tl- ,1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1913-EVENING EDITION. POSTAL BONDS FIVE TEAMS IN TO BE ISSUED CODS LEAGUE Over $23,000 on Deposit In Arrange to Start May 25 and Will Play Doubie-Heaciers To Get All in. Savings Department of Marshfielcl Postoffice. Postmaster Curtis 1ms Just re ceived notice from the government concerning a new issue of postal savings bonds which will booh bo ready. The Issue Is of Interest hero nfl many have the maximum of $500 on deposit. The total de posits today In the Postal Savings I Department of .Mnrsli Hold postolllcc is $::!.0G2.00 Concerning the now, issue of bonds, the notice of Post master General Burleson says: "Ily applying on or before J it no t 2, ID 13, depositors of the Postal! bnvliigs System may exchange the whole or part of their deposits for United States registered or coupon bonds In denominations of $20, $1U0 and $0U. bearing Interest from July 1. t913, a the rate of 2 M per cent per annum, payable semi nnuually, and redeemable at the pleasure of the I'nlted Stntcs after one year from the date of Issue, both principal and Interest payable twenty years from date In United Stntcs gold coin, "Postal savings bonds nre exempt from nil taxes or duties of the United Stntcs, as well as from tnx- ntlon In any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority. "Applications for the conversion of deposits into bonds on July 1, 191.1, must bo received on or be fore June 2, 1913, by tho postmns vor at the depository olllce where tho certificates were Issued. The postmaster will supply nn applica tion form, which must be made out in triplicate. 'Postal savings deposits convert ed into bonds are not counted ns n pnrt of tho maximum of $ r. 0 0 nilowed one depositor, and thoro Is no limitation on tho amount of available postal savings bonds which may bo acquired finally by n de positor. Tho oxchnngo is consld- . cred as taking effect on July 1, nml a depositor who has npplled to ,.1-COJlvcrt into bonds nil or part of tho maximum Imlnnrn or ffioo may "N deposit nn additional amount In Ju- "ly, though, the bonds inny not have ,1'ccn dollvercd. ti i "Postal Havings bonds enn be procured only by tho conversion of postal savings depositB and will not bo issued to persons who are not depositors. They niny bo sold or assigned to any person, however, liy tho holder, nnd when n register ed bond Is nsslnutid a now bond vlll bo Issued In tho, name of tho owner. ,&-?im' "" cinw) is I'ltoniGV. Ttvo-Ycnr-OId Daughter of Dr. Uilo Talks Til ice languages. Tho following dispatch from Chi cago will bo of Interest on Coos Hay, Dr. Urlo having visited Coos Hay a number of yenrs ago when he was in tho U. S. Geodetic sorvlco on tho novornment boat Gedroy. "Janet Urlo, 2 years old, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Francis Uric, Balled from Now York with her par otitic for Homo to begin her studies. Already she Ib said to bo able to prat tle In thrwo languages. "Janet's parents decided that she is to havo ii scientific education un der thu direction of Mine. Montessorl of Homo. Mrs. Urlo also will enroll ns n pupil of Mine. Montessorl. "Mrs. Urlo Is tho daughter of Wil liam Dudley Fnulko. Dr. Urlo was nt out) time nit assistant surgeon-gen-oral In the United States Navy and private physician to Theodoru" fllVINC OLD Mil) I'KNKIOXS. Hill Introduced In Conure-s by Hepi'isciitulive Kelly. At n meeting of representatives of tho various towns In Coos County at tho Marshlleld Chnmbor of Commerce last evening, the organization of the Coos County Hasoball League was perfected with five clubs, Handon, Cotiullle. Myrtle Point, North Uend, nnd .Marshlleld. The schedule will Include 10 to 20 games each team playing the same number, nnd double-headers will be played eacn Sunday to accommodate the old num ber of teams. Tho schedule Is to start May 2 when Handon will prob ably play In Mnrshlleld nnd Myrtle Point nnd Coqullle In North Hend. This has not been definitely decided, but will be announced as soon ns the schedule committee, consisting of I. It. Tower, Arthur