THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. CE I I NTRALIZE AN lECHANDI SE ON CE NTRAL AVI CDETf-I A T Saturday and Dl H.iALi Sunday Only 60c French Bonbons Only 40c Per Pound At STAFFORD'S On Central Ave. p ENTRAL AVENU E is the present center of buil- cling activity, Have you noticed the progress on the handsome new business block that will soon ornament the corner of Central and Broad way? This street is the live-wire way the Highway and Buy-way of the wise shoppers of Coos Bay,- There are several special offerings for tomorrow in this section, Read, digest and act, It will pay yju to Centralize and Merchan dise on Central avenue, TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT m Tii reo lotn In lOiiBtHldo for $200. 1110x110 on corner 13th ami Control avoinio for tn,. 14 lot In Block 1 o.n 10th am! AiidorHon stru.u ,,' '. Addition, IO,GU0. Tonus. s-iliUO cash ..In.,1 ern oiiuiil imymontH, In 1, 2 mid a yours. lntt?rJnt ne. on cent. This Ih ii iiioiioy-iiuiltor, too. nt c P Five lots on llroiulwny with 2-story building sb., .. 120x110. for $9500. Don't overlook this i ii? "?d yon inonoy. " wm """to 75x1-10 on romur Firth mid Ingorsoll, for $1000 i, . n flno homo, mid tho price Is right. ' "e ,0r 00x110, corner 12th mid Central, two-ston dwclii.,,. , $5000; a kuiiiI locution for a Inrgu iipnrl nient lVoi SKi: TITIiH (Jt'AltAXTKi: AM) AltSTIt.UT COMl'Uy Henry Soiigitnrken, ,M);r, ' ' KAMMERER SAYS: J OIC SATl ItDAV'S SI'I-X'IAI.S 50c Neckwear 35c vi: want vor to (si:t thi: habit of shoppino' o.v ci:TitAi, AVKxn: thi-: co.mixcj commiiuciaij Ci:XTi:it OK MAItSIII-'IKM). Yours, anxious to please. The ToSSCfV Saturday and Sunday Special 40c Combinaton Sale A XV l!oc DHXTItlKICi:- . Colgate's, Lilly's, Park-Davis'. Horodont, Siinltol, etc. AXV line, ;tr,c Olt .-ilc TOOTH llltl'SH. Every ono a Dupont. Not the ordinary cheap Japnneso brush usually found In those sales. TIIK.CO.MmXATlOX, 10 CENTS. OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Frank l. Cohan. "In for Vour Hoaltli." I'U'ino 71. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Regular 25c Highland Tablets or Crane's Box Paper 1!.-. SHEETS AND 1!.-, ENVELOPES. Special Saturday and Sunday Only 1 5( CENTItAI, AVENTE STOUE OXI.Y. Norton & Hanson Co. CKXTKAIi AVENTE. i I PLAN TO TAKE Your Sunday Dinner At the Chandler Hotel Good Music and a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue Centralize your grocery trade at the Central point on Central Avenue A l-TM, I.IXK OK KKKSII VEGETABLES. Ollivant & Weaver THK ITltE FOOD (JKOCKKV. A (JOOD PLACE TO TItADE. ( cut nil Avenue I'lione UT.V.I. .Substantial Advancement in tiny line of endeavor comes from persistent efforts in the rijjlil direction. A Hank Account with us has aided many to build a jjnod surplus fund, and will help you. Your account is cordially invited. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. First National Bank of Coos Hay. Central Avenue. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAI.ONEV Editor and Pub. DAX K. MAI.OM-:V Xews Editor WITH THE TOAST AMD THE TEA M Official I'miei- of nun louiuy. OFFK'IXI. PAPKIt OF Till-: CITV ' OF MAKIIFIKI.D. I - 4 I FIUEDM.W.VS DISOItAt EITI. PIECE OF tOMMEItCIAUSM AN ASSOCIATED PltESS dls linlcl) to Tho Tinum today , tend (o conllrni a recent edi torial (iIUcIhiii In the Aniorlcan Medical .lourniil. tho olllrlal oi'Kan of the Aniorlcan Medical Associa tion, of Doctor Frlodiiian and hla cure. The editorial In part Is iih follows: ' "Last November Frleilrleli Franz I'YIodiiiann rend a paper b-afnre thn llorlln Medical Society announcing he had siireecdod In producing a race of vlialeiit inhordo bacilli by which he tlaliiiod to ho ah e to pro duiv curative fleets In all but tho most ndwinmil iRKOrt of tmcrniloslA nml to Immunize chlldrei, aKaliiHt tho dlsenw, Imniedlatoly there ap peared In the nowspnprrs of this country, and t a less extent In thooe nbroad. sensational accounts of thi now tioataioiit. It wan landed lib a discovery thai wan to banish tu boriMilosU from the world. This was" tho beginning of a moot remarkable on tht