THE COOS icanWtf-wmOreir' i1PH 1u . :.JU,,..T M. I rircg Wallace, i". . o. fed. In "W Robertson. teckel. XOIlWKOIAN LADIES KCTTTmc Ail of the Norwoglnn jwMjnnt Tluirsuny nuor. noon nt the homo of Hov. ami Mrs. Thorpe In South Mnrshllold. An nf tornoon of Bowing wnB followcil by iiiubIc and refreshments, Thoso present were: Then Larson, Denn lljollc, EIbIc Lnrscn, Jennie JoluiBon, Mrs, O. Nol Hon, Minn Hilda Olcson. Cora, Allen one $2,500 REWARD 'c will pay this sum, divided ns follows: IlKWAHO for any full-grown fly that can got throiii;ii ,o of oitr perfect WINDOW SCREENS. s-iiin REWARD for any fly that can gel through one of our perfect SCREEN DOOKS. ,-,110 REWARD for nny fly that rnn escape from one of our FIA THAI'S. am) REWARD for nny fly that can got through any of our KXTIIXSION WINDOW SCREENS. s,-,00 RLWARD for any fly that lives after ono Bvnt from our FAMOUS FLY SWATTKKS. Tho largest lino of sorcon doom, window screens, cxtonslon window screens, wlro screen and fly Hwntters in Coos County. (;irr i.v tiih came early. iiuv a fly swatter today. FLY SWATTERS, i()c. Jkbtmi and Mabel Mnthlson, Annn Sunne, Itev. and Mrs. Thorpe. Tho next meeting of the society will bo held with MIsb Elsie Larson of Eerndnlc. 4 I loikje SOCIAL I The Marflhlleld Lodge of tho Loynl Order of Moose held Its installation of olllcers Tuesday evening, nfter which they enjoyed a social time. Cards, games and other amusements preceded the baniiuot which was served to about 100. The outgoing olllcers, who had served for the last sixteen months were: Past Dictator C. I. Rclgnrd. Dictator Q. T. Colemnn. Vlco Dictator A. Vs. Campbell. Prelate J. W. Hunt. Secretary O. E. Cook. Treasurer I. S. Smith. Sargeant nt Anns W. H. Dlndlng er. Inner Ounrd W. J. Cormoy. Outer O ard W. B. Sulllvnn. Trustees C. (ladagaard, C. II. Walters and U. W. Dungan. The Instnllng oillccr, C. I. Rclgnrd, wns assisted by I. S. Smith as Su preme Vice Dictator; Geo. A. Dailies, Supreme Vice Prclato; and C. W. Werner, Supremo Sargeant at Arms. Tlio Incoming olllcers were: O. T. Colemnn Past Dictator. A. II. Campbell Dictator. Walter M. illchardson Vice Dic tator. .1. W. Hunt Prolato. Cieo. 10. Cook Secretary. 0. W. Dungan Treasurer. W. II. Dlndlnger Sargeant nt Arms. W. .1. Cjsmcy Inner Ounrd. W. 10. Sulllvnn Outer Ounrd. O. T. Colemnn nnd T. A. Snllng Trustees. -I II. V. 1 U. SOCIAL Mrs. C. II. Marsh will entertain the inemberB of tho H. Y. P. U. next Friday, May 2, at tho second .of tho scries of monthly socials. 4 4 I CANDY PULL I Miss Ivy Hill was hostess Wednes day night to a number of young neo- plo nt a delightful candy pull nnd evening of fun nnd frolic. Among her guestB were Mr. nnd Mrs. Waltor Hill, Misses Esther Nel son, Myrtlo Nelson, Slgna Larson, l Ilcsslo Flanagan, Lola Montgomery, Alpha Mnuzcy, and Helen McLnugh- I lln, nnd Messrs. Joo Schott, Clifford Downs, Stnnloy Ilrlggs, Hnlbcrt Cnr lllc, Chas. FrodelltiB, Fred and Dud- , ly Hill nnd "Ilustor" Hill. j 4 4 Miss Oldmnrk with a puroo of about $75 to bo used In securing her now piano, farewell party Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen entertained a small party of friends at a farewell dinner In the White House llnkery Tea room complimentary to Lawrence Horton, who will leave soon for Southern Oregon. The room wns most ar tistically decorated with ferns and spring foliage, the tables being dec orntcd In Japanese style. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen's guests were Mr. Hor ton and the Misses Gladys Prlddle, Alice Cox and Cora Larson. g I SURPRISE PARTY ' Lnst Tuesday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Elliott of Llbby wore the recipients of n most delightful sur prise party, about twenty-live of their friends and neighbors "dropping In" on them unnwnrcs. Tho occasion was Mr. Elliott's birthday. Games and music and dnnclng were follow ed by a sumptuous supper. Among thoso present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilerron, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Doll, Mr. and