McKeown and O. V. Hrlggs complete It. Lnst evening's meeting wns at tended by Denny Hull)', Jeff Hnrtmnn nnd Henry Kern, of North Hend; Chns. Page, Jus. .Mars. Milton Cox nnd Win. Hnlley, of Handon; J. K. Norton, of Coqullle; J. O. Hrown, of Myrtle Point, and Arthur McKeown, Joe Schott, I. H. Tower anil O. W. Hrlggs, of Mnrshlleld. The league was started anew by re-electing Hen ry Kern of North Hend, president, nnd O. W. Hrlggs, of Marshlleld, secre tary. It was decided to limit tho Im ported players to three to each team. Tho various cnptalns nro put on their "honor" concerning running in fast players, and lit addition to this, the live managers must be notified In ad vance of any now player getting Into tho game, nnd they will, in case of objection, decide whether he Is elig ible. Players are prohibited from Jumping and before a player can go from one team to nnotlior, ho must securo a release from his llrst team. Knch team will bo required to put up $50 forfeit money and this will go Into n purse for tho best teams nt the cud of the season, tho one in first place getting $150 nnd tho ono In second place $100. It was decided to fix tho admission nt 2fi cents, whether for slnglo gnmes or double-hcnders, ono entrnnco fee being charged. Knch team is to keep Rll Its own goto money. Ench team can also fix Its own grandstand ad mittance charges. In enso of double headers, the Jlrst game to start at 1 o'clock nnd the second 15 minutes nfter the first one Is finished. The time limit fixed on games Is ono hour nnd 45 minutes. In enso of sin gle games, the games aro to start at 2:110. Whllo thu appointment of the um pires Is to bo mnde by President Kern, the meeting lnst evening roeominend ed J. W. Ciardlnur nt North Uond, F. V. Cnttorlln nt Unndon, K. C. Hlowor nt Myrtle Point, nnd K. A. Howntt. of .Mnrshlleld, Mr. Norton not being ready to suggest anyone nt Coqullle yet. Tho umpires nro to receive $5 for ench game, or $7.50 for doitble-hendorH. Tho umpires nro empowered to fino n plnyor from $1 to $10 or remove him from tho game. F. O. Hermnnn, of Myrtle Point wns nlso present nt last night's meet ing, ho nnd .Mr. nrown being tho two representutlves of that team. L BASEBAL SCORE STANDING OF Chl'IIS. W. L. Pet. I.os Angeles Venice , Ortklctid San Francisco Portlnnd Sacramento . . . 21 IS 1G 17 II 15 12 17 17 19 10 18 .G3G .511 .185 .172 .IG7 .138 WASHINGTON, I). c, May S. Tho progressive old ago pension bill to provide $ to $ n week for nil tliosti inoro than G5 yeais. whoso PORTLAND. Ore.. .Mny 8. Port incomes tire under $10 a week, wiiBJhind won another yostorday, defeat IntToduced today by Hopresoutntlvo lug Sacramento live to threo, tl Kolly of Pennsylvania. I though Portland had only eight hits HIh plan would pension those with laud Sacramento had eleven. Tho Incomes of less than $i! a week at i scores yesterday: i u week: laconics of from $0 to! At I.os Angeles H. H. E. $7 nt $3; between $7 and $S. $2 I.os Angolos 2 7 0 n week, rnd from $s to $9. $1 uiSau Francisco 9 11 2 week. I At Oakland H. H. K. The bill would disqualify nil crlm- Oakland 11 9 0 Innls, lunatics and inmates of aim- Venice s jo 3 houses, nml all men over 05 who At Sacramento u, u, k, for nny extended nerlod have fnlloil Portland r. s n to earn according to their ability. Sncranionto 3 11 2lbor. I PERSONALNQES J, O. HHOWN, of Myrtlo Point, Is In tho city. MltS J. h. AASKN, of Coqullle, Is n Mnrshlleld shopper today. F. O. HERMANN, of Myrtlo Point, Is a Coos Hay visitor today. MHS. C. W. MOOKE, of Ashland, Is n guest nt the Chnndlcr. CHARLES STARR, of Gold Pencil, Is registered at the Chandler. MRS. FRED MOORE, of Eastslde, was shopping in Mnrshlleld today. MRS. CHAS. KAISER of North Uend was a Marshfleld visitor to day. NED C. KELLY, of Coqullle, Is spend ing the day in Marshlleld on busi ness. MISS GERTIE GUNELL. of Cntchlnu' Inlet, wns a shopper In Marshfleld today. AL CROUCH AND CLINT CROUCH, of Coqullle, were in tho city today on business. W. H. SCOTT nnd wife left todny on the Nnnn Smith on n Journey through California. I JOHN C. MERCHANT returned yes-, terdny from Coqullle, where he has been on Jury duty. I MRS. FANNIE HAZARD went to Empire this nfternoon to look after huslnccss affairs. 