The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 26, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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Absolutely Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
. 1 1 ,
(Continued from Pngo Threo.)
rapes, poetry aiul uimUetH wore ex
An IntoreHtlnt; feature of tliu nftor
noon vii8 n Hliort lecture on Wettt
inlnBtcr Abbey, by tho Hcv. Mr. I.ow
tns, which followed the regular club
TIiobo present Monday were:
Mm. A. L. Hutz. Mm. I. S. Kauf
man, Mrs. K. M. Hurry, Mrs. I). K.
Moloney, Mrs. M. C. Muloney, Mrs.
W. S. NIcholHon, Mrs. John HiuiHcn,
Mrs. SoiiKHtaelceii, Nov. nnd Mrs.
ItutletlBo nnd Hov. Lowtns,
l,AI)li:.S' A I IT CM'II I
. 4
Tho Ladles' Art club mot yester
day nftornoon with Mrs. F. A. Ilnlnes
on South Fifth streot. Mrs. Ilnlnes
was nsHlsted In serving by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. A. T.
Tho club Ktiost was Mrs. A. I).
Gldley. After n pleasant afternoon
of sowing, refrcshuicntH were served.
Tho next meeting will be with Mrs.
J. O. Kinney.
TIioho present woro:
Mrs. John A. Hlatt, Mih. Hobs
Smith, Mrs. W. H. Curtis, Mrs. Ivy
Condron, Mrs. K. M. Flye, .Mrs. Fnl
kotiBtoln, Mrs. I). Vnughnn, Mrs. J. (!.
Kinney, Mrs. Wm. Sclirocder, Mrs.
J. W. Illldenbrand, Mrs. Nels Hns
musscn nnd Mrs. Jus. Cowan, Sr.
I vi:i)i)i.(is i
Louis F. Cut oh and Miss Nancy 10.
Thompson woro ciulctly married at
tho home of the brldo's cousin, C. G.
Thompson, on Klrod nvenuu last Sat
urday uvonlng, tho Hev. Hutlndgo of
ficiating. Mr, Curtis Is scaler at tho
Siulth-l'owors camp at Coaledo and
recently enmo here from Missouri.
Tho brldo arrived last week on tho
lirenlnvater to carry out a troth that
had boon pledged long before either
had known of Coos Hay. They will
make thulr home at Coaledo.
; vice president; Mrs. C. A. Smith, sec
! retary: and Mrs. V. It. Simpson,
I The afternoon was pleasantly
spent In social conversation and sew
ing. Those present woro: .Mrs. 11.
J. Vaughn!!. Mrs. Downs, Mrs. C. A. J A
Smith, Mrs. It. C. Holmes, Mrs. J.
Mende, Mrs. V. 12. Walters. Mrs. Wm.
Vnughnn. Mrs. Josephlno Jones. Mrs.
Winters, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. U. O'Mnra,
Mrs. Ceo. Hnrtmnu, Mrs, Watson,
Mrs. Kate Itood, Mrs. McLcod, Mrs.
W. It. Simpson, and Anna Larson.
NOUTII IlKNI) (il'11,1).
Mrs. John Lonnon entertained the
Indies of St. Mary's Guild at her
j homo In North Ilend Thursday after
noon, a uusiuess session was noiu
and following the regular guild work
a delicious luncheon was served, Mrs,
A. !:, Morten assisting her mother,
Mrs, Leuiiou, In serving. The guild
will meet May 8th with Mrs. Frank
Frame. Among thoso present Tliurs
day Were: Mrs. Lavlnn Kinney. Mrs.
J. a. Horn, Mrs. W. V. Ingram, Mrs.
Frank Frnme, Miss Lenn Kruno nnd
Mrs. Archie Phillips.
J l !
The Fortnightly club Is arranging
to give another dance next Thurs
day evening at tho Finnish hall.
There Is one moro dancii In tho de
lightful series, and It will bo given In
n few weeks.
A number of Mnrshllold people nro
planning to attend the North Head
bonellt danco, which will bo given nt
Kckhnff hall there this evening. Tho
full baud will furnish music and the
affair promises to bo n most delight
ful one.
rr: :
I rm;sitvri;i(i.. i,.nii:s
Mrs. Win. VniiKlinn was hostess to
tho North Ilend I'rosbytorlnn Ladles'
Aid Thin sday afternoon nt her home
on Noith llend Heights. The fol
lowing olllcers woro elected for tho
ensuing )cnr: Mih, J. Mende, re
tf looted pioBldent; Mrs. V, Wat tors.
4 4
Tho North Hend Norwegian Lu
theran Young People's Society was
entertained last evening nt the home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I Inge. A short
program wns followed by various
diversions and refreshments. Tho
next meeting will be held two weeks
from Inst night nt the homo of Mr.
and Mrs, Larry Lllleho. Among
thoBo present Inst evening wcro Mrs,
Thorpe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Larry Llllobo,
Mr. and Mrs. Olo Jnreii, Mr. nnd
Mrs. P. M. Nelson. Misses Mubol,
nnd Corn Mathlsou, Louise nnd Ame
lia Llllobo, Trend nnd (itirnea lingo
and Inez. Johuosn nnd .Messrs. L. O.
