THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. r 6 PERSONAL NOTES EWS OF NORTH BEND El) DALC'Il was In from South Coos Ulvcr today. T. C. NUSSI3LL, of Heaver Hill, Is a MiUHhlleltl visitor toilay. iEW ROAD TO MRS EMPIRE PLAN IN DM BEND County Commissioners Indorse I Speca, program Arranged for North Bend Man's Project For Newmark Street. N C Mrt.i'oil, Or. Itnrtlp. L. .T. Slmpwn anil II !. Kern, who won In confiuenro with the Coos (oiiiitj 1....1 o ,.( r'nniiiiti. vpstordny nbou t rp ItiB n iH-w lilKliwny opcncil ib will l.o I10M nos Su.idn nf from North lltmd to Empire loturni'd toruoon at a o'clock nt thu AbsoiuIjIv Observance Sunday After noon There. 1'lnnn for the observation of "Mother's Day" In North lloml Imvo been conipleteil by Supt Knnb mill tin- others In ehaiKe. The oxer- MRS. T. J. MACCSENN' wns an Empire lsltor In Mursliflold today. OSCAlt .10HNSON of North Inlet In n Mnrshlleld visitor today. last pvenliiK and report that the Coim- Mall of the North Henil HlKh scliool. Special auto servlfo will lie pro vlded and the following proKinn Biven: Voluntary Mrs. C. H. Worrel ro.oloy. ty CommlHsloners worn only too glml to co-operate with them. The plan Is to run the road south on llrond wav, North llnnd. to Newmark street n...i iimiiPrt Westerly to Kniplre. The rn,.itnitt.n lmil Knclncer Ulchardson I u()uk run the lines on the new highway ' Prayer and Is now having plans prepaid by him for It. As soon as bis plnns are completed, the County Court will order nbntit $",000 of the $7000 rond fnniin nf the North IVend district ex pended on this road and will havoSl.,.num j(ov. Urownlng - . . . .. 'II v..... .... ,. I n '. It graded tins inn. .m'm jem. '"(Hong I I.ove to Tell the Story" Kev. .Mai'!."od Solo "My Old Country Home".. ...Miss Ellen Anderson and Chorm Scrinturo Reading Rev. Hlsoy Solo Miss Grace Williams Announcement . . Rev. John I.ewtas planned to have a special levy voted in tho rond district to hard surface the road. Allegany Road Project. A. O. ltiuib. who liml the Al legany load project in charge for Hie North Ilend Commercial Club, re ports that he Is unable to get tho co-operation of tho Olngow Townslto Company on the project. He says nil tho ranchers along the routo are In favor of It. but tho Glasgow Town nlto Company, which owns n big tract which would bo especially benefitted, has refused to answor bis appeals for aid In the project. In conse quence. It will bnve to be temporarily dropped. 'Hlest lie the Tie That Hinds" 1 NORTH BEND NOTES ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Illack, of Mnrsbllobl. were guests yesterday of their son, Geo. Illack. Tho Harvey came In yesterdny and Is taking on a cargo of lumber nt Old North Ilend. The Library Hoard will hold n mooting this afternoon In preparation for opening the library rooms. Mrs. Herbert Armstrong, who bus been III nt Portlnud for somo time, Is much Improved. Mrs. M. (I. Colomnn left yosterday for Sun Francisco to give her Infant son opportunity for medical treat ment. She was accompanied by her Bister. Mrs. Win. Hendricks. F. W. Kern, owner of the North Ilend Hose Factory, Is expected hero today to make Dual arrangements for selling tho property to the Southern Pacific. The salo would not stop tho plant from operating for several months as It will be somo time beforo the grounds will bo neooed by the railway. L. 0. Piatt, a registered pharma cist from Idaho, has leased the room next to the postolllco, formerly oc cupied by I Inzer & Son. and will open a pharmncy there about .luuo .1. 