;Ww)iWHBecr7,fgfv , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Do You Need Money ? " ttJ"tr; Ti flffittrr 1i r 3 If You Do, Try Savin; Here is an opportunity to save on your housefurnishings. Prices Speak Louder Than Words Hemstitched Curtain & JfK Swiss, per yard only P " Imported Scotch 1 A Madras, per yd. only v Oak Extension Tables . . . $1 0.00 Hemstitched Scrim Curtains per pair only 1.50 Hardwood Sewing 1 7 RockerS nicely finished I i J Oak Arm Rockers, Saddle Seat . . 3.00 Large Size Dressers, 1 A 7E Bevel Plate Glass . . I U. J 9x12 Axminster Rugs, only .... 20.00 Handsome Set Gold Band Dishes . . 7.50 First Class New Bedsteads . . 2.50 We want you to feel welcome to shop at this store.-without feeling any obligation to buy. We have the best store, the choicest selections; the lowest prices and we solicit your inspection. PERRY & NICHOLSON- For chapped hands and face use Rexall Honey Almond Cream The finest thing you ever used Price 25 Cents For sale at the Busy Comer, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US ORPHEUM TONIGHT 4,000 Feet All New Pictures ADMISSION 10 CUNTS. WANT ADS. WAXTFD W'onmii to scrub. Ap ply Phono 1H7-X. FOIl HAM: One choice lot In fin. I addition. Add ions P. O. 1 1 ox GS0, Mnrshllold, Ore. FOIl K EXT Modern four r n hoiiHo, partly furnished furnish ings for nalo. Phono 101 -J. Or. I.csllo. Ql'ICK HAM-: $:ttO villi buy tun lovol, cleared lots In Hay View. Win. Wnrron, nt Curry'8 Hurher Shop. WAXTED Sober, honest, Imluslrl oiih young man with family wish es to secure n steady position; good references; not particular as to kind of work. Address W. E, Dent, G2G Kentucky St., Vallojo, Cnl. LIHEKAL HEWAltD Will he paid for Infonnatlon of party, who cut lumbor during tho Inst ton years from Henry Hutlor's placo, South Slough, na on I.nso plaro, Hutlor'B by purchnso. Hall and Hall, nt tornoys, Murehflehl. WAXTED Ilcy 18 years of ngt over, tho latter preferred, must ho of good moral character and wil ling to do tho work ho Is told to Good position for right party. do. Good position for right par ty. Lewis' Confectionery. &UIIY AXI) STOCK PAIUtS. sSi- ,iant a 800d Dairy or IW. '?rm be Fitzgerald or torn. . Ho cuu 8v 'OU 'or iale U' "JCSt ,u th0 county Parasol Prt7orc SHADES of ALL COLORS nt tho Marslifield Cyclery I'ton io"1",u Agents. 172 Hroadwny have moved Iot Eow,'1?' ,Btoro wlt n "ow H" lJlieamana now flxtures-i-Come r- WE OFFEIl YOU Wellman Canned Sweet Potatoes t 20c Per Can. With each can roclples for: Wellman Sweet Potato Pie. Wellman Sweet Potatoes can died. Wellman Sweet Potato Toast. Tho abovo aro delicious dishes concocted by famous cooks. Phono us your orders. Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Maskey's "nndlea. '"ties Want Ads. Bring Results WAXTED Tun regular roomers; coiufortnhlo front rooms, atovo and bath, 1 1-2 blks. from P. O. 237 North Hrondwny. FOIl SALE 80 acres of hill land ut head of North Inlot, 45 minutes walk from boat landing. Now county road just built. 5 room house with good water sys tem. Orchard of 30 trees 2 and 3 years old and good varloty of borrlos. Look this up. Bargain. "J" Caro Times. WANTED Modern house, -1 rooms or largor. Close In. No children. Address J. C. J, Caro Times. FOIl SALE Feu- settings of lllack Minorca eggs. Phono 232-L. FOIl SALE ltooinlng house. Nice, clean placo In oxeollent location. Can bo bought right. See Coos Pay Itealty Co., opposite Grand Theater. Phono 2C4-J. FOIl NEXT Five room bungalow. Seo Coos Day Realty Co. Phono 2G4-J. Opposlto Grand Theater. WAXTKI) Oirl for general house work. Good homo, light work, plenty of timo off. Phono 318-J. WAXTED Purchaser for four lots lu Dunker Hill near Squire's storo APIML TIDES. Below la given the rlmo nnd height of high nud low water at Mnrshflcld. Tho tides nre placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times" on the first tine nnd heights on the second lino of each day; a compai Ison on consecutive heights will Indicate whether It la high or low water. For high water on tho bur, iitliitrnct 2 hours 34 mlnutns. 