liAJ THE CQOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, M.AY 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY Choosing a Bank Is n innttor Hint should call for careful consideration. Tho features which shoulu ho vi tally considered tiro: Tho financial streni;th of the bunk. The condition of its assets. The consorvntlsm of Its policies. Tho Integrity of Its directorate. The facilities It offers patrons and tho Intelligent courtesy of Its offi cers and assistants. It Is our aim to excel and we In vite you to put us to tho test in nil these essentials. DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. The ORRINE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with ub- soluto confidence. It destroys nil doslro for whiskey, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands linvo successfully used It and hnvo been restored to lives of Bobrlety nnd usefulness. Can bo given se cretly. Costs only $1.00 por box. If you fall to got results from OR RINE after a trial, your monoy will bo refunded. Ask for freo booklet tolling all about ORRINE. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 71. News From Near by Towns NORTH INLET. Speclnl to Tho Times. BANDON BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACHE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH OX couxty road sar, per acre; $100 cash, balance two years, xo interest, xo taxes, fine saxdy loam, level bench land. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKinntosIhi RHAI? ESTATE nnd INSURANCE. PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IX COOS COUXTY. Established 1H81). Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 Interest paid 011 Time Deposits, Officers: I. W. Bennett, President. ,1. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Wliiclioitor, Ass't Cashier. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, IiATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SA8II AND HOOFING PAPER, ETC. DOOHS. CUT TIIK FUEL HILL IN TWO HY USIXG OUH WOOD. phone 100. 183 SOUTH imOADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Olllco Phono 191 Platting Lauds a specialty. FarniH Timber Coal nnd Mnrsliflold OIUco 14-J. Gouoral Agents "EASTSIDE." Just Received another shipment of the Famous Mysost and Primost Cheese Stauff Grocery Co. Phono J 02 jist in:(i:i i;i. A huge shipment of Electric Cut Glass Shade. Call and boo our stock of glass ware. "Wo nUo hnvo hoiuo of tho latest designs In showor fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy First Class Weaving promptly done ut ier's Rag Carpet factory mon aud Montaua Street. 1. North Bond. Or. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1 tl-J NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of Illnnro Hllllartl Parlor TWO NEW OARS After II l .M. Phono 1KIO-L Residence Phone .B-J. Careful Drivers -:- flood Cars Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Pnekors. Carpets Cleaned. Furnlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained nnd Repaired. 3S2 Front St. Phono 19C. l.eavo orders at Oolng & Harvey. Ihi Star Transfer and Storage Co. l prepared to do all kind of hauling ou short notice. W meet all tTaini and boats and we also hare tho latest style noynolds Piano Mover. W guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, P Phones 98-R. 120-J q.t. rop. Aug. Frizeen HEAI, ESTATE AXI) INSURANCE. Some bargains hi city ami Hunker Hill lots and residences, Low In price, high in quality. Electric Irons Wo liavo a few second-hand Irons In good working condition at $1.75. New Irons, Stt.BO up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Broadway Gray Auto Service Fisher ,Vi Tucker, Proprietors. Phono orders to Blanco Hotel, 4G. After 12, 2G0L, Right Cafo. Marshllold, Oregon. It Looks Good, Doesn't It. A corner In South Marshllold at $1100, when others around It are bringing $2000. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I I Messrs. Reuben Lyon nnd H. II. Plnkerton woro In North Bond nnd Marshllold Tuesday on business. Tho weekly meeting at tho homo of J. II. Plnkerton last Sunday was largely attended. Mr. W. 11. How ard, the leader, gave a very- Interest ing talk. Tho meeting next Sunday instead of holng held at tho home of a member of tho class, will bo hold at a grovo on Coob Illvor, Cap tain Gnllowny. of tho launch North Star, hnvlng kindly offered transpor tation. Tho members will tnko their luncheon baskets nnd an all-day meeting will bo enjoyed. It Is reported that nnothcr boat will bc,on tho North Inlet run within n few dnys, leaving tho Inlet in tho evening nnd returning In tho morn ing. This will ndd much to the transportation facilities here, as this schedule will alternate with the boat now running. .Mrs. Spencer Smnll was In North Uotiil Tuesday. Mrs. Emily McFnrlln spent Tucs- day In Mnrshlleld. Our correspondent has overheard many fnvornblo comments on The, Times, for Its recent publication of the sermons of Rev. Hansford, as well ns tho efforts of council to stamp out vice and give tho community 11 true moral uplift. U. S. Topographic JMam,e iror toe raWicSiW, LAND-CLEARING .machine. for Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TAnn The Tailor and lyJLJU Dress Expert 27H Front St. Uivstalrs. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Baby Chocs f aby hocs See tho new line of Haby Shoe at tho The Electric Shoe Shop at I HO South 11 roadway. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DVERS. GLEANERS, PHESSEHS and HAT RENOVATORS' Agent for Emvard II. Strauss & Co., Pino Tailoring. Let ua make your next suit. 25 CENTRAL. Phono 2S0OC New and Second (land Furniture sold on tlio Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., JJ02 Front St. Phone n-IO-L Marsliflcld, Or. Bowling Alley! SJ75 .NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies FAMILY DINNERS In our new location, wo aro es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. nogular meals or short or dois. Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial Mfld. COOS HAY PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Sawyer. I'late, Art and Window Glass, Mir rors, Prismatic Glass. Mall orders and phone orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nished. Phono 70-L. 727 So. Uroadway. Marshfield. $5 REWARD for any watch I cannot make run. . C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. ttnil Front St.. Marshfield. If you havo anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, tiv a Want Ad Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times office. Xortli Rend Men Have Scheme Taking Out Stumps. Tho Couulllo Herald says: "W. T. Hcndryx and Lesllo Irwin were 011 tho rlvor Inst week from North lionil, Mr. Irwin had his oyo out for n good location for a machine shop, while Mr. Hcndryx wnntcd to sco If thoro were nny stumps over here Hint stood In need of destruction. Ho Is tho Inventor nnd principal ownor of a machine for clearing land, which ho claims, with apparent good reason, is tho best thing yet. The photo graphs ho sIiowb represent a donkey engine, a blowing mnchlno like a fanmlll nnd a Bystoni of galvanized Iron pipes, given flexibility by sec tions of rubber hose, tho whole thing looking like tho Inst word In devil fishes. Hy sotting fire to n stump and dlroctlng a strong draught of air upon mo riro nit intenso hent Is gen erated and tho most hnrdoned old sin ner of a stump Is reduced to nshes In n few hours not only nbovc ground but as far Into tho ground as It is desired to follow tho roots. It looks as though this mnchlno would furnish a cheap nnd offoctlvo way of clearing logged-off Innds, of which thoro nro thousands of ncres In Coos County capable of bearing agricultural products." FOR teaching tho geography of the United States in tho public schools nnd colleges n strong effort Is being made by tno United States Geological Survey to foster the uso of government topographic maps. These maps contain so many dotalls of local .interest', snowing evon tho school houses nnd fnnn houses ns well ns ovory wagon road, with which of cburso tho school children nro familiar, that it is said to bo an easy matter for teachers to enlist tho interest of tho pupils In this now typo of school map. From nu understanding of tho particular maps representing their own local ities It Is but a succession of short stops to load tho pupils to an ap preciation of tho different typos of country portrayed 011 maps of other sections of tho United States. Most of the standard atlas sheets of tho geological survey of recent Issue nro printed on tho scale of 0110 mile to one Inch, a scnlo which shows the physical features of tho country In t very interesting detail. Show Altitudes at All Points. With theso maps the pupils can determine the nltttudo of their nornes nnd tho steepness of hills and mountains, cstlmato the grade of wagon roads, work out simple en gineering problems such us the drnlnugu of swamps, select dnin sites for the construction of reservoirs to supply water to linnglnnry towns, or for irrigation, lay otic linnglnnry trolley or railroad lines or cannls along the most fenslhlo routes, es tablish lookout and signal stations on high points for the control of forest tires, nnd plnu many other similar activities. Tlio geological survey has publish ed -.