J""-" T5n ''"''"iiiiiliiSlBlSBllSlliSiillalSSaasslBlaSsmL, THE QPAS. SAY .TJJVlES..IV!ARSH:IELPy OREGON PRIDAY, MAY 9, .T913 EV PNINX3. EDITION; STATUES WITH A STORY a i n M SHU IHAUt tMHIIMIAl I 81 RIVER WORK STATION WORK Marshfield-North Bend Automobile Lines TO Ol'lt IMTltONK: Automobile tickets aro now good on both lines botween Marsh field and North Hentl. QORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" Senator Lane Points Out Why Commerce Isn't Reason For Appropriation. WASHINGTON, May 8. Senator taneVof Oregon. dlsaBi-eos with tho J i nf the rlvor nntl Imrbar bonnl ,e..-f... In n..om .In ilctormlnliiB 1X or not now project for uwfc I .rnv imiirovumeiit nro or u cnaracicr "be tnkc" up by tlio Kolornl aov irament. Tlio Senator recently ap peared before tho board to urBo tho ..tnntlon of n now project looking i the imiirovcnioiit of tho SliiHliin RUcrfroin i"l to tho head 61 nnilctttlon nnd was confronted with the old objection that "uxIbUuk ciini. nierre docs not JnHtIfy tho expendi ture." Senator I.nno undertook to con tlnce the board that It wmi uiiJiihI and not biiHlneBS-liko to ImpoBo hiicIi .restriction, that the object or liu Moving chniinelB Is to build up com L.... niui Hint roinincrco followH Improvement rather than precudoH II If the SliiBlaw Itlver. for In it'ance, had a lurgo coinmorco to day tlie fact alono would bo sufn dent argument that tho channel wns adequate, whereas tho Inck of com merco considering tho natural re joiircea tributary to that rlvor, Ib an Indication that tho Htrcani niUBt bo Improved before river commerce can be developed. Senator Lane called tho attention I of the board to the fact that a rail road has been mini mho mo couiurj penetrated by the Slualnw Ulvor, nnr that several idIIIIoiih of dollars bin (teen expended lu uh construction lolely bcenuso tho railroad bulldon were convlnreu mat me irarnc wouu be developed aa rapidly nn tratiBpor tatlon fnellltlcB wcro provided. Hi argued further that If there won tnouuli traffic In Bight to JiiBtlf) I tbe building of a railroad at a cob of mlliloiiH, tuero conainiy mum in lufflclont traffic In Bight to Justlfj I a much Biniiller oxpcndlture by tin Goveriiinciit for the Improvement ' tbo river, especially iib wator traiiB portatlon, oiico provided, will bt olnmAii .1in,i I t-nnuiwtrt nt lin liir rnll lUVUf'll 1,111,. ll"'WI "! I IIJ After hi it Interview, Senator I.aiu eipresscd doubt iih to tho poHHlblllt; that the board would roverno Iti (original ndverBo report on tho Slus liw Itlver, ror he round tho meinour wedded to the Idea thnt no Btroan iball be Improved unions tho olxst In; comnieree la of such slzo iih tf Justify further expenditures. How ever, liu Iiiib hopo of bringing nbout i chance of policy, for ho Ih con tlnced that tho baBla Hystoin of th- toaru la wrong. D E Dlwowry Mmlo lay Railroad Man Mature In 'Jvo Yearn. Perhaps you've failed In irot rn ults from trees and slirubs you'vi t out In the aprliiK. Plant tluuii iipsldo down tho noxl time and Beu what happona! That Is tho very nowost (IIbcov rj with regard to tho rnnlil irrowtl ! such Blow innturlni; things at plants that inimt form good solh ood In their trunks and irot n llrr U Well IIB n wlilnanrnmllnir rnn ITOWth before tllov nrnilnrn lilnnim or fruits. Whllo a botnnlst was probnbl) oe man who Btarted tho now aya '"n, It wnH a rallrond company tha " tho powor which led to tin aucovery. a foreign railroad man Kr wanted to lino tho sldo of hit "tOt Of wnv with tlhniln t-rnnu Ilf "lamented nt aomo length t'rylnf "u a ireo that would grow rnp- Idly ami nt ,, .., i.. ... .i' Tea amount- nf filiniln I In .11,1 nnl ve time to wait ton or fifteen oi ienty years for iiin oim.i,. . i provldeit ii.. .., .. . ..... , .. ,,,, niiiui-ti h ui UHCU. JUU ro t'tase company could not afford tho ox oi trniiBplnntlng full-grown trees. ml. lJforo' nf,or repeated oxporl 7,lf he lnniBiirated tho syatom of .. iB .,,lu treos "PBlllu llow- J kL1. UU "nturo of a last resort .... ,IU,,B waB flr8t tried. Hut . results wero surprising. Within e course Uf two yoarH tho treei " tO Bllf.il .... .,.. .!... !.. tom.F.00.'1 Hhail nn'' tholr growth maturity was a question of about tai 't,r,0r.tWo mor0, Tho elm wur lerlrnl0. t,,at waB "S0(l '" tho OX E ? '. Sma"' 8turdy trees were He ti "' aa much r00t nB I'088' Itt'iv, ,re.n