OOAffBSsHSS!urrURDAY, APRIL 26, 1913EVEMING EDITIOM. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. aiAIiOXKY Killlor unci I'nb. HAN K. MAI.OXHV Xcws lidllor Offlrlnl diner f Coos County. OFl'ICIAIi 1'AI'KU Ol-' Till: CITY OK MAItHIIKIKIil). I coon HYKXIXU T lf roffiinleil III Its lliuliest aspect consists lii the innlntcn- I nneo of our relation to God, In I growing llkutulucloil with God. ! loving what Ho loves. Ulshop I Woodford. I a coon vuiWK to i.ivi-:. MAItSHFIIOM) Is a good plnco to live. Although rent and , tnxes seem high ono gets tho worth of his money. There are good schools, good churches and pleasant associates. Verily tho lot of the i average Coos Ilaylte Is cast In pleas-, ant places. IUjAMK YOl'HHNI.K. TIIK man who lays his downfall to "wine anil women" Is most generally a liar as well as a coward. The man has himself to blame nnd should place tho blame whore It belongs. Don't try to hide behind tho "woman," Just because Adam did. AXVIli IS KliMiHTIiY MOVKI). Stt-aiiilctt Schooner IMilleil 15 I'ect .Vciucr Deep Wilier. KI.OKKNCH. Or.. April lifi. The schooner Anvil was moved T, feet nearer deep water at high tide Tues day when a strain was put on the cable by which she Is anchored to 30 tons of rock. She also dragged tho rnplcB toward her for a consid erable distance. Another attempt is being made to pull tho craft off the sand with the high tide. Look out for theXKW IIKIiroill) addition to Mitrshlleld and make your ItKHKItYATlOX for tho choicest UOMi: SITUS and VIKWS at STf'IV MAX .V- CO. olllce 1.1(5 Uroadway. , Marshlleld, Ore. ; , I AMO.NO TIIK SICK. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howron of Ten Mile was re ported critically III today. Miss' Maude Howron left for there today to nnslHt her mother In caring for, the little one. I The father of Mrs. F. W. Woods of North Heiul, familiarly known as Grandpa Grunuett, who has been sick for several mouths Is reported Improving. I PERSONAL NOTES J. 8. MAST10HS, of Catching Inlet Is In town today. JAMKS NOWMN or North Coos Riv er Is In town today. K. J. COFFHI1', or North llend, Is In Marshllcld today. J. D. CUNKlNIIHAIll), of Sumner. Is hero on business. NHD C. KKU.Y Is here today from Comtillo on business. MUS. S. A. YOAKAM or Coos Rivet Is In town ou business. N. MOON or Coiiulllo is In Marsh Held today on business. I MRS. CARL JOHNSON or Coos Riv er Is a town isltor today. MISS SKJNA STORA Is spending tho day In town from Coos River. J C BBATTIK nnd mother of North Coos River are In town today. CHAS. MAHAFFY of North Coos River Is.ln town today on business. MRS. SAM SHOOK of North Coos River Is spending the day In Marsh llcld. MR. and MRS. J. M. CUM.KY and family of Catching Inlet are here spending the day. NINIAN WHHSTKR Is In town today from the Frank Rood place on North Coos River. DON SHORT came to Marshllolil this morning from tho Schapers' place nu North Coos River. .1. U. NOAH and son, MASQN, enme to town this morning from their North Coos River home. MRS. JKNNIK LANDRITH and ROY LANDR1TH are In town today at tending Grange meeting. MRS. C. Y. LOWE, MISS LOWK and KATI'2 ROSA of Handon were Marslillcld visitors today. .IA.MKS MERCHANT AND DAVK LIL.IHKOTH. of Heaver HI.! were Marshllold visitors today. MISS MAlltiL HANSON anil WY MAN AL1IEK, of Empire, were Marshlleld visitors yesterday. MRS. A. O. ROGERS of