'THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Ji This Store's Newness Is Perennial In freshness, fullness and absolute timeliness of stock in breadth of assortment, in courtesy, in promptness of ser vice, above all in extreme VALUE-GIVING through PRICE REASONABLENESS, this store preserves from season to season, a newness which not only keeps it in the foreground of commercial progress, but enables it to meet with absolute satisfaction the merchandise requirements of a steadily in creasing number of women who live here and hereabouts, "A store of newness," absolutely! Age cannot wither, nor custom stale its infinite variety, OurSpring Display ofWomen Attire was never better, From the expert selection of the materials o the last touches of the finisher, each stage of the work has been executed by skilled modistes, It is not necessary to point out that our facilities for supplying your wants are unsurpassed, Nearly every woman in Marshfield knows of our economical pricing but somc llilng else our Spring display insures a very close approach to perfection in workmanship as well, The designers have displayed unusually good tastes in this season's creations, And not withstanding the beauty of our models and the superior grades of the materials, we adhere strictly to our policy of pricing each article at a modest margin of profit, JUST A WORD ABOUT OUR SPRING DRESSES: Ingenuity seems to run its limit in these tasteful gar ments, All that clever designing and dainty trimmings can achieve is seemingly displayed in their graceful modeling and exquisite finish, We welcome your visit whether you purchase or not, ' MAGNES & MATSON For chapped hands and face use Rexall Honey. Almond Cream The finest thing you ever used Price 25 Cents For sale at the Busy Corner, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 -5T- US Box Lunches for Picnics Wo mnko n specialty of theso for your Hulling trip or Sundny outing. Dig lunch for two only 35 cents. For Sunday Dinner Try sonio of our Flno Salads niul Delicatessen goods., Homo linked Henna mid other appotlitlng dishes. Withe House Restaurant (Formerly Leltl's) and AIMIIIj TIDES Below 1b given the timo height of high and low .... . .. ...... -number iic iiuca uiu iniii:ii 111 tuu uruur f0 i Monrovln. Mr. Flynn Is Interested In considerable property hero and It Is expected that they will finally determine about the improvements which they propose to mnko hero this year. Mrs. Grimes niny accom pany them here, nlthough slio orig inally planned to remain In Mon rovln until Inter In the year. Ilcncflt Dance. Henry Hogdnhl and a hunch of Mnrshnold Oood Fel lows will give a benefit ba.i nt the 1 Although strictly Informal, tho celebration of tlln !)7tli nntitvnrnnr Wtnr nKllK,P8' 1,al1 tn,K"t to rnlso funds of Odd Fellowship at the Odd Fol wunr Ul 1 to help tho Cooloy family. A largo i lows' Hall Inst evening was ono of Atlanta, will readily grant tho re quest and It Is hoped to organize tho now branch nbout Juno 10. Mrs. Hurkhnrt nnd Mrs. Kettrlng returned " few days ago from the meeting at Medford. ODD FELLOWS' SOCIAL. of tickets hnvo been sold of occurrence, with their times on tho first line and heights on the second lino of each day; a conipai Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indicate whethor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, iiiitrict 2 hours 34 mlnutos 12.53 7.57 0.2 0.51 fi.l S.04 4.7 s.sc 4.5 10.30 4.4 20 30 lira.. 5.5G Ft... 5.7 Hrs.. 0.53 Ft... 2.0 Hrs.. 2.14 Ft... 2.8 Hrs.. 3.32 Ft... 2.8 Hrs.. 4.30 Ft... 2.3 4.2 1.10 0.5 2.10 0.7 3.4 S 0.7 4.41 1.1 0.0 0.0 9.07 4.4 10.07 4.G 10.57 4.8 11.37 5.1 WEATHEIl FORECAST. By Associated Press Oregon Showers tonight nnd Sunday: fair In South with f showers In North; south to west winds. LOCAL TEMPEHATUHE HECOHD. For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., April 20 by Hen J. