The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 13, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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J! ft
H. O. MALONKV F.dltoi- and Pub.
riAN K. MAI.OVF.V ou KilHo-
official I'niM'i
oi C(kw Cihiiih.
DID VOr ovir realize that tho
greatest kicker In the world Is
u Jackass?
Did It over dawn on you Hint this
Is JiiHt ns true of TIIH TWO-LUO-GFD
KICKHH ns of the four legged
for example, who could he n more
perfect Jackass tluiti the mini who
kicks nbotit his own town?
T!io ass kicks hecauso he Is hull'
thnt way. and the man kicks because
ho Is built the same way.
Tho ass ustinlly has ttoinctliliiK o
kick at, but the man often kicks
about nothing at all.
(.VI out the kicking hulilt and lu
ll hoostci'.
It pays pnys the Individual nnd
pays the coinniunlty.
Wouldn't you rather live In n
GOOD town than n POOR one?
All right, then, help to make your
town n good otu1.
Talk It up, arouse the town spirit.
Anybody inn kick, Inn l( takes u
good man to boost.
10 H 6
stop vont WHININt.'.
iikjii school di:ii.ti:iis m:
riO.VSHir ..M sill i 1'ifinr i ii i
AH North Ilend turned out this af
ternoon to give the North Bend high
school debaters and ntheletes from
Ktigene, where they met with such
Prof. (Irubbs. Lylo Chapelle, Miss
Norinn Chase, Miss Dorothy Kibbler.
John Hanson, .toe Harbor and Fre
mont Hodson were met at the stage
landing by A. Van Hlle with his big
auto and the party taken to the Ore
gon for n big dinner.
Then came a big nuto parade, over
forty machines being out In gay dec
orations. Nearly all the Btores were
closed and the streets were thronged
with people nnd school children.
The parade was from town to tho
High school building, whore Mayor L.
.1. Simpson. Supt. Kmiu, Prur. uniniw
and others will speak.
Commissioner of Labor and
Noted Arbiter Will Leave
Government Service
ll Amu tltrl l'r. to ron Illy T.m.' 1
WASHINGTON. May I!!. - Dr.
Charles P. Nelll. Fulled States Com
missioner of Labor since 110 and
recently made Commissioner of Labor
Statistics In the new department of
labor, resigned today to take a posi
tion outside the government service.
He was prominently Identified with
the arbitration of many noted wage
disputes under the Krd.nnn act.
Nelll has taken n position with
the American Smelting and defining
ii intra
jrjllT shall tho City K.iiiitnhle Inclines toward c.Miiclsni. mill sceka
XJAf (I J in the matter ot limine tue gratiitcaiton of Ills iiIivhI.
v and private morals? When senses. To biic.I.' a one the urbltrarx
equity lias noon estniiiisueii, now resiraini, or prouiniiioii of the llq-i
rar suau mo iuy cqiinanie go in nor iraiuc, or mo hociiii evil, nieaiiH
prolilbltlug injurious modes ot
dress, poisonous urtlcles of food,
or harmful social customs? What
shall It do with those twin rollci j lions against society.
of barbarism, the drink linhlt and Tho girl fares no better.
the social evil? Surrounded hv mawkish m-iuim-t-
Society has had vast experience as a child, kept In Ignorance of her' ''"belt Mnrmtn., . .
It physical being, nnd taught to n. "Vm "niu on . '.'. "a retimi
inn iiiiiui', ur i iii hociiii evil, IlieailH Pi rv i
little beyond mi Invasion ()r wlint lie ' Cat rlCllire "Frnm tu .
consldeis In bo his personal lights' ul" W nfjn
and begets In him a spirit rebel-1 CJGI' to the Cm" D
I Iirillmcj success.
Do not look for wrong and evil
You will II ml ilieni If you do:
As you ineasuie for your neighbor
lie will measure back to you.
Look for goodness, look for glad
ness You will meet them all the while.
