: IT' -, aimsmtotii& THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1913-EVENING EDITION. We are Busy ToM rearranging ll, 0,,(,a ,llul 0,i,,h of our Clothing, Shoos and . ......laiiitiL's stock loft over from our uront chiHlni'-iiiit nin 1 . ... .. ,t..ni. til f 1 1 1-1 ll f I ttlllBll till) lirlf'fiu lil-.l.ni-fi(.iri. (,, .. !., I ThU'8UC1 B nil clcarniico sale of nil thai Ih loft of theso BtockB. Wo nro nb- tutely nnd finally going out of this lluo of business ami -will ake prices Hint will movo tho goods. CoHt no longer cuts any figure, You can get gooila nt practically your own price. Do not alt for announcement of elenrnneo Rule, im goods will bo sold ov- i .... t cntii tirlcOH. ft:jm ' ""- COME IX AND SEE. , THE BAZAR The House of Qualty Phone 32. I-'AST AND COMMODIOUS irt teamer Re don do Kqulpin-d with wireless mid nubmnrlno bell JLS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, AT 3 P. M. ill I'fMFDfrer Reservations Fr 0111 Sim Francisco Must H Made at : 805 I lie HulldliiK, or iOinDard street l'icr 27. All reservations must bo taken up -1 IiourH lieforo sailing'. INTKR-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION CO. RONE U O. F. McGEOROE. Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS ;teamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. tiM.vn ritoM Portland, april hi, 2:1, ;o. iv n, 10, 15, 20, 1 25 AND HO AT H A. .M. sIM.Vfl FROM COOS HAY, APRIL 12, 10, 20, MAY 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AXI) 27. kUli on Mile to all ICustcrn points and Informalloii as to ionics ami rates cheerfully furnlslieil. lone Muln IM-L. P. n STERLING, Agent. L S. ALLIANCE KQUH'PKI) WITH WIHELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND SUNDAY, MAY 4, AT 9 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 ONNEOTINO WITH TUB NORTH HANK KOAH AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. ono 41 O. P. McOKOKOK, AKent. he new cniMMnn ff "earner Or CEU VV CLsLs (IT. K. HOSENHLATT, Master. Soils for San Francisco from Coos Bay About May 14. THE SPEEDWELL la speedy nnd lias excellent passenger accom-J vuAUUIU. IllriF.. liiim mill ..liv f.w.fkia mill ..livrrlf. U1M1IM tuill tehig. ' " " ""' - "" - For freight mid pnssngc, apply, ' Eitabrnnlr rvv tii nmirnniiu. anil Altstrnct Co.. ; 813-017 Santa Marina Hldg., Han Fi-nnci&co. Marsliflold. BE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AHSTHAOT COMPANY Utn t pbotoBraPl1l' coP'ca of all records of Cooa County to date, , , - mien, present owners, or any uwier imumimiuu icuuub rsitllStnte f"rnl8liod on short notice. 'wINLS.S OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrslifleld. JMiono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager STATUES WITH A STORY i - . "LEARN ONE THING EVERY DAY" 'BRADSHAW HAS FINE ENGINE N XO. I. 'NIK "LAOCOON" GROUP. Copyright, 1913, by Th.. Associated Newspaper School, Inc. 0 statute In the world has pro foundly moved so ninny people uh tliu "I.nocoon." Millions Marshfield-North Bend Automobile Lines , nfll PATRONS: iiiinmubllu HcketB nro now good on both lines betweon Marsh- Lj and North llend. GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE gazed upon It dtirluir tho centuries when tho "Venus of Mllo" way lying burled and unknown on the Island whence tho perfect marble woman takes her nnino. These sculptures, with the "Appollo Belvedere," nro tho most prized statues In tho world. Hut tho dlllllcultles of re production make the "I.nocoon" less familiar than tho two single figures. IjfS-Ttf V. "Hr'-7mm " A '-r LL .- l ,--? Rsa.:iTatraTKooW4W While tho 'Venus of Mllo" and tho Apollo nro works of sheer beauty, tho "I.aocoon" has tho majesty of terror. You may see a very won derful picture of tho sculpture In "Tho Mentor" for this week, and read also tho brilliant and authorita tive comment by Prof. J. C. Van Dyke, of Rutgers College. No one knows who modeled tho group; but, out of tho mists that clouded human activity before history began, has come the story It perpet uates. It belongs to tho time when vnucii k)VJtifi iuivii iiiu uuiiii in ju; - i ous unkcdncHs, with occasional dl-j vuiniiiu in, inu i ui in in uiuuuy ven geance. I.mxoon played