J. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION. PERSONAL NOTES Another New Lin fiiank conn, town toduy. of Sumner, Is In r 6 -1 '"T1 fall l-l IJly?!!-? F r TT li i life ejrf Suits WA r faT'S? -. ,. . .i,S?K fi " mm view Mill ELKS OF Mil' VS. MARSHFIELD Manager Betlillion Scores At- Arrangements Made for a Ser tempt of Some to Shut That j ies of Baseball Games Ba- MU. MAO till Is in town today from North Inlet. .T L. HAIIKKU, .III., of Sumner, la In town on business. .MUS. C. IIAUUIS of Sumner la spendliiR todny in town. V. II. SMITH, of Coos Klver. Is In town todny on business. .MRS. K. 1-. HKSSKY mid yuuiiR s(ii arc Mm shOuld visitors today. .MUS. 10. MUM PICK, of Hnynos Inlet. Is in town BpendlitR the dny. MATT MATSON of CutrhltiR Inlet Is n bnslnesH visitor to town today. MRSMV. K. DHNOAN is recoverliiR from n severe uttnrk of tonsllltls. Town Out of League. Ilandon.' April 2S. Kdltor Coos Hay Times: In the Saturday's Issue of ynr valuable pnper. 1 notice that there wa an nttlelo headed, Ihindon Shut Out of the LoaRue. Kindly correct same, as It Is a fact Mint Ilandon Is not shut out. It scorns tint Mursh fleld, also North Itcnd decided to let the throe river towns draw lots to see who would be In the leiiKiie. and so Informed the different teams. While, we wore already In tho league, we offered to do anything possible to settle the dllllculty. and railed Maxtor up over the phone, and asked him when he was ready to draw lots, and nt once settle matters. He Informed us that they would not draw lots; we then offered to shnko dice, they would not do that; then we offered to lllp a coin, nothing doing: then wo offered to throw up, wet or dry, for choice, they would not do that; then ns a last resort, we offered to spit nt n crack In the sidewalk, and they would not consent to that. The only thing to which they would nKree. was Tor Coiiullle and Myrtle Point to vote iiRitlnst Ilandon. Such it bril liant Iden, and what n chance we would have too. Of course, we would take no such chance, and at once wired President Kern of tho results of our efforts. VU will take an even break and If beaten will lay down and quit, and work for the success of tho league; but we fall to see wherein Ilnxtcr has any Ioro! right to block anything. Wo also agreed to put three slips of paper with the nnnioH of tho three towiiH on them, blindfold some child, let It draw out two slips, which would be the two towns to bo In the league; nothing could be more fair than this; but was not to their liking. Any pood, gnmo or true sport will always take nn even chance, but these follows would not. Now wo have conlldenco enough In tho fans of Mnrshlleld. anil nlso President Kern of North Head, to feol tlmt Ilandon will not bo thrown down, mid out of the league bv nny such unfair methods. Tho mini who said that Ilaudoii rgfused to drnw lots Is a malicious liar. All Ilandon nskH Is nn oven brenk. Wo know wo nnvo every team beaten now except Marshllold, In othor words, the other three towns have Icicles bunging frum their feet. Any town who will not stand for a Biiiuro deal Is un worthy of being admitted Into any longue and should bo permitted to inliiKlo w Ith people of their own clnss (siiro tliliiK men.) As Ilandon Is tho only town on tho river, they should bo given nt least, it siiunre m-iu, I am truly yours. I1ANDON IttLL TKAM. .K. L. lledllllon. MunnRer. m