The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 12, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    iLiiVfiUIR'f P"JlM
Tii3 Beet
Tooth Brush
Como From
They make the firmest, otrong
cst most cerviccablo tooth
Th Rexall dvurrsrist la able to
supply you with thcac best tooth " m mo iuhvui . m.b, us
causehebuyain conjunction with
all the other Kexnll Urucnists
threading Jrucn's'o of 'ho coun
tryand bo commando the low
est prices on tho best goods in
the market.
Any tooth brush you (jet hero
will give you complete na'tisfac-
Rexall Antiseptic Tooth
Powder li the best all-around
dental preparation made. Bold
with the Rexall guarantee. In
hand 3 one lithographed tin
boKS. Th3 largest package of
good Tooth Powder to bo had
anywhere for 25c.
Drug Company
The Rexall Store
'The Busy Corner"
-Main 208 Us
"You much nlny tho "Knmo of
tilth" every dny and tho result In
cording to how you trcnt your
loaach. Tho pure, wholcaomo, re
ftihlDB drinks served nt 'Sartor's
bantaln nre henlth builders. Try
lea. Sartor's cnmllcs nro nuro and
Parasol Covers
nt tho
Marslifield Cyclery
nnyton Agents.
mi 1.1K.U 172 llrondway
Just Received
"other shipment of the Famous
Mysost and
; Primost Cheese
tauff Grocery Co.
Phone 102
P'K MAKING of llRONCHO MIMA" Featuring G. M. Anderson.
'OtiltAPilinps THOL'IJLE Featuring Mr. John Bunny nnd
I iss Florence Turner.
Pl'Hitvs ni.liV A comedy.
f'K I'ANCER a powerful drama.
Royal Theater Toniffht
iu tho gtut farce comedy
nnd staged especially for
iDOY'T uuu ieoi 01 uu
I ' T FAIL TO SEK TnvifiiiT's
Tllt'n.. flnn. Offn. l.l n. .I.JI.l..An 1 !
lr , nBht Madame Hershey
j iuii'h nnmoHtt iiuuili tt 4
wmuiwuj lilU IUIUMIU IWJU&Ui VUU IT.
It rtPVlI.rv .
Pct n? ?., graphic copies of all records of Coos County to date,
LrtJl eitat ' Dre8ent owners, or any other Information relating
WES rCnl,. u,Bnea on stiprt notice.
3 OFFICR- 1r Vnrfl, 1?in at Urnrahflolll. Plmnn 1K1J
- ., ' AV., -
i; llk(lll
lL i I'd' if t i nl!L '
ll I, A 1
Dress as Well as
the Man Who
Pays More
You can do it. You
can have as many and
as good clothes as the
I 11'
man who pays higher
.- r.; ,,0 .
prices ir you buy vloth-
f, i .1 y r
Cratl lOtlieS. in lit,
style and dressiness
the things you can see
for yourself they are
cniV. rn rlonc vrMi anrT
SUre 10 please yOU ana
r . 1 I
your mends.
OL' tho things you can't
see or judge beforehand
vou can be just as sure bc
cause Clolhcrai't. Clothes are
guaranteed to be all Wool,
,,,,,,. , , , uwnor may goi samo ni runes 01- "U1 u mo uign uues mis wcok.
TO 1101(1 tlieir Slm)t? and. tO fC0 )V paying for this notice Whether sho has boon much damng-..itoi-.,
:,. ,....,. ..,.! ...,.:.. ' ?(l ennnot be nscortalnod but It Is
wuini, 111 wv-.ii mm on im.
That's Whv tllC llian Who
... . ......
WOi'l'S lotlicralt (MOtllCS at
Mn i d..- 1 . , i . . K.
tflO tO S?2o always get.S credit
for paying more. ,
Tt's ;i desirable kind of
.1 l a Jl llinililllli. ivuiu wi
credit to have, and you will
find it in every Clothcrai't
suit we show.
Come In Today and try
on the Clothcraft Blue
Serge Special, No. 5130,
at $15.
N 2
Woolen Mill Store
The Clothcraft Store.
