THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1913 -EVENING EDITION, ' r 6 MEWS OF NORTH BEND Mrs. George Mack and daughter, Cecil, who hnvo been guests nt the Frank Ulnck residence, have return ed to their home. Mrs. George Hobs of Catching In let wns n guest Wednesday at the Ilenry Ulnck home. A number of the high school pupils nnd the eighth grade made a trip to the Sand Hills Thursday, chaper oned by Mrs. Woodbury. Tom Sawyer Is having the North Bend Manufacturing company build him the body for n slxteen-passenger auto truck, which he will operate be tween North Inlet and Lakeside this Bummer. He plans to make two round trips dnily with It. Mrs. Jnno Slestreem of Empire has begun Bttlt for divorce against Chas. Slestreem of Ten Mile. She charges him with desertion nnd failure to contrlbuto to the support of their four children. J. A. Allen, II. 0. Kern and Geo. D. Mandlgo have been added to the directory board of tho First National Bank of North Uend bIiicc the cnpl tol stock was Increased from $25,000 to $50,000. The old directors are A. Van Zllc, Robert Hanks, Fred Hol llstcr, Judge John F. Hall, J. W. Hergmnn and J. II. Groves. There will bo n service and ser mon In St. Mnry'B Episcopal Church, North Uend, (Myers building at 2 o'clock on Sunday. Strangers cor dlally Invited. City Attorney .Mullen has been no tified that the suit of W. J. Hunt, trustee, of tho Kinney properties, at tacking the annexation of I'lat I) by tho city of North Uend, has been dropped, Tho suit attempted to show that the election for the consol idation or absorption was Invalid. Sunt. A. G. Hanb has planted a largo tract of artichokes on Ills Ken tuck Inlet ranch for hog feed. He I snys that they nro the .best hog feed thnt can bo raised on the Day. ( Captain Denny Hull expects to get j his leaguers out for a practice gamo Sunday if the weather Is fair, n pick-' up team being organized to work thorn out n little. J. T. Collvcr litis bought two lots, Just south of Dr. IIurmlBtor's resi dence, from Mrs. J. A. Strickland ' for $1150 nnd will erect a homo on them at once. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hert Gray are re joicing over the birth of n son this week. Mrs. John Cousins and son , Archie left this week for Phoenix, Ariz., In hopes of benefitting the latter's health. A. S. Hammond nnd Fred Hollls tcr have placed orders with I'. N. Iteberg, who has taken the North Uend agency for tho Hupmoblle, for two ninchlnes. They are expected soon. Hoi Walker hns leased the "Our Houso Annex" from tho Simpson Lumber company nnd will convert It Into a rooming houso. J. G. Horn Is moving the building to tho Sheri dan avenue grade. Mrs. Charlotte Uascom, aged eigh ty, left on the last Hrcnkwoter for I'aBhley, Alberta, to make her homo with her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Wood hull, aged seventy-live, also left on the same bont for Hlnghnmton, Kas where sho will make her home. They were probably two of tho oldest pas sengers who ever left the Hay on the same boat on long trips. C. K. Shaw nnd family arrived hero yeBterday from Raymond, Wash, to make their home In North Dcnd. Joe Harbor and Fremont Hodson are practicing hard for tho state Held meet at Eugene. Wednesday, Hodson did tho fifty ynrd clash In live nnd four-llfths seconds nnd the hundred In ten nnd three-fifths. Har bor put the shot forty-two feet, eight and nnd one-half Inches, Mrs. George J. Richardson return ed with Mr. Rt hnrdson from Snn FrnnclBco and will take charge of tho rooming houso which they arc starting over the Coos Iray Grocery. Row Father Springer hns ordered a motorcycle nnd expects to use It in visiting tho outlying churches of his parish. Ruob Urnlnard of Ten Mile sus tained thrco fractured ribs while working In tho woods there the oth er day. W. E. Covey has received word of the death of his daughter, Mrs. Inez Edwards, nt McKcesport, after a brief Illness of typhoid fever. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwards wore mnrried n little over a year ago and news of Her donth came as n great shock NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS New Homes First Addition To Marshfield Have you been out there lately? (Jo out tomorrow; sec the new homes hoiiin- ih,jh the building sites being prepared for others. Talk with the owners; they are all boosters; they'll tell you First, Addition is the plaee-for your now home Where the 00x120 lots facing on an improved street are selling Tor only 300 and on terms to suit vour income. The lowest priced properly on the "South Ride" the section where you always wanted to live. Stroll out there tomorrow; look over these beautiful homesites; select, one of these sunny .sheltered lots then conic to our office. "We'll make terms to suit you. Reynolds Development Co. (Owners.) COKE BUILDING TKLBLMIONI3 1G0 IIIUKKS OP liANDOX. Xewn of Clly-liy-tlie-Scn as IVild by Tho Itecorder. Tho Ilaudolph left hero Friday afternoon on n voyago to Astoria, arriving hero on her return trip juondny noon with n cargo of cair CUIjMXUS OK COQUIIiliK. Xcivh of Upper Valley iih Told by The Herald. Judges nnd dorks of election for tho city election to bo held on Ma 12th wero named ns follows: J. F. Schrooder. L. Hnrlockor and E. W. nory supplies for Itogno Itlver. This Ferris. Judges: Wnlter Oerdlng. A. is ono or cno quicKest trips on roc- li. Collier nnd Den Currlo, clerks, ord and Cuptnln Anderson Is ctor- Geo. C. Thersnult, of Anson's enmp nnlly demonstrating tho fact that hns bought tho skookum restaurant thoro nro no files on tho Itnndolph. of C. A. Harrington nnd will tnko Ho Is dotnlned nt this port waiting possession Thursday, for better water on Ko-mio Hlvcr Tho steamer Ilrooklyn hns tnkoti bar. n contract to bring up n lnrgo Mrs. Antoinette Until Culbortson amount of freight for tho dovolop- dled nt tho Unndnu Hospital last "iot work In southern Curry eoun- Thursday morning after an Illness ty, which will tax her rapacity for lasting but a few hours. Sho was sonio time, so thnt she will bo bring, n brldo of but seven months nnd lug up no freight for this port, enmo with her husband, Win. (Jul- So'o tlmo ago, It. S. Knowlton borlHon, to Prosper on Jnnunry 28. Bvo to tho different schools In tho tiio speedwell's cargo consists or icrniory inuuiury to uoquillo somo 17,000 tlos, 1-1,000 feet of lumber trn "no calendars bearing a repro and 130 poles. iductlon of Thos. MornrVs great Nols Nlolson, tho Prosper ship l)nlntl"B of tho Yollowstono Canyon, builder, will soon commenco tho offering nt tho snmo tlmo three prizes construction of a largo scow for uso ,0 tl10 pupils writing tho best essnys on tho Sluslaw. i on tho subject Illustrated by tho Married At Ilnndon. April 20. Pnlntlnir. The essays wero submit- by Itev. C. II. Ilarklow. Arthur ietI ,0 S,P' a. of tho North to opornto thorn as division shops, with tho tnnln plant for tho heavier work at Springfield. The matter Is yet In embryonic state and no tlmo lias been fixed for the beginning of development of tho project," wim:u:ss at iiaxdox. Tho wireless telegraph operators of tho various steamers running Into this port have been making n scries of experiments Independent of tho stations aboard their boats nnd Tues day Messrs. Mansfield of tho Speed well nnd W. I). Cornish of tlfo Fl llold established a temporary exper imental station in tho bnsoment of XIJWS OF IJAHIiV DAYS. I -4 (From tho Coos Hay News, pub lished at Marshflold, April 21, 1880. Slglln & Ronnott publishers,) Tho Little Annie, on tho Coqulllo Is laid up. No steamer now run ning on the river. We notice some peach trees In bloom In town. This spring Is nt least