The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 30, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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flJOB lag tm?0
A small nil In Tin- Times Mint
column limy brim; yon rcsiiUs mi
mediately. Try one.
nrc best '"""' through '''I""'1' wnnt
"jjItrml them! Va thcinl They
pet rciilK
. ouvil Kstnlillslicd In 187H
VOL. Xaavi.w, tiic conHt aiuii.
. Consolidation of Times, Const Mull
nd Coos liny Advertiser.
No. 244
Rebels Kill Wealthy Men Who
Refuse to Give Money to
Cause 01 ncuemun.
Millionaire Dingwall, One of
Wealthiest Men in San Luis
Potosi, a Victim.
!,. i i rl TriM lornni Hr Tlmw J
. iiv A. .1.11 10 VAM1.
I ' .. 1. 1. ...... ..II .in A
I 'lam H itniKiii. . .
! owner of fuiidrv and director of
the Santa Mm in Dc 1 .11 Paz Minim;
ComMiH " ,'l,,u"' '' lll rpl,u,H
Tcfterda " "" attack nil Mutu-
ala In "e K,,lt0 r Slln liU,K
rstofl molding la wiird hero.
ij,-Snll if alii to lio ni of tlio
incallhltat n slur-inn 01 n"' iiinuni
mil "us Un" d because ho rofusod
.. i.A in 1 in llin relinlfl.
IWBi"' '""'"' " "
itr.mxs taki: tow.v.
r.lino Mexlcnn Clly Where C.iik-
Ki'iiliclin miiciht in iiciiirii.
I'; A lrl IT F, to Con llV 1 llllwi I
MKXICO CITY. April .'10. After
- . . ...... I........1 ii !... II...
I I Kill '"I" umii'ii - I iiiiuin, inu
jtWk lme eiiptnrcd .Mntohiiala,
ufTO ulie !! t jihj ii iifehviiiii -mi niuui- i
len Is lornted A minor uprising
L r- II... Min.iiitn in in i.l.w.l.
en the Isthmus of 'lohuiintopee Ih
reported aim: siiAi.v.
InijslWiiucn and Other Foreigners
Killed hy .Mexican Rebels.
D; Ako. Utril I'rip, Hi I iw Hay llnm.l
canaccr of a llrltlsh owned mliio
at Matchunln, San I.uIh Potosi and
Mfcral other forelKiiorH woro iiiur-
red liy .Moxlcan rohols hecauso
thejr refused to eontrlhuto money
to the revolution, Xelther thonnnicH
tor numbers are kIvoii l tho ro
port. n:in:it.i.s ahi: dksicuti.vr.
lllufrtn'H Sdldlers Now .IoImIiik (Ik;
Iti; AutrliiM Vint lo Coo. IU; Tlroti.)
N0(iAl.i:S. Anrll :tl) nonnrllnir
Fuleral soldiers from tho (luayamus
farrlson nro rejoining tho Insur
ant tlnto troops nt Knipnlmo.
Thlrly.flvn rrruuo-wl In nnn fpniin
The ConstltutlonallstB' nttnek was
CnlP(1 111 fi ulmrtni'ia nt nitiiitini-
plantation I'oreiuan Is Taken Into
ID; Amxlilfj ima o Coot Ilr Tlmn.J
JIKXIPO PIT' At.ll in An
American. William' n. Wofford," foro-
r w mo snnta Ilosa plantation
far Ollt IriH III Hnvoi.n I. no l,n
-..-...... ... UI.AUI.U 11140 IJUUII
k i h .w,1"11 "t "rst woro thouBht
o be reliels hut what turned out
' w a baud of Irregulars of tho
"hiiiciii. wofford was placed
CHller nrrnot I . 'ii i
III . - iiuiiiiinu ill IIIIUKCII
" treatment to Hold hands.
I"'i Pin. in Helping iiiimi rnsti-
urn. in Kansas City.
IWAt'O 111. I I'r... l i ... .
l vim Mf IIIIIC..J
KANSAS PITX' A ...II 1A rn...
a- . lf UVi-lllU
rru are iiii.rii,i i.. i... i. ......
