l'.Xt'alMm!mtltMiMliai,uIX!tSKiiMm, , n-;,Wi' a&SMBBBBMEL THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. rTW ll! "Jl 3." T" 11 t Perry & Nicholson fl Have those special artistic, inexpensive'arti cles that add so greatly to the beauties of a home. q Our special Colonial Cretonnes when"' used as chair cushions, couch covers, pillow covers and draperies add wonderfully to a room's fine appearance. fl Our matchless Sun-Proof Draperies produce a charm that lasts. All colors guaranteed. J Our Scotch Afton Rugs are the real genuine Afton Rugs, in special color combinations, and exclusive patterns. 1$ This store always carries things new and ex clusivethis store always maintains low prices. If you want to add beauty to your home, and at the same" time have quality, . n ,'fii f lie price, BY ALL MEANS COME HERE mav tiii:s. Helow la given the tlmo and height of high and low water at Jlnrshfleld. The tides nro placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the second lino of each day; a compar ison on cotuecutlve heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water, r'or high water on tho bar subtract 2 hours 34 minutes 8 Hrs.. H.20 10.04 4.5C 0.3C Ft... (5.3 1.3 4.7 2.G 9 Mrs.. 3.57 10.40 5.17 10.22 Ft... C.4 1.0 4.G 2.8 0 Hrs.. l.U 11.37 C.43 11.19 Ft... C.2 1.0 I.C 2.9 1 Hrs. . 5.32 12.29 7.43 0.0 Ft. .. 5.8 O.C 4.C 0.0 Perry & Nicholson WEATHER FORECAST. By Associated Press j Oregon Showers tonight and Friday. Southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE llECOHD. For tho 24 hours ending at 1:43 a. m., May S, by HenJ. 'Ostllnd, special government me teorologlcal observer: Maximum C4 Minimum 45 At 4.43 a. m 47 Precipitation 02 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1912 5S.71 Precipitation snino period hint year 59.91 Wind. Soutn. Partly cloudy. llnyi Prnncrfy. It Is reported that Miss Nellie .Montgomery, head of tho .Mnrshflold Christian church, today purchased tho H. J. Mont gomery resldonco property at tho comer of Twolth and Commercial. It Is understood that she bought It simply as an investment. Will Meet There will bo an liu portnnt meeting of tho congrega tion of the Episcopal church on Friday ovcnlng of tills week at 8 o'clock. Tho meeting Is cnlled for the purpose of electing tho var ious olllcors of tho Parish for tho' ensuing onr. All who attend the SOCIAL CALENDAR I THURSDAY I Young Ladles Society of the I I Norwegian church with Miss HI- I I slo Larsen. ! Social Sewing club with Mrs. I I Del Rhodes. I Mlnnlo-WIs club with Mrs. D. I I A. Jones. i North Rend, was In Marshlleld last evening to attend a meeting of tho Elks. Ho expects to get tho Elks baseball team out again Sunday for practice bo that he will have them In perfect form for the game with the Handon Klks. Captain Rest, of the Bnndon Elk team was hero and claims he Is having difficulty In find ing a pitcher. No date has been fixed for tho first camo of tho norloa 1m- tween tho Coos Ray Elks and tho Handon Klks, but It will probably bo some time In Juno when the Coos Ray band will run an excursion from here to Rnudon. Nett Hellenic. H. C. Dlcrs, of North Rend, who was In Marshlleld yesterday, has a now srhemo for utilizing waste. Tho old harkentlno Northwest, which has been lying In Isthmus Inlet, having been discarded Bomo years ago, Is llablo to become a menace to navigation there. Ho suggests that someono nrrango with tho Government for tnklnc if nut. then get a moving picture mnchlno hero and when conditions are right tow tho old vessel out over the bar to near Sunset Ray and let her come ashore, enabling the moving plrturo men to get n graphic film of a ship, wreck. i.W"! 