n month Inter than usual. The work or sinking nnd filing In tho cribs Is progressing slow on ac count of stormy weather. Mr. Hunch hns purchased property long tlmo past, It being well known thnt tho Indians nro In tho habit of burying tho valunblcs of their dead with them. Flshburn needs n long term In tho servlco of tho state. Oltl-XiOX HIT.SIIANDS WHO XIXH.KCT I'AMIIilKK AUK IHJ FOIt IMPItl.SO.NMK.NT. SALEM, 0., April 2-1. Among tho laws thnt will go Into affect on tho third of Juno Is ono thnt Is likely to muko shtftlesH or ne glectful husbands sit up nnd tnko notice It provides thnt "any pur- far a mill slto at Coqulllo City, and son who, without Just or sufficient Inn 1 1 iv It ft Irnmini'U mudlnvwin t Mm ,.r.,.M. i.nnM, M..nZ ..... n i .ia '"tends erecting a sawmill this sum- cause, Hhnll fall or neglect to sup- net v eo Sine fflnn BOO mlUrn" ,,,er- l,ort ' wlfo or elHlroii. shall 1)0 II us The Mars old wireless s a-" " Worklngmon , bur Improve- deemed guilty of a felony nnd shnll tic n .'has n vor nr voS cm n Hp nicnl nro recolv,,,B : I,or ,ln'- "- '' punished therefor by GOIlflnoiliant mi3&nsz: sBo1 !n wi iiVv0 ,H ro" " ,ho H,n, ,,rlHon irn(: ,ohh t,mn but u station on any exposed point " " IP. , ' C'1' ',,,,, "o year nor more thnn three years, on tho nnndon const would catch aJ0 "J"'' ,n0I KL 1 ?"..'? ,,,m;,0,,n,0"t " ,l0, "my anything up to the capacity of tho ? .?,ixJ0",1 i .,31' ?,"' 'A1. !0, ,.. .fc? Jnl1 rT ot k'H "" : ''' (,r , ....i.,i-n ilk .iki-naia. nullum. itiiKUL innin tlinti itin vnnr " Instrument. Irnndon Surf, TltOUWiK AT COQUILi; Dnlrd, of Itnndolph, nnd Miss Mollri .'.,(!nd 8CJ'Ools, who with Qrnco Wll- Hoovor, of this city. ,U.U,,B ot tiio sixth grndo, and A. S. Tho Louvre wns tho scono Sun- Hso' ot tho dopartmont of Inn day ovenlng of somo of the best Kungo, of U10 samo school, inndo tho slnglefooUng over seen In Ilnndon. "'"H1 of l)rlzes. Lonnna Curry, Art. Conch, though If Is not gen-:c,r,Ul Brm,e Coqulllo, took tho flrst orally known. Is cortnlnlv tlm nr. Vrze " "tttorninn fountain pen: jnlor dnusuuso of Hnndon. His Sa- 'In,r,y ,,llB0Ie. eighth grade, Co lonic skirt dnneo nnd Hnndon ling ,,'. Becond prlzo, n book; Itelvn aro about tho pioper cupor nnd tho I""". Ushtrap school, third music furnished by I'rof. Horn did I'"0- uo of stntlonory. not detract an from Its spectacular enec'i, A suit of considerable magnitude hns been filed by tho heirs of tho Coach estate against (!eo. W. Mooro ' and tho Cody Lumber Company for money tiuo on account. HOL A.VniJHSOX'S CASK. lagging Wri'cK- Victim Will Hnvo to I'liileipi .Much (Jiaftlng. Hoi Anderson, tho solo survivor Tiiiiuit no... of tho disastrous rallroiul wrnek plo nro logtilug on the Coach tract , w,,lcn oreiirreil on tho Seoly-Andor- on Lampa Creek and tho controversy ""i rou" ",8t Novombor, Is undor- Ja over 11 settlement Oamo Warden Maker 1'iniy 111 uivnr vihiim',iiiv very closely resembled .1. Itufusi '"alns to bo covered with now skin wniungioril (Oot-Itlch-Qulck Vnl.,,,U0"1 square root of tho surface. Hngford) hut who turned out to lno Pn'lent Is gradually regaining bo Mr. C. W. Hurgcss of tho A. I- ,tfonKth npd his recovery Is now Kstnbrook Company. Tho ehnrgo, "'most nssurod fact. Hnndon .jiunuver, was not ror getting rich 0,,,, tiuicK, nut ror getting fish quick, no controversy "u" ,u"" ",Ml Aovomuor, is undor for stiunpago. .K,nK another siege of skin graft er arrested 11 ' "K nt" tho ,mil(ls of D'- Mnn nt tho iestorday who Lniergeney Hospital. Thoro yet ro lls It Is related that ho wan ilmn mlng up the river with the Intention of getting nil tho fish therein. mollis .Marsh, who has been crlt- UAXIIOX HAH IMIMIOVHMK.VT. Donald harlson, chief onglneer In charge of the government works on Coos Hay and tho Coqulllo Itlver. Strong Vlco Petition to be Presented to George Itrown, Tho