L3mi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION. " i 8MB i . j " . . " Real Live Bargains In Housefurnishings We will not waste space or words in detailed discriptions, but will ask you to see for yourself the excellence of these bargains. "tMBM Beautiful Set of Dishes for only .of D:shc:$7.5o Large size Dressers, ( 1 A 7 CT vp IV. i J bevel mirrors, only Solid Onlc Extension Tables, only '. $10'00 Hemstitched Scrimm ( A Curtain, per pair, only sj) 1 ell Hemstitched Scrimm, by r)A yard, only . . . 6lfL 9x12 Axminster C)A AA Rugs, only . $6U.UU 9x12 Canton China frf? CA Rugs, only . vp0.3U ers' fringed, fcA ")? Couch Covers' fringed, only MAY TIDES. , ii Ih Riven tin timo nml ueigiu oi nign mm low water nt Mnrshfleld. Tlio titles nro placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino nml heights on tho scroiiil lino of each iluy; n cuuipnr- lson on roiueeutlve IioIkIUh will Imllrntu whether It Is high or low water, ror high water on tho liar subtract 2 hours III minutes. ' mire. . n.ai i l.n? r..2s o.oo Ft... l.fi i. on i.a o.oo 2,111s.. o.iu . oil 12. ao o.io Ft.. r.3 i.i .i.o i.i 3 lira. . o. in 0.17 i.i7 0.18 i-'t... n.o o.o '1.8 i.o . Let us show you through our beautiful store. Here you will find what you want and save money on the price. PERRY & NICHOLSON SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY. A. X. W. Club with Mr. W. P. Murphy. Unstable Sewing Club with K. li. Haines. Norwegian Ladles' Alii with Miss EIrIo Lnrscn. Ferndnlo Sowing Club picnic nt Suinnor. Fortnightly dance nt Finnish Hull. FRIDAY H. Y. I'. V. with Mis. C. 11. Marsh. i Irish Crochet Club with Mrs. I Hendry. I AT Till: HOTELS. r For diseases arisim? from impure or impoverish ed condition of the blood, use Arch Sarsaparilla, Oregon Grape and Cascara Compound Tin Ix.sl blood purifier there is. IMMCK 1M31J 110'I.TLE, $1.00. Mone refunded if nol salisfnetorv. For sale at t!ieI)lSY COIJN13H. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US I mil going (o Close Out Illy Business nt once nml to miv storage will off it ; Some Rare Bargains in Furs, Rugs and Taxidermist Specimens I nl have n llni collection of 1 Agates mitl I'rccluu Stout's Hint will In sold cheap. .My store will lie closed Siiliirilay, . us cxpt'i't In leavo .Marslillclil ' Monday. don't delay, co.mi: at once. T. SALINQ; Taxidermist , Pioi.ihuiy. opposite Times office ORPHEUM TONIGHT IOOO Ft. of Xew Pictures. "KlXfil.VU OUT l'Al'A Vltngrnph Comedy. T'H. I'XSl ,l,l i:d OATH Mexican Story. "OXOij THY .MOTH Kit A Powerful drama. F-l-Mll.Y .l.R An Amusing Comedy. Admission 10 cents. fasol Covers -- .iuhs OF ALL COLORS ut id.. Warslifield Cyclery ..-.. .,Kc,IUf. 173 Broadway L158.R '""Mrleii,, fr, Ba,,,iB 0f 01ll. tt Collector ? 1 - "no. rail nml Ketone. ' IOii I.... Niin . .".T' tp,i ' riiM '"" "'inoiit. fan bo Ull ('Jll-lli.i.. .. 11 I ---,--a lia ni-ll " floors. yTea,Coffee& Spice House 5i5iLAVe, Phnn MQJ.T '4v8USPnT,S,k,nd Y0U navo TVan.fr',??lB-PflC,flc -- vuiUHUU, TONIGHT at TiTe Royal FAUHWKLL XIOHT OF TIIOSH HAGTI.MU KIDS, XAYDKXXK AXJ) LKR1U, IX A COMFLKTH CIIAXCiK. Don't full to mo tlieso clever joiihk I'litoitnlneis. You won't regret It. I'ltciiros-. MnkliiK Viiclo Jealous.