If you bring a smiling visage
To the glass, you meet a smile.
Alice Carey.
Who Is going to come through with
u nickname for the Klks baseball
Not a dm liny (ili I.
"reality's only skin deep"--
T'-lniier. I should say.
Wli.u soiuo xuap and water
Washes It away.
According to an exchange, there
Is a sign In Oklnhomn City wlilch
reads: "Pants Pressed in the Hear
While You Walt." That Is. If tho
waiting Is not one standing up, we
With all our whining, when was
there u better year than this or grace
nineteen hundred thirteen?
A hundred years ago the working
mini's home was a hovel, built in
awkward rows. In iinllglited. sewer
less streets. Heaps of garbage were
before tho door, scattering fever and
plnguo. Father earned $l.f.O a week.
Mothor was a beast of burden, too.
Chlldron night years old worked UJ
hours per day. A llttlo meat was
a luxury; meat was only for the
squlro's family.
A hundred years ago Knglan 1 on
turned six times tliu amount' of liq
uid per capita as now. (lambllng
nnd drinking were well ulgh univer
sal. Hnloous offered people n fair
drunk for a penny, n dead drunk
for two pence, a dead drunk wltli
strr.w on wlilch to sober up for
throe ponce.
A hundred years ago tho stnets
of cities were so unsnfo that oven
the grcatost had no security from
thieves. King (loorge HI lost his
purse, watch and buckles on n dark
London street. I
A hundred years ago sports woro
vicious. Mull fighting, prize fighting,
rock fighting nnd bear baiting wcro
the chief amusements with drunken- "The laziest man I ever saw"
nesH and profanity characterizing tha H.(I nmn who travels for a San
performance. Our enthusiastic unso- Francisco linn. "Is the proprietor of
ball matches, under perfect control utile Hlioe store in California. I
and patronized by tho best people, happened to be In his shop on day
are eloquent testimonials of out ad- when a woman entered and said sho
vnnceinent. wanttd to buy a pair of shoes. The
A hundred years ago a Illblo In an lazy man. who was sitting on a box
Lngllsli worklngnian's home was n at one end of his establishment,
curiosity. Hooks were nearly nil oh-1 looked at her. yawned wearily, and
scene, excepting a few volumes of .then said:
sirmous dry as dust. The public " 'I can't wait on vou todav. Conic
school was In its Inruncy. The news-1 in some time when I'm standlii' up."
paper paid a tax of 8 cents per copy, j :
and a dally paper cost $.".0 a year. Till: HACHP.I.OK (illtl, SAYS: '
uniy iii.oou copies or newspapers
It'll! lllillltjl rvlK lUllnlf nil tin. ..Illlll ! I.. a t ..
iii me iove game n mnirs i-or-over!"
menus about ns much ns a
v. .jiuan h ".Nour!"
A woninn never seems to realize
the full worth of a man's love until
i sue decides to suo for hi-onch of
ing ill rows to rot; kuuiiiiik sKulla promise.
of executed offender lined lite top -::-H-
of Temple liar. Men and women A perfectly devoted husband Is
were Hogged HiioukU the London one who keeps on eternally telling
nueeis i-riwniH iii i.iijduuu were ill in who t lint lie loves her without
uie worsi in hiirope. over showing liow tired It makes him.
a iiiiiiureii years aito l.urope wan
Just rocoxorlng from .Mi years of
wild speculation, our Soih century.
Ket-rlili-qulck met hods are clilld's
play compared with the wlldiat In
vestment of the year following Hie
South Sea bubble. A company was io fish up shipwrecks on
Hie Irish const, and stock In It went
above par before, one wreck had been
raised. Another company, well cap
italized, expected to make salt water
Hi'llMi Win liii ltiilntl In I 'land
i City Tciluy.
illy Ao l,n.! I' lou lljy Tunia.)
SALONIKI. Mny 111. Tho llrltlsii
cruiser Gloucester loft today nt full
speed for Smyrna after receipt of ur
gent summons from Hint city, where
disturbances are threatened.
