THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913- EVENING EDITION. r Compi arative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; 100 Per Cent. Digested Bread made with phosphate powder; 68V Per Cent. Digested"! Bread made with alum powder; 167 Per Cent. Digested These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. PULLS GUN OK G. W. Stewart and Wife of Bangor Oust Acting Con stable Watt and Joehnk. I J nines Watt, acting constable in .lochnk wore yostorduy ousted from the 0. W. Stewart premises tit Bangor, North Itend, at the point I of n gun when thoy attempted to servo u HimiinniiH on Mr. and Mrs. i Stowart and Kiiln possession of a J mortgage which tho Stewarts hold I against John Cotlel. I Mr. Watt was sent to servo the summons, owing to Constnhlo Cox ! holnir 111. K. II. Joehnk. who had attached a mortgage which the Ste warts held against John Cottol. to secure a claim of about ?L'(5 which the Pioneer Hardware Company has against the Stewarts. When they reached tho home. Joehnk nsked to see the mortgage and Mrs. Stewart gave It to him to read. Then he ban. led It to Mr. Walt and told her that Watt had the papers to secure It. Mr. Stewart appeared on the sccno and tho mortgage was wrested from him and Joehnk. Then Mr. Stowart questioned Mr. Watt's authority, not seeing any of ficer's star mi liltn. Mr. Watt tried to read his appointment but the Ste warts would not listen, being rolled by Mr. Joehnk's taking tho copy of the mortgage from them. Finally when Mr. Stewart got too threaten ing with tho gun they decided discre tion was the better part of valor and beat n hasty retreat. Owing to the matter being more or less of a mlstuuderstaudlug, It Is not likely that any crlmlnnl action will bo taken against the Stewarts. TO iimx OIK. UMBER TRADE '111 ARRIVE OP COOS Ml ON BREAKWATER SHATTUC, ...ay 0. Plans for con verting the big coastwise liners Pros- ' Ident mid Governor Into oil burners are being considered by the olllcers of 'the Pnclllc Coast Steniushlp Company and It Is snld that tho bids prob I ably would be called for soon. It- Is tho purpose of the company to lay the vessels up one nt n time at the end of the heavy summer tourist Ira Ilk: and make tho change In tho fuel sysein. Tho compnny's new liner Congress, which Is Hearing completion at Cnmdoni, N. J., will nl 80 bo equipped with oil burners be fore she Is brought around the Horn to go to the Los Angeles-Sun Francisco-Seattle run. Supplied San Francisco With More Than Twice as Much as Any Other Point. Coos Hay continues to be tho prin cipal sourco of supply for tho San Francisco lumber market and during tho last two woeks in April furnished more than twice as much lumber than any other port. Tho following figures compiled by tho Pioneer Western Lumberman show tho ag gregate receipts from tho various Pacific ports at San Francisco from April 11 to April 28: l'lr and Spruce. Abordeen .I.IH.'.OOO Astorin ri,(!:ir.,ooo ltandon 0.12,000 Columbia itlver 700.000 Coqulllo Itlver 2,8158,000 Coos Hay 10,125,000 Kvoretl 1,750,000 Hoqulam SOO.OOO (rays Harbor 1,125,000 Port Gamble 750.000 Port Ludlow 1,100.000 Sluslaw 307.000 Umpqita 200.000 Wlllapn 2,250.000 Total 111,025,000 Itcdwoinl. Karelin 1.105,000 Albion S7I.0OO Caspar 750.000 Fort Irrngg l.aus.OOO Oroonwood !:I8,000 Mendocino 752.000 Crescent Cliy (520.000 Total '..521.000 Just As Easy Wo hao what you want and You have what we want, so Jf You want what we have and Wo want what you have "Let's Trade" THE FIXUP two smites. Marshfiold Noith Bend Steamer in Early Today From Portland With Good List Brings Several Autos. Tho llroakwator arrived In this morning from Portland with a largo list of passengers and a good car go of frelgbr. Several autos