MrB. Chas. Dew eese, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deweese, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ever Uudberg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. Oldland, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Wil son, Mrs. Davenport, Miss Emily Har ris, Miss Mary Holland, Jas Harnett, Walter Oldland, Clyde Elliott. Claude Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott. I MINNIE-WIS CLl'll Tho Mlnnle-WlB Social club met Thursday with Mrs. Perkins. Tho members present were: Mcsdnnies Drown, llnldwln, Kclley, Honglnnd, Dresser, LaChapollo, Dn vIb, Dnshney, Thompson nnd Porklns, Tho other Invited gucBtB present were: Mcsdnnies John Hall, I. S. Smith, A. Z. Downs, Jos. Vasoy, and tho Misses llnldwln, Abbot, Davis and Hnll and Mr. Lewtns. Mr. Lowtas gavo tho club ladles a moBt enjoyable account of IiIb trav els to Smyrna nnd explnlnod the po litical situation in Turkey, giving iiIbo ninny glimpses of the education al, social, and Industrial affairs of that country. A vote of thankB wna extended to Mr. Lowtas by the club. Dainty rofrcBluncnts w'cro s rvod by tho hostess, assisted by Miss IVcrtha Davis and Miss Itoxlo Hnll. Mrs. D. Mlnot of San Francisco, Mrs. J. II, Housor, Mrs. W. Rlchnrdfl, and Mlssees Susie Malcolm, Elsie Larson, Torn Lund nnd Jennie Johnson. The club will be ' ntortalned nt a May Day picnic next Thursday by Mrs. 11. Hall nt Sumner. IIONOIt MRS. ELDRIOOE I Mrs. John S. Coke entcrtnlncd nt luncheon today in honor of Mrs. A. S. Eldrldgo of Senttle. Tho houso and table were beautifully arranged in npplo blossoms. A very dainty menu wns served to Mrs. Arthur El drldgo, Mrs. J. A. Luse, Mrs. Hoyd Illchardson, Mrs. 10. K. Jones, Mrs. J. A. Mntson, Mrs. II. Lockhnrt, Mrs. Otis riogers, Mrs. 10. O. Perham, Mrs. llebcccn Luse-Stump, Mrs. Wil liam Horsfall, Jr., and Mrs. J. S. Coko. 4. 4 4 I COOS ItlVIOIt PICNIC Tho Alice H carried a Jolly crowd of picnickers to the August Cnrlson plnce on North Coos Itlvor InBt Sun day afternoon. Tho return wnB late and all report a good time. Thoso going were: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Murphy, Ilnphlel Dalglo and wife, Levi Dalgle and wife nnd family. M. P. Ilurroughs nnd family, Mrs. Elllo Fnrrlngcr, MIbb Mnry Dernbnch, Hov. Father Munro, Lillian and Mlilnlo Dnlglo Edgar, Cnson, A. E. Gngiion mid Miss Edlvldge Polrler. : SURPRISE PARTY I IIUNKKIl HILL PAHTY I Nearly 100 pooplo participated In a most delightful surprise party that was tendered Lilly Gldmnrk nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Axel Erlck son In Hunker Hill last Saturday evening. Dnnclng and music were followed by refreshments. As a to ken of tliolr esteem, they prenented FERNDALE OLUII. Mrs. Thomas Lonot entertained the Fcrndnlo Sowing club nt hor homo In Fcrndnlo Frldny nftomoon. Very plensnnt hours wore spont with nee dlowork, conversation nnd othor di versions and wero followed by re freshments. Mrs. W. Rlchnrds ns slBtcd the hostess In serving. Among thoso present wero: Mrs. W. Spndc. MrB. It. Hums. A crowd of North Pond young peo plo tendered Mrs. L, F. Fnlkensteln a most delightful surprise lnst even ing In honor of her birthday. Fol lowing an evening of fun and frolic, refreshments were served. Among thoso present wero: Misses Lnurn Kruse, Nora Hago, Kate Anthony and MnrJorlo Swcar Ingen, nnd Messrs. Edgar Simpson, Ted Klssnm, Allan KIsBam, Jeff Hnrt innn, John Olson nnd Percy Phillips, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. llnlley. 