Inrnnri ..i; 'V ,,' "'. "Vv. u,u,,
IImii. . "l"111 m a nro mat nrnc
2 destioyed tho annex of tho
boon. institute this nfter-
T0 vaiam: uaiiavavs.
P"ar'l "f KiiRlnecrs ApjKilnted to
'M'l'iaise iiui,
18; AllArlil.l n .
Wasii.vV. ,0 cooV,,tJ ,,B"-'
Utersta E. ?"' AT" ?0.-Tho
y nnX """"u'co uomnuBsion to
oird I f V'1 tl10 Iraonnol of a
"111 01 Clll!lnpnril fn n.ilol l ..-
"1 a of ' i18 f0,r th0 )h'8,cnl vnN
t fh; ral,roi(l8 and to havo dl
kt i5.5? or carOing Into effect
'oim: pics iiinTEit.
I1"""1 ,V,, K Conference,
All. It l A . ...
tB,AJ'V """"' '"".
le !;' :)vm 30.iopo Plus for
fM. dpJJ. . ?lnco llls recent 111
rr mem f",,eJ1 t0(,a' from hl8
Zl tf floor ,)eIow whoro
Lose i, ""18 llla audlonces.
'J mm i acco,"InnIed his Holl
50Plete recovery was now
Ardln'r'. - WeensP.
re v, K. ,0 wol frt
om Stato
' oren , ""' " iuiimiiut
'"at an e" ,Vl " leslro to fish or
fWrei n,. Ir l lnust secure tho
"Iltfl . " Ill" UHIUO Ol IIIO
a ,,' , ' The now, law, which
ll rr h,..,.n UNful for women to
i.,, n,1,t Without n 1Iomoo ,..oo
CQ t. I ".5IIDU MO
a'e lpni.i. ,n8t session of tho
'"enn t "n(l "ecomes er-
1 l .une 3- lTn'er the pres
)1"S a li"U n i nro exempt from
a ""enne to fish or hunt.
Constitutionalists Compel
Americans to Pay Ransom.
Huerta's Troops Desert.
Illy Af Ulixl 1'rrn In 1'noi liny llniM 1
WASHINGTON'. April 30. The
Mexican eoiiHtltiitlonnllHtH In Sun
Dlmus forced AuiurlciiiiH thero to
pay n ransom of Ls.noo Mo.xienii
dollars and have ronriHcntod their
artiiH. Olllclnl reports from
Iiiii miy gioat unrest picvalls among
Hie Anierlcan losldeiits then, iih tho
llnerta forceH aro wild to ho lusuf
flelenl to piotect propcrt.
'Len Lambeth and Tom Peak
Give Sensational Evidence.
Case Ends Tomorrow
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQUIIjMj. Or., April 30 Tho
titato rested Its easo In tho pros
ecution of Ouy Oreenlenf, charRod
with a statutory crlmo iiRiilnst Kriiin
Knorr, tho 1 t-yoar-old Mnrshllold
Rlrl who committed sulcldo n fow
weclts aso, at 3 o'clock this af tor
noon. It Is not exported that tho
enso will ho ended hoforo some time
Tho stato had a stroiiR enso, somo
I now ovldcuro IioIiir Introduced hy
I Doputy ProsccutiiiB Attorney I.lljoci
vlst, which ho did not kIvo out he
fore. This ovldonco consisted of
ndmlssloiiH which Grccnlcaf mndo
to two dlfforent people Ono wns
Ken Iiiimhoth, tho former roommato
of Oreonleaf at tho Lloyd Hotel.
who testified that Cireenloaf told
him that ho had Kraut Knorr thero
all nlRht. Tho other wns Tom Penh
who testified (hat Oreenlenf had
ndmlttcd tohlni tho crlmo In full.
Peak was tho owner of tho cabin
wnoro Oreenlenf was caught. Dr.
