-., JUb -ll THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ;ttt' ; PRICES Queen Quality Shoes for Women, $:i.ro, i!;i.7.-, $1.00 ami SLIM. Flcbricli Fox llllkcr Shoes for Men, welts, $1.00 and Jjil.."0. Buster Urnwn Blue Ribbon SIioch for Children, .tl.no (o SjMMr,. STSuits $7.50 $11.00, $12.50 $14.00, $16.50 and Up We are sure wo can save yon from .!iJ.no to sjt.-.oo on any Suit you buy here. Try uh. Men's lints for one-third leas than you havo been paying. Try us. Boy's Suits, 9I.no, 91.8.1, $2.2.1 nnil up 1 $u"0 Prices Biirli as theso ami a tliouHnml others havo mndo the Gold en ltulo whnt It Is, the largest of Its kind in Coos County. The Golden Rule I'M National Hunk Building. w. o. w. Be sure and be out Wednesday night, May 7th. Vaudeville Entertainment and good time. Members only. Don't miss it: W. O. W. We Have Filled 1198 Prescriptions During the Month of April 1913 Every prescription was checked iwice before de livered. The best drugs and chemicals always used. Our prices always right. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY MAIN PHONE Miss Cleo STOCK COMPANY OpeningNight TOIllght In "The Bishop's Carriage" Prices of Seats 25c, 35c, 50c Seats on Sale at the Busy Corner sORPHEUM TONIGHT 40OO feet of New Matures. "A UTTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM" or "THE SAVING GRACE F THE HOUSEHOLD." W''IE. MAltY GHKW UP" A funny comedy. "WE OX WILLIE" "POSSUM HUXTKR" A sldo-spllt comedy. "OFF THE ROAD" A powerful drama. ADMISSION '''wwniip Nes of 'Coos Bay If Vli u Ilna our VUCATESSEN rat convenience. jUJIE BAKED iiEAKS SALADS j COTTAGE CHEESE 11.7 ,n fr a cup of tea. "Me House Bakery formerly Leld's) Hoya' Caps, extra valuo, Jl."5c. Men's Socks, black or colors, I Or, IS! LS.V, l.-e, ami S!5c. Women's Hose, 1.1c, 18e, 2,-e, :.'(, -,()c ami $1.00. It. A. Topple CORNER." 298 US Madison TEX CENTS. rmfme DAIRY' AND STUCK FAHV.81 you want a good Dairy or Stock farm sea Fitzgerald or Phone 3151, Marshfield. For the Homeseeker He can show you some of tlio best in the ounty for salo. Parasol Covers ALL SHADES OF ALE COLORS at the Marshfield Cycleiy Daytoa Agat Phone 108-R 173 Broadway .' may tmi:s. Below la given tlio time nnd height of high and low water at Jlarshlleld. Tlio tides ato placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first Hue and heights on tlio second lino of each day; a compar ison on couiecutlve heights will Indlcnto whether It Is high or low water. For high water on the bar subtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Olllrs.. 2.14 8.40 3.25 S.2G Ft... 0.3 0.7 4.0 2.1 WEATHER FORECAST. I I By Associated Pros3 OREGON Fair tonight nnd I Wednesday. Northerly winds. local temperature record. For the 24 hours ondlng at j 1:30 a. m., May 0, by IlonJ. Ostllnd. special government me teorological observer: Maximum 71 Minimum 39 At 4:43 a. in 44 1'reclpltatlon no no Precipitation since Sept. 1, mi 2 fiS.GO Precipitation same poriod lust year CO. 9 I Wind: Northwest. Clonr. To Hold Meeting Tlio Lndlcs' Aid Society of the Swedish Lutheran Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the church an nex. Mrs. Otto Oron will act na hostess for the society. Hull Avenue Work. Contractor Johnson expects to got tho recon struction of Hall avenue under wny tomorrow nnd will rush It to com pletion. He Is getting tho lumber for the work from tho North llond mills. For lirii'o Wmk. Kcv. Father A. 11. Muiiro nnd Hugh Mcl.nln will WANT ADS. WANTED. Second-hand letter press in good condition. Address Uox "V," care Times. FOR SALE OH THADE. Three gen tie teams with harness. Weight 2400 pounds each team. Want cows or