THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913 EVENING EDITION. KIWFO 0 W. 8. I1I10WN $ A. II. IIODGINS Marshfield Paint (2b Decorating Co. Kstlnmlcs Furnished. Plwnn 187-1 Mnraliflelti. Ore. Low In price. IiIkIi In quality. Electric Irons Wo linvo n few hccoimMuukI Irons In good working condition at $1.75. New Irons, $.1.50 up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1G3 N. Urondway Marshfield-North Bend Automobile Lines TO OUH PATRONS: .... , . ,. , Automobile tickets are now good on both lines between MarBb fleld and North Send. GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE Baby Choesf aby hoes Rro the new Hue of Unity Shoes nt the The Electric Shoe Shop nt 1H0 South llitmihvay. FAST AND COBOIODIOUfl, Steamer Redondo Equipped with tvlrelcM and iubmnrlno boll SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY, MAY 3, AT 8:30 A. M. All I'AMcniter Itcacrrfttions Fr otn San IVnnclsco Munt IJo Mudo t 805 Fifo Uulldlnjf, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up 24 hours before sailing. INTKIt-OQBAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McGEOUGE. Agent. NKWS OV 512 YKAHS AfiO I (From The Coos Hay NeWB, pub lished nt Mnrshllold, April 28, 1880 Slglln & Dennett publishers.) Mr. Orlnrod's school on Coob River commences next Monday. Mr. Lobrco has Joined the "mill union." They offered him $200 per month to let his mill lay Idle. P. W. Donnelly, a minor well known In Coob county, died suddenly of heart disease nt Unndon last wcok, Mrs. Kotuor commenced a term of Bchool In tho ncadeniy laBt Monday, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY B KNJA.MIN OSTLINI), Consulting Engineer and Architect. Phono IO.'Mj Miirshflcld, Ore. JAI. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND HUILDER Estlmntcs furnished on request. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. An honest Job guaran teed. Phono 124-H. JOEL OSTLINI), Piano Tuner find Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SteanishJP Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND, APRIL 1, 2!l, HO, M Y 15, 10, IB, 20, 25 AND :) AT 8 A. M. SAILING FROM COOS HAY, APRIL 12, 10, 20, MAY 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. Tickets on sale to all Eastern points mid Information as to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phono Main JJ5-L. P. ij. STERLING, Agent. pERL RILEY HALLINGEK PJuiInt and Teacher Uwidonco-Studlo, 237 So. Droadw) Phono 18-L. W U. CHANDLER, Altl.w. Room 801 nnd H02, Coko Hulldiai Marsliflfld, Oregon. R. W. .MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Hullding, orcr Graad Theater. Olllco Phone B20. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR PORTLAND SUNDAY, MAY 4, AT 9 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH 1'ACIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono -14 0. F. McGEORGE, Ageat. TThe White House Resttatnirainit NEXT DOOR TO HLANCO HOTEL You nro Invited to try our sorvlco. Wo aim to use only tho best of everything nnd plcnso our patrons. MANOS DUOS.. Proprietors Call and See Us. Gray Auto Service Fisher & Tucker, Proprietors. Phone orders to Ulanco Hotel, 40. After 12, 2G0L, Right Cafe. Mnrshflpld, Oregon. $5 REWARD for any wutcli 1 cannot make run. E. C. BARKER JEWELER Flno Watch nnd Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St., Marshfield. with nn nttondnnco of thirty scholars, Henry Songstacken has declined tho nomination for coroner on tho Ro publlcnn ticket, Midi. Munroo hns been substituted. Three families arrived last Sunday direct from Nebraska, consisting of twenty-ono members. Thoy nro going to sottlo on tho Coqulllo River. Tho hoodlums of Emplro npponr to Imvo u regularly organized gang for the purpose of robbing Indian graves and perpetrating otuor crimes. Sev eral of them are In Jail, Tho settlers along tho Coos Uav Wagon roiul nro almost without any menus of communication with tho mnrkots on which thoy must rely. Tho storms of tho Inst winter ren dered tho road practically Impassable