NARROWNESS Of VIEW IS SELDOM FOUND WITH BREADTH Of INTELLECT 01000 LOST ARTICLES l.rst found tlirtniKli Times want Itend tlicml Use tlieinl Tlu'y ExmtB ' NOW IS YOUR TIME. A Mimll ml In Tlic Tlmei wast column tuny bring .voii results rny mediately. Try one. mn nrc MEMUER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRES ... WVWI Estniilisiicu in iH7t VOL AAAVl. M Tho const Mall. istnbllslicd In 1878 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1913 -EVENING EDITION-SIX PAGES. k Comol Illation of Times, Const Mnll Rfn OKI and Coos liny Advertiser. u' fe'al,,' ml". pr( rP-lll"' "M MEXICAN FEDERAL BLOWN UP BY Reoort That Over 240 Soldiers Were Killed by Rebel Out rage Near Sonora. insurgentsTlanted mines al0ng tracks. Nearly 2,000 Yaqui Indians Join State Troops in Coa- huila Revolution Now. n; AmocUIM I'rett to Coo Hay Timet 1 NOOALKS. Mexico, Mny 8. A troop train bearing 2 10 Federal hoI dloiB was destroyed by ilynnmltu and most of li passengers killed tmlil nil official statu report reeelveil hei'o to day. The disaster occurred nuur So nora on the Coulniln state lino. Tho Federate wore on tbelr wny from SanbliiB to Alamos when 'lntor coptoil by tlic Insurgents who lind planted nilneH nlong tho tracks. "Near ly 2000 civilized YiimhI Indiana Joln--cd'tlic utato troop, wild 'tho report, & POLITICS IN P. 0. Hl'E Republican Senators Condemn Sec. Burleson's Plans .for Civil .Service 'Exams. ID; Attoclale.1 Pmi to Con. Hay llmM.J WASHINGTON. I). C. Mny 8. Republicans SenntorH linvu begun to look Into I'oBtmiiBtor (lonornl Iiur leson'n plnu to lequlro T0,000 fourth elm postmasters, on tbo civil Hcr- tlcc I))' ItOOHOVOlt U7l(l Tllft, "tO 'IIIBB (ompotitlvu exnmlnntlouB or I oho their Jobs. Homo of tho SonrrtorB, ho liavo looked Into Uiirlesou'H pUrf and luivu rend tho Pros'ldent'B eiecutlvo order requli'liiR such ex amination, nro not curtain that tho persons already In the uorvlco can It nindu to Btnnd m competitive leit to retain the positions they hold Wholesale oppoBitlou to tho con firmation of iinrHmiM u'hn u'111 lin chosen in Htich examinations prob ably will not bo resorted to, but Republicans will endeavor to ron- nnce tho country that the order ti, entirely political. TOT LA SHELLE OUT U. S. Deputy Marshal to Ar rive Here Today for North Bend Alleged "Slaver." llarslml ii.iin... t..,.. ,, m rccelied a telegnm from United Matei i Martial Scott at Portland nUiU '5 that a Deputy .Marshal will nr- ii .o erinuu toniRiit to taKo " f. LaSllelln lo PnrMnn.l In nn. ,!iri,h. "wIto Blavory" charRo. La Shf "e Is still kept In jail there. nln t ""irsi0d "t tbo chargea ""0,,(:0 nro irom uayion, InrVi"8',0"' Mnrehal Anderson hav ti. .len ln co"epondonce with par cfMifJ8 abo,lt I'OShello. LaSbello if T ",s BU,lt but declare that ovon oS'nyon. .he will not Ti. . l0 ortn iiemi. Andor. blloI1 ,n talking to Marshal IknoV. ', Biaie mat alio did not iialn.iniyty.nR.nbout nny 8UCh chargo - i.uaiiune, STAY IS (IIUXTEI)" "'Pfrs, Mitchell ami Morrison to BfW1,T,..Cb?-.. . . U am!ii''GT0N' Mny 8. Pending sLZIeaJ t0 tl'o ' United States Mltcheii , V; eounBel for Gompers. aitii, ,u -""rnson touay socurea t2ta ?Vltlon of 15 l,a'8 t tbo Ull !?, of Gompers to 30 days In 'hill , 0I &0 eacn " ' and Morrison. clitm:CY cp soo.v. llou "e Will Take Up Revision Aflcr -...,i!',A0..i - . . ii., "iiihiq L-ooi nay Times. j CncIJ,&T9X'. D' C" May S' f, V..c(. If Slslation will be taken T,ls ann Uo,1Be Rhmt Juno ! 