The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 09, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    TWrVT "- ,
vow is vot it rnir.
A small ml In The Times want
i,t fiiiinil through Tlincs mini
nlt, IIpiiiI llii'int Use tin-in! Tlit'y
pel ii-nll.
ciriuimi niuy bring .ion results mi-
MEMBER op the associated pres
WVWI Established In 1H7H
VOL. AAA VI. n, Tin. CoaHt jj.
& Conmlldrttloti of Times, Coast Mall Mn OCO
nil Coos liny Advert Ner. uu fcxi&
medliUel). Tiy one.
City Recorder Butler Continues
Hearings of Men Six Jur
ors Chosen to Hear it.
Mayor Straw Says It Was
Agreed That Socialists Hold
Meetings in Hall.
City ltd order Hullor t li! after
noon continued tlio liuarlnK of tlto
parties arrested for vIolntliiK tlio or
der ni;nliii atroU speaking until
.,'. 1 ,iitr fit 10 iiVloclt. The
hearing was continued owing to City
Atlorncv (loss having n ease Het for
trial In "Cln tilt Court at Coqulllo to-,
morrow morning which would not
permit lilm to Htnrt tlio local ease
mi, -n in luivo lieen tried lieforo
""" v . . . : ... ...... ..
a Jury mm WIIH II woiini iiihi ii nay iir
10, probably
Attorn v Sioll. or Ilnrelay & Stoll,
wlio rcprcsc 111 tlio offenders, protest
tihlRormi'ily against tlio eontlnuaneo.
it. .-iiii iiiiii 11 u'iih not fair tn keen
Mirilcnin uniting so long, that they I
desired mi iinincdinte i ran ami tooic
icrark nt tlio i liy hnvlni; an attorney
ho wns looking after other IiuhIiichh
before Uh i n
Mr Stoll wan ory hitter this af
ternoon and declared that ho bight
lake n change of venue on aeeount
of tlio way City Recorder Hutler lind
atted In Hie matter.
Lust City Recorder Hutlor
ovcrndod 'be demurrer which woh
filed yrsterriay to tlio city ordlnanco
on the Kriiund that It wiih unconatl
tutlnnnl. The hearing wiih Hot for
1.30 tblH afieriioou and after tlio hIx
Jurors linil been selected, tho contln
uaneo was nuked on tho grounds
above stilted.
(Jet .'Mine Officers.
Alllinlii'li It lu lii.lli.liwl I lull tin.
orst of tho Htorin In tho Htruet
ipeaklng trouble ban passed ovor.
thfM nrn still iMitiwirii flint untim I
U'. V, luiportatloiiH may attempt to
crcaiun iiisiuriiuiiro. in consequence
Claude Nasburg this aftornoon wnH
tuearhllf In mnrn ltnulllfiiia itinn nu
' ipeelal officers lu caHo of necessity.
i nt- 1 1 .. . .
tunny, in selecting 1110 jurora, A I
torncy Stoll demanded to know who
ill hail hern uu'm-n 111 nu minplnl rf.
I fleers, but bis request was refused.
; Most of the business men around
! town have been sworn In, It la stated.
.Meeting Mist Night.
IjlSt nvnnllllf C II HHlii unmluntn.l
' iitrect meeting undor a apodal por-
BltfrOlll Mnvnr Rtiniv Mi- Villa nn,l
; Mayor Strnw had another conforenco
me ii'sicnmy ami Mayor straw
Jtatej tliut It waa agreed by Mr. Kl-
lit Hint If llflf llllt.o.l Int.f ....t.l.w.
- " i( (ii.i.uit itini. uiuiiiiiki
m would speak and show that ho was
not an 1. v or a labor rilsturbor
d that after last night thoy would
now their meetlngH In Homo hall.
Mr. Ellis' apeeeli laat night was
teneral on aoclallam.
He hnil liiat rfif .1 .i M ...i.n.