'V.'ivp V. '"""If. John Mlit nlng rightly obJectH to tho wrong con struction that mlcllt lln lllnrn.l nil M, ouster suit entered ngaliiBt him In Justice Pennock'o Court, but which has been stopped. .Mr. Mlnnlng states that It was not until April 22 thnt ho wns given 30 days' notice to vacate tho Iioubc. which hod boon purchased by J.' W. Ildenbrand. Ills wife hns been too III to bo moved, al though ho Is more than anxious to get away. Ho has rented ono of tho Myers cottages In Kastsldo and Is now paying rent on two houses. Mr. .Mlnnlng hns been a resident of Marshlleld for moro tlinn n year and is n iiigniy respected citizen. Ah soon as Mrs. Mlnnlng recovers suffi ciently, thoy will move to Kastsldo. In irrovriliiK K. T. Johnson, of tho firm of AndorHon and Johnson, the Sluslnw Jetty contractors, ar rived hero yesterday on tho im WANT ADS. WANTED A icsiH-otnblo lady tvldi ea position as housekeopor for gentlomon. Address Rox 353, North Rend. LOST Three link with star attached, at Times office. Hchckult pin Finder lenvo UA.NTKI) by young couple, hiiiiUI furnished apartment with kitchen and bath. No children. Phono 187-X. WAXTED A nnod, lite joung liny or young man to work In Jewelry store. Can learn watchmaking and engraving If desired. Call at 130 Rroadway. WAXTIIR Three or four lots In Hunker Hill Addition. State prlco In llrst letter. Address "Homo" enro Times. FOR KALE Furnished apartment, rooms, modem with lease on build ing. Four blocks front North Rend Postofflce. C. K. Mcars, North Rend. FOIt HUNT Large sunny furnished front room with bath. Phono 123-R, or address 7C2 North Sec ond street. FOIt HUNT .Modern -l-ronm bunga low with bath. C. W. Gardner, phone 210-X. FOIt SALE CHEAP Heeler kit chen cahlnot, dining table, faufcoT washing machine, copper boiler nnd olhor furnishings'. Mrs.. Woodruff, 502 N. 2nd. St. WAXTED. HccoiitMiaiitl letter pre In good condition. Address Rox "W," caro Tlines. USE ARCH j BLOOD PURIHER The Remedy you need thistime of jjthe year Price,per bottle, $1.00. An Kngllsh court has censured u man for Rolling his wifo for $27,500. Rut no doubt ho has friends who con gratulated him on betting that innci for hor. (For sale at The Busy Corner" .au&m '"'JiZ Money refunded "wfrif notsatisfactory Lockhart-Parsons DrugjjCo. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 ORPHEUM TONIGHT TWO-HIOEL SPECIAL FlUTUItE. I'STOUix svmpiioxY Featuring Arthur Johnson. A powerful n!ia,:X,:vA CAMP V. M. C. A. OFFICE HOY'S HIHTIIDAV A """ comeuy, EdSVKi:xys MISTAKE A dramatic masterpiece. ADMISSION TEX CENTS. for hor. HAXD DAXCE SAT., .MAV 10. i Or Luther's J Mechanics' I Special f Tool Grinder I V tmSSicSl I I I f A'filKI K I I US l&Tpft f mill If T mm m i IT ffMitiiniiiwilliuwriiiaMnirtnagrirUiiiiii I 1 i 4ti nil iiituiiu mu , rtt . I '"" v ry church are urgently asked to bo.ylon"or from Gardlnor, wlioro he presont. "n "cc' o hospital since the lloit.in In Fire. Will Ilorton. ' ScoUsburg stage accident. He Is son of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Horton. ?''" " crutches, hnving been badly In n card to friends hero says that ,JI ro' nn,0,,t ,,,l ls. Ho reports ti.o boarding houso In which ho Is tlml Mr Huttlo, tho trnvollng man staying, ponding tho completion of w,, wns lJred In tho accident, Is their new homo In Poplar Hluff, Mo., I U,"H along nlcoly but will have wiib destroyed by lire and ho lost.1 " ieru boiiio umo. Ho overyining excopr ino clonics no FOR HEXT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. C95 First and Rlrch st. Telephono 239-J. I "Oil HUNT Modern four-room cot tage. Dr. G. W. Leslie. 