'i- Oh,7 ""'"'I'lu was maue touay ")nfrrnrman I'ndorwood, aftdr a .He Procn 1"1 "'io uoiise wun 'tiknl (lf"tl w'o urged that tho t tho Whlto Houbo with lu Drr . ,n,s b0 considered at p io ;. . b "on n nt now i'f ii possible, u. - th Tlm0uorffl Printing done FLAN TRQOP TRA DYNAMITE TODAY Eight Flying Machines Invol ved in Plot at Los Angeles to Help Rebels Arrests. Illy Auoelatp.) I'rcn to Cool ltr Timet.) LOS ANGELES, Mny 8. 'Eight men, IiicIuiIIiir several American avi ator entlitiiilnHtH, nro Involved In an alleged plnn to furnlHli tho Mexican rebels with mi uornplnno eorpB .Which resulted yoBtordny In tho arrest of Uldlor Maisson and a miuililnlst, Thomas Donn, on tho eliurgo ff Vio lation or tho neutrnllty lawn, lloth men nro foreigners. Dudley V. Rob inson, assistant United States Attor ney, who ordered their nrrcflt, BtiyB rebel ngotitH offered $,000 'for tho horvlcos of an nVlntor nnd noroplnno for thief montliH In Sonora With which tonight tho Ilucrtn regime. Proposition to 'Raise an ;Army of 3,500 for Government lis 'Rejected. (Ily Aiioclatr I'rett lo Com Day Timet.) EAGLE PASS, May 8. Thu 'Con BtlttitionfitlBtB have refused thu offer of Sechl Sogatnnl, tho Japanese, to raise an army of 2000 to UfiOnttoins BlBt tho fituto troops. IS STILL ON Takes Stantl in Own Defense Today Miss Yoakanfs Testimony Salacious. (Special to 'Tho Times.) OOQUILLE, Or., May 8. TheiBe of J. 8. Ilarton, on trial for assault on J1Isb Madgo Yaknm, Ib atlll oooii pylnR tho nttentlon of tho District Court and Incidentally Is furnishing so mo salacious entertainment for a omirlrnnni full nf 1MPI1 (111(1 WOlnell. It Ib not likely that tbo coso will be completed before etimo time tonitrr- J.S- Unrton was on the Btand In hU own defwiBo today and ntored n Ron eral denial of tho cluirgcH modo by MIbs Yonkam. It was expected Unit tho defense M-niiM ntt.imnt tn slinw bv Ilenrv Seng8tneki and others, thot Ilarton had called MIbs voaKiini uowu lor buying a book and charging It to the firm while sbo kopt It nt lior homo for her own convonlonro r.-d also had arranRed to dlschargo lior sovoral days prior to tno aiiegea iibshuu. This, tbo defenso oxpected, would bo a trump card, showing that tbo rela tions between Ilarton and Miss Yoa kam were not friendly enough to mnko any such an action probable. Miss Yoakam was on the stand yes terday nnd gave aomo decidedly sa lacious testimony, Cameron Is Fined, Judge Coke denied Frank Cameron, convicted of bootlegging on South Slough, n new trial and fined him $300. It Is stated thnt his caso will bo appealed to the Supremo Court and that ho will furnish bond mean while. WILSONS ARE PIIESIJYTERIAXS President's Family to Attend Central Cliurcli in Washington, (Dy AMOiUiel TreM to Coot llty Tirait.l I1ALT1MORE, Mil.. May 8. Pres ident Wilson and family have decided during their resldenco In Washington to nttend tho Presbyterian Church of which Rev. James Taylor Is pastor. Tills Information Is contained In a letter recolvod hero today from the President's family. .MOTORCYCLE CLlll .NOTICE. A meeting of the Coos Bay Motor cycle Club will bo hold Friday ovon Ing at 8 o'clock nt Dr. Horsfall's ofllco and all motorcyclists aro re quested to bo present. JOE WILLI VMS, Sec. USE AVIATORS IN MEX. WAB JAPS OFFER AID TD MEXICO BARTON CASE I1AXI) DAXCE SAT., MAY 10. SUFFRAGETTES COSTLY TU ENGLAND Damage to Property Over $5, t)00,000 Number Growing and Cost of Guards Is $25, 000,000 Yearly. tlly Aiiorlallj l'rctt to Cooi liny Time.) LONDON, May 8. Tho damage to property In the HrltlBh Isles catiBcd by militant surfrngettos