1U tS3QDH.L"2iXlS THE COOS BAY-TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION. I III IS DYING Ler Kino, of Florence, Does lNot Believe He Will Live -Strange Story Told. ti..iltitir iirintB tilts noren lu,i.nkn KinB." wlio Ib slowly PBV KloriS cIoch not bollovn B?mrt.blo''",-tory fro... ....nrp Uivh"" . .he KIliK. '?or, KI0W" V" t'Mh. w II vo till August and lilt he ." . ...... will liu an em. fcitt 'I, 1 ,10 himself II W..B" '"''. iinnwi that th.. fcrW ,u" ,'..' .in,! which Imp fl",!!! ilCtlOn. ".."T-'.r'-pnr.,,, hMgelcai -'- ,i,iu t,i .,,., Wi"? r.v, to Lor.) IP0"., ... unriinnt ClirBO BO KfOnl ", h ImllH ns .i relief that mil- 111 "U . I.I...I tlllO.l 111 ..it curse o iiuuimii" n"'" " ftffi. reptile which brongh. utb Into mo wi " Un the early part of Anoint, 1 87G 'n ??u I'.ttlmp Klllir wnB I) nk V blackberries In tho mountnliii irked In It. Biro,.. Btrck iio 1, Bj without wnrniiiK u,unu" '" .. .. i-,iv iiiinii ii Ir leu n little fa, tho knee that lie ilrnKRuil " l. .,n uOilnnlnir nnil lurk I UK fo) 100 jarils or more. Ho reached imp all riRiii; ," i "" ".'..., fr.im ilui loir and tin round healed In n fow weeks imf irolably. as Ho noneves, nu uu abiequent history of tho blto, nl bt lufferlnB It ims caused una ur trinjo, almost incrctiiuiu, nnuu una u'lmiii not have occurrct kad It not been for ono clrrutnstnnc L-tbe time of tlio year. August, n L .n known. Is doKB days, am isrlnc this month snakeB Bhod, thoy lr bund ami inoy Binao hi uvury Eltj they hear. It was tho bite t blind mm hiicuumk Him no uiii r.,nhi ilnir iIiivh and recurreu tith Into the life of I.uthor Klnir I For twenty yenrs, nil unnccount lilt period of dormancy of tho effcci Lit iftitru-nrila tunic nlace. ho WOtl boat sound and well, tho suako blti nctlcally lorKotton. Tnen, on im nl rfiv nf .Tnlv. IXflfi. Im felt ii lie Hilar Irritation on tho bitten leg ka( nrnn tlin Itmlon anil not lust be kv the knee whoro aipcnred tin. krirnf tho lilte. Tlio next niornllll! Itcuit, 1, lie woko up feeling dlzzj ltd to una Hint tlio irriinting spot or iu inee was a running soro, rouei alhtbonn. All (lint innntli bn Bleu Rnm l.litwn In lu'pulv linnrn n ilnv jnnk little, ate scarcely anything i me rtinciions or ins uony stop ltd. On the first of September Ik rot nut nf liml ninl cnllnil fnr annin pg to cat. Ily tho fourth of Sop pier tho soro was completely heal jOa the last of July, tho next yoar leu again an Itching on his Instep o Itchlncs this time, and ho fel' fur as with malaria, Tho nex orslDR tlio year-old scar upon lilt u:p naa revived Into n soro am' lot two Inches nway was anothoi p, both running and both rotter the bone. Airaln ho Blent tho wholi pth through, with llttlo drink oi w, and Ininglulng In hla dollrluu In a rattlesnake was colled up Ir wieg, under tho skin. On tho lira1 V of September ho got up hungry ijmeiouriii or September tho soret kr well. Aad so on tho Hrst of August oi ita year, with inoxpllcnblo regular 1 for elcliteen years, his onforcoi' t Of COIlla mill rnntlncf lino lirv Mi all tho scars of tlin nrccnillii' Cm h.1Vo rev,ved, acrompnnlod uiv r"ij oy a now soro, and wltl rjiilly strango regularity, tho Borci r never tanea to bo entlroly honb P b)T the fourth of Rnntnmlinr II ij has eighteen scars upon his log, KLi, Bore on h,s ,nBteI'. Hko o friodlc volcano, has rovlved olgh- " umes; tne second, sovonteon . ana tnuB it becomea a simple uDltni In nmprrtQDlnni n fln.l ilinl f,!!1" Ing- blUo" OIco by a live r-nu8ne, naa been robltton aoven- times by an Invisible and ghoat '"e, that all through each Au Bines colled thoro a droad and un l .mimsl8 ul,on '8 leg. nut Btlll .i.. ". n m as Btrango In Its In- Wcncles as In ita conslatonclea. uuai errect, aa hna boon noted. ' until twenty years after 1 Olte tonV lllllnn .. .1 !. .. 