'OH HEXT Tito modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply Nnsburg Qrocory. WANTED Young mm, ttlslici tvork In n hnrdwaro or grocory Btoro, experienced. Can glvo references. Ago 24. Address C. W. Craig, Whlto Salmon, Wash. woro. Ho did not mention tho oth er members of tho family. While not In school, ho has been working In a printing olllco tucro. I Western Union Man Here. T. P.' Duznu, nf Scattlo, arrived hero last night after a trip over tho right of way of tho Southern Pacific from Ku geno. Ho la from tho construction department of tho Western Union and Is making plans to build a lino hero ns soon ns tho railroad Is completed. Ho oxpocts to lento tonight or In tho morning. Ho reports that good prog ress Is bolug made down the Sluslnw by the construction gnngs. i liiMiue .Man Atwiy. John I). Mornn who was doelarod Insane last week was taken to Salum this morning by, two guards from the Oregon Asylum. ' Marshal Cartor today received a lotter from Mrs. Mornn. who lives at 1039 Ashland nvonuo, St. Paul. Slio nsked for Information, about Mornn nnd ro (inestod that everything posslblo bo dono for htm. Sho snld that she could not afford to mnko n trip hero now, Sho did not know, when sho wroto, that Mornn had boon ordorod hont to tho asylum, Xo Duto Fixed. Don Gardlnor. of says uioy woro Ilnoly trentod. Mr. Johnson wont to Coqulllo nnd Han don today and will roturn on tho noxt Hronkwnter to Portland, wlioro ho will remain at home until lie fully recovers. Ho was on routo to tho Sluslaw to lloat tho bnrgo. which washed up on tho South Spit thoro n few months ngo. He hopes thet they will bo able to lloat It during tho high tides about May 21. Ho BayH ho has traveled pretty much of tho tlmo for tno last twon-ty-suvon yenrs and this Is tho first time ho was over In an accident. ELKS WILL Hl'ILD. for Hoseburg Lodge Lets Contract SH.OOO Hnildliig. ROSKRURO, Ore.. May S. Tho contract for tho erection of the Elks thontro and club rooms was awarded to Contractor Arthur & Sous by tho building committed or the Klks lodgo of this city. Work on tho Btructuro will bo commoiicod at once, nnd tho structure should ho completed within four months. Tho building will ho moro olnhnrato than Hist- planned nnd will cost ap proximately $31,000. ' WANTED Strong girl for kitchen work. Phono or address O. A. Smith mill office. FOl'XD- beads. Times notice. -Rosary of munll ttlilto Owner mny got samo nt office by paying for this FOIt HEXT Furnished room, Move nnd bath ono nnd ono-half blocks from P. O. 237 N. Hroadwny. FOIl HALE Vi-iir old laying Hlnclc Mlnorcns. Cheap. Mrs. Hon Wright, Cor. Cedar nnd Hroadwny. TONIGHT at R.oval 'CSLEV ivn ..?., SK0.Hershe' Company, wn in entire chance of 00 'audovllle. i Itadthf" nvplioto plays. , 'i feature that in nmn Xtto v and Re(3s- '"Off nf ,V ." -omeay. Norihi? Moted A story iU est Mo"nted Police. I ,1. ,erJ' StfOllir lirnirrnm. wfi2.wat? the b08t placo 4V Bnment ,B tll Clt". l B.r" J CENTS. -UVY tV 111 nnan 04.. .!.. -- w!.,! oaiuiuu .."miiiee. Something New INr CANDIES AT Stafford's CO.ME IX AND SEE. A fast hand and foot power machine for all general