The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 26, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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mttm ---- mi "wwiw wMwi ""y
. ?. r ,
social happenings, Intended for
publication In the Boclety depart
ment of Tho Times, muBt bo sub
mitted to the editor not later
tlinn C o'clock p. ni Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will be
allowed only In cases whero the
events occurred later than the
mo tnontlnnod
Tin: livino.
Painted masques and perfumes,
Lnccs, lingerie;
Ilodics wherein blood Is wine,
Smiles and mockery;
Sin nnd gorgous sinners,
Lips with passion rife;
Women, drink and dinners
Some men call it Life.
Toll nnd want nnd sorrow,
Children gaunt and Bad;
Evll-smolllng tenoment,
Wlfo gone to tho bad;
Dnwn to dusk the workday,
Dusk to dnwn tho strife;
Squalid, filthy, brutal years
Some men call It Lire.
Looks nnd vngue conjectures,
DrcnniB that Ilaino nnd die;
Cloistered hours of wonderment
As to what nnd why;
Introspection's cancer
Unfiling surgeon's knife
Hoping, groping, thinking, blink
ing Some men call It Life.
Randolph Hnrtley.
IN CONNECTION with calling
nrlscs at onco tho question of a
girl receiving a young man alone,
snys n writer In n current publica
tion. Shall a chaperon be present
whllo ho Is calling, or not?
Agnln the habit varies. In some
of tho more sophisticated localities It
Is customary for an older person to
bo In tho room when a young girl
receives men callers, but this Is tho
raro exception. None the less It Is
a social blunder to keep the parents
out of sight when strangers come to
tho house. The first time a man
calls at a house the girl whom ho
visits should plan to have liltu meet
her father and, mother. This may
bo nrnnged without any stiffness. The
young man may be ushered Into the
room wliure tho parents are sitting
nnd bo Introduced to them there, or,
better still, they may come Into the
parlor while he Is there and sit down
for a fan minutes' chat.
At other times when the man calls,
tho girl's father or mother may stop
In the room for n word of greeting or
n little talk without feeling It es
sential to remain during the entire
visit. With nil due deference to
parents, It cannot he denied that n
mnn nnd woman of any age, like two
men or two women, become hotter
acquainted when alone together than
In the presence of others, Tho occu
slonnl presence of the seniors seals
tho ncqunlntniucshlp or the young
pcoplo with the approval or tho par
ents, and Incidentally gives the lat
ter tho opportunity to discern If the
caller Is a desirable friend.
Tho hours of evening calling vary
with the locality. As a general rule
thoy may he said to last from eight
or eight-thirty to leu or hair past.
Later hours than these tire dcrldcdly
bad form either for arrival or depart
ure, except when u good deal of In
timacy exists. For a llrst call, u man
should not remain, nt the outside,
for more than :iu hour or so, and n
girl should not encourage htm to do
PERSONAL notices of vIsltorB
In tho city, or of Coos Day peoplo
who visit In other cities, together
with notices of social affairs, nro
gladly received In tho social de
partment. Telephono 133. No
tices of club meetings will bo
published nnd secretaries uro
kindly requested to furnish samo.
followed Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlnck respond
ed to tho friendly toasts.
Among thoso nttendlng wore
Messrs nnd Mesdnmes Henry lllnek,
E. W. Lewis. A. 7.. Downs. Geo. Illnck
and baby, Cecil, C. II. Marsh and
Alva Doll, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs, Donne,
Mrs. Iloso Mrs. Harrington, Mrs,
Preuss, Mrs. Dyers, Mrs. Mnttlo
Dlnln, Mrs, John Nnglo, Mrs. Frank
Dlack, Reverend A. IP. Dussford,,
Misses Dodge, Helen .McLaughlin,
Desslo Flanagan, Frances FrniiBe.
Mamie Gulovson, Alpha Mauzcy,
Thelma nnd Lois lllack and Anna
Downs nnd Messrs. Geo, Doll, Curtis
Nagle, Francis Flanngnn nnd Everett
the following program was enjoyed
Rending Mrs. D. 11. Pntchetl
Reading Mrs. E. E. Kelley
Refreshments were served by Mrs
M. J. Anderson, Mrs. Rest and Mrs
R. II. Corey.
Those present were:
Mrs. J. C. Donne, Mrs. R, II. Corey.