1 WO did not lironk mil nnmu till lVZT'r?-Ryat- it .r . "" "" rt! ?u lndeed, aB ho bollovea and cu.' .at a Pretornaturnl corres-M.-S ,8..b0nB worked out bo- his life and tho llfo of th-. : uat mt nlmi ..,.m je8t k0 n rll in AuL'iist 'i . on..o .it oi.,i L?'f Jhe ,filln comes right off my ii i , V."n a,ul l BleP nl" t'10 J- And I'm plzen like a rattle- lUli. If va ,,t0 yu August tVhlnU; Ho B,WBy" 'ns thought ir f ,.n 'no sores reach tho num. ip incrwo ".':" u",eB- wy w,n fi ih i'B umi Bl0P reviving, ,',f'(houBh ho knows nothing of i t v ouuuo except mat u mia i, .,KO one "o as oeen . its nPefully each vtmr think. Kiul ." ratUeS had at laBt beGn Tolev ifi.i ' nfe In ii . ,,,,S rePay 'our con- Uttiea ie r lleal,nB and curative Je nV. i ,y k'dney or bladder not bevnn.l tl. ni. -. ji Wllllli v"a cn ui mum IU o" y'eld to their use. Mrs. Cor- 4kffJ ,' Ardeo. Mo., says, '' t von. . "muuor uuuuio jor ilt PiMb a 5 uottIea ot Foley !a. aii il?ra..eyery ono who uses ' PresprT. u,ey cure"" e.M fct'J? Frn"! t 74 -----! uuuuior noioi. LAYS FOUR EGGS IN TEN HOURS Plymouth Hock lien llrrukx AH l.ny. lug Herords. IIIIOCKTON, MnBS., May t . lilg-li cost of living does not bother MIhb AugitBtu C. Norllng as long as alio can rnlso Iioiib Hint lay four eggs ev ery 10 hours. "I Just tako good caro of my Jiviib and thoy make return by laying plen tifully," alto said. "I guess no ono In tills city has got a hen that will lay four eggs In 10 liouru, nnd I ll wager there Isn't ono In tho country that will beat that record. My I'l'ggy In (iiecn of thelock. 1 have alwiy.i made it pet of her. One day last wool: Bhe was sick and I took her In the house. When I carried her back to roost there was an egg In tho basket at the house. Tho next mornng when I went out to boo how alio was getting along I found In her nest three more eggs that she had Inl.l during tho night." IjAikji: TitiWHAitrc kou.nd. (JlimtH of Forest Orow TVenr the Muse of Mt. Hood. ' HOOD KIVKIl, Ore., May 1. "In the forest reserves between tho head waters of the west fork of Hood ltlv er and the Hull Hun lake aru some very largo trees, bigger than any 1 have over seen anywhere cIbo In the Northwest," says George T. Prathfir, a pioneer nowBpnpcr man and or chardlat of tho Hood Hlver Volley. The trees are said to bo several hundred feet high, nnd to stand on tho lint of a hidden canyon. Steep bluffs on either hand shut In the gorge n which they renr themselves nnd this reason Ib given for failure of those who Ilsh In the Lost Lnke district to have found tho traes. There are two species of tho great trees. Ono lms a yellowish nnd not very rough bark and Is straight and ch round as a caudlo. It has no llmbt. to a great height and has n beautifrl crown. Tho second species Is collar. MCKNSi: CliKIIIC WANTS matkimoniaij iiuiu:aij. Itccolpt of 1!,0(M) I.cIUtn Is Cutisc of Mm Kor Phut. SHATTLK, Wash., May. 1 A Btnte matrimonial agency is tho pl.ui ot Clnudo F. Cage, mnrlagc llceuno clerk of King county, who Is work ing to have a bill providing for uuch bureau Introduced In tho next log Islnturo. During tho lust twelvo monthf. Mr. fin go has received letters from more tlinn 2,000 persons, mostly