wns then set In deop, root n."sua.1 wny excePt that the J wasplHc-d In tho ground. The too u-.o frnilnK roots where the ow t.i,and ,ho o'lelnnl roots which Prou fe.in "'"c? ?' branches. IPleiA ..v."BU w'cn uecomos com Prnn Ul " a ve-y short tlmo. rden, . rn"'oad company tho l-. "- UI Illn U'nnlnrritl K'nti. ann?ari,en8 of Londn took les- trees llt p,anted 0t a number of r'rees th. ,B,u,- out a number oi bolri , .aro "w ueautlful to be- . - m.u uuw uenuuiui to oe- v on J8 8tated that fruit trees quito as well and as quickly orf nary shade trees. Tho syB- crow 0! ilcn. .'" KV Bives 'treorni an excellent chnnco of ears ! g ,0 8om extent the long eceB9,. aIt,nB tliat are usually KIm in i. r n tree to reach a or orn 8i.r.Wt" W,,oro ? beau- i tBr for ,r",e"e8s repay rne gar- Ur (he dim Oliont unnn I. .u Hivui UJUit 4V, $&?& ThJ?.Wnd YOU have Frr ami ': oono 75. I'aclfJo ' nd Transfer Company. R 5 W (Jimil Work llolni; Done at y.iiitlicin (i('K"ii lliiilliiilluic I'm ii 1 1 In iIuckmui County. COHVALMS, Or., May 8. Valu able oxporlniotitB to determine the effect or rertlllzeiB on fruits, to llnd tho best soil treatment for orchnidn on hard-pan laud, cover crop work, pruning and girdling fruit treea, variety tentB, tillage and vegetabh garden experiments -have been car rleil. Dprr-af JJielhoitU'iiUiini1 buJibIu llcm -experiment furnr;'ofUic.Q,rep.iii AKrlcult,urul College- "Jililf a--'ii!tlrj' north of Talent, Jnckson Co.,"Blriii work wob ilrst begun August in. I 11, undur the direction of Supt. I 0. ltelnier. Tho soil on the farm Is of two distinct types, a Hue loam, common ly known as Hear Creek llottoin, and a heavy loam, bordering on the sticky. Tho original tract given by tho .lackHon County Court was Ill teen acres, to which flvo acres niorv! wuro added IiibI October. There were no buildings on tho tract, so the court gave $2,000 for their construc tion this spring. Tho land wub lu heavy nlfalfu sod which had to be plowed nud killed. Hear Creek has several times overflowed tho bottom land, whl:h constitutes 7& per cent of thu rami, cutting deep gulches. Much of It wiib very rough and rolling, and no leveling or grading lind been (Init io much labor was required to put It lu condition bo that In the fut'in It might bo Irrigated readily. Part )f the upland Is heavy, very wot .ind poorly drained, In places the wator level being a root below thu jurfuco lu tho driest part of the year. Tiles aro now draining It horoughly at a depth of four feet, i his necessary preparation prevent nl experiment work the first sea ion. As there nro somo fifty dlfforenl ypoa of soil In the vnlley, and It Is .mpoBslblo to got mnny on one buif.II met, Home experiments related t ociil problems have been lunugti ated in various orchards. Six fer lllzer experiments to find tho effeel f nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, uagueslum nud Iron wero begun, on ho yield of yellow Newtown and jpttzuiihurg npnloB on various typcr if soil; the yield of pears on d I flor uit boIIb; the bearing ago of yellow s'owtowns on heavy rich soil; the olor or Spltzonburg apples (the ixperlmont holug In an orchard viioro tho fruit does not color well ; he cause of "llttlu leaf" or apples, to dotermlno If It Is duo to somo ack of plant rood; and thu proven lou of the dropping of tho fruit of ho Mulr peach by proper fertll 'zlng. Klvo cxperlmoutB are being con lucted lu young pear orchards, tearing orchards, and mature hear- ng yellow Newtown and Spltzoii- iiirg apple orchards to test tlie practicability of growing cover crops u orclinrds In tho valley, in one he test Ib to llnd If a cover crop vl II make enough growth to bo of aluo where thoro Is no Irrigation; mother to llnd the most suitable iron: a third to determine tno best tlmo of seeding; n fourth to discover ho effect of the cover crop on the .iiiyslcnl condition of very heavy tolls; nud still another to find thu 3ffect of the yield and slzo of fruit. ly dynamiting, deop plowing 'borough cultivation, growing cover ;rops, manuring, fertilizing nud Ir rigating It Is, holug attempted to do ermine the best treatment of or chards on hard-pnn soli, Tho effect of various methods of iinimer and winter pruning on tho lonrlng age or pear and apple trees la tho aim or another experiment. Die effect of sovero cutting back