- j.atAifc'JKWy "-rftfrr?. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1913 EVENING EDITION. .it)n9titarxuniuV!LVu--. yi You Get Insured Quality in 5130 A Heavy Weight Guaranteed Blue Serge Suit at $15.00 The Masterpiece of Clothcraft Scientific Tailoring JUS 1 to show now good a blue serge suit could be made at a medium price, the makers first produced 5 30 a year ago. It prov ed the biggest seller they ever had, because it was easily the best value in blue serge ever offered at the price. This spring, it'sTeven better. In fact, it's the masterpiece of Clothcraft Scientific Tailoring. While not the highest priced suit in the Clothcraft line, it's easily the best value that ever bore the Cloth craft Label and Guarantee. come in Before you decide on your Spring suit and see the Clothcraft Blue Serge Special No. 5130. Examine the cloth and the tailoring. Try it on and notice"Jthc style and fit. If ycu don't decide it's the best $15.00 worth you ever saw, we won't ask you to buy. millBUMI!BHIIIIHMamiiaiaaiaaclnBaalaaaBgHa;i I Just say 5130 -i you want the best BlueSergeSuit,at$15,youeversaw. I GUARANTEED f I lW I ALL WOOL 111 ma 7 I 11 M t3Bi3aiaiiiBaHiaiiiaiBMgiBMiinaiaiHiRiaiBiaiaiBiiaia WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-To-Man Clothiers NyaPs Pieol Comp. for the CoiiGji Price 25 Cents Money refunded if not satisfactory, For sale at the Busy Corner, WANT ADS. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US WANTED Tii tegular riiouicis: comfortable front rooniH. stove nut li Uli. l Vj blkks. from I'. O. 237 North Broadway. FOIl SALE SO acres of lilll land n( head of North Inlet, IT. minuted walk from boat landing. Now county road Just built. 5 room house with good wator sys tom. Orchard of .'10 trees 2 unit I! yonrn old and good vnrloty of borilos. Look tills up. Bargain. "J" Cure Times, sORPHEUM TONIGHT -A Kod drama. "TKl.P.IMIOXi: GIRL AND TnK LADY" Biogrnph- "THi: DOCTOR'S BLIXl) CII1TA" A strong drama. "T'li: MAXiri'ltlKT- AND TilK MUTT" A funny comedy featuring R"tu Holand. ' "T'H: ,i:v n.Y'S DAWX" A very fine dramn. - ADMISSION 10 CKXTS. WAXTKI) Modern house, I rooms or Inrgor. Close In. No children. Address J. C. J. Caro Times. FOR SALK l'ow settings of Black Minorca eggs. Phono 232-L. FOR SALK Rooming house. Nice, elenn place In excellent location. Can bo bought right. See Coos Day Realty Co., opposlto Grand Theater. Phono 204-J. VOll HKXT Fho room bungalow. See Coos Bay Hoalty Co. Phono 2G4-J. Opposlto Grand Thoator. WAXTKI) filrl for general house work. Good homo, light work, plenty of timo off. Phono 318-J. TONIGHT at TEe R.oyal Those11".",6 "lltc''er will sing iLl , bIub' "P-to-dato sings. A inn.. ."f '"'"' Il-f- A sh,.,"1' leaiuie niiu ilraina Mlnin 7, or the I'ast llroncho. ttont, 8 cl'l'c,r Ore In Utah, Gau- SSfe r:,ont c,ty- oae, orUs lorted Uravery, Key- '" Uu. best at The Royal Shonhoime. Ti ANY SKAT. in... '"MJUrriln. - . . . '-""" Ln.i . . w ' l'"' Hem, those night Naydenno "ng-tlme Kids. and See WHEN THE JAPS GO TO WAR The frst pluco thoy will want to tuko'wlll bo Coos Hay and tho noxt plnco will bo SAKTEU'S because tho fight will bo so not tney win require a refreshing drink and ovorybndy knows the best fountain drinks on Coos Hay are at SARTER'S. WAXTKI) Purchaser for four lots iu Dunkor Hill near Squire's store for $1050. 75x140 on cornor of Fifth and Johnson for $4,000. Also ownor of lady'B nice silk um brella left In our office and "too good to keep." Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. SOCIAL; CALEXDAR WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen club with Mrs. W. S. Squire. H. P. O. E. card party and dance. Auction Bridge club with Mrs. J. Albert SIntson. THURSDAY Social Sowing club. Mlnnlo-WIs club with Mrs. Win. Perkins. A. N. W. club with Mrs. S. I, undo. PERSONAL NOTES Ah STEVENS, of In town today. Ha) nes Inlet, Is Inlet OSCAR HAMILTON of North Is n town visitor todnv. P. L. BURR left on the Redondo todny for San Frniielsco. TO GO AHEAD I MIL APRIL TIDES. Below Is given tho timo and height of high and low water nt Marshflcld. Tho tides are placed in tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first line and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison on consecutlvo heights will Imllcnto whether it Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho bar, nhtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 23lirs.. 3.4 7 10.2t Ft... C.7 0.0 llllrs.. 4.20 11. Oil 0.4 11.50 0.0 12.53 0.2 II. r, I 5.1 8.0 t 4.7 8. SO 4.5 .10.30 4.1 Ft. . . llrs.. Ft. . . llrs.. Ft... llrs.. Ft. . . 2Slltrs.. I Ft... 20lllU. !Ft... 30, llrs.. Ft... C.7 4.20 0.5 n.oo o.i 5.50 r..7 o.r,3 2.0 2.1 i 2.8 3.32 2.8 4! 30 2.3 5.01 4.!l 5.53 4.0 0.52 l.t 7.57 4.2 1.411 0.5 2.10 0.7 3.18 0.7 4.11 1.1 10.00 2.0 10.51 2.3 11.45 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.07 4.1 10.07 4.0 10.57 4.8 11.37 5.1 JOHN is n SCHETTER. of Temploton. Stnrshflcld visitor today. MRS. V. K. ROOD of North Coos Riv er Is n Marshneld visitor today. WILLIAM BETTLS. of Fatrvlew. Is In Marshfleld today on business. CAPTAIN DAN ROBERTS camo down from Allegnny this moru la R. MISS LENA MATSON. of Catching Inlet, Is a Marshfleld visitor today. JACK TRAINOR, of Beaver Hill, is In Marshfleld on a short business trip. LOUIS ST. DENNIS, a North Inlet resident, Is In town todny on business. D. I). BRAINARI) Is here today on a short business trip Horn Hayncs Inlet. MRS MARTIN O'NEIL. of Hayncs Inlet, Is In town today on a shop ping trip. Directors Decide to Resume Construction Pending Ne gotiations With S. P. At a meeting of tho directors of the Torminnl Rnllwny this afternoon, General Manager Chandler was In structed to Immediately resume con struction of tho lino on North Front street nnd to eomploto it as quick ly as possible. This section Is tho heaviest construction thoy havo and will necessitate driving piling. It was also decided to call for tho unpaid stock subscriptions to resume construction In order to eomploto tho lino within tho tlmo spccllled in tholr franchise. C. A. Smith 111 ml o n report of hln negotiations with Vico-Presldcnt Cal vin of the Southern Pacific about turning over tho steam lino fran chises. Ho said thnt theso negotia tions nro not yet complotod. The Redondo will bring three car loads of steel rnlls next wcok, which will bo sufllclont to complete track laying to the northern city limits. WKATI I Kit FORECAST. By Associated Press OREOON Fair tonight with hi'uvy frost In East. Light frost in West. Thursday fair and warmer. Winds southeasterly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. 24 hours ondlng nt April 23 by BeuJ. For tho 4:43 . m., OBtllnd, special government me teorological obscrvor: Maximum 54 Minimum 31 At 1:13 11. in 31 Precipitation none Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1012 58.11 Precipitation same period last year 50.37 Wind: Northwest. Clear. CLARENCE GOULD and wlfo of Al legany nro visiting friends In North Bend today. L. E. BLIVENS returned this morn ing from a fishing tilp on South Coos River. MRS. PETER PETERSON, of Hay lies Inlet. Is spending tho day In town with friends. GEORGE I). MANDIGO of North Bend was n Mnrshhold business visitor yestordny. MRS. CHAS. BARRETT Is a Marsh fleld shopper today from her Hayncs Inlet home. MRS. WILL EICKWORTH of Mil llcotna Is spending tho day In town with relatives. I ey SIM MR. AND MRS. CARTER, of St vis. tlo Point, left on the Redondo to dny for San Francisco, MR. AND MRS. NELS PETERSON and son, Roy, nro visitors In town today from Temploton. New Warehouse. r-lio now ware house nt North Inlet, which SIllo Pearson wuh having erected, has been completed. Leave Tnumriim E. P. O'Neill and E. G. Porhuni will bo outgoing paHReugors on tho Drain stngo to morrow morning. Auto to Coqulllc Fred Goreko ami Lynn Lnmheth left In an auto mobile last evening for Coqulllo, where thoy will appear iih grand Jury witnesses In the Gioeuleaf case. MISS HILDUR SELANDER return ed home to Catching inlot todny nftor n day's visit In town. MR. nnd SIRS. RAY PINKERTON of North Inlet enme from their homo to North Bond this mornliiR. MARSHALL CARTER went to Co qulllo todny to testify before tho grand jury In tho Greenlenf case. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS, of Sum nor, Is visiting on South Coos River, tho guest of Sirs. E. Georgo Smith. MRS. N. LEWIS mid son. C. A. Lewis, of North Bend, returned last evening from a visit In Coqulllo, Pays Flue. Rosh Snilih, iisslstant mnstor mechanic at tho u A. Smith mill, paid u fine of $15 yestordny when arialgned before City Recorder Butler on tho churgo of speeding on his motorcycle on South Biond way. Street Commissioner Lnwhorue preferring the charges against him. Coqulllo Boy Wins. Paul Wilson of Cnqullle, who attended tho Wash ington high school In Portland, and who Is now at Stanford Unlvorslty, broke the Pacific coast Iutorcolleglnto record for tho mllo run In the dual meet between Stanford nnd the Uni versity of California last weok. IIll)'h Coqullo llllsliii's.s Potor Scott, Si, expectB to close tho deal today for the purchase of tho Wlck mnn nows mid confoctlonory storo at Coqulllo and wll probably take pos session next week. Sir. and Sirs. Scott will conduct the business, Sir. Wlckman has not made any plans for the future. MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE HANIS returned to .Marshfleld this morn ing ufter 11 visit with relatives In Summer. SHERIFF GAGE was hore from Co qulllo yestordny to sorvo additional suhpoeuaos mid papers In court mutters now pending. CORNELL LAGEItSTROM Is hore from SIrytlu Point mid reports good pi ogress Is heli.R mado on tho Smith-Powers road. Hnvo your Job Tho Times office. printing dono it provoments. A. E. Halllday, Box 759, Marshllold, Oregon, LOST A fountain pen. Itcunul for return to T. A. Saline, Tuxl dermlst, Broadway. WAXTKI) A lady cook. A. II., care Times. Address . B. 1IOYT AND WIFE, or Bnn doii. who am iu Slarshflold on n shoif trip, went to Empire this afternoon to visit frlouds. SIRS. W. E. DUNCAN nnd A. P. OWEN will leavo tomorrow for n wook end visit nt tholr summer homo on South Coos River. WORTHY .MEYERS of Sun Francis (o, who was a guest of Captain Herman Edwards last night, re turned to Slnrshlleld this morning. E. W. SULLIVAN returned Inst ove nlng from Coqulllo, whore ho ap peared as a witness In the caBo of Jack Lombard before tho Jury. FOR HKXT Modern four room house, partly furnished; furnish ings for sale. Dr. Leslie. FOR SALK Complete housekeeping outfit for C rooms. Modern hotiso can he rented by purchnBer. 47C Bennett Ave. DAIRY AND STOCK FAHV.S. If you vwint a good Dairy or Stock farm seo Fitzgerald or Phono I51, Marshfleld. For tho lloiueseekei- lie can show you some of tho best in tho county for sale. . , .. t t. WAXTKI) To borrow $1)00 on good security for threo years at 8 per cent; 200 acres land. Address W, caro Times. LOST Open face gold uutcli nt nice track, or between high school and town. Elgin movement. Howard for return to Times office FOR SALE. Complete liousekeepliiR outfit for 5- rooms; a modern liouso nnd garden; can ho rented by tho purchaser only. C. A. Howard. 173 11th St. North. Phono 343-J. WAXTKI) flood nillch rows; ir you havo any call Phono 401, North Bond. FOR HKXT Coinfortablo room with stovo nnd bath. Phono 23C-.T; 70S North Second St. SIR. AND SIRS. LOSIERS, of Gar diner, nro In Marshfleld. Sirs. Lomors was suffering from an nbscess on tho eyeball, which was removed by n physician. FOR HKXT Furnished housekeep ing rooms with gns, 240 N. 4th street. Phono 242-L. FOR SAW-: frj wood", fir and ! dor. at Campbell's Wood Ynrd, Ferry landing. PIiomb IM-T. WAXTKI) A small tract of acreage. part under cultivation. State Dayton nrlce. terms, location and Im- Phono 1B8-K Parasol Covers ALL SIIADKS OF ALL COLORS at tho Marslifield Cyclery Agents, 17S Broadway MRS. GUS ENGBLO.M. of Empire. Is in town today with nor little daughter, to rccolvo medical as sistance for tho little girl, who Is suffering impaired vision as a result of her playmates throwing sand In nor eyes. NORTH BEND NOTES. 