The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 05, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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l 1 "l 1 TT T "" 1
Look at tne omts we Dhow
At $2!.UU
they're the great
est values ever of
fered; and at the
price you can af
ford to pay,
You may as well
have clothes that
will keep their
shape wherever
you wear them.
If you buy
clothes, that's the
f 'J n,i II vf- C.pjifctt ti,lkil.ief Mm
They're' here; all-wool weaves, tailored-to-fit;
smartest styles in the world; in just
the color and pattemjyou'll like. Sizes to 46.
While wc call your particular attention
to our $25 line, we'd like to have you
know that wc have others at more or less.
THE SECRET of dressing well lies in
the choice of the little details that impart
a note of distinction and smartness. The
man who wears the - hats, caps, shirts.
collars, ties and gloves we endorse; stands
apart from the "common crowd'
Specialists in apparel for men and boys.
Uelow Is Riven the time and,
height of lilgh nml low water ati
I W. C. T. U. with Mrs. Wlino. I
I lor.
Royal Auction Hrldgo with I
I Mrs. F. E. Hague.
I Ladles Auxiliary of the Epls
I copal church with Mrs. E. W. I
I Lewis.
I C. W. IV. M. with Mrs. Topo I
! of North Heml.
By ABSOclnted Press I
OREGON Fair tonight and
Tuesday. Warmer. Northwest
orly winds.
rtnilt tllittinn.t l... ...... It. ... ! .. .
I The tides arc placed In the order ," 1l"u "' OI ovon
;of occurrence, with their times on l'oom """Billow In city.
the llrst line and heights on the . ,
.second lino of each day; a compar- ti.itifM ( Imnge. It Is reported
,Ison on coiuecutlve helRhts will that .1. E. Maddox has purchased G.
inuicnto whether It Is high or low, W. Daly's Interest in the Rlnht r.nto
water, r'or high water on tho bar
subtract 2 hours III minutes.
liHrs.. 1.4 1 8.10 2.43
Ft... 0.0 0.:i -1.0
Olllrs. . 2.14 S.4G 3.2H
Ft... C.3 0.7 4.9
'l'i II. .1.1 M. ...!.... MM... 111. ..
m w. I " iiimw .flt'-llll. 1 l lllJItllJ
,; iioaru win hold tnelr regular niontlt
"". ly mooting this evening. A regular---Uly
lined out application blank has
i. .,..,., , ,,..i.i H'oundatlon nsKlug for nn $18,000
!",SlJ,"!!iL";i!l,m5:JL?nJ!:! i'ys Fims-wm pi.hor. .he
""'""''"" I"1""'' vj l'i..nllnillTlIIP. fltllimirn, linfni-n tnn-.1r,..
Hutlcr today and entered a plea of
tho roads In good condition.
Enjoy Outing. Mrs. Ida Pater-
guilty to tho charge of speeding.
preferred against him by V. tl.
ti M.... ,.., 1, .. (,....-i.
,'.. .;'", '.','. ,.': VV . '"'U.,BU'." Lnwnorne. and paid a $15 fine
nil ii-iiii.uuik, .ma. iVUiuu nullum- u,.,.i ,,.t,-a .... ,. ..., ......
son and Miss Hrewer spent tho day collrl ,,., weoI ,. . ',,',",
at Charleston Iloach yesterday. I " ' u 1B (-x''cct0"-
Made Trip to Uracil. Mr. and p.,MnVn., , . VAwT7i
Mrs. K. O'Coi'incll, Mrs. B. K. Jones gl'I? ? "i1,.1 ' ?"? r'"' ''' ,WomCn
and son. Eugene, and Irs. I). M. R Xu5 8,n ! ", l'tniJj,o0r ll,
uuhnrdson nml children spent yes- o.orv urn i-nS i ii, "fVi; ..?"
tnrilnv iiftnriuuiti iilnnlnMnir nt Hi.. hl"" "'" lclu' " tho afternoon's
nmch "f,t",0(m l'" t l" progrnm and will bo assisted by Mrs.
For tho 24 hours ending at
40:4a u. in.. May 5, by llenJ.