Stromnion, John King, Olnf Kirk
wrlght and Mr. Omol.
Mrs. J. S. Coke nt luncheon
In honor of Mrs. A. S. Kld
rldge. Hnnd dance at North Ilend.
Heneflt bull nt Entiles' Hall.
Kplscopnl Guild with Mrs.
Carl Evertsen.
Hrldgc Club with Mrs. E.
K. Jones.
A. N. W. Club with .Mrs. W.
P. Murphy.
Enstslde Sewing Club with
K. L. Ilnlnes.
Norwegian Ladles' Aid with
Miss E'sle Lnrsen.
Forndnle Sowing Club picnic
nt Sumner.
Fortnightly danco at Finnish
H. Y. P. U. with Mrs. C. II.
Irish Crochet Club with Mrs.
nlncod In tho bnnuuet room contri
buted Inrgely to the pleasure of the
devotees of Terpsichore. In the
enrdi ooins n number whllod nwny
the time nt brl-'ge and pedro. An
nlr of delightful Informality nnd
enmrnd 'Ho made It nn evening long
to bo remembered by the happy par
The Invitation list wns confined to
members of tho order. Among those
present were:
Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. U. Douglas, Mr.
nnd Mis. A. T. Ilnlnes, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Tully, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Van
Duyn, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Powers,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Powers, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Dnrsoy Kiolter. Mr. nnd Mrs.
L. Ilousoworth. Mr. nnd .Mrs. J
W. Illldonbrnnd. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S.
Tarpon. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Toye.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Vnughnn, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. McKnlght. Mr. mid Mrs. T.
Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Wells,
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Hurgelt. Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Noff. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K
Perry, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1) Y Stafford,
Mr and Mrs. Schmllz. Mr. nnd Mrs.
F. M. Parsons, Mr. nnd Mrs. E.
Crosthwnlte. Mr. and Mrs. A. O.
Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Keating,
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Moloney, Mr.
Ceo. Ooodruni, Mr. Guy Chambers.
Mr.F.Palnter. Mr. Clolro Swoyne. Mr.
W. II. Kennedy. Mr. W. N. 13 k
blad, Mr. F. E. Westerburg. Mr. Vo
der, Mr. Dwyer. Miss Nnn Drowning,
Miss Lucy Powers, Miss Maude How
ron, Miss Hazel, Kirk, Miss Moore
and Mrs. Fnrringer.
Tho Hrldgo club will bo entertain
ed next Wednesday nftornoon by Mrs.
E. K. Jones at her homo on Pino
The Little Family club Iiob not hod
a meeting for a few weeks, but will
probably arrango another delightful i
lime mrormni session In tho near
Tho North Ilend Needle Work
club will meet next week with Mrs.
M. E. Evorltt.
4 4
The Elks govo tho Hist of a series
of Informal parlies in tho Masonic
hall liamiuet room hist Wednesday
e oiling. Dancing nnd cards woro
tho ceiling's dlwrslons and tho oc
casion pioed n most delightful one.
Tho music was excellent and the lino
new Moor that has recently been
Bargains In Acre Tracts
Bargains In Home Sites
333 acres one mile from center, pop aero $ 27f).00
1J0 acres one mile from depot, pop aero .100.00
10 aero tract on east side of bav, high, sight lv,
level, per aero ' ot-)0.00
10 acre trats on North Inlet, host of gardon-
ing land, per acre 100.00
2S lots in Ray View Addition, per lot loO.OO
12 lots in Nongsfaekoifs Addition, per lot. . . -100.00
1 lot in West Marshiiold ;go 00
1 lot, 50x1-10. West Marshtiold, Bav View.. 130o!oO
1 lot, .10x00, JJth street, high ground UttO.OO
1 Dt in outh Alarshfield, high ground.... 1000.00
1 lot in South -Alarshl'ield, hish ground, cor-
m'1' '. 1100.00
177 Front Street.
Comoll Lngorstrom will lenvj soon
for nu extended vlnlt with his moth
er and slstor In Minneapolis nnd with
friends In California nnd other
Mrs. Mary Marks, a former Marsh
Mold resident and mother of Mrs. (3.
A. Dennett, hus been rather Indis
posed the' past winter nnd Is now In
Sou Diego In hopes that a chougo In
climate will be bencHi-lnl. She vis
ited with her granddaughter. Miss
May Dennett, at hnpltnl, In San
Francisco for a fow days recently.
Miss Laura Kruno of North Ilend
will leave on tho next Hcdondn for n
visit In California. Next Tuosdny
evening, n fnrowoll party will bo
tendered her at tho homo of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, K. V. KniBo, by
n number of young folks.
Miss Hnzel Cowan nnd Zclln Swill-
lord loft this morning for Allegany,
whore they will spend a day or two
at tho '.. T. Thomas homo.
' Miss Clnra Shorwood of Conuillo
I Iimh benn thn iriiPHt of .Mrs. 'niln
- Jnnsnn tho unst wnnk.