2i urn.. 4.26 li.oo r..r.3 io.ri 0.5 0.4 r..oo 11.59 0.1 0.0 5.5C 12.53 5.7 0.2 Kt. 25 I Irs.. ,Ft... 2 C 1 1 1 rs. . 'Ft... 4.0 2.3 fi.52 11.411 4.4 2.7 7.57 0.0 4.2 0.0 I WEATHER FOHECAST. I lly Associated Press Oregon Fair tonight, Friday 1 1 variable winds, mostly north- ' i easterly. LOCAL TEMPEHATUItE ItF.COHD. For tho 24 bourn ending nt 1:13 A. M., April 21 by llenj. OHtlind, special goorntncnt me teorological observer: 1 Maximum 02 1 Minimum 31 i a i i i r a . m n r , last year 50 37 PrerliltatIon hIiico Sept. 1, I 1912 58.11 I Preclpltntlon snino period Inst year 50.37 I Wind: Northwest. Clear. Ilium Progressing, J. W. Mltch o1I'.h flue new homo in Plat II' Is progroHsIng nicely and will bo ready for occupancy about May 15. Ilallroad Supplies, The launch Turtle, under Captain Getty, of North Inlet, Is londing provisions and supplies for Porter Brothers' camp and will leave this afternoon. Finds Indian Hummer. Itov. It. O. Thorpe, while working lu his for $1050. 75x140 on corner of ' Fifth and Johnson for $4,000. Also owner of lady's nice silk um brella left In our olllco and "too good to keep." Title Gunrnntco & Abstract Co. 5rfD -L JL ! 0 9 zwugu iiuuung : "I don't mind. This is a Studebaker Wagon9 that's why I bought it. I noticed that men were using the Studebaker where eyer the work was hard hauling steel girders in the city, logs in die woods, stone in the quarry." "My work is hard and I know it. My wagon is on my payroll and must earn its salary. That's why I bought a Studebaker. I can't afford to buy a cheaper one." "Get in touch with a Studebaker dealer, he's a good man to know." , Farm Wagon DcUrary Waion Uuiflet Trucks Contractor' Waion Runabout Dump Wagon Surrey lltrn.M See our Dealer or write ut. STUDEBAKER South Bend. Ind. NRW YORK MINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DKNVRR SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO rORTLAND, OR. FOIl SALE NO acre fnnn with Im provements and fuitnlturc. ,1 miles from boat landing off Coos liny $1,200. Coos May Realty Syn dicate, 25S Front street. FOIl SALE Complete housekeeping outllt for 5 rooms. Modern hauso can he routed by purchaser. 475 Ilennutt Ave. WAXTED To borrow SHIM on good security for threo years at 8 per cent; 200 acres laud, Address W, caro Times. FOIl SALE. Complete housekeeping outllt for 5 rooms; n modern houso and garden; cnu bo rented by tho purchaser only. C. A. Howard. 173 11th St. North Phono 343-J. WAXTED A lady cook. ' A. II., caro Times. Address FOIl It EXT Coiufortnhlo room with stnvo and hath. Phone 2.IU-.T; 70S North Second St. FOIl NEXT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, with gns. 2IC N. 4th street. Phono 242-L. FOIl BALE fur wood, fir nnd ill dor, at Campboll's Wood Yard Forrv Inndlncr Phnwn 1M-T. garden In South Marshficld yester day unearthed an old ludlnii stouo hummer, longer than tho ordinary Mono hammer. Fine Parly. About forty couples enjoyed tho dance and card party given by tho MniHlilleld Lodgo of Elks nt tholr hall last evening. It was delightfully Informal. A full orchestra furnished music and light refreshments were served. To Aid Son. C. L. Hoed nnd wlfo have urrlved hero frouT Mod ford to try nud aid their sou, Frod Heed, who Is faring charges of In voluntary manslaughter, ns a re sult of tho enr which ho was driv ing upsetting nnd killing L. K. Dai- Portland whoro ho will confer with Archbishop Chrlstlo