wmmw iLWAYS HAVE A PLAN FOR CONSTRUCTION BEFORE ADVISING DESTRUCTION LOST AI.T1CI.KS vow i. vol u time. mmt& ,,.. fnimil tlmnm" Times mint A small ml In The Times want milium nui.v bring .vim results mi mediately. Tr.v inn-. memheh of the associated pres .. . .I.1l..t.-.l In I uu MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. CoS t!!rniTfc"r ' M,,M No- 253- OL. AAA VI. Tlii Const Mall. Hll BEET ORATOR CASES ME ENDED Br AGREEMENT TODAY barges Against Men Dropped Upon Agreemuiii ui w Use Streets for Present. DECLARE THEY DO WISH IU Hiu I. vv. vv. jest Case May be siarieu After Last or i. vv. vv. Trouble Has Vanished. SDFFBAGETTE'S BOMBS FOUND b has iihe.v CAMiiin. I W .1 l.ilRvvortli, secretary of I the local I W W. organization, I itatcd till" nfiornoon tlmt tho I. V V hnd called a strike In the I loccltiR anip iirnnml lioro. Ho I itatcil fluit an order wiih Issued I at Smith Powers Camp - for all I I v V members oinployud I tlicro lo roll. up their lilmikulH I ami get out and ,,H " result r I the lockoiu tin' strike onlor wuh I IhhciI Ho mild that some I. W. "i liml n'Mi li'ft Camp I. Ho I Mid tlmt ho wiih mil concerned I ullli tin. street speaking mutters I b re ' K I, Pic no. foreman of tin Tar Ili'fl 'amp. ntilil today tlmt there will no I. w W. troulilo I there Some oiio. lio hiiIiI, Hiionk- ci n boiilu of whiskey Into tlio I tamp, imil a:i liquor In forlilililoii to be brought there, lio fired tho gullly partlrH ami a few otliorH I left wlHi 'lii'iti I An agreement wiih entered Into lodiy between City Attorney .lolin Com nnil c M. uriK imil At- Iorneva Stoll and Hiirehiy. tlio lat er represent lug tlio seven moil who icre arrested tlio ollior uignt on ie charges of violntlng tho order Iralnxt street speaking, whereby Ite charges nro dismissed. Ah a ondltiori or tlio dismissal or tlio jvm, it wiih agreed that tho icljllsls will not hold any inoro (root niec'lngs until tho I. V. W. uroro lins blown ovor and thou te matter will ho nnilcahly trlod ut, a new tent en ho being lustl- uteJ. Then, thero being no other sitters Injected, It ran ho ponce- itlr tried out on (Ih incrltH. Mr. Kills iiihI tho other Socialists luted tlmt they wero not In nny liar Identified with tho I. V. W. torement, In vlow of tho fnct Hint me I. W. W. men hnvo tried i link tlieni with It, thoy wore wil ling to do what wob necessary to lliprovo nny connection botweon iera and tlio I, W. W. ai n result, nil of tho ohnrgoH ere dismissed nnd tho ciibch will Sot bo tried next Mondny, it a schooled. Thero wns no Indication Inst ovon- H ot any illlllriiltv. whntsoovor. fUro were nossllil v n fnw tnnrn on t streets tlinn UBiinl, some antl- pwias tlmt something iniRlit oe- or. Today n number of loggers rnmo irom somo of tho camps. Ah It " pay day. It wns Konornlly bo- Hved to lio tho uauni Influx of lossers who hnd drnwn tholr money fa1! wanted to hnvo n good tlmo. mo reports Hint tho oggets ere an Influx of I. W. w. liininbora fe decried ua mere cnnnrdB. English Officials Discover More Infernal Machines Planted hy Women. Illy AmmmI.IH I'n. ttl ('mi. IMy TltnM 1 LONDON'. May 10. Two moio of tho now fiiinlliar IioiiiIih. with which the militant Huffi-iiKi'Mou aro atti'iupt liiK to Hcuro tho HiUIhIi I'lirlliinicut Into kIvIiik parllaiui'iitiiry franchlHO to wonion, wore illHcovurod toilny. One wiih found In tho piiHseiiKerH' wultliiK room ut a tinny time In the Htreot railroad Htutlon at Liverpool and tho other In tho HortliiK room or tho PoHtofflco at Itotulliit,'. Many lilHtorlial odltlccH throughout tho country hnvo boon ordered closed except iluriiiK Iioiii'h of nerko. lU'K.VS I.OItll'S