--Eclair. Quarrel Crystal. Kvlilence Neator. Olrl of tho (Jolileii Hun 101 Illson. I'nlviTMil Proiiraiu. Tlio best show; tlio best inusle; tho best, always tlio best, in the city. AXY SKAT. 10c. Art Goods See our new line. I'lllow Tops lliiivnu Srhrl's. (Vnter Fleces, IMIInw Frlnut. Table Ituiiiiers. I'lllow C'anls, Tray C'loibs. Values ami Styles, "ALWAYS SOMKTIIIXG XKW.'l Peoples' 5-IO15c Store HOOSKVKIr HKIOHTS SX.VI'. Wo will soli sovon cholco rest deiico lots on corner of ICtli and Johnson, lovol, bay view and east expoHiiro, bohiK the cream of the plat, for $1000. This is not a sleeper, and should receivo quick action. Title Guarantee & Ab stract Company. Have your Job printing done Tbe Times office. DAIRY AXD STOCK FAR5TS. If you waut it good Dairy or Stock funn see Fitzgerald or l'liono Uim, Mnrshfielil. For the Ilomeseeker He can show you homo of tlio bost In the county for sale. DISSOLUTIOX XOTICK. To whom it may concern: You will please take notice that tho co-partnership heretofore exist ing between C. F. McGoorgo and O. F. Wallace under the Arm name and stylo of Typewriter Exchange and Supply Co., was dissolved on tho 20th day of April, 1913, and tho undersigned has takon chargo of an property, credits, contracts and accounts of said co-partnership and assumed all the liabilities thereof C. F. McGEOUGE. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, tiy a Want Ad Times' Want Ada bring results. WEATHER FORECAST. Ily Associated I'resn Oregon Probably fair to night anil Friday. Light frost tonight. Westerly winds. LOCAL TKMI'ERATUHK RECORD. For the 21 hours ending at 4:ia a. m.. May 1, by Heiij. Ostlliid, special government me teorological observer: Maximum -,-, .Minimum ;m At -4 : 1 :t a. m Ill Precipitation nono Precipitation since Sept. 1, 111 12 GS.flS Preclpllntlou same period last year B-l.73 Wind: .Northwest. Cloudy. I.euve ToimiTow. C. W. Thorn nnd George Xoblo nro listed to leavo via Drain tomorrow for the North. nor that ho Is Just completing a home ut Mill Valley. Just outside of San Francisco, nnd lins named It "Villa Mlllli-oma." Meet Friday. A meeting of the Patrons and Teachers" Club will lie held nt tlio Mnrslillold Central School building Friday afternoon nt t o'clock. Olllfors will be elected nnd other Important biislnuKs trans acted. All parents nnd others in terested In the welfare of tho schools and children are Invited. Mairlcil Here. Frank L. Smnll wood mid Mrs. Jennie Jones were married Mouilny evening at the Swedish Lutheran parsonage, the Rev. .Inn. K. ("tatnm! uflli.lnllinr M,. Sninllwood h proprietor of the linl- iimoro enro at Ilromlway and Com mercial. Mrs. Sninllwood formerly conducted the Pioneer Hotel here. .Mr. and .Mrs. V. A. lluell were the witnesses, The riiiiuillrr. W. S. Ilnyes and' wife. Portland; (5. E. Gibson. Snn Francisco; E. H. Urown, Portland: C. A. Fletcher, Portland; J. L. Clieetlinm, Snn Frnn- rlsco; A. 11. Almqulst. Snn Francisco; . L. II. Croniwall, llerkeley. J. J. Stan ley. Conullle; Ilnrnre Nichols. Ilan- don; 11. T. Ilolden. Portland; M. M. Roborts. Wnnkomo. Oklahoma: Geo. W. Moore, linn 'on: O. S. Mlsh and wife. San Francisco: J. E. Oien. Ray Point, Cnl.; C. V. Illll. Detroit: R. 1 C. Sinelcer. Porttniid: T. N. Pi;liiglp, l San Frnnclsro: A. J. Wolton. Port land: Dr. H. E. Hermnn, Myrtle Point: CluiH. F. Pope. Ilnndon: O. G. Ilughson. Portland; L. II. Hnznrd, loiuiiiio; v. I,, campzoii. I'ortinnd; E. O. Samuels. Portland ; V. L. Hous ton. Portlnnd; O. P. llrynn, Portland: Mrs. E. K. frnwW. Pnrtlnml: Mm jF. W. Radford. Poitlnnd: Mrs. Chas. Hiniiii, i'ortinnd; Edna Nlolson. Port land: Mrs. Anna Reed, Portland; 1). F. Simmons. Portlnnd; Geo. Colo brook, Portlnnd. Illniico Hotel. L. O. Ross and family. Snn Fran cisco; Evert Wymnnover. Snn Diego. Cnl.; Geo. Wilson. Empire; Tom Kin