Itejiubllciiii CoimicHsmoii Favor
.Meeting l.-i Heorgiiule I'nity.
I Mr Ahoi Mlr-I IT.ji (u tout Hay Tlinri
WASHINGTON. May U. Itepuli
llcan Senators who attended the
Progressive conference In Chicago
leturued today determined to exert
nil the influence at their commiiud
to Induce the National committee
to call a reorganization convention gymnasium
In dealing with those evils, and
should be possible at this day to
draw some conclusions as to the
direction of future efforts.
The most permanent ami there
fore the best results In moral de
velopment have been attained by
an Increase of the sense of Indiv
idual responsibility. To stop u
mail from the gratification of u
bestial desire may prevent u speci
fic Immoral net. hut it- does not
make n moral man. Hut when
restraint comes through an appeal
to the mnu's sense or Individual re
sponsibility Individual responsibil
ity, not to society, or to the stnte.
but to himself n positive ami last
ing gain has been made.
The earlier this appeal to man's
Individual responsibility to llmself.
Hie more effective It will lie. It
is lu response to this Hint the moral
force of today bus been turned to
the child, rather than to the adult:
anil the conviction Is growing thnt
If the child be equipped for u whole
some life and then be given free
dom f'ir growth unit expression, It
will rarely happen that the mini or
woman will fall. Hence, as I In
state supplies more mid belter
teachers for the child. It will need
fewer policemen for the adult. Hot
ter the school, the park and the
than the reformatory
iihvslcal In
press the natural desires that mark ' wl,urt' ll lurlntenii !!!
the iiiirolilliiu of low tintn.... ui,.. Hon or tin. ..w.. :??ro ibe iJ?
reaches maturity lu a soetutv' Hint A,I",,K,,,' tho Cross KJn Hi
oners starvation wages ru- drugd- ! !',!' "'"'"Ihig room" onu , pltt"i
cry .or luxury ami idleness for ".,; '"""' to tho ar.i ,"1
prostitution. That human nutitre , ,' known In that iMihS'S
does tend toward good could meet ,; ' """'iy pronounce.! ,l:V
H- fnct thai ' .:'rsw'lnCoo,r "
no greater proof than Hi
so' iniiiiy mil on, nun so row sur
If under prose
ciimsinnces so ma
men keep faith with themselves
win not vastly more Keep the faith
under Jimt conditions? if tho state,
lu addition to wholesome lustrue-
iioii given tue (-uiid. snail giitirau
lll'CHCIllln.. i. .. WMtr
"" ,WB ""-. wonderful re, rwiuZ
with Its production. Thii!8"
undeiiakliir 'WtUBMdh
tee to the udiilt the full earnings clallsls " niii W"li
of his labor. It will have offeied ty i , ''V'tt J
eveiy Incentive toward good. n.-les. , rm i W f "
The mere making ,r a living will w... ,r cniK'Isl'&i l
(lieu be us a pleasant task. It will
be dirriciilt, very difficult, to be
come u millionaire; but it will Ik
eusy to obtain u generous liveli
hood. The honest' toil of woman
so long us sbe must support her
sen- win not
bare necessar
KCie llntnuJ. .
I'lTott nnr ::
iw.n spared to acl levV r?
Hun of a hluli i,i,i ,e,het
! only secure her the and these early BreiiM L
rles of life, but (lie Pictured un.b.r ii,.. 'V'.;erM
comforts as well. Including leisure sphinx and pyramid. nn... ttl
for culture mid enjoyment. Hci.lnrly Hit liese nlcl?r- ,k M tL
if economic freedom will do so i,rrnl Krtiupitif; 0f the crowd t
urn kmyiiiii riiiYiiig uicso lllllicrio ""'"'im is I 'lllircly due to n J
we iiiiiv rnui ""in i-uci'i wniii. 1 1,,. ,.i. . ."