South Coos River ha been a guest at the W. 11. Kennedy homo this week. W. II. SMITH, wife and daughter, HEKTHA, are spending the day lit town from their Coos River home. SIMON LII..JEKOTH. of Heaver Hill, left today for Chicago, whore he expects to remain n year or more. WILLIAM SHOOK, the Loon Lake school teacher. Is spondliig the day In Marshlleld. He will return home tomorrow. I). HOPKINS, of Heaver Hill, re turned home yesterday afternoon after a business trip to North llend and Marshlleld. MR. AND MRS. II. E. HESSEY AND DAUGHTER, CATHERINE, are tending Grange mooting today from tho Coos Hay Creamery. MR. HOLHROOK, of the contracting: firm of I'almer & Hillbrook, of Myrtle Point, returned this morn ing after a business visit here. MRS. EMMA IIILHORN. of Mllll- coma. Ik In Marshlleld today on business and pleasure. She will attend the meeting of the Grange. MRS. ROHERT WARD In In Marsh lleld today front the Clins. Duugati homo on South Coos River. ShJ Is accompanied by Dorothy Dun gnn. MR. AND MRS. P. D. HLAKE AND GEORGE HLAKE are among the Catching Inlet visitors to .Marsh field attending tho Grange meet ing today. GEORGE, ELLIS AND HILDl'RSE LANDER, or Sumner, nre In Marshlleld today visiting rela tives. They wont to North Demi this afternoon. T. .1. KOLSTAD. or Coos River. Is In Mnrslitlcld today. Ho was ac companied by his daughter, Miss Alma Kolstnd. recently or Conor d'AIene, Idaho, MRS. O. N. WILSON, or Sumner, was In town this morning and went to North Heiul to bid her sister, Miss Elna Selander, good bye. Miss Selander leaves this afternoon fop a two moutliB' visit with relatives In Portland. CAPTAIN W. C. HARRIS ,1s III Marshlleld today from Sumner-, lie Is highly elated over the Im provement being made In tl.e Cuti-hlng Inlet channel and feels recompensed for tho strenuivi' effort lie miul In order to seiiire It. LEAVE TODAY i BREAKWATER Steamer Sails This Afternoon With Capacity Passenger List for Portland. The Hrenkwntor sailed this after noon for Portland with n capacity passenger list. In fact, Agent Ster ling had to turn passengers away, being unable to accommodate them. The Hreakwaler took large con signments of Coos County butter mill cheese out today, the produce being cotiBlgned to Seattle. Among those sailing on the Hrcnlt wntor were: .Mr. E. Crosby, Mrs. E. Crosby. C. C. Smith. Mrs. E. A. Stlchlleld. M. N. Dlxxberry, II. II. Grant, .1. F. Williams. S. Lllperoth. C. F. Wag ner. M. .1. Kotchum, C. A. Leonard. Mrs. I). J. Hurton, Mrs. .1. A. Hen son, Miss Hciison, A. Potter, O. Ne hiirt, Mrs. I. Neburt, Mr. Manlkl, Mrs. Manlkl, Miss Segge, W. .1. Mitchell. Madge Harry. T. II. Me Colllster, E. Forest, Miss Selander, E. Strong. Jno. Whobry, C. II. Fllt crort, C. L. Stockln, E. I). Howe, W. .1. Lainme. Mrs. W. .1. Lainnio. Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, 0. W. White, F. dia logue, C. M. Dodds, P. E. Hauor, Mrs. Paulson, .Mr. H. A. Paulson. 