The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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A Smaller Outlay or a
Larger Outfit
MORE money ahead or more
clothes on hand is what
Clothcraft Clothes at $ 1 0 to $25
mean to you.
Hither way it's a big
saini? that you can put
in the bank or in more
riothcrat't Clothes.
In the latter ease, it's
both a saving- and a
goo d investment.
There's a big advantage
in having more than
one suit. .Frequent
change of clothes, hav
ing one suit pressed
while wearing the other
is a plan that will give
you more satisfaction
and service from your
clothes and a veputa-
Come in Today and try 2
2 on the Clothcraft Blue
5 Serge Special, No. 5130, f
5 al $15. m
The Clolhmifl Store.
Tor tho dyspeptic or nny mnn who has stomach trouble or In
digestion is tho fact that a doso of Ad-ler-l-ka will glvo al
most Instant relief. It Is a great aid In cases of appendlcltlH.
lelling of tl o treatment for appendicitis. See our window.
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
M.VS AI'IIOXG STRINGS Comedy, featuring John Runny.
1'" IMPORTER'S TEMITATIOX Ag ood newspaper story.
'"APPROPRIATED TU11KEV Dlograph. A strong drama.
'I.N'Dioa A story of the South Sea Islanders.
imes Want Ads.
tion for being always
well dressed.
Let us show you a
Clothcraft combina
tion preferably a light
and a dark suit; that;
will afford you pleasing
variety and freshness
in your dress.
The cost of both suits
at Clothcraft prices will
not be greater than men
often pay for one suit
no better. Our special
Cloth craft values at
1."5, $18 and $20 offer
some splendid sugges
tions along this line.
n a
Bring Results
llelow Is given tho time nnd
height of high and low water at
Tho tides are placed In the order
of occurrence, with their times on
the first Hue nnd heights on the
second lino of each day; n compar
ison on con ecutlve holghts will
Indicate whether It Is high or low
water, r'or high water on tho bar
subtract 2 hours .14 minutes,
llillrs. . 2.71 9.10 a. 29 10.32
I Ft... 2.3 i .a o.o r.a
If. Mrs.. 1.20 10. a,' 4.2B 11. IS
IFt... i. ii i.u o.o r.,7
10 Mrs.. fi.22 11.4a T..10 0.0
IFt... 1.0 1.9 l.l 0.0
vi:Tiu-:it FORECAST. I
Uy Associated I'ress I
Oregon Showers tonight j
and Thursday. Warmer EnBt.
Southerly winds. j
For tho 24 hours ending nt
1:1 a n. m., May 1 1, by Hon J.
Ostllnd, special government me
I teorologlcal observer:
Maximum GO
.Minimum as
At 1:4a a. in 41
Precipitation 00
Precipitation since Sept. 1,
1912 59. 93
I Precipitation snmo period
I Inst year 51.91
I Wind. Northwest; clear.
Trouble at Florence. According
to a rumor reaching here, tho schoo
ner Oaklnml had to jettison part of
her cargo of lumber In croslug out
from Florence. She struck on the
sand nnd It was with dllllculty that
the tugs got her off, oven nftor a
considerable portion of her dcckload
had been thrown overboard.
Postponed Exhibit. Owing to the
Turner art exhibit being delayed
In trniiHlt, the art exhibit and ox-
You CAN cat your cake
and have it, too,
Here's the Way:
Would a
Be a
Time Saver
For You?
Think About It
You pay automobile fare every day to and from your-work.
that money?
The monthly payments on a bicycle are not much
.more than your automobile fare.
You must be on time for that auto, or you walk.
The bicycle is ready to go, whenever you are.
The "COOS KING" BICYCLE is warranted against
We are bicycle specialists and have made good in
Would we be foolish enough to attach our name to
any but the best bicycle?
That's Your Guarantee and the
Bicycle Will be Your Cake
if you buy a "COOS KING" BICYCLE on the install
ment plan.
We sell them at $30.00 cash and a little more on
-coo, King- TiMEiSAVERS
Marshf ield
1 56 North Broadway
limit of school work which was to)
hno uoen glen nt the Central
School building this week has boon
postidiwd until next week. It will
stun a week from today and con
tinue em h afternoon until Friday.