iio.mi:. Tiii'I'IiikIoii Hull llottoycd by Siil'fni Hotter llarly Tiiilny. I Mr Amu llli-l l'n. Hi l uim lbi riRim DIJNDIOIO. Scotland. May 10. Kar rliiKtou Hall, the reHldencc of Henry Mcdrady, former Lord I'roviml of Dundee, wiih destroyed by fire early today. Tho imllciil Iimik aro that mili tant HUffrnKetteH are roHpoiiHlhlo. si:t A.voTiicit i-'iiti-: Arson S 1 1 1 1 1 1 of .Militant Suffragettes Alti'iupt CoiifliiKi'.itlnii, tllr AHoil.lnl I'rt.l In ( llaf Tllnm NICWCASTI.K.ON-TVm:, KiiKlnml, Mny 10. "I'unholnie," u larwo un occupied Iioiibo hero wiih fired today by the iimon Hiimd of tho militant HiiffrnKcttVH. It did not do much diimiiKO, Tho iiillltantH wore Inter rupted In their work, but caenped. KDrroit is .ititi:sii:i). . B. HYDE DIED IS FORENOON Succumbs at Home in South iwarshtield After Long Ill ness of Cancer. Horn c n 11...1. ji... -1 n ,..i. iii. " ' "you uieu ul v o ciuuii ii morning nt his homo on Hull :;. houtu Mnrshflold, nfter a ClOlODEPlI lll.,r, . ., tl.n . --- iimtiu ui L-UIH.-VI Ul lliv uomach ti t,.i , .i..ii TalllB U """ UUB" Bruuuuiijr s and the end was not unexpect- Mr. ttvln .1. .!., l.l . 1 .1 ' nce in Mnrahfleld hnd lived In imiV " "ls neaitn not permitting 'HUB hliclnr. 11. . 1 IM. f., -- o. no inoveu nuro wiih had i ya from Albany whore ho hut). " l,,Kn8eu in ttio rurnuuro crelL ,(or sovrl yenra. Ho hnd ii "' "rKoii ng a minor. .1844 " ln Alban' vt- April ftrothr, ;. ,".n'uFvi ": -l"u Blro L . l" 'nat 'e ant Mrs- I. 'Uv nsn nn villi. !.. r-r. ir...lA Kv H n, r ' f aerso Dlndingor nnd bi'nVu 'lnJ" Sfr nntl nn aunt of Clyde -uger of Marsh flnlil ondtJunf,rrl wUl b0 hold Privately Ith. ' ' l "mB nt 10 o'clock rrom ottylT.' Mr- 'lo wns n membor rkbart m officiate. 'fhellnr ...:"A". Went lua ' i;ouniy wmpioy- felliM 8fnry frnlshea nil kinds of . .- ur unDLriiini in!,.. . ni. A. Phone -? !rlal will convince you. I BCs 2i9-L and 324-R. I'ublNlicr of Siiffrngctto's Paper In .Manchester in Trouble. Itlr ' UK! rrr lit Tout IU? TimM ) MAN'CHKSTUR, Knglnnd, May 10. Junies Whltoly, secretary or the printing firm reapoualblo for tho lnnt laaiio of "Tho Suffrngotto," wiih wuh brought up In police court toilny and remnnded for trlnl, Tho mugls trnto nllowed him to bull on IiIh promise not to publish nny further editions of the mllltnnt nowapnpor. OIL CASE UP IN M State Supreme Court Recedes From Ouster Order Against Standard Oil Company. (Ur AMocl.t! ITn. to Coo. liar TlmM.l JKFKBItSON C1TV. Mo Mny 10. Tho Missouri supremo court grant ed today n rehonrlng In tho ouster proceedlngH against tho Standard Oil of Indlnnn nnd nppolntod John .Montgomery of Sedalla, comiiilsHlon er to tnko testlniory ns to tho good faith of tho company ln severing Its connection with nny trustB. The court nlao auapended tho writ of ouster ngnlnst tho company. Tho court's action brings rollof to the vlllago of Sugar Creek, near Kansas City, whoso existence was threntoned by tho ouBter, tho closing of Hint ro flnery taking away the employment of virtually the ontlro malo popula tion of tho vlllago. SAYS I'lXGIIOT DID IT. Mining .Man Tells Sennto Conserva tionists Tied up Alaska. (Dr AKltJ l're l -o O.r Tlmt.. WASHINGTON, May 10. "Glfford PInchot, moro than nny other man, hns been responsible for tying up Alnskn" Jnmea F. Gnllbronth. secre tnry of tho American Mining Con gress told tho Senate territories com mittee today. Ho nddod that former Presldont Itoosevolt's executive or der of 190C withdrawing Alaska coal Innda from entry "wnrranted a rev olution" and favorod the bill before the committee for government aid In tho construction of Alnskn railways but opposed tho system of govern