Mrs. E. E. Kelley, Mrs. F. H. Dres
ser, Mrs. E W Lewis, Mrs F. W.
Woods, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. John
Nngle. Mrs. Rest, Mrs. F. II. Storey.
airs. H. II. Patchett, airs. John Hous
er. airs. II. II, ailnot, airs. Elmer
Wood, airs. H. E. Kennedy, airs. 1).
L. Thompson, .Mrs. E. Hodson. airs.
George Gulovson, Mrs. M. J. Ander
son, .Mrs. Walter Richardson, airs.
Alva Doll, Miss Mamie Gulovson,
.Miss Shouse nnd Rev. Dassford.
.Mrs. Geo. Mnndlgo gave a launch
party up Coos River last Friday In
honor of air. nnd airs. A. R. Vnn
derpool, who hnd bcon visiting them
for the past ten days, and left on
the Drenkwatcr for Portland en
route to their home nt Park Rapids,
Thoso enjoying the launch trip
Rev. C. A. aieLcod, air. nnd airs.
C. A. Smith, air. nnd airs. C. II.
Worrel, airs. C. E. Wntters. airs.
Grecnough, .Mrs. W. R. Simpson,
.Mrs, J. .Monde njid .Mrs. R. C. Holmes,
j. 4. 4.
D. at. v. cxrrt
Tho D. .M. C. club of North Rend
met with .Mrs. Jack Wnlloco Wed
nesday afternoon. The1 election of
olllcors took place nnd the following
assumed their duties:
President .Mrs. L. A, Loomls.
Socrotnry airs. Chas. Williams.
Tho next meeting will be held on
.Mny 7, with Mrs. Roy Irrafnard.
Thoso present Wednesday wero:
.Mrs. Clms. Wllllnms. Mrs. Earl
.Mlchuel. .Mrs. ai. G. Haines, .Mrs.
Harry Russell, Mrs. L. A. Loomls,
.Mrs. Jack Wnllaco. .Mrs. Walter Rus
sell and .Mrs. Roy Rralnard.
! .MRS. .lE.V.VI.Vf.'S K.VTEKT.U.VS !
.Mrs. R, M, Jennings was hostess to
the Flvo Hundred club on .Monday af
ternoon. Tho usual good" time was
enjoyed with .Mrs. R. S. Smith, .Mrs.
Dean Hayes nnd .Mrs. Stanley Smith
as Invited guests. Tho prize was
given to .Mrs, Stnnlcy Smith. airs.
T. (!. Hendricks will entertain the
club in two weeks. Eugene Regis
.Mrs. C. F. McKnlght entertnlued
the Royal Auction llrldge club last
Tuesday afternoon at her home in
South aiarshllelil. .Mrs. McKnlght
was assisted In serving by .Mrs. Eu
gouo Crosthwnlt. who was a club
After an afternoon of cards, nt
which .Mrs. A. L. Houseworlh won
llrst prize nnd .Mrs. .1. T. Ilnrrl
gan the honor prl-o, refreshments
wero borved.
The club members enjoying .Mrs.
aicKnlght's hospitality were:
Mrs. W. It. Scott. .Mrs. J. T. llar
rlgan, .Mis. A. L. Ilousoworth, .Mrs.
E. E. Straw. Mrs. .1. II. Mllner. Mrs.
W. E. Dungau. Mrs. It. K. Booth,
airs. Dorhoy Krelter. .Mrs. F E.
Hague. .Mrs. Fred Powers and .Mrs.
F. K. Gettlns,
airs. E. E, Straw entertained ti
number of friends last Saturday af
ternoon with u llrldgo party. Tho
eight ladles present enjoyed cards
until n late aftoruoon hour wheu tho
hostess served refreshments.
At cards Mrs. A. L. Ilousoworth,
who has been tho lucky bridge player
this week, won high score.
Mrs. Straw's guests Saturday wero
Mrs. E. E. atorrlssoy, airs. J. T.
Hnrrlgan. airs, Chns. Van Duyn, .Mrs,
Dorsey Kroltzer. Mrs, A. L. House
worth, airs. W. E. Dungnn ami .Mrs.