hogs. Uox It, caro Times. FOR RENT Furnished room, stove and bath out) and one-half blocks from P. O. 237 X. Hroadwny. I'Olt SAM': Year old laying Iliad: Mlnorcas. Cheap. Mrs. Don Wright, Cor. Cedar nnd Hroadwny. WANTED One ImiiMMiinM, light work, good wages. Phono 2CU-L' or32l-U. WANTED Oiio housemaid on ranch. Wages $30 per month. Phono 2C9-L or 324-R. WANTED Girl at Lewis Confection ery, not less than 18 years of ago. LOST Motorcycle Mack glinc, on old uuslport road. Kinder loavo at Times olllce. I'Olt SALE Hargnin, IilKh oven gas rnngo In good condition. Arvld Johnson, near Mercy Hospital. WANTED Woodsplltting. ,!jt per loud. Uox 281, North nend, Or. I'Olt SALE Flve-pnsoiigor auto, Clionp for cash; call nay View Hotel, Room 9. I'Olt SALE GootT, second-hand sop urator. Address J. E. Fitzgerald, or phono 3151. FOR SALE Span of good work mules, mures, and doubles har ness. Wnltors' oxpress lino. I'Ol'XD IjiiiiI contract on street. Owner may got same nt Times of flco by paying for tills notlco. FOR REXT Three Housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 97C North Broadway. FOR REXT Nicely furnished' ramus. Enqiilro 24G North Second St. or Phono 120-R. BOARD and ROOM At new Hunker Hill boarding house. Ornn & Lind bind, props. WANTED Mini- wltli some capital to tnko Intorest In good business proposition on Coos Bay, En quire Good Chance at Times olllce. FOR- SALE CnrcAP; Good' farm horse, weight 1.100. Phono 277, Marshtleld. FOR. RENT Furnlslied Iinusekecp Ing rooms. Enquire at dressmak ing rooms, 343' South Broadway. FOR" REfT' Comfortable room with stove and bath. Phone 23G-J; 768 North Second St. FOR SALE: Drj wod. fir and al dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard Ferry landing. Phoie 16ii-L. FOR TRADE ItaU truck' Studeb'ak. er wagon, almost new. Size 2 3-4; want 3 1-2 or 3 3-4 half truck wag on. Must be first class. See J. C. Doaue, Phono 331-R. FOR REXT An attractive modern ly furnished front room for gen tleman. 289 Central Ave. WANTED Position ns nurse by experienced woman, confinement cases a specialty. A'pply "Nurse" care- Times-' office: SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY Royal Auction Hrldgo with I Mrs. F. E. Hague. I Ladies Auxiliary of tho Epls- I copal church with Mrs. E. W. I Lewis. C. W. B. M. with Mrs. Tope of North llond. WEDNESDAY .lolly Dozen with Mrs. Albee. I Prlscllla club with Miss Slgnn Larson. Baptist Missionary Circle. I leave on the llreakwnter tomorrow for Portland to attend a meeting of the Oicgou Knights of Columbus, be ing delegates from the Mnrshtlold Council. While there, they oxpect to arrange for tho Portland degree team to come ncre to put on the third degree. Homer In. The Homer arrived In today from Snn Francisco with a cargo of general merchandise and will take a cargo of lumber out. Tho Washington will soon bo put back on tills run nnd the Homer put in the Alaska trade. Will Mow. Barnard and Long' worthy will move from South Hroadwny to tho building onno site The Times olllce, which was recently vacated by True Saling s taxidermists sliop. Ouster Case. J. W. Illlilnnbrnnd has begun suit In Justice Pcnnock's court to oust John Mlnnlng and fam ily rrom n House in South Mnrshlleld west of Twelfth street, which ho re cently bought. Mlnnlng claims his wife lins been 111 nnd thnt conse quently ho wna tumble to comply with (Hillenbrand's 30-day notice to move. . .Dredge Woil:. Donald Charleston Is making arrangements todny to start tho Larson dredgo tomorrow on tlm North Coos Illvor work. It will tnko n couple of weeks. Then ho will start the Government bucket dredgo clearing tho Coiiullle, cut