K. MIiikuh and Or. A. U. Ilouso
worth Kavo export testimony nhout
nn examination of tno girl's body,
provhiR that tho wrong had been
Judge Coke Raises Ante on
Portland Cop and His
(Special lo Tho Times)
COQIMIXK, Or.. April 30. Ono
hundred dollars fino or 100 days
In Jail, each, was tho punishment
noted out today by Judgo Coko to
Joo Hlodsoo, W. II. Reed and P.
Rlchnrdson, who woro Indicted yes
terday for gambling. Heed, tho
fornior Portland cop nnd detective
"squealed" on tho othors whon ho
was pinched for giving thoni a
phonoy check In payment of his
Rambling debt. They havo not paid
tholr fino and may go to Jail.
Udmunds, tho Marshflold forger,
was sontoncod on two counts. On
one, ho was glvon ono to flvo .years
nnd on tho other Indictments two
to twonty years.
Tho grand jury Is still grinding
nwny and returned two secret in
dictments today.
Headquarters Raided and Leaders
Placed Tinier Arrest.
IDy AMOilateJ TrtM lo Cooi Uy Tlmei.J
NEW CASTLE-on-Ayne, April 30.
A violent attack wns made to day
i... ..,.. ir n,itlatifftnfvAttn nn llin
hoadquarters of the Women's Social
and Political union nere, uncus uoum
hurled through tho windows and desk
plncos brokon in lnrgo nunntitios.
Suffrngotto literature was dostroyed
and sovornl olllrors of the employes
headquarters were arrested. A large
quantity of documents were solzod.
Tho women woro arrested for con
spiracy or charged with violation of
tho malicious damago act.
The ofilees wero closed and a po
lice put In charge.
Former Senator Bourne of
Oregon Has Great Scheme
for Improving Highways.
tlly Amoi UiM 1'rrn lo roo Hay Tlmn J
WASIIIXGl'OX. April 30. The
expenditure of tlneo liltllon dolluis
for Rood rondH, one hllllon for con
struction and two hllllon for muln
tennnco InvoHtinent extending over
a period of 5(1 joars was proposed
today In tho plan Hithinltted to the
Joint Congressloiul committee on
Federal aid to coiiHtrnctloa of post
roads hy former Senator Hoiirne. of
Oregon. The plan provides for Fed
eral and stnto co-opcrntlon. He
also suggests tho estnhllH.iinent of
a National school of highway and
undue engineering, from which
English Home Office Arrests
Leaders and Closes Head
quarters of Militants.
tllr Amq litol Cirri lo Coo. Ill) Tlmn
I.OXDOX. April 30. Tho llrltlsh
Homo Office today Inaugurated an
active campnlgn to put an end to
suffingo militancy. The headquar
ters of the Women's Social and Po
litical I'iiIoii whoro many of tho
outrages are said to havo boon
planned, wero occupied hy tho po
llen and all tho active leaders woro
taken into custody. Even "Oon
eral" Mrs. 1-iora Drunimnnd, nnd
.diss Annie Kennedy, who were out
on ball woro arrested on n fresh
charge of conspiring with momborfl
of tho 1 'auk hurst family to commit
damage. Over ono hundred police
men nnd detectives wero engngod
to capture tho militant offices.
There will ho no Issuo of tho of
ficial uowspapor of the Militant Suf
fniRlst tomorrow. Not content with
arresting tho two women editors,
tho police raided the printing offlco
and carrlcu off all tho typo sot up
for tomorrow's number.
Steamer Arrives from Port
land With Cargo and Pas
senger List.
Tho Alllnnco arrived In early this
morning from Portland. Sho had a
good cargo for the Hay, Including
throo nutos, which woro unloadod at
North Hend. Sho nlso had considerable-
through freight and ninny
through pnssongcrs.
Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Alll
nnco woro tho following:
J. K. Oren. P. A. McNahb, Olga Mc
Nalib, J. II. Smith, Mrs. J. II. Smith.
Floy llnyes. W. S. Hayea, It. Rico. .1.
Frlond, K. J. Hakor, Clms. Harlockor,
F. V. nryant, 13. II. lirown, If. It.
Sproiil. 11. Urown, Kd Miller, L. Moy
or, .1. II. Sharp, T. Hill, 0. A. Werner,
C. A. Nicholson, Miss P. Monroo, W.
Raymond, O. C. Hnrmon, T. Ryan and
A. W. Whltson.
Port of Coos Bay Notified
That Funds Are Available
in Chicago From Issue.
