r REMOVE ALL THE OBSTACLES IE YOU WANT THINGS TO COME YOUR WAY LOST ARTICLES nrc tin.! fiiuml through 'I'Iiiu'm mint ,. Rend them! Vo tlu-nij Tlii'y mm tea NOW IS VOt'lt TIME. A MH11II ml In 'I'lii' Tillies wint roliiinn limy bring yon results im grti rc-lllf; mediately. Try one. MEMHER OK THE ASSOCIATE!) PIIKS - uvvill Established In 1878 VOL. AAAVl. Tjl0 Collst m,. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913 EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. & Consolidation of Timet), Const .Mall mid Coot May Advertiser. No. 249 01012 I. , u M H BARTON TRIAL OPENED TOBAY BEFORE mm IN COQUILLE Only Seven Jurors Have Been Obtained Up to Late Hour This Afternoon. PANEL EXHAUSTED AND NEW VfclMint UHLLCU. Owing to Much Discussion of Case, Jurors Are Hard to Obtain No More Arrests l. Special lo TI10 Times.) nnni'ii t.i! Or.. May fi. The trial of .1 K. Hartim. Stato Repre sentative from Coos County, on mi Indictment i barging 111"' Willi nt omptcd nstmult on .Mint) Madge ' kam, is wider way before Judge Coko this nfleriuion. Tho motion flleil for n eliungo of unuewns not prosiiitod to tho court hen tin "iihi was called today n ml they linincdlaiely wtnrtcil to got the Jury ai .1 nvlnik HiIr afternoon soven Jurors linil been ohtalned and the panel wns rxliiitiHtcil. A now cnlre tag Immediately culled for. . It Is iloulitful IT tho Jury will lio obtained todny owing to nearly ev erybody In CnquIRo. Including thoso I mmmoneil for Jury service, having heard 80 nun u discussion m 1,110 rate. George M Ilrown remained to as- ! slat Deputy I. LHJcqvlst prosecute lkcli f 1'' Ml'ICnlL'llt 1111(1 .TllllL'f 3 Sperry nro defending Mr. Harton. No further criminal maiiere navo dcicloiicd, no inoro nrri'Hts bavins tn tnndi nn tim iiiii.&nii miprot in dictments which the grand Jury Is luppotcii to nave icinrncii. I ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING NEW OFFER BY El BIG THEFT OF CURRENCY IS TRACED IT S COMPANY enry Kern of North Bend and Will Haglund Latest Demorest Proves Alibi. Henri- Kuril nf Villi ltoml. urnM- nt of tlio Coos County Hasoball PHA H'flU nH.lialnil In. In.. 1.1 llnF. -".quv, ...in IJCtlWII UIIUJ UJ .Mill Mbfl Purl.,. .... II... ..I...H.... . l.fnnlr. --.. VHIIVI IIII 1I1U VJIIIIU III 111 Villi' llag tho speed limit on North Ilroad r April 20. Tho Information was Idled sonic time ago hut was not sorv- unui loimy. .Mr. Korn agreed to lPPr at 10 o'clock tomorrow to toe tho musk'. Will HiiRlund was arrostod yes iday for spccdliiR IiIh motoreyclo pa Klrod nvemio and plcndod guilty "J paid n flno of 515. f -. v m, n iiii itn taiuti iwutij ;r weeding tho speed limit May C. e drives na nuto for Paul CrookB. cuuki(i mai no wasn't tlio driver 'I the ftllln ntlil ll.nu U nt Y ....... wthst I'nnl Croolts will ho haled r7.il r l" "Bou ouenso. I uitier InformntloiiB nro also on F'Vtut nro being kotit aeerot. nond- FS Uw arrest if tho alloged viola- MOT TELLS ABOUT ALASKA Ns Guggenheim of Hold ing Up Development Penn. Corruntion. 17 Alter lita.t p - .... ... -.. . gSlUNQTON, May C.-Glfford rriif.,1 v"a,s'-'li uoioro tuo Honaio eitt t8 5ommltteo that prlvnto In e At,, ho,,1 "" legislation to isln? . . c iU I10ia8 "n'ler tlio ..,5 j6tem and nnmnil fnrmor wr Gueeenlielm of Colorado as u' tho mn. ...i... i i i C?.r? J" Prevent such legls Inn " "" nnu exerioa a ,m iL'r'"" " lK.v: could fomnimeo iiini la ln ", ,l10 "mes or otnor r 'a anil ... ...i. re in "" u I'uiiKress wno Item "u"l,IJ o mo leasing rkot d f EOVa P'Oads ; 'east J. W. Bennett Offers Plant to City for $145,000 Re ferred to Committee. The Coon liny water situation as sumed a new pliaso last pvenlni; when a letter from J. llennett to Coun dlnian Hurry Winkler, rhnlrnian of the water romnilttee, wilt rend at Inht ovoiiIiir'k nieetniB of tho City Counrll. In It Mr. llennett oTfeiH tho plant to the city Tor $115,000, or ahout $11.000 less thnii It was offered to the city through T. J. Nolan a year ago. After the reading or tho letter, Cotiucnmiin Allen remnrked that It was a very good letter and Council man Ferguson moved that It he re ferred to the flro ami water conimlt too. Councilman Winkler thought that It should he referred to the Council aH a