woro tho principal items of tho freight cargo. Among moso arriving on tho Ureakwator woro tho following: Mrs. H. A. Atkinson, Frod Mark, John Walker, II. O. Jestor, Miss H. L. Lewis, A. F. Crocker, Illlma Malnkka, Will Whobory. Ilearl Who bery, W. J. Humbert. M. L. Pat terson. Mlko Grout, A. Strauss, A N. Ilolman. J. P. Cloland. K. C. Itnymond, Mrs. K. C. Raymond, II. W. Iloldou, F. A. Lucns, . A. Leon ard. Mrs. Dray, L. II. Lowo, Mrs. K. S. Dyer, Mrs. Jonnio (iardlnor, II. 11. Donshey, Mndgo llershoy, Mrs. Kinsley, Mr. Kinsley, F. Hastings, Mr. Paltnor, Hymn Dofonback, Mrs. Hymn Uefonbaeh, Hoy Defenhaeh. .Mrs. Hoy Moore. Miss Do ICtta Do Mones. W. iv. Kyle, M.L. Hoyil. Knvll Strand. Coo. Warner,.!. L. Johnson, Thos. Johnson, Miss Johnson, Oscar Johnson. Miss (ianllner. P. Olson, Mrs. NelstiHin, Klgor Nolstrani. Ray mond Nelstrain, Win. Nolstrani. J. K. Kck, Mrs. Markago, John Mark ago. L. Orouo. Mrs. Holmes, i.amn Holmes. Anna Holmes, Frnncos Holmes, Aguos Holmes, Llzzlo Holmes. Aiuelln Hosolouf, Mlchnol Hoselouf, W. It. Crowly. L. It. Solins. Mrs. Cllonl. C. Frovors. A. Ilerehuck. A. King, A. L. Kindred. J. Smith. Wong John and seventeen steorago. Tho ureakwator canio in this morning at low tide. Captain Mnc gonu's soundings showing over sev enteen feel, fiuaiio rock was far above the low tide. Tho Ureakwa tor will hall from horo nt 10 o' clock nnd will cross out about 1 o'clock. m:w kkttiiKhs and SPHCL'IjATIVK VAl.UKS. IIII.V OIKS AT Mill OF M, AFTIIR LAYING I..10II KCCJS AM) HAISING MANY HKOODS. PASAHKNA, Cal., Mav ti.-Thea-dosla Hoosovolt, ho named because of her evident nntngonlsin toward race suicide, said to have been tho oldes' hen In America, died today ai t ie homo of her ovuoi. Mrs. K'lzulioth Grlnnol, of Pasadena. She was 25 eais old. Tho aged leu laid, approximately, 1.500 eggs in nor long and useful Hie besides mothering many broods ot linubator-hatched chickens. Stat-Istti-I.inx lluuru that the oggs laid by Thoodosln. at tho nvorage price ol onlj 25 cents n do4on, woro worth $iKi 7ii. Tho accopted cost of hoop ing a hen In these parts Is $1 a year, if iMng Theodosla's net earnings $Hn 7".. At a capitalized value of i 2" she has niado 3.000 por cent on her .iliii.tUin for her owner. Poultry exports admit tlelr nc loptui ilieml k of the extreme ogg insli)illilos of a lion have been diattei i'd by the exceptional Theodo ra, wlm In her llfotinio laid tovoral Mines tho number of oggs thnt nat uralists and poultry collogo exports would have mid any hen could at tain to. 1JAX1) DANCK SAT., MAY 10. Portland Telegram rGennniiH from Germany and Canadians from Canada have their faces towanl Oregon and their oyes on Its fertllo valleys. Wo can offer them the greatest nnd richest valleys In tho worltl as n place to settle In and to make their homes nnd their fortunes. Tho thousands from Germany nnd the other thou sands from Canada will llud plenty of opportunity nnd plenty of room, ami It remains for us of Oregon to mnko tho prico right. Wo are casting about In all direc tions for the formulation of the pol icy that will bo most effective In bringing within our borders the ac tum farmer nnd commimlty-butlder, nnd tho one grave factor In tho prob lem is tho prico of land. It is tho factor that we must meet boldly nnd intelligently, or seo our desire defeat ed and our hopes deferred. As thero aro moro nnd more re liable evidences of colonization to this state, and especially to this sec tion of tho stnto, thero should be competition among counties ami com munities for the groator share of the bettor elnss of this prospective Immi gration. Thero should bo organiza tion behind such competition, nnd through that organization thoro ought to bo Homo listing of lauds that nre desirable