duriiiR the last three months amounts to more than $fi, 000.0O0, nccordliiR to offi cial estlmntra of Scotlnntl Ynrd. To this Bum must be ndded tbo Increased cost of prnteftlnR lives nnd property. Three detectives hnvo been assigned to wnteh over each member of tho Cabinet nt nil times, while nil bub peeted persons nre shadowed by plain clothes men nnd nil public bulldliiRS hnvo been placed under Riiard. It Ib flRiired nt this rate that tho 'suf fragettes' nctlvltlea arc costliiR tho Former Head of United 'Mine Wofkcrs Chosen by Pres. 'Wilson for Post. (Ily AMnrlit! I'rrti 10 Coo. Iliy Tlmm.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Mny 8. Varying reports as to who origin ally proposed John Purr "Mitchell to bo collector of tho port of Now York brought today from thf Whlto House n statement that "Wilson himself had requested Mitchell to tnko the oillcc. It hecamo known thnt Sunntor O'Gorman and Secre tary MuAdoo both concurred In tho solectlou after the President pre sented Mitchell. If confirmed, Mit chell Wfl tako ofllco June , prob ably. AWFUL DEED OF "Mrs. Mary Kulasa Cuts In fants' Throats While Asleep Father Also Slept. ny AitorltiM mil lo Coot ny Tlmu.) A "PHILADELPHIA. Mny 8. Arising GIVE MITCHELL BIG POSITION INSANE MOTHER from a bod In which she. her bus-, Twonty-llvo murdera, comnilttod In 'band and two Infnnt daughters woro the last three years In Missouri, sleeping In their homo, Mrs. Wary Kansas, Colorado, Jown and Illl Kulasa. 24 years old, got a butt'hor o!s by means of blows of an nxo, 'knife nnd cut tho babies' throats. She, nro ascribed to Henry Leomoro, now iicconipllshed tho deed so quietly that, sorvliiR n llfo term ln tho Missouri irr Hiiiiuuui iiih iiiiDutiim un uui t uroiisod. The woman was 111 and Is I suppoued to have gono suddenly Uu- Etrne. MANY IN I! IN trifcp nf Flpntrinifln? Fflih to OlIIKL 01 CILUUIUIdllb rctlU IU ile up rianis or racmc uas and Electric Comptny. (Ily Aitorlatiil I'ret. io Coot tlay Timet.) SAN FRANCISCO, May . FIr ures Riven out today by the Callfor nln nnrl Pnwnp f!nnnp11 Bliowe.l fewer men bad obeyed tho Btrlko or- !?'..,Mon",?uth' ni" 9ctour. l?n; dor Issued yesterday against tlio Pa- William Showman, wlfo and three clflc Gas and Electric Company than children. Elsworth, Kan., Octobor, appeared in tho estimates of last 1911: Ro"ln Hudson and wife, Pa night. The unions estimated that ola, Kan., June, 191 lj J. II. Mooro 1-100 of the 2100 subject to tho call nnd four children, nnd two Rlrl walked out. More men will quit Ruosts, Vllllsca, Iown, Juno, 1912; work when they receive news of tile and those of Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. strike, a number of men at distant Mooro at Columbia." points being affected. At tho offices McLnughry was called to assist of tho company tho situation was said In tho investigation of tbo Villloca to remain favorable. General Man- murders, nnd slnco thon dovoted ngor IVrltton reported no tie up. Tho much time to tho study of nxo company estimates not more than crimes. Ho calls attention to tho 9-15 men aro on strike. facr thot tho first series of mur- dors did not occur until Mooro's ro- MORE WHITE SLAVERY. 