ritJiir is im.xw. Dundee aiul Klllmne ween B. P. 0. E. At a mooting of tho Mnrshlleld lodge of Klks Inst evening, prollm Innry plans were tniiile for n series of names between the Ilandon Klks and the Marsl.lleld Klks. One game Is to be played In Mnrshlleld. all ot nor In Ilandon and the third. In enso one tenia wins each of tho other Raines, will be plnyed nt Co (inlllo or North Ileml. J-Jxnlted Iluior W. II. Kennedy ap pointed W. K. Host. II. .1. MeOlnr 111 lil ntul (ieorgo l.nlrd as a commit tee to look ufter tho llunilon tenin nud .1. W. Gardiner. Archie John ston and W. C. Montgomery us a committee to handle tho Mnrshlleld i-'lks team. It wns Hinted Hint progress was beliiR Hindi) on tho pinna for tho new bulldliiR. M. I). Sumner nud 0. E. Cook were elected to membership. The following Is n list from which the Coos liny Klks will choose their chnmploushlp team, slx'eeu, count 'em, sixteen, nud every man n star: K. 1). McArthur. W. II. Kennedy. Mr. Moffitt. II. K. niiltnmn. .1. A. Johnson. I). O. C.nrdner. W. K. incit ers, II. K. Iluruiolster, I.. .1. Simpson, W. (1. Chnndlor. Uoy Wernleh, Wnr ren Pulntor. Cluy Chnmbors, C. W. MontRomery. T. C. Ilurvey, nnd Dan KentliiR. It Is plnuned to Ret tho Mnrsh lleld KllvR out next Sunday inornliiR nt !i o'clock for practise at tho Fairgrounds here nnd nny Klk who tltlulis he can piny ball Is urRcd to bo there. COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL SCORE Venice Shut Out and Oakland Wins From Los An geles Team. i I STANIMNtl OK CM' ItK. I I Won. Lost. P.C. i I Los AliRoles . . . . 10 10 .040 Oakland 14 12 I Venice in II I Sncmmento .... 12 l.'l I Snn KrnnelBco . . 1 ;i l G I Portland 10 14 A. S. HAMMOND returned todny from a business trip to Portland. L. II. HAZARD, the Coiiullle hank er, was in Mnrshlleld jestordio $12.50, $15, $16.50, $18.75, $20 and Up to $37, We have no hesitancy in saying that tho woman who selects her suit in this collection will procure exceptionally fine value, An extensive variety of I .'I. ....I!l., n.i!li. n( -lMinM'Inlilr, mnlni'inl ctlno I1I&I1 lllcllliy SUlia Ul uuyuilllciuiu iiimiuhuii oijiuo 'i4 N Av'fiS .a,j..' 1 "!.. .!il!l.. I 1 ..mrl,mnnnl.ln nUnnlln4. fi.1 ' VDl . L aUUlOlliailVUiy uuiiuut ctnu wuimiiciiioinij uauuiiuiii. fv , 10 minme aeuuia. 50 &j&Wv . ssyL l23l nr5l.iV' iy : i. ir.Tir :?k KAUNKST I-'INNKM, of Sumner Is a business visitor to Mnrshlleld today. A. J. WKtTON. of Portland. Is n business visitor In Mars.hlleld today. WAIlNKIl OtJHKN returned last ulRht from u business trip to Portland. MRS. K. MUVailS spent yesterdny at' Coiiullle, tho Riiest of Mrs. Walter i Culiii. MUS. nOYl) LATTIN, of South Coos Klver, wns In Mnrshllcid todny I shopping. I Hinait plain tnllotetl iiiodeN Hint linpiirt to thole wearers int Indescribable nlr or .innrluoNs; inaiiy fancy styles tiliiiined wlt!i laces silk brnhU, einbiolileiy, Miliii, fancy buttons; nNo new lliilRiirlatt cutnuny mill .shirred hiiNi line ellVcts. In these suits will be found men's wear Mi'Ut, lledfoid cord, whipcord nud snugger new iiilMtnes, Kuch giunient richly lined and tiliiimcil. All sles, Including stouts. SPECIAL COATS At $15.00, $16.50, $20.00 and $25.00 Doens of stales, both fancy nud plain tailored mul cmli one showing a leliuetl elegnuce. .Mnteilals Include corded silk, jniicy checks, hoiuesputm, shephetd plaids mid dlng onals, shown with (lie sjuartesi collitis, lexers mul cull" .stjle.s. Threi-iiimter mid seeii-elghth models, miidi with rounded culnwaj lioitts. S.iiiii with belled backs. Delight ful novel ellects In trimming, eer such M,le, such iiial ItV, mill-such dlwTsliy ul these low prices; self joke or pean de evgne lined. VAM'KK NOT TO UK lU'PIilCATKD KI.SK-WIIKItK. Alteration Department in Store I I W ! I . V A - JA ) C -?S","! 