,, , . "- .. hwuu mini wiiuii
J fe alarm waa turned In. It waa n
'iuc ninrm and tho dopnrtmont,
i n tho engines, responded, and tlio
DUlK Of tlw rrnu-il fnlln.i-n.i ti.n fin.
wD,.i ,lowvor, no flro waa found
- mo aremen usod It for n drill
Bud innm .tij.l.n.i .... .iiii i i
UstcnliiB to Mr. Kills
ma meetinK was hold at tlio foot
I i -Market avemio and although thoro
mi traffh to any noticeable extent.
.Minus ne iliosen.
J tt III s-t... . .
Ik M.'"'. 'I "?.e" I'0" t0 "0nr
Bri... ,lTO w- ""in van, w. u.
Wadley, Geo. k, Cook, Wamor Osron,
cay ;;z,rv.ivJO',n8on-A"'-
eontin. o V """ur announced a
fU.D."Bnc.0 ll wa moved that tho
toth.1. i 1 "J" "o Bquashed owInK
Zihm ! l'nt',yJ,elB known and tho
POMlhui . . ' "L'"'K Known nnu mo
PJMlblllty of efforts being mndo to
iurv win111'. lu conaoquenco a now
MhL .IL . . scc"rel Monday, Tho
ten n toFnslf,ore 'r tho jury today
ford n" v n"ck,nGhani, a. F. Hass
Irrkn'i noltl Arthur McKeown,
F. Byeriy ' ' ' CoIoman an W
M. ''".y. 1n''s Afloat.
bout i, '.u r"nors aro afloat
ofthem ,.local. ""wntlon, but most
to have Vm" 8Jftcd Uown nre found
'sa i-l Huuuuun. .losi or
lhreWrn tllQ J- w- w- nfrnlra
!tlon . by me'ers of tliat organ-
i -n..
Mltlrai IioM.Hu , i.......
Vlvl. -" ". "ins .iiiiiuwa
,ls to ,.JS , )s(.MMl.
p ' Auo ,''J PrfM to Coo D TlmM.l
lti i nfS,,iMttV 9'-T1,e lolltlp"l re
;,,I0n:oof SnMn . ..i.,:i(
i,. - .iu isir in 1'nris nt Kinir
"Ut ' --i'.. uiu HUL tllDVIUOCll .
e' tin 1' " ls Penernl tnnt a.
'ilon Int "'"""Ki wiiiuu limy ue-
i' into an nlllanco. was reached.
tod,- n.z?s visit camo to an ond
4 Wl
t-lal flert
a review of France's
Kino Film.
the firJ?'0,en Symphony," shown at
to k :?tlei.rn Inst night. Is declared
'0n .. tno bcst of lc'n ovr '
er tT..?? tl10 ay and Tower Broth-.
ki . " atrnntvA,! . it. i
lldMIor V10 benefit of thoso who
-Vlee a last nlcht. I
Gets Permit From State Engi
neer for Supply From Wil
lanch, Kentuck, Johnson.
SAI.HM. Ore., May . -DurliiK tlio
hiBt quarter tlio Btato Mnnlneer la
hiied two permlla In tlio iiiou drain
ed by tho Couulllo It Ivor and adjacent
raciiic ocean iinuniiRO area.
loHepli A. Cox of I.iiiikIoIh aeeured
iu penult to appropriate water for
donioHtle supply lu See. IL', T. Ill S.,
it. 1 '., V.
It. II. Coroy of Mnralillolil ae
eured a permit to appropriate wa
ter for domiMtlc iiko and niauufae
turliiK piirpoKiiH, tho water to bo
diverted from Wlllanc'li. Kentuck
mill .toliuaoii Creeka, and to be uxud
In Sec. II. T. 2d., S., It. Ill V.
iJiirltiK the iiiarter 1 1 1 permlta
have been laaued IbroiiKboitt the
alalo, undor which It la proponed to
IrrlKiito lit, 07 1 acroH, devidop 1.
fifil horaepower. and aupply water
for domestic and niuiilclpal use.
Thcao peruiltH also Include 1 1 for
the coiiHtmcllou of reaervolis for
the HioniKo of :i,02! aero feel.
State Representative Convict
ed of Attempted Criminal
Assault on Miss Yoakam.