I Ostllnd. special government mc-
teorologlcnl observer:
I Mnxlinuiu Gil
Minimum 30
, At 4:43 a. in 30
I Precipitation nono
I Precipitation slnco Sept. 1,
I 1012 dS.GO t
Precipitation samo period j
Inst year 59.04
I Wind: Northwest. Clear.
tho autolsts who made the beach
trip yesterday.
FltKD STOCK, of Sumner, Is In
Marshllcld today on business.
H. K. SIIINIO came over from Co
qnHlo on the noon train today.
H. W. PAINTKU loft this morning
for Conulllc on a short buslneBs
AltVID JOHNSON, of North Hond.
was a Marshllcld business visitor
todny. .
UOCCO IltASCA and wife of Coos
Itlver were Mnrshlleld visitors this
dollars a bicycle path can bo opened
from Marshllcld to tho sea.
Meet Toiiitiriim'. Tho Woman's
Auxiliary of tho F.plscopal church
will meet tomorrow at the home of
Mrs. K. P. Lewis on First St. Tho
Ladles of the church are urgently
tiBked to bo present.
Dresser. Following tho reuular liunl.
ness, Hev. Lewtas will deliver a short
Itiillds In .Vini h Iteiiil Fred tniv
Knudson, formerly proprietor of tho! '
Ilnltlinoro Cafe but now conducting ' c(. 'ivinlulit Tho Marsh-
a reslniiraii In North Hond. has field city council will moot tonight
to take ui) various cltv inn Horn In.
eluding Btrect work and nlso the
Hnstsldo council's proposition about
changing the furry Transit to a run
from tho mouth of Mill Slouuh to
LOST Motorcycle lilucl; glove, nil .VMc,,,C1nIyD'!,,'(;(),t 8,,n' directly oppo-
old Kastport road. Finder leave at "lt0 J,m ai("'
Times olllco. I ... ... .
Mne Ucnl her. Yesterday was an
I'Olt SAI.i: llnigalii, lilgh oven """8n "y ""0 day and most of the
gas range In good condition. Arvld residents who could went on ox-
.lohnson, near Mercy Hospital. i, ," lo v-ol,H "vur, aouin
aiuugii iiiki me lower nay. tiio llrst
Delivers Autoi. I. R. Tower went
lo ilandon todny to deliver a twenty-II
vo horsepower llulck touring car
to Oscar Gates. Mr. Tower lias a
Studobaker "35 for Judge Coke
and n Studebakcr "25 ' for War
ren Palntor coming on tho Break
water this week.
Lenses lliillilliig. Tho Ilradley
Candy company Is closing a llvo-year
leaBu on tho llrst story of the Fagles
hall on South Hroadway, which will
give them moro room for tholr In
creasing business. Tho company was
llgurlng on erecting a building on its
lots on North Hroadway, but has
postponed this for awhlio.
mnilo a trip by auto to Charles
ton yestordny.
GEO. H. WATKINS was a Coqullle
visitor this morning, returning on
the noon train.
North Ilend, were Mnrahncld vis
Istors yesterday.
E. L. PlICrtCE was up from his Tar
Heel camp and reports everything
going nicely there.
NEH loft lor Conulllo this morn
ing to do Jury service.
WANTED U'lH'ilspllitliiK. .i?l per ,",rnw 1,nt of tllQ Benson also mndu
load, llox 2SI. North Hend, Or. 'U'Poaranco. (loo. W. Cnrloton
. iiinuiR mo nuiiiir oi neiug mo llrst
I'Olt SALE Flve-passengei- nulo. ,0 'Ion tho summery headgear.
Cheap for cash; call liny View, ,
Hotel, Iloom 0. iuy Oulliig. W. S. Chandler
and wlfo, Irving Chandler. W. O.
WANTED Man to drive teimi. An. Cnn,er and wife, JIIbs Mooro, J.
ply V. P. Norton. Phone 19-X or ""'ort .Matson and wife, Frank Co-
145-J. . n nml wlfo, Tom Coke, Geo. M.
nrown or Kosciiurg, JiiIIiib .Mntson
VOH HALE (Jowl, hcroiiil-liiiiul sep- nmI H"tton O'Connor composed n
orator. Address J. K. Fltzgornld, I,nrty who Bpont Sundny nt tho
or phono 3151. Clinmllor siiinmer homo on South
Coda river.