1 MISS LYDIA HOLMES has nccepted a position as clerk In the Peo ple's 5, 10 nnd 15 cent store. , II. H. DONAHEY, tho well-known Snn Francisco traveling mnn, Is calling on the Coos Hay trade. SHANNON MITCHELL, an experl mit'nil blcvclo nml mntorcvpli? man ta nlsnti ,1 Iwnaltffill ii'jtli ''IMni I Gunnery." A. J. MENDELL, of tho Hub Stores, mnde tin auto trip to Handon yes terdny. Ho reports tho roads got tlng In good conditions, HEN M'MULLEN Is here from Myrtlo Point on business. He reports ev erything booming thoro, tho city assuming a regular metropolitan air. MISS NORA TOWER will nr rlvo homo tomorrow from the Uni versity of California to spend her vncntlon nt tho homo of her par ents, MRS. DONALD CHARLSTON of Handon nrrlvcd on the noon train todny for n short visit with her husband, who Is looking nfter some of tho government work on the liny. AIRS. E. E. STRAW leaves soon for California, to visit her sister, Mrs. J. H. Taylor, of Sntitn Rosa. She will stay until nfter tho wedding of Miss Vivlnn Tnylor nnd Hnrry Hut. ler on June 4. I. R. TOWER returned lust night irom uniiuon, wnero no went to deliver nn nuto. Ho expects two new Studebnkcrs In on the Al liance. He reports Unndon unus ually prosperous, W. E. DEST, of nnndon, who hns chnrgo of the Estabrook Cotnpnny's tlo camps nnd operations In this section enmo over from Handon yestcrdny on buslnoss. Ho roports everything flourishing there. JOE MAGEE, of Lnkesldo wns a Marshlleld visitor yesterday. He reportB that Win. Ingcrsoll nnd Geo. Dlvllbllss havo their new gen eral store In tho Hnrry Wllklns building nonrly rendy to open. R. E. SHINE enmo ovor from Coqulllo this morning to testify In tho enso of Warwick Davis, which nffects n largo nren in North Mnrshlleld. Mr. .Shlno recently returned with his fnnilly from LaJolla, Cnl whero thoy spent tho winter. ROAD SUPERVISOR JOHNSON, of Ton Mllo, passed through horo to dny en routo to Coqulllo to confer with tho County Commissioners nbout fixing up tho rond from North Slough to Ton Mllo. Owing to Homo of tho timber ownors ob jecting, tho special tax levy voted in tho road district will not bo available. Hotly to Handon. Mrs. Motcalf left on tho train this nfternoon with tho body of her husbnnd, Win, Met calf. who died nt Tnr Heol Point yes torday. The Intorinont will bo nt Hnndon tomorrow, Take Deposition, c. R. Peck, Hennott Swnnton, Mrs. Hnzard mid Miss Annlo Smith went to Empire todny, whero tho deposition of R. E. Shlno nnd others In the Wnr-wlek-Davis caso will bo tukon. Tho enso Involves tho Southorn Orogon company's land nround Knob mil. Mr. Shlno rofttsed to testify oxcopt ns to tho records of tho Southern Oregon company In tho enso nnd thoy had to go to Empire to gnln access to tho records of tho com pnny, of which Mr. Shine wns sec retnry for years. I ALONG THE WATERFRONT I Tho Nairn Smith sailed this after noon for Stm Francisco. Tho Speedwell nrrlved In at Han don from San Francisco. Tho Hardy nrrlved in hero tminv from tho south to lond with linn- rifvv Cull at lll'll DRV GOODS CO.MPANV nnd get your June number of "Oood Dressing" FREE. WHAT TO WEAR A guarantee with Pair of every Niagara Maid Kid-fittj mg Silk Gl oves Double tips, of courje AND HOW TO SAVE ON IT Most Women Ask no Finer Suits Than Th ese at The Celebrated Cook Book "Royal Baker & Pastry Cook" FREE. Send your nddrett, ROYAL nAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Royal is absolutely pure and wholesome, the best in every way, of all the baking powders. It makes food of finest flavor, and adds anti-dyspeptic qualities thereto. It has greater leavening strength and is therefore the most economical. Illllllli I riff i 1 1! ilk i $22.50 and $25.00 Others at $12.50, $15.00, $1650 $18.75, $20.00 and Up to $37,50 They couldn't be bettor in style they are vsell chosen models direct from the best New York a Philadelphia makers and they sell at the credit