pail of those who were ro opouslhlt IUkuh i-i'til newspaper ex ploltatlnii Tlie pro tiKeiits of this obscure liUiterloloKlHt certainly have done their work well. Frlediiiann wan a I'eKtHloivii ph.xslrlun in (lef many with a iiu lit to uso his rem edy there The (ierninn Koveriiineni fully ficcuu to a dlscm erer by patent n monopoly of the fluaiiclal benefits to be derU-'d from his discovery. In iiplte of this, he left liU own laud and came hero, and his odious Hlnce ho has l-t on In tills conn try have been such iih to destroy any confi dence wlin h tliinkliiK physicians may have had In tho man. The Aniorlcan medical piofonslon has litcucd to tho claims of Frlodiiianii with an opoa mind. It has waited patiently for him to prove his claims and to uhow his real Intentions. To wait longer lb now unnecessary. Kven it It should evtr merit scientific classification anions tho many tnoro or Jess helpful methods of troatmont the sensational publicity that has beou i?en this vaunted "euro" adds one more disgraceful chapter to the history of exploitation of tho sick for profit. Wo can disregard the fact that tho remedy Is a secret one, wo. can iRiioro the unethical and dis honorable condiKt of Froldmann as a pUysiciau; we .an oven forgot tho possible danger that lies in bis treatment; wo can let all this pass. lliit one fact stands out eloarly and Rhould bo emphasized Frlodiiian has presented no proof, no scientific evi dence, clinical or otherwise to lusilfv tho claim that he has deoloped it euro for loiisuniption.'' A reicnt Issue of the I'ortland Telegram hnu an account of tho om lus.irlis -f some 10.000 Canadians who, are coming to Imestlgato tho resources of Southern Oregon and tho Willamette .Salem, Albany. Cor vuJILj, Kuguno. llosoburg and Urauts I'aaa are mentioned, but never a word joob uay it is to smile. (jood i:vi:nixg No pleiiHiire Is comparnblo to I staudlUK on tho vantage ground ' of truth. I Frnncls Uncoil. I V I STADIA. The diamond hrldo of morning tide. Docked with dew. Wistaria gleam. Aurora's spirit of bloom and light. And elusive as dim droaniu Veiled Amethyst In silver mist Wooed by trees and butterflies In opuu tryst, hy sunbeams kissed Ileforo shy April's smiling sides. And then at e'en, nu opal sheen When I.lber comes and softly twines Her purple oll and silken trail Fringed with vordnnt little vinos Till, soft and soon, a pearly moon Shimmers through cnrossliiK airs And circles down a halo crown, And Incense cluibto as cloistered prayers. Augusta Wall. The man of words Is usually mar ried. When a follow owns a smart dog ho does a lot of barking. - 1 Till-: Ol'IKT OMSF.KVKK SAVS: 4 "Tho lion has this uilvantngo over a woman sho Knows where the I nosier spends his evonlngs." 4 I THINK FAVOKITi: I'OFMS. I Lives of tomcats oft remind us, After all Is said and done, We would bato to pay Insuranco On nine lives Instond of ono. Dorsoy Kroltzer. I.Ives of centipedes romlnd us Wo would all ambition lose If wo bad to find tho cash to Keep a centipede In shoes. I). Forguson. I.Ives of elephants romlnd ub It would put us In a funk If from birth till death wo had to Lug around a silly trunk. Frank Parsons, I.Ives of wild toucans romlnd us As wo gaily hit tho pneo; That our bills, whero o'er you find us Always stare us In tho fnco. Harry McKeown. l.lvos of giraffes oft romlnd us We'd havo troublo by tho pock Hullt llko thoy nro wo would always Oct It siiuaroly In tho neiij, Geo, Goodrum, I.Ives of camels oft remind us in a town that s nearly dry 'TIs no Joko to keep our humps filled hen we got It on tho sly. J. O. Stemmler. "Tyrus" Cobb has signed with the Detroit club. For a whllo, perhaps, his gab will not tiro us, -K-- We havo more use for tho follow who Ields to temptation onco in a whllo than for the fellow who brags that he never does, for ho Is a liar 01 TRAGEDY IN 1 RAILWAY H New Arrival Kills Rancher and Seriously Wounds Three Others Near Dixon. Illy Amo Ivi-t l'r" lo Coo IUjt Timu 1 .MISSOULA, Mont.. May 9. II. A. Wellington is dead on his ranch near the Dixon. Montana, Flathoiul reser vation. Ills wife Is probably fatally wounded