committee of tlio whole, li IimIiil' iiiri'iiiwi tlmi tlio wlmlo Coun cil should handle the water uucsllon. Councilman Copple thought that It tthottld he referred to the Council as a wholo or left on the table for consideration. Council nnin Winkler said that ho thouglit that something out to ho ilmm nlmiit II. lln kmIiI that 111 the campaign last fall ho had pledged iiiniBoir to woik ror n niuniciiiai water syntein and ho wanted- to see Hint Ilin hIiiIl'o was fulff Iloil null In tended that it should lu heforo ho retired from olllee. Finally It was referred to tho fir and wator committee. Mr. llennett's letter was an follows: "In pur8uanco of tho conversation wo had this morning and for fear of a mlsiiudorHtaudliig, would say that tho niihstancQ of It' wns as follows: "1. ln regard to tho momlioiB of tho Water Company refusing to meet with the Committee appointed hy Mayor Strnw would sny that no inemher of tho Water Company linn any recollection of being asked to meet, or oven talk with any member of tho City Council or any Com mittee of tho City Council regard ing tho matter. You aro tho llrst ono who hns talked with nny mom- her oi tho water company lor years In regnrd to tho city owning tho wa tor plant nnd you aro nt perfect liberty to say to the Council, that wo liiivo no objection to discussing It with them nt nny tlmo. '" In rmiK' tn vonr OUCStloil as to whether or not tlvo plant was for snlo. l stated to you that about two years ago tlio plant hml boon offered for sale at 1 50.000.00, of which $5,000.00 was to go to nny ngent who would niako tho sale, and to this amount Mr. Nolnu ad ded $10,000.00 to rclniburso him for tho amount which ho had ox pended In promoting tho salo of tho plan, ho claiming to liavo ex pended over $S, 000.00, ln nddltlon to his time, ln having tho plant ox pcrted, and his own traveling ex penses. "3. The Water Company Is In a position at the presont time to soil tho plant. Not nil of tlio land which It owns, because it owns a great deal moro than Is necessary for tho wator system, but tho same property, Including soventy-ono acres of land, which was appraised hy a committee consisting of Messrs. Mo reen, Perham and Oldloy. "If tho city buys it direct, with out tho services of any agent, tho prico will he $145,000.00, to which should ho added tho amount of tho nctunl cost of betterments, con-dunlin- iirinrinnilv of extensions dur ing tho last two years which amounts to $8-105.55. Wo want It distinctly understood, however, that this Is pot to bo con sidered as a basis for tho valuation of tho property, or to bo used In tho pending matters before tho Rail road Commission, as our engineer. Mr. Corov. estimates that tho actual cost of tho plant, figuring Interest on tho Investment and reasonable MiiMioimnllnn fnr thn SOTVlCOS Of tllO officers of the company will bring tho Many Detectives Trying to Find Where Magazine Pages Were Substituted for $14,300 in Bills. Illy Ao uipJ !' to Coot tl TlmM.) OAKLAND, Oil.. May 0. The I In. ft of $1 1.U00 In hills from an ex press package sent from Washington. I). C , to tho Central National ltnnk In this city. Is engaging the efforts of special ngent g nnd every mile of the trail of the pnekago from tho tlmo It left Washington until It was delivered hero as a pnikngo filled with ningnzliio pnges is being traced, (lovernnient officials declare that tho package was properly Beuled nnd stamped before being turned over to the United States Kxprcss Company and declared tho package could not have been tampered with heforo It reached Denver, where It was relay ed. Discovery of the theft hns been Kept secret for several days. M N 1 R THROWER HELD Suffragette Attempts to Place Explosives at Entrance of American's Hotel. Itljr AMMlalf.1 l'rn lo Cool liar TlmM.) I.ANDOX. Mny il. A militant buT fragette was caught early today by the police in the act- of placing u bomb at tho entrance of the i.niud hotel, which Ib crowded with Ameri cans. She gave her name nt Asn Ward. St. Catherine's parish church of llateham. Southern London, was gut ted hy lire today. Tho police hub peel suffragettes. V ER IIS TODAY Fifteen Injured in Labor Riot Over New Episcopal Buil ding in New York. ' (11 AuocUtr.1 Tim lo Cooi lit; Tlmrt.l Twenty-five Hurt, SVIlACl'Sti, N. Y., May fi. Twenty-flvu men and policemen nnd Italian strikers wero hurt In tho pitched battle here today and the Mnyor and Sheriff decided that the militia shall bo called out. Two strikers wero mortally wounded. Water from tho flro hoso was ef fectively used In quelling tho dis turbance. n? AmocUUJ ITmi to Cooi liar TlmM. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. May fi. The local militia was called out for strlko duty hero today following n riot ln which 15 wore Injured, soven of thoni policemen. Four of tho 500 strik ing building laborers, all Italian:, Interforred todny with tho mon who were pulling down nn old houso of lllshop John Crimes, to niako room for the now Episcopal residence Fif ty policemen fought tho strikers, ro volvora against bricks. Sovon police men wero 'hurt. Two strikers wero shot In the body and six others ero less seriously hurt. IS A SUICIDE Assassin of King George of Greece Hurls Himself From Window of Station. (llr Amoi IiIp. l'rr.n to Cooi ll.ir TlmM ATHENS. May (!. Alexo Schlnns who nssnsslnated King floorgo nf (i recce nt Salonlkl, committed suicide today by flinging himself out of iu window of the police station in that dty. Scliluas gave as an explana tion or his crln.e that lu l'.Hl ho had applied for assistance at the king's palneo and lind been driven away. A few ilnys ago the doctors examined Schlnns anil announced that be was dying of tuberculosis. PREMIER ASQUITH TALKS AGAINST SUFFRAGE IN HOUSE OF COMMONS VSrfWNWV a4 1 FLOUR SPANISH KING GOES TO PARIS IN PHILIPPINES French Arrange to Entertain -Him Royally Two Anar chists Are Arrested. (Hr Ai.ocltlf.l I'rtu to Cooa liar Time.. lADRlD, Mny 0. King Alphonzo of Spain, mid his Premier, Count Alvaro do Romancnes, left ror I'm In today for a two days' visit In the French capital. llORDEAUX, May C Two Span ish nnarclilstB wero arrested today on Misplclon of being concerned lu a plot ngalust tlio life of King Al phonzo. PARIS, May C. Tho French Sen ate and Chamber of Deputies otod nn appropriation of $38,500 for tlio t'litertiitniiicnt of King Alfonzo dur ing his visit of two days. There wan no debate. FEDERAL COURT LIQUOR : omcers or mo comimuy m uinik ; 7:ot declared In his Judgment' valuo of tho plant to a cost of a syrernnient should oporato tho ' great deal more, aud our only reason .I" In Alnnfcn ii. i'.ii . i.. iv... evln. fhnt u-o would take the leasts -."", . " U0,1UV '"i'u "'"."" "".i' r. ! !,, tMfif11"1 ror mines. Ho.l'rice miuu td nnl lf the government had re- at this time Is, I'ennw q," of tl10 cotl1 Holds ! offered . it to mentioned for tho plnnt , on account or navini; fliAt.a fni cnln nt n 'ennsvi..; '.:" "l l" COfl1 '"" ' l ,,",:- '""? ".'."...'. tZ. re i ' "" mere nover won u similar nb'iire umu uw ..n, V '"ell Blirl. ....,... r iM. .V ..n.. 1 1 1 nloflRn llflt as i I'oiiucni corrup- lore um uo. ;u,t ..... j.. - pi t ""' existed in that I consider as m y " n.u......n iu - uy n in "fadoBovcrument possession of lerpow,r f. ?.owpr." coal, oil and i VtL Power." he said. "Is l.. .. - .-or rnni . ni..tu n.. U bi.ik r ho Bnrces of power 1.1- "'a reason fm. th i,int. Dt 'lfig II ' "W IllbU wuay advocated tho re- with or affecting tho proceedings pending boiore 1110 umiruim iumiuw Blonera for an Increaso of rates. If your committee thluks favor ablo of this, I will ask .Mr. Flana gan to call a mooting of tho stock- Sec. Worcester Declares That It Still Exists Hot Re tort From Commissioner. ID Aioclalrl Prtia to Cooi Da- Tlmea. WASHINGTON, May C "Tho conduct of Secretary Worcester Is a now evidence that prompt action should bo takon to relievo every ono of the members of the Philippine Commission from Governor Genoral down," wrote Manuel Zuezon, resi dent commissioner of the Philippines In a protest filed today with Secre tary Garrison, against Worcester's statement that slavery exists In tho UhimlB TtpRlrient Commissioner Earnshaw of the Philippines Joined' In the statement. Quezon's letter says If slavery exists In the Philip pines, the Philippine commission alone Is responsible and lack of proper legislation to pun ish this Inhuman savage crlmo" and adds, "not until recently has this question of slavery beon brought up, nnd alone for the pur poso of telling tho American people that tho Philippine Assembly ns rep resenting the capacity of Filipinos for seir government is a failure. Governor Fobors also gave out a statement similar to Worcester's. TO KVAtTATE SCITAIU. Intel nut ttuinl Squadron WI1L Arrange With KIuk Nicholas.