women, living In all parts of the country, asking him to assist them. In finding suitable llfo partners. Nearly 1.00 applications came from women living In tho largo Industrial centers on the Atlantic ocabonrd. Mr. dago has boon assured that u bill covering his plan will bo Introduced. NOTICK. In the District Court or the United Stntes for the District of Orpgon. In the matter of the state of Arthur 8. Dlanchnrd, a bankrupt, in bankruptcy. Notico Is hureliv irlvnn Hint tlin TniBtco herein lint) Died his report Oil tho Bale of tiersnnnllv nf tlin above estate and that I appoint and nx aaiuruay, .May 3, l'jis, at 2 o'clock p. m., as tho tlmo for hear- nig any ami nil persons interested therein to nrotcBb or rIiow rnnsn why said report should not bo ap- provcu aim said saio conurmcu; said hearing to bo held at my olllco In Mnrslillold, Coos County, Oregon. C. A. SNHI,imi3DI3, Heferoo. Aug. Frizeen IlKAfi i:STATI2 AND IXHUJtAXL'K. Some bargains In city ami Hunker Hill IoIh ami residences. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance ,244 North Front Street. Have That Roof Fixed NOW 8eo GORTUELL l'HOITO M21. A mnn living nt Auburn. Now York, hud a sovero attack of kidney and bladder trouble. Delng a wording man, not wanting to lose time, ho cured himself completely by using Foley Kidney Pills. A yoar later he says: "It Is a plensuro to report that tho euro was permanent." Ills name Is J. A. Farmer. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy, Frank D. Cohan. Oppo site Chandler hotel. Phono 74. THE FIXUP TWO .STOKKH. Marshfielcl North Bend Save Money on Your Next Suit at Either Store Walk ono block and save ono dol lar on onvh pair of men's nnd boys' shoes. Wo do llrst class shoo re pairing nt the lowest prices In the city. Yours for a square deal, Aug. Olson. UI5 South Hitmilwuy. JUST MiOVAVKU A large shipment or IClcctrlc Cut GliisH .Shades. Call nnd boo our stock of glass wnro. Wo also havo somo or tho latest designs In showor fixtures, from two light to flvo. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy The Safe Light If electric light has nothing else in its favor than its safety and its healthfulness it would still be the best illuminant. Anxiety for the safety of children has no place in electric lighted homes no matches are needed. The Pure Air Light Pure air the greatest preventive of disease is assured, owing to the sealed glass globe within which the light burns, It can neither consume the oxygen in the air nor throw off impurities, Prepare for an enjoyable Summer by wiring your home this Spring, Electric light is only one of the many conveniences and , pleasures of the electric wired home, Telephone 178 and let us submit figures, Oregon Power Co. Second and Central THE RECORD rHOTOQRAPUINa AnSTRAOT COMPANY Have photographic copies ot all records of Cooa County to date, abstracts or titles, present owners, or any other Information relating to real estate furnished on Bhort notice. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front Ht., Mursiineui. mono ion W. J. RUST, Manager BIG VALUES I MEN'S SUITS rfsAllWool Serge Smite, 1 1, $12,50, $14 and $1 Others do not and can not come within $3,00 to $5,00 of these values, We have also received a nice line of Suits in browns, tans and other Spring shades, These values will make you open your eyes, Boys' suits from $1.50 to $6.50. 