r v i m i 3srgest Ship i i 5KIJ THAT WILL CAIUIY ilTIM) PAHHKNGKH8 18 LAUNCH Si) IN TUB CI.YDK AT GLASGOW 1IY TIIK CUNAHI) LINK.. WXifAannW Anrll 24 Til largest &Jtajr?r",?rBS.K iquuanua, u.'y -----falptUlie yards of lior hulldora, John Wewaund Company of Clydebank, facials of tho steamship company Mlliundrcds of other spectators UrolaSBomblcd to seo tho great H hip Mdelldown the ways and tako her Mltlol plunge In the waters of the WH?'. .. . ....i. . .. .ilu. W Aquitania win huvu u "- .m,. ullptltlv III OXC088 Of 50, &oTtons, or about 10,000 moro ton ?vM.nt. ti.. White Star liner nymiilc, tho largest vcbboI now In .r.u;,'i.. nr,. niiii f(Ht lmiutli and SfSffcot beam, and she Is to have a Speed of 23 knots. In her present Bbadltlon, without englneB or boll- Brfl, WHIIO wuibiih m. n" - armed battlesinp. iter interior uu Mf Prize Will be Offered for LBest Infants at San uiego BExpbsition How Contest Mill be Decided. Sam ntrcrin. Pnl.. Anrll 24. jMlow many babies In Oregon can qualify under tho rules adopted for tho 'Hotter Ilablcs exhibit at the San Diego Exposition?" KAnothor question Is, "How many rrW.t lw.ru ni.,1 fnflmrn will lit) wIllllIK tolhnvo their babies Judged by the samo standards t applied to prize animals with tho single purpose ol iBdoptlng some aystem that will pro- '.li.An l.n.. l.nl.lnu?" JHUUIU i'l U.1M.WM. jij Eugenics has been a popular fad uui in mo oim ino mrm iin-mia Dim ply "bettor babies," und UiIb Is the winul. ilnlll'lih liv till. lirflMOHOll OX hllilt about which President 1). C Vrill... n lm a.... llli.im l.'vtintiltlnn OUBGEBABtES IIKE LIVESTOCK Bland Mrs. Gertrude II. Lane, of Now BAr I. - I.. .... ..... 1... ..(. f ffl IX UTK, UTU ill tui I uojiuwhuuu. .. ft jinn nrnnntK'H In mud a "Hettei Babies" contest, and Is holding inein, in every mmo mu umuu Tho San Diego Exposition has tiskuc' hnr In i.yllllllt tlin roBUltB of tllL'SC 'contestB nt Snn Diego, or to outllnt a nlan. wherobv the exIilbltB can be nindo. jj Following Is tho score card adopt- Ml antl in uho wiiirn limy mi iwuu tho San Dlogo Exposition: ' iiody Hulght and weight, 12; circumference of ehoHt and nbdo- 'rriun H" uvillllliitrv mill IlllulltV Ol .., u, .. w.rf ...... -. v - '!!.. .....I tnt II nlinlltv llf lllllHCln. inmu M.. , , ,. j . - . Ihnnd grasp, rising, sitting poise, walking, running, C; bones of skull spino, client, iiiuiib ami ieei, o. Head Circumference, 7: ahapo of eyes, 4; shape, size and position or ears, :!; shapo and size or lips, 3; shapu and slzo of roreheiul, I; shape and patency or nose, ti; shapo and condition or Jaw, hard palnto, ton sils, G; shape, size and condition or teeth, fi. Psychological Disposition, 4; en ergy, 5; racial and ocular expres sion, 10; attention, 3. President Collier may decldo to orrer a big prize ror tho best baby less than three years old exhibited at the exposition during the yeai llUC, and Ih awiiltlug Mrs. Lane's suggestions with a good deal of In terest. WIVKN TICIAIj THIP. Akiitnu Will He Sent to Alnsku In the Neiir Flit in e A Portland paper says: "With several representatives of the Alaska-Portland Packers' Asso ciation, the ownora, nnd a number or Invited gucats aboard, the new tug Akutnu Is being given her olllclal trial trip. If everything goon off In good shape, the Akutnu will be put iu shape ut once to leave for the Nushagak lllver, Alaska. It Is tho Intention to have hor ready to cull for tho Far North Friday. Sho will be In command of Captain Ilernt Ol uen. About three dnys later sho will be followed to Alaska by the tug North King, belonging to the same company, und which Is lying In the lower harbor. "The hull or tho Akutnu wns built In the Kruse & Dunks yurds at Coos Day, while the machinery and boiler were turned out In the Fast. They wore Installed by the Willamette Iron & Steel Works. The Akutnu Is 110 feet long, 24 feet Iu tho beam and 10. (i feet depth of hold. She Is expected to reel ofr 12 knots nil hour. Hrttl the Cough that Hiiugs On, The seeds of consumption may bo the caiiho, and a cough that hangs mi wenkena the sjstom. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks the cough, heals tho Inflamed mom bruium and stn'iigthens tho lungs. K. D. itouutice, Stlllinare, (In,, says: "I.ngrlppo luft mo n deep seated, Slacking, pulnrul cough which Foloy'a Jlouny mid Tar completely cured." Fw bale by I.ockhurt-l'ursona Drug Co., "Tho Husy Corner." I Low Jn pili'o, high Iu quality. Electric Irons We luue n jfew M'coud-liiind IroiiH in good noting vouditiou ut 1.7S. New irons, ijiU.no up. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Uroadwuy im the World nlshlngs and doooraUons aro plnhned on the most lavish scale, and she will In ovcry way merit tho descriptions of a Moating palace. The latest sa fety devices will be Installed and sho will carry life-boats sufficient to ac commodate all or her passengers and crow. This ship will have accommoda tions ror C50 first class passengers, 740 Bccond class, and 2400 steerage passengers. Hor average speed of 23 knots iu ordinary weather will land her passengers on Monday night ut Fishguard on tho eastward trip and early Friday In Now York on tho outward trip from Liverpool. Ono or the vessel's unique fcaturea will be u completely equipped tho ater. It Is said that a theatrlcul company with a repertoire of playa will bo provided for tho ship by a New YorK manager, Depiii'liuent of Poultry Husbandry Tolls What lo Uu Tliein. COHVALLIS, Or., April 24. 'Rolled oats of good quality inako a very good first feed for chickens," inys the O. A. C. poultry Husbandry deportment. "Dread crumbs or -Utile bread soaked In milk and inuuozud dry. Is also an excellent first Teed. Another good reed ror ho flrBt few days or a week is n raw egg mixed with ornn nnd a lit tle shortB or middlings and fed In a crumbly condition twlco a day. ..ny of thoao three feeds may be fed twlco a day, with in addition racked wheat and cracked com. Until tho chicks have learned to ut. the food should bo given on Mean sand. After a couplo of days ho cracked wheat and corn snoiila ')o fed In chaff, so ns to mako the 'hicks scratch. Increase tho depth f tho chafr as they grow older. vrtor tho first week discontinue ornn and egg, or tho bread and milk uui feed In Its place a mash of urnn and Bhorts or bran and mldd- Mugs with ground corn In tho pro tortious of about three of bran to ine of middlings and one or corn, ir tho ground corn Is not avallablr it reasonable prices, finely ground vheat may bo substituted and a tit le later finely ground oats. Add i pinch of salt to tho mixture and mough milk or water so that It wll nix to a crumbly consistency. Feed Just as much or this ns they vlll clean up readily In an hour ol ess. and give them ono reed a day. Continue tho cracked grains In the huff until they nre about six week )Id when whole wheat mny uo red. Oo not allow the soft food to re- naln In tho reeding troughs after 'ho rhlcku have had all they wll) nit. A little dish of dry middlings 's a good cure for ordinary dlarr 'loea. A dish of charcoal should be 'ept before them nil tho time. After tho feeding or the egg Is llscontlnued glvo them beer scrups That should bo kept In a box or hopper all tho time where they can nolp themselves. The reeding should be done in such a way that the lilcka will ho actlvo and busy most or tho dny. GIVo them as much "ango ns possible on fresh ground They must have plenty of green food nnd grit at all times, nnd 'heir brooding coop kept cleun and free from mites. AMKASKADOIt HHICK QUITS. lllltlsli Diplomat