The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 10, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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i r
social happenings. Intomlcil for
publication In tlio society depart
ment of The Times, must bo sub
mitted to the editor not Inter
than C o'clock p. in., Friday of
each week, deceptions will bo
allowed only In canes where the
cveutB orciirred Inter than the
Mine mentioned.)
PEItSOXAL notices of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Bay people
who visit in other cities, together
with notices of social affairs, are
gladly received In tho social de
partment. Telephone 133. No
tices of club meetings will no
published and secretaries nro
kindly requested to furnish same.
Tin-: wiiiti: twux.vnox.
Jlme'H to the white carnation.
Sturdy and spicy ami sweet,
"WafMiiK a breath of perfume
On the stony way of the sttect;
llrlnglnK n thought of Kindness
Wherever tho breexes blow;
lltire'H to the white carnation.
Pur- as t: v virgin snow.
Tht, Is the flower for Mother,
Wur It on .Mother's Day;
J'VotvLT for rain and sunshine,
Winsome, gallant and gay.
Wear It in .Mother's honor
'Pinned to the coat's lapel;
Wear It In boll and corsage.
Kir her who loved you well.
Tin- Mother In lowly cabin,
'rue Mother In palace hall,
Js. mi or the best and dearest,
The one u love best of all.
In and pain she bore us.
Jji laughter and love she nursed.
And who that would shame the
Is of nil mankind accursed.
Titt'd ami wan too often.
Wwu) and woak at times.
Hut r.lwn.NH lull of the courage tlirli.f- when the I mure c-lilu.' ;;
Rtnthnr with liandh toll-liardenwl,
niot-ber In pterin and lace.
The light of heavenly beauty
riliim-ii in jnur tender face.
So here's to the white carnation.
Wear It oji Molher'H Day:
Klowor that hliiuitm for Mother.
Winsome, gallant and guy.
Klttwpr of a perfect sweat ness,
l-'lower for hut and hall,
Here's to the white carnation
.And to .Mother Our llest of All.
Selee ed.
looked far smarter had she affected
simple one piece dressen of dark silks
or tailor suits. She would bnve been
considered fashionable and well
dressed, appropriately and becoming
ly dressed, rellned and elegant, had
she worn the proper clothes.
Hut as she was bo-spangled, be
ribboned and flower-decked she win
lonspliuously common. People look
ed at her and laughed, rlda-tiled an!
called her names.
Mow much more rhnrmlng and at
tractive a pretty woman Is In simple
clothes. A girl should never put on.
unythlng to ontshlne her eys. ,
Take the color of the eyes and keeiv
back of that color In selectfng your
gowns. i
Overdressing, and I mean by that
an eccentric display of furbelows.
cheap Jewelry and artificial Ifowors Is
a strong mark of vulgarity or Ignor
ance. Women should be more than care-i
fill of how they get themselves up. !
If tlieyaru Insulted by rude men ami
women it Is, In nine eases out of ten,
tliolr own fault.
If a woman Iciolw modest and re
llned she Is seldom picked our ttir a
rude remark. An
lug to the prosimt conditions. Ills
talk was exceedingly lucid and In
teresting, as .Mr. i-ewtas Is a world
wide traveler and lecturer nnd Is
able to ndd many personal experi
ences and obBervnrlons to his lec
tures. Mr. I.ewtas, Ilev. and Airs.
Hutledge. Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs.
(irannls, Mrs. t'laybaugh. Miss Daisy
Itush, Mrs. C. V. MoKnlght and Mrs.
10. H. Converse were special guests of
the club. An hour's business meet
ing was held prion to the social
afternoon, resulting In the eleitlon
of the following club officers:
. President, Mrs. ward M. nmise:
vice-president, .Mrs. W. I'. MelOldow
ney; secretary. Aim. John S. Han
son; treasurer, Mrs. YV. S. N'lchol
hoii. Mrs. Henry Sengstaeken was
chosen to fill the vacancy on the
executive committer, made by the
resignation of Mrs. K. M. Harry
from the club. Hepoits by the pres
ent secretary and Measurer, Mrs.
Ilultz and Mrs. McBldowney, were
read and approved. Ilefresbmeut':
were served by Mrs. Kaufman. Mrs.
M. C. Maloney. .Mrs. NMcIioIkoii nutl
Mrs. McHldowue.v. and a general
nodal chut, ended the afternoon.
The members present were Mea
(iames M. C. .Maloney. rf. Sengfltaek
eu. Ward M. Illake, W. K. AtcKI
downey, W. S. Nicholson, A. I,.