1 1 lT -TI - 'i .MUS. W. V. MIM.KIl rotnrned on' the Ureakwat'er today from n short i stay In Portland. CAUL AU1UKCHT returned this inornliiR from l.nkeslde, where he has been several days. Mil. AND MUS. K. M. (HJPTII.L. of South Coos Klver, nre spendliiR tho day In town on business nud pleasure. Oil. II. K. HKUMAN. of Myrtle Point, returned homo on the niornliiR train ufter it snort visit in Mnrshlleld. J. J. STANLEY, of Coqulllo, ninile n short business trip to Mnrsh lleld yesterday retiirnliiR home this morning, M. PALMKU, tho plnnn-ninn, leaves on tho lledondo Saturday for San Krnnclsco, where he ex pects to remain for n tlmo. MUS. . A. ANNIN, of Myrtlo Point, returned homo toduy nftor n short visit with Mrs. J. c. Swln ford and other friends on tho Hay. .r:8 .r.t7 I .48 I .448 .417 i JMiutieo ami Ivlllmnc (,',, Twenty Ititiiiiils .lillliiiii,. Knu.i-lif. LOS ANOKLICS. Mny I Johnnv Dundee, of New York, wns rIvoii it (lljr AiiiX'UtrJ I'rrii la o Tirr Tlmn. PORTLAND. Oro., Mnyl. Venlco turned tho tables on Portland roster- day to tho tuno of two to nothing. Yestordny'a Riimes: It. 11. K. L. M. TOCIKU AND WIKK will lenvo tomorrow for Portland mid Ku roho wl-ero thoy will spend n couple of mouths vIsltliiR friends nnd relatives. O'Coimell Kids. Iicmcnibc)' the Savhuj." "MONEY TALKS" at Hub Dry Goods Co. Phone Ml IS HELD BY Ml C. O. HOCKKTT AND WIFK AND MISS IIOCKKTT arrived horo on uiu iiiuiiKwaicr miniv nrinr n i....i.... ..,, ... .. . .... ul...... ..I..I. I i, .1 . . '"h'"H wuiiii nun Dili iUIIIUieil iiy v"1m,II"x'" l0"ft, nl other on armed band of Moxltnn rebels Everet Nymanover Returns From Old Mexico and Tells of Thrilling Experience. Kvort Nymanover, tho Mnrshlleld plnno tuner, who returned yester day o tho Uedoudo, from a trip throiiRh Mexico, relates a HtraiiRO oxpoilenco ho nud a company of American tourists hud il'iwn iu Lower California. Thoy woro BtiiR Iiir, early In February. throtiRu tho const country botweon Knseunda, tho capltnl of tho provlnco. nnd Tin .lunnn, when of a sudden tho wholo .l..n i. ... . ----"" r..."ii ii. ... '! !"" "' MlH ,w,ii'y-iound llRht with Johnny Kllbune. the foatli orwelRht champion. ,lt ,, Vernon nrona. Klllmiio npparently outpoint ed the chnlloiiKor In eery round, but ilu Itullan s dosporuto twentieth Hnlsh. In the opinion of Kofeit'o Ky ton. earned him a draw. The dei'Uloii wns decldedlv up. popular and tho crowd Milcod lt ills npprowtl at the termination of the battle. At Los nuirnloM . Twenty J Los miRoles ua Kin n (I At Snn Franelse San Krnnclsco , Siicruinento At Portland Portland Venice One philosopher reinnrks that Entail Ih on the Job twenty-four Iiouib a dny Still Hint needn't worry the man who U seuBlble eiioiiKh to rci to sieep m n reaMiuaiile hour eery IIIKHI t; 14 o 8 1:1 ti II. II. K. 1 7 :t It 14 L U. H. K. 0 4 0 2 r. i SICK AT TCXXKL. .Many Wiiikiiieu at Not I Tunnel Are Laid t'p. The KiiRone KoRistor says: "Dr. John Whlteuker returned from u trip to Not I tunnel