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQIMLLK, Or.. May 0. "Oullty
as charged" waa tho verdict brought
in thla morning against Stato Uopre
aentatlvo J. 8. Harton, of Coqulllo,
on nn Indictment charging him with
attempted criminal assault on Miss
Madge Yoakam.
Tho testimony In tho case was com
pleted yestorday afternoon and the
final pleas last evening, tho Instruc
tions to tlio Jury being delivered by
Judgo Coko this morning. Thoy wcro
out only a short tlmo.
Attornoya Sporry and McKnlght
will Immediately fllo n motion for a
now trial and falling in tills will ap
peal to tho Supremo Court, It Is
Btntod. Mr. Harton expressed groat
surprlso when ho heard tho verdict
and appeared deoply affected by it.
Tho ponalty for tho offenso as
flxod by law Is an lndotormlnato son
tenco of one to ten years.
Tho courtroom wna pneked all
morning to hoar tho Instructions and
nwnlt tho verdict.
In tlio trial nono of tho witnesses
wero permitted to hear tlio testimony
of tlio othora.
Today, following tho Harton case,
tho trial of Clark vs. Coach of Hnn
don was taken up. This was an ap
peal from tho Handon Justlco court,
Ciiirk suing Coach for a board bill
lor a woman, claiming that Coach
bad promised to pay If sno did not.
Coach denies any responsibility for
tho claim.
Former Prominent North Bend
and Marshfield Man Victim
of Hunting Accident.
a w. Afvnrs. for several years
one of tho loading business men of
North nend and Marshflold, sustain
ed the loss of his left hand In a
hunting accident near nis nome ai
K Topla. Wash., a fow days ago.
Ills hand was so badly shattered
that it Had io uo itiiiiiuiuiuu jdi
abovo tlio wrist. Ho was reported
to be getting along nicely and that
rerovorv was practically certain.
News of tlio distressing accldont
was received today by E. H. Michaels
of North Bond, a friend of tho fam
ily. IC seems that Mr. Myors waa
i.,,i, nis fun allnned and In
.oini.inv it IiIh left hand caucht tho
muzzle. However, tho trigger struck
tho ground, discharging tho load and
horribly shattering mo nanu.
Mr. Myers went to Kl Topla about
Miss Norma Chase and Lyle
Chapclle Won Oregon High
School Debate at Eugene by
Unanimous Decision Last
"Kiikoiio. Ore., May t). 19l.'t.
I "To North llond HIkIi Sehool- .
I "nrootliiKK. Cup la oura. '
Hot li did Hue. UiiiiuliuoiiH do- !
clalon. I
"J. K. GltlTHIl."
ne Xorth llend IIIkIi school team
last ovuiiIiik capturod tho Oronon
IIIkIi hcIiooI debating champlonahlp
at KiiKono when they defeated tho
SprliiKlleld IIIkIi school team. The
.North llend debaters had won the
Southern Oregon championship and
SprltiKlloliI tho Northern OroKon
ebaiiiplotiMhlp so lnat evenliiK's con
tent decided It.
Not only did tney win tlio vic
tory, but they won It complete, the
three JiiiIkcs, being unanimous lu
North Henri's favor. Tho question
waa "Iteaolved that tho I'nlted
States should maintain a largo
Tho news of the victory waa tele
phoned laat night by I'rof. .1. !'.
(iriibbri. principal of the North Honri
Democrats Push Revision
Through With Majority of
12 Up to Senate.
(11 AuocUlcl I'rni la Coo. n7 Time
WASHINGTON, May 0. -Tho Dem
ocratic tariff bill passed yesterday by
tho House by a majority of 142 went
to tho Senato today and was referred
to the finance committee. Tlio fl
n nn co Bub-commlttco havo had tho
bill under consideration Informally
and thoy aro about ready to report
to tho full committee on tho various
schedules and tho administration
features. Few changes will bo rec
ommended by tho sub-committee, al
though protests against mnny rates
havo been filed.
Lieut. J. D. Parks Meets Hor
rible Death Near Santa
Ana, Cat., Today.