Unit. .1. S. Hanson, D. 10. Maloney,
A. K. Adehspcrger. and I. S. Kauf
man. T, o club will meet Monday, .May
IP, at the homo of AIih. Hanson' on
Klrnd aveuue, for the regular
projuniu of the year.
Df.v.XKit PAirrr. i
.Mr. and Mrs. ('has. I. Vaiv fhiyn
were hosts at dinner at tliu Chand
ler .Vonday evening, entertalnfng
Mr. and Mrs. Donsey Kndter, Mr.
and Mrs. I. M. Parsons, Dr. and
Mrs. IV. !:. Straw, Dr. anil Mm. A.
C. llauseworth and .Max Unhurt it of
IC'nlil. Okla.
4 ,,
itov.Mi .uvTio.v imiDcrr.. i
not! meeting will bo' l'whr with Mrs,
C V MeKnlght next Thursday uf
ternoon. Among thorn present last
Thursday wore Mrs. (1. A. Bennett,
Mrs. Carl W. Kvertsoil, Airs, l- M.
Frledllerg. Mrs. K. K. HKiie. AI im.
,1 T. Wall, .Mrs. Chns. iralsor, .Mrs.
K Minims. Airs. W. P. .Murphy. Mrs.
C. l' .MeKnlght, Mrs. ST, Noble,
Airs Kugrtiio O'Connell and Afiw. Clias.
l.itlMHS' AUT Cl.l'lt:.
Airs. 10.' t). JlcArthur was lnwtww
to tho ladlbfl of tho Art Club' Wldny
at her home In South Marslltleld,
tiiitnliprltii'' ninoni: her guests Airs.
ni'ia ami Jin, j T
Prill- son tn.... . V" nt.
AlfHs Dlua Aloitlnsou,
ffejclle, Airs. Il.tuseti, Mrs. Trul- mu ." ;
m,t. m,.j m r t ,,.i ...... , ... .. "' ,ulMN
.ii...u, .ir.. w. s, lillliu, llllll llV. BUS ,
mwi .urs. ii. u. riinvpn.
. --.., (il 'ami., .'"'at
Mr. ami Mr, J .. 1 Thon. !?
)Vu Tiiim. nf Vnrfli nmiil ,i,, I i mi ,,i '..."'J L leU
Ii.iirr'.ijn ... Hit, ,iiii,i,lliu ,i' Hi., (il..l. ' Iwfl ii "" 110X1 inn..
ii,,...., ., ,., ,iii-iii,-,n w, iiu V UII.1-) "' Mill ll T.lll 'yif.
Hull Wnilien's lloni'it ill Mluutnnu ,.( I . . ' 1
lis U' nirtiithly meeting lust i '
TuetKlhy. Tho sessloiv was a niostr leT".
Inteivstlni? and dollglitful mm. The'1 "xss K()n.
program i'iiiihihiim or roaiiiiigs uy Mrs.
It. A. (lopiilo aiuf Airs. II W. Painter!
a reciiiiuoii oy .urs. iienurir mid a n,m
I..11. 1 ... 41... f l 111. ...... .m, ...i'l
iiiiii i.j iiiii, ti, , wiiM'iiTii i iiero
was a good atteiidauco lYom Alnrsh-
Sumner. Airs. Kinney, Airs. Sehvoe-i field in mhlKlou to a number of spo
iler, .Mrs. I Hillenbrand, Airs, iiiatt, ciai gimsis motn North lioiitf. Tho
Airs. Ilalnei, Mis. uonuron, .iirs. nexi mceiiiig win no iieiu wttli Mrs.
Five. Airs. Storey, Airs. Hoss Smuh. W. V,
Airs. ViitiKlncn, Airs. Kasinussen and , June,
Aim II. (. How The club will 1m
H'lfst ..ll(.i, i..,f 0( the tbi
,.... . . "Till n a.j :
Vuliiin limn was t&u, i '"
x uaiui i
entertained next week by Airs,
niusseu In North Alarshlleld.
5 i-
J)cown the- first 'Oiesday lii
4 . ,
I.. " UJRSI l
lllg WIIH HH'llt III i,,T lD D.
"ftor which ,,??" y bbJ
Horved. n ",UnfJr 'uncheoa t
i iioac i.M'HPiit werc.