make- short Hie dwellers In tlic Hob iC1
Insolublo tiroblems.
assured that It will
. .--.... -... .- ............... ..I...... ,.r ..... iH.iiti ....I... ....... . "II J ..l.....ul... . '
i... ti ii'i v.... i i .... .1... 1..11 i .i mi hi iiu irii. i'nn 1 1 ui vi ho . .n iiiriiiriiii iirh. i ...
nit- mil. urn uu .Miiioiini e-iini' Jim nun i lie in-line in liny, t,.i.. it., .i ... i.. . n.t iIpihhii,,,, ., . . , , ".'" ul '' fc
...... . . .. .... ... ...... . . . CletV. I'll lee I ihI I'liiullllmiu il,,, m llipilllll or I nnk n,1 I. j..i. .'r
iiuve coiiiiiiiuee meeis nere .Mti.v ire wuoie proiueni innv no sat i .. i. ......... ' ""' i,.i.... . ...., """."" "pm
h.M. these Senators will report the to hinge upon the question: Does " .V 'Vl I. , I . ' H"K"rl "" of ho w ,,, i V ,bt fro... ninny stntes as ex- litiiiiiiu n.tlure tend t iw.n.1 evil, or ! ,, '' , M , ' 'i'", ! "'' " inn nJ luh i "h1 ll
Pressed atnJa conference, does inake j.r good? Or . ,, t? IZ 'XZfi
..,..,. San, Tiirne,. .,.n by' Stem,,- ... ti.e ea,'lV"es ,,r cvlllz-,- ;;;;!i,,,':.t;!!!:,niaSil" l!" ","rV """V'? " "ml If. 'Sffhl. p0,
bout InspectoiH , PoHhi.ul. lion, when force was the onlv cor- ' 1,,,, m "". ' wlmi Ikh- " , m ' ' '"JWP b
Comernlng ,, boat which was'i-ecHve power r H.e hi...... m.d re- , ' ,"' f " ' ' ' ".'' effect ! n .iT,.
.... I...... ...I.... ..,......... ... ............. ...'..... i.'.au ..... .........,i... r....... ...... - ... ...... . ........ ........ ..... ....
.1... It I . .... . ' . . . ...
uu- i-nriiiiiiu leiegraiu snys: "iiy. iiumaii niiiure was iokmi up-
There will be no documents Is- on ns evil, and physlcn! iiuiilshmeul
sued the steamer Fncle Sam, the was thought to lie the onlv conroll-
home port of which Is Corvnllls. lug agent. Hut Just to the exteni
for after a visit yesterday by Fulled Hint appeal Iuih taken the phi r
States luspectois FilwnriN and Ful- coniiniind. nnd sympathy box ills-
J lor. It was officially decreed i!a she
could not be "passed." us repre
senting requirements for tho pas-1
sengor and Height trade, lu fact
she cannot ply lu either and not
even tow logs.
"The Fncle Sam was begun over,
two years ago and she should he
ns coivdctc as the Liisltania. but!
the reverse Is said to be her con-
piaceti viiiillctlvenesi', ln.m-i.i untun
bus been found to tend toward good.
And If to the love and synipnihy
for the transgressor, mere should
bo lidded equitable coudnloiis for,
man before he transgresses, there j
can be little doubt thnt the ten-1
uency toward good would lie still
more marked.
can there be than the miililpllciitlnu
or Homes lu which the Imniiniid.
wife aiid children are bound toge
ther In the spirit of real caniiim
derle? Let us have the City lleautlfiil as
'fn :s ;.m ne. Ii.r. !o: n.j r.Ljj !;;,-, t,
he City Kq.iltable. and have It
-uiysterloiia. inlniir i....
slve Sphinx, keeping Ruird u't
were. In the pale moonllihtireftSi
hiiii oi uie Divine Child. hh Jin
ami Joseph lying mleep Wtrntk."