25c four-in-hand ties, 15c. TSie Golden Role Broadway and Central, R, A, Copple, BAMDQN BY THE SEA THE CITY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEX ACHE TRACTS FOUR MII.KS SOUTH OX COUNTY ROAD $:W PER ACRE; 100 CASH, HAhAXCE TWO YEARS, XO IXTEHEST. XO TAXES, FIXE SANDY I.OAM, IjKVEIi REXCH IiAND. By One It Will Make You Money DomtaH MacKimttosh REAL ESTATE nnd INSURANCE. HRST NATIONAL BANK Of COOS BAY The growth of this bank is the best evidence that its policy and methods are in accord witli the demands of present-day business needs, The farmer, business man and timberman seeking reliable and satisfactory banking con nection will find this bank prepared to take care of their requirements, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IX COOS COUNTY. Established 18H0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $110,000 loin 'M nll on Time Deposits. Of fleers: J. W. Dennett, Pmddent. I. II. Flanagan, Vice-Pn'Mdent. R. F. Williams, Cashier. t.'eo. F. Winchester, Ass't Cashier. Goodmm's Garage home of the CADILLAC and P0RD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 111- (Vntriil Av. Phono aT.'t-L Buy a Home on Easy Payments A modem cottngo In Sengs tncken's Addition, $300 ensh, balance on easy Installments; $2000. I. S. Kaufman (Sh Co. Parker & Leaton Real Estate, Rentals nnd Iiihiimiico Locktmrt Hulhllng. Over Huh Cloth hit: Store Miirshflcld. Ore. FOR QUICK WORK, FOR PROMPT WORK, ' FOR GOOD WORK, Telephone the old reliable Coos Bay Steam Laundry We always deliver the goods. Phone 57-J Marshfield -- ! - Be Up fo Date Order your Suit from TVvrr The Tailor nnd VJUU Dress Expert U7K Front St. Upstairs. City Auto Service Oond Cars, Careful Drlrers and rotiBonnblo etinrgos. Our motto: "Will go nnywuoro at any time." Stands Dlanro Hotol and Dlanco Clgnr Storo. Day Phonos 78 and 41. Night Phono 46. HAUKKIt nOODATiK. nmnrMow A modern nncfc . uiidlug, Kloctrls Light. Stonm Heat. Elegantly Furnlshod Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O 8 O. A. Mellln, Trop. lUtcfl: HO renin a day nnd upwards Dor. Rroadwar and Market Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo them tor rent or for salo. Machines Ropalred. Suppllos and Needles for Salo. W. J. RITZ. 131 Park Ave. Marshfield. Phono 280-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Etrward II. Strauss A Co., Flno Tailoring Let ua make your next suit. 2Hf$ CENTRAL. PhonoMO-X New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE CO., UUVi Front St. Phone a-IO-L Marshfield, Or. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMUER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO RY USINO OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. 1 HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mr. Coqulllo Office Phono 191 Platting Lands a Bpeclalty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshfield Office 14-J. General Agents "EASTSIDE." Bowling Alley! JJ75 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening Especially for Ladies First Class Weaving promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Hend. Or. FAMILY DINNERS In our now location, we aro es pecially prepared to cator to family trado. Regular meals or short or deis. . . Open day and night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Hroadway and Commercial Mfld. COOS HAY PLATE AND WINDOW Glass CO. J. A. Goodwill and W. E. Sawyer. Plate, Art and Window Glass, Mir- i-oih, Prismatic Glass. Mall orders and phone orders given prompt attention. Estimates fur nlshod. Phono 70-L. 727 So. nroadway, Marshfield.