Marshficlcl Chamber of Com-! Messrs. Clinton and Mast Say COAST LEAGUE EAF CASE SMALL SMt LHUUL H merce to Put $1600 Into Sunset Community Plan At a meeting nt the .Marsh Held Chamber of Commerce Inst night. President C.rcon was authorized to close a contract with Mr. Gordon, representing the Southern Pacific, for tho "Community Plan of Adver tising" Contract. The contract calls for Mnrshlleld to pay $1(100 for an They Did Not Favor Com promise verdict in Case There Is still considerable specu lation and discussion over the compromise verdict In the case of Guy Grcenleaf, the latest tlovolop 111 on being the statement by Jury men Mast and Clinton that they did not vote for n compromise verdict. rii.i innoit that- tliev did emtio 10 Issue of 15.000 booklets of !'- ti,0 rimes from an apparently uu- pagos each, a nail-page ati cucn ; thentle BOitrce. but their statement month for a year In the Sunset disproves It. Magazine, n two-page write-up and K K Knorr. the fnthr of Krmn nn exhibit in the Pacific Wectrie .Knorr. according to r ltulldliiti at I. oh Angeles. It was furtner decided that North llend should bo nsked to furnish $.100 of the amount as the advertis ing will be done for Coos Hay and Coos County. Some wanted to nsk the Coctullle Valley towns to co-operate In paying for it, but this was not agreed to. President Greene and Mr. Gor don will confer with North Pond business men today about tho mat ter. Tho booklets are to bo re ceived in July. The first payment Is to bo $100 and the balance is to be paid" at tl o rate or $lon a month. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. ! Close Contract. At a Mpoelul meeting of the Port of Coos Hay Commission this afternoon, the dredging contract with S. II. Hedges of tho Puget Sound Dredge mid Urldge eompiinv was signed up. Will Itullil. W. J. Foley mid J. K. Olson, machinists nt the C. A. Smith mill, have purchased hoiiio line bits In Hunker Mill. Just across the strict from the C. J. Larson home, from Oust Ilerg. Kuril will erect a nice home this summer. No Strike News. There was llt tlo new In the strike situation to day. All of the Sinltn-Powers log ging camps are running, desplto re ports to the contrary, and there Is little Indication of trouble. Many rumors are afloat concerning tho matter. Is Improving. J. S. Hrlstol. the lineman of tho Coos Hay Homo Telephone Company, who was In jured by a fall from a pole. Is do ing ulceiy. Il was brought from Mercy Hospital to .Mnrshlleld yes terday mid Is being cared for In npnrtments over Tho Tlmos office Mrs. Hrlstol having como from Hnndon to take care of. him. I'lider NViv Management. The Pioneer Uomnlnir House has changed hands mid is being renovat ed mid ro-nrratiKed throughout milk ing It thoroughly modern mid first .. , ., ...... . . . i ciass, i licit1 win on iioutfoKecpiiiK suites as well as single rooms, which will bo rented bv the day, week or month. It will bo maintained as u llrst-eliiHH liiMUio at reasonable rates. eports, took precautions to see tnnt Grconlenf was nrosecutt'd to the utnlt and Is said to have made n persnnnl ap peal to Governor West. Knorr's personal interview with Governor West, right nfler he took ti.e body or his girl north, and tho strong letters which some have written iiovernor West opposing any clem ency In Greeiileaf's case, will un doubtedly preclude nny pnrolo or pardon, even though some of the jurors In the ense signed a petition for clemency. Portland Loses First Game to Venice Oakland Wins From Los Angeles STANDING OK CLKUS. I.os Angeles . Oakland Venice San Kranclsco Portland Sacramento . . W, . . 