In winter compared ro moderate cut ting or tho branches, or no pruning, on Cornice and Howoil pears six years old, on heavy, red, sticky soil is occupying somo attention, as Is also a comparison or Bovero cut ting hack, moderate or no cutting In summor on tho bonring ago or tho effect when tho work Is dono In spring, summer, mid-summer, litto summer of fall. Theso trees aro yellow Newtown apples olevon years old on heavy black soil. A similar orchard which has pro duced little fruit Is used to deter mine tho effect of various uiothods of ringing, notching, girdling, strip ping and wiring on tho bearing ago.1 Somo of these co-oporntlve experi ments are to be duplicated at tho station to mako tho results as con clusive ns possible. Perhaps one of tho most oxteuslvo experiments Is to dotermlno tho of fect or different thinning and cut ting back of branches In winter and at different tlmeB in summer upon tho 'precocity, fruit buds, checking tho growth of trees, vigor or trees, tho regularity or bearing, tho amount and bIzo and color of fruit and the rrnmo-work of the tree, pears bolng used for the experi ment. Still another extensive test will be made on promising varieties of American and European pears to bo planted to learn which are suited to local soil and climatic conditions, their resistance to diseases, their keeping nnd shipping qualities, and tho fruit flavor. Plantations of small fruits aro to be made also. Tho most Biiltablo stocks for pears as to soil adaptation, vigor, bearing ago and disease resistance are to be determined, as well as the effect of intercropping or clean cultivation of orchards, the best varieties of vege tables, proper planting season, irri gation methods, and tho valuo of manures and commercial fertilizers. HAND DANCK SAT., MAY 10. Have your jot) printing done Tbe Times office. ' No. .-,. "COIXKOXI" Copyright, 1313, by Th. Associated Newspaper School, Inc. UN erection of nioniiinonts to hor great men wiib forbidden by the Venetian republic. To such ii length did the reeling of lonlousy toward the great dead by the living go. Tho single exception wub tho statue or Hartoloinineo Col teonl, by Andrea del Verrocchlo and AlesBundro I.eopardl. And this was not because Colleonl was exception ally great, but because ho leM. his large fortune to Venlco on condl lon that n monument be erected to him In St. Mark's. lly thla he meant, of courao, In front of tho grcnt cathedral; hut thu republic got out or putting it lu inch a ramoiiB place by raising It opposite thu hoHpltnl of St. Mark, a much Icbb conspicuous position. Hartoloinineo Colleonl was an It alian soldier of fortune who lived in the fifteenth century, lie sold his services to the highest bidder. For a long time ho wiib lu tho pay of the Venetian republic. Hut Milan iffered him a better place, and he wont to that city. Venice found out, However, thnt It could not do with out him, nud In 1154 gave him thu cnptalu-guuuriilshlp of tho republic for life. Colleonl wiib one of the best or- these Italian soldiers of for uno. Although hu changed sides wheuover he thought ho could bet .or his fortunes, lie committed no nets or treachery. Ho died In 1-175. Andrea Verocchlo, who modeled the statue or Colleonl, was n ra tions goldsmith, painter nnd sculp or. Leonardo da Vlucl, who pnint d tho "Last Supper" nnd "Monn Msa," was ono or his pupils. Ve rocchlo had only completed tho mod il of thu "Colleonl" when he died n H88. Ho requested thnt tho casting of he monument lu bronze should bo '.utrusted to his pupil Lorenzo ill t'redl; but the senate of Venice gave COOS HIVKK WOHK. Government dredging In tho Coos Itlver, emptying Into Coos Hay, will bo started this week under tho di rection of J. S. PollioiniiB, Assistant United States ICnglneor. The work will lie Btnrted at Allegany nnd con tinued down stream. A sum of $3, 000 i savallablo ror maintaining tho channel. A llttlo later oxteuslvo dredging will bo dono lu Coos Day and on tho bar. Portland Tolegrnm. AKTKIl STATU .TOHS. (en, llrmvn for Attorney (Jcncral and For fiovernor. Tho llosoburg Rovlow snys: "A re port emanntlng from Salem la thnt George M. Drown, Prosecuting Attor ney of Douglas County, will bo a can didate for Attorney-General at tho next Republican primaries. Mr. Drown's present nbsenco In Coos County prevents