Itiij- Engine. Ed Anson, repre
senting Aasen Brothers, loggers of
Coqulllo, hns boon u business visi
tor to Mnrshllold returning on tho
morning train. While hero Mr.
Anson purcuased tho big donkey
niiKltie used by Solcin & atom on
Catching Inlet. The engine was
transported to Marshlleld on a scow
and will be taken to the vnlley by
Itaby Is Rend. A telegram from
Mis. M. O. Coleman brought tho sad
news to Mr. Coleman at North Rend
this morning that their infant sou
had died last night. Tho little baby
had been allng for n long tlino and
was taken to San Frnnclsco last week
where an operation was performed In
n futile effort to save his life. The
body will be brought to North Rend
for burial.
SNtor Wedded. In an Item In Tho
Times yesterdny concerning n trip of
Mrs. Wm. Uyden to Menominee, Wis.,
to visit her slslor. who formerly was
cashier In tho Western Union olllco
In Mnrflliflnlil. It fntlnil In ntntn Hint
! Miss liniverson was now Mrs. Snn-
ilalil, having wedded n prominent
Menominee man last fall. Mrs. Uy
den and children will Icavo Saturday
on their trip.
Wauls Divorce. Suit for divorce
hns been instituted by Adelaide Rol
llnsou vs. Chns. It. Itulllnson. Deser
tion Is charged nnd bIio wishes to
resume her maiden name of Adel
aide Snyder. Ills whereabouts nro
unknown. Another dlvorco suit
started Is J. F. Wendllng vs. Anna R.
Antoln Wendllng. lie chnrges deser
tion and says he doesn't know tho
present wherenbouts of tho woninn.
Move West. Mrs. Stoffon and
.1 .!.... .. m. .,,.. .1.
I uiiiiiiiui , .iiiiy iiuiu.v, wiu mm
aeticss of tho Orpheuni circuit, nnd
I Mary Hague, have moved from New
York to l.os Angeles whore they
will spend the summer. Tho change
wns made because of tho advlco of
Miss Tiilloyjs physician who pre
scribed n rest. Miss 'Hilly plnyed
a circuit In crossing the continent.
Miss Tully Is n niece of Mr. and
Airs. Eugene O'Connell nnd F. E.
After Another. A Portland paper.
Phone' 1 58-R
In nnnounilng the nrrhnl of Deputy
l'. S. Marshal Grllllths and Marshal
Anderson of North Rend in Portland
with W. F. l.a Sholle. charged with
white slavery, says that another man
Is being sought In connection with
the case.
Plan Celebration. Tho Norwe
gians of Marshlleld nnd North lleml
and surrounding country will unite
on the eenlng of May 17 In a big
tolebrntlon of tho anniversary of
freedom of their old home. May 17
is the Norwegian Fourth of July. It
was expected to havo a speaker hero
from Astoria. A program is being
prepnrcd. a number of addresses by
Rev. U. O. Thorpe nnd others being
Included as well as musical selections
etc. The exercises will bo hold In
tho Finnish hall.
Speedwell Affected. Owing to
Bomo contracts which they had for
carrying lumber having about ex
pired, tho A. F. Estnbrook Company
Is trying to make somo new ones.
Tho Speedwell Is principally affected.
It Is possible that arrangements may
bo made wheroby tho Speedwell will
handle tho out put of tho new North
Rend mill, which Manager Dluimlck
cxpecls to havo In operation soon.
In conseiiuoiice of tho lack of a deck
lond on tho Ray this time, tho
Speedwell will not come to Coos Ray,
but will sail direct from Handon for
San Francisco,
"Loaves Tonight. S. II. Hedges, of
tho Pugot Sound Drodgo and Rrldgo
Company, leaves tonight for Portland
to make arrangements for bringing
hlo dredge In here to deepen the hnr
bor channel, for which ho was award
ed the contract by tho Coos Ray Com
mission. Mr. Hedges will bring in a
twenty-Inch dredge In nbout sixty
dnys and snys that ho will have tho
contract completed In considerably
less than the fifteen months specified.