ment lease of coal lands. Georgo H Tit..l,.t. nnnncAl fnr MlA Alasknll Northern Railway, contended his com pany should have tho opportunity to penotrnte Intorlor Alnskn without fear of competition with the govern-mont-nlded road. Ho assailed the Tnft ndmlnlstrntlon which ho said "used Its wholo powor to crusk the Alaska and Northern. let us talk it over (SENSATIONAL CASE IN ILLINOIS TIH2 T1MKS believes in free speech and n free press. It be lieves that men should not bo muzJed nnd principles should bo pro- tocted ns well as property. It d(,0a not bcllee. however, that lib city should bo construed Into llceiiso to He nnd libel or to prc.tch tho doetrjno of destruction'. livery man Is entitled to believe aa he pleases and preach his beliefs so long ns they are not the sermons of slnndor nnd sabotage. The right to free speech does not mean tho right to counsel rrlme or encourage the enemies to a social civilization tlmt bus been achieved, through cen turies ot constructive effort nnd through tremendous sncriflce of blood nnd h rnvv 11. There recently appeared In a locnl paper what purported to bo the position nnd principles of the 1. W. w. The Times denies the truth of tho statement. Tho Times Ih familiar with the propaganda of the the I W W. through the preachments of ItH lawless loadeis and Its literature The editor of The Times has a deep and abiding fnth in the fellow ship or mini nnd tho httherliood of c,w. He hns synipnthy with tho strug gle of nil mankind Tor benerits nnd betterment. He believes In labor un ions. Ho employs union labor' and is himself an honorary member of tho union. He bids Godspeed to tho gospel of fair play and the siiuiro deal. He" devotes his energy nnd his efforts to Its propagation nnd Hh pienchmeut. Fair piny nnd the Hiiinro deal have 110 place In tho plan or propngandii or tho I. W. W. Thelr'H Ih n doctrine of destruction, dynamite nnd deviltry. Tho Times has received and rend their imperii in which the principle of sabotage was frankly hoi forth and defended Instead of detested. It Ih n doctrine of destruction Hint Is iin-Anieilcnn. unpatriotic mid unnianly. It Ih n gospel or hate mid hypocrlHy. i.ovo lies no place In the lives or literature of tho I. W. W. They cohiihoI crime and encourage enslave ment. Tho real I. W. W. does not strike ns nn American labor union strikes. Tho I. W. W. stays on th Job and Htrlkes. lie destroys rop eiv by every hypocritical and hellish meaim nt his commiind. lie drops 11 wrench in the innchlnery. lie drives n nnll In the saw log that destroys the saw and endnngers tho life of the sawyer. The I. W. W. may deny this, but tho dimming evidence Is set forth In their literature and their actions. Kven In this Htntemont printed In a local paper the MarHhlleld secretary snys: "Tho working clawn and tho employing clnss hnvo noth ing In common." The I. W. W. Is tnught to despise mid destroy. There Ih nothing constructive In their policy. There Ih no protection for prin ciple or property in n community dominated by such a doctrine. The Times Is surprised that tho Socialists or Coos liny sympathise or encourage the I. W. W. There Is nothing lu common between the oigmilzutloiis. The Soclnllsts stand Tor an Idealistic state of society. The I. W. W. believes In tho destruction of society. Do the Socialists of Coos Hoy know that William I). Haywood, the lender or tho I. W. W., wiih kicked orf the executive committee of th Socialist party because of his pernicious prcnehuioiit of syndicalism, sa botage and anarchy? There Is nothing In common between Socialism mid the I. W. W. Tho lendeiH or tho Socialist pnrty have