11. Eddy Is erecting a $nr.O oungnlow for .7. T. Colvcr on tho properly recently bought from C. A. Strickland. M. E. Everltt has reopened the North Rend drug store, which ho closed last fall, deciding that tho .Improved conditions wnrrnnt n sec ond drug store In North Rend. Nov. A. S. Hlsoy not Sunday evening will open a series of re vivals nt the North Ilend .Methodist church, thu Rev. John I.ewtas. who lias been speaking In Marshfleld ns olstlug hliii. L. O. Strnmon Is erecting n tem porary church building, HOxfiO feet, in Porter, for tho Norwegian Luth erans. Later when a church Is built, tho building will bo converted into a parochial residence. Rev. V. A. Smith Is hero from Pullman, Wnsh.. to lslt bis family mul plnns to move thorn to Pullman bo that tho children may attend col logo. M. L. Hunt has moved his fnmllv from Porter to his ranch Just north of the Coos Hay Crenmery. Woid hns been received here of the birth of n soven-pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Oimrgo Langenberg. formerly i.f N'mth pond n their iioiiio at rorteisMlle. California. Dr. II. L. Molt, of Salem, a voting physician. Is expected here soon to assist I)r. Hartle Up 8 a graduate of Willeinette I'nhersity and took Ms medical course In Philadelphia. Mrs. K. LmiKenberg and baby loft Wednesday for Salem nfier a pleas lint visit at the A II ImhoiT borne. Mlhs Kill th Horn has gone in itotu.. burg to jt r,,r fw Wleks. Joe Wlnsor was fined $." by City Itecorder Deibybhlre for drhlng his inotoriM-I.. too fast. ,,,:- A. Hand and wife, of Couer P Alone. Idiibo. are guesU at the J V Gardiner home. u,,Vv!' V""J''1,l' " Put his launch Hnnibler on a legnlar urn hot ween North Rend and Nouh Inlet Henry lloeck has gone to Astoria to spend the summer with his family and look after loBBn operations there. E. T. Coffolt has purchased the F HoeKlmff holdings on Sherman avo mie . fio.n Mil.eod McKay. fr Ilupn!obl.e:,,U,l',,aMM,rih,Wlln"l,w !,.'.. 1,.,UU"l'.- who drovo his II.i,,. mob le here from San Diego. , architect and will nrepaio plans for new $0000 losideme for th,. lat- .1 Hue TIE LASHELLE 1 U. S. Deputy Marshal Here for Allccjcd White Slaver Goes to Spokane for Trial. ' Deputy P. S. Marshnl W. 11. Griffith arrived bore this afternoon from Portlnud to take W. F. La Sholle. who was arrosted by Mar hIiiiI Anderson In North Rend the other day, to Portland, theuco to Spokane, Wash., to answer to the charge of "white slavery." Mr. Griffith talked with La Shollo for awhile. The latter protested his In nocence anil displayed a mnrringc certificate to prove that the woman with him In North Rend is Ills wife. Howevor, La Shollo admit ted knowing the persons inoutloncd In the complaint against him. He agreed to walvo tho bearing beforo P. S. Commissioner Arthur Peek this afternoon. In the complaint, it is charged that La Shollo mid Harry .leuklus In September. If) 12, brought one Nellie .Murphy from Nez Perce county, Idaho, to the state of Washington for Immoral purposes. Mr. Grlllllth expects to leave to night via Drain with his prisoner. COAST LEAGUE Portland Loses to Sacramento and Goes to Bottom of List Again Other Games. STANDING OF CLUIJS. W. L. Pet. Los Angeles ..11 13 .filS Venice 10 17 .528 San Francisco IS 1!) .-186 Sr.crainent 10 IS .171 Oakland U! IS .471 Portland II 17 .153 Hr ,Hw.Utt I'rfii lo Coot Hay TlniM.J PORTLAND. Or.. May 0. Sne rmnento broke Portland's winning streak yesterday, taking tho game four to one. The other gamos In tho Pacific Coast League resulted us follows: At Sacramento Sacramento Portland At Los Angeles Los Angeles San Franclsci At Oakland uiiKinnil 0 l Venice 7 1 1 R. 1 1 R. H. K. 7 0 I 0 II. H. 