The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 28, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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r 6
Believed That Suitable Qual
ity Has Been Found for
Big Work Seeking Well.
Johnson Porter. A. 11. Powers
Mid uthui'H have been carefully In
vestigating tl'o Htnno quarrlpa niul
(lcposltB uroiintl Coos lllvor nml
olsowlioro on I ho Bay. It Is stated
thnt? yesterday they found Homo
hard Bund stono, which Mr. Por
ter considered and of tho de
sired hind.
For sonic time past local parties
have hcen seeking n stono deposit
that would furnish tho Immense
blocks necessary for reconstructing
tho Jetty. Most of the nvallahlo
stono Is of tho soft sandstone and
not desirable.
Mr. Porter Is understood to he
Interested In the stone because he
will need considerable for U'o pier
work for tho bridge across tho Hay
nml It might bo that Porter Broth
ers would tako tho contract for re
constructing tho Jetty.
Want Ai-tlnii Well.
Captain IMgar Simpson and Mr.
Crosby, who arrived hero with tho
rnllrond party, were out today look
ing over tho ground wltn a view
of sinking an artesian well to fur
nish a water supply for tho Simpson
mills nt North Hend. Mr. Crosby
is said to have had considerable ex
perience In drilling in the Califor
nia oil Melds and that ho Is an ex
pert Is shown by his being en
gaged by tho Southern Pacific for
drilling and difficult testing Jobs.
North Itcnil Deal.
Tho rumor was revived In North
Bend again today that tho South
ern Pnclflc had purchased the North
Bend box factory slto from Owner
Kern for $78,000. Tlio deal was
nnssed up to tho San Francisco or
flclals n fow weeks ngo, Mr. ICern
going there to negotlato with them.
No one hero had any authentic ad
vices about It.
Sometime ngo tho Southern Pa
cific secured n price on tho Xorth
Bend Condcnsary plant site but
did not tako an option and have
not Informed tho owners that they
will take It.
George Stcinburn Charged
With Illegal Sale of liq
uor on Sunday.
George Stoluburn, bartender at
tho Hlanco bar nml proprietor of
tho Portland rooming house on
North Front street, was arrested
yestordny by Mnrshal Carter on tho
chnrgo of Illegally Helling llttor.
Mnrahal Carter seized a liny with
a bottle of gin, a bottle of beer, a
bottle of whiskey and half a doen
glasses and a dollar, lying on the
Stcinburn la chnrged with selling
tho liquor to Fred I'niphy, a Smith
mill band. With I'mpliy are said
to linvo been K. W. Smith, Albert
Orr, W. J. Condon and George Mc
ConicH. They have been subpoen
nod nH witnesses. Ail wore taken
in tho Portland lodging house.
Stelubiirn, who Is generally
known, an "Duke." wiih haled be
fore Recorder Hutler toony, but
waa given until tomorrow morning
to plead. Ills attorney was at Co
quille. It Is understood that ho
maintains thnt he did not sell the
The penalty for tho offense is se
vere. It Ih possible that the case may
also bo taken before tho grand Jury
now In session.
Steamer Leaves for San
Francisco and San Pedro
With Big Passenger List.
The Sneedwel. vullfil lulu
day afternoon for San Francisco
uuu jn i-uro wiui a nig cargo or
lumber, sin. also had a good out
going list of passengers.
Among those sailing on the
Speedwell were the following: M.
McLean, I,, i-'reeuer, Thomas Junes,
U, W. Freeman. Westley and Ilal-
iig ireeiuan. Robert Hanks. 11. u.
Mnstln. W. Hinges. J. Hnrges. Mr, j
1). W. Freeman. Tanning Freeman.'
Mrs. Grant Kggers. (1. C. Ktiun. K.
lloflnuhofi'. I. I." Piitiorwim mi-m '
1 K. Pattergon and children. 11. T
Mcllen, Fred .lessen.