" 'l lUMfin
COI.IiKCIl W'OAIUN'S I'lil'll '
A meeting of the College Womeirs
Club will bo herd this evening at the
Chamber of Commerce, tho principal
tiiisincns to Imv the election of offi
cers, at which .Mfsa Topiilng will pro-i hng-orstTo'
The inaTi'lagw of Vernon A Smith.
sou of Air. ami Airs. C. A". Smith. II
Migie, jii-h. j,
nwiuionl. Itc.
" . IM II uml m. ...""", W.
Dlnn. Hazel (.-'; "',, m h
Mr. r..
nitr ' '. "
A. V ii.... .'1
- - . ..osnigrj n.
iiinniii i'ii.. ,. '.fyunittfri,!
and Allss Kathrtrliu Drew will take I sou. Vclma iin,! ' v ,ce RWiri
WIIUI7 111 .iiiiiiu-iitiwiin. iirniutrri lu'in-
Dor of the' C. . Smith family and
Air. and Aln: h A. Wiirnor, Clirnell
') " "l " "" """ "' M"H ," '" i".1 uigvx-atTom .mil Aildlson Pevrv of
side as chalnnau. Preceding the MnrffllfI(,,(1 ft., , , attoinlance.
det'tloii Mr. Ijinvtiiii will speak on ,MXat ,.x,omkM honeymoon' tour,
the subject 'Ulblntegratloti or tlio UP. and Mis Vernon Sinlttl- will
Turkish hniplrn. lenmeto Mai'dlirerd to reside.
,i .j, $
paukxts axi) tkac'hkks'
i :
l 1 .
- sr--
vtn'.vt; vi.viK .MKin.
On Alay L:i rhe 1'n.renls and, Tlir YntiiiK l.adliM Aid 01 the
Tachcrfl Club will bold a meeting. Norwogfan Lutheran church wa en
followlng the wtekly t'rldar shlblt' nt the home of AHhb Klsfo
LarHea mi Thursda.r evening, whfch
at the school Iiouhps
4. :
f ('lYH.V.Siriir'KISLT.
AIik. I-'. K. Hague entertiillied the
.Miction' llrlife nla.vers Tliesdnr at
llinncpni itniriil ' f"'i hnie, eutertaiiiliig tilhu as sub-
i-nulii im Dm viitltn fir mi U..IV. Ktitiitt- guestis Airs. Kugeuo O'Oin-
she to wear her heavenly g.uu ;o a riell and Alnf. Claude Nasburg. Mrs.
plctttrv iliow. ICivi er was awarded lilgJt Iiiiiidih
: : lain'. e:.rriud (tfT the prl.u.
j. : moiiK tliiwii present wore, .Mrs.
' I 1'IIISCIMi.l ' l.1"i;lli. MrH; llniTlBnii. Mrs.
a 1 liinli., Airs. (Jettlns. Airs. KrelUer,
Powers. .Mrs. Scott. Airs, blraw,
Airs. I.. O. Aniltirson and Jri'sn ilar
gnret U'Hkoii urruugptt u most de
lightful siirprlso party for Airs. tt. A.
.Miller, of Porttn, hwf Afoailay eve
ning. It was h'er C:ird hliThilajr nnd
It wus nindo a most merry one. A
card shower wvih a feat 11 1:11 iff tho
evening and liiueh sermd before
the guests dop.irted for Iniiuii. wish
ing the hostess ninny more-Hiicti: hap
py birthdays.
ihn.1,1 ..." "
wml.l. Zdla Swif.f,,..' ,r,ML
and Miwt,.rirtlKV.':,rceilcM
H. I-.VOI15,-
he .Vortli ll.i,,r mTTIJ
Aid iiiki TlH.iararien,tt'
.'hurdp for tl,u ...unuCK
Aid scuini' urn, !. . . "
l"i-s priMHU. Mrs'rJa d Kf
Airs. Ktrveas. M. Cu&ftL
SOU. Afni rin..i. ..'mli
MnlHlKHf n.,,1 Alls', &"
aii ft soirtirrv
I 111 01 1 I ...'.'II
,...V"..?n "."..V." ,"...?." ": 1"..! u. and Mrs. Alllner.
ie I'riscuias weiinesuay aitenioon
at the home of li'-r pareucs, .Mr.
and Airs. C. 0. Larson, at' Blinker
Hill. A very plensunt time was,
' U.lllllt ,1, .....kfllnil'ft,,!. .1... I,..irn.. nLn
"l".i .it ii.'i.'iiiviiuin, iiiu 1111111;, mnu i,
The 1 lull wN.1
.neet next wuult: Willi
'.Mijuyliig a piano tu!o, rendered b
.Miss ivy Hill, who with her mother.