-(JO topographic anus shoots, covering Hi...... .. United S.n ; ln P U from anyteache'Vol reference to th ,m nl?lth special ments of tl, class TtlV 4 iiinii him itt iiii . -w I'luuntAj 1 JE k" '' Sea. on tin graph e study tm ,a ' Include. I ," HL T "' select!, the area whnr.V , " "!P.wtmE ntcd (provided b, , Ut? "'ed), other mnn8 ,h ",'p ls I'oUnllodatnteslli'l. I'llly country, high mi Sa,l,,. mountain country 5J"ecHifi regions ,,r linnimc alle uK ,rtu. l'owlng den f c 8e 'e. 11 woodlands liitcrspcn ed 3mV m Htrenms, lakes a. d Jthl lhn features, iner natnral Maps Sold in x,,,,,!..., , less than flfi 1," ,r,CM Hired, a spell I f l ! r, fc. iiiiniii-ii nt tie retail ml ." cents a copy. Moat of A.e ol each of wlllih onSe InSS!, covers nhont 22C snunrf,a! ir.0,000 ncres. I.VoTenS'0! a cost of $ar.oo to ifiAAA the wholesale prC0T - "cn apiece covers on y about iu m l"l'or and prln nj. ,f .T were surveyed nn.Mhe j!.' ? Hl.ed hy commercial c'nee! Iieso maps would need to le j for not less than $2 to t3 J I ho survey also sell, an ll S wnll mnp 4 hy c teet ,,... tin throe s.-ctCs) ,V , This may he Included In any " salo order as pnrt of the 13 Z plications ami remittances .hoaldl made to the Director of the UnM States (leoloKlcal Survey, mH 7. Sic: c" w" wm ""W"! a WM CocuIU SoclaliNts. The Socialists got together last Friday night and nomlnnted tho fol lowing ticket for city offices: For Councllmen, J. E. Quick, S. L. Cnry and J. C. Noel; for Recorder, J. II. James. It Is understood that they will not mnko n very strenuous eam pulgu, but wanted to see two tickets in tho Hold to mnko it Interesting. Coqulllo Herald. GARDINER MAN DEAD. .Joseph Roue, Formerly of Ixnver UniiMimi, Die in RoseburK. The itosobiirg News says: "Joseph Rose, a native of Michigan, but for tho past forty years n resident of Douglas county, died In Roseburg this morning after an Illness of three days. The deceased was born in Michi gan sixty-five years ago and came to Douglas, county whon a young man. Ho first located nt the mouth of the Umpqua Rlvor, near Gardin er, where ho conducted a fishery for a number of years. Later, ho enme to Rosoburg, whoro ho lived for a time when ho wont to Dll-lard. IS II SUICIDE Tucson Engineer Kilts Self Recatise Ho Told Lodge Secrets. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Mny 8. Ernest L. Johnson, 11 mining engineer of Tucson, committed suicide In a hotel here by taking poison. Ho left a note addressed to Robert Mitchell, of Tucson, saying ho in tended to kill himself because ho had rovealcd secrets of tho Masonic order. GOVERNMENT cis m SEVERED NOSE RESTORED. German Student's Prompt Action Saves Feature Sliced In Duel. DERLIN, Mny 8. How a severed noso tip was speedily restored to its place Is related by the Munich Med ical Monthly. A student, It Is stilted, had his nose slashed off In a duol. Tho wounded man cooly picked up tho pleco of flesh and, placing It In his mouth, hurried to tho hospital, Thoro ho was complimented by the surgeons, who declared that tho pa tient's proceoduro was scientifically correct, for tho warmth of tho mouth had prevented tho cellular denth of the severed organ. Tho noso tip was duly washed, and thoro and thon sown ou tho students face, and hu de parted smiling, SOFT DRINK IS FOUND TO CONTAIN HARD KICK Jetty Near Florence Gets Light. FLORENCE, Or., May 9. A light Is bolng placed on tho end of tho south Jetty at tho mouth of tho rlvor under tho direction of tho llghthouso department as an aid to navigation. Commorco hero Iibb Increased to such an extent In tho past year that night work In towing and crossing tho bur becomes a necessity and the now light Is bolng placed to make this more convenient. TONIGHT at The Roval KINGSLEV AND RORERTS, of the Madge Hershey Company In a high-class vaudeville act. This net has beon over tho Sullivan & Consldino circuit nnd Is tho best net over shown 1000 In this city. This Is Any feet of tho last night seat In all new in vaude- the house pictures, 1000 vlllo. TEN CENTS TOMORROW NIGHT MADGE HERSHEV AND HER COM- PANV WILL APPEAR HERE IN A RIG ORPHEUM RIG TIME ACT This act Is something that tho people of Marshdeld liavo never seen before. This Is u novelty and t-omedy uit, sure to