yesterdny whoro ho looked nftor tho sick, and roports Ion i tot n men In the hobpitnl nt that plate. Several of them have scalp wounds, others hao tho Rilp and still others me Indisposed. Ho says there is no hiuullpoN nmoiiR tho Northern OroRon points. II. II. ALLKN AND FAMILY, of Oklnhoniu, nro expected to nr rlvo on tho bay within a week or two to locnto. Mr. Allen will bo employed nt tho IJusy Corner. HAIIIIY HKTIL ropresontliiR tho Polk Directory Comnnnv f Boni. tlo, arrived In tho city yestordny and mndo to march under drawn snbors to tho provisional fort nt Tin Junna. Hero thoy woro uncere moniously lined up ns so ninny cnt tlo nRalnst n IiIrIi wall nnd woro to bo shot stono dend nt sunrise tho noxt inornliiR. Meanwhllo a loud desperate cry was henrd all ovor tho nolRhborhood: ."In tho name of fnlr common senso mul Inscrut ablo justlio." Nyniunovor cried out, .....i i .....i .i' "-.":." " j""" ... "ai'iH?i'r. ? ""I1' "A0 1 nnd beliiR nn honorublo and worthy .;.;,.: '""", ,oouo OI ma, '- cltlzon under tho stnrs nnd strlnes. ! I daro you. Rontloinen of Moxlco, jto executo your evil iIohIriib! Wo VVW J MAX. M. TfnilPirra f ai..u .. erta Is! , broil or of m n ' ".ro "J""1- "nlot' t'fiil trav- ." ' wno understood KiirIIs,,, ran Mil. AND MUS wnnniii'PM n i . r,',, "' l" ,,,u ,l",0, Knorai am fruit llustrv l ,. ft ti ' ,0,K 8l,ot' ,ho 'nuiRers woro let CLI.l.INCS (!' COyi'ILK Coos Comity Sent News ns Told by Tho Hi rulil. L, L. lleiitlerHtin, itROtl nhont twen ty yen: i iU tl yestordny nt tho oilier Rency Imsiiital In llnnilon. A H'rf'or. nrrlved f. iiii SeatHi. before hi de-tth and lil b dy will bo taken (hero r.r burial. Kriri I lie duui;!iter, two iiiouths old, of Mr. nnd Mrs. Krnest Plcpp, died Friday. II. K. Slituo has returned from a lout; visit In California. II. W. Dunham hnH boiiRht the Illlllard hall and elRiir stuud of A. Leach mid is now a fiill-lledRod mer chant of this city. A meothiR will bo hold nt Masonic hall on Thursdny, Mny It. for tho purpose of tulkliiR ovor mid explain Iiir the nmendinentH to tho city chnr tor to bo voted on at tho election of May IL Tho friends of Mr. Karl II. Consor In Coiiullle nnd vicinity will bo nlens ed know Hint ho hns boon chosen cnBhlor of tho now Palsloy Natton.il Dank nt Paisley, OroRon. It Is llkoly that (Julovson, otho," wlso known its "SoiiRStackon," who has been lnnRiilshiiiR in tho county Jail for Homo tlmo on account of offenses committed on tho liny, will bo pnrollcd by JihIro Coko nnd al lowed to ro to work on ono of tho CoosMver fnrms. K. A. Deckel recolvod yesterdny n beautiful mounted nntolopo head from n friend nt Colorado SprliiRS, to ndd to his Museum. Ho says ho also luia n buffalo head on tho way. 1 ON 11 A pessimist Is n mnn who thinks Hint whon ho Rots to henvon It will bo n wnsto of time for him to look around for his onrthly nolRhbors. Steamer Sails this Monunil for Eureka With Good usl of Passengers. Tho Alllaaco sailed thli u,tJ for Kurekn ttlth a ROodllitcli soiiRors, ninny Icing Donna mv from Portland. She will w horo next Sunday for rt"1.. AmniiR thoso sailing catU nnco woro tho following: J. (I. VoKel. V. W. ITInijaj Ilenso. Venn Hcaio. FerniBjoBti Mrs. II. K. Ilensc. W. 0- II. A. Curry, T. O'Connel. 