and really cheap. It Is tho desirability and tho prico thnt will count, nnd In this connection it should ho borne III mind, nlso, that tho discount on speculntlvo values which will secure the business, so to spenk, will bo moro thnn niado up In course of tlmo by tho Industry nnd wealth creation of tho newcomers who get n sqttnro deal in the innttor of conditions and prices. ACROSS OCKAX IN Al'TO A ITTl'ltK POSSIMMTV. That wo wlil some day cross tho ocean In an automobile seems to be tho conviction of sovornl expert inn chlulsts. Mnjor J. O. Wright has recently contrived a water autonto bllo. Tho innchlno is not a beauty hut It glides over tho wntor nt ahour live miles nn hour. It will go equally well on tho Innd. It consists of a framework of light steel and onk. 25 feet long and eight feot whlo and Is mounted on three wheels, tho two in front iielng of iron and wldo rimmed. Surrounding the framework and on ly a few Inches aboro tho ground Is a largo air-filled steel cylinder which keeps the machine afloat whllo on tho water. In the "bow" of the craft Is n gasollno engine which transmits power to the front wheels when tho machine Is crossing Innd. or to nn ordinary scrow propollor. such as aro usod on motor boats for tho propulsion on wnter. This propeJIor Is undor tho ma chine nnd well out of wny when it Is traveling as a laud automobile. On tho framework of the innchlno Is a platform which will hold a score of men. Two men aro needed to operate tho innchlno. This combination motor bont has been used successfully In running survey lines through tho vast swamp lauds of the Kvorglados In Flor ida. San Francisco Chronicle. HANI) DANCK SAT., MAY 10. Hnvo your Job printing done at Tho Times ofllco. Call nt II I'll DRY HOODS COMPANY nnd got your June number of "Hood Dressing" FRIOH. WHAT TO WEAR NMBHBHgB,: A guarantee with pair of every Niagara Maid Kid-fitti ing Silk Gloves Double tips, 0f C0Urje AND HOW TO SAVE QNIT Most Women Ask no Finer Suits Than These at $22.50 and $25.00 Others at $12.50, $15.00, $16,50 $18.75, $20.00 and Up to $37,50 Thoy couldn't be better in style they are we'i chosen models direct from the best New York and Philadelphia makers and they sell at the credit stores at an average of from $2.50 to $5,00 more per suit. The materials are superb and faslir able the workmanship is so perfect that it excite your admiration, There are llglit-wolglit French Sorgo and Hnlfind (Vnl Suit, besides lliillwtu .Models correct l the lnM Mitch. ('ulor IndnJ Navy, llrowit, Tnn, Copenhagen mill black nNu Ni.wliy t'linki mill stripes. A j , vex? i:0m J I '' j; ' ' ' I m mm llll II K. in W 1KB It's unusual to find such pretty waists so reasonably priced. Lingerie and Voile waists, Many pret ty styles, -S1.50 to S2.85."Country Club" tub silk waists, $3.85. Who needs grey, while, tan, patent or gun metal shoes? ; Try one pair of "Selby" shoes on our recommendation, $3.50 to $5.00. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Dry Goods Co. O'Connell Blclir. Phone 361 FINE FILM 10 BE SHOWN HRRE MAXAGKIt MAIISDK.V HIKTIIKK ItlllliKWIi M A S T i: It I' I K C V. "I'HOM .MA.VCiKH TO CHOSS," roit (jiiAXD m:.t wki:k. "From tho MmiBor to tho Cross" Is tho tltlo of ono of tho boot ro HkIouh flluiH thnt bna been prod ne ed nnd which wns received on tho llrenltwntor todny by MnnnKor .Mara den, ot tho Grand Theater, to bo Bhown hero next week. Tho film Is a reverent movliiK plcturo llfo story of Jesus of Nazareth and was pro duced in authentic locations in Pales tine nnd Kgypt. Thero nro throe reels of tho j;reat picture, over r00() feet of film, nnd it is clawed as Kaloin's blhlicnl ninsterplece. Maiiagor Mnrsdon ran tho film through todny to try it out nnd finds It to ho fully up to