5C E. Paulson, Mr. Wllmnrth. Mrs. O. F. Nelson, C. .1. Conner, C. F. Hrooknian, Mrs. C. W. White. A. Gra ven, Mrs. Hoscnblad. Emma Rosen bind,. I. Neul, A. L. Nubs, 0. A. Wiley, .Insni. Neul, A. L. Nuss, C. A. Wiley, O. Grant, Mrs. II. Dunkle, Mrs. C. .1. Duffy, G. W. Curr. R. D. Rogers, Mrs. R. I). Rogers, II. .larvls. C. E. CarBoit, .Mr. Alnslle, .Mrs. Alnslle. C. Erlekson. Mrs. F. S. Perry, Mrs. Hough. Mrs. Roberts, C. W. Nor ton, C. Hurton. .1. I. Hicks, Mrs. i- .1. Parker, T. L. Whitney, T. P. Coleman. W. II. Fermorle. .1. Sand. W. Sand, J. .Turkman. M. Ilelnz, .1. Holmes, G. .Iiicksoti, J. Tyree, R. Emrv. E. Doyle. M. Mess. F. Anker. J. Robins, IX II. Butler. J. MrGulrc. F. .1. Parker. I HE FIGHTS ! SPEED CHARGE '""C&gXMSKSXt WHAT IS IT What is tho most important thins to look for in Clothes buyiiiA? The style, the qual ity, the attractiveness of the garment? No of such de tails you can assure yourself at a glance it Is more It should be A Fixup Suit Why? Because it covers all these features: guarantees, as well, the tailoring, the fit your permanent satisfaction, Because it establishes at once the standard of the goods you are looking at, and tells you that they're genuine, Every suit guaranteed as represent ed, They cost no more than the ordinary, $8.50 to $25.00 with the ful lest measure of style and ser vice in each. Ml -.1 IN Ik rVO li i 'i i i -. PW &UoM ' A n... A,r- Fiim cuv, Mtlrn lUliiniort ami New Yoik ' Claims' That he Was Not Driv ing Car on the Day he is Charged with Speeding. Fred Nelme appeared berore Re corder Hutler today with Attorney Joehnk and entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of violating the auto speed limit on April 1'.). Nelme claims he was not driving a car then, having chartered his car for n few iIiivh to Jerry Kinney. His trial was sot rr next TTiiirsduy. George Johnson and Arthur Craig appeared last evening and each paid n St", flr" for l''i!il'Ini' I'm1 r'vn' limit on ,t heir motorcycles. No new arrests Iinvu been made and no complaints have been riled with City Recorder Hutler iiUIioukIi It Is i rumored that evidence has been se-i-ured against others. The otllilals who lire conducting TONIGHT at 1M Royal Marsh field. Fixup TWO STORES. North Bend. Tluixo t'lntsy, nililiy runtime kids. I AVIII'Wi: mikI l.l'IMM lii n ciuiipleli' chiiugo of program. They are certainly there In their lino of I'lileiliilnlng. Al-it l.oili) I'cci ol' nil new pictures Henri of n Clillil Thniihousor. Angi'l ol" .Mercy Gauniont. Wn Liuly Thniihousor. G.U MONT WEEKLY, No IH. Lugging In Ala.skii, The Deliver Stock Show. Terrible DNiiMor at McKluuey, Tonus. lliintlug Wild Hoars. A Talc or llic Deep. Now Docks for Montreal. Winter Day In Moscow. Lust ol' the (Souse Step, General Snvoll'. Lincoln. (Subject to change) Our xliow Is Hio best our music the best our price the best, 10c. VOl' CERTAINLY Al'K) Rill - - V . Yiis Wi is Wash Day Is a Nuisance at the best or times. Hut It Is a hundred times more so ir the tubs tiro out or order or the pipes are stopped up. That is a part or tho nil, mil!, ii tr.'uln In wl.l.Oi ..... n.. especially export. Send lor us if , there la anything wrong and we'll iiuiKo u ngnt in a jitiy. Willey & Schroeder tI03 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J dfii 2 ' lHa have your Shirts, Collars, Cutfs and other Important linen done up In the besr and most particular fash ion, nnd hero is where you can have that satisfaction all the yoar round. Wo aro the most careful and thorough in the business, and give you a clean and perfect wash at a most reasonable price. For all round good laundry work come here. Coos Bay Steam Laundry IMIOXtf MAIN 37-J. the cnmpalgu against speeding have had City Engineer Gldley measure a number of "speedways" on the Btralght stretches of street