a part In about the best known incident In tho Ho meric epic, tho drawing Into Troy of the wooden horse. I.aocoon was u priest of Apollo and an Important man In Troy; but he didn't have in fluence enough to prevent his follow citizens from bringing In that wood en horse, which was filled with sol diers, as you iemombcr, nnd resulted In tho downfall of Troy, after a slego of ten years. Tho legends nil seem to ngrco that I.aocoon turned from Apollo to Nci i - tune, even going so far ns to offer n bullock In sacrifice to the sen god. When ho wns prepnrlng tho sacri fice two fearful serpents were seen swimming toward tho Trojan coast from Tenedos. Tho monstrous rep tiles rushed straight toward I.nocoon nnd his two sons. Tho pcoplo took flight in terror; but the priest and the youths remained standing by the altar of their god. Tho-serpents first colled round the two boys and then round their fath er. In tho Btntuo you will seo tho younger son, thinking only of him self, fighting for his llfo, while tho head of tho serpent Is nlrcndy fast ened in his side. The older fon shows in nis nice the emotions Hint rend his soul, tho paralysis of fear and his awe at the awful fate of his father. Tho mighty old mnn is strug gling with nil his magnificent strength, splendidly, hopelessly. .Most of us nssoclnto Apollo with an Ideal of manly beauty, with nrt, with music. Ho is known ns the patron of nrt, of healing. He was tho father of Aesculapius, who wns tho father of medicine. Indeed, about seven different activities were attributed to this son of Jupiter, but first of all ho wnB known nB tho god who punishes. That 1b what his name really means. Laocoon was undoubtedly n priest of Apollo, nnd it was tho net of a traitor for him to turn to Neptune. Ono talo declares that I.nocoon had defied the expressed will of Apollo by mnrrylng nnd begetting children. Other dolvcrs into mythology maintain that I.aocoon and his two soiib were not victims of Apollo but of Noptuno. They hold that Neptune, being bitterly opposed to tho Tro- jansl wanted to show thorn, In tho persons of I.aocoon and his sons, tho fato that nil of them deserved. Tho fact that tho sorpontB were under tho control of Neptune nnd not Apollo Is cited to support this version of tho talc. Kvory day a different human In terest story will appear In Tho 'l lilies. You enn got n beautiful In tugllo reproduction of this picture, with live others, eijually attractive, 7 by !',. Indies In size, with this week'B ".Mentor." In "The .Mentor" a well known authority covers tho subject of the pictures nnd stories of tho week. Headers of Tho Times nnd "Tho Mentor" will know Art, Literature, History, Science, and Trnvel, and own exquisitu pictures. On Bale nt Tho Times office. Prlco ten cents. Wrlto today to Tho Times for hoolclot explaining The Associated Newspaper School plan Invention of Marshfield Man Attracts Much Attention at Portland Now. The Portland Telegram prints tho following concerning n remnrknhlo gas engine which T. K. Hrnwshnw, of the llrm of llrndshaw & Kimball, of .Marshfield. hns perfected: "Thomas F. IlratlBhnw, machinist, of Mnrshllcld, has Invented a gaso line engine, which Is a tlcpnrturo from the present' typo nnd which can be adapted to the automobile or any form of vohiclo propollcd by motor power. Tho fenturo of the now engine Is a rotary valvo, which will eliminate 10 parts In n lour-cyiinucr engine. "My engine will bo ns noiseless ns the electric motor," snys Mr. Ilradshaw. "U borders on the gen eral results of tho Silent Knight motor, which runs through the head of the cylinder In a chamber that Is reamed out with elenrnnce enough to allow for lubricating. "With practically eight moving parts to the valvo, ns compared with ICO to 200 pnrts of the poppet valvo type, tho simplicity In manu facture and maintenance win be no ticeable. "For ninrino purposo Is Incorpor ated an absolute positive reversing engine, the starting of which may bo performed by nlr or electricity. Under nctlon brake test my engine snows 25 per cent greater efficiency tlinn tho present types, the rotnry valve eliminating many of tho com plications." Mr. llradshnw says this now en glno will