Mine. Uershey.
nuw piciuics.
and Company in that screaming-
nvmnn iimiiul' iiiiimi .t j '
W..V W. ......... . - ..-.w v.w
J. RUST, Manager
' Florence Wants Coos Hay
That Vny.
i The Florence West says: "Wo
learn Hint plans are now on foot
thnt will result Mil giving Florence
mid the Sluslnw the benefit of n '
Inrge iinrt of the travel to Coos
liny. At present nenrly nil the peo
ple making the trip to Coos Hay
by land, leave tho rallrontl at
Drain or Roaehurg and take the
stage for their destination. It Is jinrshfleld
expected thnt the railroad from Ku- Th ,, nro ,)lllr0(1 ln tll0 oruor
gone will ho finished by next fal . of orpuiroiipo. with their times on
, ihv plnn s p Improve tho bench thp ,., llm, nm, holghtB ,, tho
stages and direct tho overland H0COI1,, 0 (t ,, ,, v colnpnr.
ravel to Horence nnil thoiico bys,m 0, conu;cutlvo heights will
boat to Mnplcton. This will cut im,.lUo whether It Is high or low
out the singe ride ncross the Const Wntor. r'or high wntor on the bar
,...,....... .,-,i i u i.umi uui.
! especially In the winter, and give
I mo travelers an easy tirivc nioim
1 tho ocean bench. This trip on the
I bench from the Sluslnw to tho Unip-
. nun taxes otuy turce or tour iiours
I anil tno ronu is smoota aim goon
i whoti tlfo tide Is out. Hy using, .!. .!... ll. l.l.
...... 1... ... .1... Ill It ...III l.
llll tJ V III Wl'tll II II L t 111 UU
only n plunHunt rldo, not long
' nhnliirti tn im.K- n finrenn fnnl fn.
Llbby COM,. Tho kind YOU hnvo
AliWAYS r.SKI). Phono 75. Pacific
Livery nml Transfer Compnny.
Tlme' Wnnt Arts brine rnaiiltn.
l)lti:SSMAKIXG FhM class (li
mnklng dono nt Indies' Emporium. '
I'OL'XI) I.iiiIIin inn Blow. .Owner
may hnvo sumo by calling at
Times office and paying for this
CIIAlWHril wants situation. Ho
her. reliable. Good mechanic nnd
repnlr tnnn. Wishes stonily pos-
ltlon whoro work Is nppreclate'l.
References furnished. Address
red IJIsii. Prosper. Oregon.
FOR SAI.IC Cheap; a good crenin
Fred Illsh. Prosper. Oregon.
Bopnrntor. nltnost new. I.. D.
Smith, Mnrshileld, Oregon.
WANTED Warehouse mini. Apply
. . .
III (lepOt.
uu ino iircnKwatcr nun cousigucil to
VOH HUNT Housekeeping npiut- T- n- K'ock of Senttlo.
ments. Inquire 413 Second St., or ,(,,H;s Abroad. Word has been re
Phono :112-X. eelved hero from Manly Roberts,
thnt Miss Florence Roberts snlled
lORSAI.i: Second linnd car lii llift from San Francisco last weok for
dnss shnpo. CO h. p.. 7 passon-
Kor. good for stngo or livery. 1,-
000. Address P. O. Uox 2C3 or
789, North Rend.
M)ST Hold necklace and heart-
shaped locket. Reward for re-
turn to Tlnies office.
FOR RENT Store wltli flumes
with living rooms In rear, at El-
rod nnd Tenth. Mrs. Early, 805
Central avenue.
FOUND Automobile tire chain.
K()U u.;t Nicely furnished front
room. Inquire 334 First St., or
Phono 325-L.
l'utt iti:vr KimiisiiKii nxmm uliti
VOll RENT Furnished rooms with
lmth. sunny front room for two
on"0'c at Flrat ""' AIJt"-- g
'' S.I,E Cheap, If taken at
i,,.i,l,i ....... if, ,- r.
HiiiW) iiuiiauMwiii (in ii it i iv vi"
ner 120 Illrch nnd North Urond-
VOW SALE A good organ cheap. In-
' quire nt Oregon Trust Co., North
, FOR SALE CHEAP Two pool tables
and equipment In llrst class con-
ditlon Address O. II., Care Times.
FOR RENT .-Stooiii house. .Apply
nt Tim nimnnrv .14-1
FOR SAM: Household furniture for
four rooms. Apply 927 South
llrnnilti-nv Ilnncn nin.. l.n .nnlr.,1
Phono IS7-H.
Uroadway, or phono 21C-L.
WANTED Carrier hoys to deliver
Tho Times. Must bo in fifth grade
or higher nt school. InquIrS nt
Times office nfter 4 o'clock
limes otneo nner -i o ciout.
FOR RENT Modern Lrooni l.unga.
low with bath. C. W. Gardner.
nhono 4 0-
pnono ..,
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
i Ing rooms. C95 First nnd Birch
st. Telephone 239-J.