ting out a shoal above Ilumlou. About $0000 Is available for the work on tlio Coiiullle mid tho work will probably take three months. Itullils Fine Home. Sunday's Ore gonlnn contains n photograph of tho now homo of Captain ami Mrs J. J. Reynolds nt East .Ifitli street, near Fromont. In Portland. Cnntaln and Mrs, Reynolds nro well known on Coos Hay, ns they spent tho sum mer of 1911 hero when tho captain was Interested In u cunnery. Ho wns commnndor of tho Oregon Naval Mil itia ami captain of tho Huston during mat same year. Klunoy-Wllsoy Deal. C. A. Sohl brodo todny received n telegram from .Major Kinney at Portland stating that thoy nro still busy on tlio Kin ney Wllsoy deal. Kinney was request ed to como hero as witness In Circuit Court cases but askod that tlio cases bo postponed for a fow days, Intlmnt Ing thnt ho would bo hero then. Ho did not stnto tho present status of tlio deal or when Wllsoy and Hru uough might bo expected. Work on Mill. E. O. Samuels, manager of tho Coos Hay Mill com pany, wns In Mnrshllold yestorduv closing up souio details of tho pur chase of tho old Courtney mill nt Milllngtou and also arranging for timber. Ho roports thnt It will tnko about a mouth to got tho mill over hauled and ready for running. Not much now machinery will bo requir ed, nn olght-Inch re-saw mid n slnb conveyor being about nil that Is necessary. Secrci .Session. Following tho regular mooting of tho City Council Inst evening, tho members of tho Council and City Attorney (loss wore In secret session, presumably to talk over some features of tho vice cru sudo and litigation in which tho city Is Interested. It Is said that nothing now lias developed In tho vlco cru buiIo. Detective Reed, of Portland, who was Indicted nnd fined nt Co qulllo for gambling, tried to got n Job hero ferreting out vlco nnd wont from hero to Coqulllo, whero lie got Into trouble himself. Mayor Straw and Counclliuen Albrecht nnd Mer chant, who aro absent from tlio city, wero not In nttendanco nt tlio ses sion Inst night, I AMONG THESrCK. 4 Arnold Hanson, tho young son of Mrs. Albort Hanson of Ferndaio, who wns bndly burned Inst weolc by car bolic acid, is reported improving. Mrs, Hnrry Mann, who was tnkon to Morcy Hospital yesterday aftor suffering n sovoro attack of nppondl cltls, s much Improved todny mid mny not have to undergo an op eration. Flm, In Myrtlo Point. Two incipient fires occurred In .Myrtlo Point last Friday. Ono fire was In tho roof of the old Carvor residence, now occupied' by Mrs. E. L. R'obbins. on Snruce stroot. nbovo tho Presbyterian Church, but the ser vices of tlio boys wore not" needed. as neighbors had extinguished the fire before their arrival. Later In the afternoon tho roof of the depot caught fire from a spark from a loco motive. Tlio station and yard crew put the blaze out without calling tho department. The damage in each case was limited to good-sized holes in tho roofs. Myrtle Point Enter prise; American Line of Hosiery 8jells V-A-L-O-E IX LADIES'; RAIHES', ROYS', GIRLS' and MEN'S. THE PAIR, inc. Every pair guaranteed. "AXWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples'' 5-l(M5c Store PERSONAL NOTES W. J. CONRAD left this nfternoon for Coqulllo on business. JOHN C. MERCHANT left yesterday for Coiiullle to attend court. MRS. G. C. MOORE, of Coaleilo, was a shopper In Marshtleld todny. JACK MARSDEN wns up from South Slough yesterday on business. J. ROI1ERTS AXD WIFE were Mnrshlleld visitors this morning. W. J. KYLE, of Florence. Is in Marshtleld on business and pleas ure. MRS. EMILY M'FARLIX, of Xorth Inlet, Is visiting in tho city to day. CAPTA1X W. C. HARRIS was