'nse, fron the state reformatory at Hutchinson, Kan,, whoro ho sorvod llndielor'h Club In Tis Angeles IJeliiR n term for forgery, Mooro's nil- IiivestlK.itc(l. mission that for years bis mind hns (Dy AwoeUM Tre.. lo o. Day Tlm l . ,)e(m mnier8ed ,,, t,,0 Btu,,y of ,,.. LOS ANGELES May 7. Tho Rnch- rt,i0 crimes McLnughry says Influ- olor's Club, an organization of ence,j nm Breatly to tho formation wealthy men quartered In tbo ex- 0 i,s theory. elusive Bcctlon of tho city, was sub- Jected to pollco Investigation today, following tho disclosures of a 15- I TAK J,T,,);M,',nT, . voar.olil clrl of certain alleged acts ' Arthur K. Peck will go to I of somo of Its members. On tho state- mont of Irene Hagborg, the girl in tbo caso, a warrant was Issued for tho arrests of one person whose Iden tity was not revealed. I,OST Either lu MarMilleld or Xortli nend, man's new brown suit. Phone 209-L or 321-L. country at least $25,000 n year. Tho militant section of the Hrltlsh suf fragettes Intends to liinuRiirnto a cnmpnlRii of even greater violence to avongo tho defeat of the women stif fmgo bill Tuesdny night nnd tho prosecution of tbo central militant 01 Ranlzatlon. There is no question but that the number of mllltnnts is grow-Ing. GEX. DRl'MMONR FAINT. .Militant Suffragette Lender Collapses In Police Court. ttly AitoOMPil 1'reu lo Coot llty Timet. LONDON, Mny S. "General" Mrs. Flora Drummond suddenly collapsed nnd fell In n benp on tbo floor of tbe prlBoners enclosure In police court today when proceedings under the ninllclous dnningo net wore resumed ngnlnst tho suffrage leader. Sho was carried out of court by n Jailer nnd wardens, IS Private Interests Say Federal Railway Will Drive Them Into Bankruptcy. lily AmorUlrJ Prrn lo Coot Hay Tlrnf. ) WASHINGTON, B. 'C, .May 8.- Opposition to Rovornmcnt aid for Alaska railroads was expressed to day to tho Sonnto Territory Com mittee by O. I.. Dickenson, manger for CIobo Hi-others nnd other Eng lish debenture holders of tho exist lug route from SknRwny to tho In terior. Ho declared that tho com panies In which his principals are Interested would open a water and railroad route to "Fairbanks Juno 1, nnd n government lino, ho said, would send them 'Into bankruptcy. BY Twenty-five People in Four States Killed by Harry Lee Moore in three years. Illy AttocltleJ I'i lo Coot nay Timet. LEAVENWORTH. Hob., May 8, imiiinnij, uiwiutiir, i" (i meuij nnnounced today by M. W. Mu- Laughry, a special nent of the Do- partment or Justice, artor nu ex haustive study of the so-called axe murders. (Dy Ataoclatrd I'rrtt to Coot nay Tlniti.l LEAVENWORTH, May 8. Henry Lee Moore went to tho penitentiary at Jefferson City, nfter being found guilty of tho murder of bis mother J and grandmother, .Mrs, Mary Wilson I nnd Mrs. George Moore at Columbia, Mo In December of last year. Moore wbllo on trial uiado many damaging admissions nnd contradictory state ments. Ho said ho had mado a "tudy of famous murders IneludliiR ,, noctor Crlniieii case In Ent the Doctor Crlppen case In land. Tho nxo murders ascribed to Moore by McCluughry are "II. C. Wayne, wlfo and child, Mrs. A. J. llurnlinm nnd two children of Colo rado SprliiRs, Colo., Sept., 1911; Wllllnm EdllWEOIl, Wlfo Bllll dllURll- I Coqulllo In the morning to tnko default Judgment In tho case I of tho Modern Woodmon, who I I attached all of J, C. La I ' Franco's belongings to recover ' $3,000, which they paid Mrs ' La France on tho bogus Inaur- ' - nnco claim. 