Ho Is an enthusiast over Coos Rny
and says that there Is bound to bo
a population of twonty-llvo thousand
people within live yonrs. Mr. Hedges
Is a close personal friend of Sec. Hal
linger nnd snys that tho latter was
most unjustly and cuolly treated.
Smallest Ruby. The Times print
ed a press dispatch tho other dny tel
ling of tho birth of the smallest baby
In tho world. Tho Item was of mnro
than passing Interest to Mr. and Mrs.
I. C. Swlnford ns It canto from their
old homo In Illinois. Today they ro
reived a copy of their local paper,
which gives the following additional
particulars of tho "littlest baby:"
"Tho Russell Infant, the tiny girl
babe born nt Mattoon recently, will
U" wealthy by the time sho reaches
womanhood, Tho stonily stream of
visitors to tho Russoi home to seo
tho baby generally leave something
to repay the parents. A lady from
Charleston, who saw tho child Wed
nesday night, said that the llttlo
ono's feet woro not larger than
mutches. Sho has now reached a
height of twelve Inches. Tho pnrentH
do not charge anything for exhibit
ing tho child, but nearly all who visit
their homo pay somothlug, and tlioy
are getting a nlco llttlo Incomu al
ready through their daughter."
WANTED Experienced woman
wants housccleanlug, washing nnd
Ironing. Phono 390-X.
FOR SAI.i: Reasonable: 50x1 10
corner, Johnson nnd Second sts,
For Information address Rox 51,
(iarden Home, Oiegou.
FOR SALE Cheap If tnlcfii at once,
' stovo and other household furnl
, ture. corner 120 Rlrclt und N,
FOR RENT Four room house In
South Mnrshllold. Rig yard for
chickens nnd gnrdon, $10.00 per
mouth. Coos Rny Roalty Com
pany, 100 Front St,
, WANTED Work by day In private
i families. Phono 390-X.
WANTED lloiisciioik by day or
week. Phono 22-X.
FOR RENT Furnished and unfur
nished rooms. Call 3G2-R.
DRESSMAKING' First class dress
making done nt Ludlos' Emporium.
, CHAUFFEUR vwints situation. So
, her. reliable. Rood mechanic nnd
i reimlr man. Wishes steady pos
ition' whoro work Is appreclatod.
References furnished. Address
Fred Risk, Prosper, Oregon.
FOR SALE Cheap; u good cieain
! separator, almost now. I.. I).
I Smith, Mnrshllold, Oregon.
FOR SALE Second hand cur In Hist
class uhapo. Gfi.h. p., 7 passen
ger, good for stago or livery. $1,
000. Address P. O. Rox 203 or
789, North Hond.
FOR RENT Store with flxtuios
with living rooms In rear, at El
rod and Tenth, Mrs. Early, 805
Central avonuo.
'run ill'..! I r in iiisiieii iiiuiiin nun
WW. ...,.. V. f. I , .-.. ...... .. I.I.
nam, sunny ironi room lor iwo
gontlomen at oai First and Alder.
tfOH SALE A good organ cheap. In
quire at Oregon Trust Co., North
FOR SALE Household furniture Mr
four rooms. Apply 927 South
Rroadwny. Houso may bo ronted.
Phono 187-R.
DRESSMAKING At ttlil South
Rroadway, or phono 21G-L.
FOR KENT Furnished Housekeep
ing rooms. G9.r First and Rlrch
st. Telephone 239-J.
FOR RENT Modern four-room cot
tage.v Dr. G. W. Leslie.
FOR RENT Nicely furnishes! rooms.
Enquire 21 G North Second St. or
Phono 120-R.
FOR RENT Comfortable room
with stovo and bath. Phnne
23G-J; TVJ8 North Second St.
RRIIT CHURCH Is In town today
from North Inlet.
WM. CANDLIN Is here from Co
qulllo on business today.
PETER Cl'I l.l.I A.MS, of North Coos
River. Is in town on business.
E. II. JOEIINK returned today noon
from n business trip to Coqulllo.
W. II. SMITH, tho Coos River farm
er, Is hero on business for tho
JOE DODGE has returned from
Camp 1 where oe visited his
Inlet, Is In Marshlleld today on
E. O. CARTER nnd son. of Myrtlo
Point, woro Marshlleld visitors yes
terdny. MRS. R. W1RTH. of South Coos
River. Is In town today on a busi
ness trip.