nnd thoro appears to bo but very llt- tlo prospect that tue compnny will expend any money upon It, nnd tho settlers along tho road nro not per mitted to work out their road tax upon It, nnd thoy nro unablo to open It at their own oxponso, nnd as it belongs to n corporation It cannot bo changed to a county road. Now wc aro Informed that tho company would bo willing to surrondor tho road to tho state, free of chargo, and the state hus heretofora granted aid to other ronds In varloiiB parts of the Btato. Coos county never hns receiv ed one cent's worth of nld from tho stnto for nny Internal Improvements, neither out of tho ROO.OOO aero grant nor out of the sales of our tldo, swamp or ovorllowcd londB, and If tho county can show n public neces sity for stnto nld, nnd then demand It In n proper nmnnor, It would appear Just as rcasonablo thnt wo should re eclvo propor consideration ut tho hands of the legislature, at tho next session. liKV W'UWMD: "Klols Man uTuX I'ltzlniRh rccentlv e?der n Jinny s wlmrf from,le ,.' tt , ,2? lo-mnkurs ItiinBVn 'olio ft bohveen the Put, in oi rv" ' Uandon C"rry CoT life Colegrove .... " mcuiu ,. . nnvidso,;::: : "ess 'j Mlflcellaneoiis ( , Total 'J Tho contract n'ricV ,f":,,J5,00l P.r'ng of the il.. ,! f..r C "o, which will brine n c."u llvory P to ,7G0K00 ,0U1 ,'w days aJV thoro was a cnie ! " iwn. The patient l . .1" h JMo of Winger bettertV' ' Hcil," who has been dri.i ' M the BuWne.M,plS?,1 Florence West 'lttpiet(" Hot.-. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AM) DAY Stand front of Ulanco Hllllard Parlor TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono 200-L Residence Phone 8-J. Careful Drivers -: Good Cars W M. 8. TURPKN, ARCHITECT Marshfield, Orognn. T-R. A. J. HENDRY'S U Modern Dental Parlors. Ww aro equipped to do high clan work on Bhort notice nt tho very lowest prices. Examination froe. Lady attendant. Coke Dldg., Opi Ghnndlrtr Hn'el. phnnn 11T-.T. SaS SPEEDWELL CA1T. K. HOSKMIIjATT, Muster. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay About May 14. TUB SPEEDWELL Is speedy and hns excellent passenger accomJ mouaiions, largo clean aim airy rooms una electric nghta unil wireless. For freight and passage, apply, A. F. Kstabrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., 01U-U17 Santa Marina Hldg., San Francisco. Marshfield. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Packers. Carpets Cleaned. 1'iirnlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained nnd Repaired. 382 Front St. Phono 196. Leave orders at fining & Harvey. IF YOU CAN'T PAY INSTALL MENTS, GET THE MONEY HACK TiTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. li proparcd to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. W meet all tralm and boats nnd wo also havo tho latwt stylo Reynolds Piano Hover. XVt guarantoo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-Tt. 120-J o-L Court Rules You Cun; Judge .Makes House Refund All It (Jot. IIUFKALO, N. Y., April 30. A mnn who uuya morchnndlso on the Installment plan and falls to keep up his payments can recover nil tho mon ey pnld If the Installment house takes tho goods nway from him, accord ing to a dcclBlon handed down by Justice Louis W. Marcus of tho Su premo Court. Tho plaintiff In tho caso paid $99. 7G on furnlturo valued at S18G. H defaulted In pnyracntB agreed upon under n conditional contrnct and the furnlturo Iioubo Bolzed tho goods. Ho sued for $99.75. Justice Marcus holds thnt thn nur- chasor did not wnlvo his rights In n sale, although ho authorized tho mer chant to hold a public or prlvato salo of tho goods. "Tho ngreoment that tho defen dants may retain all payments for rent or hire for tho ubo of tho goods Is Ineffectual," Justice Marcus rules. "Tho payments woro mndo on tho pur chase prico and not for rent, nnd ho Is entitled to recover tho amount paid." If you have a good thing ndvortlso It, but do not expect tho nowspapor man to do all Just for tho glory ho gets out of It. Ho can't live on glory, though It Is a. great