0 M M STREET ORATOR'S 0 BY IB TIL TO GET SUFFRAGE IN ILLINOIS Passes Senate and Is Fa vorably Reported by House Committee Today. (Ily A.ioelMfJ ITf. lo Cooi llty Timet.) SPRINGFIELD, III., May 8. A bill by which the women of Illinois will be granted suffrage on nil stntuiitory offices was ordered today favorably reported by tho elections committee or the IIouso of Representative. The measure passed tho Senate 29 to lf. Governor Dtinno Iibb not yet Indicated his attitude. SUFFRAGE IN LOUISIANA. Campaign For It Opened My Women Today. ttly AttodtltJ I'rrii lo Coot llty Timet.) NEW ORLEANS, May 8. A cam paign to secure equal suffrage In Loulslann was launched today by tho womon's suffrngo party, organized nlonR tho lines of tho major parties. It Ib announced that militancy will hnvo no part In the plans. BRYAN'S STAY Returns From California This Morning and Will Leave Washington Tonight. (Ily A"xl'.1 I'rrii to Coot nay Timet.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 8 Secrotnry W. J. Ilrynn nrrlved In Washington this morning, but when ho got to bis desk ho found such an accumulation of routine business thnt ho was unable to confer with tho President as expected, and tho Japaneso question will not bo taken up. Secretary Ilrynn left for Ilaltl moro, where tonight ho Is to bo tho guest of Charles II. Grasty of tho linltlmoro Sun. 'tomorrow night, Ilrynn will attend n banquet In Now York and will visit tho National commission, arranging for tbo con tennary celebration of tho treaty. Later, It was arranged that a brief conference between Ilrynn nnd the President would tako place late this afternoon. Just boforo Ilryan leaves for Daltlmoro, 11RYAX IS I1USV. Meets Jap Ambassador After Con ferenco Willi the President. Ily AuoclalKl I'rnt lo Cooi Hay Timet. WASHINGTON, May 8. Secretary Hryon propnrod to recolvo tho Japan eso Ambassador Immediately afdor his conference with President Wil son, JAPS AFTER POIXTERS. Four Offl'cis Conio lo America lo Study Undo Sinn's Xavy fly Auoclatod I'reta lo Cooi nay Timet WASHINGTON, Mny 8. Acting Secrotnry Roosevelt of tho Nnvy De partment recolved today four officers of tho Japaneso Nnvy who havo como to this country to study Amerlcnn naval affairs. Thoy will visit tho Washington Navy Yard nnd havo laid plans to spend six months visiting other yards and naval stations. REPURLICAXS TO MEET. (nr Aiioelttcrrreii lo Cooi Day Timet ) WASHINGTON. I). C, May 8. Tho House Republicans will confor tonight about tho reorganization of tho Republican congressional com mission. The call wits circulated by Republicans who urge a reor ganization of tho congressional com mltteo nnd favor tho election of Roprosontntlvo Garduor of Massa chusetts as its chairman. M'ADOO IS FIRM. (Ily AModtlel rreti io toot Day Timet J WASHINGTON, Secretary McAdoo took anothor stop today In his cam paign to keop secrets of tho Treasury Dopartmont from going to outsldo In terests, whon ho forbade any of the treasury records being shown to any ono outsldo tho Dopartmont, Con gressmen Included, without Ills per mission, it is announced that ho In tonds to doal summarily with Infrac tlons of tho now order. NOTICE. Tho Doronuis Coos nay Employ ment Agency furnishes nil kinds of skilled or unskilled labor on short notice. A tilal will convince you. Phones 2G9L and 324 R, A OM CASE HELD Claim Made in Their Defense That City Ordinance Is Unconstitutional. RECORDER BUTLER TO DECIDE THIS EVENING. No Attempt Made to Hold A Meeting Last Night Ru mors About Others. After hearing tho arguments on demurrer In tho case of tho b:vm men arrested night boforo last liv speaking on tho street In vlotuttatixi a city ordlnnnro, City Recorder Rut ler this nfternoon took tha mattfl under ndvlBement. Ho wilt render-a decision nt 7 o'clock this evcutnr. Tho demurrer whb on the grouui that tho city ordinance was- uncon stitutional, being too broad and"-giving