FOR RENT Modern four-rooin cot.
, tnge. Dr. G. W. Lesllo.
FOR RENT Furnished room, stove
I nnd bath ono and one-half blocks
i from P. O. 237 N. Broadway.
VOn SALE Venr old laying Black
! Jiinorcns. Cheap. Mrs. Ben
t Wright, Cor. Cedar nnd Broadway.
! WANTED Girl at Lewis Confection-
ery, not less than 18 years of age.
. .
'WANTED WooilsiilUUng. .$!' per
, load. Box 281, North Bend, Or.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms.
Enquire 24U worth second at. or
Phono 120-R.
FOR IlENT FurnUlied housekeep- sr,,d t0 bo ? world-wide record, the
Ing rooms. Enquire at dressmak- "earest to It being a boy in Eng
ine rooms, 343 South Broadway. lan(1 who raised 220 pounds from
11 potatoes.
iTfn np'T ..
M X ...4..- U ...... ...... J a JWi.m
with stove and bath
236-J; T68 North Second St.
If you want a good Dairy or
Stock farm see Fitzgerald or
Phone 3151, Marslifield. For the
Ifniiinsookiir ITn run nlmic vnn
some of tho best Iu the county
Itn)nt la trtt-MM ir flmn ninl
imii.1.1 nt i.i-i. n.i.i i. .,... .,
subtract 2 hours .14 minutes.
i2ra.. 0.31 0.33 1.27
Ft... i'.S
1 3 1 H rs l'.i3
Ft... 2.7
o.") 0.7
7.19 2.2S
5.1 i.3
j. i,.B
2.7 1
It. 10
3.20 10.32
0.G 5.3
Ft.. . 2.3
'. U 1..1I lll.ll I'lllll.lwlMl. l
By Assoclntod Press
Oregon Showers tonight
and Tuesday. Westerly winds.
For tho 21 hours ending nt
1:43 n. in.. May 12. by IlcnJ.
Ostllnd. speclnl government me
loorologlcnl observer:
I Maximum 51
I Minimum 4 0
1 At 4:13 a. in 4(1
Precipitation 07
I Precipitation slnco Sept. 1,
' 1012 50.03
I Preclpltntlou snmc period
I Inst yonr 51.01
I Wind: Southwest. Pnrtly cloudy.
O .-
Ia'iivc Toiiioitow. W. C. Thurlow
nnd Mr. Ilex lonvo tomorrow vln
Drain for tho North.
Council .Moctlni:. Tno Marsh
Fh ,Co""c w " "' this evening
l? ,,nko "'' vnrlous city mntters. In-
cl'i"K street Improvement mnt-
.Meet Tomorrow. Tho Ladles'
Guild of tho Episcopal church will
tomorrow nfternoon nt tho roc
All Indies of tho church nro
cordlnlly Invited.
Hlilp CIiocm. Tho Rnlnhow
nrougiit n, 000 pounds of chceso to
Mnrshileld this morning from tho
fnf.a III... f1tn ...n... ... I.A Ml.l... I
v.v.v.1 on; UIV1II1IUIJ HI uu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U 1 1
"onoiuiu ami japan, wiiero sue will
"Penil about six months on a pleas
,,ro trip.
II11II1N at Eugene. Tho Eugeni
Guard announces that C. 1 linr-
nnrd. of Rosoburg, mall contractor
for tho Rosoburg-Coos Hay nnd
Rosoburg-Coqulllo valley routes.
will build a two-story brick bind:
t Ninth nnd Onk streets, Eugene,
this summer.
Move Anvil. Parties from Flor-
onco stated that tho Anvil Is being
pulled considerably nearer tho wat-
or and that It Is oxpoeted to float
roared tlmt her hull hns suffered
Suite Assembly. Mrs. Kuto
J.nniio and .Mrs. Nolllo Owen left
today to attend the OrcKon Ro
noKnii stnto Assembly at Medfnrd,
being tho dolegntes from Wentorn
htnto Robekah Lodco of Ararah-
n''('; Mrs. Lando Is nlso wnrdon
of thn Stntn AeKniii i v. u-hlnh mi...
---. . . .....(.. . i (. ! vwir
vencs May 20.
..Funeral Today. Tho funoral of
ii. h. uyuo was Held this morning
from tho homo In South Mnrshileld,
Rov- J5 E. Ilurkhnrt olllelntlng. It
wn private only relatives and Intl-
mato friends attending. Tho pull-
enrors woro Supt. Tlcdgen, I. S
?,m,,V1' F; B Norton, F. L, Grannls,
pr- Allen nnd P. C. Rlrch.