It consists of (lie reeli nntiUu
At Hie Giiiini Theatre toeerr;. I
liiirsday and Friday, Marl 5 itl It!
imosT xi:v tox.
were printed per week on the entire
continent of America.
A huured yearn ngo Ki.glish con
lcts were sold to work on colonial
plantations, sometimes for a limited
period mid souu times for lire. The
ro.ualus or criminals were leH hang
LOS ANOHLFS. Sine l!( ''Kill
j skirts" cannot bo worn' In Los An-
Tlie nverage bov. nut wltliHtnn.ll.tu. I r" H . " V"" "H. " "'""" The or-
dltlon. One miirln.. v.... 'nil that Iiiik hum mi.......t...i i.. i.i. , ,"' .,,H ' Illt-' niisence from Poly
.. . .. : . . ...... ....... ..... .t.,..-, ,n uu.
...II.. I r ... .... . ., ,., . '.,, ,
v.hiiuiii ii iiiiiui' i.isi in (i.e nun . .iiii.iiii loim.lloiM. in mi ,. PI in .bat he u'toweil ii eimiitr uiin.Mi. ...
rf """"VII i tUII irtjin eniiiiie f niUII'l ' , Illlll
to Portland on a trial trip nnd be.- realizing the hazard and hnrdshi..
cost is leported to have been $u. of ninrryliig and rearing u rnnM
ion. but there must lie radical I -
iiHimes lieroro sbe can navigate
murine highways under federal Jurisdiction."
fur Two ,h !uilJua
I I.e (luard mji: ArclVl
tect llunzlcker It drawing t: ('tal
for a two-story frame itorMsCll
I ii.i-imii. u.,ii.i.i ... r inir ill ne I'riM'inii iir .mrin ill
.g everything below. Her hull Is H.nall appeal has been made ... Mm , ',,', "v en s , A, """'""" ,.g l;e d.e o a ! ro n krt
iild to be "hogged" and would vwiw.ii. H he be a boy r spirit ho . I. m W & mM ,;,i..,. .,.. lolnvmMteCMlt
ave to be rechulncd nnd though lis too npt . enltomlse It all with, vil , Rl' . Ll " V S r . V..J . 1 17 TL.
nipped with three rudders it urnmrt ge. cnugl.t." . . .7'.,. " .. ".... r""" ",H" .mV.7 i "i. ' .T-:.i7. . ..i C
.1.1 two nf tlmm tl-n..l.l ... r ' Tl... I. . !' . ... " '" '", ".'' Kills. WHO I .-.l..n-.l ." -.l
lociited at
i celt ulili
the Junction c( Uiil
t e Slutlaw rhtr vonr Inii printing dono nt
Tho Times office.
If you hnvonnvthlnsloj&Ktl
Irmle or wnnt lioln Mr 'Vn' '
iXi'H- of Clt..liy-tlie-Seii. us Tolil by
The Suif.
The condition or Donnid Mcin
tosh, who is ery low wltl. typ: old
j piieuiiiiuila. I very i rltlcal. How-
ever, a change for the better is
expected today.
Wireless Operator Mansfield, a
I U'ull l.n. ...... u.,.1 1
froul. A.u.l.,,,.. .........w...i ... .."'." """ " .'"..iliiu yuilllK lllltll
- t in wh"p- ii iii rAi i nil in it u.a r. . .,,.. i ... .t..
silver from lead and Iron from .I'v l"u
outoneriaw .., era. k." r.ut perhaps iv-s V' lsbe. Vn ' V"""
the fciimmlt , .enchod uhe. a co, ,-" J ':." ' ' f.( ."n l" rii-lMi-o
iiuiiv niuni.i.i (.. i i. ""m Hiifiice lie Intends to moceed
tinerlca lu quest of foi-
lmny ormiulzed "for an undertaking ,,";:
wlilch In due time was to be reveal-. ! ... " A
ed" sold 2000 shares of stock at '" -- -
xuliiens each before noon on the first
Miibscriptlou day.
(,wi- up. KxcluuiKO.