ney. Coos City: I). II. Conver, Klnm ath Fnlls; V. V. Diiggan. Engl? Ridge; J. II. Hill. Sonttlo: C. E. Har nett. Crescent City; .1. W. Sclmter. Cresren' City; Geo. T. llnniniond, Portlnnd. Lloyd Hotel. L. C. Lockhain. Roseburg: J. M. Palmer. Seattle; J. H. Chont and fam ily. Sent tie. .Ml'l'l TiitiiniriittvTlin Vim n .r Unn ............... ...v,- ......f w-, fililO Ci..lalt. .r II. rt V. n..ln.. . .1. ...... I. i ..u wwic ii ,iiu ai,,i ;SIII vllllllll will meet tomorrow evening ut the church purlers. Luncheon Saturday. Mrs. Wil liam Hoi-Hfiill. Jr.. will entertain at a luncheon Snturday In honor of Mrs. A. S. Eldrldgo, of Seattle. (Jive Recital. Tho pupils of Mrs. Pearl Riley llalllnger will give n ro cltal. this evening at Mrs. Hallln ger's homo on South llrondway. Snow In .Mountains, Mr. Durgaii, who returned yesterdny from a Htny at his honiestend In tho uiountiilns beyond Myrtle Point, -reports Hint It snowed some there the other day. Visits Here. J. E. Orcn, formerly general ninnager of the C. A. Smith mill, but now engaged In the nianii facturlng biiHlness nt Ray Point, ar rived hero yesterday on the Alliance en route homo after mi eastern trip. He stoiined to visit hln niirmiiu Mi ami Mrs. Otto Oren. nnd with other rciauvoH. lie expects to leavo In u dny or two. He Is rapidly recuper ating from the effects or his long Ill ness. Disappointed. Geo. Goodrtim wns as crofs as a yard arm on a telephone polo today beriuise his famous "l'nlgo :n" automobile failed to ar rive on tho Rroakwater. Through some hocus-pocus mlxiip between tho company mid the transportation peo plo the car whb not on the bout to day. Dr. W. A. Toye, who lins pur chased tho car, wns also dlunppolnted. Ho threatened to pull out one of George's teeth ami George threaten ed to blto the gonernl folght agont but after n promise to have It on tho next Ilreakwator without fall hostil ities were avoided. I WANT ADS. Very III. James Ferroy, Sr., tlioj well-known .Mnrslillold pioneer, Is, critically III at his homo In South Mnrslillold' and today It wan feared that the end might como any time.1 Will Wed Soon. Coos Ray friends of T, S. Mluot, a former Mnrslillold lawyer, havo received Invitations to attend his mnrrlago to Zlpporah Ful ler -at tho First Presbyterian church In Snn Joso, Sunday May II. College Women, A meeting of tho College Women's Club will bo hold nt tho Marshlleld Chamber of Com merce rooms Saturday evening, May 10, Rev. John Lowtns will nddresH tho meeting mid all college women aro In vited to attend. Stmt Itond Wink. E.. X. Ilnrry was In from Drowsier Valloy yester dny. He reported thnt no ..nil es tablished his ramp mid commenced work on' Ills contract on the Drows ier grade, employing nlioiit 2u men. Coiiillle Herald. Iliillds Home. A. E. Pollexfcn, n former Coos Iluy man, but now en gacid In the real estate business In Snn Francisco, writes Gporgo Rot- Contest Hearing. Iloforo Land Commissioner Arthur K. Peck to day, tho laud contest of Robert Symington versus William J. Rust Is being heard. Rust entered tho tract, which lies on Isthmus Inlet nbove Mllllngtou, as a homestead mid Symington claims It Is conl liiud mid entered on It ns such. Tho tract wns overlooked for years, It being generally supposed that it was part of tlio old Coos Hay Wagon Road Inud grunt. Symington Is conducting his own cuso and this morning ho, M. J. Rnrnes nnd J. It. Humes testified to show the Inud was underlaid with coal. Has Narrow Escape. While crossing tho street from the Clay more snloon to the Red Cross Drug Store, W. R. Unities had a narrow i escape from being run down by an nutoinoblle. The car driven by n woman, came around the corner nt n rapid pace Just as I Millies started to cross. He caught sight of tho car Just us tho lndy driver ('might sight or li I in. Doth. In mi effort to avoid a collision, started tho same win This Increased the dan ger and for about ten feet Haines broke all records In making a quirk get-away and thus escaped being run down, but It was a close call. 