(Special to The Times)
Mr. Morris Is building him a house
lie and family are late arrivals from
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Mr. Clarence Houtan of South
Slough Is building a house here and
expects to move hero as soon as the
house Is completed.
Mr. L. F. Curtis, a scaler at Camp
5. is also building him a bouse. He
has Bert Lyons of Coqtillle helping
him. They are late arrivals from
the cast.
Mr. Ned Kelley was a business vis
itor today. Mo was accompanied by
nn old schoolmate. J. C. Van Olsteln.
now residing In Lake port, and re
cently of Princeton. Minn.
Mrs. (1. I,. Williams and dnugh'or,
Mrs. (1. I.. Moore and son and Mr.
nml Mrs. Illicit and daughter spent
Wednesdny In Myrtle Point. Mr. ami
Mrs. Huell and daughter, Until were
on their way to Portland, where they
expect to reside. They Intended to
walk from Myrtle Point to Camas
Valley. If the roads were good from
there on they would stage It on
through, but If the roads wcro bad
they would continue their Journey on
Mrs. Stnllard gave a farewell par
ty to Mrs. Huell nnd daughter Tues
day afternoon. Those present were:
Mesilames Myers, Johnston, Duncan,
Williams, Huell. Stallard and Moore,
nnd drover Monro Ruth Huell, Ger
trude Williams, Millie. Vertla, Venitn
and Charley Stallard.
Mrs. Huell and Mrs. Moore and
Williams each spoke n school day
piece, while all Joined In singing
many pieces while Mih. Huell play
ed many choice pieces on the organ.
Mrs. Clarence Fish Is visiting In
Mrs. Geo. Geddls spent the day la
Mrs. I. Wltchle an Miss Vlolot
Menus spent Thursday In Coiiullle.
Mrs. CIiiih. Upton la spending tho
day In Coquille.
Mrs. Duncan nnd son spout part
of Saturday in Coqulllo.
Mrs. h. Medley spoilt tho day In
Coiiullle on business.
The Misses Kmlly Hnrrls and Mls3
Ruburg spent n few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Smith.
Henry Taylor is visiting with bin
sister, Mrs. W. Smith.
Mrs. Ilnrrls of Coiiullle Is visiting
with her sister. Mrs. Stennet.
Mrs. Webber of Llbby was visiting
with Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Williams.
Mrs. Miller of Myrtle Point Is vis
iting with Mrs. A. Stnnnlgnn.
(Irnvor Moore Is spending a few
days In Myrtle Point.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kolen nnd children
are spending n few dnys la Marsh
Held nnd North Hend visiting rela
tives. Mr. nnd Mrs. McKeown are over
Sunday visitors In Marshllcld. Mr.
McKeown Is foreman of Camp '2 of
tho Smith-Powers Logging Co.
Jack Fesky la visiting In Marsh
llcld. Mrs. Finest Vnrnoy, who Iiiib been
very III for the pant two weeks, Is
able to be nut again.
Ih It going to rnn? Well, wo hopo
not for our hiking club would linvo
to cease for awhile. A week ago
Saturday. Mrs. Huell and Mrs. WIl-
llams walked to Coiiullle ami several
of tlie ludlos, who like out door exer
cise, tako a long wnllt most every
day, going us far as Heaver Hill and
(TM.ixo'K of rngriixK.
('wis County Seat Uveal ns Told
by The Sentinel.
Tho atennier Hrooklyn has discon
tinued the local freight nnd passen
ger business, temporarily at least,
having a contract to handle full car
goes. Mr. and Mrs. George 1). Maudlgo,
of North Hend. accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Vandorpool, of Park Rap
Ids, Minn., were guestHiof Mr. nnd
Mrs. M. O. Hawkins recently. Whllo
here Mr. Vandorpool enjoyed meet
ing n former classmnto In Inw col
lege. Mr. A. J. Sherwood. The Van
ilerpools were roturnlng from a Win
ter's sojourn In Southern Califor
nia. Availing himself of an opportun
ity prosented, while n guard waa en
gaged, John Atkins, an Initiate of
the Salem Insane asylum, escaped
on Friday whllo working with u
number of Inmates, making Im
provements about tho Institution.