Geo, F. Murch and wife nnd daugh
ter, Mrs. Hugo Quint, loft this week
for a couple of weeks' trip to Califor
nia points,
Miss Myrtlo Cownn Is planning to
leave shortly for Eugene, whoro she
will spend n week or so attending
tho Commencement exorcises nt tho
University of Orogon, hor sister.
Miss Mnrjorlo Cowan, being one of
tho graduates. Hen Chandler, sou
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chandlor, of
Mnrshllold. Is another member of this
yenr's graduating chibs at tho Uni
versity of Oregon,
Mrs, Carl W. Evertson, who has
been Indisposed tho pnst week, is
reported considerably Improved.
Mrs. Ora McCnrty, who has been
BUiTerlng from a sovoro slogo of rheu
matism, Is reported Improving.
MIhh Plinnllo nt I iirsim'a
Inlet tins been tho guest of her sls-j
ter, Mrs. W. II. Kennedy, tho past
w eok.
Dr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Tower nnd
daughter, Miss Nellie, who line been
spending tho winter nt Monrovia,
Cnl., nro expected to roturn hero
llhnilt !hn llrst nt Mnv. Tim stnrlna
of the excellent trout llshlng an Coos '
luver and tho old luro of Coos Hay
are things that oven tho sunshine of
Monrovia cannot dlspol. .
It. H. Dement nnd brldo pushed
through hero Thursdny en route to
Myrtlo Point from tholr honeymoon i
trip 10 I'ortinnd and nortliern points.
They will shortly tnko up resldenco
on the groom's ranch beyond Myrtlo
L. J. Simpson nnd wlfo nro spend
ing tho week end nt Shoro Acres.
Mr. Simpson has a number of Im
provements under consideration for
tho beautiful country homo, which
he will probably start soon.
J T. Hnrrlgon and wife and daugh
ter. Miss Mabel, and Mr. and Mrs, C.
F, McKnlght composed nn auto party
who inotoied to tho bench lust Sun
day. Mrs. A. S. Eldridgo of Sonttlo. who
Is lbltlng her parents, Mr. and Mis.
Anson Hogors. nnd other rolntlves
bore, Is planning to have Mr nnd
Mrs. Itogois roturn north with her
for a shoit Islt.
Tho North Hend Concort H.ind will
gle n benellt danco nt Eckhoff's hall
in onn iiemi Saturday night for
tho purposo of inlslng funds for tho
pun base of now uniforms for the
bond. Good iniiblo, n good floor, a
good tlmo and a good cause. Come
out and enjoy yourselves nnd help the
Hand Hoys at tho s.uuo time.
Hy order of COMMITTEE,
"Selby" Shoes Fit the Arch, - - $3.50 to $5,(
Another Showing
Women's Suit and
Coat Section
New Plain Tailored and
Novelty Effects
Checks and Fancies
Clever, attractive models very new, very stylish,
very up-to-date. All splendidly tailored, richly sillc
linod in self and contrasting colors.
In (lie niMirl incut of different stylci yon will llml n iiiulciiiillntlon
of ewry new fnxlilon Idea. All toucli llio upper limits of graceful
laiintlncsx. Ilmdly a fiislilonublo fabiic Is lacking and tliroiigliout
(he shouliiK there Is it uondnuis color range from (ho atnplo blacks and
navy blue to tho most twiiuslw novelty Muidos.
Priced $12.50, $15.00, $16.50, $18.75 Up to $37,50
Alteration Department in Store
The correct fit of each garment absolutely guaranteed.
ATIn.' i 'l
i I I
'' -I' '
"Remember the Saving."
Hub Dry Goods Co.
O'Conucll Bltlg.
Phoiic 361
Furniture for the
,,.wcv i . X' i J ' " UKOTV
Modest Home
Moderate In Price
and of Good Quality
AVID EXTEND CREDIT to worthy pcoplc-nnd when you lmy fu
ture hero, you can rest assured it is good. Jt is easy to obtain credit witlun
certain limitations if you are "good pay." The desirable citizen, nino times
out of ten pays his bills promptly that's one tiling that makes him desir
able. Of course, there are times when extension of time becomes a ncccssit
and we do not hesitate about giving it.
A little common sense and plain humanity go a long way toward perpc
uating good will and wo know that the house of Going & ITnrvoy lias
good will of hundreds of people in Coos County.
A r-rvr TT--m .... ,. , -, a H.n mnil ill lUw
v uuujj iluiu!j is .jnsc as essential ana necessary tu i
orate circumstances as it is to his moro fortunate neighbor. A g0(J a .,
gives one a different' and better view of daily life, which is a consi tic ra
ivix-ut iiuii oeiier view 01 uany mu, wiu i . ilC
riiow you are silimted. One of the greatest fnctoi-s "
od homo is good furniture, such as sold by doing & M '
-II. ... ii ,t.-nii fit tl i'-'1
IVll 1111 -11 ll..!4m.
jnjiii, jiu uiiillUl
!inl.'1110" ff n rrnnA
Tlien if you are industrious, you can easily become tho possessor ol a
furnished home to which, with your heart full of content, you can go .
tho day's work is done.
Come to Us About It
We Sell It for Less