- Hr AuoilateJ I'mi to Cooa Uir Tltnf.l i.nvms. Mnv fi Klnc Nicho las of Montenegro was Informed to day that tho International squadron blockading the Montenegrin coast Report That South Slough Man May Be Arrested for Alleged Offense. That n South Slough denizen who wns convicted ln Circuit Court at Coqulllo a few days ago of bootleg ging, will bo haled Into Federal Court for selling liquor without a government license Is tho Impres sion gained hero ns a result of sub poenas sorved by Doputy u, t, Mar shal D. II. Fuller yesterday. Mr. Fuller Biibpoenoed C. II, Codding, of Milllngton, foreman of the grand Jury which brought In tho local In dictment, nnd J. Wassou, tho prin cipal witness lu tho enso. Mr. Fuller also subpoonaod Victor WIttIck and A. Anderson. Tlio lat tor aro supposed to bo witnesses In tho caso Involving the ownership of the Smith-Powers boom on Cooa Riv er Mr. Fuller says that J. C. Wof ford, tho brother-in-law of J. C. La France, the Insuranco swjndlor, who was arrested at Coqullld, denies hav ing any of LaFranco'B property in his possession. Mr. Fuller served attachment papers on a couple 6f sections of timber near Ilandon which I,a Franco bought and also on tho Rolchort mill, which LaFrance and Wofford got. It Is presumed that tho bill of salo which LaFranco ex ecuted at Rosoburg, but which has not been filed, was of his personal property to J. C. Wofford Instead of J. C. Walker as It was given out Jn Roseburg. Wofford has llttio to say about the caso. While hero, Mr. Fuller visited with C. C. Going nnd Marshall Sroupo, old friends. Ho will leave on the Ilreakwajer Joniorrow. rL-, ..-.. had beon Instructed to arrange with him for the Immodlato evacuation of Scutari by tho Montenegrin troops according to a dispatch from Vien na. It Is not stated whot..er the International troops aro to occupy tl.e city. ON FREE LIST Efforts of Northwestern Con gressmen to Change Tar iff Bill Unavailing. Mr AMOilatH I'rrta lo Cooa Hay Tlm. WASHINGTON. May (!. As the tariff bill approaches Its day for nassiitio In tho House. Tho Senate Is completing plans for its considera tion. Many Republican Senators I'avo drafted amendments. Senator Sherman of Illinois has one to pro vide that no provisions of tho Income tux law shall apply to any Insurance company or association, which con ducts its biisluesa solely upon n mutual plan and only for the beiie- 11 1 of Us policy holders or member ship. In the House today, Republicans from the Northwest attacked the freu wheat and Hour provisions of tho Underwood tnrlff bill. Under wood defended free Hour, ilecloilng the Northwest would not be Injured, and the amendment to the bill was defeated. Efforts to take lumber from the free list Mud alter the wood pulp and print paper schedules wero flunlly defeated. Wool Debute. Tho wool paragraph In tho frco list brought a derectlon from the solid front of tho Democrats. Rep resentative Sharp of Ohio, represent ing tho Democrats, opposed to free wool, offered an amendment placing tho duty at 20 per cent on raw wool, tlio rate fixed by tho Underwood bill lu tho last Congress. Representative Fordney attacked tlio free wool pro vision, Various amendments. Includ ing ono to placo all manufactured wool on tho free list wns defeated. STATE TROOPS WINJATTLES Mexican Federals Near Guay- mas Driven Back With Loss of About 200. (Ur Anoelalcl I'rrta lo Cooa liar Ttmri. NOGALES, May C. Tlio result of yestordny'B battle above GuaymaB was apparently favorable to tho state troops. During tho lighting, lu which tho fedorals advanced against tho stato troops' bash at Ortls, tho government forces woro surprised by an nttack from tho rear. In a forced retreat, the federals lost 200 men who woro captured with their com mander, Colonel Luis M. Ilarron. Declares That Rank and File of