Coqulllo Herald snys: "A po tion has been circulated and qulto numerously signed In town, address ed to 'Prosecuting Attornoy Geo. M. Hrown, urging tho prosecution of all cases of vlco and nsaurlng tho offl cor of tho sympathy and support of 1110 signers in any effort ho may make In that direction. It Is to bo hoped thnt no copies of this peti tion may rind their way to tho out side world, for tho picture heroin drawn of tho moral atmosp..ero of this city would bo enough to turn nway nny ono who had thought of bringing a wlfo or family hero to mnko n homo. Tho fact that tho 110- tltlon Is signed by people well up In tho community would bo tnkon ns n proof that moral conditions nro somowhnt below those of tho Into lamented Ilnrbary Const In Snn Francisco, which was supposed to j iju uuuiu urn wii-Kciicsi pinco in tuo world. Now this may bo truo thoso people ought to know but with nil duo respect for tho ro llglous nnd educational lights who make tho assertion, tho editor of tho Herald most emphatically dis believes It. right itwim thfiti ruin vnnr.1 and Snyder each lost ono of tholr Whllo such a husband Is In prison ciiiiuren. th )nw provides thnt tho County Thos. Hall, who wns accidentally rv. ..1. n 1 1 .,., i,i ...if i. ....... shot through tho si do n week ngo nf , ,.',, nr,P ,i,imniini fnr last Saturday, Is ablo to bo about again, nnd has gono homo. Tho bul let traversed tho flesh about six In ches, entering near tho spine. Hr. Golden attended him. Springer, of tho I. T. It. It., hnd a mtio unpleasantness with Goo. Hob each child, but that not nioro than 1. 75 a day Is to bo paid to any ono wlfo. Tho widows' pension bill also pro vides that a mother shnll recolvo Biipport for hor children whon hor Baby ChocsJ aby Shoes' Seo the new lino of Ifobr Shon nt the The Electric Shoe Shop nt 180 South Ilroidiur. 1JLK FOIt DOUGLAS COUXTV FLOItHXCi: XHWS Items (ilcaiied IVun the of the West. Seem lenlly 111 at tho Kmnrconnv llnsnltul nabl Mi Surf iii ..!....... ..; tor somo weeks past, whllo not yet Saturday. Mr. Chnrlson In enthuslas-i0K's to Wiisliliiuton t o put of danger, Is reported on the tie over the possibilities of our bar- N1'"' " Xntlvo Klk. ,lul)rou'- w nnd It Is confident thnt It could PORTLAND, Or., April 24. uu uuuiu one or cuo best on tho coast. ' wiinnm L. Flnlny, state gamo wnr (lovornment nld Is necessary, how- don, has returned from Southern tner, in uringing tins about, nnd ho Oregon, where ho had been giving Columns '""Intnlns that to obtain tho recognl- lectures boforo tho gun clubs of ui uiu government wo must ngl- uoseuurg, Hlddlo, Grants Pnss. rQ cnrin..r mn.i .!. .I...T liuslmiul Is nil liunnto of somo Oro snun.ln.l HV m,nl, ...I KOII lllHtltlltlOII. llllt it lias llOOn Goorgo susponded hostilities, when ol",e,' ,ut ''' Governor West Springer ugnln oponed upon his ",t 1 1 ln,WB (1 ",ot nfllct. ns works, nn action of which ho ro- tho ,wlfo wlloso ''usbnnd wiib boiU ponted In n very limited tlmo. t0 'J10 Ponltontlnry for noii-support Tho cribs aro being put In plnce. W0,I,1 ,,rllw l,ll' ull(,or "'o non-sup- nnd tho bottom Instead of being sand p,ort "? wnlch wl11 alIov ,lor ,,loro as was antklpnted, Is Bolld rock, n than tho pension act. much more favorablo condition thnn wns cnlculutcd on. Instend of six cribs, tho present appropriation or $40,000 Is doomed to bo sulllciont to plnco twolvo cribs In nlncn nnd fill In tho necosnry rock, thus nink Ing n sea wall COO feot long. John Flshburn, n fellow under survellanco for some tlmo past, is in Jail on a chargo of robbing W. H. Wotsoll's snloon in Kmplro City n few weeks ngo. Georgo Rnrrott Is also accused of being n participant In tho tho crlmo, but tho ncciiBatlon of tho lnttor rests entirely upon tho statement of ono of tho prisoners nftor tho transaction. It appenra that this Flshburn has boon engaged In despoiling Indian graves for a To Men Who Are H. D. Coo. of the North iimi.i lt '"' """or and keep overlnstlng- lloguo Itlver, Ashland and Medford. Comimnv wim in ' . ' l""K'ebmau. u 10 mora ms 01 ManufactiiiluK Klorenco j est ei day. The hotels and boarding hounesl In Floiencp are all lllled to ovor-l llowlng and tl-o proprietors find It .nfflfMlIt .. f. ...!..!. .. . -.. . ........... , unman lu'i-iiuiiiiuiiauous , Pi ,f "VFW , Southern Pnclfle Will llull.l I I Of. Alf IPll PoUni'H. Win ino CI...... ... 