thing. SomethincjNftvy To BrighjenJJrnj Home Do you brighten up the hoc, every spring? At this season more it,.. ... other tho rooms look , ih0J. they needed the touch of iobV iiiiiik new, f!llr!nlnu ..,. . . T , , sipc ina run. Linoleum for tho kitchen, far. imuro ror tho dining room, u uuu ennir or tablo for th ,. Ing room." a now cover wnij innko that couch look quite pret ty and Inviting. Think these things 0Ter will, you consult tho admtUemesU li THE TIMES. Make a Hit of rt you need nnd how much you cu ntiord to spend, then go throBik tho announcements of the ibom represented In THE TIMES ij. vortlslng columns. TIiIb will make your ihopplst easy nnd doubly effecthe. Tho grcnt calamity In Omihi iii quickly overshadowed by thetHrillj disastrous Hoods In Ohio. Grtitnf forlng and sickness from eoMi ul exposure resulted. L. Poole, Jill California St., Omaha, wrltee: "; daughter had avcry aovero cough isj cold but Foley's Honey and Ttr Cob pound knocked It out In to tin Refuse substitutes. Owl Prttcn tlon Pharmacy. Frank D. Coin Opposite Chandler hotel, Phone II. r - "Learn One Thino; Every Day" THE ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPER SCHOOL It's Purpose The Coos Hay Times lias joined a number oC Hie leading newspapers of the United States in an educational movement to make you well acquainted with the world's knowledge by devoting five minutes of your spare time each day to interesting reading and to looking at beautiful pictures. It's Method 'To enable you to acquire this knowledge with out special effort, so that you may come easily and agreeably to know the world's big men, big things and big achievements. It's Advisory Board The Associated Newspaper School is conducted under the advice and counsel of. an Advisory .Board. Each member is a recognized authority, 'and has supervision over one of the departments of educa tionLiterature, Fine Arts, History, Natural His tory, Travel and Science. ADVISORY BOAIiB. JOHN O. HIBBEN. . .Pres. Princeton University HAMILTON W. MA.BIE Author ami Editor JOHN C. VAN DYKE ALBEiif 'Wrtiv?' JiUt(JCrS C0lU(JG , . Director N. Y. Zoological Park DWJC1 1 IT L. ELMENDORF Lecturer and Traveler It's Plan First In the Coos Bay Times every week day you will find n gripping human interest story about a famous person, place, picture or other subject. This story will give you, in a con cise manner and without unnecessary details, just what you have wanted to know about each subject. Second Tho Mentor is issued every week, and contains an illustrated article by an eminent author ity on the subject of the week. The Mentor also contains six beautiful pictures, either in color or in intaglio-gravure. THE PLAN IS SIMPLE In The Times every day you will find a brief, gripping story giving vital facts about people, events, places and pic tures. Once a week you will get "THE MENTOR," an illustrated publication containing an article, by an eminent authority, on the subject of the week, together with six beautiful pictures in intaglio-gravure or in color. LEARN ONE THINO A EVERY DAY A ITS SCOPE BROAD This plan of taking in valuable infor mation by a simple and attractive method has been carried out so far as to cover all fields of useful knowledge. It will give you a broad acquaintance with the treasures of the world in Art, Literature, History, Science, Travel and Adventure. It is a liberal education, easily and agreeably obtained. LEARN ON12 THING A EVERYDAY A. ITS AUTHORITY ABOVE QUESTION The plan has been warmly endorsed by hundreds of distinguished educators throughout the country, and it is con ducted under the counsel and super vision of an Advisory Board made upoi eminent men, each of whom is a recog nized authority in some field of knowl edge. What you learn will, tneretore, be worth while and trustworthy. 44 CHERURS IN AKT" IS th t0piC f thiS Wek'S leSSnS' (ommoncS Monday. X i " X"V IX 1 Reproductions of the world's famous masterpieces. famous masterpieces. Six Pictures and Mentor Only 10c at The Times Office