English Women Do Not Want the Ballot Now. wi IS HERE TODAY Arrives With Party of Four Sutherlin Men Who May Locate in This Section. Frank II. Walto, tho Sutherlin cap italist and Coos Hay booster, arriv ed hero this morning via Drain and Gardiner with a party of four Suth erlin men. Mr. Walto Is looking nf tor property Interests hero and those In hlB party nro looking this section over with a vlow of Investing and lo cating hero. With Mr. Walto la W. E. St. John, who has been sales mannger ifor tho Suthorlln land compqny, Dr. W. J. Phillips, a dentist nnd son-in-law of Mr. St. Johns, George Richmond, a capitalist, and It. L. Sanford, a graduate horticulturist. Mr. Walto said that thero was nothing particularly now, but that everything was looking mighty bright for Coos Hay. Ho has not heard any startling railroad nowa or anything particular about tho developments In tho Klnney-WUsoy deal. P()RTl'Gl"i:sH POLITICAL TRIALS. LISnON, May C Tho Portugueso government has dispatched all or tho two hundred prisoners, nrrobtul fqr complicity In tho last attonipt to overthrow tho presont republic to tho Azores for trial and punlsh niont. Tho trial will bo held at Atiirm thn rnnllnl. Thn families of tho prisoners oxpress foar ra to what may happen when their roiatlves ar rlvo on tho remote Islands, CAN SEE NO REASON FOR GRANTING RIGHT. Declares That Chivalry and Nation Would Not Be Benefitted by It. tllr Awn. latfd 1'ir.a tn Cona !r TlmM J LONDON, May r. Opposing tho women's suffrage bill In the.Houtw of Conimons today. Premier Asqultli said thnt he would resign If IiIh col leagues In the Cabinet ever suggested that they did not feel Justified iu following a government, the head ot which was opposed to them. When the debate was resumed. Premier Aqullh defended tho fcov erniuent'H courhe, saying It was In consistent with tlio best traditions of Ilrltlsh statesmanship, ho regret ted (hat he found himself at var iance from his colleagues on tlio suf frago question. Asiiulth said that the bill created six million now votorn and It hud never been approved by tho existing electorntt. I In contin ued: "Would our political fabric bo strengthened, would our leglshvtlvo fabric be more respected, would our social 'and domestic life be enriched, would our standard of manners, unit by manners I mean old-fashioned vir tues of chivalry, courtesy nnd Inde pendence or sexes of ono another, bo raised or refined If women woro giv en tho vote?" Cries "of course they would" worn raised on all sides of tho house. Pn nilor Asqulth strongly denied thai Parliament va neglectful of womou and he said that he saw no evidence that tho Ilrltlsh women as n whole wanted to vote. 1 E IS Pennsylvania Diocese of the the Methodist Episcopal Church Defeats Plan. ' Hr Aolalei I'm. to Cooa IUr Time. PHILADELPHIA. May C A inovo to chango tlio name of (lie I'rotfijfaut Episcopal Church was voted down to day at tho 130 annual convention ot tho Pennsylvania diocese. TEST OF ANTI-JAP BILL Representative Britton Wants Federal Officials to Fite Suit Raps Democrats. (Mr Aiaorlatrd I'rria lo Com liar llmra J WASHINGTON, Mny C. -A tost of tho constitutionality of the California iillon land bill In tho courtH wiih proposed by a resolution Introduced In tho 110110 todny by Representative Ilrltten of Illinois. Tlio rcsofutlon provides thnt tlio Judiciary comimttco draw a lobulation directing tlio De partment of stato and tho Attorney Genoral to take such steps ns an1 nec essary towanl a Judicial test of. tho California law, "with a vlow Po Ita annulment." In a statomont accom panying the resolution Ilrltten at tacked tho Democratic administra tion for ita attitude toward tliy'Hrlt Ish government In tho Panama Canal tolls controversy aud toward Japan iu tho California Imbroglio BLEASE "FIXES i NO REWARD Militant South Carolina Gov ernor Would Have Negro Slayer Well Killed. COLUMIIIA, S. C. Mny C gov ernor lllenso hnH offered a reward of $500 for tho body of Rlthard Austin, tho negro who shot and kill ed two whites noar Hampton. S. C. Re specified In tho reward for tho body of Aiibtln that "theru shall bo Just enough of It to bo mogul cd." HAND DANCE SAT., MAY 10. (Contlnued on Paso Two.)