He was committed from Coos
C. A. Smith recently told a Port
land newspaper that "In Coos
County nlone Otogon can tako out
10. Don. 000 tons of conl per year
for n period of 1000 years." And
this Ib undoubtedly true. Thero
are approximately -100 Miunro miles
or coal LTiii.000 acres each aver
aging fiOOO tons of coal.
Waller Sinclair, of this city, and
W. O. Corbln. of Curry County,
have made application for a Joint
patent to mining ground In the
Sixes district, containing ninety
(Special to Tho Times)
Miss Merle Hndnbaugh closed her
school nt Arngo, Friday, April 11.
Tho afternoon wnB spent in entlng a
bounteous picnic dinner nnd playing
various games.
The Itov. Dlvcns will preach at the
Wlllowdalo U. 1J. church, Sunday.
April 27. It being his regular ap
pointment. Tho Sunday school at the Wlllow
dalo U. 11. church Is progressing rap
idly in number of scliolnrs.
Tho young people in this vicinity
met nt the John Hoot home Satur
day evening, April 111 nnd greatly
enjoyed a party given there.
Itov. W. II. Smith preached nt tho
FIshtrap M. 13. church South April
Merle Hndabatigh Is teaching nt
Fat I31k again this spring. TIiIb Is
her third term of school there.
Mrs. Lenn Hnhel, who ha been
visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo. North
rup, of Fishtrnp. returned to her
homo above Myrtle Point last Satur
day. Miss Helva Plnkston. of this vicin
ity. Is to be congratulated upon win
ning one of the prizes given by It. S.
Knowlton, for the schools of the
county. The school children were
to write compositions on "Tho Yel
lowstone National Park." They were
also allowed to give a description or
tho beautiful picture of the Yellow
tone Canyon, thnt went to the
schools for thnt purpose.
We nro proud of tho fact that one
of tho prizes was won by a pupil of
one of the schools of this neighbor
hood. Miss Merle Kadahaugh went to
Norway Saturday to attend a birth
day party given In honor of her cou
sin, Albinn Itadabaugh, on her olght
onnth birthday.
Program for Track I'vcntx .There
Inly ."tli Is Announced.
MYHTLI3 POIXT. April 28. The
Cooh nnd Curry Counties Fair asso
ciation, evidently believing In the
old adage that tho early bird catches
the worm, has prepared Us racing
card for mld-suninier races to ho hold
nt Myrtlo Point on Snturday. July r.
Dr. Johnson gives out the following
program for tho event, entries In tho
several clnsse being free to nil. Thero
will bo six rnces. and nn entire ilny
of sport, the llrst rnco being cnllod
for 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when
a trot nnd pace half mile will be
pulled off for n purse of $70. two
hentB to win. Tho mnnev will he di
vided nH follows: First,. $.15: sec
ond 20: third. $1".
Th second rnco will be for .Inmn
ers. half mllo dash, for nurso of $70,
divided $.15. $20 nnd $15.
Tho third race will bo a thrce-niiar-tor
runnlnir race: purse $S0, divided
$10. $?.-, and S15.
Kvcnt number four will bo n hnr
ness rnco for pacera or trottra. best
three In live. fr n nurso of $115,
divided. $(10. $:i.- nnd $20.
One hundred dollars Is posted for
n mllo running race, to bo divided
$50. $:it) and $20.
Th day's pro cram will conclude
with n Mirce-furlong rnnnlnc rare:
purse $0, divided $30. $20. $10.
News of I'liiK'i' Coqiillle as Told by
the KntenirKo.