Secrotary Henry Songstacken, of
tho Port of Coos nay Commission,
was advlsod today that the 300,-
000 Issuo of honds had been de
livered by tho Corn Exchange Nat
ional Hank at Chicago, to tho C.
W. McXear Company nnd that tho
money had been paid over nnd was
being held thero ponding tho order
of tho Commission. This means
that tho funds nro Immediately
The Port Commission expects a
number of dredge owners horo May
12. when they will meet to submit
bids on widonlng and deoponfng the
channel and may award that con
tract tlion
Plans for reconstruction of the
North Jotty will soon ho prepared
and tho contracts for It may bo lot
within a fow months.
$300,000 BOND
trained specialists In road building
can he supplied to tho various
states. The hllllon dollars for the
construction fund In llourno"s plan
would ho apportioned among the
states upon n hasls of area, popula
tion, assessed valuation and road
mileage. Tho stntes will he ic
tiulred to deposit In the Cultcd
States Treasury fi I per cent honds
for the the amount duo them. Tho
Government would loan to the
states nl par value thereof for road
construction, tho Government mis
lug Its funds hy tho sale of fiO-year
non-tiiMiliIn three per cent honds.
Hy ci editing each state every year
with tho excess one iter cent' Inter
est paid on the state honds and al
low lug tlneo per cent Interest on
tho uiununt. compounded annually,
a sinking fund competent to pay
orr tlio Honds would lie estahllshcd
Jules Vedrines, Flyina From
i , ,. . r-
uyuiis, rranuu, to cuin
burrjh, 930 Miles, Today.
tlly AmocUImI l'reil to Cool IU- Tlmr
LIOXS, France., April 30. -Jules
Vedrines, the French aviator, started
today on a monoplane lIlRht to IM
Inhiirgh, Scotland, a distance of ap
proximately 030 miles.
VIM.A, Coublly, April 30 Ve
drines alight here to replenish his
tanks nnd resumed his night fifteen
minutes later.
.Militia Called Out to (.'mini llnncst
er Compauy'N Twine Factory.
(My AmwUIihI I'm. to Coo Hay TlmcJ
AUI1URX, N. V., April 30. Tho
mllltln was called out last night hut
did not prevent rioting nt the Inter
national Hnrvcstcr Company's twlno
mills today. Thero woro sovornl but
tles between the police, soldiers nnd
deputies nnd tho strikers. Six strik
ers woro arrested, threo of them wo
men. Party of Officials Leave De
lay North Bend Work
Steel for Terminal.'
That It will ho another tea days
or two weoks hoforo tho steam
shovel arrives to start tho big cut
In Simpson Park in North Iloiul
was tho bollof expressed hy mem
bers of tho railroad party who loft
hero this morning via Drain for
Mugouo and tho North. Engineer
Hooy, Assistant Engluoer Fontaine,
T. M. Dixon, J. P. Portor, II. Cros
by mid K. I). Hausor loft after hav
ing gone over tlio situation horo
and familiarized themselves with It.
Tho steam shovel which was
started from Wenatcheo, Wash., has
boon slow In reaching Portland. J.
P. Portor will try and hnston It.
K. D. Hausor, of the firm of Hau
sor, Hausor & Company, who will
havo tho work la North Ilond nnd
tho construction of 1G miles to tho
Ton Mllo tunnel, expects to got
bnck hero from llrltlsh Coluinbin,
whoro ho goes to concludo n con
tract on tho Pacific Northorn, In
two weoks, to start tho steam shovel.
Messrs. Gardiner and Kaiser may
have somo preliminary work done
In North Hend hoforo his return.