climlnnto 2G per cent of uunecessary weight without destroy ing efficiency, and enn bo produced for 50 per con less than the gen eral typo. While tho englno wns being mod eled, someone broke Into his siiop nnd Binnshed It. However, he suc ceeded In getting tho pnrts together and hns applied for pntcuts; others nro pending. Mr. Ilradshaw has been working to produce such nn englno for somo time, mid Is very optimistic over his new Invention. Ho says his am bition Is to perfect nn englno that will be adaptable to ocean liners nnd to that end ho will direct his energies. This new typo of engine Is being displayed at tho Mitchell, Lewis & Staver garage, Hast Morrison street. The CX & C Land Grant Case How It Happened. "I'nol bo mine," Bald tho coal mnn to tho lady toward whom ho enter tained n very warm friendship, and she, being tinder hearted, tho two of iciii struck up a mntch. TONIGHT at TEe Royal A POWKHFL'h DKAMA IX TWO HKKI.S, TOYS OF DHSTIXY. Uy tho Powers Picture Players This Ih n very strong photo dramr.. HOMAXCK AXI) HKAMTV. A comedy drnma by tho Nestor Co. AIlVK.N'f OF JAXK. Comedy by tho Victor Film Co. 1000 Feet of Xcw Pictures. Got tho hnblt and go to tho Hoyal whoro everybody goes. AXY SKAT, TKX CKXTS. .Madge Heiliey and Company hciv toiuoriow night, In The ltcason. LIONS 10 TIGERS ONCE ROAMED IN UNITED STATES Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TYPni Tne Tailor and IKJUU Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstairs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 10 Price, IilL-li In ninilltv. Electric Irons kin''"0 few second-hand hl.73 ""ruing condition S Irons, $3,50 up. MS Bav Wirino- fn "7-J 153 N uroadway ,RHIVKlf Sh!,w,,""c,,t of F.lcctrlc Cut III 7"' i- v 81e 0llr Btocl f Klass t diJ .. ,,ave 8me of the 1 two iwv ln 8".ower fixtures, Sl&langvvorthy fWffirtS""?. to b. "!' 11 y n want Ad, w. s. nnowN $ a. ii. hodci.ns Marshfield Paint (2b Decorating Co. Estimates Furnished. Phone 1H7-T, Mfindiflold. Ore. Baby C hoes I aby hoes See the new line of Haby Shoes at tho The Electric Sboe Shop nt 180 South Hrondwny. Gray Auto Service FIslicr V- Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Dlanco Hotel, 4G. After 12, 260L, Right Cafe. Marshfield, Oregon. Have your job printing done nt Tho Times offlce. B KXJAMIX OSTLIXH, Consulting Engineer and Aicliltect. Phono UV.l-h Mursliflcld, Ore. T M. WKIU1IT, J COXTHACTOK AXI) HUIIiHHIt Estimates furnished on request. Plans nnd specifications furnished if desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-H. OEh OSTWXD, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41t S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L J pKRIi RILEY UALLIXGER Piwilst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Uroadwaj Phone 18-L. w. G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms SOI and .102, Coke Hulldlnf Marshfield, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Huildlug, over Grand Theater. Offlce Phone 820. w M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfield. Oregon. DR, A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wtj are equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho verj lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldk".. Opv. Chandler Hotel, phone 11C-J. SAN FRANCISCO. .May 2. Dr. John Cnmplioll Merrlnni, professor of paleontology In tho University of California, delivered tho first lec turo of tho Spring session of tho Pacific Association of Sclontlfc. nod les nt tho San Francisco institute or nrt nnd for tho first tlinu guvo tho public tho results of remarkable excavations which tho unlvorsltv Is cnrrylng on In tho tar pools near Los Angeles. Skeletons of species of nnlmnls long extinct huvo boon brought to light. Remains hnve been found which show that America wan once the homo of tho camol; that tho Hon, oiophnnt and tiger roamed ovor Cal ifornia long boforo tho tlmo of mnn. Ilotweon 40,000 nnd Gu.000 bird remains have been rccovorod and of this vast numbor moro than 7S nro of species hlthorto unknown. Plants, seeds, vegetables nnd sped- CAN'T MAIL THESE. - I - A now rulo, adopted February 1 by tho Post Olllco Department, pro hibits tho