a Sumner visitor u Mnrshflelil yes terday. MRS. .1. J. M'DONALD and ehll (Iron or DanlelB Creek are visit ing friends In Mnrshlleld. MRS. REUI1EN CAVANAOII. of Eastslde, was a shopper In Marsh tleld today. MISS MARIE MOODY, of Coqulllo, Is spending a few days with friends In Mnrshllold. MRS. JULIUS LARSEN came In from Larson Inlet this morning to spend n fow days In town. FRED HOLL1STER AND A. S. HAM MOND, of North llond, wero Mnrshlleld visitors today. MRS. W. F. McELDOWNEY expects to lenvo soon for nn extended enstern nnd nort lorn trip. ALF JOHNSON, JR., nnd wlfo are here from Coqulllo for n short stay on business and pleasure. J. K. SMITH, of Portland, is n busi ness visitor In Mnrshlleld, repre senting tlio Snn Francisco Life In surance Company of California. T. TOWNER, who lias been engaged in black sand mining near Whis ky Run, north of llaudon, Is In .Mnrshlleld on business mid snys tho company is getting good re turns so far. MISS DE ETTA DE MEULES arriv ed hero today from tho not t Ii to visit at the homo of her mother, Mrs. Roy Moore, who nlso re turned today from a trip to Port laud. MRS. C. C. GOING mid clilldrou nro expected homo In about two weeks from Portland, where Mrs. Going linH been receiving treatment from specialists for throat trouble. She Is rapidly improving. WILL MONTGOMERY passod through bore yesterday en route homo to Lnmnpn Crook nftor n short stay in the mountains ho youd Allegany. Mrs. Montgom ery tins boon nt llaudon for some timet taking treatment. M. L. BOLD enmo ovor from Myrtle Point todny to meet his wlfo nnd daughter, who enmo In on tho Bronkwator from Spokane. Ho roports Myrtlo Point ns booming nnd In greatly pleased with his now locution. WALTER 1IUMMERT camo from Portland todny on 0110 of his rog- ulni trlnu Mm llniiiinnrl. vnn formerly Miss Eunice Nichols, of Mnrshllold, a daughter of Mrs. E. E. Brando, nnd is planning to visit hero this fall. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE passed through hero todny 011 route homo from Portland, where ho took .1. C. LnFrauco, tho noted Insuraiico swindler. Ho said that there wns nothing now In tho t-nso beyond what lias already boon told. S. W. HEIDENREICK, of Portlnnd, Pacific Const mnnugor of Swift & Sompitny, of Chicago, tlio big pack ers, Is In Mnrshlleld todny on busi ness and pleasure. Ho Is visiting F. G. Horton nnd will probnbly mnko arrangements for his com pany to enter tho Hold this fall. MRS. M. L. BOYD passed through hero today enrouto from Spokane to Myrtlo Point to Join lmr hus band, who Is now connected with Tho Enterprise tlioro. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd formerly lived nt Hurt son, Iown, near Waterloo, whore he conducted a paper. PAT HENNESSEY Is in from tho Smith-Powers initio on Isthmus In- lot today. Ho reports tlio shaft Is now down about 700 feot, but thoy nro hnmpored by lnck of power which will bo ovorcomo when the electricity is coupled up there In about a month. The electrical ma chinery has been ordered. JUSTICE SHUSTER, of North Bond, Is a Marshfield buslnoss visitor to day, He reports that LaShollo, who was nrrested for stealing a magneto from M. J. Coleman'a launch, will have his hearing noxt Monday, Sam Van Kile furnishing a $7G cash bond for LaShelle's appearance. Something New IN CANDIES -AT Stafford's COME IN AND SEE. ML SLOUGH GLQS1NG GILL Congress Will Not Act on Measure at Special Ses sionCloses It All. That tie bill declaring Mill Slough not to be n navigable stream and empowering the city council of Mmshtleld to close and till It will not- passed at this special session of congress Is tho gist of n letter from