about tho now church nnd parochial rcsldcnco hero. Xo Clue. Marshal Cnrtor Is un uhlo to find nny cluo In tho tlioft of $00, which Mr, Fisher, a local auto driver, roports was stolon from him nt his room In tho Lloyd hotol tho night bofnro Inst, IiIh trousors bolng carried out and loft lu tho hall after tho inonoy wns tnken. Use Dnrgi Here. it Is roportod that Porter l)rothei aro planning to uso tholr now bargo, which they hnvo ordorcd from Kruso nnd Hanks, for n time In hauling supplied to and from Cooh liny, tho Umpqun nnd Sltt slnw nnd lator uso It for hauling lum ber from tholr Sluslnw mill, Tho ordor for a second big bnrgo will linger. Edmunds Won Employe. (leorgo probably bo placed soon. Smith, of Coos Itlvor, who wns In KtossmeNler Writes. Secrotnry Mnrshflcld today on business, stated John Motley, of tho Mnrshllold that William KdmundH, tho forger, Chamber of Commerce, hns rccolvod had been employed by him only n longthy lottcr from Prof. A. E. about six weeks. Ho said that Ed- Stossmolster, who sturted tho Coos munds worked for his hoard during Hay lluslness College hero nnd who that time nud ho did not know much wns called upon by tho Chamber about him. of Commorco to seo Hint tho con- Successful Fishing Pnrly. A par- tracts woro fulfilled. Mr. Stoss ty consisting of Itohort Swnnton, O, mulstor explains In detail of A. Dennett, Fred llenuott, Lylo IiIh business troubles hero hut says Savago nnd Nols ItnsmiiHsen Invaded that ho will return from AHtorla tho haunts of tho trout yester- nnd seo that mattorH nro stralghtou dny nnd returned Inst night with a ed out satisfactorily. hundred nnd fifty In their creels nt least that's tho niimhor given AT THE HOTELS. I out by the most voracious ehron- y Icier of tho party. i The Chandler. Postpone Trip. Hov. Fnthor A.' L. T. Morgan, Snu Francisco: II. Munro hns received word that Frank Cntterlon, Handon; C. M. Father Lano, who was oxpectod to Ebonhnrt, Portland; C. 11. Prowltt, visit tho Catholic parishes lu this Portland; O. J. Scoley, Coqulllo; section, has postponed his trip un- Mrs. C. M. Endlcntt, Coqulllo; Ceo. til Inter In tho Summer. Father Hlnlr, Snu Francisco; E. C. Huntor. Munro will leavo early In May for Snn Francisco; L. P. Drydon, Port- - . - - land; W. O. Egolston, Onklnnd: J. (Hiavt,rufHl,Hx Ia. Mitchell, Portland; E. P. O'Noll. Scnttlo; rvOESN'T this weather make you feel -' like getting close to the soil. How about that lawn, and the flowers, and that garden? JJg Lawn Mowers Hoes Rakes Shovels Spades Weeders of all kinc's All Garden Tools are specialties with us. ffif&umxmmi fSSsSurion vnl I hi IvHiMTS : 'y'r'.'iririir vmarj 'W I . McAduuiH, Uniidon. Lloyd Hotel. Emma Conk, Empire; T. Moon, Myrtlo Point; II. T. Mollon, Myrtlo Point; M. C. Cady, Norway. Itlnnro Hotel. P. II. Hoylo nud wlfo, Handon; Win. McMullon, Empire; F. h. Plorco, LnkoHlde, I Hole) Coos, , It. Goodmnn, Coos Illvor; D. John ,son, Coqulllo; Mr. Cnstro and wlfo, .Myrtlo Point; 'A T. Slglln, Isthiuua , Inlot; Julius Kruso, Isthmus Inlot; Atlii lirnvon, uouieuu; uuiih. uuuor wood, Daniels Crook; James John son, Tnrhool Point, ititiDOE sti:i:l comes. Southern Pncllle (!c,tK Two CiirlomW 1'or Coos liny Line, " Two cnrloads of brldgo Iron for tho Wlllnmotto Pnclllo railway ar rived In Eugeno this morning and woro takon to tho Coos Hay branch." WHENCE JAPS GO TO WAR Tho frst placo thoy will want to tako will ho Coos Hay and tho next place will bo SAHTEU'S bocauso tho light will bo so hot thoy will require a refreshing drink and ovorybody knows tho best fountain drinks on Coos Hay aro at SAHTBR'S. Get a BLOOD Purifier of merit by Insisting on Hrown's Famous Wood Purifier. Spring Is hero and now Is tho tlmo for purifying your system. SEE 0111 WINDOW.