grinding built in sizes for every use. for the tool chest or shop. Tool rests give proper bevel for twist drills, chisels, plane bits, knives, etc. One-pk'ce bearings, maclilnc-cut spur gears, enclosed and dust-proof smooth and noiseless in operation. Cuts steel as emery cuts copper IiJimo-um, mo new artiticiai mamonu substance, peels steel away In tiny R shavings 25 times faster than grind stones, iu' limes mure ciucicni iiiau emery no need of cooling with water no danger' of drawing temper. Takes but a few moments to put your dull est, most battered tools in keen, shiny condition. Let us show you how Luther Grinders save time aad money. I f WANTED Oh I nt Lett Is Confection ery, not loss Minn 18 yenrs of ago. WANTED WoodspllttliiK. .91 per load. Rox 281, North Rend, Or. FOIl SALE Oood, herouiMiaiid sep arator. Address J. E. Fitzgerald, or phono 31C1. FOIl RENT Nicely furnished room. Enquire- 240 North Second St. or Phono 120-lt. WA.N'TED Man with miiiio capital to tnko Interest In good business proposition on Coos liny. En qulro Good Chnnco nt Times ofllco. FOIl SALE CHEAP Good fnrin horso, weight 1,100. Phono 277, Marshllelil. Parasol Covers ALL SHADES OF AXD COLORS- at tho Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phone 1B8-R 173 nroadwar Y0UR J0B PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Specialists In FINE TOOLS KfflWhen you buyB 'Such shipments mean Studehaker has the confidence of the farmer' Every year over" one hundred thousand horse driven vehicles are sold hyStudcbaker. Over a million Studebaker vehicles are', always, in use. Stop and think whar that' means;. This enormous output means that Fanners the meniwho know depend1 upon Studebaker wagons to dc their work.. And a-Siudebakerw&i&on never fails. It is always ready to do a'.bijj day's work and to keep on doing it. There are"- thousands of Studebaker wagons that have been in service from 20 to 40 years. A Studibakcr vragon'U aortal builneu auet. Wheels, body, frame, axle and running gear have been teited and reteited by expert!. You can buy cheaper Wagoni but they're not Studcbatt, nor will they hut like Studebaker vtagon. Whether In city, towrt on country, forbuttnetf or pleasure, there i a Studebaker' vehicle to meet your requirement. Farm wagon, ttuclu, contractor' vratron, buggie, urrey, runabout, Eony 'carriage, builneu and-deurety wagon each tho Lett of it Ind, Studebaker hrne alio, of -every decription. See out Dealer or vrtU uu STUDEBAKER FOIt HEXT Furnished liousekcep Iiik rooms. Enqulro nt drossmnk lilts rooms, aia South Hroadwny. FOIt HEXT Comfortable room with stovo nnd bath, Phono 23G-J; 708 North Second St. FOR HALE Orj wood, Or and a. dor, at Campbell's Wood Vard, Forrv landlnir Phono 1RS.L DAIHV AXD S'tOtK FAHX'il. If oii ttunt a Kond Dairy or .Stock fat in see Fit;ei'!ili or Phono .'1101, .'Nlaisliflcld. I 'or (ho llomesrcitci' Ho can hliott you some of the best In the county for "ill" South Bend, Ind. NEW YOBK WNNIATOUS CHICAGO DAtUS" KANSAS CITY DENVER SALT LA KB 'CITY SANTXANCISCO PORTLAND, OKB. American Lino of Hosiery Spells V-A-L-U-E IX LADIES'. HAHIES', HOVS', OlltLS ami MEX'S. THE PAIR, inc. Every juilr Kunranteed. "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples' 5-1015c Store Get a BLOOD Purifier of merit by insisting on Brown's Kninous J31ood Purifier. Spring is hero and now is tbe time for purifying your system. SEE OUR WINDOW. Money baric if not satisfied. I 1 ; IVi ? J tUltgoiil