Tho denl that has been pending
for several weeks was finally closed
lust weok nnd Mntt Nvstrom Iiiih
sold tho Myrtlo Point Hntol to C.
A. Harrington, of Conulllo, who re
centlv disposed of tho Skonknni
Itcstnurnnt nt that nlaco. and tho
latter will come up Tuesdny to take
"linruo of the business Mny 1. Mr.
Nystrom has mndo no dennlto plans
for the future, but expects to go to
California tn spend n conplo of
months In "ease and luxury."
Contractor W. M. Wltmnnn came
Friday from Mnrshfleld. whoro ho
has a contract with J. F. Telander
for tho construction of a business
block. He nsslsted his undo. Al
Iluinnhrev. In moving to the Leon
ard Hartley nlaco nnd returned lo
the Ilny Monday.
L. K. Malloy nnd family, of Marsh
field, have como to mnko their home
In Mvrtlo Point, nnd nro living In
t. n tented extension.
V. McCurdv brought- a flno lot of
furs out for shipment Inst week.
He reports the snow three foot deep
over his Iron Mountain cnbln.
Plain drunks, without cash, will
hereafter bo required In work It out
on tho cltv streets of this city.
Horn Tuesdnv. April IB. to Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hoy llnll. a daughter.
Seven of tho C. A. Smith Tim
ber Compnny cruisers left bore Tuos
day morning for the seep ranch
country on tho Middle Fork'.
Ill(i IXsriUXi'13 now.
Missouri Supremo Court Kiifcirce
I'liv Insurance Policies.
(Hv .ML'4 1'i.w lu Ciua luy TlwM.1
28.- The Statu Supreme Court to
day Issued an injunction restrain
ing 1S2 fire Ingiirauce companies
from terminating their contracts
now in forco. Tho court did not
restrain the companies from ceas
ing to wrltu now business in this
Author Orders I'liriilture From Co
quille Manufacturing Plant.
Ifli.L 1 itllilitll lutt.l.t nnthn.i In
very much taken with myrtle fur-1
nit are. nnd Is one of the Coqulllo
factory's best Individual patrons. In
London's Glenellen home In Callfor-
till! II I'D L.timtml ..f........ .. .1-1
..... ...- PVIVIIU lllll' Ml lll.vrilt'
furniture iniinufnctimii imm iiv t.. I
Fox. and n magnificent dresser tnblo,
and a roll-top desk are now undor
way ror nun. '11100 will be shipped
within a few dnys. When Jnck
London and party were in CViqullle
about eighteen menu ha ngo. the au
thor visited the Fox factory nnd
carried away a number of small
specimens of this peculiar wood.
Known to America In Coos nnd
tuny Counties only. Ills visit has
been tie means of securing a num
ber of orders for the factory. Co
qullle Sentinel.
Mrs. G. R. Hnyes and daughter,
Flossie, were Mnrshfleld shoppers
Miss Josephine Griffin, Miss Bos
slo Iminel. and Miss Grnco Fulton
visited In North Hend Sundnv.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Geo. Smith nnd
Irma llodson spent Sunday with
Mr. nnd Mrs, Itnbt. McCnnn.
Mrs. Selnnder. Mrs. Orvllle Wil
son. Miss Hllldlir Solnnilnr nnd Mki
Olive Richards were In North Hend
saturdny to see Miss Klrnn Icelan
der off on the Breakwater.
The A. M. Simpson came in this
morning from San Pedro.
Mrs. R. It. llodson of South Coos
River, was a Mnrshfleld visitor yes
terday. Win. Olson, formerly of Rnstslde,
who Is located In Minnosotn nnd
has spent over 20 years away from
the bay. wrltos that ho expocts to
return here soon to make his home.
The North Hend Thlmblo club will
not meet ngaln until Tuesdnv, Mav
6. when they will be entertained by
Mrs. M. R. Rverltt.