F. K. Gettlns.
' 4
4 4
Mr. and airs. Henry Dluck were
tho guests of honor at a surprise
party tendered thorn at the home
of their son, Frank Black, by several
of their old friends on tho occasion
of their return from n recent so
journ In California. A very pleas
ant ovenlng was spent nt games and
nuiBlc, tho writing of original verses
of wolcomo to tho guests of honor
furnishing great amusomont among
the company. At tho lunch that
Tho large number of members nnd
friends or members enjoyed the East
ern Star social Inst Tuesday even
ing In Doric Chapter's parlors. After
the usual business meeting, there
wns u short program, ns follows:
Recitation .Mrs. E. E, Kelley.
Vocal solo Ren Davis
Reading Sir. Rustcrud
Tulk Rev. John Lowtns
Dancing was then enjoyed until
niHnlght when refreshments wore
served by .Mrs. Fannie Hazard, .Mrs.
J. T. llarrlgan, .Mrs. F. .M. Frledberg.
.Mrs. A. T. Haines, airs. Walter Chris
tlnuseii and .Mulr Dauo.
.;. .;. ..
Tho Ladles' Episcopal Guild met
last Tuesday with .Mrs. W. A. Toye.
The regular business meeting wns
followed by n social and refresh
ments. Next Tuesdny the guild will meet
with airs. Cnrl Evortsen.
Thoso present Tuesday were:
.Mrs. Emma Nasburg, airs. J. S.
Cuke, .Mrs. Fannto Hazard, .Miss
Maud Reed, .Mrs. alary .McKnlght,
airs. W. Ledwnrd, airs. L. M. Noble,
.Mrs. J. A. Mntson, .Mrs. O. Solicitor,
ailss Dutler, nnd Rev. Drowning.
t V
J. 4. 4.
j , 4
The home of .Mr. nnd .Mrs. aiuulkko
wns tho scene of it merry gathering
Thursday evening. It wns n fare
well for .Mr. nnd .Mrs. .Manlkko, who
nro leaving for Astoria, where they
Intend to make their future home.
Tho evening wns spent In games nnd
other amusements. Among those
present were: .Mr. nnd airs. Petto,
air. nnd airs, ffnkonen. .Mrs. Kulju,
Mrs. Stonelnke, .Misses Lempl ainnlk
ko, Nulinl Kogstrotn, Eva Lyytlknl
neti, Hnnnn Gdouudnhl and .Moors.
Erik Wlstl. Mutt Rnnkiln, Alex Pelo
nnd vtnlno Holmes.
l Sm-
.Mrs. Fred Lyster of North Bend
Inst Saturday nfternoon entertained
eight little girl plnymntes in honor
of her HUlo dnughter, aiury Loroen
Lyster. who was celebrating her third
The children spent 11 hnppy time
In playing games after which they
enjoyed dainty refreshments.
.Mrs. Lyster wn assisted In en
tertaining the young folks by .Mrs.
Elmer Wood. .Mrs. F. .V. Wood and
.Mrs. Chapelle.
Many beautiful remembrance
wero received.
Those preHent were:
Lorettn Khirklo, aimide Redfiehl,
Pearl Retinoid, Loom Chapelle, Car
rie Eckhoff, Elslo Eckhoff and Mary
Tho Soclnl Sewing cluB met Thurs
day afternoon with .Mrs, George jyre
nt her home in South ainrshlTeld.
Tho nfternoon wits spent In needle
work nfter which tho hostess served
She wns assisted by ailss Edith
The club will meet ."Nay Sth trtth
.Mrs. Del Rhodes.
Those present nt till week's meet
ing were:
.Mrs. J. C. Swlnfiinl. .Mrs. Have
Bees nnd .Mrs. Del Rhodes.
.;. .;. .j.
! .v. .v. w. rr.uu
Last Wednesday nfternoon In the
liarlors of the church theio was n
Baptist Ladles' Sliver Tea. Tho
rooms wero deconitod In huckle-ber-ry
ami Mowers. After a social hour
Choice Fresh
Peanut Brittle
and Taffies
Only 20c pound
Special Caiidy Sale
The A. N. W. club met Inst Thurs
day with .Mrs, Solomon l.nndo. when
n most plensnnt afternoon wns en
joyed by nil. After the roll call,
the afternoon wns spent In sewing,
when later the hostess, assisted by
airs. .Mary McKnlght. served refresh
ments. The dun guests were:
Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. .Mrs. Esther
Converse. .Mrs. L. L. dorr. .Mrs. Norls
Jensen, .Mrs. at. A. .MeLeod. airs
Stndilen, Jits. Wilson nnd .Miss Clnre
The members present were:
airs. F. E. Allen. Mrs. Olivia Ed
man. .Mrs. F. .M. Frledberg. Mrs. J. T.