GOSS reamed today noon from a
trip to Coqulllo.
MKS. A S. HAMMOND Is hero from
Portland whero sho has boon
spending somo time.
ARTHUR K. PECK hns returned
from a biiBluoss trip to Myrtlo
Point and vicinity.
Simmer, wns In Mnrshllold today
on a pleasure trip. v
GEORGE NOAH and wlfo nro spend
ing tho day In town from tho SI
Noah place on Coos itlvor.
W. F. HARMON hns returned from
n business trip to otirry County
and Coqulllo Vnlley points.
W. R. COX has returned from Co
qulllo where ho was In nttond
anco at Circuit Court yesterday.
lug Inlet, closed an eight-months
term of school nt sunnier yester
day. II. E. RULT.MANN will return to
Marshlleld this evening after a
business trip to the Coqulllo vnl
ley. WILLIAM CARLSON, who hns boon
employed on tho Larson dredgo
now nt Allegany, Is In town to
day on business.
Jl'RGE JOHN F. HALL Is expectod
homo tonight from McKInloy,
whoro ho wont to Inspect roads,
nftor concluding u session of Ju-
of Coos River, woro In town this
morning. They left for a short
visit nt tho Mnrk Cutllp homo on
Ken tuck Inlet.
DR. LEE STEINER. superintendent
of the Oregon State Asylum,
pnssod through hero yesterdny on
rou to to Curry, County for nu our
Ing nnd hunt.
MARK WENDLE, who Is now on
gagod In the tailoring business at
Rnndnn, loft for his homo yester
day aftor a short a visit with old
friends on the Ray.
has been visiting tho pnst weok
with her mother, Mrs. Giib Carl
son, of Lnkesldo, returned to
Mnrshllold this morning.
E. A. RECKETT was horo from Co
qulllo yestordny looking nftor ex
hibits, which ho Is assembling for
opening n carlo emporium nt San
Francisco for tho exposition.
WILLIAM DOYLE enmo up from
Tar Heel Point this morning and
left on tho afternoon boat for
tho Luso ranch on South Coos
River where he will visit fpn'
R.E. KNORR has moved his house
hold goods o Gold Uoach and Mrs,
Knorr nnd ehlldron will follow ns
noon ns Miss Xenla Knorr rocovors
Riifllclontly from hor operation for
appendicitis to make tho trip,
C. J. HOWARD of Marahllold, whrf
roprosontB Folgor &. Company of
Snn Frnnclsco In this soctlon, Is
spondlng n few duys with his fam
ily horo nflor a rnthor stroniious
trip up tho const via Croscont City.
LEONARD MAU.EY nnd wlfo hnvo
moved Into their now homo In
South Mnrshflold, near tho High
school, from the Lang residence
which they occupied during tho
nbsenco of Mrs. Lang In Califor
nia. C. A. METLIN, nflor n visit to his
brother In Ohio, has started for
homo. On tho homeward trip ho
will visit lu Indiana, Illinois and
Kansas, returning via Sau Frnn
CIIILDT, of Coos Klvor, cnuio to
Murshllold In their launch this
morning. Tlioy woto nccompnu
lod by their Hon Ferdinand who
continues to Improve ufter ills
long Illness.
W. S. CHANDLER returned today
on the Alliance from Eiiroku. Ry
having tho steamsnip meeting
cuntluiio until Into In tho eve
ning, ho wns able to complete his
business there wlino the Alliance
waB In port mil return on her.
tho Alliance this morning from Eu
reka, accompanied by his wlfo and
baby, Jnmo.i Hutchinson Is tho
sou of Mrs. Agnes Hutchinson and
was for a niimbor of years connec
ted with tho Magnes & Mataon
firm, but now owns a men's fur
nishing goods houso In Eureka,
whoro ho Is one of tho most prom
inent young business men.
Wo will glvo freo THE SIL
to auyouo buying a dollar's
worth of shuvlng supplies this
Headquarters for Sluivlng
The Store for Quality Goods
and Penslar Remedies.