recognized that the SochiliHtlc movement was being retarded mid clouded by association with 1111 element that Iiiih 110 more to do with Sodnllsm thnn It Iiiih to do with the divine tight or kings. The Kdltor or The Tlnios Ih not n Socialist. Tho TIiiich does not be lieve In Socialism, but Socialism contains many beautirul theories that uro appealing to any man who boll uvea In the gospel or the Golden Rule nnd tho dawn or a day when much of tho hIii nnd sorrows nnd crime and cruelty of our present social system may be swept nwny by tho advance In knowledge mid tho better understanding of men. Tho I. W. W. has no idealism. It has no constructive policy. It alms nt starting a conflagration here, a riot there mid In general making the lire or tho employer hucIi a pcrreet iilghtmnro that sooner or Inter ho will weaken mid then something will happen. Klther tho omployor will nbdlento or tho worker will seize tho factory by mnln force. Whnt the worker will do with tho rnctory when ho gets It tho I. W. W. novor stops to Inquire. It Ih n policy frankly of the worst anarchy. Tho Idea Ih to rediico civilization to anarchy and hopo that something better may emerge from the chaos. It Is n futllu and misguided policy. Revolution by forco Is only Justified where there la no other possible means of regenera tion, It Ih n pity Hint tho prosperity of Cooh Hay should suffer pnlsy nn.l pnralysls from such pernicious preachings. It Is high time that some declslvo action was taken by tho peoplo of this community. Thoro Ih dnn ger In delny. Coos Day hns a hospitality as boundless ns Its resources. Thoro Is a wolcomo for every honest worker who aeoks to bonoflt and build up this community, but there la no plnco for tho damnnblo doctrluo of dcotructlon. The citizens and business men of this community owo It to theniBclvoB to protect their own homes and flroaldcs. Thoy do not de serve prosperity If they are not willing to protect It nnd stnnd for decency mid mnnhood. Into begets hnte. Forco fosters forco. Destruction broods destruc tion. There enn never bo nny progress toward Industrial peace, prosper ity or Juotlco by tho poisonous nnd pernlcIoiiD policy of tho I, W. W. They hnvo left nothing but n torch of troubla nnd n riot or ruin lu nny community where thoy hnvo been countenanced or tolerated. From Grays Hnrbor to San Diego they have sown nothing but tho dragon's tcoth or trouble. Coos Itny should profit by tho experiences of other commun ities nnd not permit her prosperity to bo Jeopardized by such pernicious troublo breedors. The Times snys tills In n spirit of sincere sympathy for the submerg ed, It believes In favoring and forwarding every movement for tho bonoflt and betterment or tho workers or tho world, It bolloves the tollers should hnvo a. full share In tho fruits of their labor but It will novor bo obtained by tho hopeless hypocrisy and doctrines of destruction preached by tho hirelings of tho I. W. W. A policy which baa no con structive thought behind It, which Is merely tho deslro to destroy tho ex isting framowork of (society without anything doflnlto to offor In Its plnco Is surely tho lust kind or policy Hint ought to commend Itself to honest workers. Coos nny should act promptly and positively In this matter. Tho tlmo to act la NOW. FORMAL. ANSWER TO JAPAN SCON Sec. Bryan Confers With Mi kado's Ambassador and President Wilson and Is Preparing Reply of United . States. (D AuocOt.4 Tru. to Cooi Hi; Tlmei.