Return Home. R. M. IJuttlo nnd
? ta Jo,l'8on, who woro Injured In
tno Unrdnor stago occldoiit n month
ago, nro ln Marshflold, Mr. IJuttlo
coming from Gnrdlner on tho tug
mat ovonlnB. While much Improved.
both 111011 niQ Oil CriltcllPS mill will
Ionvo on ",0 Hroukwator this aftor-
noon for tholr respective homes.
,""" ";; '" nm,, wuo
'?.,on?.. of tho, m,,st '"dont llshor-
miuh in .uui diiiiuiii, aniuiiiay nnd
"' "',, 'l '"fn"f"nS ro'?,ly ,for ,n,n
't''0' ?f , ,0,."'T!, "l
1, ,1,1", , .Z' ' ."' ,nt .ai"1
. inorbonrd on tho muilflnt, hnv-
ng ,Q wnJo n gQft nnd q hg
Wn'.8rit', "r. ho wont fishing,
Ih'tfn '"K,.;V',V'S," l ls "!,a a
lnnt no "le" wno llllvo ,,00 making
thu testa for th0 f0UIU,nt0n ff)r thu
piors or tho S. P. ncross tho Pinp
qua will go to Florouco within a
tew days to make the tests on tho
Sluslnw. Engineer Ilroughton, It Is
understood, will have supervision
of tho construction of tho three
0i'"'1 '"". On Juno 1, tho
stimmor mall schedule betweon
Rosehurg nnd Coos Bay will bo re-
sumeil. Tho Incoming mnll will
"rlvP lat0, JJl the ovoniug from
Rosehurg, instead of in tho morn-
'"B as at present, and tho outgoing
mM will leave nbout G o'clock In
j' "Aor,,nB ,nst,ea'1 of nt c:30 In
the evening as at present.
Helntlvcs Hero. Eugene Du-
M.on of Albany, who has attain-
e(l ,faIno ns ,a Potato raiser. Is n
nephew of Mrs. P. E. Allen, of
South Marshflold. Ho Is hut 13
'V" "'" "" """ u" n uio
school contest produced CC0 pounds
ui ojiuub iruiu unu potato, nils is
Gets '1'wentv Diivh. P. W. Dlnk-
man, the Coaledo logger who wa
' ' - - w - - -. ... , . ..
given a severo trouncing by A. II.
Powers tho other night on the In-
coming train, today ontored a plen
' guilty hefore Justice Pennock
to a charge of uslug vile and pro-
fane language ln a public placo. He
Was given 20 days ill tllO COUnty
Ja"i Constable Cox taking him to
IfAnllltln ttila nttarnnnn Tho In-I
ww...w ....a ..v.uwum. ...w .
ii)3r V
formation ngnlimt Dlckninn was
sinned b Superintendent V. F
Miller. Dlckninn Is snld to hnvo
formerly been a Northern Pacific
freight conductor.
Kinney Case. Judge Coko went
to Coqiilllp this morning to convene
Circuit Court. Tho came of .1. C.
Donne s. I.. I). Kinney to recover
1(100 was slated for trial before
u Jury this morning.
Auto Accident. Will Hendrlx. of
North llend. started for Conulllo
this nfternoon In his cnr. When
nhotit four miles out, ho ran off
the grade, the ear turning over and
pinning him underneath. Some of
v. P. Norton's road gang cnnie to
the rescue, lie was pretty badly
bruised and the cnr slightly dam
Take PiNoncrs. Sheriff Gnge
nnd Deputy Sheriff Glen Fox nrrlvod
hero nt noon with Guy Greenleaf. A.
Winkler nnd Win. lMmunds, whom
they will tnko to Salem tomorrow
vln Drain to serve terms In tho pen
itentiary, tho Inttcr being for for
gery nnd the two former for stat
utory crimes. Greonleaf's case Is
well known hero. Winkler Is n
half breed Indian from Diuulon.
lenvo Today. F. H. Wnlte nnd
hlt party of Suthcrllu men left on
the Urenkwnter today for Portland.
They expect to return here soon
about some ronl estate which they
nro figuring on.
No Kinney .News. i'o direct
news hns been received from Port
land relative to developments In tho
Wllsoy-Klnney deal. According to
talk by pnrtles who nro supposed
to bo In close touch with It, re
ceivership proceedings ngnlusr Kin
ney will bo Instituted next week If
tho deal Is not closed up by thnt
L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek Ib In
town today.