exportation, Importation nnd transportation of tho following articles, considered dnngorous, In tho United Stutes mails: Alcohol. Poisonous acids. Alcoholic malt and vinous liquors. Ale. Demi anlmnls, not stuffed. Arsonlc. Heor. Hcnzln. Dond birds, not stuffed, Explosives. Cocnln. ' , . Ciasollno. Lottery matter. Malt Liquors. Morphln. Obsceno and Indecent matter. Poisons. Reptiles, living, or dead and not stuffed. Rough on rats. Snakes, living or dead and not stuffed. Strychnine Whiskey. Wine. These rules, which recently have been amended, have' been published, and sent broadcast throughout tho United States by tho government. Thero was on exhibition In Now York lant wcok n lo.'.f of broad, said to bo the largest over baked. It wolghod about 400 pounds and was twelve feet long. Tho Hour used amounted to moro than ono barrel and was composed of Hour from 1G0 mills In Kansas and Oklahoma. npim rf booties, worms nnd Insects hnvo also been found. 1 no commonest remains uncov ered nro those of tho ancient giant wolf. In ono space of four cubic yards 10 of tho skulls woro re covered. Dr, Merrlam considers nB tho most remarkable of all tho discov eries tho recovery of skeletons of camels. Several of these havo been found. Numerous skeletons of tho mas todon nnd elephants hnvo been found, ns well ns remains of a horse similar to tho prcsont nnliunl. An other rumnrkablo find was that of a bear which was two and a half times longer than tho biggest of tho present grizzly bears. Another remnrkablo find wns a lion which bears a resomblanco to both tho African and tho California!!. s. ROOSTS COOS HAY. Captain Mncgeiiu Tells of Great Pros pects of This Section. Tho Portland Telegram prints nn lutorvlew with Cnptnln Mncgenn, In which he Btates that tho reconstruc tion of the north Jetty hero should be underway within n month or so on tho funds derived from the unlo of tho $3,000,000 bond Issue of the Port of Coos Hay and also that the widening nnd deepening of tho Inner harbor channol and tho starting of tho bar dredgo P, S. Mlchlo on tho bar will soon bo renllzed. "Whon theso ImprovomontB nro well underway," sayB Captain Mnc genn, "It 1b bollovod that Coos Hay will bo ns accessible to deepwater vessels as any other port on tho coast. As u consequence every line of In dustry down that way Is booming. "Tho C. A. Smith Lumber com pany's mill Is turning out $20,000, 000 feet of lumber 11 month. Ten yenrs ago coal was about tho only product shipped from Coos Hay, but it has been supplanted by lumber ns nn artlclo of oxport. About four years ago tho mines gavo out and tho steamors woro diverted to tho lumber trade. Now coal mines thero hnvo been doveoloped by tho South ern Pacific and colliers will again bo In demand by next winter." "Do you bollevo It's bettor to havo loved and lost than never to have loved at all?" "No. When I was In lovo I lost time, I lost my heart, later lost my head, then I lost my Job and then tho girl shook mo." Times' Want Ada bring results. Times' Want Ads bring results. Have your Job Tho Times office. printing done at THE decision of Federal Judge Wolvorton at Portland Tues day whereby tho Government won Its contention rogardlng tho O. & C. land grnnt that hns boon ln controversy for tho past flvo years, presages n completo ultimate victory for tho people. Tho development of Oregon hns been rotnrded by the tying up of theso thousands of acres In t.ie various counties In which tho granted lands nro locat ed, and tho speedy termination of tho stilt Is n mntter to bo hoped for by tho general public. Follow ing this decision on tho part of tho Federal Court, tho nttornoys for tho dofonted rallrond comnnnv will nppeal to tho United States Court ui iiicniB, nnu wnntevor tno ver dict thero, tho case will undoubted ly find Its way to tho Supromo Court of tho United Marcs. Tho action of tho nttornoys In waiving nrgumont would Indicate that tho railroad company has concluded not 10 unnecessarily delay mnttcra, but to run tho gnmut of tho courts as speedily as possible. It Is expected thnt the Court of Appeals will tako action not later than October, nnd while tho Supremo Court moves with a good deal of deliberation, tho case