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. Secretary Hryan nnd Viscount Chin da, tho Japanese ambassador, held an early conferenco today ovor the California alien land bill, but what COAL MINERS transpired at the meeting vvus nor mndo public. President Wilson's return from Mount Vernon nfforded Secrotnry of State Rryan nn opportunity to confor with him about tho views of tho Jap aneso government regarding the Cal lfornla and Arizona antl-allen land legislation na presented by Ambassa dor Chlnda. Secretary Hryan ex pected to have a furthor coherence with Chlnda today perhaps, and then would bo ablo to present tho formal answer of tho United States to tho Japaneso government's protest. HAND DANCE SAT., .MAY 10. Over 60,000 Men in Germany Give Up Attempt to Force Concessions in Germany. Ur Auoit4 !'r to Co D.r Time. ) nKUTHKN, Germany, May 10. A strike of C0.000 coal miners In this district, which began April 21, has been called off owing to tho hopo leaaneas of tho strikers attaining success. W R S DENIED BY GOV. O'HARA'S AGCUSER A CALIFORNIA MAN IN TROUBLE Secretary of State Charged With Malfeasance in Office. tllr l IHIM I'rrM lo Too. liar TIlnM I SACHAMHNTO. May 10. Frank ('. .Ionian. Secretary of State of California, was unanimously chnrg ed with mnireasaiice of olllce by u Joint legislative committee, which recently Investigated the payment of fees Into bis department, mid lu ItH report to the legiHlaturo today, the committee lecoiiimeuded tlmt the enso bo turned over to the at torney general. Tho collection of money for copies of auto roglntru HoiiH furnished to Insurance com puulort mid others during the time .Ionian has been at tho hend or the department Is the basis or the find ing against him. Comittee reports Hint $7,700 collected lu this manner mid not nny or It turned lu to the state treasurer, where It Hhoiild prop erly go. A II FEOEBALS DEFEATED Scandalous Charges Made in Affidavit Denied by Woman Who Swore to Them. LIUQOR DEALER GOT IT TO STOP PROBE. Daughter of Former Governor Davidson of Wisconsin Drawn in it but Denies. Illr VM Uic-I l'".. m llr TlniM 1 CHICAGO, 111.. Mny 10. A com mittee or four Senators nppoluted by the I.cgiHlntuio to Inquire Into chaws made lu mi affidavit signed by Miss Maud Robinson, or Spring Held, against Lieutenant Governor O'llura. head or the "white slave" (oininlsslon, here today hoard from that young woman's own lips repent ed admissions that the charges ngaliiHt O'llara, to which she had sworn, were untrue. Hint tholr rela tions were entirely proper, nnd that she gnve the affidavit to a liquor denier with the understanding It was lint In lift ituiili liiilitlp Tin, llitiwir I dealer wanted It. she said, to use to prevent O'llara from continuing bin intl-v Ice crusade. According to tho affidavit. O'llara and MIhh Itobinsoii and Thomas Vreileiihiirg mid Mrs. Iiibuslch, of Madison. Wis., registered iih .1. F. Miller and wire and F 1). Duncan mid wife nt the Hotel Klicr iiiiiii here. Mrs. Mabel Davidson In bunch Is the daughter of former Gov ernor Davidson of the Hndger state. I u n newspapor Intorviuw received rrom that city, Mrs. lubiiKch, who in divorced, denied ever having stopped at tho Sherman Hotel or that she wan a member or tho alleged party. Mis Maud Robinson also Ih a divorcee. She resides with her mother and doee dressmaking In South Spriiiglleld. Rebels Claim to Have Driven Them Southward From Guaymas and North. Ur Auoc lalfl I'm. 10 Coon liar Time. NOGALKS, Ariz., May 10. Aftor a desporato desperate mid declslvo bnttlo lato yesterday, the redernlH withdrew last nlghl to GuaynuiH, leaving tho statu troops In control of all points north of tho gulf port. The government troops woro utterly rout ed, It Ih reported. An unconfirmed tolcgrnphlc roport today states tho troops occupied Guaymas with the federals lu full retreat southward along the const. TRACK MEET OF COLLEGES Harvard Wins, Yale Defeats Princeton and Latter Wins Gun Championship. Iiir amoculj rrf i co n.r Time. CAMHRIDGH, Mass., May 10. Harvard won tho track meet horo today. PR1NCKTON, May 10. Princeton won tho Intercollegiate gun cham pionship by a swooping majority. Princeton scored 107, Yalo 312, nnd Dartmouth 294. NO RECALL WLSON American Ambassador Wilson Will Remain There Despite Huerta's Claim. Dr AMOtl.tftl l'ftl lo Coo. liar Tlmn.) WASHINGTON. 