4 4 4 - I IIIRTIIDAY LUNCHEON 4 MrB. Franklin C. Illrch wns host ess at a birthday luncheon Inst Thurs dny nftornoon from four to six In honor of Mrs. O. S. Torey. Tho tn ble wns prettily decorntetl and thoso seuted wero: Mrs. II. I. nutlcdge, Mrs. J. O. Lnnirworthv. Mrs. Chrlstliio KriiBo, Mrs. Chas. II. Curtis, Mrs. Arthur Drews, Miss Gertrude Robinson nnd Mrs. Otis Wilson. Mrn. Kirch wnB nsslstcd In receiv ing nnd serving by Mrs. Otis Wilson. John D. Gobs nnd Mr. Wnrren P. Knowles, of Hlver Fnlls, Wis. 4 4 4 I NEW DANCIXO CLUIl Arrangements nre being nindo for the organization of a now. dancing ami social club In Marshflcld to con sist of twenty or thirty couples of well known folks. It has been undor consideration for some tlnio but will not be organized for another week or two and possibly not until after a dnneo. which Is to be given May 6th. It will be known ns a "Shirt Waist Hall." and wlillo Informal, Is expected to bo as thoroughly enjoyable as tho masquerade, which they gavo a fow wcok8 ago In the Finnish hall. Among the moving spirits in It nro Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hildcnbrnnd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Hrndlield, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. N. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Harvey and others, Including n number of tho younger folk. .j. .j. 4, I IIIISII CROCHET CLUIl I The Irish Crochet club will meet next Frldny afternoon with Mrs. Hen dry nt her home In Fcrndnlo. 4 4 4 JOLLY DOEX - I DIXXEIt PAHTY. I Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Wright Wilson on lortnlned nt dinner Frldny, April 2fi. Among thoso Invited wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Stoll, Mr. and Mrfl. A. 10. Jenson, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon. Mr. nnd Mrs. 10. L. Robinson. Mr. Tho Jolly Dozen club met this week nt the home of Mrs. W. F. Squire of Hunker Hill. There wns the usual business mooting nnd the nfternoon's entertainment wns fur nished by Mrs. W. T. Gale In tho form of gnmcB nnd readings, nfter which tho ineinberB enjoyed refresh ments. Those present were: Mrs. L. C. Chrlstlnnsen, Mrs. W. T. Gnlo, Mrs. Albeo, Mrs. Georgo Rourke, and Mrs. A. L. Hutz. Tho club will meet again May 7th with Mrs. Albee. 4- 4 I AUCTION IIIIIDGIO CLUIl I Mrs. J. A. Mntson wns hostess Wednesday to tho mombers' of tho Auction Hrldgo club. Mrs. Ward M. Hhikc won tho honors for high Bcoro. The next mooting of tho club will bo on May 7th with Mrs. Hlakc. Thoao present wero: Mrs, II. S. Towor. MrB. II. M. Rich ardson, Mrs. 10. K. Jones, Mrs. 10. MlngiiB, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. D. C. Green nnd Mrs. W. M. Ulnko. 4 4 4 . I PROGRESS CLUIl I - Tho Progress club mot Monday with Mrs. II. Songstnckcn, with tho hostess In chnrgo of the progrnm, tho Bubjcct of which wns Mexico. Mrs Songstnckon gavo a delightful nccount of an excursion to Junrez at tho beginning of tho Moxicnn Revolu tion nnd ninny IntercBtlng curios of Moxicnn handicraft, Including so- fContlnuod on Pago Ten) Important Announcement TO THE PEOPLE OF COOS COUNTY: Wishing to reduce our large stock of goods, and also to encourage a cash business, we call your attention to a new arrangement we have instituted which will go into effect May 1st, and last until December 24th, With every cash purchase we issue a ticket amountingto the price of purchase, and when the customer has collected $25 worth of tickets, he may return them and select any article in Collection No, 1, These articles are all valued from $1,50 to $3,00, and will make fine gifts for your friends, or useful articles in the home, Collection No, 2 consists of five premiums to be given away at 9:00 P, M December 24th, 1913, to the five persons holding certifcates showing the five greatest amounts of cash purchases, and are as follows! FIRST PREMIUM. Solitaire diamond ring; perfect blue white stone; value $90,00 SECOND PREMIUM Ladies' solid gold watch; diamond setting; Elgin works; value W'00 THIRD PREMIUM Sterling silver toilet set, consisting of comb, brush and mirror; value ,uu FOURTH PREMIUM Fancy oak box, containing 26 pieces of community silver flat ware; value ia,uu FIFTH PREMIUM 9 inch gold plated Waterbury clock, decorated, enamel dial; value y,uu 'We have selected the articles with a desire to please, and hope that you may take advantage of this offer, RED CROSS DRUG STORE PR.EUSS DRUG CO., Proprietors Phone 122-J Motorcycle Delivery m i