Welr Parly Finishes .and .Others
Nearly Done,
Tho Del Norto Triplicate says:
"Tho meeting of the two survey
ing crews south of Cfescent City,
Tuesday afornoon, marks the comple
tion of tho preliminary survey of tho
Southorn Pacific's coast line from
Portland to San Francisco. Tho crew
that has beon working out of Cres
cent City under It, J. Weir packed up
their outfit and took passago on. tho
Del Norto for San Francisco, whoro
they woro ordered to report for work
on nnotlior project. Mr, Welr will
go via Eureka to Inspect and look
over tho work on that section and
will sail from thero for San Fran
cisco. "Tho crow working up from Eure
ka will finish up tho work this week
and loavo for San Francisco.
"Dollnito nows Is lacking as to
when the work of construction vIU
bogln horo, but tho graders are active
on tho gap south of Eureka, and It 1
expected that trains will bo runnln
Into tho Humboldt county city earl
In tho summer, and that It will no'
be much later when they reach Crefa J
President Will Not Act Further
on Jap Matter Until Final
Action Is Taken.
tllr AMorlalp) I'rrtt lo Coo, lltjr Time )
WASIIIXOTOX. April 30. Prob
ably not until tho legislative status
of the substitute alien land owning
bhl adopted by tho California Sen
ate last night clarifies will it ho
possible for tho administration hero
to determine upon tho next step.
Thero Is Ilttlo expectancy on tho
part of some that tho Assembly will
reverse the action of the Senate In
view of the reported breaking down
of part) lines in the Legislature.
Illinois Congressman Raps
Proposed Exemption of
Coastwise Shipping.
(ny AiMKUtti lo Coo, llty Tlmr,.
WASHINGTON. April 30 Tho
ropeal of tho exemption amendment
of tho coastwise vessels from tho
Panama Canal tolls and an amend
ment to place all rnaslwiso vessels
doing Interstate commorco IiiisIiiosh
under regulations of the Interstate
Commerce Commission wns propos
ed today hy Representative Drltteii
of Illinois, "In my Judgment," said
Ilrltten, speaking of tho exemption,
"that provision wns ono of tho most
unfair, unjust, dishonorable, high
handed, Iniquitous things that Con
gress lias over done, a palpablo
fraud In the Interest of the Inter
ests." Report That Continuance Will
be Asked on Account of
City Being Wrought Up.
(Special to The Times.)
COQUILLE, Or.. April 30. It
was stated horo today that Judgo
Sporry and C. F. McKnlght, attor
neys for Stato Representative J, S.
llartou, who was Indicted for at
tempted assault on Miss Mndgo Yoa
kam, would ask for a continuance
of tho case. Whllo tho application
tins not beon formally presented, It
Is understood that It will bo on tho
grounds that tho accused would bo
una bio to get a fair trial now. It
Is pointed out that as a result ot
tho potitlon nsking for tho pros
eciitlon of tho enso, most of tho peo
plo horo nro highly wrought up nnd
npt to bo biased and that tho venire
of Jurymen have heard more or less
about It.
cent City. Tho word hns filtered up
that tho Southorn Pnclfle Intends to
carry Its Exposition traffic from tho
north over tho now coast lino, and
this means that work will havo to
ho pushed rapidly fom all points
In order to mako tho connections In
Rrliigs Steel.
Tho Redondo, which arrived In
today, brought flvo carloads of
rails for tho Terminal Railway.
They aro bolng unloaded at F. S.
Dow's dock as they will bo used on
North Front stioot. The Terminal
Company expects to award a con
tract within ton days for tho con
struction of tho balanco of tho lino,
Tho Redondo also brought a
stoam shovel for Wlllett & Purr, to
bo used on tho Smlth-Powors lino
beyond Myflrtlo Point.
' Thoro will an Important moot- I
lug of Marshllohl lodge tonight. I
' Evory rnoinbor Is iirgontly ro- I
quested to bo prosont. IliiKlnoss I
vital to tho lodge will he con- I
slderod and it Is Important that '
all bo present. '
ny order of I
GEO ROTNOR, Secretary. I
Revised Measure, Eliminating
Words Objected to, Adopted
by the State Senate.
President Jordan and Others
Score Attack on Japanese
Fear Japanese Citizens.
Ilivilll I Silent.