1). C, May 10. President Huerta's romlndur to Am bassador Wilson of the limitation Imposed upon him In Ills , olilclnl Intercourse with tho Mexican! kjovhth ment la not expected to change tho status or American Ambassador Wil son, who hns been doing business with tho do Facto government In tho City or Moxlco nnd although ho Iiiih not been able to extend politi cal recognition as desired by the lluerta government, ho will continue to transact tho ueiessary IiusIik'sh ot tho American ambassador at lh cupltol for tho present. It Is not anticipated that he will be. given passports, nor that ho will be recalled. Superintendent Raab, of North Hend has received word that Fremont Hodson took second placo in running broad Jump, Joe IJarber third In tho shot put In tho Oregon State High School field meet at Eugeno today. When a woman is no longor ablo to detect paint on anothor woman's faeo the time has come to consult an oculist. PRINCETON, Mny 10. Ynlo todny won tlio nnnunl track meet with Princeton. WH.SO.V OX AUTO TlHI. Takes Family Out Vor Half Holiday Today. (Ur Aiioclile.l no. lo Coo. liar Time. WASHINGTON, May 10. President Wilson took n hnlf holiday and motored to Mount Vernon with Mrs. Wilson and a ramlly party. President Wilson slipped away from tho White Hoiibo and was skimming over tho quiet Virginia roads almost beforo his doparturo becamo known. WIFE REFUSES COMPROMISE. Army Scandal DUone Case Must be Tiled Out. (Hr Amo'I.IhJ IT". I" Co" Dr Time. J SAN FRANCISCO. May 10. Mrs Morrlmnn would not consent to com- i.nmlu tlin fflBM fllflll llV llOl' llllS- band and urgod by Judge Graham or the Superior Court, who Is tryliiK tho divorco suit brought against her by Captain Henry C. Morrlmnn, who accuses hla wito or misconduct with Cinrenio Murphy, Major on the statf or tho Governor o.r I.ouUana, A ton tatlvo compromlBo was auggosted tor tho aako of their daughter Charlotte, 10 years old, but was declined by Mr. Mnrrltlinn lllllpSK CT llUSliaild retracts tho charges and clears her nnme. Mrs. Mernman is in a hob. pltal suffering from nervous collapse PROGRESS ON TUNNEL WORK Twohy Brothers to Complete Noti Bore in August Three Camps Now Working., The Eugeno Register says: "Tho Wildcat tunnel on tho Hue of tho Wlllmnelte-Pnclfle botweon Eugeno and Coos Hay, has been opened through ami but C-IO foot out ot 2f00 remain to bo cut on the Noti tunnol, 23 miles west of Eugene At tho rate ot progress now being made, tho hitter tunnel will no opened some tlmo during August. Tho Wild cat tunnol Is several miles west of Noti, and Is but 050 feet long. It was constructed by sub-contractors under Porter Brothers, whllo the Null tunnel Is being handled by Twohy Ilrotliors. "Twohy Ilrotliors also liavo thine grading lamps at wmk at six ion and 18 miles f i oin Eugene. Tin tirst two named will complete, tholr woiK In a week and the latter In a mouth or six weeks." I Along the Waterfront. ' The Ilroakwotor In duo In Sunday ...m.nliif nimr K n't In. If ft'tim Pnrt- III. II 'H ...... M w .--.. ....... ..-.. ' land and will sail from here at ' o'llock Monday. M