confirmation or re futation of tho rumor. Tho present Attorney-General, A. M. Crawrord, n former Rosoburg man, is said to be grooming himself to muko tho race for nomination for Governor." Tho Rosoburg Nowb says: "Since his election to tho offico of District Attorney Mr. Drown has beon In the limelight more or less through his vigorous fight against the liquor in terests of his county. Ho locked horns with Mayor Mlcelll, of Roso burg, and hla associates In tbo brew ery business and secured their con viction on charges of violation of thu locnl option laws. A Wonderful Tonic That Aids Digestion TbousAndi ut emtio to digest cer tain kind of food, In most cases It Is not tbo fault of tho food, nor tho stom ach. It la probable tnat tno stomach has been abused. Many resort to pre digested foods and various kinds of meaicines to get reuex from aypepsia, Indigestion and heartburn, but without permanent benefit. If your stomach ru In perfect con dition, you would not need medicine to digest the foods you eat. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is a stomach regulator. It gets the stomach In such a condition that It will digest food without other assistance. It overcomes the acidity and stimulates the coating of the stomach and lntestlnea so that they will properly absorb and assimilate the nutriment from the food eaten. Suf ferers from dyspepsia and Indigestion will find permanent relief In a short time after beginning the use of the tonic, Ior children, the addition of a little sugar will mako It most pala table. Many forms of susoosed Indigestion axe the result of Intestinal parasites, for which Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Insist upon Jayne's; ac cept no other. Millions have praised It ror mora man eagnty years, atom dt druggists everywhere. ut. v. jayne Bon, Philadelphia, To. the work to Alessandro Leopardl, l.eopardl had been exiled; but he was recalled to ilnlsh the Btntue. Ho also designed thu tall pedestal on which the stuttio Is mounted. This mouumunt, which was iiuvoil edjon March 21, MUG, Is generally conceded to be the greatest eques trian Btntuu In thu world. One critic has said of It: "Tho Colleonl stands todny for the thu most mag nificent cqucstlnn statue of all time. It fully deserves this reputation, since In no other monument are both horse and rider conceived and com posed with such unity." Doth figures express nobility and dignity. Tho arched neck, tho raised boor, tho champing mouth, or thu charger nro perfection. The poise of Colleonl himself, tnu pose of bis head, the stem expression of his race, show courage and ability. What Is the one thing nbout this Btntue, however, that makes It scorn so much alive? It Is just this. When wo look nt tho horse and rldor, wo feel that tho very next' moment, with the very next step, they nro going to walk off their high pedestal Into space. Tho whole statue Is full of cu cnorgetlc character ami hold 1 1 To, and powerful In Its effect. Kvory day a different human In terest story will nppenr lu The 'limes. You enn got a beautiful In taglio reproduction of this picture, with live othera, oqunlly attractive, 7 by OVj Inches In slzo, with this week's "Mentor." In "Tho .Mentor" a well known authority covcra the subject of the pictures and stories of tho wook. Readers of Tho Tlmot nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art. Literature, History, Science, nud Travel, and own oxqulslto pictures, On sale nt Tho Times ofrico. Price ton cento. Wrltu toduy to The Times for booklet explaining The rVSBocmtuci NowBPapor School plan PRECKLE-fACE Sim mill Wind llilng Out Ugly SpotN How lo Remove Ifcislly. Hero's a chnnco, Miss Frecklc-inco, to try a remedy ror freckles with tho guarantoo of a reliable doalor that It will not cost you a penny unless it removes tho freckles; while If it does give you a clonr com plexion tho expense Is trifling. Simply get nu ounco of othlno doublo strength, from your druggist and a few applications should show you how easy It Ib to rid yourself of thu homoly frecklea nnd got n beautiful complexion, Rnroly Is more than ono ounco needed for tho worst enso. lie aiiro to ask tho druggist for the doublo strength othlno as this is tho prescription sold tinder guaran tee or money back If It falls to re move freckles. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY B KNJAMIX OSTM.VI), Consulting Knglnccr nud Architect. Phone ina-Ij Miu-sliflfld, Ore. T M. WltlOHT, J CONTRACTOR AND RUILDKR Estimates furnished on request Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-R. JOKL OSTLIN1), Piano Tuner and Repairer, 41b S. Sixth Street. Phone 103-1 pKRJj RILBY RAIiLlNGER Plunlst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadwa) Phone 18-L. W. G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and HOU, Coke Dulldln, Marshfield. Oregon. Drt. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Dulldlng, over Gran. Theater. Office Phono 820. W M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marsbfleld, OroKon. D It, A. J. IIKNOTXY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wv are equipped to do high clan work on short notice at the ver lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Dldk,'., Opi Chandler Hoel. phono tir-J. Have your Job printing done ai The Times office. Just to See and Smell one of our roasts on the table Ib n treat nud also n temptation. Just to taste It Is to know the real Joy of eating nnd to long for more, ireef, mutton, pork or veal, tho result Ib nlways assured, Try one ror next Sunday's dinner, and you'll wish it was Sunday everyday. MjUtSHKIKM) OAflH MAIIKXTT. FOURIER BROS. Marslilleld TcTcpliour.s-r.Xot-tli Itctul 221 -.7 Two Market 51 Buy Your Meats at UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. THE NEW Steamer CAPT. K. ROHKNRLATT, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Bandon Saturday, May 10 THE SPEEDWELL la speedy mniiii.i'iin, n.ifiu vii-iu. i.iiu mi Mnjuin miiu I'litinu Hifiiia iuiu wireless. For freight and passage, apply, A. I' Estulirook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., (IliMIlT Hiiutn Marina Illdg., Han Francisco. MarMifloId. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Re don do Equipped with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHF1ELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, AT 3 P. M. All Pafturnirer Reservations Fr 0111 Ban Francisco Must lie Made at HOB Fife IIulldliiK', or Lombard Ntroet Pier 27. All reservations iniiHt ho taken up "1 hours before sailing. INTKR-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION CO PHONE U 0. P. McOEOROB. Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SEshiP Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND, APRIL Id, 1M, 80. M V fl, 10, in, SO, 1W AND 80 AT 8 A. M, SAILING FROM COOS HAY, APRIL la, it), al, MAY 8. 7, 12, 17, 88 AND 87. Tickets on sale to all ICaslern points anil Information as to routes mill rate cheerfully furnished. Phono Main 8n-L. P. n STERLING, Ah'cnt. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHF1ELD FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, MAY 1 1, AT 2 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7IO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 4 1 - ' McGEORQE, Ageat. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ARSTRAGT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all records of Coob County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on short notice, HUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marsbfleld. Phono 151 J W. J. RUST, Manager It Will Pay You to Investigate our prices before or dering your goods from outsldo flmiH. See it wo can't do Jimt aa well, and perhaps Have you Mime monoy. Try our Dairy Ruttor nnd Full Cream Cheeso. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL RLDO. 184 Market Ave. Phono 394-J. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and -easonoblo charges. Our motto: 'Will go anywhere at any time." Stands DIanco Hotel and Blanco Olgsr Store. Day Phones 78 and 41 Night Phone 4. HtlKPII OfWMIALK. nrotirlelor Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee G011TEELL PHONW B1SL the Phone 58 SPEEDWELL nnd hits excellent passenger ccom-J FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield A modern Rncft . uildlng, BlectrlJ Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wntor. HOTEL O O O 8 O. A. Metlln, rrop. Rates: HO rents a. day and upwards dor. Ilromlwav and Marker Singer Sewing Machines We havo them for rent or for sale. Machines Repaired. Supplies and Needles for Sals, W. J. RITZ, 181 Park Ave. Marshfield. Phone 880-X,