2.1 . .21 ..20 ..'JO . . I tl I, t(i IS 21 Ml 20 Pel. .."!0 I .5118 I .ISS I .170 I . i r. 7 I .in ' Editor Coos Hay Times: C-n the first pngo of your Issue of .May , you printed tin article on the tireenleaf case. In which you made the following sliitoniont: "Messrs. Clinton mid Mast and llnrre, of Dan don, nre the Jurors who hung out for nciiilttnl and w -o i.nally secur ed the compromise verdict. BLOW FLAG 10 nnrWr&IT lflnrn!l Th,B Htninciit Is a great- Injus- Ul-Jt-11 - 11 I MllKe-l n I'1'''1 to the undersigned, i ..utoii and I 111 Hi Hi HP Ml 1 1 II I Mnm. And wo re.iuest that you I ULVU 8 1 0 6 1 1 - J 1 1 1 correct the same. We want the citizens of Coos County to know it lie truth, that we never voted for , . n t Inciiulttal. and that throughout our tligineer 01 I rail! days UlUU- ,u. thermions upon snl.l case we fnv- (llr Aworl.HM l'rr POIITI-ANM). Or land dropped the the new series nt by n score of three League results: At Sacraniento Snn I-'riiiielsco . . , Sacramento At Oakland l.os Angeles Oakland At Venice Venice Portland ....... In Com llnr Tlnns 1 '.. May I I. Port- opening game of Venice yesterday to one. The Const It. It. 10. I tl :i 7 tl o It. II. 10. 2 tl " :! 0 I It. II. 10. :i s l I :. 2 PAY (II uoxns. orod a verdict of "guilty as ehnrg ed In the Indictment.' our art icle has placed us In a false light before the public, mid we feel that It Is very unjust to us under tut ma Disaster Could Have Been Prevented by it ( II v Awo Utrt l'rM to Coon lt TlmM 1 TACOMA. May II. A slow flag it1.11lui,,'lln.. .....i i n,iu ,,,.(i,,i. would have I'roxented t ho atTldent In j ,,. tf k mt the opinion of I I). '"V' JV' & Klvo this correction as prominent of the wrecked Oregon and Washing- . . ',... .. ton tra lornlled near the Tncoma I J ' "L " ": , "Vh 1. vYi- nitto speedway Monthly, when four ' ' '"' " ,,'J ,' U'f were killed mid seven Injured, who "" "''' , H , ', "V, testlllod nt a hearing conductod hyV.ii J".101' '""' tlmt ou the stae public service commission Mlll 'lo '" aw ,,w "'K""' hero today. Ho said that tho train viih forty minutes Into ami was run ning sixty miles an hour. C. M. Alu treo, section foreman in the employ of tho Northern Pacltlc twenty years. Mild ho did not think a slow ling was inetlotl or ho would have put one out. lures hereto. Itospect fully submitted, jiossio i). clinton, jack :mast. mows )!' I'l.oitioxri-:. All witnesses were questioned closely , lOvcnts .Mimur Hie Sluslinv ns Told Slnlmv CoiiiuiN-loneis t!el Wrcek Iwi IOiiiipiueut. KI.OUIONCIO. Ore.. May 1 I. Th Connulrsliiners of tho Port of Slus law ordered two more bonds of $1. 000 each retlied. on payment of the face of the bond and accrued Interest. The Commissioners derided t piirclinso .'1000 feet of 7-S wire cnb'e and 2000 feet of !M Inch cable for use In getting vessels off the bench In case of accident. The commis sioner also Intend to secure a cou ple of Inrgo anchors to use wlili tho cable. This eiiilpinent will he kept here so It can be ibi;ilni"l quickly If needed. MiiK's itomoo siot Knit .iri.v, KLAMATH KAM.S. Ore. May II. The Kilts will hold their set .mil an nual Itodeo the llrst week in Jtilv Committees lmvo already I n ap pointed to arrange for the wild west entertainment. Kvcrythlug will b" done to make the show this year sur pass the one of last year Auto Line as to tho condition of tho ties, ami iieiosslty of it slow ling, when the track whs under repairs, ami the ad- Inability of leaving from two to four ties under a rail uusplked. The In quiry Is bein,; conducted by the Stale