Give Yourself a Square Deal
Use your "grey matter" on this clothing prOp0,
Ask yourself if a big part of your clothes money
hasn't been going to pay bad accounts and othsr items that add
not a "whit" to the quality or the style, or the tailoring of the clothes you Wcar
You have been paying for
all these bad debts for years, perhaps
you couldn't help yourself in the old days.but
why not break the habit right now and keep
that, money in your own pocket.
n VlO IN 1
j BnJom.ln Cloth.cs
Dozens Scores Hundred
of men know that by buying clothes
at Hub Stores saves them $6.00 to $10,00 on
each suit.
You are just as wide awake,
just as alert to get the most value
for your money, as any of these patrons of ours.
Then isn't it about time that you came here and
bough your clothes the HUB way.
Every Suit purchased from Hub Stores must give entire satisfaction, whether the
cost be $1 5,00 or $40,00. We stand behind you,
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
Myrtle Point. ,
Purchase of Lots in First Addi
tion and Arrange for
The Rood weather nnd prospect of
extensive Improvement!! In Firm Ad
dition to Mnrshtluld Iiiih iniiHcd u live
ly hhIo of lots In tills South Slilo auc
tion. AmoiiK tho recent luyern nro
ReorRO It. Stailden, who Iiiih liounht
n portion of Lot '20 in lllock 10,
nt tho cornor of S, V. Houlovnrd nnd
WnBhliiBton iivoiuio, whoro ho will
noon build n residence. Murk Craw
ford purchnsed n portion of this lot
also, which is n lnrRO 0110 nnd Ilea
liotwoon Coal llnnlc Inlot nnd S. W.
Houlovnrd. 1M Cameron has pur
chnsed Lot 3, Illoclt i:i, on tho south
sldo of WnshliiKton avenue, and has
erected n homo there. Miss Frances
Franso purchnsed for Investment.
Lot r., In Illoek 15, n splendid vlow
lot on California nvonue. Roy Cm
pouter purchased Lot 7 In Block :i,
on the wost side of Tonth street, and
O. M. Johnson bought two lots, a
and I, In tho sauio block. Kiull No
nono nnd Aloxnndor LlndborR pur
chnsed sonio ncreiujo In Block 0 nnd
havo commenced clearing same.
Mrs. A. II. Stutamnn roports thnt
nbout $cr.,000 worth of New Bedford
Addition on Knob Hill has been ro
sofvod for homesltes nnd thnt tho ac
tual transfers can bo soon mndo.
Anions thoso reserving homo sites
there nro Mrs. F. A. llnzard. Fred
Wilson. Dr. Straw. John Motloy,
HiiRh McLaln. Dr. Toyo, V. n. Ken
nedy. 1). A. Curry. F. M. Parsons.
Claude Nasburg, v. C. Doubner and
ABKRDKBN. Wnsh., April 2S. A
contest has been innugurnted hero
to decide tho nnmo to bo glvon to the
annual colebrntion Jointlv with Ho
quluni each July. A prizo of ?20 is
offered for the best name. Tho fes
tival, as planned, will bo partially of
a July A celobratlon. with added fea
tures. This year the event takes pluco
.n Hoqulani. when warships, nvlatlon
and hydroplano (lights by Sllns Chrls
tofferson nnd other fentiiros will fur
nlsh ontertnlnnient July 3, 4 mi c
drt. iuwak, jr., wero nmong tho
Coos River llshermen yestordny
Owing to tho cold cloudy weather
not many tlsh were landed there.
Former Coos Bay Man Per
forms Heroic Feat at San
Francisco Sunday.
Captain Norman Nolson, of tho
(iolden (Into Llfo Snvlng Stntlon, for
merly of tho Coos Bay station, tins
Just won now honors by his roinnrk
nlile hrnvory. Cnpt. Nolson haH dono
much heroic work whllo stntlonod
there but the last on last Sunday Is
unld to havo boon tho greatest font
of thorn nil.