The great cnlnmlty m Omaha was
quickly overshadowed hv Mie teirliiif
uiniieiiiiiis noons in unio. (irent suf-
Tho Dominic hen Is on Kiundniothei'M, ,CU,,K ""' fi;knpss from colds and
Tho little red rooster's on moth
er's: While sister Mario wears a pullet
once uu
exposure resulted. L. I'onio.
California St.. Oniahn. writes-
daughter had nvery severe cough and
cold hut Foley's Honey nnd Tar Com
pound KUOCKe.l It out n li r. tlmn
Her chums mo bedeckod with tho ' !itf,ls,,;1 substitutes. Owl Prescript
others.' "" l" Hon Pharmacy. prnnk D. Cohan.
uiuiosuo L-uaiuilor liotol. Phono 7 .
lint Int.... I., tl... .
..... ...,,.- ,r mi' ii7,iiiiii mien .e.iiners
lire worn
Hy women folks (saving their pres
ents) Tho price of an egg is so high, they
lime sworn.
The hens are nuuh sweller than
m.IIft? your Job Printing done at
Tho Times office.
-... ii i ,.i i, -
Modern Methods
We make a specialty or using
modern methods In our business
inir latest is a patent attiuhuient
to our coireo mill which removes
all particles of dust ami chaff which
accumulate lu grinding
si:i: ot it window.
For He practical results, then or
dor a pound or our Corona llleiul
It will pleaso you.
Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House
181 Market Ave. Phone 394-J.
Is where you can got your shoes
repaired promptly, reasonably and
Come in and .see,
v. OS ('Alt K. WALL
.oNtdoor to Orpheuni Theater.
The Big Strike
Is when you strike for Sar
tor's and get ono of those
delicious and refreshing
drinks Try one of our "Cup
hls Dip. it Is a dream of
delight, Sarter's drinks are
always the best. We sell
candles, too,
Have your job printing done at
Your Drugps! '"
Stops Tbat Ich
If ymi nro suffering: from nei-zeirm,
rxorluHls or any other Until of fk.n
troublu. itron Into our htoro for lintnnt
rllef. Wo will gimrantee you to stop
that ttcb In two seconds.
We huve unlit other rt-meillei for skin
trouble, hut none that wo could recom
mend an hluMly us tills, u mild wuhIi of
Oil of WlnteiKriun Thymol uml u few
othor lhKTotllunts that hava wrought
Piioh wonderful euros ull ovr the coun-
This compound Is Unown as D.D.D.
Prescription for Fczema nnd it will coot
nnd heal the Itchy, burnlnir skin aa
nothltikr t'lo can.
A L'Jc trial I'otllo will provo It.
Of courxo all other druKKlsts havo
D.D.D. Prescription bo to thvm If you
can't conio to us hut don't accept
blc-proflt substitute.
Dut If you come to our store, wo aro
. certain of what D.D.D. will do for you
that wo offer you u full size bottle on
this guarantee; If you do not tlml that
It takes awny tho Itch AT ONCE It
costs you not a cent.
Hod Cross Drug Store.
TiTe Royal
The .Mmlge Heiliey Company In no
Fntlre Change of Piograin
A screaming rarce comedy full of
mystery. A sure cure for
thoso sour feelings,
ItKlll feel of all new pictures,
, TUB HOLY CITY A two-reel
drama; Kclair.
ma; Hex.
If you have a feeling that you want
to enjoy a good evening don't
fall to come out to The
Popular Show House.
The house of re
fined vaude
ville. Admission, lower floor 20c: bal
cony 10c.
r rv .!... oi i i i
vuccii vuumy onoes nave always
catered to the feminine instinct for Style.
Each season finds them just a bit more
stylish, more fascinating and inviting.
The new Autumn designs no exception. Far and away the most
beautiful models of expert shoe-making we have ever shown.
Why not drop in today and look them over? No better time I
The Golden Rule
First National IJank Building. - R. A. Copf)!