In the various parts of town so that par ties holding stopwatches can exactly time them. Street Commissioner Lnwhorne. City Inspector Trlbbey, Marshal Carter, Walter Richardson and a few others have been given Ktop watches and generally two of them time the speeder. Dr. Dlv' llscnpe. John (loss, City Attorney. Is telling an Interesting story In connection with the efforts of the city olllclnls to put a stop to speeding. Geo. W. Trlbbey, who has been delegated to gather some of tho evidence against the speeders, was on tho lookout the other day and espied Dr. Dlx coming down the road at a rapid clip. Trlb bey grabbed his stop watch and set it as Dlx crossed the marked lino and was elated over the certainty of land lu the first auto speeder in Marsh lleld. In u minute or two, Dlx had reached Trlbbey. He saw Trlbbey In the street looking towards him ami pulled down his machine to a stop. "Come on and ride up town," In vited Dlx. Sure," replied Trlbbey us he hop ped Into the auto. A few minutes later as Trlbbey was alighting from tho auto, he re called that he forgot to set Ills stop watch when they crossed tho sec ond dead Hue. However, ho did not mention It to Dr. Dix and the latter prohubly doesn't know yet bow he narrowly escaped being haled be rore the- city recorder. 1 I ALONG TIIK WATKRKRONT I The Homer arrived In today from San Francisco with a general cargo Tho Rcdoudo will snll tomorrw from San Francisco for Coos Hay. (JKO. flOODUUM HAYH. "Why shod tears over other peo ple's onion poolings." ZT ' -S- iHiS but t s im Next 3 Day yuu a" -uy wnne ttiey last - $3.00 Hats ... I.JV VJUCU JPIIIlb . 4.00 Dress or Work Shoes ' 2 5.00 or 6.00 Oxfords ' 1 12.50 Suits . . . 4 3.50 Sweater Coats . ' . and hundreds of other articles at equallv big bargains M ' Time flies, only 3 days left of the of the gigantic closing out sale at LANGIIORNE & LUTZ. SjIcs Mgu. THE BAZAR "SB OREGON ' '- mwmmM BH WHi THE: c , A Safe and Sure Everywhere (wnww Tn a SliidtOmUci' yon IVcl soir-i'onl'iuVnro in your car uikIit all eomli lions. Whi'tluM' on thV paved si roots ol' Mai'shfieM or in a roul eivsj eon ul ry drive llironh nnid and sand you know you will (iKT TIIKHr quickly and sal'oly. This conrideiico is si part ol' the S'lTMSUAKEK. W' ory Studcbakcr owner HAS this conridencp a conrideni-e hrotl in the strent!i, the power, the wonderful construction of the Studebaker cars. The Studebaker "35" $1415 Laid Down in Marshfield This si.-passcnter ear commands this confidence in tho same degree a car costing double this price. Ueeause it is Studebaker built, true to tne Studebaker tradition in every line and every part. Hide in the Studebaker "flo." Study its construction. Vou w it is a Studebaker through nnd through. Such a ear a Studebaker " - for $1415 in Marshfield will be a revelation to you as to what StudcbaWj means. We invite comparison of the Studebaker with ears selling for ?l or more. You will marvel, too, at the completeness of this ear. A more l)erJfc!j equipped car has never been produced. Everything that you could ask is on this car, nothing left to buy electric self starter, electric hgj"" speedometer, double ventilating wind shield, electric horn, Cliffy eiutam demountable rims, tire irous. Demonstrations at Your Convenience Phone 34J. ISAAC R. TOWER Front Street. Studebaker Representative. Marshfield. Phone 34J. i v J