Captain B. W. Olson, of tho Ado
lino Smith, says thnt it is ono of tho
most heroic actions ho line known of
tho llfcsavers In n long tlino nnd thnt
Cnptnln Nolson Is 'entitled to the
grontest of credit for It,
After tolling of how six moiiiliorH
of tho South Kml Rowing Club woro
accidentally carried out to son lu a
small sailing boat by n stiff tldo nnd
tltolr rescuo by Cnptnln Nolson, tho
Kxnmlner gives tho following dotnlla
of Cnptnln NoIhoh'b feat:
"Cnptnln Nolson nrouscd tho moii
nnd telephoned to Captain O. S.
Clark, at Fort Point. It was ngrood
that Clark should crulso to tho south
ward with his power boat, and that
Nolson should head straight out to
sen. Tho bar was breaking heavily,
so tho Golden Oato power boat could
not bo used, and Nolson nnd his
moii launched n big surf boat.
"It was just nbout sunrlso when
tho llfo savers reached tho sloon. and
fnlltlfl fllv nnl.l n.ifl Hnf1 mnn llllfl. '
....., .. .wi, . ...v... ...V.. .
died togothor In tho storn. Nelson
Hung a lino to tho helpless craft nnd
his crew lay back on their oars for
tho pull to tho shore.
"Just outside tho heads Captain
Clark camo along with his power
boat nnd rolloved tho exhausted llfo
savers by taking tho boat In tow."
Vancouver Girl nuulo Air Flights
Lust Yew, Is Asserted.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 28.
Tho assertion of Miss Laurlo Ordway,
appearing in n Portlnnd thontor, of(
i'uiuk uiu inai wuiiian lo uy in mi
neroplaito lu the State of Washing
ton Is not valid. She took a trln in
a biplane in a night over Tacoma .
witn Harvey Crawford a fow clays
ngo, aays that sho is tho llrst woman
to inako such n lllKht In nn noro-
plnno In tho stato. I
Miss Alma Peterson, several times
last year, In May, flow over this city
with Silas Chrlstofferson. Sho also
accompanied him on a (light ovor tho
Loiumuia ulvor nnd strewed roses
from a height of 1,000 foet or more
In remembrances of tho dead nvla-'
tors; this was on May 30, 1912.
Portland Wins Sunday's Game
But Lost Saturday's to
inr AMO.UIM IVfti lo Cool WrT1
PORTLAND, Ore., April M-W
Innd look Sunday's same from
rnnionto after losing Saturday iP
to tho visitors. ,n,v.ut
Today is "movlnB day" la ttewm
league . . ..,.
Tho scores of tlio last gaoei.
Sntiiidiiy's giuiics.
At Portlnnd ' 'i' j
Sacramonto ' ., r
At San Francisco " "' ,
San Francisco J 0 j
Los Angeles ..p.
At Venlco ')' j
Venice 9 u
Oakland .'"''
.SiiiidnyN "cs. t
At San Francisco 'j i
Los Angeles ji j
Sun Francisco ''V
(Second Game.) ,
Los Angoles , jo
Snn Francisco H,t
At Vonlco j e
Oakland 3 ) t
Vonlco ' '''
(Second Game.j
Oakland g S 1
Vonlco R.IL&
At Portland !
Sacramento p. 9 1
Portland "
Itiillwii)- Compnnlw , JSJ,,. "
T,elr "llallrojit Oj-V,
(r Aocltli rm lo r.
The supremo court alU, ;
tho Northern PMlnc k 0, ,t
pany" was Hab f0 r..Raltwr
tho Northern Pie mo ,"8Bbouk
pnny. The decision
Joseph H. noy h, effect of tw.S
a dissent said ofe "te0T
nuinn unon raliroau .. flC rH''
nbout tho time tlic . .w ;.
of onoroiio "ir.1i creou""-;,,
payment to uns. ecu red cr le ,
. iiov tnougnt.
-I. It. i I
reuuiiuib- - f