Airs. Walter Hill, was a guest of I
A party of Hunker Hill young
folks are plaiiulug to spend Sunday
.1 1.. 1. . 1 1. ... , .. .1... '"inn 1111
11B11K ARK some women who are ,;,,;. V.I .... .Z 11 ", Ai '.& the Hatchery on South Coos Rlv
T"r' , , V. Iu"",e" l.w'"'nro , hostess, nmlHtuil' by Mrs. Henry OI
1 ,,ri. m ,.:;' i? :...';', wo- ... those present were
iiiiiiiu ti ntii'ii fi iin-ninv;iiv.n ittu
lirejudlee nice people against them,
writes Lillian Russell. Women who
arc quite dollglitful companions, fair
ly Intelligent In every other respect.
1 knew one such woman; she was
The Ladles" Aid Soclrty m' the
Norwegian l.nthecr.n church of
Alurshfleld wM lis monthly IJihIuchh
and social tiieiitlr.t? In the chapel
parlor Thuidliy nftemoon. with
Airs. T. Ki'iuKhaii and .Mi-h. TcllOf
.nm as hosti-dHOH. A viry pleasant
afternoon win Hmt lir soilng and
conversation, amf uu abimdi.iice of
dala:y rofrcalnnaats irru Mii-vcd by
the hostesii.m;
TI108U present were:
Afrs. C. Ifetifnson, Allss Peterson.
Arc. Tcllo'JJim; Miss follcfson. Airs,
f. G. 'Aliunns, Alif.. T. Kricltsen.
proved to be one of tho most sue
ivHHfttl meetlirgH of the Aid slueo
IlKi orgjinlziitloii. A very enjoyable.
vtuln was siuint fit miisle. con-er-'
sat Ion mid sewing, nnd at IIk efoKo '''l't pupils of tbe Centra'' ?.M
.iMi..r ..r 11... ii'lll ,.. .Un.L . Mflii.j
iiiiiii'iniin ri'ircniiiiK.'iiiH were nerved "" mi uAiimic ot loa nail
l.y- the hostess; wnrlf Friday. May i, at j,.
1 IK73 1- pi I'Hcni nrir: ii'iniiuii, m nrnnwaoii ft,
The .Misses Dlua HJelle. Then Lar-, '"" ""nun iiiuni-nljl bciUrpo.
son, riniina Sniine. Dlua Mortlnson.; ,,,,'t f -'" ph'tufes Ij ttamtft
AHUiiT Alatiiison, Cora .Matlilson. Al- """ pnicureu mini iim tMMi
Ire AlnthlHon. Kdna .lohnson. .leiiulo riirimr Compnny of Nowtw cw
.!' nson. IJlsle r.arsen. the Aleiilaiiies ,,,lhN 1 ik-sm 'iiirner roIIrt!::m
C. .Velson. .1. Ilnnsen. It. O. Thorpe. K wit stimulus to art whinmHij
K. r-irncn. uml the Alessm. , JJ,1!0 r,n 1""1 w wM worth kA;
IClnir. Dick (Jminel. L. Olmin. O. ' '" Mtnlogiies applied lnhe
.Nelson. Y. .Mortlnseti. Chris Lee. L. I l"l"r nr'' vt'ry lDtrnctlr Tlt
. . ! Illl'iiu i.nii,,ii Li..A .u 1 .( b
Thorpe. Mr. Ilninuer. Oliver Larson. "" n "f, amoununu
lllf Lnrsen. and U'. Larson. . Hpnee and will itewortlnwenlrt'i
The Voung Ladles' Aid will be I v
intertnlned on. .May 22. by the Alls-. r.m-,.T...TT7 77. TT
ses .folinson nt their .iiiiiil-ill i-Vrn- ' '' ls( "' ' "'!
, j ,j j The Kplsrotial G11IIJ mevtt Ti I
iiii.v, .nil) i.i. nun .iiui jiuj r.i
at her hoinu la KcniJiIe.
lieautiriil or face and furm, but she
wimhl dress as I called It "tor a
party" on every and all occasions, i
w;u positively ashamed of her though
Y, enjoyed her company eiiurmously
when we were at my home.
J nsVeil her why she got herself up
hf Hiich guises. She said that she
loved to m'u herself dressed up; that
Klie iTiuld go to elaborate dinners nnd
Hurtles but randy, so she just fnnclcil
that he was having a party eery
'er, among them Air. nnd' Airs. Henry
l.AI.... ... ..., ,... it, n. ..1 ..