'OR SALE CHEAP Tho pool tables mid equipment In Mrt cIiirs con dition Address G. II., Cnro Times. FOR REXT. Mplit li'iiisckeeplug rooms. I its North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms vtlth bath. First nnd Alder St. FOR HKX'lwriiiYc liouseldeplng rooms, furnished or iMifurulshed. !i"0 North llrondway. 'Ol'ND l.aily's brooch ami pocket knife In Masonic Templo dny af ter Elka Dull. Owners can ob tain same by Inquiring nt Times olllce. FOR REXT. 102 1 El rod. -Furnished rooms. FOR SALE H.iosler kitchen cab inet, heating stove, range, dining tnhlo, wnshltig marhlno, boiler, tubs,- rooking utensils mid num erous sundries offered cheap. Mrs. Woodruff, R02 North 2d st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. Enqulro 3-10 North Second St. or Phono I20-R. LOST White Spit, dog. License No. 03 on collar. Reward for return to Tho Gunnery. HOARD mid ROOM At new Hunker Hill bnnrdlng house. Orna & Llud bind, props. FOR REXT Miulem furnished house 12 rooms and bath In North Ilend, nenr Park. Enquire Times olllce. I'OR SALE Doen sacks Hurlmiik soed potatoes. Phono 30CC, Dnn Mattson. WANTED Man ullli some capital to tnko Interest In good btisluuss proposition on Coos Hay. En qulro Good Chance nt Times olllco. FOR SALE CRKAI' Good farm horse. wolKht 1.100. Phone 277, Mnrslillold. ,. IHSBii9B "My New Studebaker" There's a note of pride in the remark. To own a Studebaker buggy is to own the finest, clasaiest looking, lightest running vehicle on the road. Slender, yet sturdy wheels, flexible bent reach gear of the new Studebaker pattern, well proportioned, graceful lines, upholstery of the kind that makes you want to lean back and enj'oy yourself, apd the Studebaker double ironed shafts, strong and shapely. Why wouldn't any man be proud to own a Studebaker? FOR SALK Fishing hunt, nearly new, cheap for cash If taken nt once. Owner leaving river. Ad dress L, D. Judy, Allegany. I I'OR RENT Furiilslicil housekeep- I lug rooms. Enquire at drosemak- lug rooms, 313 South Droadway. I I'OR SALE Team of horses. In quire at 005 FlamtKHii mid Ninth I St .I'OR SALK Cook stove, HI2, 'M7 Nor'h Droadway. JQIICK SALE ijiiWll Hill buy two level, i-leninil tula In fluv Vlow. I iii. Warren, at Curry's l)nrbr hliop. FOR RENT Comfortable, mom with stovo and bath. Phono 23B-J; 70S North Second St. FOR HALK Oil wooit. (Ir and al dor, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 1M-L. Fax m Wagont Dump Waifou TrucU Pony CanrUgct Sec our Dcoltr or utile ut. Dcllvtry Wgon fOl STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NEW YORK CHICAGO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DENVER MINNEAPCUS SALT LAKE CITY SAN FBANCISCO PORTLAND. ORE. Breakwater Brings Many People Today And evoryono of thorn will sooner or later find their way to Sartor's, bocauso that's tho place to got tho bost fountain drinks and the finest candles on Coos Day. Try It and seo. Poison Oak cured by us'ng DERMOL. A pleasant, reffc hlng, antiseptic, and cooling cream