I'Olt SAlii: Siiiiii of l'ikhI work
( inntiia n...l ilniikl.i.i l.n '
.i,i.-n, iimiivo, lllllj '.iUlllJIUn Hill
ness, Wultors' express Hue,
A Him liiCiinmtldii. Marshal Car
ter Saturday received a telegram
from Mrs. J. D. Mo run of St. Paul
asking more Information about J.
I). Moran, who was ordered com
mitted to tl'o state Insano nsylum
hero Friday. She gavo no partlcu
lare, but ovldeiitly was his wife.
Marshal Carter wired her that Mor
nu would bo tnken to tho asylum
this week. ..loran owns hoiiio prop
erly in HoIbo Addition.
We Have Filled 1198 Prescriptions
During the Month of April 1913
Every prescription was checked twice before rtc-
The best drugs and chemicals always used. Our
pices always right.
Auto Trio In Millie Pnlnt .1.
, Mendel nnd UinrlPH Fonsier of tho
Hub Clothing store, mnilo nu auto
FOL'.ND Land contiiit't on street, trip to Myrtlo Point yestordny. mak
Ownor mny got samo nt Times of- l"K tho trip over In two and ono
llco by paying for this notice. . lialf hours and returned In two
1 hours. Tliov roport tho roadB In
I'Olt SALE n ncrcH, half mile K'l ronilltlon, tho worst Btretch
from Hay City, on county road. ""'"K botweon Mnrshflold nnd tho
SVj acres cleared; 7-room houso Snminlr.
and outbuildings; splondld plnco
for chickens; 30 plum mid prune "inn Uriel.. A Biunll test kiln Is
trees: 14 small nnnlo trees. Ono being built nonr Hugh McLaln's
good inllcli cow, turkoya, duckB, lro to burn 2,000 or 3,000 brhk
' chlckciiB nnd houuohold ftiriilturo from tho clay deposits around tho
goes with plnco. $2000. $1500 Hn' to domoiiBtrato whnt can bo
down and $500 on tlmo. .Mrs. D. " ' "' ""cic mnKing line hero.
13. Malor. East Side. Orouon. Tl'o brick will bo burned bv J.
. : , E. Walling, who Is endeavoring to
FOlt SALE Fen- settings of itlnclc rKnnlzo n $25,000 conipnny hero
Minorca eggs. Phono 232-L. ,l l8tl " brickyard.
Hmlitcl WiIIcm. Harry O. Hoy to
day received a letter from Wnrrcn L.
Hachtel, formerly of Marshllcld, but
now traveling for an cnglno company
out of Hlrmliighnm, Ala. Mr. Hncli
tol wroto from Chattiinnoga, Ho In-
tlmntcB that ho would liko to be back
on tho Hay, not finding that section
or dcslrablo In ninny ways hr this.
He says that Hlrmlnghnm, Aln has
a payroll of $1 1,000,000 and the poo
plo thero are worked up over the
Democratic tariff rovlslon, ilcclnrlng
Hint If Undorwood closes tho factories
ho will bo let down hard by tho
His son Roy, who litis been Buf
fering from n neveret attack of
rheiinintlBin, Is now In Arizona.
wlio will hnvo charge of tho Bteam
shovel work In North Hond, wero
Sunday visitors In Mnrshlleld.
F. O. FLORIAN, a real estate mnn
of Ilandon, spout Sundny In Mnrsh
lleld on business. Ho recently
moved to Ilandon from Washing
ton, A. P. OWEN is spending a few days
at his Huuimor homo on South Coog
Rlor nnd Is fixing up tho water
works which tho spring freshet
HARRY O. HOY and fniuny spent
yestordny at Ills ranch on Daniels
creek. Mr. Hoy's blrthdny Is to
day, but ho celebrated tho event
GEORGE DWYER. who Is now
working on tho construction of
tho Smith-Powers Logging road
at Coaledn, spent Sundny with
friends In Mai-Bitfield.