I.caw'H Post ill Wellington After Loiik Service. Illy AnnHitfJ I'lfn la Cooi liar Tlmt 1 WASHINGTON. April 2r,. Ilrlt IhIi Ambiissador Ilryco laid down to lay tho office he hna held bore for thu past six years and loft ror Now York to begin tho trip home. He will meet his successor, Sir Cecil Sprlng-KIco Iu Now York Monday and then, with Mrs. llryce, will go to San Francisco, sailing ror Yoko hama May 3. Ho will study condi tions Iu China, tliuuco homo by way or Siberia. I'xnoitsi: pi:ack phoposaij. Hngllsli PresH Pmlse Secretary Iti'jun'h Plan tor IVure. IHr Auorltt4 Vmt loCoo Vty Tlroea 1 LONDON, April 25. "Secretary or Stato Ilryan's peaco proposal, as laid before tho diplomatic corps Iu Washington yosterday has all the simplicity characteristic of a great Idea," Bays thu Hvonlng Standard, "but whether it Is practical only time nu show. The gravest ills "redlt will bo retlectcd on an Ku rnpean government which docs not welcome the communication and 'ivo It tho fullest and most 'sym pathetic consideration." PILES CURED AT HOME m NEW ABSORPTION METHOD, !( ;uti tuffrr from lltiMior, Itihlnf. tllud or iTutruitluc rilrn, Mrutl lur )our Udrr muiI I 1U trll rou kow t lurr juutmII ti tii'iu f the uiw aUiorvtluu trraluirut; ud Kill l0 Mild tour of f tits bow trratmrul trrr fur UUI, wllh r(rHur from ;uur uu Iwillljr If rixUlrd, liumnllttr xr I Iff auj iH-ruiinrut rurc tuurrO Srud uo luourx, but Wll ollitrt of llila ifer. Writ tulr to Urn. VI, Summer. Via I, twin l)iuic, lud. W, 8. DROWN Jjj) A. H. IIODOINS Marshfield Paint (3& Decorating Co. KstlmatcM Furiilslinl. Phone 1H7-Ti Miirfcliflelil. Ore. I HAVE MOVED Into my new store with a uow line of gooda and new fixtures Come and see mo. y new store with a ui da and new flxrurea ) mo. AUG. FBJZEEN LAItHON NOW A JOLLY TAR. AdJutiutfJernl .Fluyer .Appoints J. ... . . . K-..l Afllltl.. PORTLAND, Ore.. April 2C "Has tho Japanese situation become .so nlnrmltur im nil that?" WOB tllO flrfit answer made by J. Fred Larson to Adjutant-Qenorai Finzor, wnen m zer notified him of his appointment ns a Lieutenant-Commander In the Oregon Naval MU'tln. "I've ltaa some nnvai experience, im oniii. "mill I Hiintioso I oucht to get along all right, especially slnco now, In tho phrnfleojogy or tho navy, ono dues not have, to worry about 'fore afid 'nrt' and 'port' nnu -Binruoaru. It Is moroly a matter or 'right and loft,' and I buppobo if you want to go below, you call It the basement In the modorn man or war.' Llbby COAL. The Kind roU;hTt ALWAYS USED. Phono 70. I'mI' Mtmt nnd Tnnfr Ootnrmny. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby glyen .that .tho undersigned bus been duly appointed administrator of tho eatato or An drow Johnson, deceased, and lettora of administration upon said estato duly issued to him. Now, therefore, all persona having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same to me, with tho proper vouoherfl duly verified as by law rcqulredfl within six months from tho dato hereof, at tho office of James 'T. Hall, 11 .(El dorado Dldg., Marshlluld, Oregon. Dated this 19th day of -April, 1B1R. C. E. HANSON, Administrator of tho estato of An drew Johnson, deceased. (First publication April 19 and last Mny 24.) svitmoNS. In tho Circuit Court of. the State-of Oregon, hi und' for tho County.. of Coos. Julius Nelson, as administrator .of tho estate of j.Iary A. Peterson, Deceased, plaintiff, vs. George D. Harris, Defendant. Suit In Equity to ForecloHC a Mort- IfOKC. To Georgo D. Harris, the above named defendant: Iu the name of the State of Ore gon, you aro hereby notified that you are required to appear nnd nn nver tho complaint filed against you in tho above entitled ault, within six weeks from tho data of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: Within six weeks from tho 22nd Jay of March, 1913, the same be ing tho date of thu first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and anBwor on or before tho 3rd day of -May, 1913, , the .same being tho last day of tho tlmo pro scribed in tho order of publication, judgment will uo taken against you for tho relief demanded In plalntlff'e complaint, a succinct statement of, which 1b as rollows; First. That thero be adjudged to bo duo and owing the plaintiff from defendant tho Bum of 1400.00 together with Interest tbcreon at tho rate of Crc per nnum from ,the, i a uny oi ueccmuer, lauv, ana for the Bum of fGO.00, reasonable attorneys fees to bo nllowod herein and for his costs nnd disbursements boreln. Socond: That a certain mortgago made by defendant dated December! 7th, 1907, to secure tho payment of a certnin promissory note, bo fore :losed, and tho premises described therein to-wlt: Lot 2 In Block ci of tho Townslto PJat "Ii' of Copa uay, as per piai thereof on Jlle and of record in the office of the Coun- y uiorK or saiu county nnd State, oo sold in inn manner provided by law, and tho proceeds applied to tho payments of the coats of said sale and of this suit, and thu sums to uo duo upon said promis sory note ns secured by said mort gage, and that the defendant and all persona claiming under him sub sequent to the executiou of said mortgage, be barred nnd foreclosed of all right, claim or equity of re demption In said premises. Third: That tho ovornlue t( any thero bo, bo paid to the Coun-) iy w;ierK oi uoos county, uregon, subject to tho order of this court and for such other and further re lief as tho Court may deem meet nnd equitable. Service of this nummons Is made by publication In pursuance of an order of John S. Coke. Circuit Judge of tho Second Judicial DIs trlct, in Coos County, Oregon, and dated March 21st, 1913, directing that service thereot bo made by pub lication In the Dully Coos Ilav Times, a dally newspaper ot general circulation printed and published at Aiarsnneia, uoob county, Oregon, once a week for a period of six weeks. Dated this 22nd day of March, 1913. JOHN P. HALL, I JAMES T. HALL. Attorneys for PJalrnlff. ( First Publication March 22, last publication April 26. 1913.) PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. We, the undersigned legal voters of Lakeside, No. 1 Precinct, Coos Count, Stato of Oregon, respectfully petition tho Hon. County Court of Coos County, Stto of Oregon to grant a License to, W. IL Short to Sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Lakesldo, No. 1 Precinct Coos County. Stato of Oregon, for the Period of Six Months, as In duty bound we will ever pray. J. N. Shlrln. Frml Mitat Chas. J. Furhop, E. Vanburger. Joe Noble, H. R. Holcomb, R. L. Roundtreo, Einll, Ponthun. R. M. Wleilor. I. fi finli Wm. Roundtreo, W. M. Young, unrry jienson, jock Flanagan, J. Van nurger, Will Judd, , A. F. Johnson, J. Justrom. Mllo M. Pierson. A. Im-Ai-nnll G. E. Dlvllbllss, Frank Rowron, Andrew Olson, Chas. Ollea, Adolph LlndroB, A. R. Dowron, Ira E. Wheeler. O. Sehronrinr A. Eskola, Peter aienegat, The Ideal Light For Young Eyes The soft, steady, mellow glow of Tungsten (Mazda) Electric LigbUprevents eye strain, For reading or sewing -at night anything that requires concentrat- ed use of the .eyes-it is a boon, Electric Light can be turned on or off by children without danger, It has no fumes or odois to poison the air, It is clean and healthful, ..... - Make Your Home AttiMctive Tungsten (Mazda) Electric Light gives an atmos phere of comfort and good cheer and the artistic fixtures and handsome lamps will beautify ydur home, Electric light is labor-saving It requires no attention and does not smudge the walls and ceil ings, Your family should not be deprived of such an Inexpensive luxury, when your home can bo wired so quickly and cheaply, Telephone 178 and we'll be glad to submit figures, Second .Marshf ield-North Bend Automobile Lines TO OUIt PATRONS: ...,, , . . . Automobile tlckcta aro now good on both lines betweon Marsh field and North Rend. GORST & KING TWIN CITY AUTO LINE I T 18 UETTER i-i(winvm .mrfV'. ! IDLE MONEY KKIt THE REflRET TIIATXU i, DID NOT. DO SO, WHEN THE UAY .OF WANT COMES. TODAY IS. Ori'ORTUNlTY DAY ,AT TIIK first National Bank OF COOS HAY. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OIJEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY, Established JH80. Capital, Surplus anaMJndividgd Profits $110,000 Interest jmiIiI on Tlmo JH'IH"I( Off iron: t, Wt ik-niMh Indent.. J, M. PanjiguN, V'PP-I'rf!pf. II. 1'. WUUhiiiv, Chk-y, Oeo, h .WlnrtieMiT, As't Owhler, C A. SmithLumber & Mfg. -Co. RETAIL LUMUER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS. 8ASII AND .DOORS. ROOFINO PAPER, ETC. CUTl flTUK FUEL DILI IN TWO UY yBINO OUR .WOOD. l'HOXH 10. 183 SOUTH .ROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire ft tf5 and Marine Insurance Title ! Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SBNGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phone 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Parma Timber Coal and Marahtleld Office 14-J. General Agenta "EASTaiDE." j- Power Co. and Central TO OPEN A UANK vnir with vrvmt Mrwjmw THAN TO HUF- i ' ' .' ' DEPARTMENT 0,1 pWK JKvp,ft barkK E. C. riii"i UKMi M. ... I... .... . J AirwRniTr:i:illls CONTRACTOR AM. p K-tlmato. ffi on Plans ami specification? i ,.,lei1 f doBlrod. An ,0e tn J"ml toed. Plume J24-i". Job uii- OLIVIA EDMAIV, -. Scientific SweH'SK Me, TOEL OSTIjIND, J Piano Tuner nml n- i PURL RILEY IIALMXnwT .... 1'Juulst nnd Tn.,i,.. ""S.7J -. X7 UIIANDLUIL Architect KooinM U01 nnd H02, Coke IlniMi Mnrl,f,.l,l. n.' BlJMhl rit. W. MOItUOW. T-. . Dcnllit 7 rt"T Hu,M'niC. Ter Grul TliPAtfp. nm,... in um zr " ""we iko. W M. H. TURPK.V. ARC1I1TKOT Mareliflolil, Orezon. TIU A. J. HKNrntY'S Modern l)i-nui I'arlors. Wvi are oaulppod to do high clui work on abort notice at tbs m, lowest prlcoa. Exnmlnatlon ttti Lady attondant. Coke Bldk , Oot Chandler Hoel. phone tK-J Fisher Auto Service J Win. I'Uher, Proprietor, Phono onlora to IIMIyer't Clin Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. u. phono G-J. NlRht phono 181-R, MiirHlillolil. OrcKon. New and Second Hand Furniturt Nuld on tho liistnllmrnt (lis. HARRINGTON, DOVI.l! & CO, :t(lii 1 'itm I 61. Phono niO-L MnriMWJ, Or. Bowling Alley! 7n NORTH FRONT STItKKT Tuesday Evening Especial lyjor Ladies First ClassWeaving iromitljr done at Gardiner's Rag Carpct.Fadwy Cor. Union and Montana Strut Phono 131. North Bend. Or. FAMILY WNNKIta In our now location, wo " " poclally prflparcd to cater to nmi trade. Regular mcula or short or llOIB. J Open day and iurIu. i 1 MERCHANT'S CAF1I. " Rnwdu ay und Commercial Mi COOS RAY PITI-J AMI WI.NWtt (IIiASS CO. J. A. OooiUIII and W. B. Stwjtf. Piute, Art and Wlmlmv Wm. rors, PrNiimllc fll. Mall orders and phono orderi gltn prompt iittoutlon. KatimateJ to- nlBlied. I,h0De,,7.ell 727 So. Hrnndwav. MaraMleii A modorn Bncx . utidtng, ; Elwjj AZ?ght. Steam Ilett . Byjj Furnlohod Rooms with Hot Cold Water. HOTEL OOOB O. A. MHTIn. Prop. lUtw: BO rents dj "f""" Onr. """""" "" "'"- Singer Sewing Machines . .. - .. .. -nnf no fOr Wo huvo ti om ! " Machines Repaired. Supplies and NerdlM for Sale. u. .7. RIT.. ..,,. .o. ,,. AV. JUriV " ....." "n.T. I'IMIIIti - Pictures &Frammg Walker Studio Mno Wutcl, ami . -'miiiiii.r i:Rnw "TTmontgomery Real Estate and Insurance 244 Worth FrmitjfcgLe Parke7& Leat0D x iu.i iw.w r'"o,r'"" HaThat Roof &J lia NOW B COKTBM piionk si1 :-