tho pollco too much power. Njw orotiB decisions Wore cited. .StoH and Ilarclay appeared for the-accuHoa men and City Attorney Gods for 'Oe" city. Tho hearlnR was to have been held this morning but was postpone until 7 this evening, owing to C!ty" At torney Goss beliiR In Coqulllo. Tho Roeordor'H office was .crowded, most of tho Soclnllsts being, present. No Meeting Ijist Nlghr. No street meotlnRs were held last evening and no trouble of any h,ltitl occurred. Front street was yctfcsc well thronged during tho evnoltiKU ninny coming down town with the itx- . pectnncy of seeing soniethlng unppen. It was stated today that tho Social ists were waiting to seo what una dono ln the test cases. Whether thero will bo nnynttemtC to hold a meeting tonight coufil oi. bo learned. Thero woro reports that anotjiex i4 tempt to hold meetings would Vt mndo tonight nnd others clnriiuirV thoro would bo nothfug clolugi milH Saturday night, when u nuniBrr'aX logger members of the I. W. W una snld to bo coming to town, 8n (Urdus; bolng payday in most of tho campa. Not An I. W. W. Early last evening, Mayor Straw and C. II. Ellis, thu Soclalfht ot ganlzor, had quite n confarcnoft. Ellis declared that ho was not 'an 2. W. W. worker and that tho rcportt that ho was started from an.cnnniy of his (Ellis) Informing the 'MRU Ownera' Association that ho vaa aiding tbo I. W. W. cnuse. Ellis declares that -he Is. nutcLv a Socialist-. Ho says that !io uU'l not pay any flue and If puiifshed villi stay It out In tho city Jail, "ttftm thor they will mnko any further at tempts to hold street ineMfngti wUl depend on the onlconio of the caau, he says. Ho Is not certain whetlura they will appeal the caso, If thoy nro convicted. n0 snyH thnt Bo , y; ill try to nppenl to the peop.o n Rtt tho city ordlnnnro changed and'iiuyti ho does not condemn Mayor f?traw or tho pollco for enfoiclug It. Mayor Straw Informed Mr. Ellis that ho was koIiik to enforce ttio ordlnnnro so long as It was In csrs- tonco and that he could not bo forced to back up. Ho snld thnt Ito would like to havo It done as peace ably as possible. Xot .Matt Rnukllii. Matt Rauklla, n well known Marshfleld man and Socialist, stated today that ho did not want to bo confused with n man named Jtan- klla, who was reported to havo sent out it hurry up call for I. V. W. inoinbers to come to Marbbflelil. Mr. Ranklln hayn ho Is not an I. V. V. and had nothing to do with (bom. Ho says that there Ib no one by thw nntno of Itauklln, except IiIk f;iul, around hero and If sotno I. W, W Is going under that name, he Iri an Impostor. Mr, Rnnklla Bays that liu tried to send a messago In FJnni.sti to u Finn paper at Astoria about tho arrest here the other night and thought that maybe this led ta tbo report that Ranklln had sent out a message for I. W. W. members to come here. Li MAN IS BADLY HURT J. S. Bristol Falls Twenty Feet From Pole at Fourth and Elrod This Afternoon. J. S. IlrJstol, a lineman of tho Coos Day Homo Telephone Company, fell 20 feet from the top of a polo nenr Fourth nnd Elrod this afternoon and was critically injured. He watt taken to Mercy Hospital, Ho wns un ablo to walk and It Is feared that tilt, back was seilously hurt. Tho accldont wns caused lj tlio top stop pulling out whon lu throw IiIb weight on it preparatory to put ting his belt around tho top ol tlio post. The top of tho polo bad evi dently decayed mound tho steel tip. Drlstol Htartod to work for tr company Monday Ho Is u nrr'cl, u wlfo being at Ilandon, V i ' 1 A 1 8 "