11f , . ,ta,Wtm-W'F' OTTiMHirfl HtTr fe- . .. ....... MWIIIVIIl s. s ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FOR. COOS BAY FROM PORTLAND MONDAY, APRIL 28. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH DANK HOAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1'lionu J I 0. F. McGKOHGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS 5teamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SWUNG FROM PORTLAND, APRIL 10, 2!1, !J0, MV 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 AND HO AT 8 A. M. SAILING FROM COOS RAY, APRIL 12, 10, 20, MAY 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 AND 27. Tlckt'W on "lu lo "" l'l(''i points and Information n to routes mill rules cheerfully furnished. I'liono Main !'"'' P U STERLING, AKCut. SX SPEEDWELL CAPT. K. HOSENHLATT, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Sunday, April 27th, a 4 P. M. THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd has excellent passenger acconv,! inoilalliiUM, inrgo civuii miu nirjr ruums uiiu cicciric ugius ami wireless. For freight unil pnAsngc, apply, A. F. Kslnbrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., (J:MI17 Santa Marliui Dldg., San Francisco. Mnrtdificld. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS. PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for KiVward n. Straus & Co., Fine. Tailoring. Let na make your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. Phone 250-X DAIRY BUTTER. In 2-lb. squiii-cg at can't 1)0 boat. that a prico Try It. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House O'CONNELL I1LDG. 184 Market Avo. Phono 394-J. Be Up To Date Order your Suit from TAnn The Tailor and IVJUU Dress Expert 278 Front St. Upstairs. ALL OVER OREGON SALEM. An order Issued by the Stnto Rallrond Commission, requires tlio Corvallls & Eastorn road to replace Its present 50-pound steel tracks, between Corvallls and Ya qulna with 75-pound steel rails, within tho next two years. HILLSRORO. Mrs. Thomas Balnea found a skeleton with n bul let hole through the skull, on her husband's ranch 10 miles southeast of this city. lowed nn ounce of laudanum while standing on tho doorsteps of tho Wlnnlngham home. Physicians woro summoned and tho patient was resuscitated. V. Swarthout was found flZ' bunk of tho Columbia lUvopMfc tho brldgo at Pasco, WashluB There was a btlllet holo tkrbtj the head. EUGENE Miss Naomi Hosklns. a high Bchool Senior, was seriously hurt by being thrown from a runa way horse. NYS8A. The City Council hai purchased from W. A. Lentsch n tract of land on which will bo lo cated tho Btnndplpo for tho new city water-works. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Driver and ronBonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhore at any time." Standi Blanco Motol and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phonci 78 and 41 Night Phono 46. HAHKI-'R OOORALK. nronrlrtom FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqulpiHHl with wireless and submarine bell SAILS FIVOM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHF1ELD MONDAY, APRIL 28, AT 3 P. M. All PftenKcr Renorvntlona Ft oin San Francisco Must Ue Made at 805 Flfo Building, or Lombard street Pier 27. All reservations in tiis t bo tulcc'ii up 24 hours beforo (tailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHON"" '4. C. F. McGEORGE. Agent. THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING ARSTRACT COMPANY Have photographic copies of all records of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present owners, or any other information relating to real cstnto furnished on short notice HUSINKSS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Marshflcld. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DO NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE v - j $ ON' J? $F v c r .s J s? . -j .t. f r TiT Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all klnda of baulln, on short notice. W moot all tTalni nd boata and wo also hare tho lattii itylo Reynolds Piano Mover. W guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. ROSBBURG. Dctlarlng ho had been Jilted by Mrs. Mary Wlnnlng ham, divorcee anil mother of five children, Charles Slnnnonda swat- WHY NOT? lctyoir corns come oil LIKE MAGIC llCarital H iVnmi CP'7-,2M '.-'ft!-- V AU CBMTB J ' ? mrr. i s- wnwtv Htt I... 1. 1 . J rP"KSo' JV' SALEM. Prince Byrne, a well known resident of thin nltv. Hii Sunday morning. ROS10BURG. Aftor forging or ders on E. J. Peyton and Clyde It. McClung, two Southern Pacific en gineers of Rosoburg, n transient crook was arrested by Constable Singleton. SALEM For tho ostensible pose of loaning money without! torest to Hebrew worklngmenjl nuinuor or Portland Jews havol ganlzcd tho Fifth .Mutual Freoili aesocmuioii. ASHLAND. Tho dates of the Southern Oregon Chntauqua Assem bly havo been set for July 7-18. PORTLAND. Under arrest nt Dunsmulr, Cnl., whore his flight from this city was terminated, Jos eph E. Ellis, alloged bigamist and swindler, will fight extradition. At your dru$is Pbnnps 9R-R. 130-J P.I JUST RECEIVED A laruo sliliiment of Electric Cut GIuns Shade.H. Call nnd sco our stock of glass wnro. Wo nlso havo Bomo of the latest designs In shower fixtures, from two light to five. Everything In electrical supplies. Barnard & Langworthy WHY NOT HAVE YOUR SHOES FIXED RIGHT? Wo guaranteo our work to b first class because wo use only th best material In tho market. Wo also havo up-to-dato machinery and know how to uso It. Forty years' oxperlence In making nnd repairing shoes havo mado us competent. Men's Shoes Hnlf Soled 85c Ladles' Shoes Half Soled 50c Mcii'n Shoes, Heels. ., ,15c LatlicN' Shoes, Heels 25c Waterproof between soles freo of charge. Wo also have on sale 1C dozen Men's high-grade Dress Shoes, sold nil over tho county for $5.00, while our prlco Is only $1.00. Also n good lino of Boys' Shoes nt reduced prices. It will pay you to look them over beforo buying olsowhcro, "Yours for Good Footwear nnd a Square Doal." AUGUST OLSON 210 South Rroadway. 11 ILLSDORO. Romeo H. Stevens, alias Harold E. Martin, Is under ar rest hero on charge of taking $70.90 from tho Oregon Electric at Tual atin, where ho waB employed as station agent. PORTLAND. An " attempt was mndo to hold up M. K. Davis, a motorman of the P, It. L, & P. Co., while Davis was running . his car. but the hlghwnymnn only succeeded In slightly wounding him with brnBs knuoldes. SALEM. After listening to com plaints mado against tho Central Oregon Irrigation Company by E. B. Williams, of Crnnk fnimlv tin. Stato Desert Land Board decided to allow tho company further tlmo In which to finance tho project. CORVALLIS, Kato O'Connor, of Montnguo, Cal., a student or O. A. C, was drowned while canoeing on tho St. Mary's Rlvor. PORTLAND W. E. Sherman, ed itor of tho Western Stock Journal, died hero from cancer. PENDLETON. Tho body of Geo. No matter how long you Buffered, or what other remedies havo failed to cure, Foley Kidney Pills will sure ly holp you. They nro gcnuluoly tonic, strengthening nnd curative, build up tho kidneys and rcstoro their regular action. John Volbort. Foster, Cnllf., says: "I suffered many years with kidney troublo and could never get relief until I tried Foley Kidney Pills which effected a comploto euro. For snlo by Lock-hart-Parsons Drug Co., "Tho Busy Corner." 1,l.l?rT t.-.W.rvv. r..