Commission. XnilTII IIKXI) XKWS. Mrs. George S. Smith, who has been visiting in North llend. re turned today to her home on South Coos It Ivor. WIVKS OK Mtl'XKS APPKAIi TO GOVIOItXOIt WKST. Tell Stories of .Mocking In Saloons; ('mi Sue for Dauitiges After .lime it. SAI.IOM. Ore., May II. Scarcely bv The Wet. I. uther King, or "ItHtllesntiko King," who has been III for u long time past, wns taken over to the hospital at G'eimda last Tuesday. Ho hits requited constnnt cure for never 1 months wild V. M. Itsth was employed by the county to talo cure of him. Tie hospital recently opened In GleuHdn by Mrs. Gunimoe fills a WHilt that has evlstetl ever situ. white people settled In .thin m t Ion of the state. A desl is on foot between Kyle Marshfidd 8c North Bend Cms leave every 20 minutes Irum 7 a. in., to 7 p. m.: from 7 p. in to 12 o'clock every half. I'ltro l." cents one way. round trip 2.i ceiit-i. Commutation hooks. 20 rides. $2. on. , Cars leave Chnndlcr Hold, Marsn Mold mitl North llend News 'o.. In North llend. G0RST & KING, Props. -I AMONG Till: SICK. .Mr. Korney, who recently injured one of Ills hands at tho Gold camp, Allegany, came to Marshllold this morning for treatment. Karl, the young sou of Mr. mid Airs. 10. O. May. who has been quite hi ot bronchitis Is reported improving. Mrs. Jus. I.. Kerry, who 1 as quite III, is reported much better today. I AT Til 10 IIOTKI.S. The Chandler. A. 10. Datln, S;in Kranclsco; Jos. .1. Cox. St. Paul; W. K. Wolst. San Kran clsco; W. It. Crowley, Portland: 10. O. Carter. Myrtlo Point: C. It. Ham mond, Portland; Geo. II. Luce, Sim Krnnclsco; J. W. Ashley; J. T. Mur ehull, San Kranclsco; It. W. Camp bell, San Kranclsco; A. W. Ilrown, San Kranclsco; K. C. Ilouck, lOureka. K. Abranis, Chicago. Hotel Coos. Miss Austin. North Hend: Mrs. Hryd l.attln. Coos Itlver; C. A. Gage. Coqullle. A. A. Matson, Co qilllle. lllauco Hotel. George 10. DeWolf. Denver. Colo.: It. W. Morgan, city; .1. ). Graham. Coqullle; A. M. Mcl.ellan. Port Or ion! ; P. o. Itudd. Coqullle: Matt Xystrnm. Myrtle Point: Kd Aasen. Coiiullle; 10. W. Lyons. San Diego. Lloyd Hotel. Jack Trainor. Heaver Hill: M. S. Madden. lOden Valley; K. H. Wesleder. Hmidou; Win. Honeo, Vancouver, It. C. I AIIYIOItTISIOII LKvITIOItS. I. List or iiiulalined letters remain ing In the .Mnrshlleld, Oregon. Post office for the week ending May Kl. I'.iKi. Persons calling for the same will plenso say advertised, and pay one cent for each letter called for: Hates. ,i. L., Cunning. Kd. Davles. IMra. lOinmeline; Kills. Lloyd; Kurd. JL; C'alroll. C. W; Green, K. L.; Getting. Mrs. Gertrude: Gelger, Phil; Gouyer, Win.; Goodwin. W'tl Ilnm, Thomas; llermmi, Albert; Jackson. Did.; Kyer. Krmik; Kru ger, .1. II.; Kappas, Knstnne. Kru ger. Itoht. Jr.; Lane. A. n.; Le Heck, Knuik; MiPor. 10. It.: Myers, itoy; Moore. Win.; Nitsburg. Kus.; Parchnian, .Mrs. J. . .2); Parch inan, Mrs. Will; Pearson, Thomas; ltlley, Thomas 1).; Holf. M. !!.; Ilob Jnaon, Win.; SniiHorn, Win ; Starr, Daisy; Scott, It. S.; Smith, John. a day goes by that Governor West Sons Compniiy and Mnrlon Mor tloes not receive in person or by let-nig lo pureluiKo tho lnttor's propel ler the tenrriil petition of some wife ! ty on Kront street near Kyle & for help in keepiiiK the saloons from Sous' new wfu-nimnau nuui.iAu m,. selliiig lltiuor lo Iter drunken bus- m(tik' residence, tho deal Includes band. They plond helpless, and say .the building occupied by G. 10. .Morses burlier shop mid Mrs. .Mor gan's building ndjolnlng tho liny View llotol. Among the new enterprises that have recently been stnrted hero Is