II, , C'.,., Ii,.,, ,.n,. !..., n ,r winiiif, .in. nun ,il in i . i. iiin-i
.ii i c. ,i-u. itiiiii rvi', .ill n, i, , l . 1 1 1 . . ...... t f ,i ,i.... til...... ............ i i i.. 15, ..i, ,.. . .. ...
(tilt) Mr ICliml lrinl'nii. MiM "' "J '"" " OIK"" miiBinii .'lira oiuiri .IHII1IH. .lira. IV. .IHlllll-
lioiirr Olson Irs Lnrs 1 1 Vll 4 b ' Mlm tM,w v',". AllhseH IX-, son. Miss. AJIr AlathlHon. Mrs. A.
mi I arson ,,. a Z k ,' iw'l- CViw and Hartlett ICnux. mr- Shuy. Al:. Fwwllcte. .Mrs. O'Connor.
t.,ii I lord DownrT, lllchanl Huiin uml
N, (().
9 '
Tho Norweglun Lutlienin V. P. j
S. of North llend mot l-'riday even-!
lug at the Home of Ale? uml Airs.
Larry Llllello for an uvotiiug or
husluesH nnd Nodal time, tho lat
ter Including a short program of
music mid lunch. Those attending
were, .Mr. and Airs. rCuudson, Air, p.nrrv
Allss .M'drcucrlte Wlirsu n
hoHlis at n farevvtl rir7 t
tlio home of her pirteti, fc
and Air. V. K. tnM
( Conllnneil on Page Thrw.)
Alostellnr will bo hostess itc.
Walfrml fvrfekson.
her home In Hay Park, Mm 2.1.
i PKOtiltKSS CLl'U
I .1. X. W. Plil'li: I
( .Mrs. AXnrr AlcKutght wuh luwtess .
"7777, fiTTTTtTTII ', TT 7, ' ro tllL' tX- v- w- C1"b atr her fumie-
ri.o inenbem of the Progrws. Thnrsday arternoo.r. Needlworlc
tub niirt thwlr guests spent a -Jit- j ,,,, conversation wnru ftiltawuir by .'
imitful nflerni-oii Monday nt rhe m(Mr irr!,ir.)' r.-iinM. AlVs. C V
..".'" l- n-lll"lI", w.iuii AIKnlg&t and Alia. F. X. KrUilliervc
insisted the bostetM ill serving. Sr.-
(iai guests ror tlie ulutrnoon wert
Rev. J. LewtiiK spoke oir the sltua
Hon la the Hnlnns and Turkey and
gave a brief outline of tho mist
Now this pretty woman would have history of Huropo uml Afrlcn. lead-
Atra. Ararj- Hrowiilug, Jfrs. V. Sulll
van and Airs. 1). C. AlcCarty. Tim
"My, 1 am sorry 1 did imt come here liefore I lnmj.dit my coat (or suit).
Vtmr suits and routs are so nuidi nii-er," is a remark we Ik.vp lieard maiiv
his Spring.
1 11 tic
The La Vogue
Smite aimdl Coats
have more style, more fit
and more service than the
job lilies that are shown br
others and our priees are
$12.50, $16.50
$18.00, $22.00
.00 and
H0F 1 Mlrralioll Deinirtimut ill
I ",v "MMH
.1 Alt oral ions Free.
M l7.'W!'
We have .just received a shipment of the eelebrated Fiebrieh Fox, Kilker
line of men's dress slmes. This is a specialty line consisting of noth'ing but
men's light welts. They are superb in fit, style and service, .ft and 4.50.
The Golden Rule
Fust National Hank Building. 1 a, Oopple
Tike Secret of Smart Dressing
IT is not the simplest thine: in the world to dross
even thounii the clothes von wear art1 .smart
he simplest thing;
smart Iv
ly stvled.
It is not always tho
chap with the most expen
is not
the stv
the pa I torn
o of ii suit
that suit
which makes
good and true.
These are old truths
which we cannot dispute.
We have made it our
special business to help
you dross smartly oven
though you sometimes
fool that you never will
appear as well dressed as
the other follow.
,, rVP?rK ii Ii' v iTTT
. UK,
It is not necessarily tlio
most expensive clothes
that lend the most grace
to a fellow's figure. Be
coming stvle in a satistac
torv quality will do as
well if not better.
When you look at
clothes and when you pur
chase clothes seek style,
fabric and fit. Take a
careful look at "Smart
Clothes," designed aim
made by Stein-Bio .
You are sure to inul w
them many things you
have wanted but have not
been able to obtain.