I)jr AMtxUtftl Vrtti la Coon II. r Timet,)
LOS ANGELES, May 9. Llouton
nnt J. D. Park, attacnod to tho
14th Cavalry, and a native of tho
stato of Itliodo Island, but for a fow
months (totalled by the War Depart
ment for active nlr aorvlco, was kil
led today at Olive, nine miles north
of Santa Anna. His feet lilt a tree
aa bo was descending. Ho fell about
fifteen feet. Ills head waa crushed
undor tho radiator of nis machlno
and tho motor rested on his body.
Ho was flying from San Diego to this
city. Park had mado a largo num
ber of flights nt San Diego and at
tained army altitude record re
cently. Park was well Known as an
army officer and he had a record lu
tho service In tho Philippines, es
pecially In tho operations agalns
tho Moroa. Ito camo from Rhode
Island and was a member of a woll
known military family,
English Suffragettes Destroy Moro
Property Today.
(nr AiiorUled pmi to Coo. n7 Tlmti.
LONDON, May 8. The militant
"arson squad" succeeded in destroy
ing by flro a largo untenanted man
sion near Barrow-in-Furness, Lan
cashire. -I---.
a year ago, having bocomo Interested
In a large irrigation project witn nis
father-in-law, Mr. Kettring, there.
Mrs. Myers is at El Topla with
him. Mrs. Kettring. Mrs. Myers'
mother, resldos on EIrod avenuo,
South Marshflold.
The many friends of tho family
will greatly regret tho distressing ac
cident. AMj kinds of FHESII VKOKTAHLlvS
Phono 275-J.
High school, who iieeompnnlori the
team to lCugene. to IMgar McDan
IcIf. Snpt. and Mrs. luiab. the high
school pupils and a number of pa
trons were holding a watch meeting
at the HIkIi school building await
ing the result and mo news was
greeted with long continued cheer
ing. Seldom has such enthiislnm
been displayed In North llend.
Prof, (iritbbs was so overjoyed
over the victory that ho could tvll
little nbont the debate over the long
distance phone, lie telephoned nt
j j :0a, jiiKt n fow minutes after tho
debate closed.
A royal reception will be tendered
to Miss Norma Chaso and Lyle Chap
pelle, the North Hum) debaters, and
rror. (Irubbs on their return They
will probably not leach homo until
tno llrst of noxr week as they plan
ned to remain until after tho State
High School Held meet at Kugeiio to
morrow. In which .loo Harbor. Fre
mont Hudson ami John Hanson are
expected to win other Inurols.
Today all North llend and Coob
liny la enthused over tho victory.
I'rof Oriibbs. who drilled the North
llend debaters anil to whose hard
and faithful work, the victory Is
largely duo. Is the recipient of
great praise. Snpt. Itaah. whoso
co-operation mado the victory pos
sible Is also receiving many com
pliments over aim! her of the tri
umphs of tho North llend schools
since he took charge of thorn
G. J. Smithe of Nebraska Ap
pointed for Federal Inves
., tigation in Northwest.
(11? AuurtalM I'rvn la ('no. n TIiiim.I
WASHINGTON, May 0. C. .1.
Sniytho, of Omaha, forniory Attorney
General of Nebraska, waa appointed
today special assistant to Attorney
General Mcltoynnlds In tho Investi
gation of the telephone situation on
tho Pacific Coast, particularly In
Washington and Oregon. Chnrges
of tho violation of the Sherman anti
trust law havo boon filed and somo
Investigation lias alroady boon mado
lu Portland and Seattle.
Provisional President of Mex
ico Outlines Stand Toward
United States Now.
Dr AiiocUleJ I'mi la Coo. nr TlmM.)