stores at an average of from $2,50 to $5,00 more per suit, The materials are superb and fashion able the workmanship is so perfect that it excites your admiration, 'Iitcii IlKliMrrlKlH Kivm-li Serge nnd lU-.lfonl Crd Sb(. I.cnIiIcs nullum Models correct to the last m(,,. (-..CiJX .nvy, Hrmvii, Ttin, Copenhagen nml bhtrk also Xoiclir nntl strlpcH. mi Xoulljr Chftki It's unusual to find such pretty waists so reasonably priced, Lingerie and Voile waists, Many pret ty styles, $1.50 to $2.85,"Country Club" tub silk waists, $3.85. Who needs grey,! white, tan, patent or gun metal shoes? Try one pair of "Selby" shoes -on our recommendation, $3.50 to $5.00. O'Comiell Bldg. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Dry Goods Co. Phone 361 o L W w T Public Exhibit at Marshfield High School Building To morrow Afternoon. Tito pupils of tho grades of tlio Mnrslillold High School building nntl tho students In tho department of Domestic; Selonco nnd Domestic Art will exhibit soiiio of tho work dono by them during tho yonr nt tho High School building tomorrow nfternoon, Mny U, boglnnlng nt 2 o'clock. Tho oxhlblt will consist entirely of regular school work which tho pu pils and teachors havo been nt pnlna to nrrnngo so thnt It will bo nccess iblo for examination. Sotno little docorntlon of the hulls nnd rooms will bo ntntlo with flowem nnd greenery, of which thoro is nn nbundnnco nt this season. Thoro will bo music nnd tho students of tho De partment of Domestic Sclenco will servo light refreshments. Theso exhibits nro given in tho interest of good schools. Thoy aro n business proposition. Thoy net ns a tonic to scholarship by giving pupils something deflnlto to work for. Tho effect Is lost on a pupil If his own people nro not present to seo nnd ex amine his work, so everybody is most cordially nnd urgently Invited to bo present, by Superintendent Tled gen and tho teachors. A similar oxhlblt will bo mndo by tho pupils of tho Oontrni school on tho nftornoon of Frldny. Mny 1C, bo glnnlng at 2 o'clock. In connection with tho exhibit nt tho Central school thoro will bo a display of 200 pictures by famous artists furnished by tho tiuiucv i. nirner L-oinpatiy, or Now ton Conter, Mass. SIX OX Hll'IiAXK. AMONfl TflK SICK. Mrs. K. Mlugiis Is convalescent, after a brlof Illness. II. II. Hydo coutlniios very low and little hopo Is outorttiliiod for his recovery. Miss Julia Holms, who has been sorlottsly III for sometime, Is re ported Improving. Miss Maitdo Howron hns received word thnt her baby brotherwho litis been very 111 nt tho homo of her par ents nt Ton Mllo, Is much Improved. Mrs. Arthur Drows wns much Im proved today and her steady recov ery Is now expected. 1). J. Ilces sustained a badly crush ed finger, having struck tho end of his ludox finger with n hammer whllo doing n llttlo Job of enrpontor work. Mrs. J. 13. Zlegler, of North Fourth streot has boon Borlously 111 of rheu matism tho last fow wcoks. ANVIL IS ITKIGIIT. Wrecked Schooner in Good SI? nt Florcncf. FI.ORKNCB. Ore., SUf I.-& Anvil is resting eailly i J nnrlL'ht nosltlon. CaW to t ... .,...,.... i,. fniipi to irrluf tho Hustler, last ,ek.'.f1,u'S ,,, wns received. whW u nt high tl.lo.nnd I the water wg oro.l In tlO hold Of tM M ' een Inches nt high tide ra w hour's work. . nntl .Mr. ' y-' , .ij-si t move the boat .Ithonlg At prcBcnt iney -; -- inoro tnnn io IU "" Havo your job prttlW"' Tho Times omce. Time.' Want AdjMii Sun Glasses - XNM ....,. vorv one ib"''1 nro omouiiub ThAv are a possess. Tney w essnry protection iron. glnro of om b- - rierccu llll Tt .i... olilnn tOO lmVo them both in blue. Wenlsohare of field 8lasses' nnero filnsses and i t.1n or thlngS , fo anr CP""1 tho vision. Fr need npi'D' here' ttwv telescop all i,r ncre Pr AMorlatM I'ren to Coo tj Timet. CAHUTS. Franco. Mny S. Six pas songers were carried during n 75-mln-uto flight of tho French airman Fron Keols In his biplane horo today. This Is n now world's record for tho num ber carried in n duration flight. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted (S Red Cross Drug 8