please tho old and the young. Don't forget tomorrow night THE RIG SHOW. W. S. DROWN $ A. n. HODGIN8 Marshfield Paint (Bb Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phono 187-L Marshfield, Ore. ' InBide." NORTH YAKIMA, Wnsh.. May 8. Yakima Foam, n so-cnllod soft drink, mny no longer bo sold in North Yakima outsldo of regularly licensed snloons. Though tho drink does not contain enough alcohol to come within tho definition of beer by tho state law, tho testimony of Sheriff Motzger nnd others goeB to show that a man can get drunk on it, nnd tho city officials havo fnkon tho precaution to remove It from salo In poolrooms and soft drink par lors, wliero thoro has been a largo domand for t. WILL SURPRISE EUGENE. People There Expecting North Hend Athletes to Walk to Town. Eugono wus probably given a Bur prlso this week when Joe Harbor, Fremont Hodson and John Hansen arrived thoro for tho state Hold meet. Thoy woro expecting thorn to walk in. Instead, North nond business men raised funds to defray their ex penses. The Eugene Guard says: "In the town of North Dend, Coos County, there nro two high school lads who are bo anxious to participate In tho interscholastlc track moot to bo hold at tho University next Satur day that they will walk to Eugeno, a dlstanco of over 100 miles, in or der to cut down expenses, "Josoph Barber, a weight man credited with heaving tho 12-pound shot 44 feet, nnd John Hansen, who runs tho low hurdles are the prep athletes who would help tho varsity student body by lowering their nec essary expenses from 25 to $15 por man. "Tho third member of tho North Bend team. Fremont Hodson. Is an all-round man of such quality that the coach has doomed it advisable to ship him by stage and rail. Ho broad Jumps close to 21 feet, runs tho hun dred In 10 1-5 seconds nnd Incident ally Is entered In tho 60 and 220 yard dashes." Expectation Is Case Will (io.licalwt Southern Oregon Company. PORTLAND, Or.. May 9. The ds murrer of the Southern Oregon Con- 1 pnny ngalust tlio (lovernracnt'i io!t for the forfeiture of a land grant ol '.10,000 acres In Coos and Don flu Counties was overruled In UnM .States District Court by Jamei Wcl vortou. The enso Is that of the Oregon & California Railroad Company, decided In favor of tie Govornment Inst week. ThecuetDI now be tried and na the question! it Isbuo aro almost Identical nlthtbon of tho largor case, It la expected toil It will bo decided In tho same manoer. Tho grant was niado on conditio! that a military road should to cot- structed from ltoseburK to Coos Day. Swat the Fly and Protect Your Baby A recont bulletin Inufd to t Portland Board of Health lUtedtW a baby less than a "" "ISS ns much chance It see It. fltitWrO mortality was ascribed by the bg tin to tho lack of care In iwtol tho milk used to SittK absolutely clean. The bu etlM further that If n fly BhuldWl' the milk It was better w ', milk away, b ;oiuet he 1 for W rulo millions of norma on W 1 wg ...1 ...i i.n.iv. which art ttarkrevonllttaJ,, Tho common houseny i ' filthy garbnBo nails M "ffl in decomposed refuse a WHICH wo "-"" ii.h r lions of disease ""'ffle W From such a feeding place ink-for your children cju it and Impregnates It ltn "' disease. .. flltj,y hou That la the way -the WW , I f ly sproaus i i " .-. : Idrert m nnd kindred ma eases. WHAT GOES ON INSIDE A MAN. David Grayson writing a new "Adventure In Contentment" in the May American Magazine says: "It Is not what goes on outside of a man, the clash and clattor of. superficial events, that arouses our deepest Interest, but what goes on that her w 3,Lf every woman oul - homo Is proporiy "",, every bousf flies could not neA(DVfithnP holder was careful that no jf was left close tothe no breodlng plnco for f Hej lti bo less epldomlcs, .aawlli less mortality among chll jrw , Now. with JHSenttoW weather comes the time ljtk multiplies by 0fcmpltea of time to begin the caipawnw, termination. Bverj fly ou f , & prevents the birth and eand be inn more. Swat the ny your babies live. TO THE JggWSp vonu'' Man Says Italian ffr 1W,.Sfrf FREMONT. - resSgei ; that the Ha kan artVlattri end of tho word, 1 . jerusaIem, I aged 70, has left for J"u esrlno. n. Mr. Wntere" Thlrtv years ago ri.I,.tme. , .similar trip w - ,he on Moving that the en di &s was then near. , - ; t0 tb, uj Ing ho was In error promlj"" 1 Mr. Winterseen ho u , here and the head ol eBe , "y- noW yf,otKon the ant tho struggle ueteo pl( i uiomont and ""..ine." i'A" :. ;; soon m -'"'; lunu j,v. -- HAND DlSiAY10,