MRS. URBAN of Southport spent tho
dny In town.
W. II. NORTON of Sumner Is In
town on business toilny.
MR. SHAFER left on tho Urenk
wnter today for Portland.
MR. mid MRS. C. W. ELMORE are In
town today from Allegany.
ROY LANDRITII of North Coos Riv
er ls In town on business,
MRS. FRANK SMITH of Southport
wns a Mnrshileld visitor todny.
Mnrshileld for tho day from Coos
M. J. BOWRON of Honryvlllo Is n
business visitor to Mnrshileld to
J. M. BARKER of Falrvlow Is In
Mnrshileld on n short business
Is a business visitor to town to
dny. MR. nnd MRS. FRANK HODSON of
South Coos Rlvor nro In town to
dny. J. M. CULLEY, n prominent dnlry
mnn of Cntchlng Inlet, Is In town
todny on business.
MR. nnd MRS. A. CHARD nre In
town todny from tho Hennessey
ronl mine on Isthmus Inlet.
MIKE MCLAUGHLIN, foromnn of tho
binitii-Powors Camp on South In
lot, wns In town over Sunday.
MR. nnd MRS. O'NEIL of Camp C nro
In town today. Thoy will return
to camp on tho nfternoon bout.
ARTHUR WELDON loft on thu
Bronkwator today on n visit lo
his parents In Senttlo, Washington.
MRS TOM NICHOLS wont up Coos.
River hnturday to roinnln for a
short time at tho II. E. I)c3sey
MAMIE MAHONEY spout Sunday
at tho Adams homo on South Coos
ARTHUR K. PECK loft Saturday
for Coqulllu nnd a few days out
ing In the southern part of the
J. GERSTEL, representing tho West
em Fancy Goods company, loft on
tho Bronkwator this afternoon for
MRS. B. p. PREY, of Eastsldo, wns
n Mnrshllold shopper today. She
wns accompanied by her sister,
Miss Rooke.
nnd WILL PRESTON of Co.ilc.lo
spent Sunday In Mnrshllold i (sit
ing friends.
G. A. BROWN loft on tho nfternoon
train for n ranch nbovo Myrtlo
Point, whoro ho expects to spend
the summer.
LESTER NORTON, who Is visiting
his Sumner homo, after a year's
absence In Bridge, la In Mnrshileld
todny greotlng old friends.
MISS ETTA BROOKS roturnod to
Marshlleld this morning, nfter
spending Sunday nt thu Mntt Mutt
son homo on Cntchlng Inlet.
MRS. SARAH LEWIS, of Kontuck
Inlet hns Just returned from a two
weeks' visit with hor son, Walter
Lewis, nt Spring Gnrdnor, Calif.
R. H. ALLEN arrived Iu Mnrshllold
yesterday with his wife and child
from Oklahoma. Mr. Allon will
bo employed In tho Busy Cornor.
drove over In his now Ford auto
mobllo today just to prove that
some country editors are prosper
ous. II. W. HOLDEN, travelling ropre
sontatlvo of a Detroit houso, man
ufacturing pharmacist supplies, is
In Marshlleld uttendlng to busi
with their mother aro moving to
day from tho Lloyd hotel to Ten
Mile, where they will spend the
REV. WHEELER of Eugene, who
has been holding services the past
weok In Allegany, camo to town
this morning and expects to leavo
on tho next Speedwell for Cullfor-j
MRS. A. FELTER of Bandon, who1
arrived on tho Breakwator, lefti
for her homo In Bandon today,
after an over Sunday visit at the
P. E. Allen home, Sho has boon
visiting at Spokano, Wash, I
MR. and MRS. O. II. MEYERS and
STANLEY MEYERS returned last
evening from a visit at the James
I.nndrlth homo on South Coos Hir
er. They wore nccotnpnnlcd by
their grandson, George James
MHS. D. I.. WATSON of Coos City
cnnie to Mnrshileld this morning
on a visit to relatives.
Ml'HPIlY CARLSON, of Ten Milo,
was In Saturday to confer with
C. II, Marsh nbout some right of
wny which tho Southern Pacific
wants ncross his much. The mat
ter will probably bo ndjusted by
PKTKR SCOTT, Sr returned to Co
uullle Satuiday after spending
the day here looking nfter busi
ness, lie reports thnt the nowa
Ht ami nnd confectionery business
of Wlcknian & Wlcktniin, which
they took over the first of tho
mouth, Is doing fine.