'i 0 3 5 7 2 U. II. E. 1 0 foundry, says that ho Is swamped with orders, having moio work on band than ho can got men to turn It out. Ilo hns been making many cast ings for tho new C. A. Smith pulp mill. AMONG TI1E SICK. - I Hoibert Rogers, who has boon suf fering from a severe injury to his hnnd as a result of a rusty uall cul ling nun. sas tno injury Is now rapidl. healing. Miss Roxle Hall Is recovering from an attack of blood poisoning cnusod by a t-evore burn .liuk Flanagan, who has boon suf fering from an ulcerated tooth, is leportod licoverlng. Mrs. Katrina Martinson, an old res ident of Marshtlehl, who has been living with nn adopted son. John Mnr tlnson. Just south of the Catholic Church, was taken to Mercy Hospital today. U. DOUGLAS went to CoqiilHo this afternoon on business. JACK MEREEN has returned homo from his trip to San Francisco. N. i:. DAGGET AND WIFE, of Alle gany, spent tho day In .Marshlleld. MRS. UEFHEN CAVANAGH, of East side, was n visitor In town today. MRS. NED GALLOWAY of North Inlet Is a .Marshlleld shopper today. W.M. STODDARD nnd wife of South Inlet wore Marshlleld visitors today. MISS HAZEL PETERSON came down f i oin Coos River this morning. G. V. SHELLEY of Myrtle Point Is a business visitor lu Marsh-field. .1. ,T. CLINKENIIEARD. of Daniel's Creek, was n visitor lu Mnrshlleld liiilnv t O. F. ANDERSON, of South Coos River, was n visitor In Marshlleld i today. LEWIS DFIirqi'i: eamo In from; Hie Ten Mile country today on business. II I 11 A NaM- flpr -I ml 111 ii I 11 M I piPJk I irw-T1 ill !BlaPr I JH PHVIllfllW r 11 111 il MISS MTMT HODSON. of Allegany.1 was n Marshlleld shopper this morning. j FRANK MOUSE, of tho Codtillle, electric plant, Is In Mnrshlleld on business. I A. A. SLOCUM, of Cntehlng Inlet, was a business visitor In Marshlleld this morning. MRS. A. N. CIIRLSTENSON. of I lay lies Inlet was a Marshfleld shopper toilay. D. D. PIERCE, the well known Co oullle lumberman, Is In .Mmrh Held on business. MR. AND MRS. R. II. OLSEN and young son of Empire, woro visitors In Mnrsbfleld today. .MRS LKNNON AND MRS. A. K. MORTEN, of North Rend, woro Marshfleld shoppers today. ANSON ROGERS and wife, the well known Coos River pioneers, uro Mnrshlleld visitors today. CEO. K. TONNEY, of tho Wlllett & Ilurr company, was hero from Myrtle Point last evening on business. MRS. ROGSTAD AND MRS. GIMT SER. of North Ilend, spent tho morning shopping In Marshlleld. P. N. SMITH AND JAS. A. QUINN, of Hurley, Idaho, are In tho city Investigating tho commercial pros pects of Coos liny. GEORGE PETERSON, who hns been in Marsh field for somo time, expects to leavo soon for his homo In Honolulu. MR. ROSS, who is employed nt tho Smith mill, hns leased F. E. Al len's now bungalow In South Marshlleld, nnd will soon oc cupy it. II. W. Sanford. agod so. slliimv mid fell off tb.., .. .... tho otbor VlVi i,r n bi . i T V "l "u ! ' . '"' "'mtim is conceited to be ini ouar,la bioaklnghls foronrni.lthe best ever given on tho coast. ". i.. Kim, of the North Ilend METHODIST (lU'RCII. The II.LlSTR.VIT.n THAVK '-Tllti: tonight Is conceded to b.) T. J. THRIFT AND JAMES WAT SON will go to tho I. O. O. F. grand lodgo nt Medford Mny 21, as rcpresontntlve8 of Coipilllo Lodge No. 5.I. Coqulllo Herald. MRS. S. Jl'MPER. of Haynes Inlet was n Marshlleld shopper to day. She brought lu n basket of beautiful blossoms from her flower gnrden for hor friends. ARTHUR K. PECK made n business trip to Coipilllo this morning. Ho was unnblo to nrrango n henrlng on tho LnFrnnco nttaebment mat ter and will have to return tomor row. MRS. M. G. COLEMAN nnd bnby nnd hor sister. Miss Floronco Hendry, imvo gone to San Francisco, wboro tlioy will consult n specialist lu reference to the baby's health. They oxpect to bo