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer; Maximum GO Minimum 39 At, 4:43 n. m 44 Precipitation none 1912 5S.11 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1912 5S.11 Precipitation snmo period Inst year 51.31 Wind: Northwest. Clear. To Portland. Claude Hockott, Empire manager of the Southern Oregon Company, was called to tlio most delightful of tho lodgo functions that have been held In Mnrshflold In a long time. Mem bers or Sunset Lodge, Sunset En campment and Western Slnr Ite- I'ortinnii tins weok on business nnd ' uoitaii Lodge wore In attendance, will not return until tho first of I Untieing and other entertainment followed a sumptuous banquet next month New Presbytery. At tho recent meeting of tho Southern Presbytery In Medford, preliminary stops wore taken for dividing tho Presbytery ami establishing n now one to bo com posed of Coos nnd Curry counties nnd 10 uo Known us the Southwestern The North Ilond Odd Followa' organization celebrated tho anniver sary thero Wednesday night. In .lull Again. Ednn Hindi, the notorious South Slough charactor who was freed bv tho crniul tnrv this weok on tho chnrgo of trying Oregon Presbyterv. Owltnr tn thin, to enrvo Jimmy Uurnnnn. an Em- section being completely cut off P'lo Squaw man, Bpont Inst night from the balanco of the district. It In tlio Empire Jail on tho chnrgo Is expected that tho Presbyterian ' of Intoxication and disturbing tho ucncrni Assembly, which moots n pence, Sao wnB released today. TIMES WANT ADS. ' ' ' II I I I - - I II. . . ,, ,, M In Quit HI. Coroner Fred Wilson Is reported quite 111 nt his homo of n severe attack of la grippe. Finishes House F. E. Allen Is completing a new bungalow on a lot adjoining his homo In South Mnrshflold. Itulld Bungalow. L, I). Ilcllcu lins awarded the contract to C. O. Gosticy for tho erection of a flue modem bungalow near tho corner of Twelfth and Flanagan streets. Plans to Itulld. Frnnk S. Itelbo has purchased a block In Homo Ad dition, Just cast of tho Day City mill, from Henry Sengstnckon nnd will erect a largo boarding house there In the near future. ( A. Smith to Leave. C. A. Smith Is planning to leave on tho Nann Smith at 2 o'clock tomorrow morn ing for Snn Francisco. Tho Nann arrived in nt 1 o'clock this morning n.i.1 ...III fl.ilalt lint, nnfiwn (mint. ...Mi ,,, Illlinu in.. i,..hu ,....uj, lllll.'CCMtl.'IV! 111.. I I t l'i OmiuIIIc Sheriff dago camo ,""".'? &:..."V' .'."'. """ ",m'' WANTED Purchasers for DJOvl 10 ror Central and 13th nt $3150. Terms half caBh. Lots 1-2-3-4 nnd 5, Block S, $3150, half cash. 5 aero lot In Lobreo Park for $1, 300. Thcso are nil monoy-mn-ker8. Sco Title Guarantee & Ab stract Co. FOH BENT Boom wttti Imtli, suit able for two gentlemen. G31 First and Alder Ave. I'OB SALE Deriding plants, pausles, begonias, plcragonliiins, salvia geraniums, etc., nro now ready to sot out. .Mrs. It. 11. Drews. Tel. 387. FOIl DENT Two rooms for ladles only, Nowly furnlshod. Inquire 352 North Front street. W. O. Wlmmor Dnrbor shop. "Oil DENT Tho furnished rooms. Uofcronces. GG2 So. Elovcnth st. FOIt SALE One cliolco lot In first addition. Address P. O. Dox 080, Murshflcld, Ore. Ql'ICK SALE Sil.-JO hIII buy two level, cleared lots' In nay View. Win. Warren, nt Curry's Durher Shop. FOH SALE Cook stove, Sill. ii:7 North Drondwny. FOH HALK T acres, half mile from Day City, on county rond. 2& ncres cleared; 7-room houso and outbuildings; splendid plnce for chickens; 30 plum and pruno trees; 14 smnll applo trees. One good milch cow, turkeys, ducks, chlckons nnd household furniture goes with plnce. $2000. $150,1 down nud $500 on time. Mrs. I). E. Mnjor, East Side, Oregon. FOD SALE Irt-.h p. boiler. 111- li. p. engine, 2G-ft. gnsolluo bont, 23 ft. gnsolluo bont, 10-h. p. gnsollno nglno, 4-h.p. gnsollno englno 501 egg Incubator, gnsollno drag snw outfit, 3000 ft, myrtlo lum hor, 7x9 printing press nnd typo, SxlO enmorn nud lens. LIDEDAL DEWADD Will lie paid for Information of pnrty, who cut lumber during the Inst ton ycara from Henry Butler's place. South Slough, as on Luso plnce, Dutlcr's by purchnso. Hall and Unll, at torneys, Marshfield, t WANTED Modern house, .1 rooms or lnrgor. Closo In. No ohlldren. Address J. C. J. Cnro Times. FOIl SALE Few settings of Dliiclc Minorca eggs. Phono 232-L. FOH SALE Slcllllnn buttercups; $:i per sotting; fortuity guaranteed. .Mrs. E. Don McCrnry. MttfeNSfe Havo your Jod printing don Tho Times ofllco. over from Coqulllo last night and took W. F. Rood of Portland, ar rested for forgery, bnck to Coqulllo this morning. Deed maintained his Innocence nnd said that ho merely wroto tho check on the wrong bank. (ii'iiiiuo Mcetluir. At n nicotine of tho Coos Day Grango today, a resolu tion was adopted favoring the estab lishment of n State Experiment farm In Coos county, tho county commis sioners to pay $2500 townrds It, J. 13. Fitzgerald and II. 13. Dessoy wore appointed n comniltteo to confor with tho county commissioners. They also favored tho appointment of a dairy Inspector nnd appointed II. 13. DosBey, Chas Mnhaffy nnd Win. Smith n comniltteo to seo that one Is secured. Grimes Coming. Win. (irimcs is I oxpected to rench hero soon from, SS;.. Monrovln, Cnllfornla. He will ho, . nccompniiled probably by his old ' r, i,. ftA....ia I.',..... nf rl1n illi'llitn, wuiiuio i tf mi. u, uiim- honin, who recently Joined him nt 343 South Ilroadwny. WOMEN A money maker. Guar anteed Hoslory to wonror. Our proposition bents nil othors. $10 per day. Wrlto Immediately. Quaker City Mills, 30 So. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. FOIt SAL13 HO acre farm with Im provements and furniture. 3 miles from boat landing off Coos Day $1,200. Coos Day Ilonlty Syn dicate, 258 Front- street. FOIl HALK Complete housekeeping outfit for G rooms. Modern houso can bo rented by purchaser. 47G Donnott Ave. WANTED To borrow $1)0(1 on gootl security for threo years nt 8 per rent; 200 acres land. Address W, cnro Times. WANTED TO rent. Harp or Ithcr, Address II, S Cnro Times. FOIt DENT Comforlnblo room with stovo nud bath. Phono 23G-.I; 70S North Second St. WANTED To rent for summer, fur nished modern cottago or biinga low. C. P. M. Times oflke. FOIl HUNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms with gas. 24 C N. 4th strcot. Phono 242-L. WANTED Hoard and room by gen- FOH SALE frj wood, tlr ami n. tloninii In prlvnto family. C. S.C., ' dor, nt Canipboll's Wood Vard, Care Times ofllce. Frrv Inndlnc Phono 1 Hl-Tj I sORPHEUM TONIGHT TIE AXfiitf, OF 'j'HE DI3.SEUT" Vita. A very strong drama. . . . 'STKNOOit.Il3U WANTED" Vita. ,A funny comedy featuring Jlin lliinny. "5W WHO MIGHT HAVE BEEN" A story of the wastage of life's opportunities. I flc program for Sunday afternoon nnd evening. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. FOESNT this weather make you feel - like getting close to the soil. How about that lawn, and the flowers, and that garden? OVERUX. The Repiuifatioira That .ssusres tine Wortln Why Worry Over Home Baking when you enn get so much better bread, cakes, etc., bore at a littler cost than you can make them for nnd with none of the labor and uncertainty of all home baking? All you need to do to realize the truth of this statement is to try our baking. Do It today. Coos Bay Bakery Tlio place for godd goodies. Market Ave. Phone 111-L i,es Want Ads Brng Results Parasol Covers ALL Sn.VDES OF ALL COLORS at tho Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phone 158-B 172 B roadway Times' Want Ads bring results. Lawn Mowers Hoes Rakes Shovels Spades Weeders of all kinds All Garden Tools are specialties with us. There are several ways to determine the supcrioilty of PEN SLAII PltODl'tTS. Kor Instance, by chemical analysis but that would be slow, troublesome and expensive. Or by a large iiiiiiiImt of cases but that N unnecessary, for It has already been done thousands of times. Hut hero In a more convincing fiict The Pcnslar Lino Is the only line made by a houso which does a large pharmaceutical business, and tho reputation of this hiiise for Its flue pharmaceutical products (fluid extracts, elixirs, pills, tablets and other staples) Is of the very highest second to none. Many of the Penslar preparatlonos are simply well known standard pharmaceuticals In popular form, and the Hue through out conforms to tho standard of excellence required for tho best picNcrlptlnn products. They wouldn't dare to sacrifice Ql'ALITV. They could not nlVord to Jeopardise their pharmaceutical reputation. Their ev ery Interest demands that their products lx of tho highest grades, DESIDES they know as you do that tho great factor In build ing up Penslar business, Is the QUALITY (bat brings rcK-at Miles. AXOTIIKH TIIIXO They print the full formula of each Pen slar remedy on tho label so you can seo It. Wouldn't It bo suicidal for them to throw their formulas vtldo open like this un less they were sure they nero proof against crlctlcIsmV This is sound logio and you know It. PENSLAIt Ql'ALITV can he proven In ninny ways hut tho most satisfactory proof Is a trial. Onto tried, you will never uso any other. , Get tho Grey Package with Hod "Penslar." For sale only by tho Store for Quality Goods and whero eery Doctor's Prescription will bo filled corectly. To the first eight ladles nho will find tho mlspelled word In the nlxivo adv., ho wll give a "He bottle of our Lavender Cream THEE. Cut out tho ad., mark tho word and bring lo our store. .Mark tho word plainly. Only ono package to a family. , '