Hall. .Mrs. Jl. C .Mnloney. .Mrs. W. P.
.Murphy, .Mrs. .Mary aicKnlght, airs,
.M. R. Smith nnd airs. W. P. Squire.
The elub will meet next Thursday
with .Mrs. W. P. Murphy.
Last Sunday. Supt. Frank Smith
of tho South Coos River Hatchery
entertained a party of friends on a
launch trip and picnic on the rlvor.
The day wns n most delightful one
for tho outing, A trip to the hatch
ery nnd fishing wns followed by n
picnic dinner. Among those In tho
party wero air. and airs, J. w. Illl
denbrnnd nnd family, .Mr. and airs.
Harry Bradlleld and son. Pasquln,
.Mr. and airs. W. F. Shroeder. air.
nnd airs. J. G. Kinney, air. and airs.
R. N. Fenton nnd baby. air. nnd airs.
Perry Dodson, air. nnd airs. Sylves
ter Jones, airs. Edith Hlldenbrand
nnd Archie Johnston.
may bo obtained In Marohfleld from
Mrs, Annie Holland,
152 So. 5th St. Phono 200X.
Tho Ladles' Eastsldo Sowing
elub met Thursday afternoon with
.Mrs. J. C. Stecklo. A brief business
session was held at which .Mrs. Frank
Prey was olected president. At tho
conclusion of the business meeting a
social session was held, which In
cluded sewing, crocheting nnd other
diversions that contributed n most
charmng afternoon. Delicious re
freshments were sorved. The host
ess wns assisted by airs. Charles
The next meeting will bo at 2
o'clock In the afternoon on .May 1st
at the homo of .Mrs. K. L. Unities.
Among those present wero:
airs. Frank Prey. airs. K. L.
Haines, Mrs. J. aiontgomery,
" " t yj-py' " ouuui u.usisiuo,
(Continued on Pago Thrw.)
The Breakwater yoslor
dajr brought in (lie largest
shipment of the famous La
Vogue Suits and Coals that
we have yet received. There
arc many exceedingly pret
ty things among these.
you know the style and ma
terial are right, and if you
get it at the Golden Rule
Youn Khuow tlhe
Price Is Right
Vo do not buy our ready-to-wear merchandise through jobbers. We
buy the best line to be had and direct from the manufacturer.
Come in and see these. Mrs. Patterson will be glad to show you the
line. Our prices appeal.
THi Goldbin Riale
"Broadwav and Central.
ft. A. Copple.
The season is here when you'll need a light, right
and economic Ford. CJet it iiow while the getting is
good. Later you may be disappointed. The supply is
big, but the demand is bigger. -Now and here not then
and there lies your opportunity. The Ford product
has been multiplied by two and a half but the demand
has been multiplied by four. If you want a Ford for
the coming season order it today. '.Don't delay,
There are more than 220,000 Fords on the world's
highways (he best possible testimony of their unex
celled worth.
There will soon bo more Ford ears in Coos County
than all other makes combined.
Ask your neighbor who has a Ford. He will tell you
the reason.
Remember you get tho Good nun service when you buy
a car of Goodrum.
357 Central Avenue.
Phone 373b
Tho log situation on Puuet Sound
shows fairly strong. The supply is
reported adequate. Fir is brliiKlnir
about $10 camp run. Cedar Is
bringing $12 to $12.50.
Tho Grays Harbor log market has
not chnuged durlug tho past 30
days. There Is nn surnina nt inra
In (he water. Prices are unchanged,
the going figure being about $10.50
for camp run of fir.
There Is littlo change In the log
situation at Raymond since tho last
month, if any difference, logs are
a little scarcer. As usual there is
no definite market here; Borne few
Bales have been made at as high
as $10 por thousand, camp run for
fir, others at $9 nud $9.50. Cedar
logs are now $10 on this harbor.
Fir logs on the Columbia River
aro In good acu ,. , t
better grades, wit ,,
suoDly. Tberu'V
to $U. pera""
have been somewhat s J,
severe weather a- d
not material y $aUff
t0 " r in price a"
tie stronger m P"
30 uuj.