the Klorence Produce Kxchiinge. Tho nianngor. Mr. TorrlH. has Just entered Into a contract to supplv Porter Urothors1 railroad cninps with fish for their boarding houses. This added to his local trade mid the shell fish that ho Is handling nl ready gives him considerable business. they are mocked at every t rn when they try to save their Husbands from themselvcM mid tho saloon. Tho civ of hungry children uiul the tours of destitute wives uccompllsh little or nothing, the governor is told over and over again. Tho husbands con tinue to get lltiuor. For those reasons the governor again calls attention to the law pass ed by tho last legislature, which will go into effect Juno .'!. mid gives n wile, husband, parent or child the right of action for damages against nny person who sells or glvos liquor to mi Intoxicated person or habitual drunkard. The law says Hint "tho Tho LADIi:S of the CATHOLIC tii,i .iiw ;.-,., ,, . .,, , .. , .-;-" act of any agont employee, bartender i LV, ,-V. . ., " ' Mmi;" ))n the act of r , "' ", ""' ' ' "v ,lu "a. i.tineo the or servant shall he deemed his principal or employer for purposes of this net." "That law will bo a great help to many wives and mothers In this state," said Governor West, "and I wish every one of them might know about it by the tlmo It becomes ef fective." The law moans Hint if a saloon keeper, or anyone else, sells or gives liquor to her husband when ho Is In toxicated or Is a habitual drunkard, a wife will have the right to bring suit against such a poison for damages, Times' Wont Ads bring results. TONIGHT At The Royal The Matlge llershey Couipaiiy of I'lve People, presenting t at Innny comedy, "The Haunted House, Ileum II," Malik-: Oh. John, dear, where will we go to spend the evening? John: Oh, that is easy, dear, to tell. We will go to Tho Itoyal and see their fine program of vaudeville mid pictures. Get reatly. 1000 Keel til" All New Pictures. A two-reel feature by the Hlson Kilni Company. At Old Knit Ileal hot it. The Cross lloatl Victor Kioni the Wilds iux We have the best music in the city and the largest mid best program. Admission, lower floor, 20e; bal cony 1 0c mid Splco liouso In the I) u I Id I tig. O'Conncll The Big Strike Is when yon striko for Sar tor's mid got ono of those dolicioii8 mid refreshing drinks. Try ono of our "Cup Id's Dip, u Is u dream of delight. Snrtor's drinks nro always tho host. Wo sell candles, too. ADMlXISTHATItl.V S.VLK. NOTICIO Is horoby given that pur suant to order of County Court of State of Oregon for Coos County, mndo April 14, 1013, in tho niattor of tho estate of A. M. Ross, deceased, tlio administratrix of snld estnto shall from mid after Thursday, May 15, 1013. proceed to sell to tho highest bidder for cash at otllco of Chas. l. Itelgard, Marshlleld, Oregon, all tho right, tltlo and Interest which said de ceased had at tho tlmo of his denth mid which said estate now has, in nnd to tho following described real prop erty, to wit: Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section Klovon. Township Twonty-six South, Itnngo Thirteen Wost of Willamctto Morldinn, In Coos County, Oregon, Datotl at Mnrshlleld, Oregon, April 15. 1013. VKTTI10 ROSS. Administratrix of said estate. Klrst publication April 15, 1913. Last publication May l-l, 1913. Iltdo in Lynn Lambeth's l!)l:5 7 passenger Cadillac. Stand at MIL yer's cigar r-'tore. Telephone 1S-.I. After 11 p. m., telephone 2fi0-L. tho Right Cafo. Careful driving nssurod. Prompt attention. Will go anywhere, any time, tiny or night. Leaves Illll yor's Cigar Storo to moot all trains mid boats. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drlrors nc reusonablo charges, Our motto 'Will go unywhore t any tlmo Stands Dlunco Hotol ami Hlanct Cigar Storo. Dny Phones 78 nd 4f Nlgbt Phono 46. nnaiMiif ..-o-,,.!,),,.. You Auto Call foote IMIOXIO 1M-.1 XIOHT AMI DAY .Stand front of lllauco HHIIartl Parlor TWO NIOW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono i!(M. Residence Phono .H-.T. direful Drivers -:- Good Curs PROFEvSSIOpJAL director tdiox.iamix ostlixd, - Consulting K.iiglucci- mid Architect. Phone lOiM, Miuslifleltl, Ore. T .M. WItlGHT, J COXTHACTOIt AXI) Hl'ILDKIt E8tliiintea furnished on request Plnns mid specifications furnished If desired. An honest job gunran tood. Phono 124-R. J 'OKI, OSTMM), l'imin Tiiiipi n.i.t rn. ,..i- - Hllll M V. IIIUI i;i 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L Plnnlst and Tcschcr Residence-Studio, 237 So. Droadwaj Phone 18-L. "G. CIIANnLEIt, Architect. Rooms 301 nnd it02, Coko IJulldlns Mnrsltflchl, Oregon. DIt. W. MORROW, " Dentist. 171 Grimes Iliilldlug, over Ornd Theater. Olllce Phone H20. W M. S. TUItl'KN, ARCHITECT Mnrshfleld. Oregon. D u, a. j. iiioxrmv'H Modern Denial PiHnn Vi are equipped to do high clasi work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination freo Lady attendant. Coke Dldg., Opi Chandlor Hotel, phone 112-J. Vi We are ready for yoi. We are ready to show you New Box Backs New Nofolk Suits New Semi-English Cuts in Iff Grey s Blues Browns 'SergesCheviots Worsteds In fact Every New Idea in Suits All at, Money-Saving Prices Priced $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20 $22.50, $25,00, $30.00, $35 "Money Talks" HubJCIothing (2b Shoe Co. 3 Stores: Myrtle Point MARSHFIELD Eandon ta m-atrr:cT,cirjT&iriJ'zm the iticcoiti) piioronitAPiiiXf! aijstract comiuxy- llnvo photoKraphlc copies of all rccurdti of Coos Countr to dite, nhstrnctH of lltleB, present ownorn, or any other Information relitlij to real ostato furnlBhod on short notice. UUSIXK.SS OKKIt'K: 117 Xorlli Kront SI., MitrMiflcM. I'Iwm 1511 W. J. RUST, Manager THE (NEW Steamer Ssib. (Bra. wrta. crtnik. m Mw ii m WELL (APT. K. IIOSICNHLATT, Master. Sails for San Francisco From Bandon Sunday, May 18. THE SPEEDWELL Is f.peet!y l '"" ovtellcnt Pw"W',ft' uioiliitlous, Inre clean uiul uliy rooms nail electric S" - wireless. . , l-'or fi'flKht mill imssaKC, npiljr, A. K. Esiuhrook (V.. Title (.uarautce ami AW wM ft. tllit-lll, niliiljl .iiiuiuii in "hm I'AST AXI) COMMODIOUS t earner Redowdo Equlppeil with wireless mitl milimnrlno bll SAILS FROM SAN FR.ANCISCO FOR COOS BAY SATURDAY, MAY 17, AT 3 P.M. ll PnMtrnKcr Reservations From Sao l'nflwp Mujj w J HO.-. Klfo IliilldliiK. or Lomlmnl street Pier -. ' must ho taken up 1!1 hours hefore sallint.. INTIJR.OCEAN THAXSPORTATIOV CO. t PHONE H. t "" EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS 5teamship Breakwater AliW AYS ON TIME. J0 ,3, . SAILIXO KltOM PORTLAXD. APRIL Ifl, H;. Jl ' W AND !) AT H A. 1. ,. ,j, SAILIX KltOM COOS IIAV, APRIL IS. 1. "U " Hi! AND '-IT. (0 joutrt TIcketH on salo to nil Eastern points .nd ;J"J"011 uiul lines ciit-vi ..., . T1.IUi,xo, .IgfW. ,, ,.,,!. .....ii .,.-.. s. sTalliance EQUIPPED WITH WIBw" flDtiA SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, MAY U, AT 2 A.M. unilND TRIP. S1S.50 otiap . naKII ItOAD AT sa with Tuu '""' roMl'AN1' ,rt,t OUTII I'ACITIO STEAMSHIP CO.m a oRiti OONNEOTING NOUTII Phono 11 O. F. 'ct FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield npr Sevvin M!S Supplies V, 1S1 l'rk ne280X t c:J ur That Koor i" QOKT011 Beo pnox nit