Congressman Itnrley. Tho bill Is before committees of tho Senate and House. Somo of those oppoalng tho measure now doolaro that tho bill provides for closing tho slough from Its headwaters Jto tlio Bay Instead oD tioslilM ft only as far ns Broadway and leaving tho mouth open, 'riieys claim that It was understood thnt when tho Chamber of Comiucrco and tho city council passed resolutions favoring the closing of tlio slough thnt it wns only to bo closed ns far as Broad wny. The mnttcr is cntis Ing more or less discussion among those Interested. Anyway It Is point ed out that tho closing nnd filling of tho slough Is left to tho city of Mnrshllold nnd that tho citizens hero enn determine whether It shnll bo all or only partly tilled. Congress man Hnwley's bill Is ns follows: He It enncted hy tho Sonnto nnd House of Ruprcsentntlvcs of tho United States of America In Con gress nssoniblod, Thnt- Mill plough, n tidal tributary of Coos Bay, lying within the limits of tho city of Mnrshllold, Stnto of Orogon, Is horo by declared to bo not a nnvlgnblo wntorwny of tho United States with in tho moaning of tho Inws enacted hy Congress for tlio presorvntlon nnd protection of such wnterwnys, and tho consent of Congress Is Hereby given to tho filling In of said slough by the said city of Mnrshlleld, NORTH INLET NEWS, (Special to tho Times) '-l'' Mr. mid Mrs. Roubcii Lvon and daughters, Xorma and Lurllo, spout i-riiiny in .North Bund. JoImi Vnnberger Is hauling con struction mntorlal, consisting of rails and dumii cars, from tlio North In let landing to Lakeside, for Caspor Bros. & Flick, who havo tho con tract for tho south end of tho Black Creek tunnol. Mr. Tom Sawyer expects to put his now Fedornl truck on tho North Inlet-Lakosldo run In nbout two weeks. Ho will havo accommoda tions for sixteen pnssengors. Messrs. Dr. and M. II. Howard aro ditching on their bottom Innd and havo successfully experimented in tills work with powdor, tho ditch thus ninilo being ton foot wldo, fifty feot long nnd four foot doop, using flfty-Mvo sticks. R. R. Plnkorton wns In North Rend ovor Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Ollibs nro rlnrlng mid scalping on tliolr marsh, preparatory to planting cranberries. The cottage prayer mooting was hold this wool: at tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. J. II. Plnkorton. Mr. Win. Vaiighmi of North Bond enjoyed n Hulling trip to Lakcsldo on Saturday. Mr. Vnughnii formorly owned tho J. H. Plukurton proporty, mid this Is his first visit hero for sovun years. HORN. DREWS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Drows nt tholr homo In Wost seven mid 0110-half pound son. Ho Is tliolr second child, tho ilrst be ing a daughter. CARD OF THANKS. Wo doslro In nnhllclv nvlmnl nnr heartfolt thanks to the nolghbors mid fiionds whoso kind assistance and sympathy did much to lighten our iiereavemont, 1110 ueaiu ot a kind and noble husband and fa ther, Jas. L. Ferry. Wo especially wish to extend our thanks to tho Masons. MRS. JAS. L. FERRY and family. If you havo anything to soil, rent, trade, or want holp, tiy a Want Ad. Trv Tho Times' Want Ads. THE GAME IS ON "You much play tlio "gamo of health" evory day and tho result lu according to how you treat your stomach, Tho pure, whoiesomo, re freshing drinks served at Sartor'H Fountain are health builders, Try thorn. Sartor's candles aio pure and1 healthful, LADIES Penslar Buttermilk CERATE softens and beautifies tiio skin; will not cause tho growth ot hair. Prlco 60 cents. Tlio Storo for Quality Goods, Penslar Remedies and whore every doctor's proscrip tion will bo filled oorrectly. ngiTjgM-iaiHM