0. Sen? W. II. Hunt. V. L. Karbroajli.il Lovy and I). A. .Miner. in t I..I.4 !linfllLl. ArrniiKenicnts hne b botweon the town of CId ; tho Florence Kltctrlc CorarWl which that rompany ; " J furnish llBhts for Ibe W ncross tho rncr i ":;", plant In Florence '"rft of lt nolKhborlng ton i..i- tn. i.nih Inwns liii" ,J,lshed 'by miojctjL. -ThobPdbUR carries typnoWJ Tho Bdontlst thus fret. Is nothlnR In th? world " M..ul M.. Kill nil uur ""- tmuwu ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. TIIOS. HUYANT. of Hnynes Inlet, which thoy did, Nyinanover more so in hnsto thnn nil tho rest. Next is in .Mnrsii o d. Mr. llnant ,v..i.i ,7, .r. r ,U!U' 0Xl who recentlv sohl h s rniich on ) ' i K ho w,,,,l. C0I11lnny of sup the Inlet. o poets to lonvu nox?' H! ",e" .r f,".,,1 8af,,1-v lnm'' week for. the' Kast. wliw VS ! 2? I . B' pects to locato. Mrs. llrynnt left uiu imj nuout MX woeks oro, GKv?m0li 0TX0. f the Woolen UIU Store, will leave tomoirow on tho Ilreakwntor for i.,..n...i where ho will confer with J. I,! I " man mui niso meot the ron resontatives of tho larRo Kastorn elothliiR umntifactiirors and plnco orders with them for his Fall lines. FHKD KIJIH8. son of F. A. Krlbs, tho well-known Portland tlmhor man. nrrlved hero todnv for a short visit nt tho hoin'e of his uncle, Oeoi-Ro D. MnndiRo, r North Dend. H0 nlso visited his obi friend. Frank D. Cohan In Mnrshilold today. ilo mn K0 t0 MMtle Point and will spend omo mo with the latter looklnB after Imberlands In which V. A Krlbs is Interohted. On top of tho rise overlooking the ocean at San Pedro, Cal . Is a mile o biuiRalow havliiR a Hreplate that Is open on a 1 sides, The llreplnu is s unusual Hint the city of d- wcle" IfZ b,u,,,Hn.B PJrmU ecttuBo of H, jet the inventor Insists tmt i i perfectly safe. entor Insists that It Is nt tho Hotel Iniporlal nnd somo nt V. S. Orant Hotel nnd for moro thnn two months Nymnnovor re mained In sunny Snn Dloiro. tnkiiu. ft rest. slRht seeing and dolnp busi ness, besides ovor thoro In tho com Iiir Rreat Pannnm Kxposltlon city nt Point Loma Hay. TLMIIKlt CltCISK CASK L'P. Simpson LorkIhu Com,,,,,,,. Wlll Test Credibility f l'iiios. MOTKSANO, Wash., May 1. 1 ho. suit of the Simpson LorrIor p1om,mn1 "f s,ii0' County, to test tho credlb llty of tho recent cruise pf Chehnlls County will b0 tried boforo JudRO Clifford, of Piorco County, horo tomorrow. Judges Sheeks nnd Irwin woro both romov I'd from the case when Attornoy Abel swore that they woro preju diced, .lorry Meailllctiddv. 'chief ""'op' re,Hlanloil by Assessor , , ' oy n"(1 "tl'ors. cruised tho M nt- .n01,0'.1!8. '" V110"'!'1" mid stntos hat they will mnke n Rood sIiowIhr tomorrow, h The county cruised tho Simpson LosrIiir Compaq's holdliiRs. then ordered n rccrulse, the dlfferonco beliiR 100,000,000 feet. Tho com pany then broiiRht suit for a robato In taxes, Let Us Tell You Some of the Real Advantages of Our FIXUP CLOTHES 1 '7 Pi Hi I K 1.1 "J V . ffa. 'ftssfe. n j si i lH(l.imilo Tluin.B'0U, Jjg Sl.oulderN fettlng snug. & lowlnR tho coats i to bang actly the right !.,.rmancnt Mlf"$ ittttlA by thousands '.'pit"1 .rather thnn a mere F . I- 411 W .,Thoro,.RhI .'"'fiinlngsl nilirkb, Ho.hs an d ' arJl. ''''-r!l:,P ':,' Usa iStlon- teo survi- "- Oarincnt crH 51.;, cry .'; ,r FXup c your nione bacK j arf & , woiir. ui - lull ti - the i"" satisfactory. The.se mo only n r id ..ninth In "' ' HtfrlorW- of hhow their M'!'" Cm, vi in KHLOU MOl A CO i. cku. ua, f JUHI.uil.lal $8.50 to $25.00 ''?')??(V,l,i,,"S?slW FIXUP rarsbfieUl Kortb yor 3$