0....1...... . . lmnn n. .1... 1. .,...:, .,.',,," '"" ,.,. :.""" '".. "I" "Kiieill - -... ... ,,,(. IIV..II 111 him i iiirtini'i) bject wns to organlzo gun good appropriation will fix our bar clubs and get their co-operation in just right. Let s go after It. Unn- abiding with tho stato gnmo laws, uon burr. , Ho Bny8 tll0 K,uneu or Southern xuws at i:i(;i:xh. HlH The I'JiiKouo Guard says. urogon aro strongly In favor of hotter gamo protection. Illuger Hermann, former Congressman, will go to Washington, whero ho will tnko Bteps toward bringing govern! 1 1 . . 1 1 ruiii'i pit mm a nr mi intn i.. ii......... wch 1,0 w. .teA's'. '"isouK "i"rtffU,,7'G?J'r.& sis 's. !?" .;!" '.' " Now STVLKS In PHOTOS at 3l'ATKH.M.SS STI'DIO, 24 1 Front. , Try Tho Times' Waut Ads. IhrelTnE'f'folSr al'U' F '" ouuZoZ Z ,,ho;,wUhrrrep.nco "t'ho" '" '" f "" protection. ,Z ".n'-t'SS-InSntiS ' traK 5? A Man May Toot His Own Horn all he pleases, Ma iHiiplo now-n-iluys urn not paying for noise. An empty vwiroii iiuikes more sound Ilmn 0110 thnt Is currying- a load. The Roods Salter .St.s ,(. silent partners. This Is dm most eltectlve kiml of talk. ForxTAix imixKs II OT T A M A L I! S. K'i: CIU-JASI CAXDV SARTER'S Still Thinking ' About. Spring Clothes It's high tlmo to tnko action on tho problem of now Spring clothes suits, hats, shoos, hnb ordashory, Tho stores that cater particu larly to men's neods hnvo boon thinking about theso things for months, and now thoy nro all ready for you, with plenty of fresh, new stock. Take a fow minutes today and read tho advertisements of men's wenr In THE TI.MES. Manu facturers tell you tho shops that handle this brand or that, and most of tho storos aro showing somo romarkablo lines of their own. You nro bound to find an Interesting "lend" In somo adver tisement of a rollnblo houso. Then you can got what you wnnt at tho prlco that suits you. Advortlsomonts stnrt you on your way to tho things you wnnt. WK OFIKIt YOU Wellman Canned Sweet Potatoes at !ic Per Co. Wth each can rcclpln for: Wollman Sweet Potato Pie. Wellnuin Sweet Potatoes : died. Wellnmn Sweet Potato Tout Tho above nro delicious dlild concocted by famous cooks. Phono us your orders. Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Mnskej'i "ndln. IIAIIIV AXIi .STOCK F.1W If you wnnt n good Dty ' Stock fiirm co MlipraU Phono ilf.11, Jlaniuwio. i Homesccker Ho can no r somo of tho best In me rwy for sain. You Can Get West Marshfield Lots for $350.00 12 minutes walk from post within .100 ft. of lots kOW 1,000.00 Wo have Ml iw " I.S. KauimanCo. The wJhflfrteiHouse Restanwan! XHXT DOOB TO pMXW"! You aro Invited 10 m Wo aim to use our pstrc "Ww 'Call and See W Ithoumntlsm as n result of kldnoy troublo, stiff and aching Joints, back ncho nnd soro kldnoys will all ylold to the uso of Foley Kidney Pills, riioy nro tonic In nctlon, quick In results, curative always. W. S. Skelton, Stanley, Indlann, says: "I would not tnko $ 100.00 for tho re lief from kldnoy trouble I recolvod from ono single box of Foley Kldnoy Pills." For snlo by Lockhnrt-Par-sons Drug Co., "Tho Busy Corner." You Auto Call W iMioxBiiwMu'rUirdr Goodf . ! Careful Drivers ss Comp") Union Storage W. A. Heard. M rf Export PMJ,rted. S1 Pnaffi I d Repaid. oiiii"- ruv; ..,ti 5C9 Front St. . t Btf'9! LeSvo orders at u