MR. AND MRS. II. H. 111CSSKY left
on tho Urenkwnter today to nt
tend the Grange Stato Convention,
which meets at Albany, opening
tomorrow morning nnd closing
Friday evening. Mr and Mrs,
llessey nre tho Coos County delo
gntes nnd expect to be absent ton
A. C. SHAW of Portland, bend nt
tomey for tho C. A. Smith Co., Is
ln Mnrshileld, having arrived on
the Urenkwnter to look nfter mut
ters in this section. Mr. Shnw wns
formerly In tho Interior Depart
ment, having taken n leading pnrt
in tho movement thnt resulted In
tho retirement of Secretary Unllln-Bor.
Mrs. L. Farney nnd mother, Mrs.
E. Peterson, of San Francisco, nr
rlvod on tho Redondo nnd will snond
11 couple of weeks visiting friends nnd
relatives on tho Bay.
Lloyd Hotel.
C. A. Boyroii, Myrtlo Point: It. E.
Leo Stelnor. Snlem, Geo. Bethel, Sn
lcm; R. Smith Basset, Bnndon.
The Chandler.
J. W. Klnzel, Portlnnd; Roht. E.
Monell. Portlnnd; A. E. Lnbnrth nnd
wife. Portlnnd; Paul Burnilnghnm,
Portland; Grant Gordnii, Portlnnd:
C. W. Hill, Portlnnd; M. E. Sim
mons, Portland; 11. L. Lloly, Snlom;
It. Smith IIOBBott, Bandon: C. J.
Hubbard. Portland: J. H. Terry and
wlfo, Portland; R. E. Leo Slounis. Sa
lem; Grant (Ionian, Portland; Roht.
E. Morrol, Portlnnd; Mrs. II. Lnr
son, Aliegnny; Mrs. c. W. Elmoro,
Allegany; A. C. Shaw, Portlnnd.
Hhiiico Hotel,
E. N. Cndwell. Portland; Henry
Mayor: John Viirney, Portlnnd; Mrs.
John Vnrnoy, Portland; IIugh4lorlll,
Cour d' Aleno; Jesse W. Colo, Bnn
Miss Xonln Knorr, who whs op
orated on Friday at Morcy Hiispltnl
for appondlcltlB, Is reported as re
covering rapidly. She Is tho oldest
daughter of Mr. mid Mm. R. E.
P. II. Wnlto, who hns boon spend
ing u few days here, wns laid up
Snturdny nt the Chandler Hotol by
a sovoro attack of neuralgia.
August Erlckson of Lnkosldo. who
nas boon suffering from blood poi
soning In his hnnd for over thrco
months, will bo taken to Morcy hos
pital tomorrow and ono finger will
be amputated.
- I
Roy PaikN, of Aberdi Fulls lln.
..J.V.' Tn,m "' Stttheillu.
ROSEHURG, Or., May 12-. Roy
Parks, unnarontlv nbout r. vnm-a
of ago, was almost Instantlly killed
nt n point nbout 100 ynrds north of
tho Suthcrllu dopot when In com
pnny with' three coinpnnlons ho nt
tompted to board n northbound pns
songor train with a view of leaving
the country nnd thereby escnplng
nrrost on u charge of burglarizing
tho general niorchniidlso establish
ment conducted by McRoynolds
nrotborH, and situated In the town
of Suthorlln.
Othor than rinding 22 gold band
rings on the dend mail, tho coronor
found a C-cont piece In ono of his
pockots, togethor with n note book
In which wns written tho follow
ing: ".My nnino Is Roy Parks. Iu enso
of accident notify Jnuies W. Parks,
Aberdeen, Wash. My postofflco ad
dress Is Arleta, n suburb of Port
lnnd." NOTICE.
Chnnibor of Coininorce, Mnrsh
flold, Oregon, May 12, 1913,
Soaled bids will bo recolvod nt
this offlco until 12 o'clock noon
or May 19, 1913, nud then pub
licly oponod, for the clenrlng, slash
ing nnd grubbing of thnt part of
tho Mnrshllold boulevard from sta
tion 17-fGli to station 93-f-G7, also
for constructing a trail from tho
Inst numed station to South Slough.
Specifications, blnnk forms and oth
or Information will bo furnished
on application to P. L. Oettlns,
Civil Engineer, Grimes building,
Marshflold, Oregon.
Wo will glvo freo THE SIL
to anyono buying a dollar's
worth of shaving supplies this
Headquarters for Sluivlug
Tho Store for Quality Gopds
and Pouslar Remedies.