and a young hoy mimed Cook, employed on tho ranch. Is ser iously, wounded as a result of an as sault upon the family by A. Stansky, who attacked them with u rovolvor and then killed himself. After tho shooting, Mrs. Wellington dragged herself thrce-quartoi's of a mile to the nearest nolghbor and tho woman was nearly dead from loss of blood. Four bullets were fired Into her body, lloth hands were shot through and there was a bullet In hor chest ami one In her neck. Tho murderer was a stranger. Ho arrived In Dixon Into yesterday and told people ho came from Wisconsin. The theory In tho Shorlff's offlc Is that Stansky was acquainted with Mrs. Wellington when she lived In Wisconsin and that jealously prompt ed him to tho crime. Mrs. Welling ton and tho boy, Cook, nro being brought to tho hospital hero. Neith er has boon able to glvo any connect ed account of tho tragedy. stkaxch: di:i:tli: fofxd. Florence .Man Discovers Fecullac Hug Xeac Tm-IHcoos Lake. FI.OUKNCB. Ore, May 9. A bug wllirll lina miiinlntolf mivjlml nil Sluslaw entomologists and which looks ii8 If It lnltrht hnvn ui-mi-n ll' a lllailt out nf thn irrniinil. linn linun discovered by Carl Mlllor, of Tsllt- luua iuku. TllO first Hlieclmon nf Mils rnmnrk. able beetlu seen liv Mlllor was stuml. Ing porfectly still in an attitude of uxpecuiiii movement; out as no con tinued to observe it, it did not move. riiinny, tnuiKing it dead, ho started to pick it up but found its six feet so firmly Imbedded In tho earth that a considerable pull was required to lift It. Ho has since Been several and In each case they havo beon standing erect and Immovable, thotr legs bur led In tho ground. Ho thinks it probablo that thoy die on their feat and so remain standing llko their own statues, but ho cannot under stand why in every enso tholr feet are so (Irmly fastonod to tho ground, not Infrequently pulling loose from tao body when one tries to uproot them, Tho Insect Is about half an Inch long and has noticeably long feelers mwokcycli: cluij xotici:. A meeting of tho Coos Hay Motor cycle Club will be hold Friday even ing at 8 o'clock at Dr. Ilorsfall's office and all motorcyclists are re quested to bo present, JOE WILLIAMS, Sec. FROM EUGENE Southern Pacific Sends More , Supplies to Florence Work Along the Sluslaw. ' Kl'CK.M-:. Ore.. Mn !.- Tho Reg ister says: "J. W. Shuniato Is mak-, lug arrangements to ship fifteen car loads of hay from Cobiirg to Yu-! quiuu whero It will bo shipped by boat to Florence and other points down tho coast far the use nf the horses which nro at work on the railing contract for the Willam ette Pacific. The supply of liny for horses Is almost exhausted In that section and It Is necessary lo ship In all thoy use from this time on until tho Job of grading Is com pleted. ('et Molilalia lob. MacArthur llrothers, a linn nlllod to MacArthur-Porks and company, which Is building a largo section of tho Kugono-Coos Hay railroad, sub- , mltted tho lowest of sovoral bids for I ho construction of two tunnels and forty-Ilvo miles of canal for tho Sun Itlver project In Montnna. Tholr jbld of $S08,(iir. for all of the six sections. Is over $100,000 lower than the next lowest bid. Tho tenders wore opened Inst week and woro forwarded to Washington for ap proval of tho dopartnient. Work on Sluslaw. F. !:. Dunn has returned from his trip down tho Sluslaw Valley to Floronco, whoro ho wont to look over tho prospects for Investments. Ho says tho entlro lowor valley Is lilted with men working for Portor brothers mnklng tho grade for tho WHInmette-PaclIlc nnd thoy aro mnk lng wonderful progress nud ho pre dicts tho road will bo running through to tho coast by fall. They havo cut clear through tho spur nt tho mouth of tho Wildcat and can now seo daylight through tho llttlo tunnel and aro makln good progress on tho big ono at Notl. Ho thinks tho chances for Investment at Flo rence not so good as It is his opin ion they aro holding their property entiroly too high. GET BUSY 11 G NEW DIM 8E NG COMPILED Bicj Lumber Concern Prepare Polk Company Representatives to Spend Million in South- I Here Find No ern Curry County. (Spoclal to tho Times) GOLD IIICACH. Oro.. Mny 9. Tho Drooklugs Lumber and Timber com pany, a .Missouri corporation, which is developing the large timber Inter . ests of Southern Curry County, to day II It'd a mortgage with tho Coun ty Clerk hero to secure a bond of S".l). 