tho grout claims mndo for it by tho Knlom people. It Is complete, every film porfect and Is ono of tho greatest religious edu cational pictures ovor shown. In ordor to give all an opportunity to see tho great picture, ho has ar ranged to produce It Thursday and Friday, May 10 nnd 1C. WIMj lll'IU) PANAMA CltAMCS. LONG LOOKED FOR GAR HERE COAST lEII BASEIL1 WASHINGTON, May fi. Contracts for the construction of two gigantic llontlng cranes for use In connection with tho I'nnnnia Canal let bv tho Isthmian Canal Commission to'Nou nieyer (c Dliuond, of New York, iiKonts for the Deutschon .Mnschln fabrlk. a Oerninn concern whoso bid of $S37.o00 was moro than $500 000 liolow that of tho lowest Amer ican blddor. thoso cranes will he deslgnod so ns to work togothor or soparatolv. onch producing its own electrical power and having a lifting capacity of j!300 tons. Uo'li will hnvo n Jib with ail outrencli nt ci r. and will be cnpnblo of revolving with a Hum niuiuui moving tno pontoon. Tho contracts woro lot undor n provision of the net of congress au thorizing, tho piirchnso abroad of equipmont for the caunl in any caso Whoro domestic bids nrn nnrnn., ablo. (JKOIK.'K (JOODKl'M HTS HAND- somij i'ak.'i: : von un. toyh MOST MOI)i:i(N ('Alt OK PKICIJ i:vi:u nuoL'd'iiT to hay. Oeorgo (loodrum today rocolved his long looked for Pnlgo IIU, and It is a beauty in appcaranco us well ns iiiechanlcnlly, and It Is attracting much attention from nuto ownors. It Is declared to bo tho most modem car nnywhoro near tho prico ovor brought to Coos Hny. Tho car wns specially ordered for Dr. V. A. Toyo and owing to .tho grout demand for tho machines it was difficult for Mr. (loodriini to got the ninchlno promptly. Tho car is tho llvo-passongor typo, ac-horso-power, with dark bluo body with light stripe. Tho body Is low swung hut hns plonty of clearance. Tho car Is electric lighted and equip ped with nn electric Bturtor. Tho gasollno Is carried In tho Cowl dash and tho sidelights nro flush with tho dash. It bus many othor attractive features. Put Up .Mllo I'osts. Mr. Goodrum yesterday mndo a trip to Coqulllo, putting up mllo post signs along tho route, show ing tho dlstnnco to Goodrum's gnr ago, tho repair nnd supply center, in fact tho "oasis" of automohlllsts. Sunday Mr. Goodrum put up tho Blgns between the Hay and Shore Acros. Ho reports tho country roads In fair shape, thoro being llttlo mud uut uie ronds aro still rougn trom Inck of being smoothed down. In another week, If thoro Isn't moro rain, ho believes tho roads should bo In flno shape. IMU'OHT IS DKNIKD. Illf Amoc1im Prn io Coo Hay Tlme. EAGM3 PASS, N. M., May C. Re ports that Genornl Trucy Aubert, commander of tho federal forces In Northern .Mexico, had surrondored to tho Constitutionalists last week 1b apparontly without foundation, al though it wns announced by officials connected with tho Cnrranzn head quarters at Pledras Nogras. Car rnnza personally Informed tho" Asso ciated Press today that Aubert had retroatod to Montoroy. Monday Was Moving M Portland upuiis mento Today. " ' .vi nV fLl . '. "'l'M,MU w U W. LosAiiROles .... -v j6 ,!,( uniuuiiu .- jj ,ji i Vonlco : i ill: Rncramento . ... f; , mi Snn Francisco .. j j ,.! Portlnud " -- " Vtf'tP PORTLAND. Or..May".. day was 'ovl"S dL!rleJ0t3 ..oNirpi-; ,DrAM,cl.l.1r..j2,li, WASIl'NOTON.May & Smithsonian Ins 7 lists, whoso names are world, gathered to am ut . i. memory of Samue i VontorofthebeaaT,t00 chine ami to pre ept me w sy " Tft JfSSJjs Pntomac '- .,.viTiR5. vnrrrK TO Cl.';lttyj administration on ,B8Ued to her. person t Now, wherefore. estate inB,C,alfIedtoPrentf horeby notlfiea i v imtsj. ii Kiuy ." - - er row;M :.vW..lZ law require 'i gon. with tho PjoPf Administratrix oi John A. Hanson, ue