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
FOR ItEXT -Two furnished bed- Hrlngs Out Logs. Clare Swayno
moms, inqulro ut CC2 Eleventh of the Smlth-Powers logging coin
street. I"1"' returned last ovonlng from
' Allegany, whore ho hns been for a
FOlt RENT. Light iKuisekeepIng week getting logs out of Hodges
rooms. 13S North Third Btreot. Creek. Hy building slulco dnniB, thoy
got out tlireo rnfts of about 1,000
FOR RENT Three housekeeping logs, containing about 2.000.000
l rooms, furnished or unfurnished. fet- 'I'"0)' will bo brought down
I 97C North Hroadway. . to rlvor In a day or two.
. FOllHKXT Nicely furnished rooms. ' Clear Houlevaril. A. T. Haines
1 Piinnli ')J I? Vmli Cnnnml 2t nr T.?llirntiA fVfrtMiirtll t,l T.l l." r !..
, t4IHtll V . t w V lit ulmhm Uti tt,,U w vwiiiiuii ll 1114 4 , l, VlUllIIltt
, Phono 120-R.
I today made a trip out over tho route
'of tho proposed boulovard from
, HOARD mid ROOM At new Hunker Mnrshlleld to tho sea and round It
III11 boarding house. Ornn & Llnd- "8t satisfactory. It waB decided to
1 bind, props. ! start tho slashing at onco nnd thoy
-'will nward n contract for tho work.
WANTED Man with soma capital Whether tho connecting lino with
J to tnko Interest In good business Marshfleld will bo by Elrod nvonuo
i proposition on Coos nay. En-. ' Vmlorson nvenuo Is not decided
I ii ul re Good Chanco nt Times ofllco. '. Hugh .McLaln, tho other moiu-
i uor or tuo committee, is going to
'IK MOUXT.UNEERS" A drama of the Southern hills.
WJ0Y P.DITOR" and "WHOSE WIFE IS THIS'."' Corned v.
WGEIIOUS WAOEU" A noworful Western storv.
UIOII COST OP TtWniTrmirkvn o-.i tn.-icaivn iriri.'ii tii
''Comedy. -. - .-
Admission 10 cents.
l-'OK SALE CHEAP Good farm Hnndon on business, but 8ays Hint
horse, weight 1,100. Phono 277. ' " uonovos that with a few hundred
I.' -
.Mining llooinlnu. Orvlllo Dodgo,
tho well known Conulllo valley pio
neer and historian, spout Sunday
hero, coming over to attend tho fu
neral of Jas. Ferry. Mr. Dodgo
Issued a pioneer history of Coos
and Curry counties, which hns prov
ed a most vnlunblo work. Ho re
ports that Myrtlo Point Ih enjoying
n decided boom, Ho nlso reports
tl'at mining In thnt section Is also
looking up, a now strlko In tho
balmon Mountain country, where
ho has mines, malting tho outlook
unusually good. While hero ho
mot .loo Cnmmel of Soattlo, who
was sent to Randolph by Soattlo cap
italists to look Into the black sand
VICTOR WICKMAN, who recently
disposed of his news stand and
confectionary business nt Coiilllo
to Mr. nnd Mrs. Potor Scott, Sr
wiih In Mnrshlleld today on business.
JUDGE COKE returned to Conulllo
this morning after spending Sun
dny nt his homo here. It was
hoped to finish this term of
court this week, but It mny go
ovor awhile.
MRS. Jl'DD MILLS of Sumner Is
visiting In wnrshllnld.
C. CORDELL, of Isthmus Inlet, wns
a visitor In Mnrshflold today.
FOY COX, now ut Conlodo, Is spend
ing n few days In Mnrshlleld.
FRANK LAYTON enmo In yostorday
from Euroka on his regular trip.
WILL HOWRON, of Ten Mile, is n
Marshllold business visitor today.
FRANK LAYTON canio In yostordav
from Eureka nn his regular trip.
DR. and MRS. W.M. HORSFALL and
daughter. MARIAN, wuro among
FOR KENT FmiiWicd liousekeep.