000.00. The St. Louis I'ulon Trust conipany. of St. Louis Mis souri, Is tho Trustee which Is hand ling tho bond Issue. The conipany Is incorporated fir Si.rihO.OOO.OO. and will spend over a million dollais In building n mill and other lui provoinontH In southern Curry Coun ty before they begin cutting liimlior for thn market. This Is tho begin ning of mi epoch of development for Oregon's most bnckward county, yet In natural resources, ono of Its rich est, dipt. W. J. Ward statod today that ho hoped to have the plat of tho now town of Drooklngs ready to lllo at the July term of tho County Court. Work Is progressing rap idly on the logging road, mill pond, whurf and other Improvements at the mouth of tho Chotco, nnd about two hundred men aro now at work there. W D SLAIN TODAY Ojr AiiorlMM Vnu lo Cooi U Times.) ANNAPOLIS, Mil.. May 9. Lieu tenant H. Richard Hill, U. S. N was found dead in his room at his boarding houso hero today, from a bullet wound in the head. A re volver was lying besido tho bed on tho floor. Hill Is from Iowa and was taking a post-graduato course at the naval school In engineering. While It appears that a suicide motive was lacking, the Naval academy author ities a,re Investigating. Houses in Marshfield. L. It. Sohtis, J. P. Clelind Hi Kdwnrd Raymond, of the R. L W Directory Company, are mrtiJI canvnss or Marslilleld to compile now directory for Coos County, wMrt will bo Issued 111 Jul)'. They pl to got out one of tho best dlrectoriei that has even been compiled Bert Mr. Solum In talking of It tw morning said that Marshfield revolution to them. Although IMJ . .. . -I.... ilia Inan fori i nave neon ciiii'k "u ""... i, ' few dnys, they havo not found i ' glo vacant hoiio so far, a conditio! I most extraordinary. . "o 'ww.".,u:' .n . uasis lor uiaKiiiK ,'".," V iii ostlmuto of thr population of w 1 -,.... ......!,. tnu'iiB which hiteow growing rapidly, than to alblo since the last United Stw census, about which there hit e ho much kicking. t NO W FROM KINNEY DEAL Rumors Revived That Receiv ership Proceedings Will Be Started Here Soon. Although no direct advises have been received from Portland, so far as could bo ascertained today, about the Wllsoy-Kinnoy deal, moro ru mors wero afloat concerning It, Tho roport now Is that there will soon bo receivership proceedings In tho matter, possibly when Judge HnrrU Is hero from Eugene npxt week. It was expected that either Mep srs. WHsey and Brunough or Major Kinney, or possibly all of them, would bo hero within a dny or two. However, something seems to have arisen in the deal that is detain ing them. F. B. Walte, who Is here, has had no advises about tho matter. He expects to leavo on tho Break water Monday. It was thought that they would be hero to close tho deal during Mr. Walte's presence on the Bay, I Along the Waterfront. I Tho Homer Will sair lodvgg Francisco with coal, box snw" other freight. , in to- Tho AdQlIno Smith arrlvea m dny from Oakland. "OJt Tho Portland Telegram up on hor maiden trip then6' ft schooner San Ramon. CipUUH, Jaelson. arrived from San Fr with forty-six passens era jy tons of uonoral relght. W ,,, favorahlo conditions she maw a speed of twolve kho r l( Arrow wiio - . haf jw Bay City seven and a er. ahead of her the San Japw b hauled her oft Coos BW -hor Into the river b, l i Captain Adam Wt S to leave in a day or -i Francisco, after Io"k,nf,e BJJ l ness inieresio ". the itww given up command oM pljl, Tahoo, on which he " ,ot & out of Wasliingtou - , u Hme. It IB I'eDayU311" get a run out of Coos n; h Is homo nen.-. . ioaow- The Alliance is we w wW from Portlanu - k, sail Sunday for BnreJ. gQ8W Tho Breakwxter is " from Portland. ' w u tfeU " The Redondo crosseo ternoon aebout 3 oj M The Esther pnn!da'r, arrived at Ibwlnjo lBtrated tectura tojl HOLY itAXf ""-" - AUi -uuv --