- v. , i-nnuurj i ui .urs. KogersiU'lV tlil city, suffered minor InJurWt l)t..M Hill nl.,n..t..1tt1 ,. ...t.f-l.rf.l.'r' "" "" IlillUHIUUIIU 111 nillUUILNV woro riding, turned turtlo. mU small son wns qulto seriously Jill VII. BAKER William It. Mead? entered n plea of utility to arfttl llro to tho White photograph, stud on two different occasions. JH MEDFORD Thirty tons of oplumf were seized in a raid liy countysor; flclalfl on Chinese bonrdlnt; lio'dae inrougnout tnu country. . EUGENE Coronor W. T. Gordoi Is sick with smnllpox nt his residents! at No. ar.s Tenth nvenuo, oast, aifdl Is quarantined with his wlfo nndinj trained nurso. Ho had Just com pleted tho construction nnd furnish"? ing of IiIr residence when taken BlckS THE DALLES After n ten veaT hattlo with tuberculosis. J. R. Lakel died nt tho homo of his pnrents, 0X3 county judgo nnd Mrs. A. E. Lako.V ' PORTLAND Tho O. W. It. c Nfl Co., for violating tho Interstate Com mcrcc act forbidding trainmen to work nioro than sixteen hours out of j tho twenty-four, wns lined n totnl ofl $150 In tho United States district! nritlft lit Tlitltrrt Wi1tnitrit vJU AURORA Tho two Infant chili dren of Amos Knutftunn wore burncdl to death nt Needy, about six mllonl from this city, whllo tho family wasj absent working In tho Holds. SALEM Chanel guard W. H.I Fisher, nt tho state penitentiary, wn'al stubbed with tho Rhnrp end of a II lei by n convict, but tho wound will not provo serious. SALEM E. T. Mellnln, of Oregon! uuy, uas auumiiioii puuiH ror a inrgo; power duvelopment schomo on thol WIlll'lllllllllH IblVUI, WI1IUII IK1VU IIL'UIll approved uv auuo i;nginoor i.owis. TWO HANGED. Two Mexican Murderers Pay Penally , or Crime. Ilf AnocUlftl I'rni to Cool Ur Tlmn.l SOCORRO, N. M.. April 25. Frn- zler and FrnuclHco Granada wero hanged hero enrly today for first degreo murder. AMONG THE ROY SCO ITS. All boys connected with tho Boy Scouts of MarHhlleld aro aBked to como to tho Tnbernnclo on Saturday evening nt 7:30 to hear n talk, with Illustrations, by a leader of tho Boy ScoutH among tho ChlnoBo. Boya connected with both troops horo nro wanted nt tho mooting. "Learn One Thing Every Day" THE PLAN IS SIMPLE In The Times every day you will find a brief, gripping story giving vital facts about people, events, places and pic tures. Once a week you will get "THE MENTOR," an illustrated publication containing an article, by an eminent authority,' on the subject of the week, together with six beautiful pictures in intaglio-gravure or in color. LEAKN ONE THINO A EVERY DAY A ITS SCOPE BROAD This plan of taking in valuable infor mation by a. simple and attractive .method has been carried out so far as to cover all fields of useful knowledge. It will give you a broad acquaintance with the treasures of the world in Art, Literature, History, Science, Travel and Adventure. It is a' liberal education, easily and agreeably obtained. LEAKN ONE THING A EVERY DAY A ITS AUTHORITY ABOVE QUESTION The plan has been warmly endorsed by hundreds of distinguished educators throughout the country, and it is con ducted under the counsel and super vision of an Advisory Board made up of eminent men, each of whom is a recog nized authority in some field of knowl edge. What you learn will, therefore, be worth while and trustworthy. wF HHaHi.li.i.i.i.H Kvfyt3K i p.Mv9iiaBliiaiaiaB We Began This Week The subject of the week is "Scotland, the Land of Song and Scenery" . ti and every day there will be a crisp, vivid story of one of Scotland's beauty spots in THE TIMES. "The Mentor" for the week will contain a delightful talk on these pictures by Dwight L. Elmendorf, the well known traveler and lecturer. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW A familiar nn d dear face one of six of our be loved poets thnt Mr. Hamilton W. Mablo tells us about most delightfully In The Mentor. The pic tures are beautiful portraits, nnd Include, beside Longfellow, Whlttler, Bryant, Lowell, Holmes and Walt Whitman. Order the First "Mentor" Today i The Times Office Ten Cents , ' bsbv T i x. vyBaBaBaBBaBaBSlL iLi vWaaBaiBaBaBaH HIV - j2EmSaKM MADAME LE BItl'.V AND DM'OI.TEU A portrait of tho artist by herself, ono of tho bIx pictures Illustrating tho nunibor of The Mentor on "Beautiful Women in Art," by J. Thompson Willing, writer on nrt subjects. 1 MI J L .ViTi