Bhuuld bo finally disposed of n year later. In directing thnt a decreo bo en tered forfeiting tho lands to tho United Stntes, Judge Wolverton said. "Tho railroad company has sub mitted this case without argument. Tho vital question In tho caso is In reforenco to tho conditions that were Imposed by tho Government at tno time tho grant wns mnde. "Thnt condition was that, the lnmt should bo sold to actual Bottlers at $2.50 an ncre. At tho tfmo tho de murrer wnB tnkon up It was argued ably and exhaustively. At thnt time 1 proceeded to consider nil tho ques tions presented, "I understood that tho nttornoys nro not questioning tho soundness of tho decision nt that tlmo and that tho only considerations nt this tlmo nro questions of fnct. "I do not bollovo that It Is now necessary for tho court to entor Into nn extended Investigation of the testimony thnt has been taken. "The vital qucatlon now Is an to the conditions of the grant. Coun sel on both Bides havo stipulated us to theso facts: "That from 180G to 1903. tho Oregon & California Railroad Com pany sold nnd disposed of somo of Its lands to persons not actual set tlors In qunntltlcB exceeding 160 ncros. In several Instances tho company sold lands In quantities from 1000 to 20,000 acres at ' prices of from $5 to $20 per acre. In one Instnnco $3C nn aero was paid, nnd In nnother instnnco 45, 000 ncres was Hold at $7 an acre. "It wan further stipulated by at torneys for both sides ns to tho fnct thnt Jnnunry 1 tho railroad withdrew from sale all lands of the grant. Sinco Jnnunry 1, 1903, per sons exceedingly 4000 In number applied to tho railroad company to purchaso unsold hinds, such claim ants to bo homesteaders. They woro willing to pay $2.50 an acre. After Jnnunry 1, 1903, tho company refused nnd still rofuscs to sell tohso lands, claiming that all of them aro essentially Umber lando not suited to settlors. "If tho company violated theso conditions of tho grant, that land should bo forfoltcd. These stipula tions show thnt tho company did violate thoso conditions by selling nt a higher rate than $2,50 an acre nnd ln quantities largor than 100 ncres to one purchnsor. It was also a violation in tho withdrawal. "Theso show a clenr vlolatlpn of tho law nnd tho company put Itself In a position whoro tho Government Biioiild declare that tho land Is for feited. "Othor quostlons thnt have arisen In this matter aro subsidiary. The court has determined theso ques tions on tho domurror and tho Is sues havo not changed In tho least. "So far as tho Union Trust Com pany Is concornod, It scorns to the court that tho grant of tho com pany carrleB on Its fact what It Is. Pcoplo In dealing with tho grant must notlco what Its terms are. The Union Trust Company know of theso conditions when it assumed the mortgage." Since 1908, a great many applica tions have been filed for purchase of these lands remaining unsold, the applicants basing their action upon tho expectation of a decision ad verso to tho railroad company, and tho hope that the Qovornmont would ordor tho original terms of the grnnt compiled with. In this event tho applicant would purchase the land in tracts of not moro than 160 acres at a prlco of $2.50 por acre, snlo to be mado to bona fide Bet tiers only, Tho hopes of these ap plicants nro dashed, however, un der tho Wolvorton decision, as he orders that tho cases of the inter venoro, (tho appllcantB for pur chase,) bo dismissed. Whnt disposition the Government will finally make of tho lands when tho caso is finally decided Is not known, but moro than likely they will be opened to purchase or set tlement ns the Inter Indian reserva tions hnvo beon opened, either through purchaso at a fixed price or by lottery. Tho mothod Is not so essontlal as the putting of the lands to productive uses. There are largo tracts of theso lands in Coos and adjoining counties. Throughout tho country great tracts havo been held and develop ment retarded. Tho putting of these acres Into tho hands of Bottlers will bo the greatest boon that can come to Southern Orogon, "It takes my wlfo three days to go to a picnic." "How's thntT" "She takes a day to get ready, a day to go, and a day t,o get over t,"