4 United Brethren Ladles' Aid So. cioty will hold a salo ut Slichaol'i store Saturday. Tho SI. E. Ladles AU Socloty will moot at tho church Thursday afternoon. Frank Newklrk Is In from Loon Lnko visiting his mother. "elks xotickT Mnrahllold Elks will glvo tho first of n series of Informal danco mid enrd partloB at Masonic hall noxt Wodnosdny ovonlng. For momborB nnd tholr wives, mothers, sisters an Bweothearts only. All Elks ar urged to attend and bring their lady friends. Visiting Elks will ho wel come. By order of COMMITTEE. North Bend Mayor Announces Official Selections Coun cil Proceedings. At n mooting of tho North Bond city council Inst ovonlng, Mnyor Simpson announced hln appoint ments for tho current year ns fol lows: City Attorney John O. .Million. Chief of Police E. P. Andorson. Fire, water and light commlttco it n ir.-.. f n tf...... .,, t n Fnlkonstoln. i Stroote nnd sowors Br. Bnrtlo, H. O. Kern nnd L. F. Fnlkonstoln. Finance Geo. D. Miiiidlgo, J. F. Orubbs and J. a. Horn. Edward Hobson was requested by tho mnyor to contlnuo doing special city engineering until tho tlmo nr rlvcd when lie could appoint regu larly. Slayor Simpson snld Hint ho would nnnnunco tho appointment of a night wntch nt tho noxt mooting nnd thnt tho preBont olllcor R. C. Holmes, would contlnuo until then. Whe thor ho meant that n now night wntcn would bo appointed or Holmes ronppolntod was not ccrtnln. Special Election Soon. Tho special election In North Bond to pass on tho bond Issuo nnd clinr tor nmoiidments there will bo hold April 2!) and tho council ndjourned to Inst night to moot ngnln April 30 to canvass tho voto. Tho Judges of tho spoclnl oloctlon will bo Potor Logglo, J. W. Grout mid Archlo Phil lips; mid tho clorkH , C. E. SInyblo, C. A. Nollner mid J. O. Mullen. Routine Business, Stnnnnrd and Richardson wore or dered paid $000 momreon tholr con tract Tor preparing grades, etc., for tho, north portion of tho city. This loaves $200 unpaid. An ordinance adopting nu nlllclnl bench mark nt Washington nnd Shor inun ns u bnso for city urades missed Its first reading. An ordinance eatnbllshlng tho grndos proposed by Engineer Rich ardson for all tho streets In tho north hnlf of tho city, oxcopt Vir ginia avenue, was road tho drat tlmo. Mnyor Simpson was empowered to closo n contract with Engineer Rlch urdson to prepare plans and speci fications for Improving tho south portion of tho city, tho cost not to oxceed $700. An nppeal for nld for tho cltizona of Rnlston, Nohr., struck by tho ro tout cyclone, was referred to Editor SIcDanlols to raise a public subscrip tion for them .Messrs. Orubbs, Slnndlgo nnd Fal koiiBtolii were appointed to desig nate tho precinct lines Iu North Bond. Three or four voting pro ducts will bo established to con form with tho law, tho action being requested by Judgo Hall. Tho special fund provided In order to pay cash for labor and tho sal aries of city employes, was In creased by tho transfor o' $3,000 to It from tuo general fund. Straighten Harbor Line. Slayor Simpson was requested to tako up with tho Port of Coos liny Commission a plan for straightening" tho harbor lino Iu front of tho North Bond public wharf. Thoro Is mi nnglo in the harbor lino thoro nnd It Is proposed to improve It by mak ing tho harbor lino a straight lino between whoro California nnd Wash ington lntorsect it. SALEM State Architect Knigh ton has tnkon preliminary measure ments for tho new central heating plant and engine-room to bo erected at tho State Houso. Get a BLOOD Purifier of morlt by Insisting 011 Brown's Famous Blood Purifier. Spring Is here and now Is tho tlmo for purifying your sybtoin. SEE OUR WINDOW. 1 HWiC M ;4llcmiJ