Ing rooms. Enqulro nt dressmak
ing rooms, 343 South Hroadwny.
Ql'ICK SALE SJWO will buy two
level, cleared lots In nay VIow,
Win. Warren, at Curry's Harber
Two Popular Illustrated Lectures
VOH ItEXT Comfortable room
with stovo and bath. Phone
236-J; 7G8 North Second St.
FOR SALE frj wood, Mr and !
der, nt Campbell's Wood Yard,
Ferry landing. Pboae 15S-L.
' erj-body is thnt sn.
n's have the best Fountain
'u an .-
" "7 one and toll wim
If you want a good Dairy or
Stock farm see Fitzgerald or
Phono 3151, Marshfleld. For the
Iloineseckcr He can show you
somo of tho best in the county
for sale.
Parasol Covers
nt the
Marshfield Cyclery
Dnytou Agents.
Phone 1B8-R 172 nroadwoy
FOR TRADE Half truck Studcbak
er wagon, almost new. Slzo 2 3-4;
want 3 1-2 or 3 3-4 half truck wag
on. Must be first class. See J.
C. Donne, Phono 33I-R.
FOUND Lady's tan Dent glove.
..Finder may have same by calling
at Times ofllco and paying for this
Y0UR job
FOUND Gentleman's coat, having
North Bend Transfer Company's
check book In pocket. Owner
may have same by calling at
Times office and paying for this
FOR RENT An attractive modern
ly furnished front room for xen
tleman. 289 Central Ave.
WAXTED Position as nurse by
nvnarlnnred woman. Confinement
cases a specialty. Apply ' Nurse" j
care Times office.
Given by
Mr, John Lewtas
Traveler and Lecturer,
In the M.E. Church, 8 P.M.
Thursday, May 8th
'What I Saw in England,
Ireland, Scotland, France,
and Italy."
Friday, May 9th
"What I Siuv in Greece,
Turkey, Syria, The Holy
Land and Egypt."
Each lecture Illustrated
with over 200 views, taken
especially for these lectures
and will last over two hours.
Admission SOc; Two Lec
tures, 75c; Cldldren, 23c,
MRS. 8. A. ELDRIDGE loft this
morning via Drain and Gnrdlner
for her homo In Senttlo, nftor a
short visit ut tho homo of hor
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Rog
ers, on Coos River.
1). A. CURRY left Saturday for Los
Angeles nnd San Diego, whero ho
may docldo to locate. Tho leaso on
his present barbershop quarters
will soon oxplro and ho wants to
look ovor San Diego.
KAI'FMAN yostorday caught
about fifty Hue trout in the upper
wntora of South Coos Rlvor. On
the trip, Mr. McKoowu lost his
hunting dog,
HEN CRAWFORD, of South Dnkotn.
arrived In Coos Hay this wook. At
present ho Is tho guest of his cou
sin. Mrs. R. A. Annlii, of Myrtle
Point. Ho contomplntes going Into
business at Haiidou and Is expect
ing his wlfo nnd baby to Join him
rRED HAINES loft this morning
for Myrtlo Point to rcsiimo his
duties In charge of tho Smith
Powers road construction. Work
Is progressing on tho tunnel, which
will bo only about 2!i0 feet long,
tho enlarging of the approach re
ducing tho length of tlio tunnel
J. D. MILLS, tho gonlnl malinger
of the Galllor Hotel at Ilandon
spout Sunday In Mnrshlleld.
Ho roports everything prosperous
thoro. Ho states that Mr. Mutton
tamo in a day or two ago from tho
oil woll nonr Langlols with n quan
tity of sand that evidently con
tained oil, as tho mixed product
burned for awhile.
LIbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have
ALWAYS USED. Phono 75. Pacific
Livery and Transfer Company.
Trv Tho Times' Want Ada.
Penslar Buttermilk
softens and benutlfles tho skin;
will not causo tho growth of hair.
Prico CO cents. Tho Storo for
Quality Goods, Penslar Remedies
and whero every doctor's proscrip
tion will bo filled oorrcctly.