gono for sovoral weeks. HENRY SENGSTACKEN returned Inst ovonlug from OqcjuIIIo, whero ho was summoned as a witness In tho Hnrton enso. Tho witnesses woro not allowed to listen to the testimony of the other witnesses In tho enso. MR. AND MRS. LESTER TOCIER came over from Marshfleld. whero no is engaged in the grocery busi ness nnd will spend n month or- hix weens visiting mends nnd en joying n llttlo rest. Ho Is doing quite well over there nnd likes it Quito well. Eugene Register. T. P. DCCAN. of tho construction department of tho Western Union left- IIiIk innrnlm, vtn Cu.....n.. n..,i tno old Coos Hay Wngon Rond to1 Inspect the Western T'nlnt, li.. '. betweon hero and Hoseburg. He came in ovor the new railroad route, bat tlioy cannot build that line until after the steol Is laid on the road. A. E. TOWER AND WIFE, of Junc tion City, Oregon, nro expected hero on tho Hreakwator this week for an oxtendea visit nt tho homo of their sons, Messrs. Tower of the Orphoum Theater, and also to soo their ilnughtor, Miss Towor. grad uato from tho Murshllold nigh School. They mny possibly ar range to move to Marshfleld to niako tholr home. We have always claimed to give better value for every dollar spent with us than any other good clothes seller or good clothes maker anywhere; Furthermore, we can point with pride to a host of good fellows who know from experience that our claims are more than mere advertising talk; it's a case with us of de livering the satisfaction with the suit and guaranteeing both, You should not wait lbnger before seeing themf testing their fitness to your requirements and finally se!ecting a suit which you know is just exactly what you desire in every way $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 $25.00 and up to $35.00 With Special Lines for $12.50n$ 15.00 Stetson Hats Stetson Shoes Arrow Shirts All our merchandise is bought and sold under one system the only fair one to you and to us. One price to all and cash only that's why we both save. ti MONEY TALKS Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, -Three Stores- Bandon MARSHFIELD Myrtle Point- FOUR POLICE 60 10 POISON Former Inspectors of New York Department Sentenced for Recent Graft Revelations Ill- Auwiated rren lo Cooi llajr Tlme.J NRW YORK. May 0. Donnls Swoonoy, John Murthn, James 13. II Swoonoy, John Murthn, James K. Hussoy nnd James F, Thompson, rornior pollco Inspectors, convicted of conspiring to obstruct Justice nnd to chock graft revelations Involving thorn, woro sentenced today to servo ono year In tho penitentiary nnd pay a fine of ?500 each. This Is tho maximum sentence. CJUKAT POTATO YIELD. Kiikciio Ih'iiioiul of Lano County Itulstn! fl(IO Pounds From Ono Spud. SALEM, Ore., May 9. Oregon leads tho world in tho potato raco, nnd England comes next, nccordlng to tho announcement nmilo todny by State Superintendent of Public In struction Aldormnn. Eugono De mond, a Lano County boy, raised CtiO pounds of potatoes from ono potato, whllo England'a hoy, who conies next, raised 220 pounds from 11 potatoes, nccordlng to tho super intendent. Tho Oregon boy accom plished tho romnrknblo feat by ro plantlng sprouts of tho original pota to, which had thirteen eyes, and by this unlquo process planted 308 hills In nil. Ho won tho prize at tho State Industrial Fair. IDIllI IS fll Tho next 11KST THING to taklnB a lournov 'I'llltniTnil T17HKHY Is to hear Mr. Lewtas describe TUNIC AS HE IS TODAY. tho cense Must Hav Ji 9 W now laws which ' rW about Juno , - b0 im ' icalcertmcMeo?er ,4; County C lert .w marrUfJ, who arP "" goit W,gJ This certificate mM . -... tn Ul I .JI!I18 . 'ed to Practice ss,; rcSF,n,KU .iisease.