MEXICO CITY, May 9. President
Hnertn during his conforonco yoster
day with Henry Lano WllBon, Amer
ican Ambnssador. stated very clearly
tho position of Mexico In rotation to
tho United Stntos. Tho following
official version of tho conforonco was
given to tho Associated Press today:
"Provisional President Huerta re
spectfully stated to Ambassador Wil
son that tho government of Moxico
was disposed to arrange affairs pond
ing betweon It and tho Government
of tho United States." It was point
ed out, howovor, that, for tho tlmo
being, tho Ambassador ahould under
stand tlio necosslty which tho govern
ment of Mexico baa for abstaining
from treating any official matter,
with the exception of urgent affairs,
or ordinary procedure for tho sim
ple reason that during tlio tlmo the
Government of tho United States did
not recognlzo tho government of
Moxico, all agreements would bo In-,
effectlvo In vlow of tho fact that tho
government of Mexico has no per
sonality beforo tho Government of
tho United States."
This was tho substance of tlio con
ference between hla Excellency, Am
bassador WIIboii ond tho President
of tho Republic of Moxico, General
Vlctorlano Huerta. "In addition,
however, tho government of Mexico,
whether recognized or not by tho
United States, has adopted and will
always adopt measures for tho secur
ity of tho inhabitants of tho coun
try, whether its own natlvos or for
eigners, and thla has been dem
onstrated by tho attention given to
tlio Just petitions of thoso who have
been in any manner Injured In tho
past revolutions. Tho Unltod States,
of all people, havo proofs that tho
government of Moxico la spoclally
pledged to glvo a guarantee to every
body without distinction of nationality."
Turkish Fortress Burning as
King Nicholas' Troops Evac
uate Noted Fortress.
(Mr AMoiMteJ I'rrn to Com Hay nmn.i
CATTAUE. Austria-Hungary. May
0. The flro in Scutari was extin
guished nfter a wide nren containing
many shops was burned. The lusucs
wore heavy.
(Ilr AIM' lalcsl I'm. Io Cow liar Tlntm
CKTTIN.IE, May 9. Tho Montene
grin Cabinet, under the Premiership
of General Vukellch. was formed to
day to take the placo of tho govern
ment which resigned when King Nlch
oIiih decided to evacuate Scutari nt
tho behest of European powers. The
Foreign Office Immediately afterward
opened negotiations with the com
manding officers of tho International
floet which had been blockading the
coasts of Montenegro and arrange
ments wero made for evacuation,
which will bo completed by Sunday.
Itepoi't That Montenegrins .Started
.('oiil'lagi-atlmi for Itevenge.
Illjr AmwUIih! I'rrM la Coo. Illy Tllnri.
VIENNA, May 9. Flro lu tho
formor Turkish fortress of Scutnrl
today, fanned by a high wind, Is rap
Idly assuming huge proportions. Ito
porta aro that the Montenegrins start
ed tlio blaze when leaving tho city,
In revenge for being compelled to
evacuate It.
Formal Objection Against Cal
ifornia Law Presented to
Secretary Bryan Today.
(Iljr AMocLleJ I'm. Io Coo. IU Tlm..
tho White House and at tho
stato department there was ev
ery evidence of the intention of
the cabinet to go Into tho ques
tion without delay and to gto
to tho Japaueso government a
prompt outline of the govern
ment's nttlturio toward tho
Webb 1)11, which awaltH Gover
nor Johnson's signature,
(Ilr Aocltal rrr.i to Coo lit Tlinna.
WASHINGTON, May 9. Japan's
formal protest against tho California
alien land bill waa submitted to Sec
retary Ilryan at tho Stato Dopartmont
today by Viscount Chimin In person.
Tho protost was placed before Pres
ident Wilson ond his Cabinet by Sec
rotary Ilryan this foronoon. An nns
wor will be promptly returned to tho
Japanese ombassy,
Ilryan and Viscount Chimin wore
lu conforonco for half an hour and at
It conclusion the Secretary and Am
bassador loft tho Dopartmont togeth
er, tho formor going directly to tho
Whlto House to submit to tho Presi
dent tho wrltton communication
which tho Ambassador had given him
and tlio Ambassador returned to tho
Ilryan Is Silent.
After Ilryan loft tho cabinet meet
ing, he said, "1 havo no statement
to make at this tlmo." Intimations
woro given that ono might como
from the Whlto House later.