Illy A tiil cm lo Coon lty TlniM 1
Secretary of Stale llryan had
absolutely no comment to tnnko
today on the action of tho Cal
ifornia Senate last night In
adopting the Wchh hill uKalust
Ills recommendations.
Illy Anwrlilr.1 I'rrM lo Coon n TlmM
SACRA.MKNTO. April 30. Call
fornln's first step toward tho enact
ment of nn alien land law contrary
to the advises of Secrotary llryan and
President Wilson, was taken last
night within three minutes after Sec
retary llryan told the legislative con
ference that his olllclnl messnge had
been spoken.
The sonnte, before which tho Illrd-snll-Thompsou
hill wns pending, mot
In hurried session mid within threo
minutes voted to substitute for It, n
measuro, tho draft to bo known as
the Webb act, which was completed
yesterday by Attorney Genoral Webb.
Tho substitute was adopted as an
amendment and tho bill wns sent to
tho printer with rush orders. Iiccnuro
of the absonce of Secretary llryan In
San Francisco, whither ho went to
day to bo the guest of the Panama
Exposition company, It, Is (ho plan of
the Senate leaders to take no further
action on the hill until Thuniday,
when It will come up In tho regular
course of business and undoubtedly
will bo passed, It Is said. It must
go to tho assembly and finally to Gov
ernor Johnson, who It Is stated will
sign the measuro at once.
Provisions of Law.
Tho Webb act piovlded that all
aliens eligible to cltlzenshp may ac
quro and hold land In tho same man
ner as citizens of tho United States,
all other aliens may acquire and hold
land "In a niannor and to an oxtont
for the purpose prescribed by any
treaty now existing between tho
United States nnd of the nation or
country of which such alien Is a citi
zen or subject." Tho prosont hold
ings of tho aliens, regardless of tholr
rights to citizenship aro protected.
Corporations If aliens, other than
thoso eligible to citizenship may nc
quire and hold only according to tho
terms of existing treaties. Tho stato
specifically reserves the sovciolgn
right to enact any and all laws re
lating to tho acquisition or holding
of real property by aliens.
View of ,lap I'lleniN.
As tho treaty between tho United
States nnd Japan spccllloH laud may
bo acquired or leased only for resi
dential purposes or for factories or
shops, tlio act Is held to bo a rigid
restriction upon tho acquiring ot
farming lauds by tho Japaneso, Sen
ator I.eroy A. Wright, Republican
who opposed tho hill, declared that
tho wording Is a subtrafugo Intended
to decolvo tho Jnpnueso. Dr. David
Starr Jordan also declares that tho
measure carries the sting of discrim
ination contrary to llryau's advice,
laps As CitlciiM.
Tho Ineligibility of Japaneso sub
jects to beioiuo citizens of the Unltod
Stntes under the laws of this gov
ernment is considered tho keynoto
of tho strength of the Webb alien
Innd bill In splto or tho fact that tho
words objected to by llryan are not
In tho act, The ProgresBlvo loadora
admit tho proposed law will bo In
effective If tlio Japaneso brought tost
suit before tho United Stntos supromu
court, and woro successful in estab
lishing tholr light to becomo citi
zens. "It would bo a serious mlstuko for
tho federal government to confer cit
izenship on tho Jnpnueso," said Sen
ator Thompson, leading Progressive,
"Tho feollng In California has roach
od nn ncuto stage nnd such a stop by
tho government undoubtedly would
result In reprisals of various kinds,
with far reaching consequences."
I Along the Waterfront. I
Tho Rust lor hns loaded for the Slu
slaw after a trip to tho Roguo River,
Captain Olson roports about twelvo
foot of water on the Roguo River bar
Tho Alliance will .sail tomorrow
morning about 7 o'clock for Eu
loka. Tho Redondo will ball at S-30
Saturday morning for Sn Fran
cisco. . I'.BiS
(.'el Autos. Tho Alliance today
brought In throo llupmobiles Two
woro now onos, one being for P N.
Roherg of North Hend and one for
Dr, Ii. O, Johnson of Myrtle Point,
the third was Dr Johnson's old Hup
moblle, which n Randou man bought
and had shipped back from Portland,