Mr. Ilryan Just beforo hla de
parture for Now York had a con
ference with tho ambassador, which
will bo resumed tomorrow upon
hla return.
Ifuuso Meets to Take Action nn
.Millionaire's Case,
Ilf Awod.tcJ I'mi (a Cooi l)i TlmM )
Hoiibo met an hour enrllor than us
ual today to tako up and act upon
tho caso of Charles C. Glover, mil
lionaire bank President, whom the
special House committee found guilty
of contempt for nn assault upon Itop
resentatlvos Sims of Tonii'-swe,
April 20.
DAILY THIPS, oxcoptlng Sunds.
......! I... . ..till. X.M. Ulfi .jitii-l
Ulllllll'l'llllh . IVII I-."!!!! JI, .
monclng Monday, May 12.
Have your Job printing done at
The Times ofilca.
United States Public Health
Service Physicans Report
on Observations.
Says Consumption Is Erratic
Disease and That Physic
Influence Has Effect.
Illy mo lain! CrtM o X4t Tlmt.1
WASHINGTON. .May 9.- -Tho put
llc health service Investigations Into
the conditions of patients Inocculntod
by Dr. F. F. Frledniann with tho
tuberculosis vaccine, do not "Justify
that loiiflilciue in the remedy which
bus been Inspired by the widespread
publicity" lu the opinion of sur
geons who have conducted tho gov
ernment's. Investigation The tlrnt
authentic ami official conclusion from
testa was iiunouticcil here today by
mo .National Ahsik intlou for Study
and Prexontlon of Tiibrciilosla, by
Dr. John F. Andersoii. director of
tho Government'! hygienic laboratory
and Dr. A. M. SIIiiihou, another pub
lie health surgeon, who wero detailed
to observe the progress of FMcd
mnnii's patients. Tho report snyri,
however, "wo aro not lu a position
to express an opinion based on pres
ent conditions under observation Tho
disease for wlihh the remedy Is used
Is prolonged nnd Is haractorlzed by
periods of advancement and retro
gression, It Is also one In which
psychic Influences aro a powerful
factor. Time, therefore. Is necessary
to properly valuato the effect of ther
apeutic measures."
Richard Ryan of Letter Notori
ety Argues Against Alaska
Federal Railway.
I II r Amo Ulnl I'll.. o loo. Ilagr
WASHINGTON, May I. Ulclinril
Ilyau, ono of the parties of the noted
"Dick to Dick" letters during tho
administration of former Secretary
of tho Interior, Ulchnrd Ilalmignr,
appeared today before the Senafti' ter
ritories (iinii.ilttco and opposed tho
proposed Goveriimi nt railway from
tho coast to tho Interior of Alaska,
Steamer Ophir Bums at Canoe
Pass and Several Passen
gers Lose Their Lives.
Illjr AmoIUI I'm. io I uoa Hay TlmM
VANCOUVER, If. C, May 9. Tho
ateamer Ophir, plying from Vancou
ver northward, waa destroyed bx fire
today at the llrunswlck wharf, Canoe
Pass, Six persona lost their llveg
The flro started from an unknown
muse and tho doail wero members of
tho crew, Thoro wero cloven mem
bers of the crow, Severn! of vhora
Joined the vessel last night nt Van
couver. The vessel was carrying tin
pinto to the canneries iu tho North.
Tho Ophir was a wooden ateamor
owned by tho Llmoln Steamship (Jo,
Prof. Munsterburcj of Harvard
Warns New York Commu
tes to Proceed Carefully.
Ill; Amo. UU.I Pri Io Coo. Bar TlmM 1
NEW YORK, May 9 Professor
Munsteiberg, of Harvard, a German
citlzui. today told the America 1 -
committee arranging for a celebration
of tho luo-years' peaco among Eng
lish hpeaklng people, thoro were
"non-English peoph " who regarded
tho niovemont us tho fororuniier of
an alllame between England anil tho
United States antagonistic to Ger
many Whllo ho regarded such ."
view absurd, Munsterborg warned tin
ccmuilttee to proceed carefully,